I was a Gamergate victim who had my entire life, reputation, and multiple award-winning career destroyed by Gamergaters because I was a woman in gaming. I was viciously attacked for years. I wasn't a major voice on social media-I didn't stream and had a small collection of around 30 friends in gaming. The only social media I had was for my income/business, and I never had more than a few thousand followers. Gamergate had very little to do with political correctness in games. I was around then, and "ethics in games journalism" was barely mentioned. It was substantially more about women being in 'their space' from those within the Manosphere. Gamergate was the practice run for ideological subversion techniques. Everything else is misleading propaganda. I talk about it with recipes on my site.
@@diabolidoll : Thank you for your comment, I will read what you put on your site. I got my impression of gamergate from various articles online and it will take a bit of time to get to 'the truth'... One comment already: I haven't seen any of 'keeping women outside of gaming' in the retro gaming community that I was involved in, before this time of ganergate.
@@diabolidoll : I will already add this, as it will take time: 1. In computing, incl. gaming, there is a overabundance of autists and anti-social nutters (the latter are bullies, and are just like autists drawn to certain interests, professions). I encountered this in discussions related esp. to Linux. I wasn't fased, I made them rage via my arguments which they could not counter... (some people emailed me that they agreed with me, and stated that they didn't want to deal with the abusive comments). There is much more on this but here I will just tell that I decided to try OpenBSD, then FreeBSD, then NetBSD and settled on FreeBSD. The reason is a relaxed environment, not the cult like indoctrination that everything should be GPL (the point of this licence is in fact as stated a takeover of the world, and there is similarity in groupthink as in cults. It was early on softened with the 2nd licence LGPL but the essential aim was unchanged). 2. That you were harassed doesn't mean the original goal was not to counter manipulation of forcing women, diversity etc. in everything as it is being done now, which gives paint by numbers TV series and films with lectures that make just about everything unwatchable. Same for games. Note the following saying from a TV series, or perhaps it was from a film: "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean nobody is out to get you". 3. On seeing reality: How do you know reality from seeing a part of it up close: There is a problem in general when standing too close: Not seeing the forest for the trees. Are your experiences representative or from a fringe of nutters? For me with Linux I decided there are too many anti-social nutters, including Linus Torvalds, so I decided to never use Linux again as OS on my PCs. 4. The wikipedia entry on gamergate reads as total fantasy, something a SJW would write, and one article I read stated something similar... 5. So it could be both: The movement was about countering a forced change and also that you got caught up in it and interacted with such nutters who perhaps didn't like women there or they lumped you in with others. But there were and are such nutters which are trying to force such changes too, you can see that in the insane rhetoric that people put out such as the CEO of sweet baby inc. (what a perverse name for a manipulative bunch of people!). People may think doing specific things are good, but often idealists are actually the worst people, just like in cults (see Bhagwan/Rajneesh/Osho and many others on my website, with my analysis/commentary).
@@diabolidoll : I read a part of the book on your site and you mention polyamory (which is a complete waste of time), you look outwards for everything bad and outwards towards bad things that may happen, you worry about everything, you write that you are autistic and yet talk about banter and other things that autists don't do. You seem to me more to have repression of emotions from trauma which is similar to a former friend of mine who distrusted everyone, distrusted me while I was the only one who properly helped her, though with the implicit and only requirements not to distrust me/not to disrespect me, which are logical. She was also an artist, but emotion poor + repressed so definitely no humour. She complained that nobody needed her art, said that her mindset/distrust came from past experiences but in reality it came from herself, because you cannot live life as an eternal victim. She could have had everything that she wanted in life, she chose nothing by insulting me. She worried about life, I don't worry. "How can you not worry?" she asked. Well, I told her something similar as in my video about cognitohazards (which is one the the most stupid concepts I ever heard): worrying is pointless, do what you can and go with the flow of life. I don't care what people say or think about me, I don't worry, I take action against people when needed (including against the police when they refused to take action in a case), etc. Looking to blame others means you will never see the truth nor be happy. The first step is to accept reality and let bad experiences lay behind you. My friend explained some of her distrust towards me on previous bad experiences but the only result of that distrust was that I withdrew my offer to build a business together with which she could have done everything she said wanted to do in life. And so she created a confirmation, sort of, I suppose, of yet another bad experience, but caused by herself. I tried one more time but she seems to have given up on using her talents. I will read further but my comments, if you are interested, are almost certainly not going to be to your liking... Perhaps reading your text will make me better understand her.
@@diabolidoll : I am not wrong and your smiley indicates not taking comments seriously. You obviously don't see reality, and don't want to see reality. You state that you writing had been reviewed by professionals: What does that mean, in what sense? In a sense of factuality, or in terms of psychology? If the latter then it must be by incompetent psychologists...
I was a Gamergate victim who had my entire life, reputation, and multiple award-winning career destroyed by Gamergaters because I was a woman in gaming. I was viciously attacked for years. I wasn't a major voice on social media-I didn't stream and had a small collection of around 30 friends in gaming. The only social media I had was for my income/business, and I never had more than a few thousand followers. Gamergate had very little to do with political correctness in games. I was around then, and "ethics in games journalism" was barely mentioned. It was substantially more about women being in 'their space' from those within the Manosphere. Gamergate was the practice run for ideological subversion techniques. Everything else is misleading propaganda. I talk about it with recipes on my site.
@@diabolidoll : Thank you for your comment, I will read what you put on your site. I got my impression of gamergate from various articles online and it will take a bit of time to get to 'the truth'... One comment already: I haven't seen any of 'keeping women outside of gaming' in the retro gaming community that I was involved in, before this time of ganergate.
@@diabolidoll : I will already add this, as it will take time: 1. In computing, incl. gaming, there is a overabundance of autists and anti-social nutters (the latter are bullies, and are just like autists drawn to certain interests, professions). I encountered this in discussions related esp. to Linux. I wasn't fased, I made them rage via my arguments which they could not counter... (some people emailed me that they agreed with me, and stated that they didn't want to deal with the abusive comments). There is much more on this but here I will just tell that I decided to try OpenBSD, then FreeBSD, then NetBSD and settled on FreeBSD. The reason is a relaxed environment, not the cult like indoctrination that everything should be GPL (the point of this licence is in fact as stated a takeover of the world, and there is similarity in groupthink as in cults. It was early on softened with the 2nd licence LGPL but the essential aim was unchanged). 2. That you were harassed doesn't mean the original goal was not to counter manipulation of forcing women, diversity etc. in everything as it is being done now, which gives paint by numbers TV series and films with lectures that make just about everything unwatchable. Same for games. Note the following saying from a TV series, or perhaps it was from a film: "Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean nobody is out to get you". 3. On seeing reality: How do you know reality from seeing a part of it up close: There is a problem in general when standing too close: Not seeing the forest for the trees. Are your experiences representative or from a fringe of nutters? For me with Linux I decided there are too many anti-social nutters, including Linus Torvalds, so I decided to never use Linux again as OS on my PCs. 4. The wikipedia entry on gamergate reads as total fantasy, something a SJW would write, and one article I read stated something similar... 5. So it could be both: The movement was about countering a forced change and also that you got caught up in it and interacted with such nutters who perhaps didn't like women there or they lumped you in with others. But there were and are such nutters which are trying to force such changes too, you can see that in the insane rhetoric that people put out such as the CEO of sweet baby inc. (what a perverse name for a manipulative bunch of people!). People may think doing specific things are good, but often idealists are actually the worst people, just like in cults (see Bhagwan/Rajneesh/Osho and many others on my website, with my analysis/commentary).
@@diabolidoll : I read a part of the book on your site and you mention polyamory (which is a complete waste of time), you look outwards for everything bad and outwards towards bad things that may happen, you worry about everything, you write that you are autistic and yet talk about banter and other things that autists don't do. You seem to me more to have repression of emotions from trauma which is similar to a former friend of mine who distrusted everyone, distrusted me while I was the only one who properly helped her, though with the implicit and only requirements not to distrust me/not to disrespect me, which are logical. She was also an artist, but emotion poor + repressed so definitely no humour. She complained that nobody needed her art, said that her mindset/distrust came from past experiences but in reality it came from herself, because you cannot live life as an eternal victim. She could have had everything that she wanted in life, she chose nothing by insulting me. She worried about life, I don't worry. "How can you not worry?" she asked. Well, I told her something similar as in my video about cognitohazards (which is one the the most stupid concepts I ever heard): worrying is pointless, do what you can and go with the flow of life. I don't care what people say or think about me, I don't worry, I take action against people when needed (including against the police when they refused to take action in a case), etc. Looking to blame others means you will never see the truth nor be happy. The first step is to accept reality and let bad experiences lay behind you. My friend explained some of her distrust towards me on previous bad experiences but the only result of that distrust was that I withdrew my offer to build a business together with which she could have done everything she said wanted to do in life. And so she created a confirmation, sort of, I suppose, of yet another bad experience, but caused by herself. I tried one more time but she seems to have given up on using her talents. I will read further but my comments, if you are interested, are almost certainly not going to be to your liking... Perhaps reading your text will make me better understand her.
@WHS_reviews My writing has been reviewed by professionals. 😂 You couldn't be more wrong. But that's okay. That's the internet for you.
@@diabolidoll : I am not wrong and your smiley indicates not taking comments seriously. You obviously don't see reality, and don't want to see reality. You state that you writing had been reviewed by professionals: What does that mean, in what sense? In a sense of factuality, or in terms of psychology? If the latter then it must be by incompetent psychologists...