If the faked number matches a existing sign in germany they can arrest you because of counterfeidt a official document. A register plate in germany is the same like a passport in law. The punishments go up to 5 years arrest.
I have been thinking about all the different methods not to get fined, and I came to the conclusion that the only good one is to stick to the legal speed limit. 30km/h in our city (Brussels) does drive me nuts, though.
@@lunakon5911it is 10km/h. You can drive 40 km/h on a 30km/h limit (i recommend to use cruise control or speed limiter). You can drive 50 km/h on the main roads in Brussels :)).
@@tnikoli40 i have heard. I used radarbot and it saved me a few times but it's not perfect. I also have a Cobra 480i but it's not so good in Germany. In Austria, Slovenia and Croatia works very good.
Get caught doing this in the UK and it's now a pretty serious road traffic offence. They are actually quite obviously different to the eye so a road traffic police officer may well pull you over for further investigation and if caught... expect your day in court.
@@Arturo124 whether he is telling facts or a fabricated story is unknown. This is merely a warning not to try, be smart, where you are avoiding the set rules, road issues and vehicles on the wheels. Later, it was no surprise that you were trying to be smart and suddenly, the police catches you and detects that there is something wrong with you and your vehicle. Crying in court doesn't work and won't help you, from getting punishment, money or the worse thing
@@grootfpv45 bonjour oui c'est vrai maintenant il y a des véhicules banalisées qui prennent de chaque côté et et reconnaisse même les poids lourds, je dis le mieux c'est de respecter les limitations de vitesse, ça évite d'être hors la loi et d'être fortement punissable. Je suis assez d'accord avec ces nouvelles voitures banalisées, surtout quand on voit des gens inconscients qui roule à grande vitesse sur les nationales et autoroute, pour moi c'est des assincins c'est comme si ils avaient un fusil dans les mains, combien de gens et des enfants qui on laissé leur vie.
Sur mon premier commentaire je disais super pour l'idée, mais pour des conducteurs raisonnables sur les limitations de vitesse, car ça nous arrive par un manque d'inattention de pas se rendre compte que nous sommes un peu au-dessus de la limitation et pour un léger dépassement à peine de 30 km heure, attention je parle sur des grandes nationales ou autoroute, nous sommes flashé.
@@donadona5956 je suis assez d'accord avec toi mais personnellement je roule tous le temps sur autoroute entre 130 et 160km/h... Les national et autres je me limite a 20 de plus que la réglementation (1pts et 45€ c'est pas la mort). J'ai aujourd'hui plus de 10 ans de permis, 12 points sur mon permis et 0 accident tous ça en faisant 60 000 km par ans. La question de la vitesse est surtout pour 2 catégorie de personnes. Celle qui accélère et qui ne font pas attention et celle qui accélère et ralentisse lorsquil y a du monde et un danger potentiel pour les autres et pour soit
@@MrToad38 bonjour je suis assez d'accord avec vous, jai été toujours raisonnable sur les limitations de vitesse ou la visibilité est bonne sur de bonnes lignes droites , par contre sur autouroute avant je montais en puissance sur temps sec et une bonne visibilité et peu d'automobilistes. Ou je me suis vraiment fait plaisir sur les autoroutes c'est en Allemagne limitation illimité, aussi en allant au Luxembourg, j'ai fait de bonnes pointes de vitesse sur 6 bons kilomètres. J'ai mon permis depuis 42 ans, j'ai eu en gros une dizaine de PV. Maintenant je respecte vraiment la vitesse, trop de monde sur les routes et autoroutes, et je ne voudrais pas blesser ou retirer la vie à autrui. Mais j'ai toujours un véhicule puissant de 150 ch sur tout pour les dépassements. J'ai toujours mais 12 points. Il y a eu dix ans en arrière je me suis retrouvé à 6 points. Bonne soirée et prudence sur les routes.
if your going to meet a police car with headlights on passing by, they will see there is something wrong with your plate numbers, and ques what... you'll get in sh... :D
If the registration plate is covered, modified, illegible, or even placed in such way that its legibility may be rendered impossible and/or significantly impeded, the driver of such vehicle may be fined to upto 10,000CZK + 6 to 12 months ban. No points on the licence, though.
Also tampering with your plate may invalidate it (depending on jurisdiction) which means you’re driving an unregistered uninsured car. Great for accidenrs😢!
@@MariktheWolf what causes accidents are people speeding and slamming on the breaks once they realize they are about to be caught xD (and people not keeping distance and crashing into the breaking car)
@@i.i.iiii.i.i thats a true statement...still makes them dangerous...harassing innocent ppl trying to save some time...same with cops pulling ppl over on the interstate going 85 on a nice day...harassment and all for revenue for the city or whatever and insurance companies...
@@asheer9114 Not if you mix it right. Go very light with the pearl. The only time it blurs is when it gets hit by a camera's strobe flash. Cops don't patrol with camera flashes bub, and you can't tell with the naked eye. You do have to keep the plate clean, but that's the only catch. Kind of like wearing a beanie pulled down over your eyebrows and a covid mask will defeat facial recognition software cameras. Or walking around with an umbrella will defeat thermal imaging from drones. Or putting your cell in between lead sheets while traveling will stop the GPS tracking.
Speed cameras are pretty advanced and got some high tech equipment and are not comparable to a simple phone camera, so you can't just put a simple coat on your plate...
@@xrecix Yes you can, works like a charm. I don't care how "advanced" a camera is, when it throws a flash at a pearl clearcoat the reflection blurs the picture. And they throw flashes each and every time they take a picture. The flash is precisely timed with the shot so they blur just perfectly.
This is a reflective tape, nothing new. Do not recommend to anyone as if police will pick this up you will be in a deep trouble and trust me - they will
Know what you're talking about I don't know about the legality or how you get them in Europe but in the USA you can find them by going and searching up something like reflective license plate cover
if you want to hide your front plate cut away the area behind the plate just a few mils bigger than the plate. hang d plate from two tiny wires one one each top corner. as your speed gets faster the plate will swing backwards thus it wont be readable by a speed cam. when you are driving in town at 30 mph the plate should be normal.
Aqui no Brasil temos Radar Inteligente, ou seja, tendo visto algo errado na Placa logo mais na frente vc é parado pela Polícia. O carro é Apreendido e cobrado uma multa
Cada radar em tudo que é canto tem um policial logo a frente esperando... Gostei da tese. Além de usar isso na placa cada cidadão deveria ter o deve moral de arrebentar o radar e enfiar os ferros retorcidos no ânus dos políticos ESQUERDISTAS que enchem as ruas de radares.
Můžeš mi prosím tě vysvětlit jak to že kamera to zachytí a foťák ne? Odpovím ti sám: policie nebo jakýkoliv jiný měřící systém nepoužívá blesk. A proč nepoužívá blesk? Protože by mohl zejména v noci oslnit řidiče. A proč ještě nepoužívá blesk? Protož na vzdálenost delší než 20cm je zbytečný. Za další pokud tě policie ČR nebo městská policie chytne s jakkoliv upravenou SPZ tak ti zakáže jízdu máš po papírech minimálně na 1rok. Proč? Protože v tu chvíli používáš auto které není způsobilé k jízdě po pozemních komunikacích.
A jak to můžeš zjistit že je to nějak upravený ? :) Řekneš že ti to tam nalepil kolemdoucí a že před jízdou si SPZ kontroloval a nebyla vidět žádná úprava. Hm ?
Ono úplně tak nejde o ten Blesk, to bylo spíš myšlený jen jako ukázka jak to funguje.. A jinak, 90% úsekových radarů Blesk využívá, hlídky PČR vybavené radarem v autě sice Blesk nepoužívají, ale tam zase radar nedokáže celou SPZ přečíst kvůli odleskům z čelního skla, které tam jsou vždy a díky téhle nálepce to ten radar prostě nezaznamená, ovšem ve chvíli kdy by hlídka tohle zjistila, že radar nepřečetl celou SPZ, tak vozidlo okamžitě zastaví.. Aspoň většina
The probability of them catching you with those is far less than getting blitzed. It saved me thousands of Euros during the past 2years, so it's definitely worth it.
Speed/Red light cameras don't use flash during the day, do they ? Also, driving around at night, cars behind would be able to tell something's not right.
@@leemajors3834 The cops wouldn't even have to tamper with anything, the fact that they can't read the plate is probable cause enough. Your plate is required to be clear and understandable in ALL light levels.
It wouldn't matter. If they see a questionable license plate, they will investigate further. You'll get caught, lose your license, your car, and get huge fines. The easy way to avoid getting a ticket, is to not speed, or run red lights. Simple, and cheap.
I am pretty sure you cannot compare high speed extremely potent speed camera with a cheapo phone camera. Plus there is plenty of speed cameras using infrared flash without the zap… 👍
Trust me in Slovakia and even in Czech republic they don't have tech on normal undercover cars. It is still illegal and cops have tuned cars to chase pretty darng fast so not an option here
If the flash is infrared, this means the camera picks up the infrared. Hence, it can still suffer IR glare. Unless the stickers are transparent to IR, it should still work.
While this video is old, some speed cameras don't even use flash anymore and take infrared pictures or even a normal one which would just make it useless
@@starmc26 Will also not work. There are now "double sensor" phographic + infrared that will both register front and back plates, comparing both country and series. The information parsing is very fast, and would be more of a problem than a resolution.
"Interesting trick! Let’s say if they figure out the police officers ’stunt trick, the police officers will also show a two trick in the form of punishment! 😂" Fantastic video creation! Thank you so much for sharing! I wish everyone a happy day in strength and health! Have a nice day! 👍🍀🇭🇺🌞☝️
@@leventevincze1034 "" Hát gondolom igen valóban! Köszönöm szépen a remek hozzá fűzött megjegyzést!" "Sikeres szép napot kívánok mindenkinek, erőben és egészségben, békességben! 👍🍀🇭🇺🌞☝️
@@leventevincze1034 Köszönöm szépen! Sikeres további szép napot kívánok neked és persze mindenki számára szintén, erőben és egészségben, békességben! 👍🍀🇭🇺🌞☝️
Sorry to say to you but here in Germany they showed on TV that you cant manipulate a radar. They tried every method like puting CD in fron of the car, these stickers or having mega strong light on the numbersplate. When you get pictured they just adjust the Brightness and your Numberplate is visible .
What is the red and green hexagonal stickers in the middle? I am from spain and have only seen those on the customization for forza horizon plates, I guess they have something to do with the tecnical inspection of the veihicles but can't find them on google.
One is for technical inspection another for emission inspection (red and green in this order I think, we have very similar ones, just do not stick them on plate but windshield)
@@EndritVj That is wron! This public(ab-)use computer does not like the "S" - but when it does write the "s" it gives a lot of them. The G only has anti-optic stealth decal.
Even if this result is true, which I think it is photoshopped, it would only work at night using old fashioned speed traps. Back a few years ago there was a scam selling spray and the scammer would show you it working on your very own plates by photographing them and showing you the proof. How it worked is their lense on the camera was tampered with slightly to cause a small blur, the scammer would then line up the shot so that small blur woud hide your number plate and looked like the spray was effective.
I mean if you're that concerned just take off your plate. I don't live in Europe so I don't know if you're required to have one on when they do an inspection but there should be no issue removing it since I doubt there's any reason they need to look at it.
The camera that takes the photo is not infra red. The reason for that is too much light from licence plate lights or headlights. That's why speed cameras need a bright flash of light when taking photos. Similar to a camera flash. You could also put an infra-red LED strip light around the outside of your licence plate and set it to turn on when it sees a flash. This will blind the camera so it can't read your plate.
Se o "cidadão de bem" andar conforme as leis de trânsito não teriam problemas com radares, porque vc é contra radar? Quer andar acima da velocidade? Colocar outras vidas em risco? Quer correr vá em algum lugar pra isso, rodovia não é pra isso.
@Aeelsv é simples, é só seguir as leis, fazer a coisa certa e pronto. Posso até discordar de algumas leis,.mas meu dever é cumpri-la. Agora na tua mentalidade, vc gostaria de viver em mundo sem lei, todo bagunçado. Pode acreditar, se em uma rodovia o limite de velocidade é 100k/h e vc andar dentro desse limite nunca terá problemas, nem levará multa, independente da quantidade de radares. agora, toda vez que ultrapassar esse limite é por sua conta e risco.
I know this is 4myears old but fuck it. I think the best thing would be to combo this one with license plate flipper. You have 2 versions of your plate, but the other one has this anti radar sticker. So when ever you are not speeding through cameras you can your ”normal” plate.
@@AleksanteriR so why dont just use a fake plate in the flipper? in both cases illegal, tho with the fake plate it is guaranteed that you aint getting photobombed by any camera
@@ddaniel987 Getting caught with fake license plates carries prison sentences, and guarantees the car will be impounded. Getting caught with plate flippers and modified plates will be expensive, but at least you don't lose your car or go to prison.
@@flopsinator5817 Where I live, in all cases when tampering with the license plates, the car gets impounded, big fine and your license is revoked for 1 year.. Thats why I said that, sorry I didn't know that other countries do it differently
@@ddaniel987 Where I live that can still happen, but I think they usually just confiscate the illegal items on the spot (+plus huge fine) and allow you to drill the original plates onto the bumper. If you don't have the original unmodified plates with you or you're unwilling to drill holes into your bumper then they will probably impound the car. If you're caught with completely fake license plates that liberal attitude disappears and you might be looking at jail time. If the fake plates happen to match real plates (even by sheer coincidence), you will also be looking at charges for identity theft. Honestly, all of this stuff to avoid speed cameras and tolls is just not worth it. It's like shoplifting: you may be able to steal a couple cans of Redbull, but eventually you're caught and the price you pay is 10x more than the stuff you stole.
This is such a non-American problem. I like the solution, although ironically altering your plates in America is usually taking reflective plates and making the nonreflective, although there's not, afaik, a limitation the other way around. Then again the US also doesn't have speed cameras and most places also got rid of their red light cameras within the last 10 years due to lawsuits and poor receipts
That's the problem with all plate blockers. Cameras are at an angle. Where are the cameras that take the pictures from directly opposite the number plate? Good luck when you get fined for speeding or red light running. And get fined for obstructing your number plate.
Ando sempre "Tiozinho" e com o preço do combustível, ando sempre na "manha" porém, algumas avenidas de SP com radares de 50km são irritantes, Radial Leste e suas 4 pistas, a Av. dos Bandeirantes, é uma tortura, lembrando que nos anos 80 a velocidade max. na Av. dos Bandeirantes era 90 kmh, infelizmente não há bom senso dos prefeitos e engenheiros de transito, pelo menos o calça apertada e o Covas tiraram aquele absurdo de 70 kmh nas marginais.
Police will "reverse" it as a negative and it helps to show it up. It's been tried before. These things are okay for anti-paparazzi and publicity car shots etc, but not for evading fines ;)
Dnes mi vyběhlo toto video. Krátká reakce. Pozměňováním státního majetku se jedinec dopouští padělání (§ 125c / 1a) 2. - sazba 5-10 tisíc a až rok bez papírů). Ano RZ není Váš majetek, má te jí propůjčenou na nezbytně dlouhou dobu (do zrušení vozu, a to i ty na přání, byť za ně zaplatíte nemalé peníze). Pokud někoho s takto upravenou značkou radar vyfotí, stejně mají v ruce 6 ze 7 symbolů RZ a navíc kompletní popis vozidla, dohledání není pak problém. A flastr za rychlost bude majitelův jediný problém. A vzhledem k tomu, že tohle se už řeší ve správním řízení, tak se přičte i překročení rychlosti. Ale když chcete obohacovat státní kasu tak prosím, pozměňujte si své RZky a nejezděte podle předpisů.
Hmmmm a jak mi správní orgán dokáže, že jsem si tu RZ upravil sám a neudělal to náhodný kolemjdoucí (nebo třeba závistivý soused) ? Aby bylo možno uložit trest, musí být prokázáno zavinění, což je v tomhle případě nemožné, jelikož žádný paragraf neukládá řidiči jezdit nehtem před každou jízdou po RZ a zkoumat jestli není něčím polepená
@@Adam-di6hl Tak to se dostáváme na úroveň mateřské školy (to já ne, to pepíček s lojzíčkem). Výhoda je, že tyhle řeči správní orgán nezajímají, zjištěné řeší s provozovatelem vozidla. Případně když tuto úpravu zjistí hlídka PČR při silniční kontrole, tak s řidičem na místě. Není to tak dávno, co jsem tuto záležitost probíral přímo v příslušníkem dopravky. Na místě bez keců za 500, v případě keců to jde do správního řízení. A řidič musí na místě uvést RZ do původního stavu. Stejně tak je zakázáno přidávat modrý pruh s emblémem EU na starý tip značky (př.: OMC 00 - 00) nebo první typy s novým označením (př.: 0S0 1234).
Isto seria útil aqui no Brasil, na minha cidade em algumas rodovias existem oscilações muito bruscas dos limites de velocidade e normalmente as placas de limite de velocidade fica muito próxima do radar, quando você percebe já foi multado.
Même pas en rêve……… car impossible à obtenir ! Tout est surveillé et contrôlé !!!!!! Elle est pas belle la vie ? Et surtout n’oubliez pas : liberté, égalité, etc……😅
J'ai été responsable d'une flotte de véhicule de service. A chaque amende j'ai demandé qu'on m'envoie les photos. Il y en avait toujours deux, une avec et l'autre sans flash. A mon avis ces systèmes réfléchissants sont inopérants pour la photo sans flash.
It's all good until you get flashed by an unmarked car and the cop inside realize that your plates are altered and start chasing you.
And than you have to pay even more because I bet this is considered illegal
If the faked number matches a existing sign in germany they can arrest you because of counterfeidt a official document.
A register plate in germany is the same like a passport in law.
The punishments go up to 5 years arrest.
@@HL3AlcAida it would be a funny joke to make to someone you want to get in trouble
@@valeriobaro708 hell yeah but im maybe a war criminal but such evil things i would not do even to my baddest enemy
@@HL3AlcAida ahahhahaa, you made me laugh!
You might want to eliminate more than one digit. Not a big job for them to match it otherwise when there are only 9 possibilities.
There is 10 possibilities since 0 counts too.
@@Francisco-jk8jj What about letters? 🤯
This is just a demonstration
@@VNCTHE1 Nobody talked about the letters, just the numbers.
I have been thinking about all the different methods not to get fined, and I came to the conclusion that the only good one is to stick to the legal speed limit. 30km/h in our city (Brussels) does drive me nuts, though.
Do you have to drive not a km/h over this limit or you have some room? In my country, at least for now, we have 20km/h room with no fines.
@@lunakon5911it is 10km/h. You can drive 40 km/h on a 30km/h limit (i recommend to use cruise control or speed limiter). You can drive 50 km/h on the main roads in Brussels :)).
30km/h speed limit within the whole city is a joke. Here in Poland it is 50km/h and 70% of the drivers break this limit every time they drive.
Fuck Brussel. Antwerpen de rest is parking ;)
@@darek4488 it's not in all of Brussels only the center. But the center is huge
In America we just shoot out the speed cameras.
American here, can confirm
Prevention is always better than cure, ha ha.
In Soviet Russia, Speed camera shoot out you
No we don't
In France we used to burn them
There are laser blockers which spot radars from over 1km away.
Photometric radars cannot be spoted since they don't emit any type of signal
@@factory_enslavement But they are usually on fixed locations and GPS can warn you about them
@@hugopalmava Not in Germany.
@@konj106 ever heard of radarbot or flitzmeister?
@@tnikoli40 i have heard. I used radarbot and it saved me a few times but it's not perfect. I also have a Cobra 480i but it's not so good in Germany. In Austria, Slovenia and Croatia works very good.
But if they catch you this would be even worse than a regular speeding ticket. They can even fine you just for having mud on your plates.
Where tf do you live
@@renaultracer3739 those are the laws in EU.
@@renaultracer3739 Some areas in the US does that too,
Lame and sucks
@@renaultracer3739 I got fined in Hungary for having muddy break lights.... So yeah.
Forget about this, latest radars do not emit any visible light at night, it is an infrared flash.
Infrared can still be reflected, though.
Get caught doing this in the UK and it's now a pretty serious road traffic offence. They are actually quite obviously different to the eye so a road traffic police officer may well pull you over for further investigation and if caught... expect your day in court.
Broooo kmt… the feds dont use flash cameras … 97% chance they will not even know …. Only if someones tells on you
Bla bla bullshit
You are talking hypotheticaly. Do you actually know anyone who was caught like this?
@@Arturo124 whether he is telling facts or a fabricated story is unknown. This is merely a warning not to try, be smart, where you are avoiding the set rules, road issues and vehicles on the wheels.
Later, it was no surprise that you were trying to be smart and suddenly, the police catches you and detects that there is something wrong with you and your vehicle.
Crying in court doesn't work and won't help you, from getting punishment, money or the worse thing
Super mais il ne faut pas se faire attraper, l'amende doit coûter cher, certainement plus que la contravention. Mais l'idée est super.
Surtout que les radars prennent aussi des photos en infrarouge en plus de celle du flash donc cela ne sert a rien à part gâcher de l'argent
@@grootfpv45 bonjour oui c'est vrai maintenant il y a des véhicules banalisées qui prennent de chaque côté et et reconnaisse même les poids lourds, je dis le mieux c'est de respecter les limitations de vitesse, ça évite d'être hors la loi et d'être fortement punissable. Je suis assez d'accord avec ces nouvelles voitures banalisées, surtout quand on voit des gens inconscients qui roule à grande vitesse sur les nationales et autoroute, pour moi c'est des assincins c'est comme si ils avaient un fusil dans les mains, combien de gens et des enfants qui on laissé leur vie.
Sur mon premier commentaire je disais super pour l'idée, mais pour des conducteurs raisonnables sur les limitations de vitesse, car ça nous arrive par un manque d'inattention de pas se rendre compte que nous sommes un peu au-dessus de la limitation et pour un léger dépassement à peine de 30 km heure, attention je parle sur des grandes nationales ou autoroute, nous sommes flashé.
@@donadona5956 je suis assez d'accord avec toi mais personnellement je roule tous le temps sur autoroute entre 130 et 160km/h... Les national et autres je me limite a 20 de plus que la réglementation (1pts et 45€ c'est pas la mort).
J'ai aujourd'hui plus de 10 ans de permis, 12 points sur mon permis et 0 accident tous ça en faisant 60 000 km par ans.
La question de la vitesse est surtout pour 2 catégorie de personnes. Celle qui accélère et qui ne font pas attention et celle qui accélère et ralentisse lorsquil y a du monde et un danger potentiel pour les autres et pour soit
@@MrToad38 bonjour je suis assez d'accord avec vous, jai été toujours raisonnable sur les limitations de vitesse ou la visibilité est bonne sur de bonnes lignes droites , par contre sur autouroute avant je montais en puissance sur temps sec et une bonne visibilité et peu d'automobilistes. Ou je me suis vraiment fait plaisir sur les autoroutes c'est en Allemagne limitation illimité, aussi en allant au Luxembourg, j'ai fait de bonnes pointes de vitesse sur 6 bons kilomètres. J'ai mon permis depuis 42 ans, j'ai eu en gros une dizaine de PV. Maintenant je respecte vraiment la vitesse, trop de monde sur les routes et autoroutes, et je ne voudrais pas blesser ou retirer la vie à autrui. Mais j'ai toujours un véhicule puissant de 150 ch sur tout pour les dépassements. J'ai toujours mais 12 points. Il y a eu dix ans en arrière je me suis retrouvé à 6 points. Bonne soirée et prudence sur les routes.
It’s just reflecting the light. Radar works with much longer wavelengths and isn’t affected the same by reflective material.
Not the point. It's for when it takes a photo of you speeding by
@@czechgop7631 i suppose this would work in the third world where this type of speed camera still exists.
@@czechgop7631 you say it's not the point but read the description of the video..
@@ChrisLee-yr7tz Speed cameras are called "radars" in many European countries, so his description is not misleading.
if your going to meet a police car with headlights on passing by, they will see there is something wrong with your plate numbers, and ques what... you'll get in sh... :D
So what does the say about it?
If the registration plate is covered, modified, illegible, or even placed in such way that its legibility may be rendered impossible and/or significantly impeded, the driver of such vehicle may be fined to upto 10,000CZK + 6 to 12 months ban. No points on the licence, though.
Also tampering with your plate may invalidate it (depending on jurisdiction) which means you’re driving an unregistered uninsured car. Great for accidenrs😢!
Klasická reflexná fólia no v noci keď iné svetlo osvetliť ŠPZ je to na škodu lebo hlavne preto vás zastaví každá hliadka
Watch also the window sticker, which is photographed as well, at least in EU.
After 7 years im out of prison to Tell you guys it didnt gone well..
It doesn't work with ultra red lights that are used at most speed cameras
Infra Red Led Lights around the plate could work.
@@adaster98 NO SHIT
we need ways to combat speed cameras...which cause accidents and only exist to generate revenue...just like interstate speed limits...
what causes accidents are people speeding and slamming on the breaks once they realize they are about to be caught xD
(and people not keeping distance and crashing into the breaking car)
@@i.i.iiii.i.i thats a true statement...still makes them dangerous...harassing innocent ppl trying to save some time...same with cops pulling ppl over on the interstate going 85 on a nice day...harassment and all for revenue for the city or whatever and insurance companies...
Just take some clear coat and mix a little pearl in with it and spray the whole plate. Cheap and effective.
@jo mamma. Yes... cheap and effective... way to land in prison. 😈
@@asheer9114 Not if you mix it right. Go very light with the pearl. The only time it blurs is when it gets hit by a camera's strobe flash. Cops don't patrol with camera flashes bub, and you can't tell with the naked eye.
You do have to keep the plate clean, but that's the only catch.
Kind of like wearing a beanie pulled down over your eyebrows and a covid mask will defeat facial recognition software cameras.
Or walking around with an umbrella will defeat thermal imaging from drones.
Or putting your cell in between lead sheets while traveling will stop the GPS tracking.
@@jomamma1750 exactly!!!!! I had to tell one fool something like this !!!!
Speed cameras are pretty advanced and got some high tech equipment and are not comparable to a simple phone camera, so you can't just put a simple coat on your plate...
@@xrecix Yes you can, works like a charm. I don't care how "advanced" a camera is, when it throws a flash at a pearl clearcoat the reflection blurs the picture. And they throw flashes each and every time they take a picture. The flash is precisely timed with the shot so they blur just perfectly.
This is a reflective tape, nothing new. Do not recommend to anyone as if police will pick this up you will be in a deep trouble and trust me - they will
It is 2 different technologies of plates. Some use reflective numbers, other use reflective background. Also fonts are different in every country.
There are reflective venis cans. Do you know where to find them? or what they are called?
Ciao Theo te che parli italiano dove posso trovare questo adesivo?
@@alexskyline8675 bo
Know what you're talking about I don't know about the legality or how you get them in Europe but in the USA you can find them by going and searching up something like reflective license plate cover
@@jacksonclark9826 Thank U
Did I really just get recommended a video on how to do a felony in the Czech republic? Sweet this might help me someday
fellow inabakumori fan spotted in the wild
Better move : use this to convert one digit to another ( 6 -> 0 ) so cops with hand lights cannot spot those Easley in the parking lots
The day you get stopped by the police and your license plate is not the one associated with your vehicle registration you will get arrested
If the end product happens to match an actual license plate, you could be charged with identity theft.
Better move: you stick to the speed limit so you don't have to face heavy fines or even in some countries prison.
In the netherlands the cameras dont even have flash anymore.
if you want to hide your front plate cut away the area behind the plate just a few mils bigger than the plate. hang d plate from two tiny wires one one each top corner. as your speed gets faster the plate will swing backwards thus it wont be readable by a speed cam. when you are driving in town at 30 mph the plate should be normal.
I'm not gonna destroy my bumper just to dodge a speed camera
(Edit: typo)
Cameras also take a pic from the back
Yeah and when there is very windy weather everyone will notice your plate swinging for no apparent reason. What kind of stupid idea is that.
Just drive at the speed kimit
Aqui no Brasil temos Radar Inteligente, ou seja, tendo visto algo errado na Placa logo mais na frente vc é parado pela Polícia. O carro é Apreendido e cobrado uma multa
Sabia não
Só migué kkkkkk
Apoi só se for em dubai kkkkkk
Aqui no Brasil, eles te param se o código de barras estiver ilegível...hahahaha 😂
Cada radar em tudo que é canto tem um policial logo a frente esperando...
Gostei da tese.
Além de usar isso na placa cada cidadão deveria ter o deve moral de arrebentar o radar e enfiar os ferros retorcidos no ânus dos políticos ESQUERDISTAS que enchem as ruas de radares.
Můžeš mi prosím tě vysvětlit jak to že kamera to zachytí a foťák ne?
Odpovím ti sám: policie nebo jakýkoliv jiný měřící systém nepoužívá blesk. A proč nepoužívá blesk? Protože by mohl zejména v noci oslnit řidiče. A proč ještě nepoužívá blesk? Protož na vzdálenost delší než 20cm je zbytečný.
Za další pokud tě policie ČR nebo městská policie chytne s jakkoliv upravenou SPZ tak ti zakáže jízdu máš po papírech minimálně na 1rok. Proč? Protože v tu chvíli používáš auto které není způsobilé k jízdě po pozemních komunikacích.
A jak to můžeš zjistit že je to nějak upravený ? :) Řekneš že ti to tam nalepil kolemdoucí a že před jízdou si SPZ kontroloval a nebyla vidět žádná úprava. Hm ?
Jak ze policia nepouziva blesk..a co fotoradar v noci na dialnici? Najprv blesk a pak foto...
Jezisi to je koment zas...
Ono úplně tak nejde o ten Blesk, to bylo spíš myšlený jen jako ukázka jak to funguje.. A jinak, 90% úsekových radarů Blesk využívá, hlídky PČR vybavené radarem v autě sice Blesk nepoužívají, ale tam zase radar nedokáže celou SPZ přečíst kvůli odleskům z čelního skla, které tam jsou vždy a díky téhle nálepce to ten radar prostě nezaznamená, ovšem ve chvíli kdy by hlídka tohle zjistila, že radar nepřečetl celou SPZ, tak vozidlo okamžitě zastaví.. Aspoň většina
Toto by nám mohol objasniť nejaký dopravný policajt. Nájde sa taký ? 🤣🤭
what is this sticker? may I know more detail about this sticker please thank you in advance.
completely useless against modern IR light photoradar or autovelox. Such devices haven't used a flash in 20 years. Obsolete
menemme IR light does not reflect on the surface of the sticker? Are you ABSOLUTEY sure?!!!?
IR light will also reflect with this method. However, it will not be able fool non-iluminated cameras.
"Isso dá, uma cadeia..."
Away de Petrópolis.
A to všechno jenom proto, abys mohl jezdit jak hovado a někoho zabít? Je málo křížů kolem cest? Chceš mít i svůj?
Does it do the same thing if a cops headlight shines on it at night? If so you risk getting easily caught and a big fine.
The probability of them catching you with those is far less than getting blitzed. It saved me thousands of Euros during the past 2years, so it's definitely worth it.
where to buy these kind of stuffs if you can tell me ? thank you
@@bilalfaruq9142 ebay
.....only works with head on cameras, but those cameras mounted at street height will pick the numbers up.
Speed/Red light cameras don't use flash during the day, do they ?
Also, driving around at night, cars behind would be able to tell something's not right.
Ever heard of post processing of pictures? The 0 is still there it's just too reflective and bright.
You can dim that down on PC in no time.
@@TheRealSpork. But then the photo has been altered / tampered and unable to use in court
@@leemajors3834 The cops wouldn't even have to tamper with anything, the fact that they can't read the plate is probable cause enough. Your plate is required to be clear and understandable in ALL light levels.
It wouldn't matter. If they see a questionable license plate, they will investigate further. You'll get caught, lose your license, your car, and get huge fines. The easy way to avoid getting a ticket, is to not speed, or run red lights. Simple, and cheap.
Here in Middle East they catch you theyll take photo of your license plate with their mobile then they send you the violation.
I am pretty sure you cannot compare high speed extremely potent speed camera with a cheapo phone camera. Plus there is plenty of speed cameras using infrared flash without the zap… 👍
Trust me in Slovakia and even in Czech republic they don't have tech on normal undercover cars. It is still illegal and cops have tuned cars to chase pretty darng fast so not an option here
If the flash is infrared, this means the camera picks up the infrared. Hence, it can still suffer IR glare.
Unless the stickers are transparent to IR, it should still work.
While this video is old, some speed cameras don't even use flash anymore and take infrared pictures or even a normal one which would just make it useless
Be careful !!,... that DOES NOT WORK with the radars, in Spain. It doesn't matter what type of license plate you carry; it does not work at all.
This isn't for radar, it's for the automated street cameras that flash your vehicle and plates when your speeding or running lights.
@@starmc26 Will also not work. There are now "double sensor" phographic + infrared that will both register front and back plates, comparing both country and series. The information parsing is very fast, and would be more of a problem than a resolution.
nah, there's no way that's a real language. someone definitely just mashed their keyboard. sweet
"Interesting trick! Let’s say if they figure out the police officers ’stunt trick, the police officers will also show a two trick in the form of punishment! 😂"
Fantastic video creation! Thank you so much for sharing! I wish everyone a happy day in strength and health! Have a nice day!
🙃 kár hogy infravörös a véda
"" Hát gondolom igen valóban! Köszönöm szépen a remek hozzá fűzött megjegyzést!" "Sikeres szép napot kívánok mindenkinek, erőben és egészségben, békességben!
@@wenepzoli Hallgass a szívedre, szavazz a Fideszre 👉👈
Köszönöm szépen! Sikeres további szép napot kívánok neked és persze mindenki számára szintén, erőben és egészségben, békességben!
@@wenepzoli are all Hungarians that polite?
I think its better to buy a spray that over exposure the whole plate, we can buy it online here in sweden
Whats it called
Sorry to say to you but here in Germany they showed on TV that you cant manipulate a radar. They tried every method like puting CD in fron of the car, these stickers or having mega strong light on the numbersplate. When you get pictured they just adjust the Brightness and your Numberplate is visible .
Now, unlike traditional radars, the turret radar does not emit a flash since it uses infrared technology .This technique is no longer useful
In Hungary 3 years prison if you do that.
What is the red and green hexagonal stickers in the middle? I am from spain and have only seen those on the customization for forza horizon plates, I guess they have something to do with the tecnical inspection of the veihicles but can't find them on google.
One is for technical inspection another for emission inspection (red and green in this order I think, we have very similar ones, just do not stick them on plate but windshield)
víte že je protizákonné si cokoliv lepit nebo jakkoliv maskovat spzku. Tudíž když na tohle přijdou tak to bude fakt průser
Unfortunately, in Many Places they are changing this black numbers for others with hologram on the surface. It's getting harder to trick the cams.
Transit cameras do not use flash anymore and it is illegal.
Câmeras de fiscalização não usam mais flash, além de ser crime.
The legal way of sayin that something is not legal is "illegal". Not "unlegal"!🙄🤩
@@jzk3919 The legal way would be “saying” not “sayin”.
@@EndritVj Legally speakin it is hairsplitting. Obvious typo.
@@jzk3919 Legitimately I believe you do not like the letter g.
@@EndritVj That is wron! This public(ab-)use computer does not like the "S" - but when it does write the "s" it gives a lot of them. The G only has anti-optic stealth decal.
To je všetko pekne a čo cez deň ? 😂
Bonjour ou peut on se procurer cette auto colant merci d avance
Even if this result is true, which I think it is photoshopped, it would only work at night using old fashioned speed traps.
Back a few years ago there was a scam selling spray and the scammer would show you it working on your very own plates by photographing them and showing you the proof. How it worked is their lense on the camera was tampered with slightly to cause a small blur, the scammer would then line up the shot so that small blur woud hide your number plate and looked like the spray was effective.
Podľa mňa si stačí dávať pozor na radary a sledovať Waze a Google mapy na radary.
navic radarum je fakt putna nejaka nalepka, pac fotej na jinym spektru (proto radary blejsknou cervene). A to proste vzdy uvidi kontrast cerna-bila.
It's better to get a ticket as been catched with this! They will find these cars in 24 hours and then you will pay for it.
Maybe it would be easier and smarter to just respect the speed limit...
Exactly 😌
What a stupid comment to ruin all fun
Ok boomer
A friend of mine used to glue a leaf on one digit of his license plate.
this would work only in night. you'll get caught in daytime
Not if you have bright lights on the plate
Abdullah Umer Thanks for information
Not true, the speed camera flashes so same in daylight
where to buy?
which pates-state are available?
even better adhere to the speed limits😇
'adhere' to too much and you'll become a floorboard.
In Germany we call this "Urkundenfälschung".
would this make it through the customs without suspicions?
Assuming they have the correct font style, just tell them to wrap it on paper
I mean if you're that concerned just take off your plate. I don't live in Europe so I don't know if you're required to have one on when they do an inspection but there should be no issue removing it since I doubt there's any reason they need to look at it.
Diki , za reakšn !!!
Bud je to dokonala kravina alebo genialna vec , hoc moralne by sa dalo bavit ci je to vec to vobec spravodlive
Altering your license plate in my country like this will get you an equivalent of 700 euro fine and driver's license suspended.
Not alteration. A speck of mud is alteration.
pasuje rozmer aj na SK značky? ako to funguje cez deň?
but during the day does the radar also turn on its infrared?
The camera that takes the photo is not infra red. The reason for that is too much light from licence plate lights or headlights. That's why speed cameras need a bright flash of light when taking photos. Similar to a camera flash.
You could also put an infra-red LED strip light around the outside of your licence plate and set it to turn on when it sees a flash. This will blind the camera so it can't read your plate.
That's actually so smart.
Gente... Eu adorei esse bagulho. O poder público que enfie as multas, naquele lugar menor!
دانی مجید
Se o "cidadão de bem" andar conforme as leis de trânsito não teriam problemas com radares, porque vc é contra radar? Quer andar acima da velocidade? Colocar outras vidas em risco? Quer correr vá em algum lugar pra isso, rodovia não é pra isso.
@Aeelsv é simples, é só seguir as leis, fazer a coisa certa e pronto.
Posso até discordar de algumas leis,.mas meu dever é cumpri-la.
Agora na tua mentalidade, vc gostaria de viver em mundo sem lei, todo bagunçado.
Pode acreditar, se em uma rodovia o limite de velocidade é 100k/h e vc andar dentro desse limite nunca terá problemas, nem levará multa, independente da quantidade de radares. agora, toda vez que ultrapassar esse limite é por sua conta e risco.
It does not work in Turkey for instance. Because they track the cameras live!
Hello, how it is technically made ?
It's made out of tiny glass spheres mixed to the paint. The spheres reflect the light back at the general direction it came from.
@@gsilva220 thanks
Speed limits are there for a reason...
Also, if you get caught with this... Not good for you.
yes just to make money
wouldn't cops be able to know you have it there during day time since it will reflect the sunlight?
I know this is 4myears old but fuck it. I think the best thing would be to combo this one with license plate flipper. You have 2 versions of your plate, but the other one has this anti radar sticker. So when ever you are not speeding through cameras you can your ”normal” plate.
@@AleksanteriR so why dont just use a fake plate in the flipper? in both cases illegal, tho with the fake plate it is guaranteed that you aint getting photobombed by any camera
@@ddaniel987 Getting caught with fake license plates carries prison sentences, and guarantees the car will be impounded.
Getting caught with plate flippers and modified plates will be expensive, but at least you don't lose your car or go to prison.
@@flopsinator5817 Where I live, in all cases when tampering with the license plates, the car gets impounded, big fine and your license is revoked for 1 year.. Thats why I said that, sorry I didn't know that other countries do it differently
@@ddaniel987 Where I live that can still happen, but I think they usually just confiscate the illegal items on the spot (+plus huge fine) and allow you to drill the original plates onto the bumper.
If you don't have the original unmodified plates with you or you're unwilling to drill holes into your bumper then they will probably impound the car.
If you're caught with completely fake license plates that liberal attitude disappears and you might be looking at jail time.
If the fake plates happen to match real plates (even by sheer coincidence), you will also be looking at charges for identity theft.
Honestly, all of this stuff to avoid speed cameras and tolls is just not worth it.
It's like shoplifting: you may be able to steal a couple cans of Redbull, but eventually you're caught and the price you pay is 10x more than the stuff you stole.
The latest camera's don't use flashes anymore.
This is such a non-American problem. I like the solution, although ironically altering your plates in America is usually taking reflective plates and making the nonreflective, although there's not, afaik, a limitation the other way around. Then again the US also doesn't have speed cameras and most places also got rid of their red light cameras within the last 10 years due to lawsuits and poor receipts
How about just driving by the rules? Or is that a too crazy idea?
Aonde eu compro esse adesivo
What about transparent sticker, that display different number, instead of none?
Useless when cameras are at an angle. 100% of speed/traffic cameras are at an angle. Flash does not bounce back into camera. 🤦🏻♂️
That's the problem with all plate blockers. Cameras are at an angle.
Where are the cameras that take the pictures from directly opposite the number plate?
Good luck when you get fined for speeding or red light running.
And get fined for obstructing your number plate.
en France tu vas aux gamelles
Great ideia. Brazil has a máfia of radars.
Você só tem que respeitar as leis de trânsito irmão, pare de chorar
@@joacoalva3783 nao tem pra que respeitar quem nao nos respeita
So this is being recommended to everyone now huh
Super. Kde to kúpim takú super foliu
Почему я понял твой коментарий без перевода?
That is pretty cool but i cut the letters and numbers out of mine at the front to get more air in the intercooler so it would only work at the rear
😂😂😂😂 Neanche dietro ti occorre, rimuovi lettere e numeri dalla targa posteriore per un maggior scarico 😁
Ando sempre "Tiozinho" e com o preço do combustível, ando sempre na "manha" porém, algumas avenidas de SP com radares de 50km são irritantes, Radial Leste e suas 4 pistas, a Av. dos Bandeirantes, é uma tortura, lembrando que nos anos 80 a velocidade max. na Av. dos Bandeirantes era 90 kmh, infelizmente não há bom senso dos prefeitos e engenheiros de transito, pelo menos o calça apertada e o Covas tiraram aquele absurdo de 70 kmh nas marginais.
They take the model of the car + all the digits you didn't hide and they take the color of the car
a co když fotí cajti bez blesku ? tohle je snad jen na stacionární radary, co?
+ihrdlick Všechny tyhle blbosti stejně jako spreje na SPZ počítají s bleskem a proto žádný z těchto výrobků NEFUNGUJE
Tak tak
Хороший штраф будет, если полиция узнает про эту уловку.
Вот и сказка про Европу где все законопослушные , как виду люди везде одинаковые ищут где намахать систему
está muy bueno dónde puedo comprar
Try the local cop shop. 🚔🚔🚔🚔
Police will "reverse" it as a negative and it helps to show it up. It's been tried before. These things are okay for anti-paparazzi and publicity car shots etc, but not for evading fines ;)
Zdjęcia nie są w negatywie ale w podczerwieni.
Or maybe... Hear me out. Just don't violate the traffic rules
Dnes mi vyběhlo toto video. Krátká reakce. Pozměňováním státního majetku se jedinec dopouští padělání (§ 125c / 1a) 2. - sazba 5-10 tisíc a až rok bez papírů). Ano RZ není Váš majetek, má te jí propůjčenou na nezbytně dlouhou dobu (do zrušení vozu, a to i ty na přání, byť za ně zaplatíte nemalé peníze). Pokud někoho s takto upravenou značkou radar vyfotí, stejně mají v ruce 6 ze 7 symbolů RZ a navíc kompletní popis vozidla, dohledání není pak problém. A flastr za rychlost bude majitelův jediný problém. A vzhledem k tomu, že tohle se už řeší ve správním řízení, tak se přičte i překročení rychlosti. Ale když chcete obohacovat státní kasu tak prosím, pozměňujte si své RZky a nejezděte podle předpisů.
Věřím tomu že lidé jsou si vědomi trestu za toto přečiněni. Věřím tomu že jinak si polepi celou SPZ ne jen jedno číslo.
Hmmmm a jak mi správní orgán dokáže, že jsem si tu RZ upravil sám a neudělal to náhodný kolemjdoucí (nebo třeba závistivý soused) ? Aby bylo možno uložit trest, musí být prokázáno zavinění, což je v tomhle případě nemožné, jelikož žádný paragraf neukládá řidiči jezdit nehtem před každou jízdou po RZ a zkoumat jestli není něčím polepená
@@Adam-di6hl Tak to se dostáváme na úroveň mateřské školy (to já ne, to pepíček s lojzíčkem). Výhoda je, že tyhle řeči správní orgán nezajímají, zjištěné řeší s provozovatelem vozidla. Případně když tuto úpravu zjistí hlídka PČR při silniční kontrole, tak s řidičem na místě. Není to tak dávno, co jsem tuto záležitost probíral přímo v příslušníkem dopravky. Na místě bez keců za 500, v případě keců to jde do správního řízení. A řidič musí na místě uvést RZ do původního stavu. Stejně tak je zakázáno přidávat modrý pruh s emblémem EU na starý tip značky (př.: OMC 00 - 00) nebo první typy s novým označením (př.: 0S0 1234).
The best to do is to obey the law. Speed limits have a good reason.
yeah, as an excuse for not having to build or maintain quality roads.
@@scslre a narcissistic perspective
@@stefanvoss9439 you've no idea what that word means.
@@scslre of course
Or you know, drive safely?
Isto seria útil aqui no Brasil, na minha cidade em algumas rodovias existem oscilações muito bruscas dos limites de velocidade e normalmente as placas de limite de velocidade fica muito próxima do radar, quando você percebe já foi multado.
ola amigo, onde encontro este adesivo?
Também estou procurando, tem que ser na fonte da placa mercosul
What does this have to do with radar?
A onde comprar esses números milagrosos ?
Provavelmente que rouba carro usa isso, pergunta pra algum bandido ele te dá a fita de como infrigir a lei sem ser pego, meu nobre "cidadão de bem".
Me:but this is illegal
This guy:let s use real plates
Même pas en rêve……… car impossible à obtenir !
Tout est surveillé et contrôlé !!!!!!
Elle est pas belle la vie ?
Et surtout n’oubliez pas : liberté, égalité, etc……😅
Nice, what will you do against infrared camera?
IR reflects an even worse glare in a retro reflector (which is what I'm pretty sure that sticker uses)
Yose como evitar los rradar es respetando las normas de tráfico 👍
What about North America plates ?
J'ai été responsable d'une flotte de véhicule de service. A chaque amende j'ai demandé qu'on m'envoie les photos. Il y en avait toujours deux, une avec et l'autre sans flash. A mon avis ces systèmes réfléchissants sont inopérants pour la photo sans flash.
Effectivement, inopérant et en plus, si la tentative de dissimulation est prise en compte, ça coûte encore plus cher !
do photometric radars actually use flash??
Eres un Crack amigo. 😃😃😃