They did it to show that you can regenerate your HP using a lifestone. After that they perfectly dodged every attack. It's so obvious, seriously questionable IQ.
I've noticed that too. I guess the developers are still tweaking it. I really do hope they make him big. Facing a giant armored warrior should be a piece of cake.
leafsfan1728 difficulty isn't something you judge from a preview and of course this is easier than the final game, the person playing is not doing well and he beat the boss in a minute. They will probably make his health at least 3 times bigger
Igor Corrêa Yeah...that's true! I was thinking that but didn't know for sure. I also think they are purposely leaving out finishing attacks and her skill tree(spells) until it gets closer to the release date. I cannot freakin' wait for this game!!
Nathaniel Claw Yeah I far they've shown Sloth and Wrath. I've also seen a mini boss battle with a purple beetle and they kinda hint at a possible Spider boss in the opening to the "11 minutes of gameplay" video.
Ok Cool It also makes sense as a Darksiders game. They always had multiple areas and maps. If the seven deadly sins are on earth, as the council said, then something will make Fury leave earth
EvoZims From the way the seven deadly sins are being shown in their trailers, they dont feel like the main thing in the game. Also, compared to war and death, Fury seems to be the most loyal to the Council of the horsemen, so something has to happen to make her go against the Council so that when War calls them, she fights alongside them
I'm sad that they show this gameplay, that looks pretty dull, rather than gameplay like in the Lava Brute video, which had incredible feedback within the combat and overall awesome feel, and then they show this footage, that looks like the pre-alpha, with an entire boss looking like a mini boss, no execution, no cinematic, I hope they'll show better gameplay in the months to come.
They might be showing executions, this could be a multi form boss where he runs away, and there might be story reasons for them not to show this stuff.
1. I really love Fury's voice, however the lip sync needs some work. 2. Wrath's first attack is too close to the end of the cutscene which surprises the player and ends up in a free hit for the boss. 3. Overall the boss feels more like a miniboss like the Phantom General from Darksiders 1 than a proper boss. 4. There really should be a cutscene/execution at the end of the fight.
1. Was told each main boss was going to have their own realm that represents their personality and will on the world. His looks like we are still in sloth’s realm 2. Unlike sloth which was in fuckin pre alpha and still looked like a really cool fight, this fight doesn’t even have phases in it for as cool a boss that he could be. 3. No awesome boss execution. W.T.F. 4. They shrunk wrath down tremendously, in the cutscene, his hand was larger than an angel, now he is War’s size???
Continuity between cutscene and gameplay is something I personally think is a really neat detail in games and I like it a lot when it happens. If the cutscene shows her hair waving up like an anime character because she's in combat mode, then have her start out gameplay in combat mode, with her hair up.
this is probably not the official introduction to Wrath, or the official boss fight. So we dont have to worry at all, its just an example of how the game plays in a "Boss" fight. I know this isn't the final product.
Guile Robs There is zero reason for them to show a boss that isn't the actual boss.. the game is out in a few months. This is the boss we're stuck with. Adding more health to it won't make it any more fun either. This is depressing
Also, there was no aftermath scene, which leads me to believe Wrath either gets up and keeps fighting in a more powerful form, or retreats and you fight him again later. He may very well be to DS3 what Uriel was to DS1.
The bossfight looks epic, but seeing as the person who is playing isn't really the best, the boss fight seems too easy and short.. The first sin seemed way harded and longer
I do want to love this game, but showing me the same moves dodging and whiping in different places, no special attacks, no executions? Im still not convinced to preorder just watching this kind of videos.
One Thing About Wrath. What I saw From The Game Graphic after the End of the Video is that he is standing in rock Circle in Lava Realm. That was the Sloth (buggy Realm) Think They put him there just to show us one more Sin before the Release. And overall He is just there in some green Cave he dont match to this place so i think that is not his realm.
Guys since when we are judging a whole game by 11 minutes of gameplay while that game is still in development. Sure the fight is not that interesting or challenging but it could be a tutorial battle. Remember the first encounter with Griever in Darksiders 1. We didnt kill her right away and proceeded through the subway. The developers said that every sin has its own environment build around them. Clearly we are still at Sloth area (the subway) and maybe after the first fight Wrath escapes and we are going to kill him in that castle area that has also been revealed. As for combos, weapons and excecutions do you really want everything to be spoilt before the release of the game.
All you guys, believe me: I've seen gameplay footage from another press ( and Fury is MUCH more funny than that, with more moves and more weapons. All gameplays from IGN were so lame that they made me even doubt there were any aerial moves a-la DMC like the previous games. They ARE there. Looks like it's true that IGN "players" only use 2 buttons like people say when they make fun of them. I wouldn't worry about executions though, they're blatantly trying to hide Fury's Chaos form (no, it's not the fiery-hair thing). They also removed (or still didn't prepare) some boss-cutscenes and dialogues but devs confirmed they will be there. For that matter I personally doubt the boss is that easy. Game's supposed to be more challenging with more serious damage then the first 2, and a boss hitting you 7 times like that would have killed you in those, let alone in this one.
Nobody talked about health, but even in that case we were not talking about pure fun but challenge, which is part of the fun. Numbers are part of the design and need to be balanced. If you take another boss, even the best bossfight in gaming history, and make his health and damage a joke, then it becomes bad anyway.
My guess is that this boss will be battled against with again as the strory progresses. Kind of like Straga in DS1. And this will just be a miniboss to acquire the flame hollow. Still early to make poor judgement of the game. I'm sure devs won't disappointment us with this long-awaited sequel.
Woah the difficulty of this game seems to be Journalist Level. Player got his so many times by the easiest to see coming attacks ever and didn't die, and what is with those attacks anyway? They are so telegraphed that I doubt anyone who has played any action games would be hit even once.
Why doesnt her whip glow red anymore? Do you have to level it up for the red glow like wars chaos eater when you swing it the yellow stripes glow brighter?
I do hope this boss pulls out some sort of secondary form or something, because so far, for Darksiders's standarts, thats a sub boss alright. Bosses in Darksiders are WAAAY bigger and harder, like the Griever or Archon. With at least twice the HP, actual mechanics that don't limit to just "dodge and hit" but things like gimmicks to break it's defense or way of exploring your newly-acquired ability (like every boss in Darksiders had you using the grapling hook or the portal "gun").
It's not the definitive version of the boss yet, so i wouldn't worry about him. There are quite a few people of the old studio that developed Darksiders 1 and 2 in this new studio, and as such it is most likely that they know what is needed to make a game worthy of the name Darksiders.
Donald Trumpet how am I an edgelord, you called me a "foolish boy", so I think it's reasonable enough for me to ask if you have a problem, since you just insulted me.
There are, it's just that IGN can't showcase games. Check for "Multiplayer .it" Darksiders 3 footage on the web, it's in italian, but the gameplay is much better. IGN were so lame they didn't even show a single aerial combo.
Fanof Whatever sounds like ivy from soul calibur and is similar with the whip and all that. Someone else in the comments said that the voice actress is cilly jones
To those people asking questions :) 1. Death didn't need a watcher because his quest was unsanctioned and he acted on his own to prove war's innocence. 2. Things might be confusing about the lady watcher getting murdered or if it's a different one but i'm sure a watcher really did get killed in the comics. Either some things will get retconed from darksiders 1 and 2 to make some adjustments for 3. 4. This game is still epic :)
Jesus what's with all the negativity in the comments?! IGN has some of the most pessimistic people on YT. They are going to tweak the gameplay, no doubt. This already looks way better than the first demo 1 year ago. If it's too easy, ffs turn up the difficulty. Not every game has to play like souls.
BlackAera Ikr? I mean seriously it's just a demo. The full game would probably way better then this with finishers and all. Besides I don't think that finishers are exactly easy to make.
Feel like people reading into this being to final of a fight, it's just like when they showcased sloth, they said a lot of his moves weren't being shown, as well as no cut scenes or story elements, if there are 7 big bosses one for each sin, I doubt they wanna show you just how crazy the fights will be, then it'd be boring to fight the boss already seeing his full capabilities and fight. Cause by this point you'd already know the move sets of 2 of the major bosses in the game, leaving 5, that and they said when a sin dies the game gets harder, so I am going to assume you can choose to pursue a sin at your leisure but killing that one will make the others harder.
okay I can think of 3 explanations 1.thats not wrath and this is a fake out 2.Its still in pre alpha and their showing us the bare minimum. We don't even see any magic or anything from fury or any execution moves. 3.its being played on easy and therefore has non if its true power if unfortunately none of these are true then at least we have 6 other sins. personally I don't think this is wrath. In the very first game play interview they president of gunfire games says Sloth is the first sin we fight and this kinda looks like the area Sloth is in. Fun fact Sloth's lair is pretty close to the Griever 's lair from the first game.
I found a bug. The boss can connect two swords to one big sword. 1:15 The Boss holds in his right hand two connected swords, and in his left hand half of a large sword. But this is impossible? 1:26 In each hand, half the big sword.
In order the seven deadly sins are like: Lust - The Lord of Ice. Gluttony - The Lord of Fire. Greed - The Dragon King. Sloth - The Demon King. (or "The Lord of the Flies") Wrath - The Molten Lord. Envy - The Resentment-Made Flesh. Pride - The King of all Sins.
It looks more like an optional or secondary boss. I hope they add some other phase, perhaps in which it becomes gigantic, flaming and furious / hysterical (a sort of gigantic tornado of blades full of hate and rage). Or the fact that to defeat him, you have to make him twist against his own rage (as when a mosquito is placed on the nose and to hit it you hit yourself). And if they make Wrath screams bad things to Fury and her face will be perfect. And I sincerely hope that they confirm the presence of Executions in this Darksiders. War's executions were Slow & Powerful. Death's executions were Quick & Lethal. And the executions of Fury I imagine them Agile & Smart.
How did the guy look large in the cutscene and suddenly become small in the fight? His weapons and arms were as large as an angel and the then he was only twice as tall as Fury?
Well, Wrath is a very simple and straightforward Sin: It's just uncontrollable anger more than anything. Envy, Sloth, and Lust are bound to be a lot more complex and challenging.
I hope his size increases and the area you find him in changes as it says that the seven are terraforming the earth and you can tell that from Sloths area but this place feels bland when it should be fiery and full of lava
this is not finalized right? this looks more like a mini boss to me. my complaint where are the combo/ special attacks? its been said fury is a maze. where is her magic attacks? if this is going to be final product, i'm screwed. because i already pre-ordered it.
Wait so if this is before Darksiders 1 in Darksiders 2 why did Death have to fight Wrath in the beginning and do everything to try to save him/humanity? Maybe I REALLY missed something.
My only complaint about the game is that the whip doesn't feel impactful enough. It looks like it lacks a punch, you hit enemies and it doesn't look like it did anything.
To anybody reading this who has problems with things in this gameplay footage, please don't see this comment as a personal attack. But I'd like to remind everybody that the footage shown is not the final product. I myself have a few problems with the footage as well together from other pieces of footage in other videos, from texturing and shading and such to the shortness of Wrath and his seemingly underwhelming fight, but keep in mind that this is only a preview- a little appetizer to make you hungry for the main course, so to speak, and not the final product found in the stores tomorrow. And thus it's only natural that not everything is shown yet, leave alone in its full splendor. I have hope in Darksiders III, and also patience, something which seems to be easily diminished for most people watching these previews. With all this impatience and negative feedback, i would not be surprised if the people at THQ Nordic would add a secret boss called Impatience, the Eight Sin. My apologies if i have offended you, as i do not mean to do so. I only want to stop the flow of negativity, or at least lessen it.
Finally somebody who looks positively at the fight and doesn't immediately see it as the final product! I'm sorry if i come off as rude, but I find that there are too many people here that decide to pass on the game because it does not look impressive enough yet. But they need to keep in mind that this is still an early version of the game. Surely the embodiment of excessive rage will become a harder, much though adversary with more aggressive attacks, and getting a little taste of what the fight with him will be like without spoiling the definitive location of the fight or the rest of his moveset has me only more interested.
Seems kinda easy for such a story relevant boss. On the other hand there's seven of those I guess and if he's the first one he might be supposed to be a bit of a tutorial boss. I'm still kind of disappointed we didn't get to see any of her magic abilities since she is advertised as relying much more on her magical powers than Death and War.
Wrath and I think Gluttony are more then likely the first two bosses, Wrath is probably first boss since he looks more simple out of the two, also I hope this is on the easiest difficulty because this is looking way to easy.
Wow have you heard of this new concept in videogames called dodging. Whoever played this got hit by the first 7 of 8 attacks.
They did it to show that you can regenerate your HP using a lifestone. After that they perfectly dodged every attack. It's so obvious, seriously questionable IQ.
ILikeThingsItsTrue get lost nerd
Aakash Ramesh No, they didn't perfectly dodge every attack.
Aakash Ramesh why wouldnt a darksiders game have a health stone. It's one of the first items they show you
Why did wrath shrink? He looks gigantic in the cutscene But in gameplay he is slightly bigger than war ?
Ok Cool Dunno lol
Nah thats just the camera angle
I've noticed that too. I guess the developers are still tweaking it. I really do hope they make him big. Facing a giant armored warrior should be a piece of cake.
Ok Cool VG Sin. Bading
Glad im not the only person who noticed that.
These "game journalists" should really learn to play games before they review. Their so bad it's literally making the game look worse
They're so bad* unless you're talking about someone owning so bad.
MadTeaParty Thank you for the correction. :^)
You're welcome. =D
Jeric Head get lost nerd
MadTeaParty Also talking*
??????? This is a darksiders game right? Where is the execution move? Wtf...o_0
NeloAngelicus thats probably true, from all the videos we seen, they keep holding her final form
it's to not spoil their other form
It’s unfinished so it might have an execution on release
They are hiding Fury's executions, final form, and her mighty horse, at least for now or until the final game.
Silvio Roberto its not the final version they may be still adding it in plus ita a beta version or alpha
Why the hell did he got like 30% smaller after the cutscene??
Agree , i dont understand too
lmao he was a show'er not a grower
Is Wrath one of the main bosses in the game? He has some cool attacks but seems sort of easy. Her whip was taking his life bar down pretty quickly!
leafsfan1728 difficulty isn't something you judge from a preview and of course this is easier than the final game, the person playing is not doing well and he beat the boss in a minute. They will probably make his health at least 3 times bigger
Also, i may be wrong, but this looks like a first boss, or a second.
Igor Corrêa Yeah...that's true! I was thinking that but didn't know for sure. I also think they are purposely leaving out finishing attacks and her skill tree(spells) until it gets closer to the release date. I cannot freakin' wait for this game!!
Nathaniel Claw Yeah I far they've shown Sloth and Wrath. I've also seen a mini boss battle with a purple beetle and they kinda hint at a possible Spider boss in the opening to the "11 minutes of gameplay" video.
Yes but it’s most likely unfinished they probably just showed what they got
I feel like the seven deadly sins will just be the first part of the game. Like in Darksiders 2 going to the tree of life was just the first map
Nathaniel Claw that would be Nice !!!!
Ok Cool
It also makes sense as a Darksiders game. They always had multiple areas and maps. If the seven deadly sins are on earth, as the council said, then something will make Fury leave earth
Doubt that. 7 different maps for each sin sounds pretty normal to me.
Nathaniel Claw hopefully that’s the case
From the way the seven deadly sins are being shown in their trailers, they dont feel like the main thing in the game. Also, compared to war and death, Fury seems to be the most loyal to the Council of the horsemen, so something has to happen to make her go against the Council so that when War calls them, she fights alongside them
I'm sad that they show this gameplay, that looks pretty dull, rather than gameplay like in the Lava Brute video, which had incredible feedback within the combat and overall awesome feel, and then they show this footage, that looks like the pre-alpha, with an entire boss looking like a mini boss, no execution, no cinematic, I hope they'll show better gameplay in the months to come.
Yovel Tsoref
I only saw criticism from that video, now people seem to like the combat
Yovel Tsoref omg ur the first person who understands Me !!!
Nathaniel Claw i prefere the animations and the combos(during a fight)of the lava brute gameplay Video
They might be showing executions, this could be a multi form boss where he runs away, and there might be story reasons for them not to show this stuff.
Why would they show you everything from the boss 🤔 they're obviously keeping things under wraps so they don't show their entire game
This looks ... unrefined and weirdly unfinished. Do you guys need more time?
Looks polished and fine
Well it comes out in November that's four months so that should be enough if not just the release a l patch or can get delayed
Black Phoenix We shall see
ı agree the graphics of the cutscene was bad
Mertcan Kurt i think they were amazing
Every time Fury gets hit I imagine her either giving a very deadpan “ow” or sarcastically saying “today’s just not my day.”
I dont think the person playing dodged a single attack.
CucumberGaming The people from IGN are just game journalist, not pro players
Lucas RC when I was 12 I was better
apparently I've been a pro since I was 6. noice!
1. I really love Fury's voice, however the lip sync needs some work.
2. Wrath's first attack is too close to the end of the cutscene which surprises the player and ends up in a free hit for the boss.
3. Overall the boss feels more like a miniboss like the Phantom General from Darksiders 1 than a proper boss.
4. There really should be a cutscene/execution at the end of the fight.
Bowserpunch who voices her
Cissy Jones
Her voice is terrible
Bowserpunch maybe wrath fights you again later on as a real boss fight
That boss seemed a little too easy for me.
Nate Aiello same
Nate Aiello it's just a demo, besides darksiders should be played in the hardest difficulty
They were probably playing on a low dificulty, remember that this is IGN
Moves set is pretty weak and simple, it's not only the difficulty.
Daniel Meurer it was being played by someone at ign, they only know two button combinations
1. Was told each main boss was going to have their own realm that represents their personality and will on the world. His looks like we are still in sloth’s realm 2. Unlike sloth which was in fuckin pre alpha and still looked like a really cool fight, this fight doesn’t even have phases in it for as cool a boss that he could be. 3. No awesome boss execution. W.T.F. 4. They shrunk wrath down tremendously, in the cutscene, his hand was larger than an angel, now he is War’s size???
DestructoCopter true
Probably just to show the gameplay not the boss fight itself
My only complain is where are the finishers ?
Robert Diaz probably not revealed yet
For those wondering, execution moves were confirmed to be in the game by the developers. They'll likely showcase that at gamescom this month
I dont feel like it is a boss!!!! hope there is more than just the 7 deadly sins we have to fight against!!!!!
To be honest i don't like this new game play and character, i prefer the old Darksiders
A boss representing Wrath should be a lot tougher and vicious
AkiraTheGodEater true
I guess they didn't want Wrath to outshine Fury's true form.
But I though that the watchers sister died???
AJ Kolawole
This is before Darksiders 1
Darksiders 2 and 3 are before 1
AJ Kolawole
This is a prequel
Before Darksiders 1
So naturally there’s going to be things that won’t make sense of
AJ Kolawole this was during wars imprisonment
Where did she day ? I only remember the watcher with war get his head analed in the ending
Continuity between cutscene and gameplay is something I personally think is a really neat detail in games and I like it a lot when it happens. If the cutscene shows her hair waving up like an anime character because she's in combat mode, then have her start out gameplay in combat mode, with her hair up.
this is probably not the official introduction to Wrath, or the official boss fight. So we dont have to worry at all, its just an example of how the game plays in a "Boss" fight. I know this isn't the final product.
Guile Robs There is zero reason for them to show a boss that isn't the actual boss.. the game is out in a few months. This is the boss we're stuck with. Adding more health to it won't make it any more fun either. This is depressing
Also, there was no aftermath scene, which leads me to believe Wrath either gets up and keeps fighting in a more powerful form, or retreats and you fight him again later. He may very well be to DS3 what Uriel was to DS1.
The bossfight looks epic, but seeing as the person who is playing isn't really the best, the boss fight seems too easy and short.. The first sin seemed way harded and longer
When you're Soulborne Veteran, this kind of battle is like taking candy from an infant...
This journalist have ever touched a videogame before. By the way is me... or i havent seen the first execution in all these gameplays
Gotta keep those secret, thats half the fun.
skyguy713 is that really the case because the gameplay videos are not selling it to me
I do want to love this game, but showing me the same moves dodging and whiping in different places, no special attacks, no executions? Im still not convinced to preorder just watching this kind of videos.
One Thing About Wrath. What I saw From The Game Graphic after the End of the Video is that he is standing in rock Circle in Lava Realm. That was the Sloth (buggy Realm) Think They put him there just to show us one more Sin before the Release. And overall He is just there in some green Cave he dont match to this place so i think that is not his realm.
The whip doesnt feel powerful without the red animations !!!!!!!
There's no impact when the whip touch like in Lords of Shadow
Well this game isn't Lords of Shadow.... and I'm sure it's gonna be upgraded to pure badassery. Chill out
TheNocturnal i wish it would be like in lava brute gameplay video , that’s all
Guys since when we are judging a whole game by 11 minutes of gameplay while that game is still in development. Sure the fight is not that interesting or challenging but it could be a tutorial battle. Remember the first encounter with Griever in Darksiders 1. We didnt kill her right away and proceeded through the subway. The developers said that every sin has its own environment build around them. Clearly we are still at Sloth area (the subway) and maybe after the first fight Wrath escapes and we are going to kill him in that castle area that has also been revealed. As for combos, weapons and excecutions do you really want everything to be spoilt before the release of the game.
All you guys, believe me:
I've seen gameplay footage from another press ( and Fury is MUCH more funny than that, with more moves and more weapons.
All gameplays from IGN were so lame that they made me even doubt there were any aerial moves a-la DMC like the previous games. They ARE there.
Looks like it's true that IGN "players" only use 2 buttons like people say when they make fun of them.
I wouldn't worry about executions though, they're blatantly trying to hide Fury's Chaos form (no, it's not the fiery-hair thing).
They also removed (or still didn't prepare) some boss-cutscenes and dialogues but devs confirmed they will be there.
For that matter I personally doubt the boss is that easy. Game's supposed to be more challenging with more serious damage then the first 2, and a boss hitting you 7 times like that would have killed you in those, let alone in this one.
Marco Mendix Found it. tnx
Way better then IGN's, you can tell that fighting against multiple opponents will require more strategic thinking and skill.
Okay but adding more health to this boss doesn't make it any more fun. Just means you have to do the boring "attack dodge" thing twice as much
Nobody talked about health, but even in that case we were not talking about pure fun but challenge, which is part of the fun.
Numbers are part of the design and need to be balanced.
If you take another boss, even the best bossfight in gaming history, and make his health and damage a joke, then it becomes bad anyway.
My guess is that this boss will be battled against with again as the strory progresses. Kind of like Straga in DS1. And this will just be a miniboss to acquire the flame hollow. Still early to make poor judgement of the game. I'm sure devs won't disappointment us with this long-awaited sequel.
Y'all have to remember, this is only a sneak peak/demo or whatever. Things will probably be alot more different in the end
Woah the difficulty of this game seems to be Journalist Level. Player got his so many times by the easiest to see coming attacks ever and didn't die, and what is with those attacks anyway? They are so telegraphed that I doubt anyone who has played any action games would be hit even once.
Difficulty set is probably on easy but yeah, you can see the attacks coming from a mile away and this person still gets hit...
Why doesnt her whip glow red anymore? Do you have to level it up for the red glow like wars chaos eater when you swing it the yellow stripes glow brighter?
Reminds me of the cuphead gameplay video... If you're that bad at video games, you might wanna consider looking for another job...
I do hope this boss pulls out some sort of secondary form or something, because so far, for Darksiders's standarts, thats a sub boss alright. Bosses in Darksiders are WAAAY bigger and harder, like the Griever or Archon. With at least twice the HP, actual mechanics that don't limit to just "dodge and hit" but things like gimmicks to break it's defense or way of exploring your newly-acquired ability (like every boss in Darksiders had you using the grapling hook or the portal "gun").
Ergotth this is probably intro boss
It's not the definitive version of the boss yet, so i wouldn't worry about him. There are quite a few people of the old studio that developed Darksiders 1 and 2 in this new studio, and as such it is most likely that they know what is needed to make a game worthy of the name Darksiders.
No executions? .....
im having this feeling since the vid didnt end with a kill this is just a "first stage" version of wrath...?in a layered boss fight..?!
Reinhardt is that you??
DeQuillsta Oh you poor foolish boy
Donald Trumpet got a problem?
DeQuillsta Oh excuse me edgelord
Donald Trumpet how am I an edgelord, you called me a "foolish boy", so I think it's reasonable enough for me to ask if you have a problem, since you just insulted me.
DeQuillsta lol his name is Donald trumpet - and he's the one calling you an edgelord xD
Where's the finishing moves at
I hope there are more combos than this!
Ok Cool ya there probably is but this is ign, they don't know how to do more than 2 combos
Gladiator the toe stabber the thing is i‘ve read they want to make all combos be unlocked from lvl 1
There are, it's just that IGN can't showcase games.
Check for "Multiplayer .it" Darksiders 3 footage on the web, it's in italian, but the gameplay is much better.
IGN were so lame they didn't even show a single aerial combo.
Cissy Jones is the voice actress of Fury
She’s voiced in life is strange, the walking dead and in the wolf among us
Wild1Ace2 someone knows, thats nice ;)
thank you.
I love her voice. She does sound like one of the four horsemen.
Fanof Whatever sounds like ivy from soul calibur and is similar with the whip and all that. Someone else in the comments said that the voice actress is cilly jones
Hey, you all saw how they brought back the yellow wrath for special moves back from Darksiders 1? Nice. 👍
I cannot wait for this game they get better and better. The second one was better than the first. It expanded on everything.
Sees the cutscene: look at that boss go
Sees the gameplay: why is he so small?
l.o.l adams L0L right
Whoever was playing is really, really bad.
Chris Allen and will give the game a bad review in the end
Why did the boss appear huge in the cutscene but then almost the same size as Fury in battle...
I though Wrath supposed to look like a a boy with blond hair holding a dagger as weapon, and a dragon tattoo on his arm
Minh Le you mean the captain of the seven deadly sins meldeos
Minh Le Only in one anime.
Meliodas is WAAAY too much to handle for a Horseman, he's the freaking Demon Prince! XD
Minh Le what about full metal alchemists wrath
Yeah. *That* Wrath.
Compare to FMA Wrath he looks like literal crap.
Also this is Christianity Wrath not Wrath in a manga.
To those people asking questions :)
1. Death didn't need a watcher because his quest was unsanctioned and he acted on his own to prove war's innocence.
2. Things might be confusing about the lady watcher getting murdered or if it's a different one but i'm sure a watcher really did get killed in the comics. Either some things will get retconed from darksiders 1 and 2 to make some adjustments for 3.
4. This game is still epic :)
Jesus what's with all the negativity in the comments?! IGN has some of the most pessimistic people on YT. They are going to tweak the gameplay, no doubt. This already looks way better than the first demo 1 year ago. If it's too easy, ffs turn up the difficulty. Not every game has to play like souls.
BlackAera Ikr? I mean seriously it's just a demo. The full game would probably way better then this with finishers and all. Besides I don't think that finishers are exactly easy to make.
עומר שרייבר צודק אחי
Getting this for sure. I absolutely love the art style of these games.
Game looks great but holy hell what is a damn toddler playing this?
Feel like people reading into this being to final of a fight, it's just like when they showcased sloth, they said a lot of his moves weren't being shown, as well as no cut scenes or story elements, if there are 7 big bosses one for each sin, I doubt they wanna show you just how crazy the fights will be, then it'd be boring to fight the boss already seeing his full capabilities and fight. Cause by this point you'd already know the move sets of 2 of the major bosses in the game, leaving 5, that and they said when a sin dies the game gets harder, so I am going to assume you can choose to pursue a sin at your leisure but killing that one will make the others harder.
Fury and a female watcher? Ohhhh boy here come the "interesting" fan arts of them :0
TheNocturnal For Academic Purposes
TheNocturnal ;)
just wait until lust is thrown into the mix...
Thw whip is like a step back in terms of game mechanics .. first two darkisiders had better weapons and it was fun to play and watch them.
Female watcher? *Rule34*
okay I can think of 3 explanations
1.thats not wrath and this is a fake out
2.Its still in pre alpha and their showing us the bare minimum. We don't even see any magic or anything from fury or any execution moves.
3.its being played on easy and therefore has non if its true power
if unfortunately none of these are true then at least we have 6 other sins.
personally I don't think this is wrath. In the very first game play interview they president of gunfire games says Sloth is the first sin we fight and this kinda looks like the area Sloth is in.
Fun fact Sloth's lair is pretty close to the Griever 's lair from the first game.
I can accept not having executions on regular enemies but no executions to finish off a deal breaker for me :(
I found a bug. The boss can connect two swords to one big sword. 1:15 The Boss holds in his right hand two connected swords, and in his left hand half of a large sword. But this is impossible? 1:26 In each hand, half the big sword.
RiffleShuffle video game sin. Bading
In order the seven deadly sins are like:
Lust - The Lord of Ice.
Gluttony - The Lord of Fire.
Greed - The Dragon King.
Sloth - The Demon King. (or "The Lord of the Flies")
Wrath - The Molten Lord.
Envy - The Resentment-Made Flesh.
Pride - The King of all Sins.
It looks more like an optional or secondary boss. I hope they add some other phase, perhaps in which it becomes gigantic, flaming and furious / hysterical (a sort of gigantic tornado of blades full of hate and rage). Or the fact that to defeat him, you have to make him twist against his own rage (as when a mosquito is placed on the nose and to hit it you hit yourself).
And if they make Wrath screams bad things to Fury and her face will be perfect.
And I sincerely hope that they confirm the presence of Executions in this Darksiders.
War's executions were Slow & Powerful.
Death's executions were Quick & Lethal.
And the executions of Fury I imagine them Agile & Smart.
2 happened afrer 1 because death sacrificed a lot to free war this happened somewhere in the beginning where war himself was sentenced
Where are the finalizations?
How did the guy look large in the cutscene and suddenly become small in the fight? His weapons and arms were as large as an angel and the then he was only twice as tall as Fury?
who have fastest agile/acrobatic evasion move ? Death or Fury?
Well, Wrath is a very simple and straightforward Sin: It's just uncontrollable anger more than anything. Envy, Sloth, and Lust are bound to be a lot more complex and challenging.
Needs an animated execution scene.
Though i'm willing to bet that will come in the final release.
love it but i only can imagine what legacy of kain soul reaver or blood omen could look like with this graphs
Unless this is a early boss, I really hope they aren't all this easy.
I hope his size increases and the area you find him in changes as it says that the seven are terraforming the earth and you can tell that from
Sloths area but this place feels bland when it should be fiery and full of lava
I love the art style it’s like if blizzard make comics and then made a game, all of their games so beautiful I love THQ for taking this approach
are we ginna have executions like we did in 1 and 2? , because thats like the most satisfying part of combat
Jessie and her Ghost type Pokemon
Did anyone else how small the boss got when the gameplay started or?
waits for the boss to attack and gets hit
One of the few games where the in game graphics seem better than the cinematic graphics
Even if it is on easy, the fact that thing took 1/3 of their health speaks volumes about the ability of whoever is playing.
this is not finalized right? this looks more like a mini boss to me. my complaint where are the combo/ special attacks? its been said fury is a maze. where is her magic attacks? if this is going to be final product, i'm screwed. because i already pre-ordered it.
Love the design of the wrath, especially how it sunmons its twin swords.
Why are the red animations of the whip gone?
WolfSajin i hope so cause i dont like this whip at all 🔝
no finishing move?
I wish they would give the boss fight a dramatic finish like in the first darksiders
Wait so if this is before Darksiders 1 in Darksiders 2 why did Death have to fight Wrath in the beginning and do everything to try to save him/humanity? Maybe I REALLY missed something.
Who else thought "Dodge, dodge dodge" through out the first part of the fight.
Why don't they ever show any of her other abilities? Every video I see just shows her doing the same whip attacks.
Welcome to IGN:
We cant play games but we sure will write a lot about them.
My only complaint about the game is that the whip doesn't feel impactful enough. It looks like it lacks a punch, you hit enemies and it doesn't look like it did anything.
Dang, where are the finishing moves from the previous 2 games?
Can't wait play Darksiders 3 💯🔥
Why did they remove the mimi map?
To anybody reading this who has problems with things in this gameplay footage, please don't see this comment as a personal attack. But I'd like to remind everybody that the footage shown is not the final product. I myself have a few problems with the footage as well together from other pieces of footage in other videos, from texturing and shading and such to the shortness of Wrath and his seemingly underwhelming fight, but keep in mind that this is only a preview- a little appetizer to make you hungry for the main course, so to speak, and not the final product found in the stores tomorrow. And thus it's only natural that not everything is shown yet, leave alone in its full splendor. I have hope in Darksiders III, and also patience, something which seems to be easily diminished for most people watching these previews.
With all this impatience and negative feedback, i would not be surprised if the people at THQ Nordic would add a secret boss called Impatience, the Eight Sin.
My apologies if i have offended you, as i do not mean to do so. I only want to stop the flow of negativity, or at least lessen it.
Looks like there is another Watcher. Too bad this one won't be able to be voiced by Mark Hamil. That was one of the cool things about the first game
Imo this is just a way to show off some basic moves for Wrath... he will probably have a different boss room and more attacks as well
Finally somebody who looks positively at the fight and doesn't immediately see it as the final product! I'm sorry if i come off as rude, but I find that there are too many people here that decide to pass on the game because it does not look impressive enough yet. But they need to keep in mind that this is still an early version of the game.
Surely the embodiment of excessive rage will become a harder, much though adversary with more aggressive attacks, and getting a little taste of what the fight with him will be like without spoiling the definitive location of the fight or the rest of his moveset has me only more interested.
Seems kinda easy for such a story relevant boss. On the other hand there's seven of those I guess and if he's the first one he might be supposed to be a bit of a tutorial boss. I'm still kind of disappointed we didn't get to see any of her magic abilities since she is advertised as relying much more on her magical powers than Death and War.
The boss fight seems nice and all but it feels like it's lacking different attack phases as well as an execution/cutscene thing.
This probably the first boss, so it should be easy. That ice giant and War weren't exactly difficult either in Darksiders 2.
Im pretty sure wrath said find your own. I'm just not sure if he said witch or wench
The Wrath’s size difference between the cutscene and the actual battle is concerning.
YorkDrummer maybe he shrinks down with magic?
Crimson Hunter .... but why.
Wrath and I think Gluttony are more then likely the first two bosses, Wrath is probably first boss since he looks more simple out of the two, also I hope this is on the easiest difficulty because this is looking way to easy.
man, her design is super cool... love the crazy hair.
I'm still waiting to see what makes this better than DS2....