CORRECTION: At 6:35 the voice over and graphics do not match. The voice over should have said the figures the other way round: "344 votes against and 286 votes in favour"
Please can you do a video looking into May's husband and his shady dealing in connection with May's political decisions and influence? Seem to me May's family funds are going to vastly increase regardless of Brexits outcome.
Eu broke the agreement of article 50 ... And made all treaty's void ... By accepting a extension before a agreement or deal was made ... Meaning the Lisbon treaty is not binding
I could tell they were different people when the first guy started talking but didn't bat an eye since a lot of channels have more than one narrator/host.
Yes, definitely we need a make shure,after that we need a fifth to be verry Shure...then a 6th to make shur6that we can be shure ,then a 7th to be surten ,then a 8th , to make shure that bribery still not working....then maybe a ninth.....
So I did the math. The first time May proposed her deal, she was 116 MP's short. The second time she was 75 MPs short (a decline of 41 MPs, or 35,4%) The third time she's 28 MPs short (a decline of 47 MPs, or 62,6%) This suggests that if she proposes the deal one more time, another 53 MPs will be persuaded and her deal will pass with a majority of 25 MPs. Which leads me to conclude that I have too much spare time.
I'm also going to put out the hypothesis that, since this is the internet, people with even more spare time than me will precisely tell me where I'm wrong.
@@Slobber88 nah you did the math that was the ultimate waste of spare time, i'm just going to be an arm chair commenter and point out there has to be political will to change their views, and your numbers don't suggest any reason why that will shall change - ultimately if the DUP don't change position - and it's unlikely. It won't go through. Also the third time was a different vote
The math isn't wrong, but the sample size isn't big enough to draw proper conclusions. I say let's have a few hundred more votes and we'll be able to accurately predict the outcome.
When I saw the votes scheduled for 1st April, I actually looked it up elsewhere to make sure it wasn't a joke. Yep, that's how much we trust anything we're told about Brexit, isn't it?! We have become all-year-round April fool. :/
Seems like all these meaningful votes have lost all meaning the third time around. Who's down for 4, 5 and 6, another Brexit extension and more ammendments to Article 50? Man, eternal purgatory is much better than running the risk of fucking the economy up for a few years.
The EU has made it clear they won't tolerate it. They may grant one 6-12 month extension, but after that either drop the Article 50 or withdraw upon agreed terms.
They should just do a banter-off with Bercow as the refree. Winner gets their amendment passed. It's only fair because banter is Britain's true national sport and Bercow's the champion.
I'm watching all the debates (even at work) back from Poland. I've noticed one thing - Speaker needs a cane or mallet to keep silence in the chamber. I can imagine he throws the mallet into some noisy MPs while shouting "Order!"
When you said that Ross sounds like you.. I first thought 'sureee ofcourse he does...' Then I was sat waiting for him to start talking.. waiting.. waiting... and then about halfway through it finally clicked... VOICE TWINS!
@@wolfruhn but it was also know to everyone who care to know that it was a non binding referendum and if it weren't well it would be invalid thanks to leaves campaign violations.
@The Real Gamer Well not to over state it, but it's kinda a serious matter, don't you think? Given all the impacts, I think a second vote would be only responsible. Especially since it barely passed through, it was 52% to 48% that's barely over half -- Since about half a population wants to stay it's not really 'what they voted for' is it?
It's the only deal the EU will allow, that will leave us all bent over a barrel with our legs spread & Parliment won't let us leave with no deal. Then why give her soo much 💩. All she can do is fight for a deal that'll see us all raped by the EU for the next decade or fully leave. One or the other.
@@Tipsythomas Nonsense, the negotiation time was too short to negotiate much of a custom deal plus most possible combinations already exists for the UK to pick from but the UK parliament doesn't want any of them: 0) Remain in EU 1) EEA 2) Switzerland 3) Ukraine 4) Turkey 5) Canada 6) No deal However, options 3, 4, 5 or 6 would necessitate a hard border between the UK and the EU, which could go either (i) between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland or (ii) border between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The EU is becoming impatient with extensions/delay because the options have been clearly laid out and further extensions aren't going to change that. The UK just has to pick which of those options it wants.
@@mobbs6426 Only if we leave with no deal... Otherwise it is a bit like GDPR. the US had to comply with it or block access in order to trade with EU customers.
@@mobbs6426 I mean not all of us are from Britain; many viewers of this channel are just interested in the politics of other countries and wish to be politically aware. Even if you are from Britain and if your country ends up leaving without an extension (which is seeming less and less likely) it is important to be aware of other countries and institutions which will effect the world around us (wether directly or through the actions of your neighbouring countries). Besides this channel should feel free to talk about whatever they want to, as article 13 is an important news topic in the eyes of many, it seems fair that TLDR news should cover this in their ever-helpful, clear and concise manner. Edit: -Apparently youtube sees a pair of hyphens and crosses through text who knew?-
With UK’s House of Commons unable to reach any kind of agreement, a No-Deal Brexit looks, again, like the most likely outcome, only we all have to suffer two more weeks of MPs drama and embarrassment.
Well to be fair, Parliament also rejected literalyl every other idea as well. The only thing they agree on is that 'no deal' is not acceptable, while driving headlong into it. Parliament left it to the zero hour,
@@DracoSuave Except parliment didn't leave it to the 0th hour. TM didn't really do much do make it go out much earlier. Also although they rejected everything else they seem to have some clear top choices. The issue is that some people don't vote for all acceptable solutions because they want to give more chances for their preffered choice. That is why I preffer a list with an order of what is preffered tbh.
The moment they revoke art50 they have also all resigned since only the LibDumbs and SNaziP ran on a manifesto of not taking us out of the EU. All the rest ran it as their main election promise. If you have a contract with someone to carry out a job and they not only refuse to do that job but make things a lot worse and take money for it I wonder what you would call that in civi life?
to be honest from the outside looking in it would be best at this point for the UK just to no deal because revoking a democratically decided referendum has a rather sour and undemocratic sound about it. which is hardly a precedent any democratic nation should set
May now has the same feeling that those who want a second referendum do. That people's minds have changed. Except she gets to rerun her deal over and over in one form or another, but they reject the idea of a people's vote..
Because the people voted to leave, which parliament is trying to do. What they are changing their mind on is HOW to do that. If your average cuppa drinker / weather complainer were educated enough to know the ins and outs of legislation (ignoring that it would be impossible....), they too would be conflicted on how to move forward given basically every way means losing something in the process.
@@tygonmaster Stop steriotyping you moron. Just because you didn't like the result does not give you the right to insult those who won. I'm neither of those thing. I'm neither of the things you refer to and I do understand the implications. Regardless of your thoughts we voted to leave and thats that. Get over it for the sake of your own sanity.
@Kevin Burrow Trump is making for a disastrous economy. He's already stopping the growth of sectors of Americas economy by having a pointless trade war with China and trying to invest in outdated old technology, like the coal industry. Also, who ever said their would be a recession straight after the vote - no one, that's who. That would make no sense. The pound did take a fall and the British economy has already been loosing business opportunities. Countries like Ireland are already benefiting from the UKs mismanagement. When we leave we will loose all our trade agreements, all the benefits that come with them will be lost. It could take decades to renegotiate trade deals that evening come close to the ones we have now - as displayed by history. On top of this we will be creating these deals on the weak platform of desperation. As a collective of countries working together we have a lot to offer and can ask for a lot more. As a small island nation we have a lot less to offer and can not ask for as much, no matter how much we stomp our feet. American is already taking advantage of our weak position by asking us to lower our food standards as part of a post Brexit trade deal - just one of many losses on our part. Part of what we have to offer is being the English speaking entrance to the EU. It's part of the reason so much trade continues to go through London and why London's wages are so bloated compared to the rest of the country. London hosts American banks and financial services as their English speaking EU location and we take some cream off that money pot. Those banks, companies and many others are already moving to Dublin and other locations inside the EU. Brexit is already costing this country dearly.
May's deal just leaves us in limbo accepting the EU rules with a 39b payout for the luxury and changes nothing. to suggest it needed to ensure Brexit is frankly ridiclous. Even a Brexiteer myself I would prefer to remain over May's deal
I had expected the BBC to explain this Brexit mess to me, but I've long since given up hope there. I ran across one of your videos a few weeks ago and found it was much more helpful, so I went back to watch all of your Brexit explanations and you'll be gratified to hear that I've finally got it straight, thanks to you.
They will never agree, so get out and start new negotations on tariff free trade. Alternatively. Marty Macfly arrives back from 2040 and tells Doc. "Their still working on Brexit."
congratulations on reaching 200k subscribers, and once again thank you so much for these videos, they're quite useful to those unfamiliar with the UK parliamentary system.
In other news: the sky is blue. Brexit is a complete fustercluck: MPs don’t want any of the options on the table, May thought her deal had a chance third time around, and while MPs continue to argue amongst each other the British people suffer.
I'll never understand why it's democratical to have the parliament vote on the same motion again and again, but somehow undemocratical to ask the general public another time. But then again, I'm not British.
The Dem in DEMocracy comes from the word "Demos", meaning the people. When parliament vote to ignore the democratic vote of the people, it's not democratic.
I found the resignation gambit to be very odd. People are unhappy with her because of brexit, if she's gone and her deal is in place the aspects everyone was unhappy about are there to stay Also, you shouldn't have mentioned your replacement until the end, would have been a nice twist
It's shameful is what it is, anyone who would change their vote because of that has no business being an MP. They all need to stop playing political games and actually think about what is best for the country rather than their career.
I noticed your typos are gone! Great job as always guys, you have no idea how much relief you're providing for everyone struggling to understand parliaments endless conversations
The whole thing was laughable at first. But soon, it evolved from "my deal or no deal" to "my resignation (accept my deal) or my hands stay glued to the PM office table (meanwhile my deal or no deal repeat all over again)". God bless the UK.
I think someone should make fake subtitles about Brexit for the hostage scene in Blazing Saddles, with the UK putting a gun to its head and threatening to shot itself, while at the same time pleading the EU from stopping itself.
They should have just had a referendum to choose between May's deal and no deal after the first defeat. If they delay Brexit again it will prove that they would be unwilling to leave under any circumstances. Their only options now are no deal or dictatorship.
If you think politicians should drive over a cliff-edge simply because an ill-advised referendum saw a lot of people vote for something they don't fully understand, rather than do the job they're elected to do, and act in the nation's best interest, then yes, let's have that kind of 'dictatorship', please. Brexit in any form is worse than the deal we already have. EU doesn't 'rule' us, we are members of a political union, with arguably the biggest say in everything that union does.
@@catsandcrafts171 disagreeing with you ≠ ill-advised. Unwilling to accept that people disagree = ill-advised. People understand it, simply stating that you are in fact the smartest person on the planet does not make it so. They're elected to fulfil the will of the people, to do what the people think is best, not what is best for themselves. You then ask for a dictatorship... K. You don't want Brexit, that doesn't matter, the people voted against you. EU law supersedes UK law. Open a dictionary, look up "rule". "[T]he biggest say in everything that union does", that would be Germany. If you don't even know what you're leaving you should probably figure it out before assuming everybody else is as "ill-advised' as you.
I know all you brits hate her but I as a dutchman I have actually quite some respect towards her. She at least tries, all the others are only moaning from the sideline.
@@TheZombieFellow yeah, evidence suggests that if Britain exits without a deal their children or grandchildren could be talking about how Brexit screwed the economy. Probably a conversation to have when you're all standing in the non-EU passport line.
hellochriis The Queen has no power, she is a figurehead nothing more. Her role is symbolic, in reality if she tried to interfere with the monarchy would probably be dismantled
So nothing basically changed and we are still stuck with the same 3 options? No deal, revoke article 50 or long extension? I think we should let people decide what to do next!
Funny how they can force the MPs to keep voting for the same deal three times consecutively but refuse to allow the people a second referendum. The irony.
I'm fairly certain we will get the peoples vote. Once we leave they will put the proposed deal to us when its been fully agreed - in around 2 years, on a yes no basis - if it's no they'll go back around the table - that's seeming more and more certain.
@@finthegeek great. More uncertainty. Excellent for UK businesses I presume. I have no idea why it is so difficult to ask the people who have a better understanding now of the implications to decide if they would agree with No Brexit, May's Deal or No Deal. She can force her deal through Parliament again and again and yet call another confirmation vote a betrayal of the people? What a dumb hag.
They dont want to leave without a deal. They don’t want to leave with Mays deal when they know that there isn’t any other possible deal. So what do they want? Britains House of Commons is full of clowns im tired of this brexit bs. Just revoke article 50.
Dispite the growing percentage of the population wanting an no deal brexit. Politicians looking after their own interests rather than acting on the wishes of the people who voted for them
CORRECTION: At 6:35 the voice over and graphics do not match. The voice over should have said the figures the other way round: "344 votes against and 286 votes in favour"
I quite enjoy your seriesn of videos. It explains it pretty well... and also doesnt make Brexit sound so scary...
I fink you sound a bit fick.
im 199k sub
is there a chance, by now, that brexit is going to be repealed?
Please can you do a video looking into May's husband and his shady dealing in connection with May's political decisions and influence?
Seem to me May's family funds are going to vastly increase regardless of Brexits outcome.
The only reasonable, logical way forward is to crown Lord Buckethead emperor of the United Kingdom, post haste.
Here, here
Hear hear
Yeah sure why not. Lord Buckethead it is. He can't do worse than the Maybot. A damp squid with a funny hat would do nicely as well.
Currently in Europe only a German or a Austrian could be crowned as emperor…
It would be easier to just put a bucket on the Queen's head.
"May will be the first leader in history to attempt to fall on their own sword and miss"
That is one *underrated* comment there, kid
@@LOLquendoTV Nicola Sturgeon
@Retsek: that actually sounds like Douglas Adams...
EU: So have you reached to a consensus?
UK: Yes we haven't
That sounds like a scene from Blackadder: "Is your name Baldrick?" "Ah! No sir!"
"So when are you guys going to leave the EU?"
The house has rejected consensus and has rejected reaching. So the noes have it! Clear the lobby.
UK: Yes, but actually no
UK: "we have reached a concensus. We agree on nothing"
EU: when are you leaving?
UK: yes?!
EU: How are you leaving?
@@tygonmaster uk: aye! *
Eu broke the agreement of article 50 ... And made all treaty's void ... By accepting a extension before a agreement or deal was made ... Meaning the Lisbon treaty is not binding
I think UK is going to crash out without a deal, because any deal is never going to be good enough for them
Hailey Q citation?
For the first time in history, we will see the end of May before the end of April
I wish I'd said that!
that guy actually sounds very similar
Almost the same lol
Uncannily similar... Wtf...
@@partytor11 yes! Thank you for giving me that word, it *is* uncanny
I could tell they were different people when the first guy started talking but didn't bat an eye since a lot of channels have more than one narrator/host.
All you Brits sound the same to me!😄
Parliament: Well now, with three votes on the deal, we can say it is dead in the water
Theresa May: about a fourth?
How about May go away?
That's what is so brilliant about this plan!
MrAnimazing fourth?
@@azlanfoodscapes Yep, sorry, it's too early in the morning for me to think properly
Yes, definitely we need a make shure,after that we need a fifth to be verry Shure...then a 6th to make shur6that we can be shure ,then a 7th to be surten ,then a 8th , to make shure that bribery still not working....then maybe a ninth.....
So I did the math.
The first time May proposed her deal, she was 116 MP's short.
The second time she was 75 MPs short (a decline of 41 MPs, or 35,4%)
The third time she's 28 MPs short (a decline of 47 MPs, or 62,6%)
This suggests that if she proposes the deal one more time, another 53 MPs will be persuaded and her deal will pass with a majority of 25 MPs. Which leads me to conclude that I have too much spare time.
I'm also going to put out the hypothesis that, since this is the internet, people with even more spare time than me will precisely tell me where I'm wrong.
@@Slobber88 nah you did the math that was the ultimate waste of spare time, i'm just going to be an arm chair commenter and point out there has to be political will to change their views, and your numbers don't suggest any reason why that will shall change - ultimately if the DUP don't change position - and it's unlikely. It won't go through. Also the third time was a different vote
You assumed linearity
If they run another referendum the result would probably be reversed... But she won't allow that.
The math isn't wrong, but the sample size isn't big enough to draw proper conclusions. I say let's have a few hundred more votes and we'll be able to accurately predict the outcome.
I love when Bercow yells “DIVISION!!!! Clear the lobby” 😂😂
He's like a sports referee!
Can someone make a ringtone with those sentences? xD
Andrea Rennals As effective as Bercow is, if it was Betty Boothroyd on that chair, PM or the ERG would never pull these kind of tricks.
You could have not told us there was a different narrator and I genuinely would not have noticed 😂😂
I noticed
I'm too American to have noticed lol
I would've thought he had a cold or something..
I noticed. While similar, his enunciation is less accurate.
I noticed. This guy is more nasally and a little lower of a voice. 🤔
It would be so ironic if they actually agreed on a deal on the 1st of April. It would just show how much of a joke brexit is.
When I saw the votes scheduled for 1st April, I actually looked it up elsewhere to make sure it wasn't a joke. Yep, that's how much we trust anything we're told about Brexit, isn't it?! We have become all-year-round April fool. :/
They really should try to pass it on April 1st, so that they can always back out later while telling EU it has no sense of humor.
Agree with that's one!
Who else is only here for Speaker Bercow?
Clear the lobbyyyyyy
I'm imagining him as Captain Bligh... "You're an embarrassment to the navy, Mr. Christiaaaaan!"
I need a record of him saying all of those things
"What will TLDR News do after brexit?"
Its irrelevant because we all know parliament will make at least 5 more seasons of brexit
They announced it so honestly 😂 I call that a stable career
These videos will be worth their data in gold for history students in 50 years
Agreed this channel is gold
2030, Theresa May:"okay... who's down for a 10,000th meaningful vote? anyone?"
And she still claims that a second referendum would be undemocratic.
FVR HAHAHA, good one!
Seems like all these meaningful votes have lost all meaning the third time around.
Who's down for 4, 5 and 6, another Brexit extension and more ammendments to Article 50?
Man, eternal purgatory is much better than running the risk of fucking the economy up for a few years.
The EU has made it clear they won't tolerate it. They may grant one 6-12 month extension, but after that either drop the Article 50 or withdraw upon agreed terms.
They should just do a banter-off with Bercow as the refree. Winner gets their amendment passed. It's only fair because banter is Britain's true national sport and Bercow's the champion.
At this point, that sounds like a pretty sensible idea!
I'm just glad someone can explain this to non-brits
And to the brits!!! Its all a confusing mess right now
Oranges for Tropicana plus their are not biased unlike newspapers and other media outlets.
It's simple
Same. I am from Germany, just watching the mess from beyond the canal. ;)
I'm watching all the debates (even at work) back from Poland. I've noticed one thing - Speaker needs a cane or mallet to keep silence in the chamber. I can imagine he throws the mallet into some noisy MPs while shouting "Order!"
"People always ask what we're going to do after Brexit. It looks like we don't need to worry too much."
I laughed.
I sighed.
The british government are clowns and the whole world is laughing.
*I honestly don't know what I'd do without this channel!*
I'd be walking up and down the street shaking people while screaming " *what the hell is going on?* "
Aye...I'm with you on that. Edit, with both of you on that. Peace out.
You’d miss most of the Brexit new because it’s too long so you don’t read it
You would be a brainless idiot banging on about no deal that didnt even bother to vote in the first place...
@@nunyabusiness7858 eventually be scenes from 28 days later
When you said that Ross sounds like you.. I first thought 'sureee ofcourse he does...'
Then I was sat waiting for him to start talking.. waiting.. waiting... and then about halfway through it finally clicked... VOICE TWINS!
You couldn't tell on his 7th word when he says furd instead of third?
I don´t understand why it´s okay for May to vote 3 times for her deal but it isn´t ok to do a referendum a second time...paradox.
I would do a best of 5, like in tennis.
That isnt a paradox.
because this allows a second referendum for the scottish to become independend
@@wolfruhn but it was also know to everyone who care to know that it was a non binding referendum and if it weren't well it would be invalid thanks to leaves campaign violations.
@The Real Gamer Well not to over state it, but it's kinda a serious matter, don't you think? Given all the impacts, I think a second vote would be only responsible.
Especially since it barely passed through, it was 52% to 48% that's barely over half -- Since about half a population wants to stay it's not really 'what they voted for' is it?
may's deal is basically a metaphor for her tenure as prime minister. dead by all accounts, but still hanging in there refusing to leave.
God...I wish I had that much grit and determination in life.
That is a zombie. That is literally the description of a zombie.
It's the only deal the EU will allow, that will leave us all bent over a barrel with our legs spread & Parliment won't let us leave with no deal. Then why give her soo much 💩.
All she can do is fight for a deal that'll see us all raped by the EU for the next decade or fully leave.
One or the other.
@@Tipsythomas Nonsense, the negotiation time was too short to negotiate much of a custom deal plus most possible combinations already exists for the UK to pick from but the UK parliament doesn't want any of them:
0) Remain in EU
1) EEA
2) Switzerland
3) Ukraine
4) Turkey
5) Canada
6) No deal
However, options 3, 4, 5 or 6 would necessitate a hard border between the UK and the EU, which could go either (i) between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland or (ii) border between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.
The EU is becoming impatient with extensions/delay because the options have been clearly laid out and further extensions aren't going to change that. The UK just has to pick which of those options it wants.
Wow, you guys are really churning these videos out. Who needs sleep eh?
Rayan Jawad Well the current Brexit development is like a 5x XP-booster for their channel.
Goes to show you bad news really does sell.
They have to feed the TH-cam beast. Besides, they only have the same few graphics to worry about.
Normally when the UK is in this much trouble is when The Doctor shows up.
Wait a minute.
THERESA MAY is an anagram of HEY, A MASTER.
He actually sounds and speaks exactly like you wtf
He sounds slightly different. In the beginning he sounded the same but then I started to notice some differences.
This isn't a different narrator, the usual one is just messing around.
Can you do a video about article 13? It can be after Brexit if that is needed. I'd just like to hear your opinion
It is Brexit relevant. If we leave the EU, we can ignore Articles 11 & 13, and might not labotomise our internet
It's 'lobotomise' - and, I wouldn't get your hopes up.
@@mobbs6426 Only if we leave with no deal... Otherwise it is a bit like GDPR. the US had to comply with it or block access in order to trade with EU customers.
@@mobbs6426 I mean not all of us are from Britain; many viewers of this channel are just interested in the politics of other countries and wish to be politically aware. Even if you are from Britain and if your country ends up leaving without an extension (which is seeming less and less likely) it is important to be aware of other countries and institutions which will effect the world around us (wether directly or through the actions of your neighbouring countries).
Besides this channel should feel free to talk about whatever they want to, as article 13 is an important news topic in the eyes of many, it seems fair that TLDR news should cover this in their ever-helpful, clear and concise manner.
Edit: -Apparently youtube sees a pair of hyphens and crosses through text who knew?-
@@EggBastion thanks, auto-correct failed me
With UK’s House of Commons unable to reach any kind of agreement, a No-Deal Brexit looks, again, like the most likely outcome, only we all have to suffer two more weeks of MPs drama and embarrassment.
T.M. "I've brought this same vassalage deal 3 times and you lot keep rejecting it!"
Have you tried something else?
T.M. "That would be undemocratic."
Well to be fair, Parliament also rejected literalyl every other idea as well. The only thing they agree on is that 'no deal' is not acceptable, while driving headlong into it.
Parliament left it to the zero hour,
@@DracoSuave all of what you say is just plain wrong.
@@DracoSuave Except parliment didn't leave it to the 0th hour. TM didn't really do much do make it go out much earlier.
Also although they rejected everything else they seem to have some clear top choices. The issue is that some people don't vote for all acceptable solutions because they want to give more chances for their preffered choice. That is why I preffer a list with an order of what is preffered tbh.
@@jonathandpg6115 Hate to tell you this, but when it's four days to the deadline and no deal, it's the 0th hour. They had YEARS to figure this out.
This channel is now apart of my daily life
same here I check every morning to see if there new video
Same it’s actually exciting
Should have demanded she resign regardless of the outcome.
She like the captain of the Titanic going down with Ship while waters come in lol
@@whoknew2273 except she rammed the iceberg deliberately.
Well, no deal is looking more and more likely.
It's been the most likely for months....
I'd say it's actually looking less likely, and that revoking Art. 50 is now looking more possible.
@@catsandcrafts171 there's would be riots across the UK
The moment they revoke art50 they have also all resigned since only the LibDumbs and SNaziP ran on a manifesto of not taking us out of the EU. All the rest ran it as their main election promise. If you have a contract with someone to carry out a job and they not only refuse to do that job but make things a lot worse and take money for it I wonder what you would call that in civi life?
@@catsandcrafts171 you're a mongoloid
Since watching this series I now have a John bercow sound board app on my phone.
D S I want one of those as well! Where did you get it? App Store doesn’t have one it seems.
Playing Apex: Teammate gets toxic towards my other teammate.
Google play store.
looks like my future son or daughter is gonna ace their history exam in 50 years time, since I've been keeping up to date with these awesome videos!
I'm not sure if that's optimism about your fertility or pessimism about how long it would take your offspring to sit exams!
Even if anything gets through the House of Commons, are we going go have more drama in the House of Lords?
to be honest from the outside looking in it would be best at this point for the UK just to no deal because revoking a democratically decided referendum has a rather sour and undemocratic sound about it. which is hardly a precedent any democratic nation should set
People should stop talking about second referendums and rather start buying toilet paper.
And paint cans of chicken tikka masala.
People voted to Leave the European Union. They did not vote to leave with a deal.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results"
Funny, a Belgian politician of the opposition has said this just this week to certain parties plans of how to deal with the climate.
Einstein, right?
@@MDP1702 Yip :-)
@@shoootme @archangel17 nope - this phrase predates Einstein, its mistakenly attributed to him.
"...are you gonna clean your bedroom?"
(smack on head)
"...are you gonna clean your bedroom?"
of course she is going insane , I would be in the mental hospital already if I was her
Where is our Lord Buckethead now that we need him the most?
Is he akin to Lord Dimwit Flathead?
May now has the same feeling that those who want a second referendum do. That people's minds have changed. Except she gets to rerun her deal over and over in one form or another, but they reject the idea of a people's vote..
Maybe you can answer me this, why do MP's get multiple chances to change their minds yet the people only get one chance to vote seems unfair to me.
Because the people voted to leave, which parliament is trying to do. What they are changing their mind on is HOW to do that. If your average cuppa drinker / weather complainer were educated enough to know the ins and outs of legislation (ignoring that it would be impossible....), they too would be conflicted on how to move forward given basically every way means losing something in the process.
@@tygonmaster They are voting on the same thing over and over until they get their way, its childish
@@tygonmaster Stop steriotyping you moron. Just because you didn't like the result does not give you the right to insult those who won. I'm neither of those thing. I'm neither of the things you refer to and I do understand the implications. Regardless of your thoughts we voted to leave and thats that. Get over it for the sake of your own sanity.
@Kevin Burrow isn't 40 years about the predicted time it'll take for the UK economy to hopefully get back on it's feet post Brexit.
@Kevin Burrow Trump is making for a disastrous economy. He's already stopping the growth of sectors of Americas economy by having a pointless trade war with China and trying to invest in outdated old technology, like the coal industry.
Also, who ever said their would be a recession straight after the vote - no one, that's who. That would make no sense. The pound did take a fall and the British economy has already been loosing business opportunities. Countries like Ireland are already benefiting from the UKs mismanagement. When we leave we will loose all our trade agreements, all the benefits that come with them will be lost. It could take decades to renegotiate trade deals that evening come close to the ones we have now - as displayed by history. On top of this we will be creating these deals on the weak platform of desperation. As a collective of countries working together we have a lot to offer and can ask for a lot more. As a small island nation we have a lot less to offer and can not ask for as much, no matter how much we stomp our feet. American is already taking advantage of our weak position by asking us to lower our food standards as part of a post Brexit trade deal - just one of many losses on our part.
Part of what we have to offer is being the English speaking entrance to the EU. It's part of the reason so much trade continues to go through London and why London's wages are so bloated compared to the rest of the country. London hosts American banks and financial services as their English speaking EU location and we take some cream off that money pot. Those banks, companies and many others are already moving to Dublin and other locations inside the EU.
Brexit is already costing this country dearly.
May's deal just leaves us in limbo accepting the EU rules with a 39b payout for the luxury and changes nothing. to suggest it needed to ensure Brexit is frankly ridiclous. Even a Brexiteer myself I would prefer to remain over May's deal
The defintion of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time.
Congrats on 200,000
People asking what TLDR News is going to do after Brexit is like people asking what Valve is going to do after Half Life 3.
Congrats on 200,000 subscribers!
Just hit 200,000 subs!
Well done guys
I find all the cheering and jeering in the House of Commons to be irritating and childish.
it is. They need to remember what their jobs are and who put them there to do those jobs.
This is the place I go for my news now. Thank you for trying to stay neutral too
200.000 Subscribes!!! Congratulations!
Brexit: the turf that won't flush.
I had expected the BBC to explain this Brexit mess to me, but I've long since given up hope there. I ran across one of your videos a few weeks ago and found it was much more helpful, so I went back to watch all of your Brexit explanations and you'll be gratified to hear that I've finally got it straight, thanks to you.
Congratulations for crossing the 200,000 subs!
If you hadnt said anything. Probably wouldn't have noticed. But now I am looking for differences.
These videos are so good, thank you!!!
They will never agree, so get out and start new negotations on tariff free trade.
Marty Macfly arrives back from 2040 and tells Doc. "Their still working on Brexit."
Great Scott!
That is what they should have been doing all along.
Nice back-up narrator you got there. Impressive.
congratulations on reaching 200k subscribers, and once again thank you so much for these videos, they're quite useful to those unfamiliar with the UK parliamentary system.
In other news: the sky is blue.
Brexit is a complete fustercluck: MPs don’t want any of the options on the table, May thought her deal had a chance third time around, and while MPs continue to argue amongst each other the British people suffer.
SAS 7-10 it’s a room filled with goddamn sheep with a Baboon in controll
Ross is your audio twin!!
I'll never understand why it's democratical to have the parliament vote on the same motion again and again, but somehow undemocratical to ask the general public another time. But then again, I'm not British.
The Dem in DEMocracy comes from the word "Demos", meaning the people. When parliament vote to ignore the democratic vote of the people, it's not democratic.
I have two voices too, if I let my imaginary friend speak.
Nawwww cute. What does he sounds like?
200K subs! Congrats
I found the resignation gambit to be very odd. People are unhappy with her because of brexit, if she's gone and her deal is in place the aspects everyone was unhappy about are there to stay
Also, you shouldn't have mentioned your replacement until the end, would have been a nice twist
It's shameful is what it is, anyone who would change their vote because of that has no business being an MP. They all need to stop playing political games and actually think about what is best for the country rather than their career.
Congrats on 200K Subs
You could've perfectly fooled me by letting Ross do the narration without saying a thing.
It just sounds like the same person using a different mic!
Congrats on 200 000 subs!
UK: i want to be independant, because i can take care of myself, and make my own decision.
UE: sure, what are your term?
UK: *This*
I noticed your typos are gone! Great job as always guys, you have no idea how much relief you're providing for everyone struggling to understand parliaments endless conversations
I legit did not notice it was somebody else narrating the video XD damn
Congrats, 200k subs!!!
Politicians looking after their own interests rather than acting on the wishes of their voters
Congratulations on reaching 200k. ^^
The whole thing was laughable at first. But soon, it evolved from "my deal or no deal" to "my resignation (accept my deal) or my hands stay glued to the PM office table (meanwhile my deal or no deal repeat all over again)". God bless the UK.
I think someone should make fake subtitles about Brexit for the hostage scene in Blazing Saddles, with the UK putting a gun to its head and threatening to shot itself, while at the same time pleading the EU from stopping itself.
Congrats on 200k subs!
They should have just had a referendum to choose between May's deal and no deal after the first defeat. If they delay Brexit again it will prove that they would be unwilling to leave under any circumstances. Their only options now are no deal or dictatorship.
If you think politicians should drive over a cliff-edge simply because an ill-advised referendum saw a lot of people vote for something they don't fully understand, rather than do the job they're elected to do, and act in the nation's best interest, then yes, let's have that kind of 'dictatorship', please. Brexit in any form is worse than the deal we already have. EU doesn't 'rule' us, we are members of a political union, with arguably the biggest say in everything that union does.
@@catsandcrafts171 disagreeing with you ≠ ill-advised. Unwilling to accept that people disagree = ill-advised. People understand it, simply stating that you are in fact the smartest person on the planet does not make it so. They're elected to fulfil the will of the people, to do what the people think is best, not what is best for themselves. You then ask for a dictatorship... K. You don't want Brexit, that doesn't matter, the people voted against you. EU law supersedes UK law. Open a dictionary, look up "rule". "[T]he biggest say in everything that union does", that would be Germany. If you don't even know what you're leaving you should probably figure it out before assuming everybody else is as "ill-advised' as you.
Who else comes here just to hear Bercow yell “Ordaaaaaaa!”?
Me lol
Watched the subscriber count congratulations on 200k
Great to see a picture of you both. thank you for your hard work.
I know all you brits hate her but I as a dutchman I have actually quite some respect towards her. She at least tries, all the others are only moaning from the sideline.
You respect trying&failing&trying again&failing again&trying once again&failing and still not resigning?
@@rolandfeussner1892 compared to the other mp's, yes
@@tjallingappelhof2055 OK wow.
British politics really sucks then.
Love your videos buddy congrats on the 200,000 subs. 😁🙂
What will TLDR do when brexit is finally over??? Love your vids
The economic and structural effetcs of brexit will last for decades. Even if britain leaves today, there will be plenty of content left to produce ;)
@@TheZombieFellow yeah, evidence suggests that if Britain exits without a deal their children or grandchildren could be talking about how Brexit screwed the economy. Probably a conversation to have when you're all standing in the non-EU passport line.
Brexit never ends. (well, maybe it'll end eventually)
Eh we'll only be 5 years from the heat death of the universe by then so I wouldn't worry too much.
@@JonnySpec I hope thats not true XD. At this rate it will be easier to move to Mars than to solve this country problems
Congratulations on 200k :)
Two pressing questions
Don't the Queen or House of Lords have any final say in this decision? And what software do you use for the animations?
hellochriis The Queen has no power, she is a figurehead nothing more. Her role is symbolic, in reality if she tried to interfere with the monarchy would probably be dismantled
@@conors4430 but I'm sure she has the power to dissolve parliament and demand new elections. That could be a very powerful role in this situation.
@@hellochriis I believe the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 removed this power from the Queen
200k as I watched. Grats!
yhhhhhh May should resign after this 3 strikes and your out
In terms of the deal that’s true. But she’s suffered a total of 17 defeats in government since she started.
Great video as always. Keep up the good work!
I thought you said someone else was going to voice the video? :/
So nothing basically changed and we are still stuck with the same 3 options? No deal, revoke article 50 or long extension? I think we should let people decide what to do next!
We've already decided to leave the EU and no deal is the only one out of those 3 that represents the vote
Funny how they can force the MPs to keep voting for the same deal three times consecutively but refuse to allow the people a second referendum. The irony.
I'm fairly certain we will get the peoples vote. Once we leave they will put the proposed deal to us when its been fully agreed - in around 2 years, on a yes no basis - if it's no they'll go back around the table - that's seeming more and more certain.
@@finthegeek great. More uncertainty. Excellent for UK businesses I presume. I have no idea why it is so difficult to ask the people who have a better understanding now of the implications to decide if they would agree with No Brexit, May's Deal or No Deal. She can force her deal through Parliament again and again and yet call another confirmation vote a betrayal of the people? What a dumb hag.
love TLDR, this is how news should be, informative, and constructive.
You guys have identical voices.
Grats on the 200k subs
6:44 "this time there were 344 votes in favour and 286 votes against" uwot
Keep up the good work TLDR.
They dont want to leave without a deal. They don’t want to leave with Mays deal when they know that there isn’t any other possible deal. So what do they want? Britains House of Commons is full of clowns im tired of this brexit bs. Just revoke article 50.
They voted against that too! The whole thing is completely ridiculous!
The only way forward is to vote the MPs out of office. THAT is the way forward.
It shouldn't have been a yes/no series of questions. The options should have just been voted on at once.
Dispite the growing percentage of the population wanting an no deal brexit.
Politicians looking after their own interests rather than acting on the wishes of the people who voted for them