@@Aqua.man045 I wouldn't date a dude with kids.. I married one and it was horrible. Not the kids but all the other bullshit. But I get what you mean. Someone has a kid with someone who is a garbage parent then want you to step up .. bs
She talking about both, not only women. I meet many women fall into the single father trap, because they end up raising kids that does not belong to them.
FAAAAACTS my life was ruined being with a single mother who came from a parentless home. Her mother was a drug addict and her father was never there. What’s even worse ? She had two kids out of wedlock to an abusive POS who SHE left to become a single mother. Now my worth only equates in value to what I can do for her and her kids “financially”. It’s like BOOM 7 years and suddenly I’m worthless if I’m not paying this and that bill? Lol I had my own life and I was much happier when I was alone.
I have given it a go recently and there was definitely a reason why I always said "no" to single parents before (I don't have kids of my own). You will be emotionally neglected, used (as a sex toy, babysitter, cleaner, cook, provider), and made out to be a punching bag in the relationship. You are expected to mother both the child and the father and completely forget about yourself only to then be made fun of when you start looking tired and neglectful of ones appearance. When you bring up the issues and how hurt you are the gaslighting starts and you are called "crazy" for having a backbone. My self-esteem is destroyed and I will need serious time to recover from this mess. I have never felt this used in my life.
@@michaelking4578 I've learned the hard way. Thankfully I am out of that mess and have a bunch of legal matters and therapy as a going away present. Never again.
@@jangolub8240 yeah but the problem with you is that you are warned not to date single mothers, you have heaps of videos where the dangers of single mothers are displayed, but who warns women? Not you because you would think it’s cruel to deny a single papa.
I can’t think of any good reasons to date a single parent honestly. As a childless person, all I see is baggage and drama. They have ties to a ex, a kid that you have to walk on eggshells around, and lack of time for their partners. I don’t know many people that will happily sign up to be second or third in a relationship. A man can be a great person and father, but he’s always better if he’s not a single dad.
Only date a single parent if you don't care about your own needs. If you're happy coming in third or fourth in the pecking order then go for it. You'll hate yourself for it though.
Here's what I don't understand. People say you shouldn't accept second place to significant other's friends, hobbies, job, etc, and that if you do, you'll never be happy. But then when it comes to single parents, that's suddenly supposed to be ok, and you're selfish for not wanting to be part of that relationship dynamic. You get the same outcome of being neglected either way, but to them, the reason why that's the case makes a difference? I really don't understand the nuance.
i just ended a 15 month relationship with a man i really loved and wanted a future with. but the ex (mother's child) and child caused so many issues - from emotional to practical that it just wasn't worth it in the end. she remarried but was bitter still and didn't want him to have a relationship or future with another woman. i didn't want my life dictated to by another woman - she ruled his life. i'm baggage-free, i didn't want a life like that. it hurts now but it can only get easier.
Girl I feel u!! That was my story too. The only thing was I didn’t get emotionally invested in his kids-I wasn’t mean, just made it clear I’m not mom, not gonna b, but more like caring cousin...and we got along good. I’m glad I set that kinda boundary bc another lady in our circle was doing literally everything to be everything to this guy and his kids-he winds up just dumping her bc he wasn’t feeling fab about it😱 She literally put on parties, birthdays, did all the things (I didn’t do😂)and he totally boned her. So glad I’m free...glad u made it out! It gets better too in time 💐
You did the right thing, and I am a full time single parent of 2 kids. In 8 years I had a relationship that lasted 8 months. She had 2 kids too, only difference is I NEVER had time alone and she had free weekends. She had enough. Luckily, working a lot and dealing with the kids did not leave me time to deal with a broken heart. Ironically, I did the same thing 10 years earlier, dated and dumped a full time mom to 2 kids. Guess I had it coming. Now I only lust after money and I save tons cause I make a lot. Money is a good motivator when you swim in it. My advice is to find a man with lots of money and no kids. Cheers !
@@danieldoucet9121 Daniel! That last statement you made was very introspective! Do you know how many men are too selfish to just admit women need to date men with money and no kids? You definitely learned the lessons in your life and awesome for focusing on those kids.
@@c-u-next-tuesday Thanks. I might start dating again when they're in their teens. Or not. The freedom of the single life is almost intoxicating, and not caring about "getting laid" gives freedom from anxieties about pregnancy (in spite of safe practices), which pretty much wash out the fleeting benefits of a 10-15 minute liaison. Used to feel like a total loser when I was younger and couldn't get a date. Now I look back on those days and laugh !
As a single man you're leaving yourself open to a lot of heartache with a single mother. You're entering a family dynamic where you're not important. You're an additional person outside their core group. For the mother, the children come first, you trail in behind her other obligations and are just there to top up any needs she might have. If the kids accept you and you build a relationships with them and you then break up, you'll lose everything and never see them again, but be expected to be fine about it. That will underline at the end that you don't matter.
Yes, but you will need to do the same thing in a marriage with your own children as well. Men are the support to the woman so that she can raise their child. It will feel like the same dynamic.
@@Hiergibtesnixzusehen As so long as you can accept it, because my husband used to complain and be mean to me because I loved our children more than him.
It’s signing up to come 2nd or 3rd, to hardly go on dates or spend time, to never be able to do anything spontaneous that you could do with a person without kids.
@@Brascobadboy you don’t have to agree, any situation different means they aren’t a good parent. So yes, you will be second or third, and no one wants that. Also no you can’t be spontaneous, they have to work out custody or a babysitter.
Exactly.. u never gonna b first.. ur partner already had all the experience (pregnancy, new born baby etc) with somebody else.. u r child never be first
It's hard to date someone with a kid . Their kid is always number one in their lives, therefore they love them more then anything . If you want to mean the world to someone date someone with no kids. Your husband or wife is supposed to be number one in your life and because of that love that you equally share you choose to start a life with that person by having children. The children are a result of your love . It's kind of messed up if the child is there before you come to love a person because the love is always fake that way. This is my opinion
100% AGREE am a low Testosterone-Level "Beta male" but I would NOT touch a single mother with a 10 foot pole. I have to mush self respect you MYSELF. I would rather date an ugly women with no kids than a pretty women with kids.. EVERY time..
Makenna Bobenna if a woman or a man cared so much for their child they would not bring no one into that house with that child until the relationship is there. these relationships today are not for love but sex. I wonder how people are going to be during the tribulations coming up. probably back stabbers.
Makenna Kelia - here's a nice dose if reality - when wimen women meet the guy of their dreams, get married and have kids - the guy is no longer their priority
RetroDriveCinema I date a single men for 5 year and always feel alone ! I broke up ! Now I’m dating a single father and feel great , I don’t feel alone anymore ! So is not about if she /he is single or single mother . It’s about finding the right person who fits you !
That's exactly right. They have to pencil you in around their already full life. I dated a single dad and same exact thing happened. You feel lonelier than just staying single because someone is actively neglecting you.
Westie Mommy I dated a single guy , no kids , perfect man but I always felt lonely ! Now dating a single dad and I m very happy ! Is not about dating single or single dad ! It’s about finding the right person who wants same thing you snag in life ! Compatibility!
No other words have been said. I mean why would a guy give up his place for that? If i had to give up my shelter for something it better effing be mine
Beware of men with kids! If you marry one, and file a joint married tax return, his child support payments will be based on BOTH of your incomes. I learned the hard way.
I know people who dated single parents and said that they would never do that again! They told me that almost everything revolved around the children!!👪👫👬👭
Danielle Tirpkoff if I didnt help nut that kid into existence im not obligated to do shit.. this doesnt happen in the wild, she would be completetly rejected or the cubs would be taken out the picture.. nature always correct any impairment in a structure somehow. to sacrifice yourself for some idiots child with little to no gratitude is a sure sign of stupidity
Luis Roberto Fex you could raise biological children who grow up to hate or resent you and they may remind you of all of their mothers worst qualities. At the end of the day if they came from you or not they do still require parenting. If you like the woman and you are not a selfish and lazy person you will try to accept the situation and make the best of it.
I've been a single dad with sole custody of my children for 10 years and the only nugget of wisdom I'll share about being a single father is women do not raise other women's children and won't even date a single dad with custody of his kids. They run like the plague.
That’s not always true, just some of us are reluctant to seem over eager. I have never been married and I cannot have children, and I know some people would think I’m strange but I do want to love a child/children. I’ve worked with them and wouldn’t mind dating a man with kids but it’s hard to put that out there. People wonder why a single woman with no children would want the “baggage”. It’s hard to explain to some people that I find kids great, and I feel that I have the capacity to love and care for them. Someone told me I’m just looking for a fill in kid since I can’t have any of my own and that really hurt me. I worry about approaching single dads, I don’t want them to think that.
BlckCloud73 interesting! Because i personally wouldn’t have an issue with it..i love family’s and homes filled with love. That alone is enough for me..
Never ever ever date a single dad i tell you out of experience ,they would literally sacrifice you and your feelings and your life your dreams for their children dont fall into the trap of them telling you oh they can have 2 number one priorities oh their child is never gonna be a problem their ex is never gonna be a problem,it will be a problem they are probably not even moved on from their ex wife, i wish i listened to everyone who told me not to ,just DONT
Its a broken concept from the start.... That persons kid is going to be number 1 always, and you will always be in 2nd or 4th or 5th place in their life while you're making that person first. If you like being emotionally bankrupt and unequally reciprictated have fun with that shit.
Jokes on you, the single mom I've been in a relationship with the past 5 years has been the most awesome, loving, kind girl I've met...she has 1 kid and she pays for everything he needs put of her pocket, just gotta find the right girl!
@@michaellopez9846 great, I can leave anytime I like if I'm unhappy, but I'm very happy with my situation.. you sound very bitter, and must assume others are bitter as well
@@okene if it wasn't I would leave lol. I dont understand what's so hard to grasp...maybe theres just a lot of shitty single moms out there with shitty kids..just gotta find the right one, negativity won't get you anywhere in life.
I am strongly anti dating single dads. It's my deal breaker. I'm honest upfront and when I meet guys with kids I am polite when I reject. Dads don't for me, they have too much drama and too broke. I don't want to support the kids and the ex financially or through ways like babysitting. Been there, done that.
RadioLaPrincess, not this single dad that has 100% sole custody of his two children. I run circles around almost everyone I've ever met, regardless of age. I respect your position though. Keep being upfront about it with men. Honesty counts.
Perfectly put. I don't date single mothers because I value all the time I put Into my success. I just don't want to reward bad behaviour by dating a single mom where my needs don't come first.
perhaps. but there are no guarantees in this world. everyone thinks that's there is a formula i.e. you get an education, get married, get the house, then have kids, and live happily ever after. some people get the fairytale great for them. but some people get a not so happily ever after alternative ending. and then you have to start all over again. divorced with kids, lets say you married an average joe. the struggle is a rough one. because you will really learn the meaning of trying to make dollar out of 0.15. the kids generally go to the mom. and the bulk of the responsibility falls on the woman's shoulder. the dad sees the kids on the weekend or whenever it is convenient for him. there are certain realities when a woman is a single mother. relationships change as people grow or want to upgrade their model to a new one. a new younger woman, without stretch marks, saggy tits, and a saggy ass. that's when he has supposedly "grown and matured" is ready to step up because that was a starter marriage. and the second time around things are going to be different. hell I am not going to suggest to anymore to date a mom with kids or dad with kids. it just depends and that's fine. but to bad mouth single moms as if they are the scum of the earth is total bullshit. sometimes relationships do not workout for whatever reason. and its back to the drawing board.
also if he wants to be comfortable, stress free, and not broke then that's fine. no one should be forced or manipulated into doing something that s/he does not want to do. it just depends on what you want out of life. if you do not want any kids then don't have them. if you do not want to raise someone else's then move on down the line. its going to be ok.
Im a full custody single father. I will choose my daughter over any woman period. So i say date people without kids if you dont have kids and date people with kids if you do. People without kids just dont know what sacrifices single parents make for their kids. Single parents, 9 out of 10 times, will choose their kids over new relationships.
There should be time for kids and for you partner, giving kids 100% of your time spoils them and give wrong example. Not having time for yourself is also a wrong example. People like u acts from the feeling of guild and thats wrong, if there would their mother with u u would never treat her like the 3rd wheel, why treating a girlfriend that way? Just immature approach.
Blah blah blah. U all say the same thing, but if ur so frikkin wonderful why aren’t u w baby mama? U didn’t change since knocking her up, none of u do. I kno ur out trolling for younger women too cuz u know they don’t have enuff experience to see thru ur shit. We see u tho.
@@deniseherud ... Lol.. My kids mom chose drugs instead of her kid. This is why Im a full custody single father per the courts order. Have a good day 👍
I hate when single mothers say that they only date single men without kids. They are shallow as hell. I don't date single mothers because they want too much. And when you date the woman you're dating the kid. And the mother will always put the kid before you. Single men without children run fast as hell. You will lose a lot of money and time.
Some of us barely want to deal with our own kids why the hell would we want to deal with someone else’s AND the baby mama drama? That’s something you rarely get with women the men leave them and move on with their lives they don’t even care about the kids. It’s not fair for people to say who should be with who if you don’t like it that’s YOU. Have a cookie.
Thats happend to me too... I was virgin married him +his daughter ...sacrificed a lot ...loved him a lot .he.left me after two months of marriage for a single mum because its more appropriate for the girl ...now I'm dying seeing them together happy ....after all I did
Only date a single parent if you yourself are a single parent. That way you two have that in common and know the struggles that come with being a single parent. Worst thing you can do is marry someone that you are not equally yoked with. The moment you become legally married to a single parent you instantly become a parent to a child that is not yours and that kind of love takes time. Plus you sure as hell do not want some stranger (the other parent) telling you how to raise their kid in your own house. If you're single with no kids find some one who is single with no kids. If you were married and have kids find someone who was once married and has kids also. At least you'll be equals and have a better understanding of one another.
You people act like all single parents enjoy being parents. If you can barely stand your own kids why would you want to take on MORE kids that aren’t even yours??
A lot of single parents claim that you should pursue a person based on their character and it should be irrelevant if they have kids. But you can find a person without children that is just as great, and without the kid. So who in their right mind would want to choose a used car over a new car. Both work but the new one is better obviously. There are too many moving pieces behind the scenes that people without kids don't want to or have to deal with. That doesn't make them assholes, it would make them smart if anything. And they're looking after themselves. It's just not worth it for a man or woman without kids of their own. Sorry if it sounds harsh but just accept the fact that your market value took a huge hit, and don't complain about a situation you put yourself in.
Our “market value” May take a hit but there are many factors in people that decrease their value such as personality, morals, mindset. There’s so many childless women I know who are just mean and treat their significant others like shit. Or ABUSIVE childless men/women. And I make it a point to never be like that and to be a good woman who loves and respects. The divorce rate is so high these days and I guarantee these divorces aren’t all from people who chose to marry a single parent. You could do everything right, marry as two single people and then still have the marriage fail . 50% of marriages fail. So get off your high horse of not being a single parent because apparently, single people can’t get it right either. We can all get left by people who we thought loved us. We can all get left by our partner. Until it happens to you, you’ll continue on your high horse. Anyone who compares people to cars is probably a douchebag anyways. Hope we all find love.
Raj Hoi dear brother, I’m a woman, a single mom. sorry I thought it was apparent in my comment. I did not date a bad boy in fact, he’s a big reader, introvert, never goes out to party or bars, and he still ended up being abusive and deceiving. It is kind of ridiculous but why wouldn’t she want a nice guy after being hurt? Why wouldn’t she learn from a lesson? do you want her to continue dating people who are abusive just because she had a baby with someone who was? Are we not allowed to want better? I find it more ridiculous how this is so hard to comprehend.
michael lopez your comment is beyond entitled telling someone what’s better for them when you don’t know them??? Maybe it is better but you can’t control people and tell them who they should and shouldn’t date, you psychopath. I still get offers from good decent men so oh well I will date whoever the fuck I want but thanks for your “advice” but literally you’re nobody to be taking advice from
michael lopez and you say it is selfish to date someone with no kids as if the man isn’t also making the free choice of deciding to be with someone who does. No one is holding a gun to these guys head to date a single mom. that’s their choice.
As a guy in my 40's I have dated plenty of single moms and here is the one thing that makes me walk the other way the fastest. If they actually say "My kid always comes first". Everybody pretty much already knows this and any woman who takes the time to actually say that to you is pretty much taking a shit on your face.
Bro you ain't never lying I'm in my 40's too with no kids and i been dealing with single mothers my whole adult life and I always gets this funny vibe that I'm on the outside looking in, I know what time it is then, I silently disappear
@Jimmy Strudel If the parent is treating their partner like a 3 month fuck session then it's the parent that's the issue. Which actually leads me to my point.. the parent won't just put the child first they're going to put themselves first before the relationship. Especially if they are treating you like a 3 month fuck session. Not exactly parent of the year if you're treating me like that.
SuperPsychoterror the day you marry someone and have kids you will become automatically the second one ! For mother or fathers kids will always be priority . It’s a biological instinct
@@sc5070 because if you don't have kids and you new partner does, the entire relationship will be around the kid, can't be crazy, schedule around the kid, can't travel because the kid, if you receive a job opportunity in another city or country you cannot because of the kid and the baby daddy, you have to please the partner and the kid too, your partner expect you to put them in the first place while you are 2 at the best case scenario. A perso. Withouth kids with another person withouth kids will be very happy with no stress of kid that are not theirs. Single parents should stay with others single parents thet understand each other but if you suggest this they will tell you to fuck off because a single parent do not want to date another single parent
There is NO good reason to become involved with a person who is a single parent. Frankly, they are NOT. Why? Custody. You will always have baby-momma/daddy as a 3rd-party in the relationship. The juice just ain't worth the squeeze.
I knew a guy who had 4 kids with 3 different women. He was 36, made $80K a year and was living the bachelor life to the fullest. 2 of the women didn't want a dime in child support and the other accepted $100 here and there but never court ordered child support. All 3 of them were involved with guys that didn't have any children and were basically playing substitute dad to his children. He'd laugh about it. Don't be a sucker! If you really do fall for someone who has kids, let them know you won't be raising there child. Go ahead and assist, but don't let it interfere with your life goals. Too many times I've seen guys waste years going broke and having nothing to show for raising some other guys children. It is HER responsibility to raise and fund HER child/children.
This lady is right. I'm a single fulltime dad of a beautiful 4 year old girl. Am I lonely ? No, I'm content with just me and her. Her mother passed away but we were split up but still great friends. Also, my daughter needs me and my attention and support, I couldn't justify leaving her to go on a date, id feel selfish. Who knows maybe when she's grown up and moved out maybe then it'd be nice to meet someone. That's easily 18 years away from now but the man I am now isn't fit for a woman. I have issues, a career to build and a daughter to raise. It would have to be a miracle if I met someone who would love me and my daughter. Hell, id even help raise a lady's children if the dad wasn't there. Children deserve love and attention. And that's what I plan to give my little girl. Also , shout out to the single parents out there you guys rock ! It ain't easy I tell ya that
You shouldn't date a single mother for the simple reason that your relationship should always be about your own priorities. When you have a children with someone, the reason your children are a shared priority is that they're yours. Anything less is simply a conflict of interest.
This is true, haha. I see my friends with kids and they use the girl as a nanny. One was basically a nanny full time while he ran around and did his thing. Ended up leaving her and married another chick. I think it scarred the child the most. Sad ending
Over the Christmas break, my girlfriend and her kids were staying with me. They got sick with covid, I took care of them for 5 days, cooked cleaned groceries ect. I subsequently got sick with covid as they got better. While in bed the kids were going crazy, screaming breaking things, jumping up and down making noise blasting music. I asked them to be quieter several times, their mother didn't seem interested in having them quiet down. She asked if they should leave, I told them yes since I had work the following week (from home). She went on a speel afterward about families not leaving each other and me being at fault. She then broke up with me. That's how much these single moms care, if you get sick 1 time you're done unless you can entertain them at every waking moment. I usually get down on myself after a breakup, as you can imagine that didn't happen this time. Good riddance, never again dating a single mom
I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I had a similar situation only I went home trying to get better because my now ex and his son could care less about my wellbeing...I was on oxygen for a week and my ex never even stopped by to check on me. We were finished shortly after. Some of these people are absolutely selfish and heartless.
heck yeah!!!its like if she is over 21(heck even 20)she has kids im 26 and i swear i cant find a women my age without kids or marriage their SOME bu VER rare..
michael lopez I am 38 years old and I can't find a girl that don't have no damn kids I've been ducking since I was 21 all these b****** are all used up nowadays
damn bro AGREE!I thought i was the only one its insane,all of them have 1 or two kids,all the bitchez my age have atleast 20 kids,u aint lying its insane these days!!!
michael lopez yeah man and if she has two kids you marry her it don't work out you get a divorce you have to pay child support for both of those kids that's not even yours that's the law nowadays it's f***** up
I totally agree. When I was younger I didn’t want to date single dads at all... I know how I like to be treated and I don’t like to be a last priority in a relationship. I said I’ll never date single dads. Specially those with daughters... Well, there is a saying that says “ Never say never” I started dating a single dad and it has been not very good for me. I have tried my best to be understanding and mature, but is just not for me. If you like receiving leftovers of affection, being pushed to the side, not to be taken into consideration for things, then you can date single dad, I’m not saying all single dads are like this horrible super attached to their daughters... I just don’t understand how they want to date someone when they don’t have time and dedication to the relationship.
100% AGREE am a low Testosterone-Level "Beta male" but I would NOT touch a single mother with a 10 foot pole. I have to much self respect you MYSELF. I would rather date an ugly women with no kids than a pretty women with kids.. EVERY time..
Exactly. My ex was a single mother but she was the most selfish person I ever met. I felt bad for her daughter! Me and her daughter got along great. She was a great kid. But her mom...whole different story. Her complained to anyone who would listen that "she was a single mom it's so hard" blah blah
Harry Smith as a single father she is full of shit. I got out of active duty Army, went to college and got a B.S. and M.E. in Environmental Engineering. I even went back and got a masters in engineering management. I now make $200K per year. It is not hard at all. If I can make it then these lazy ass women can too.
I went down that same path as well.... Me and my ex's daughter got along great and it killed me when shit exploded in the end hurt worse missing her daughter then her mom.
I was a single parent of 12 year old when I got married. B4 we were married of course my child came first but after we were married things changed. I put my husband first. I was told no other man would love my son like his own but I've found that to be false. We have two together and he treats them all the same. He never says he has two children and a step child. He tells people he has 3 children. Honestly I figured I wouldn't get married after my son's dad left to "find himself" and I didn't look for someone to come "save me" as people say. She is right in saying someone having children doesn't make them more nurturing. If it did you wouldn't have all these people abusing their children. And if a man can never love someone else's child why are so many people adopting other people's children? There is a stereotype that all single parents will bring you drama but the truth is dating the wrong person is what brings you drama. The point of dating is to find the one who is right for you. Not to grab the first person you see, shack up, get married,be miserable and blame it on them having a child. Lol
The way I see it, a single parent should date a single parent since they have an understanding of raising a child on their own. Dating someone who has no kids may not have an understanding of that kind of life as much as a single dad or single mom.
I date foreigners now because it seems like most of all women in the states 25-35 are 99.9% gonna have this baggage and I don't want this in my life I'm with my girlfriend now from Uzbekistan and she's even still a virgin no drama, best decision of my life
Raising another person's child is a fool's errand. Biologically it is dumb. Practically, the child will one day tell you that you are not their real mother or father and they will be right. Also, the child will eventually want to discover their real parent. There is not good ending for a foster, adoptive or step parent. Regards, Geoff. Reeks
Why would you assume someone wants you to take care of their child? When I date, it's a distraction for me. He doesn't meet the child, we don't talk about the child. I take care of my child. Why would I ask anyone else to raise my child? That's just stupid. No one is asking you to be a replacement parent. I wish people would get over themselves.
But amy the reality is a single parent's focus WILL ALWAYS be the kid and not the person your seeing. Eventually the child will be in the way of the person your dating,either u date other single parents or don't date at all..
Amy ...if the guy is right ,one day U will introduce him 2 Ur child and they will have 2 get along .....unless U opt for staying single and just casual hook ups with dudes......so in the end that right guy will have 2 become step dad and help pay and take care of ur kid...so its a good deal 4 U ..not so great probably 4 a guy unless he really loves U both ...
Hello nationofmillions, If you insult people then you remove the possibility that they will give any credence to what you say. So, you are not talking to the person who you address but are really talking to others. If you seek to influence others by diminishing the reputation of the messenger and not by refuting the argument of the message then that reflects very poorly on you. it does not diminish the message. I am very happy that you had a good experience with our stepfather. Though, I have a lot of trouble believing that you never once thought of him as not your dad. Really, did you never argue with him? You did not address the other reasons for not raising another man's child. So, it is reasonable to presume that you do not refute them. If you ever seek to discover anything about your real father then you confirm my argument. I have a lot of trouble believing that you have not sought and will never seek to discover anything about your real father. It is natural to want to know about your real father. It is unwise to merely accept what your mother tells you about your real father. I wish you well in this challenge in your life. Your stepfather has invested his parenting in another man's child. That is biologically unwise for your stepfather. He is assisting the spread of another man's genes instead of his own. However, you chose to live, I hope that you achieve a happier state than what your comment implies. Regards, Geoff. Reeks
"For a period I dated only single dads", says the poster. Let this simple statement explain the mentality of the single parent women. If you think that you are the only one with this lady then you are delusional. Single mothers are looking for the trade in - trade up. You are their honey until someone comes with more money. I dated a few single moms and the theme is always the same. They divorced their husbands for shaky reasons. In actuality they were bedding another man. Take this old man's advice. Date anyone you want. Marry no one.
And be careful of those who have dated the single parent. My last gf had just gotten out of a 2 yr relationship w/ a single father of two. He never committed to her (but she moved in w/ him), nor did he communicate well, and dumped her one day, out of the blue. She didn't want kids of her own (health issues), but thought she'd be a great step-mother. She still wasn't over him, and missed the kids, so I had to go.
Same happened to me! After 6 years with me, she decided she wasn't over her "ex" husband of 10 years with 2 kids. They got back together, likely living back together and renting his old place out so after 6 years of blood, sweat, and tears paying out-of-pocket thinking it was some fairy tale I was literally overnight shunned out of that one. 2 years later still in disbelief but I was young and naive, didn't listen to warnings.
@@adamlapinski7590 I’m so sorry that happen to you. It’s horrible of her to use you but it’s a lesson learn. Be happy that she did not drag you longer than 6 year. She have mercy towards you by show you who she truly is.
@@motherhoodsbeauty9279 Thank you so much for your support. It was a constant battle with nature. You're right it was good of her to at least end the misery. Sometimes it gets to me, especially after the love, blood, sweat, and tears I invested. I was fooled, burned so bad. I think that's just how the world goes round and we just have to accept it. There comes a point where you have to stop blaming yourself for others' errors or misjudgments and let it go, nothing you can do about it.
She forgot to mention in the video, If you want to be, or don't mind being second/last and with someone who will have less time to offer, less income and more drama than childfree singles, then that's why you should date a single dad or mum. The only exception time wise is if the single parent has older children ie 16/17 year old, or adult children then they likely have more time.....
I don't want children, period. Nor do I want to play step mommy to someone else's kid looking for free babysitting service. I like spontaneous, romantic dates with my partner. This is something I won't compromise on nor should any woman who wants the same. A kid thrown into the picture completely destroys that. I don't want to spend my weekend date time playing with his toddler and feeling forced to play with the kid's germy toys. I don't need a jealous ex in the picture. Nope. The only opinions that would matter in the relationship are those of mine and my partner's. I don't want to sit there awkwardly across the table while he is going through his phone texting his ex because "the children". I just plain don't want or need to waste my time with children who will hate me just for the fact that I am taking time away from them with their dad or feel that I am looking to replace their mother. It's not my goal to replace anyone. I am going to be a completely original person on my own, not someone else's substitute. Don't like it, don't date me. Simple!
Anthony Escobar All men seems nice at first and it's not a woman's fault she trusts and loves a man. And he can eventually leave her. It can happen to anyone.
women today are encouraged to be sexually irresponsible which often leads to single motherhood. Women today date men that women of past generations would never have considered. Even though the act of women dating a bad boy has never changed the type of bad boy has changed considerably. Today's it's no longer the James Dean , Mel Gibson, or Curt Russell type but instead men like Whiz Kalifa, Meeks Mill, even Drake type who are men statistically far less likely to be responsible fathers who will provide for their kids. The leftwing media has brainwashed women into dropping their family values dating players and thugs which can easily explain the single mother epedemic.
kate ashley you let the bad guys get into your pants more often so than the beta nice guy begging too. When y'all get pregnant by the bad boy, y'all come back to us and ask why we dont date single mothers?
So accurate and there is so much expectation involved. You are supposed to take on all their bad decisions from their past and not have anything negative to say about it!
The new partner is basically walking on egg shells around: 1) the father, 2) the child, 3) the ex wife/girlfriend. That's just not a lifestyle I would like to live nor would any person on the planet be worth compromising my peace of mind for.
@@westcoastvibes1193 ....Then when you get sick and have a debilitating illness and need help, I hope your partner drops you cuz he or she does not want to deal with you being a burden to them!!....and yes, you will get sick and debilitated one day.....If not....You'll just croak while you're young!!😆
Seems like most of y'all are already feeble minded and dead!!...You folks are perfect drones for our slave system!!😂🤣🤣....The 1 percenters love you dumbed down workaholic me first people!. Y'ALL ARE SO EASY 2 CONTROL AND MANIPULATE!...YOU'RE ALL VERY EASY 2 PLEASE!.....GO BACK TO YOUR WELL PAID 9 TO 5 JOBS AND SEARCH FOR THE BEST LOOKING CHILD FREE PERSON 2 SATISFY YOUR SIMPLE NEEDS!!🤣
imagine you did that and she cheats....then you're a single dad... womp womp... people change, people die, people leave... its why there are so many single parents. It really sucks.
nelly belly usually parents put their kids first. You’re an adult you can handle yourself and if you love your partner you’ll help her out. Neglect is a strong statement if it comes down to that than it’s a communication issue.
I am dating a single mom and I'm living a principle of "true unconditional love was never blind - instead, having a mind,ears and eyes wide open to understand and not closed to be understood" values are learned. qualities can be waved on everyone's paradigm. "Love is an understanding of all entities."
My reason is that me and my younger cousin promised each other not to have kids till at least 30, Why? because most people in my family have kids young and they all live together because they are broke af. Kids are expensive and I’m not ready finically nor do I have any parenting skills. Before I have kids I wanna better myself so my future kids (if I decide to have any) don’t have to suffer the consequences of my actions. If I do have any kids early, they are accidents and I’ll make sure not to till them that. 👍
Very true. Coming from the Hispanic community it's beyond embarrassing how many single fathers & mothers there are mainly because they chose to carelessly be parents at such young ages.
ReigningAreTheMountains As someone from a hispanic family as well, shit is too real. Now I’m not gonna say my whole family is stupid. My aunts on my mom side had 2-3 children at most. Although my grandma had 12 children and some of my cousins screwed themselves. They had dreams to become someone but guess what, the second they had kids, They had to become moms. I have yet to have any young dads in my family and I hope it stays that way. Me and my younger cousin swore to not have kids till at least 30 because of how we grew up. My younger sister has realized this as well although I’m not sure how long she’ll wait but she’s seems to know more than the average mom in my family. 🙄
Isabel Solis I’m just glad that I’m not the only Hispanic person who sees this problem in our family’s. Kids were literally everywhere the second they all became of legal age or before 24.
100% agree. However the pool of responsible women is getting smaller and smaller by the second. The amount of women on an effective form of birth control is way low. The amount of unprotected sex going on with both men and women. Look at the divorce rate? The single mother rate is skyrocketing as well. Its damn near impossible to find an attractive women my age with no kids. Not to mention one that doesnt practice hypergamy. Needle in a hay stack and like most men, im tired of looking.
I dated a single mother who was a year younger than me a few years ago. she was 27. I was 28. I felt very attracted to her. And i assumed she was very attracted to me as well. she would text me constantly and want to see me and talk to me all the time. But she fell off when I guess she learned I was a very serious, childless, sober, hard working, focused man, who has a well paying career and is very well rounded as software engineer, martial artist(student and teacher), weight trainer, record collector, DJ, music producer and all she really did was drink and party but had a child who was around 12-13, so i thought she would be more grounded but nope. She said herself i should probably be with someone on my level. I guess she didnt feel good enough or something i dont know but she said it herself.
common single dads are commonly broke. your not the financial priority. your not his spoiled princess. its their needy kids. or his spoiled daughter. so women, if your a single momma or not. still. single dads are ... commonly filled with frustrations. you need to get treated the right way. you need to be the one whos in control. the one who chooses
Marie Maria That's bullshit I'm a single dad who dates a woman with no kids. Ask her if she isn't spoiled rotten I buy her red bottoms and mac makeup as if a guy with no kids are all rich and all single dads are broke that's dumb I know plenty of guys who have no kids only pump and dump chicks but as a single father I understand the importance of love and family
No fuck that, single dad or not no man should treat any woman like a princess and men that do are pathetic. And why are not surprised that you’re telling even single mothers to avoid single dads
@John Rencheck Who wants to be broke, dealing with another persons kids and having baggage with an ex wife ? You work hard all your life only to be financially unstable with a single parent ? Is that selfish ? It’s called being smart.
Well said 👏👏👏 sick and tired of hearing this "oh your not relationship material because you dont have kids" plenty of good parents make dreadful partners its a silly old myth
I wouldn't date a single mother. It's just a horrible situation. She had sex with another man and wants you to pay for her one night stand. Not doing it. Don't see how any self-respecting person could.
100% AGREE. I am a low Testosterone-Level "Beta male" but I would NOT touch a single mother with a 10 foot pole. I have pride and self respect for MYSELF!
A one-night stand a 2-month relationship? Same thing. Both are uncommitted relationships. According to statistics, the majority of kids today are born out of wedlock. So most single mothers are those who had kids out of wedlock. So they did so on a one-night stand or a couple weeks or a couple months fling with a guy nothing committed
Dennis Smith wow, I'm a single mother of 4 GREAT kids and i make a 6 figure income..... I'm thinking im just to alpha for a man. Lmao. I have many many men throw themselves at me everyday trying to impress me with their income etc... then I tell them I make a 6 figure income and they run like a dog with tail between the legs lol. If anything I intimidate men. Because I don't know many men who can raise a whole family and be a high income earner. ..... just saying. I'm also extremely beautiful and take care of my body. A lot of people are completely shocked that ive even had kids. These comments from people who don't even have children speaking on topics they have no idea/experience on. Lol this is like getting taught by a teacher whose never taught the subject at hand.
@KiddRogers I agree with you I feel same way. I don't have no kids but these single mothers be trying to get at me and I'm good I will never date a single mother.
You're in your golden years at 40. You should be financially stable or at least working towards that. PLENTY of young healthy single women like men that age
true but reality is the single mother FOCUS IS ON HER KIDS NOT U making it diffucult for u to have a relationship, now g00d side is use them for fukin..
SirRober If a woman taking care of a child takes her away from you then you should only get with a woman who never wants children since it seems you can't live unless you are under her at all times that she can't take care of a child are you that needing of attention 🤦♂️
Reading all the comments from the male perspective of dating single mothers and the female perspective of dating single fathers is the exact reason why I will not be remarrying if I get a divorce. I have one child myself and agree with all the comments made on both sides. Most people are not mature enough coming out of divorce to offer someone else what they deserve in a relationship. Most people have some ulterior motive for their next partner and what they want for their kid and themselves. If more people worked on themselves first and stopped looking outward for the next best thing then maybe things could be different. But I definitely would be weary dating a single parent.
Being a single dad, I still won't date a single mother. No thanks. I'm a single dad because I decided enough was enough of my narcissistic wife and I filed for divorce.
I'm a single man in my mid 30's. I'm going through this right now. You're experience reflects mine. I agree with you. Exceptions are always out there but the rule is paramount. Thank you for your video. I believe a lot of men and women will benefit from your video.
My mother was a single mom before she met my dad, she met him and have me and my younger sister. My older sister and my father hated each other and even had physical fights, when my parents were thinking in divorcing my mother told he would pay child support to all of them, including my older sister and my father flipped and they started to argued, and in that moment i decided i would rather die alone than date a single parent
Never date a single parent unless you already have kids, can't have them yourself and want them so could love them as your own. I dated a single dad and it drove me up the wall, kids always came first, he was never available when I needed him for hospital visits or emotional support, I was expected to foot his kids bills as well as my own at 20 odd years of age and I became bitter and resentful. Been single for 4 years now and never been happier and know now that kids are NOT for me!
Kids might be for you but not someone else's kids. I'm glad you got out of that ugly situation. You deserve to be prioritized and not taken for granted. I wish you the very best.
EVERY single mom I've ever dated, turned out to be a complete idiot. It wasn't the kids that ruined the relationships, it was her. Now it's only a FWB situation if they have a kid. Nothing else.
Stereotypically there is truth in this but most people seem to be very assumptious and naive in believing that a common trait of a prejudice is a fact. Personally, I have seen someone with no kids become a happy step parent for several years and they are still happy with that role. It's rare though that it lasts, so I see where people are coming from. I think that most people have an idea of what it will be like but there are so many things they don't consider in the long run.I think the worse neglected consideration is the guilt of walking away if it doesn't work out. I definitely agree that wanting a person enough to take on kids is better than looking for anyone with kids.
Self respecting childless single men should never date a single mother. The relationship, nor he or his needs will never be her number one priority. Only her child will matter to her. He will only be a utility to her, a father figure for the child and a source or money and resources for her. If the relationship doesn't work, and chances are it won't, he will be financially accountable for a child/children he didn't sire. It is a no win deal for men. Single mothers, especially the hot ones are good only for occasional sex.
What man alive wants a single mom??? We prefer women with no kids especially when u dont have any. As a man, you want to be made a priority in your relationship but if she have kids you would never become first and you always be on the back burner so why even do it
Whenever single moms wanted to date me, I'd just say "I don't want kids of my own therefore I'm not taking on some other guy's kids" Plain and simple.
The perfect guy doesn’t exis-
How much hate did you get for that?
Do not date people with kids if you do not have kids... DO NOT
@@kennethstone4590 Dealing with exes , drama , baggage , lack of time and resources and raising kids that’s not yours.
@@MelaniaRose Definitely a lack of time 🤦🏽♂️
I will not tolerate a woman who might have had a child with a male that is less than me.
@@Aqua.man045 I wouldn't date a dude with kids.. I married one and it was horrible. Not the kids but all the other bullshit. But I get what you mean. Someone has a kid with someone who is a garbage parent then want you to step up .. bs
When a woman warns you about single mothers, LISTEN.
Oh brother Amen to that!! 🙌
She talking about both, not only women. I meet many women fall into the single father trap, because they end up raising kids that does not belong to them.
Its totally about SELFISHNESS and IMMATURITY.
@@macallanvintage huh
FAAAAACTS my life was ruined being with a single mother who came from a parentless home. Her mother was a drug addict and her father was never there. What’s even worse ? She had two kids out of wedlock to an abusive POS who SHE left to become a single mother. Now my worth only equates in value to what I can do for her and her kids “financially”. It’s like BOOM 7 years and suddenly I’m worthless if I’m not paying this and that bill? Lol I had my own life and I was much happier when I was alone.
I have given it a go recently and there was definitely a reason why I always said "no" to single parents before (I don't have kids of my own). You will be emotionally neglected, used (as a sex toy, babysitter, cleaner, cook, provider), and made out to be a punching bag in the relationship. You are expected to mother both the child and the father and completely forget about yourself only to then be made fun of when you start looking tired and neglectful of ones appearance. When you bring up the issues and how hurt you are the gaslighting starts and you are called "crazy" for having a backbone. My self-esteem is destroyed and I will need serious time to recover from this mess. I have never felt this used in my life.
Hope you get better, its the same vice-versa
@@jangolub8240 thank you!
@@michaelking4578 I've learned the hard way. Thankfully I am out of that mess and have a bunch of legal matters and therapy as a going away present. Never again.
Well said. With single fathers it’s like being invited for dinner and all you can eat are the leftovers his children and the baby mama ate from,
@@jangolub8240 yeah but the problem with you is that you are warned not to date single mothers, you have heaps of videos where the dangers of single mothers are displayed, but who warns women? Not you because you would think it’s cruel to deny a single papa.
I can’t think of any good reasons to date a single parent honestly. As a childless person, all I see is baggage and drama. They have ties to a ex, a kid that you have to walk on eggshells around, and lack of time for their partners.
I don’t know many people that will happily sign up to be second or third in a relationship. A man can be a great person and father, but he’s always better if he’s not a single dad.
I'm living that now + I'm miserable. Never Again. What a mistake.
Only date a single parent if you don't care about your own needs. If you're happy coming in third or fourth in the pecking order then go for it. You'll hate yourself for it though.
Here's what I don't understand. People say you shouldn't accept second place to significant other's friends, hobbies, job, etc, and that if you do, you'll never be happy. But then when it comes to single parents, that's suddenly supposed to be ok, and you're selfish for not wanting to be part of that relationship dynamic. You get the same outcome of being neglected either way, but to them, the reason why that's the case makes a difference? I really don't understand the nuance.
I’m not dating someone whose past will always be in our present. I want to be in a relationship with one person not 3.
Are you married?
I want a relationship with 3. Sounds fun 😎😉😘 *** adults! You pervs 💩
Warning Warning
@@everythingisfine9988 hahahahhahahaahahahh
@@Hyderabadidunyakasafar nope.
i just ended a 15 month relationship with a man i really loved and wanted a future with. but the ex (mother's child) and child caused so many issues - from emotional to practical that it just wasn't worth it in the end. she remarried but was bitter still and didn't want him to have a relationship or future with another woman. i didn't want my life dictated to by another woman - she ruled his life. i'm baggage-free, i didn't want a life like that. it hurts now but it can only get easier.
Are you married?
Girl I feel u!! That was my story too. The only thing was I didn’t get emotionally invested in his kids-I wasn’t mean, just made it clear I’m not mom, not gonna b, but more like caring cousin...and we got along good. I’m glad I set that kinda boundary bc another lady in our circle was doing literally everything to be everything to this guy and his kids-he winds up just dumping her bc he wasn’t feeling fab about it😱 She literally put on parties, birthdays, did all the things (I didn’t do😂)and he totally boned her. So glad I’m free...glad u made it out! It gets better too in time 💐
You did the right thing, and I am a full time single parent of 2 kids. In 8 years I had a relationship that lasted 8 months. She had 2 kids too, only difference is I NEVER had time alone and she had free weekends. She had enough. Luckily, working a lot and dealing with the kids did not leave me time to deal with a broken heart. Ironically, I did the same thing 10 years earlier, dated and dumped a full time mom to 2 kids. Guess I had it coming. Now I only lust after money and I save tons cause I make a lot. Money is a good motivator when you swim in it. My advice is to find a man with lots of money and no kids. Cheers !
@@danieldoucet9121 Daniel! That last statement you made was very introspective! Do you know how many men are too selfish to just admit women need to date men with money and no kids? You definitely learned the lessons in your life and awesome for focusing on those kids.
@@c-u-next-tuesday Thanks. I might start dating again when they're in their teens. Or not. The freedom of the single life is almost intoxicating, and not caring about "getting laid" gives freedom from anxieties about pregnancy (in spite of safe practices), which pretty much wash out the fleeting benefits of a 10-15 minute liaison. Used to feel like a total loser when I was younger and couldn't get a date. Now I look back on those days and laugh !
As a single man you're leaving yourself open to a lot of heartache with a single mother. You're entering a family dynamic where you're not important. You're an additional person outside their core group. For the mother, the children come first, you trail in behind her other obligations and are just there to top up any needs she might have. If the kids accept you and you build a relationships with them and you then break up, you'll lose everything and never see them again, but be expected to be fine about it. That will underline at the end that you don't matter.
Every single word you wrote is true to 1000% 👍
Yes, but you will need to do the same thing in a marriage with your own children as well. Men are the support to the woman so that she can raise their child. It will feel like the same dynamic.
@@The-Oneness11 "your own children" thats the keyword 😉
@@Hiergibtesnixzusehen As so long as you can accept it, because my husband used to complain and be mean to me because I loved our children more than him.
@@Hiergibtesnixzusehen right tf😂👍
Unless widowed, stay away from single dads and moms.
Widow dads are the fucking worst. They always think about their dead wife.
@@TheMspoodle2 completely agree, that’s why there’s never a case in where dating a single parent is good. There’s no win.
@Ella this sounds extremely specific lol I would say this is a normal scenario with a widower.
Widowers should date widowers.
Dating a single parent is like volunteering to be treated like a second class citizen.
Amen to that
It’s signing up to come 2nd or 3rd, to hardly go on dates or spend time, to never be able to do anything spontaneous that you could do with a person without kids.
@@zyralove4540 I don’t agree. Every circumstance diff
@@Brascobadboy you don’t have to agree, any situation different means they aren’t a good parent.
So yes, you will be second or third, and no one wants that. Also no you can’t be spontaneous, they have to work out custody or a babysitter.
Exactly.. u never gonna b first.. ur partner already had all the experience (pregnancy, new born baby etc) with somebody else.. u r child never be first
It's hard to date someone with a kid . Their kid is always number one in their lives, therefore they love them more then anything . If you want to mean the world to someone date someone with no kids. Your husband or wife is supposed to be number one in your life and because of that love that you equally share you choose to start a life with that person by having children. The children are a result of your love . It's kind of messed up if the child is there before you come to love a person because the love is always fake that way. This is my opinion
100% AGREE am a low Testosterone-Level "Beta male" but I would NOT touch a single mother with a 10 foot pole.
I have to mush self respect you MYSELF.
I would rather date an ugly women with no kids than a pretty women with kids.. EVERY time..
Makenna Bobenna if a woman or a man cared so much for their child they would not bring no one into that house with that child until the relationship is there. these relationships today are not for love but sex. I wonder how people are going to be during the tribulations coming up. probably back stabbers.
This is sad but true...
atleast they be ur kids not someone who already got popped single parents need to stick wit single parents...
Makenna Kelia - here's a nice dose if reality - when wimen women meet the guy of their dreams, get married and have kids - the guy is no longer their priority
Guess what....people who don't have kids don't want people with kids
Damn straight!
I'm dating a single mom and it's killing me. I never felt so alone, like an afterthought.
get free man.. it will only kill you
I was with a single dad of 2 and it beat me to the ground. I’m not the same. I hope you left by now
RetroDriveCinema I date a single men for 5 year and always feel alone ! I broke up !
Now I’m dating a single father and feel great , I don’t feel alone anymore ! So is not about if she /he is single or single mother . It’s about finding the right person who fits you !
That's exactly right. They have to pencil you in around their already full life. I dated a single dad and same exact thing happened. You feel lonelier than just staying single because someone is actively neglecting you.
Westie Mommy I dated a single guy , no kids , perfect man but I always felt lonely !
Now dating a single dad and I m very happy ! Is not about dating single or single dad ! It’s about finding the right person who wants same thing you snag in life ! Compatibility!
HELL NO, Stay away from single parents. It's not worth it.
No other words have been said. I mean why would a guy give up his place for that? If i had to give up my shelter for something it better effing be mine
Beware of men with kids! If you marry one, and file a joint married tax return, his child support payments will be based on BOTH of your incomes. I learned the hard way.
Thats insaaaaaaaaaane
Exactly forget THAT
I know people who dated single parents and said that they would never do that again! They told me that almost everything revolved around the children!!👪👫👬👭
Danielle Tirpkoff if I didnt help nut that kid into existence im not obligated to do shit.. this doesnt happen in the wild, she would be completetly rejected or the cubs would be taken out the picture.. nature always correct any impairment in a structure somehow. to sacrifice yourself for some idiots child with little to no gratitude is a sure sign of stupidity
Luis Roberto Fex you could raise biological children who grow up to hate or resent you and they may remind you of all of their mothers worst qualities. At the end of the day if they came from you or not they do still require parenting. If you like the woman and you are not a selfish and lazy person you will try to accept the situation and make the best of it.
ArrowHead x we are not fucking animals dumbass
Luis Roberto Fex that's bullshit
ArrowHead x very well said. I left my situation over a week ago. Never again
I've been a single dad with sole custody of my children for 10 years and the only nugget of wisdom I'll share about being a single father is women do not raise other women's children and won't even date a single dad with custody of his kids. They run like the plague.
huh? huh? female hypocrisy? exactly WHAT is that?????????
MGTOWInBetweener lol
That’s not always true, just some of us are reluctant to seem over eager. I have never been married and I cannot have children, and I know some people would think I’m strange but I do want to love a child/children. I’ve worked with them and wouldn’t mind dating a man with kids but it’s hard to put that out there. People wonder why a single woman with no children would want the “baggage”. It’s hard to explain to some people that I find kids great, and I feel that I have the capacity to love and care for them. Someone told me I’m just looking for a fill in kid since I can’t have any of my own and that really hurt me. I worry about approaching single dads, I don’t want them to think that.
BlckCloud73 interesting! Because i personally wouldn’t have an issue with it..i love family’s and homes filled with love. That alone is enough for me..
BlckCloud73 - I love problems that solve themselves - you dont need those bitches
These days, Dating a single mother is like playing another man's gamesave.
MalcolmRandall - ROFL - yeah, you want to savour your own game experience from the very first cut scene.
Learn how to be original
Yeah and you have to resume paying the subscription as well
You are right! , but if I see this comment in one more single mom video! Lol 👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 dam its losing its affect
@@amazinggrace313 funny, it's the first time I've seen it.
Men without kids stay far away from single mothers... Run like hell!
I am a low Testosterone-Level "Beta male" but I would NOT touch a single mother with a 10 foot pole.
Robert New York no kidding!
Jean P. G. Good point
Robert New York - spot on advice - I've put my hand in that fire before.
@@cyberpilot6512 what happened?
Never ever ever date a single dad i tell you out of experience ,they would literally sacrifice you and your feelings and your life your dreams for their children dont fall into the trap of them telling you oh they can have 2 number one priorities oh their child is never gonna be a problem their ex is never gonna be a problem,it will be a problem they are probably not even moved on from their ex wife, i wish i listened to everyone who told me not to ,just DONT
Never ever ever date a single mother either, it's the same concept. Don't anyone with kids.
Its a broken concept from the start.... That persons kid is going to be number 1 always, and you will always be in 2nd or 4th or 5th place in their life while you're making that person first. If you like being emotionally bankrupt and unequally reciprictated have fun with that shit.
Jokes on you, the single mom I've been in a relationship with the past 5 years has been the most awesome, loving, kind girl I've met...she has 1 kid and she pays for everything he needs put of her pocket, just gotta find the right girl!
@@gasscooterdude how feel raising someone else seed?
@@gasscooterdude .
@@michaellopez9846 great, I can leave anytime I like if I'm unhappy, but I'm very happy with my situation.. you sound very bitter, and must assume others are bitter as well
@@okene if it wasn't I would leave lol. I dont understand what's so hard to grasp...maybe theres just a lot of shitty single moms out there with shitty kids..just gotta find the right one, negativity won't get you anywhere in life.
I am strongly anti dating single dads. It's my deal breaker. I'm honest upfront and when I meet guys with kids I am polite when I reject. Dads don't for me, they have too much drama and too broke. I don't want to support the kids and the ex financially or through ways like babysitting. Been there, done that.
RadioLaPrincess - Same goes for the dumb bitches...but add it stretch marks.🙄
True but most single dads are fat slobs too.
RadioLaPrincess, not this single dad that has 100% sole custody of his two children. I run circles around almost everyone I've ever met, regardless of age. I respect your position though. Keep being upfront about it with men. Honesty counts.
Derek Shelton I find single dads who target childfree women quite selfish. Why make someone put up with your kid instead of date a single mother too?
Because they often think they are special. In reality they want us to help financially support the kids and babysit.
Perfectly put. I don't date single mothers because I value all the time I put Into my success. I just don't want to reward bad behaviour by dating a single mom where my needs don't come first.
You the man.
then you should not date one. you have to grow old you will most likely grow old by yourself.
Well said..that hit the spot
perhaps. but there are no guarantees in this world. everyone thinks that's there is a formula i.e. you get an education, get married, get the house, then have kids, and live happily ever after. some people get the fairytale great for them. but some people get a not so happily ever after alternative ending. and then you have to start all over again. divorced with kids, lets say you married an average joe. the struggle is a rough one. because you will really learn the meaning of trying to make dollar out of 0.15. the kids generally go to the mom. and the bulk of the responsibility falls on the woman's shoulder. the dad sees the kids on the weekend or whenever it is convenient for him. there are certain realities when a woman is a single mother. relationships change as people grow or want to upgrade their model to a new one. a new younger woman, without stretch marks, saggy tits, and a saggy ass. that's when he has supposedly "grown and matured" is ready to step up because that was a starter marriage. and the second time around things are going to be different. hell I am not going to suggest to anymore to date a mom with kids or dad with kids. it just depends and that's fine. but to bad mouth single moms as if they are the scum of the earth is total bullshit. sometimes relationships do not workout for whatever reason. and its back to the drawing board.
also if he wants to be comfortable, stress free, and not broke then that's fine. no one should be forced or manipulated into doing something that s/he does not want to do. it just depends on what you want out of life. if you do not want any kids then don't have them. if you do not want to raise someone else's then move on down the line. its going to be ok.
Im a full custody single father. I will choose my daughter over any woman period. So i say date people without kids if you dont have kids and date people with kids if you do. People without kids just dont know what sacrifices single parents make for their kids. Single parents, 9 out of 10 times, will choose their kids over new relationships.
Exactly deal with your own problems yourself
There should be time for kids and for you partner, giving kids 100% of your time spoils them and give wrong example. Not having time for yourself is also a wrong example. People like u acts from the feeling of guild and thats wrong, if there would their mother with u u would never treat her like the 3rd wheel, why treating a girlfriend that way? Just immature approach.
8 years raising 2 kids full time almost exclusively alone with a full time career. Had a gf for 8 months until she ghosted me ! I'd rather be alone.
Blah blah blah. U all say the same thing, but if ur so frikkin wonderful why aren’t u w baby mama? U didn’t change since knocking her up, none of u do. I kno ur out trolling for younger women too cuz u know they don’t have enuff experience to see thru ur shit. We see u tho.
@@deniseherud ... Lol.. My kids mom chose drugs instead of her kid. This is why Im a full custody single father per the courts order. Have a good day 👍
I hate when single mothers say that they only date single men without kids. They are shallow as hell. I don't date single mothers because they want too much. And when you date the woman you're dating the kid. And the mother will always put the kid before you. Single men without children run fast as hell. You will lose a lot of money and time.
Some of us barely want to deal with our own kids why the hell would we want to deal with someone else’s AND the baby mama drama? That’s something you rarely get with women the men leave them and move on with their lives they don’t even care about the kids. It’s not fair for people to say who should be with who if you don’t like it that’s YOU. Have a cookie.
let the single parent date each other...I've tried and in the end they left for another single parent..so don't waste your time *
Thats happend to me too...
I was virgin married him +his daughter ...sacrificed a lot ...loved him a lot .he.left me after two months of marriage for a single mum because its more appropriate for the girl ...now I'm dying seeing them together happy ....after all I did
@@user-iz7hz3fo1z ouch 🤕💔
@@user-iz7hz3fo1z 😔I hope you are okay now..🙏🏽🌹
Only date a single parent if you yourself are a single parent. That way you two have that in common and know the struggles that come with being a single parent. Worst thing you can do is marry someone that you are not equally yoked with. The moment you become legally married to a single parent you instantly become a parent to a child that is not yours and that kind of love takes time. Plus you sure as hell do not want some stranger (the other parent) telling you how to raise their kid in your own house. If you're single with no kids find some one who is single with no kids. If you were married and have kids find someone who was once married and has kids also. At least you'll be equals and have a better understanding of one another.
This is bullshit.
Even then it becomes a pissing contest of whose kid is better. Kids in general suck, why the hell would anyone want that
You people act like all single parents enjoy being parents. If you can barely stand your own kids why would you want to take on MORE kids that aren’t even yours??
Sheesh! This is a whole new perspective to being unequally yoked!👏👏yikes!! Love this!📍
A lot of single parents claim that you should pursue a person based on their character and it should be irrelevant if they have kids. But you can find a person without children that is just as great, and without the kid. So who in their right mind would want to choose a used car over a new car. Both work but the new one is better obviously. There are too many moving pieces behind the scenes that people without kids don't want to or have to deal with. That doesn't make them assholes, it would make them smart if anything. And they're looking after themselves. It's just not worth it for a man or woman without kids of their own. Sorry if it sounds harsh but just accept the fact that your market value took a huge hit, and don't complain about a situation you put yourself in.
Our “market value” May take a hit but there are many factors in people that decrease their value such as personality, morals, mindset. There’s so many childless women I know who are just mean and treat their significant others like shit. Or ABUSIVE childless men/women. And I make it a point to never be like that and to be a good woman who loves and respects. The divorce rate is so high these days and I guarantee these divorces aren’t all from people who chose to marry a single parent. You could do everything right, marry as two single people and then still have the marriage fail . 50% of marriages fail. So get off your high horse of not being a single parent because apparently, single people can’t get it right either. We can all get left by people who we thought loved us. We can all get left by our partner. Until it happens to you, you’ll continue on your high horse. Anyone who compares people to cars is probably a douchebag anyways. Hope we all find love.
Raj Hoi dear brother, I’m a woman, a single mom. sorry I thought it was apparent in my comment. I did not date a bad boy in fact, he’s a big reader, introvert, never goes out to party or bars, and he still ended up being abusive and deceiving. It is kind of ridiculous but why wouldn’t she want a nice guy after being hurt? Why wouldn’t she learn from a lesson? do you want her to continue dating people who are abusive just because she had a baby with someone who was? Are we not allowed to want better? I find it more ridiculous how this is so hard to comprehend.
@@nameavailable987 isnt selfish to date a man without kids?your better of with a single dad yall have more in common
michael lopez your comment is beyond entitled telling someone what’s better for them when you don’t know them??? Maybe it is better but you can’t control people and tell them who they should and shouldn’t date, you psychopath. I still get offers from good decent men so oh well I will date whoever the fuck I want but thanks for your “advice” but literally you’re nobody to be taking advice from
michael lopez and you say it is selfish to date someone with no kids as if the man isn’t also making the free choice of deciding to be with someone who does. No one is holding a gun to these guys head to date a single mom. that’s their choice.
As a guy in my 40's I have dated plenty of single moms and here is the one thing that makes me walk the other way the fastest. If they actually say "My kid always comes first". Everybody pretty much already knows this and any woman who takes the time to actually say that to you is pretty much taking a shit on your face.
Gregory Hill And men’s aren’t lol I met a guy that is a single dad and he said the same thing and I walked away
Bro you ain't never lying I'm in my 40's too with no kids and i been dealing with single mothers my whole adult life and I always gets this funny vibe that I'm on the outside looking in, I know what time it is then, I silently disappear
@Jimmy Strudel If the parent is treating their partner like a 3 month fuck session then it's the parent that's the issue. Which actually leads me to my point.. the parent won't just put the child first they're going to put themselves first before the relationship. Especially if they are treating you like a 3 month fuck session. Not exactly parent of the year if you're treating me like that.
SuperPsychoterror the day you marry someone and have kids you will become automatically the second one ! For mother or fathers kids will always be priority . It’s a biological instinct
When I was dating, nothing made me bolt faster than a guy who wrote "my kids come first".... okay then, date your kids 😂😂
If your a parent you should only be with another parent, it's not fair to single people if you don't.
@Elizabeth Frantes Agreed
@Life Taught yes.
I'm curious why? What makes it a better match?
@@sc5070 because if you don't have kids and you new partner does, the entire relationship will be around the kid, can't be crazy, schedule around the kid, can't travel because the kid, if you receive a job opportunity in another city or country you cannot because of the kid and the baby daddy, you have to please the partner and the kid too, your partner expect you to put them in the first place while you are 2 at the best case scenario. A perso. Withouth kids with another person withouth kids will be very happy with no stress of kid that are not theirs. Single parents should stay with others single parents thet understand each other but if you suggest this they will tell you to fuck off because a single parent do not want to date another single parent
There is NO good reason to become involved with a person who is a single parent. Frankly, they are NOT. Why? Custody. You will always have baby-momma/daddy as a 3rd-party in the relationship. The juice just ain't worth the squeeze.
You damn right bro.🙏
Ehhhhh not always. I’m dating a Dad right now and his baby momma is MIA. 😂
The problem is when they think you are supposed to love and sacrifice like them when you can only sacrifice and love like YOURSELF.
I knew a guy who had 4 kids with 3 different women. He was 36, made $80K a year and was living the bachelor life to the fullest. 2 of the women didn't want a dime in child support and the other accepted $100 here and there but never court ordered child support. All 3 of them were involved with guys that didn't have any children and were basically playing substitute dad to his children. He'd laugh about it. Don't be a sucker! If you really do fall for someone who has kids, let them know you won't be raising there child. Go ahead and assist, but don't let it interfere with your life goals. Too many times I've seen guys waste years going broke and having nothing to show for raising some other guys children. It is HER responsibility to raise and fund HER child/children.
Damn. I must give him props though.
Yaks but I have to admit the man know how to play games.
This lady is right. I'm a single fulltime dad of a beautiful 4 year old girl. Am I lonely ? No, I'm content with just me and her. Her mother passed away but we were split up but still great friends.
Also, my daughter needs me and my attention and support, I couldn't justify leaving her to go on a date, id feel selfish. Who knows maybe when she's grown up and moved out maybe then it'd be nice to meet someone. That's easily 18 years away from now but the man I am now isn't fit for a woman. I have issues, a career to build and a daughter to raise. It would have to be a miracle if I met someone who would love me and my daughter. Hell, id even help raise a lady's children if the dad wasn't there.
Children deserve love and attention. And that's what I plan to give my little girl. Also , shout out to the single parents out there you guys rock ! It ain't easy I tell ya that
You shouldn't date a single mother for the simple reason that your relationship should always be about your own priorities. When you have a children with someone, the reason your children are a shared priority is that they're yours. Anything less is simply a conflict of interest.
Why should i date a man with kids, they will just leave me like they left the first woman....and they just want a nanny .
This is true, haha. I see my friends with kids and they use the girl as a nanny. One was basically a nanny full time while he ran around and did his thing. Ended up leaving her and married another chick. I think it scarred the child the most. Sad ending
I will never date a single dad ever again.
bremenfan29 what if you end up being a single mother?
then she can date a single dad,but singles with no kids have NO business wit single parents(male or female)
michael lopez oh yeah and why is that?
what u think?i read ur posts ur a single dad leave the single people alone wit no kids
michael lopez you just said not too you never said why. I'm dating a woman who doesn't have kids what's the problem
It’s actually much worse than I thought and I thought it really was awful - it was worse than awful.
Over the Christmas break, my girlfriend and her kids were staying with me. They got sick with covid, I took care of them for 5 days, cooked cleaned groceries ect. I subsequently got sick with covid as they got better. While in bed the kids were going crazy, screaming breaking things, jumping up and down making noise blasting music. I asked them to be quieter several times, their mother didn't seem interested in having them quiet down. She asked if they should leave, I told them yes since I had work the following week (from home). She went on a speel afterward about families not leaving each other and me being at fault. She then broke up with me. That's how much these single moms care, if you get sick 1 time you're done unless you can entertain them at every waking moment. I usually get down on myself after a breakup, as you can imagine that didn't happen this time. Good riddance, never again dating a single mom
I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I had a similar situation only I went home trying to get better because my now ex and his son could care less about my wellbeing...I was on oxygen for a week and my ex never even stopped by to check on me. We were finished shortly after. Some of these people are absolutely selfish and heartless.
it's hard to find a girl that don't have kids nowadays
heck yeah!!!its like if she is over 21(heck even 20)she has kids im 26 and i swear i cant find a women my age without kids or marriage their SOME bu VER rare..
michael lopez I am 38 years old and I can't find a girl that don't have no damn kids I've been ducking since I was 21 all these b****** are all used up nowadays
michael lopez join mgtow build wealth get money don't get married or have kids it's not worth it
damn bro AGREE!I thought i was the only one its insane,all of them have 1 or two kids,all the bitchez my age have atleast 20 kids,u aint lying its insane these days!!!
michael lopez yeah man and if she has two kids you marry her it don't work out you get a divorce you have to pay child support for both of those kids that's not even yours that's the law nowadays it's f***** up
I've been raising 2 kids alone for 8 years and even I wouldn't date me if I were a woman. I don't blame them 1 bit.
totally agree. single dad here.. It ain't worth it ladies.
I totally agree. When I was younger I didn’t want to date single dads at all... I know how I like to be treated and I don’t like to be a last priority in a relationship. I said I’ll never date single dads. Specially those with daughters... Well, there is a saying that says “ Never say never”
I started dating a single dad and it has been not very good for me. I have tried my best to be understanding and mature, but is just not for me.
If you like receiving leftovers of affection, being pushed to the side, not to be taken into consideration for things, then you can date single dad, I’m not saying all single dads are like this horrible super attached to their daughters... I just don’t understand how they want to date someone when they don’t have time and dedication to the relationship.
Women’s intuition is so powerful!! Always trust your gut girl and stay true to yourself. You felt that way when you were younger for a reason!
Don’t make your life harder than it is. Stay stress free😊
Honestly single parents are doomed to loneliness
Totally agree my experience was a nightmare
@@jessicaesmeralda7576 absolutely sometimes.
dont even try to argue with this woman she is 100 percent right trust me !!
Dating single moms isn't a come up it's a step down
Kace Kay Downgrade.
When I was single, I would never date a woman with kid's. Nothing against them, I'm just childfree and didn't want to mislead them.
Avoid them like the plague
Bt covid is coming after us 😭
@@poorni4742 Getting my vaccine next month
How can a woman be hot and heavy with a man she is dating while her children totally hate the guy and have already been involved in confrontations?
100% AGREE am a low Testosterone-Level "Beta male" but I would NOT touch a single mother with a 10 foot pole.
I have to much self respect you MYSELF.
I would rather date an ugly women with no kids than a pretty women with kids.. EVERY time..
Too many non single parents out in the world to be bogged down with a single parent. I agree with AC, it's a broken concept from the start.
Exactly. My ex was a single mother but she was the most selfish person I ever met. I felt bad for her daughter! Me and her daughter got along great. She was a great kid. But her mom...whole different story. Her complained to anyone who would listen that "she was a single mom it's so hard" blah blah
Harry Smith went through the same thing don't want to do it again and now that we are apart the kid and me are sad and she's all acting like a fool
Harry Smith as a single father she is full of shit. I got out of active duty Army, went to college and got a B.S. and M.E. in Environmental Engineering. I even went back and got a masters in engineering management. I now make $200K per year. It is not hard at all. If I can make it then these lazy ass women can too.
I went down that same path as well.... Me and my ex's daughter got along great and it killed me when shit exploded in the end hurt worse missing her daughter then her mom.
Harry Smith - yeah, you dont need a licence to have kids - any low life scumbag can have kids.
I was a single parent of 12 year old when I got married. B4 we were married of course my child came first but after we were married things changed. I put my husband first. I was told no other man would love my son like his own but I've found that to be false. We have two together and he treats them all the same. He never says he has two children and a step child. He tells people he has 3 children. Honestly I figured I wouldn't get married after my son's dad left to "find himself" and I didn't look for someone to come "save me" as people say. She is right in saying someone having children doesn't make them more nurturing. If it did you wouldn't have all these people abusing their children. And if a man can never love someone else's child why are so many people adopting other people's children? There is a stereotype that all single parents will bring you drama but the truth is dating the wrong person is what brings you drama. The point of dating is to find the one who is right for you. Not to grab the first person you see, shack up, get married,be miserable and blame it on them having a child. Lol
The way I see it, a single parent should date a single parent since they have an understanding of raising a child on their own. Dating someone who has no kids may not have an understanding of that kind of life as much as a single dad or single mom.
i'm a single dad but my daughter is an adult now so it is a bit different for me.
@@michaelking4578 Well that will most definitely make it easier for you to find a partner
I date foreigners now because it seems like most of all women in the states 25-35 are 99.9% gonna have this baggage and I don't want this in my life I'm with my girlfriend now from Uzbekistan and she's even still a virgin no drama, best decision of my life
dam you struck gold.
Phillip Gilbert is nice
Respect to you.. BUT If a "Better offer" comes along she WILL drop you like a used tissue paper.. ( AWALT) All Women Are Like That.
Dennis Smith not this girl, we've known each other for 2 years now. Her and I are open and honest and we both know what we want
Don't say you were not warned.
Raising another person's child is a fool's errand. Biologically it is dumb. Practically, the child will one day tell you that you are not their real mother or father and they will be right. Also, the child will eventually want to discover their real parent. There is not good ending for a foster, adoptive or step parent.
Regards, Geoff. Reeks
Why would you assume someone wants you to take care of their child? When I date, it's a distraction for me. He doesn't meet the child, we don't talk about the child. I take care of my child. Why would I ask anyone else to raise my child? That's just stupid. No one is asking you to be a replacement parent. I wish people would get over themselves.
But amy the reality is a single parent's focus WILL ALWAYS be the kid and not the person your seeing. Eventually the child will be in the way of the person your dating,either u date other single parents or don't date at all..
Amy ...if the guy is right ,one day U will introduce him 2 Ur child and they will have 2 get along .....unless U opt for staying single and just casual hook ups with dudes......so in the end that right guy will have 2 become step dad and help pay and take care of ur kid...so its a good deal 4 U ..not so great probably 4 a guy unless he really loves U both ...
Geoffrey Reeks I had a step dad growing up. Never did I once think of him as not my dad. Think about someone else other than yourself for once
Hello nationofmillions,
If you insult people then you remove the possibility that they will give any credence to what you say. So, you are not talking to the person who you address but are really talking to others. If you seek to influence others by diminishing the reputation of the messenger and not by refuting the argument of the message then that reflects very poorly on you. it does not diminish the message.
I am very happy that you had a good experience with our stepfather. Though, I have a lot of trouble believing that you never once thought of him as not your dad. Really, did you never argue with him?
You did not address the other reasons for not raising another man's child. So, it is reasonable to presume that you do not refute them.
If you ever seek to discover anything about your real father then you confirm my argument. I have a lot of trouble believing that you have not sought and will never seek to discover anything about your real father. It is natural to want to know about your real father. It is unwise to merely accept what your mother tells you about your real father. I wish you well in this challenge in your life.
Your stepfather has invested his parenting in another man's child. That is biologically unwise for your stepfather. He is assisting the spread of another man's genes instead of his own.
However, you chose to live, I hope that you achieve a happier state than what your comment implies.
Geoff. Reeks
I lack the capacity to, care yes care about another man's kid's. Or the bad decision makers that pushed their shoulders out.
They’re single for a reason. You need to figure out the reason and figure out if it just “your turn”
Plenty of people without kids have failed relationships under their belt as well
"For a period I dated only single dads", says the poster. Let this simple statement explain the mentality of the single parent women. If you think that you are the only one with this lady then you are delusional. Single mothers are looking for the trade in - trade up. You are their honey until someone comes with more money. I dated a few single moms and the theme is always the same. They divorced their husbands for shaky reasons. In actuality they were bedding another man. Take this old man's advice. Date anyone you want. Marry no one.
No one in their right freaking mind seeks a single parent.
KiddRogers a very small percentage
And be careful of those who have dated the single parent. My last gf had just gotten out of a 2 yr relationship w/ a single father of two. He never committed to her (but she moved in w/ him), nor did he communicate well, and dumped her one day, out of the blue. She didn't want kids of her own (health issues), but thought she'd be a great step-mother. She still wasn't over him, and missed the kids, so I had to go.
Same happened to me! After 6 years with me, she decided she wasn't over her "ex" husband of 10 years with 2 kids. They got back together, likely living back together and renting his old place out so after 6 years of blood, sweat, and tears paying out-of-pocket thinking it was some fairy tale I was literally overnight shunned out of that one. 2 years later still in disbelief but I was young and naive, didn't listen to warnings.
@Face ME Dodged that comet! Fortunately made it out of that one in one piece!
@@adamlapinski7590 I’m so sorry that happen to you. It’s horrible of her to use you but it’s a lesson learn. Be happy that she did not drag you longer than 6 year. She have mercy towards you by show you who she truly is.
@@motherhoodsbeauty9279 Thank you so much for your support. It was a constant battle with nature. You're right it was good of her to at least end the misery. Sometimes it gets to me, especially after the love, blood, sweat, and tears I invested. I was fooled, burned so bad. I think that's just how the world goes round and we just have to accept it. There comes a point where you have to stop blaming yourself for others' errors or misjudgments and let it go, nothing you can do about it.
@@adamlapinski7590 live and learn my man. it is hard.
She forgot to mention in the video, If you want to be, or don't mind being second/last and with someone who will have less time to offer, less income and more drama than childfree singles, then that's why you should date a single dad or mum. The only exception time wise is if the single parent has older children ie 16/17 year old, or adult children then they likely have more time.....
I don't want children, period. Nor do I want to play step mommy to someone else's kid looking for free babysitting service.
I like spontaneous, romantic dates with my partner. This is something I won't compromise on nor should any woman who wants the same. A kid thrown into the picture completely destroys that. I don't want to spend my weekend date time playing with his toddler and feeling forced to play with the kid's germy toys.
I don't need a jealous ex in the picture. Nope. The only opinions that would matter in the relationship are those of mine and my partner's. I don't want to sit there awkwardly across the table while he is going through his phone texting his ex because "the children".
I just plain don't want or need to waste my time with children who will hate me just for the fact that I am taking time away from them with their dad or feel that I am looking to replace their mother. It's not my goal to replace anyone. I am going to be a completely original person on my own, not someone else's substitute.
Don't like it, don't date me. Simple!
No one should date a single mom and reward her for bad behavior
Damon Thomas what does being a single mom have to do with bad behavior?
Bad behavior? Please tell me what bad I've done.
Anthony Escobar All men seems nice at first and it's not a woman's fault she trusts and loves a man. And he can eventually leave her. It can happen to anyone.
women today are encouraged to be sexually irresponsible which often leads to single motherhood. Women today date men that women of past generations would never have considered. Even though the act of women dating a bad boy has never changed the type of bad boy has changed considerably. Today's it's no longer the James Dean , Mel Gibson, or Curt Russell type but instead men like Whiz Kalifa, Meeks Mill, even Drake type who are men statistically far less likely to be responsible fathers who will provide for their kids. The leftwing media has brainwashed women into dropping their family values dating players and thugs which can easily explain the single mother epedemic.
kate ashley you let the bad guys get into your pants more often so than the beta nice guy begging too. When y'all get pregnant by the bad boy, y'all come back to us and ask why we dont date single mothers?
So accurate and there is so much expectation involved. You are supposed to take on all their bad decisions from their past and not have anything negative to say about it!
The new partner is basically walking on egg shells around: 1) the father, 2) the child, 3) the ex wife/girlfriend.
That's just not a lifestyle I would like to live nor would any person on the planet be worth compromising my peace of mind for.
I wouldn't date a single father. Too much baggage.
You're just as selfish as the men on here .
melopsicodelia I agree. To be supportive of their issues is tiring.
@@westcoastvibes1193 ....Then when you get sick and have a debilitating illness and need help, I hope your partner drops you cuz he or she does not want to deal with you being a burden to them!!....and yes, you will get sick and debilitated one day.....If not....You'll just croak while you're young!!😆
Seems like most of y'all are already feeble minded and dead!!...You folks are perfect drones for our slave system!!😂🤣🤣....The 1 percenters love you dumbed down workaholic me first people!. Y'ALL ARE SO EASY 2 CONTROL AND MANIPULATE!...YOU'RE ALL VERY EASY 2 PLEASE!.....GO BACK TO YOUR WELL PAID 9 TO 5 JOBS AND SEARCH FOR THE BEST LOOKING CHILD FREE PERSON 2 SATISFY YOUR SIMPLE NEEDS!!🤣
JillGaritta GOAT GIRL - EXPOSE THE TRUTH na that won’t happen. I already left him. In good health!!!👍👍👍
Who would want somebody with kids I want to create my own family not join one
imagine you did that and she cheats....then you're a single dad... womp womp... people change, people die, people leave... its why there are so many single parents. It really sucks.
@@MissSandralicious Best comment ever
nelly belly usually parents put their kids first. You’re an adult you can handle yourself and if you love your partner you’ll help her out. Neglect is a strong statement if it comes down to that than it’s a communication issue.
Apollox44 Pollo maybe to you. Having my daughter was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love being a mom!
I am dating a single mom and I'm living a principle of "true unconditional love was never blind - instead, having a mind,ears and eyes wide open to understand and not closed to be understood" values are learned. qualities can be waved on everyone's paradigm. "Love is an understanding of all entities."
First comment to make me feel some respect! Its a shame so many people are narrow minded and not open to allowing love to flow etc etc
What? That's just a bunch of mumbo jumbo.
My reason is that me and my younger cousin promised each other not to have kids till at least 30, Why? because most people in my family have kids young and they all live together because they are broke af. Kids are expensive and I’m not ready finically nor do I have any parenting skills. Before I have kids I wanna better myself so my future kids (if I decide to have any) don’t have to suffer the consequences of my actions. If I do have any kids early, they are accidents and I’ll make sure not to till them that. 👍
Very true. Coming from the Hispanic community it's beyond embarrassing how many single fathers & mothers there are mainly because they chose to carelessly be parents at such young ages.
ReigningAreTheMountains As someone from a hispanic family as well, shit is too real. Now I’m not gonna say my whole family is stupid. My aunts on my mom side had 2-3 children at most. Although my grandma had 12 children and some of my cousins screwed themselves. They had dreams to become someone but guess what, the second they had kids, They had to become moms. I have yet to have any young dads in my family and I hope it stays that way. Me and my younger cousin swore to not have kids till at least 30 because of how we grew up. My younger sister has realized this as well although I’m not sure how long she’ll wait but she’s seems to know more than the average mom in my family. 🙄
That's good you and your cousin are aware & made those vows.
Isabel Solis I’m just glad that I’m not the only Hispanic person who sees this problem in our family’s. Kids were literally everywhere the second they all became of legal age or before 24.
100% agree. However the pool of responsible women is getting smaller and smaller by the second. The amount of women on an effective form of birth control is way low. The amount of unprotected sex going on with both men and women. Look at the divorce rate? The single mother rate is skyrocketing as well. Its damn near impossible to find an attractive women my age with no kids. Not to mention one that doesnt practice hypergamy. Needle in a hay stack and like most men, im tired of looking.
I dated a single mother who was a year younger than me a few years ago. she was 27. I was 28. I felt very attracted to her. And i assumed she was very attracted to me as well. she would text me constantly and want to see me and talk to me all the time. But she fell off when I guess she learned I was a very serious, childless, sober, hard working, focused man, who has a well paying career and is very well rounded as software engineer, martial artist(student and teacher), weight trainer, record collector, DJ, music producer and all she really did was drink and party but had a child who was around 12-13, so i thought she would be more grounded but nope. She said herself i should probably be with someone on my level. I guess she didnt feel good enough or something i dont know but she said it herself.
you are too good for her. and she knew it. and you also probably were too available.
The children will dislike the new woman, no matter how hard she tries. Always influence by their birth mother.
and don't equate a person going to church every Sunday with a good person
true, you may have good intent but it doesnt mean you dont have a boat load of problems you are unable to figure out how to change
@@syrenaxhaferi7278 every grown sane person knows how it's a matter of will
@@michaelgray1803 and every grown person is imperfect
@@syrenaxhaferi7278 of course do you as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else
common single dads are commonly broke. your not the financial priority. your not his spoiled princess. its their needy kids. or his spoiled daughter. so women, if your a single momma or not. still. single dads are ... commonly filled with frustrations. you need to get treated the right way. you need to be the one whos in control. the one who chooses
Marie Maria That's bullshit I'm a single dad who dates a woman with no kids. Ask her if she isn't spoiled rotten I buy her red bottoms and mac makeup as if a guy with no kids are all rich and all single dads are broke that's dumb I know plenty of guys who have no kids only pump and dump chicks but as a single father I understand the importance of love and family
No fuck that, single dad or not no man should treat any woman like a princess and men that do are pathetic. And why are not surprised that you’re telling even single mothers to avoid single dads
Marie Maria I just read your comment. I agree. You’ll end up getting shit and plus you’ll be expected to clean and cook after their asses. No way
@John Rencheck Who wants to be broke, dealing with another persons kids and having baggage with an ex wife ? You work hard all your life only to be financially unstable with a single parent ? Is that selfish ? It’s called being smart.
Single dads are trash
Well said 👏👏👏 sick and tired of hearing this "oh your not relationship material because you dont have kids" plenty of good parents make dreadful partners its a silly old myth
Who’s saying that shit though because I’m pretty sure it’s not men.
Nobody would say such thing.
They are single for a reason.
Someone cheating isn’t the other person fault, but the cheaters own internal issues. It isn’t always the single parents fault.
Some become single parents not by their own doing. E.g. widows or widowers
Well, hello, there, I should have just let my ex keep hurting me. Thanks, yeah I'm single for a reason, my ex was an abusive asshole.
Dan Thomas, and so do you.
I wouldn't date a single mother. It's just a horrible situation. She had sex with another man and wants you to pay for her one night stand. Not doing it. Don't see how any self-respecting person could.
100% AGREE.
I am a low Testosterone-Level "Beta male" but I would NOT touch a single mother with a 10 foot pole.
I have pride and self respect for MYSELF!
cooldeesir you really think all single mothers became single mothers from one night stands? stop watching tv for a while.
A one-night stand a 2-month relationship? Same thing. Both are uncommitted relationships. According to statistics, the majority of kids today are born out of wedlock. So most single mothers are those who had kids out of wedlock. So they did so on a one-night stand or a couple weeks or a couple months fling with a guy nothing committed
Dennis Smith Yeah but it's ok for men to do it? I think single fathers should stay away from young girls too.
Dennis Smith wow, I'm a single mother of 4 GREAT kids and i make a 6 figure income..... I'm thinking im just to alpha for a man. Lmao. I have many many men throw themselves at me everyday trying to impress me with their income etc... then I tell them I make a 6 figure income and they run like a dog with tail between the legs lol. If anything I intimidate men. Because I don't know many men who can raise a whole family and be a high income earner. ..... just saying. I'm also extremely beautiful and take care of my body. A lot of people are completely shocked that ive even had kids. These comments from people who don't even have children speaking on topics they have no idea/experience on. Lol this is like getting taught by a teacher whose never taught the subject at hand.
Once you hit 40 it’s harder to find anyone without kids.
So I still won’t date a single mother
@KiddRogers I agree with you I feel same way. I don't have no kids but these single mothers be trying to get at me and I'm good I will never date a single mother.
You're in your golden years at 40. You should be financially stable or at least working towards that. PLENTY of young healthy single women like men that age
@@KBTadieh find a younger woman and mould her!
I was a single father for year's and women avoided me like the plaque, rather they have kids or not. I was a hermit and continue to be one.
Single moms I've dated never had time to get to know me...
Why can't I seem to meet a woman without any children!? Is Florida just full of baby mama's?
Thats how it is everywhere bro
nowadays nothing but hoes with 2 or 3 children everywhere
That's a very good way of looking at it.
me too,im in georgia and wow i cant find a woman over 21 without kids
true but reality is the single mother FOCUS IS ON HER KIDS NOT U making it diffucult for u to have a relationship, now g00d side is use them for fukin..
michael lopez full on #mgtow
Past a certain age (30 years or late twenties) almost everyone is either married or a single parent, or has kids somewhere.
I agree don't date single parents. They have no time to get to know you. Some are looking for that money pot.
SirRober that's not true
Show me the logic
SirRober If a woman taking care of a child takes her away from you then you should only get with a woman who never wants children since it seems you can't live unless you are under her at all times that she can't take care of a child are you that needing of attention 🤦♂️
Great trolling. Still no logic to disprove my original statement. Single parents don't have time to get to know the other person.
SirRober That's not true I'm a single parent and I have plenty of time to get to know someone
Reading all the comments from the male perspective of dating single mothers and the female perspective of dating single fathers is the exact reason why I will not be remarrying if I get a divorce. I have one child myself and agree with all the comments made on both sides. Most people are not mature enough coming out of divorce to offer someone else what they deserve in a relationship. Most people have some ulterior motive for their next partner and what they want for their kid and themselves. If more people worked on themselves first and stopped looking outward for the next best thing then maybe things could be different. But I definitely would be weary dating a single parent.
Being a single dad, I still won't date a single mother. No thanks. I'm a single dad because I decided enough was enough of my narcissistic wife and I filed for divorce.
rhythmnsmoke thé irony..so what if she had the same experience as you??? And so your expecting a single woman to take on your load to?
Yeah and no smart self respecting female will take on your unncessesary bullshit
That is not a valid reason, the only valid reason is if you are a single dad because your wife died / cheated on you. Stay in your own lane buddy.
I despise men like this. Entitled to want a childless woman when he has baggage himself
I'm a single man in my mid 30's. I'm going through this right now. You're experience reflects mine. I agree with you. Exceptions are always out there but the rule is paramount. Thank you for your video. I believe a lot of men and women will benefit from your video.
Nope. Bad advice. Single mothers are a bad investment
Dont date a chick thats had a lot of partners as well
or one who has been married and is divorced her ex always be her first..
Where would you find that?
I just broke up with a single dad (he broke up with me).... One part of me is brokenhearted but another is relief.
Hai are you single
Next time stay away from single dad. Don’t make the same mistake
Big relief! You knew it wouldn't work and I'm sure you dreaded the future with him. kudos to you!
My mother was a single mom before she met my dad, she met him and have me and my younger sister. My older sister and my father hated each other and even had physical fights, when my parents were thinking in divorcing my mother told he would pay child support to all of them, including my older sister and my father flipped and they started to argued, and in that moment i decided i would rather die alone than date a single parent
I hope you are joking
@@motherhoodsbeauty9279 joking about what?
what's stupid is why are women getting knocked up so young? I already know the answer.
Never date a single parent unless you already have kids, can't have them yourself and want them so could love them as your own. I dated a single dad and it drove me up the wall, kids always came first, he was never available when I needed him for hospital visits or emotional support, I was expected to foot his kids bills as well as my own at 20 odd years of age and I became bitter and resentful. Been single for 4 years now and never been happier and know now that kids are NOT for me!
Wow. I'm happy you're out of that situation.
That dude sure has a lot of nerves for letting you pay for his kids while you’re never first. Only a doormat would settle for that.
@Wilande Frederici You’re welcome.
Kids might be for you but not someone else's kids. I'm glad you got out of that ugly situation. You deserve to be prioritized and not taken for granted. I wish you the very best.
EVERY single mom I've ever dated, turned out to be a complete idiot.
It wasn't the kids that ruined the relationships, it was her.
Now it's only a FWB situation if they have a kid. Nothing else.
I came close to dating a single mom, videos like this helped me to my senses, how stupid could I be ?
don't date single moms
Stereotypically there is truth in this but most people seem to be very assumptious and naive in believing that a common trait of a prejudice is a fact. Personally, I have seen someone with no kids become a happy step parent for several years and they are still happy with that role. It's rare though that it lasts, so I see where people are coming from. I think that most people have an idea of what it will be like but there are so many things they don't consider in the long run.I think the worse neglected consideration is the guilt of walking away if it doesn't work out. I definitely agree that wanting a person enough to take on kids is better than looking for anyone with kids.
Single moms should date Single dad
Self respecting childless single men should never date a single mother. The relationship, nor he or his needs will never be her number one priority. Only her child will matter to her. He will only be a utility to her, a father figure for the child and a source or money and resources for her. If the relationship doesn't work, and chances are it won't, he will be financially accountable for a child/children he didn't sire. It is a no win deal for men. Single mothers, especially the hot ones are good only for occasional sex.
What man alive wants a single mom??? We prefer women with no kids especially when u dont have any. As a man, you want to be made a priority in your relationship but if she have kids you would never become first and you always be on the back burner so why even do it
Barring widows and or widowers, the only thing single parents mean to me is they have poor judgement.
This is probably one of the most wise and most well thought out videos on TH-cam! More women like this please! The world needs them lol