Treasure Carelli this brother is pussy whip and everything you said but all he do is drink beer smoke a little funk. I dont have no problem with that he's young 48 i love playing cards. Bones ooh im mad all over again i try to teach bible scriptures i go to church e ery sunday. Its getting out 1year and half. good. He's outta here ....
1. early connection and willingness to commit 2. inconsistent feelings and emotions 3. rapid deterioration of feelings 4. consistent bashing of the ex followed by defense 5. lack of concern for your feelings 6. rationing of that person's time 7. being very honest
Mine is moving too fast for such a short time, but never bashes his ex nor talks about her, cares about my feelings, is being very honest, its hard to tell sometimes
I was a rebound not too long ago, The pain hurts, but it is possible to get over it. Just love yourself enough to move on. Life is too short to be stuck on one person. Keep your heart and mind open always. I hope this will help some of y'all in the same spot I was in a few days ago.
Claire O'Mara hi ..if you wanna talk would be helpful for me ..I am in the same situation i am actually heartbroken. been dating for this wonderful guy for 2 months ..texted me all day, saying beautiful things to me (too early though ) , acting like a boyfriend ...and now he is acting like he doesn't care anymore textig not caring .i feel horrible because i love him. also he is good looking and this makes it even hard because i fell for him inside and out. but I am just discovering that i could have been his rebound .i feel angry i wanna talk to him about it .i miss his attentions
In time it gets easier. I cut him off totally and now I'm happier. It does get better I promise you. Go dating other people. I did and I'm having a much better time x
I did yeh and he wasn't over his ex. So I decided I deserved better than to be messed about. Your heart doesn't deserve it so don't waste your thoughts or tears over someone who isn't sure of their own feelings or what they want hun x
Claire O'Mara i know but what if I feel he is the one for me..he really made me feel it. .I am in pain. .we meet First time 5 years ago and he asked me out before he started dating his ex..I said no 5 years later he asked me out said yes but now horrible timing. ...I feel so bad ..he is the one for me! i started thinking i am a rebound because he said in a text he is having hard time to Close with his past relationship.
Nothing hurts more than knowing that you're just a rebound but don't feel sorry for yourself because time will come that he will realize that you're more than a rebound. The more you value yourself, the more you'll find the person who will love you truly.
I think the toughest part about going through anything is feeling that you are alone. I notice that when we talk to friends and family they always seem to tell us what they would do if it happened to them and how they wouldn't put up with this or that and the shit really just makes you feel worse and doesn't help at all. I try to keep it real and let people know that things happen to us all.
Wow, you are ON THE MONEY! I knew something was wrong with my situation when I had a bad taste about this guy's behavior! Because of your insightfulness, I learned something about myself also-and now that part of me is no more. I will NO LONGER accept the bs rebound behavior!
Undeniably true... I just ended a rebound relationship. It was short, but my ex was using me for energy to deal with his crazy relationship with his ex, who popped up at his house unannounced while I was there. He stopped her at the door and sent her by her way. I ended it immediately. I walked out peacefully and said little words. He called and texted me after stating how wonderful of a person I am. I still haven't answered. I cut off all contact. She can have him.
Yep, its possible to be a rebound 10 years after a break up. Its about how much they've healed not how much time has passed. Thanks for watching and commenting Henry, I appreciate your support.
This is so spot on!! Got myself out of a similar situation a couple of days ago, so glad i finally got to listen to my gut, roaring 'there's something wrong', from day 1. Details are unnecessary, but the guy was exhibiting the above mentioned behavior, to a t. What's more, he also tried to manipulate me into believing that it was my head playing games with me! Hey, i am a Psychologist and a Criminologist, i've been through stuff, i can see right through your lies and manipulations and put my poker face on until it's time to call your bluff. Realizing you were a rebound is hurtful, but you have to realize that it has nothing to do with who you are as a person. Basically, it had nothing to do with you, to begin with. Using people as batteries is indeed in our human nature (unfortunately), but it says nothing bad for the one being used. Forgive, forget and proceed. There are better things to do with your time. Thank you for this video. Love and inner peace to all.
Chazz, I've looked at a lot of other sites, blogs, etc. Everyone has the central idea of Rebound and its implications. However, no-one and I mean there is no-one that explains such a complicated twist to Rebounds, than you. For that I'm appreciative of you and your in-depth skills; of sharing something so unexplainable. That can only come from experience. Thank you
Recently I got into a weird relationship with this girl. My friend's told me I was nothing more but a rebound to her. But I wasn't convinced.. After watching this video, Chazz nailed Every. Single. Fucking. Point. that happened between me and this girl. And I'm really glad I got confirmation that I was really used as a rebound.. and that shit hurts Thanks again Chazz, def subbed
I'm glad you said that because a lot of people don't even know that they are using someone as a rebound they are simply trying to heal from the pain of their last relationship and someone else ends up getting hurt but that's the way life works.
I was a rebound. He warned me at the beginning and tried to cancel our first date because he said he wasn't ready to date just yet. I didn't think much of it (never dealt with someone fresh out of a relationship) and told him how much I enjoyed talking to him. He immediately reversed his decision, I guess he thought he could handle it, but he clearly wasn't ready. He never talked about his ex but I could tell he was often preoccupied. Sad part is, part of me hopes he'll come back a few months down the line and try and restart things...
Sorry to hear that man I know it sucks but really she did you a favor by keeping it real. Yea cut off the communication and if you do it right and don't seem thirsty she'll probably be begging to get back with you in the next year or so when her current situation dries up and by then you should be strong enough to do whatever you want with the situation.
Your so right in this video, my ex g/f is now in what i think is a "rebound relationship" because she's been dealing with alot of hurt over me but she dumped me and then is now so "happily in love" with the new guy. She's already posted they are gonna be "Mr. and Mrs" after only 4 weeks, just crazy. I guess it could work out but somehow in time, not dealing with healing first is gonna cause some complications.
It could work out but you have to ask yourself one do you even know what she's doing? If she was as happy as she claims the last person to know would be you because you would be blocked from everything.
UPDATE: Her so called "new found love" aka "rebound relationship" is now over. The guy was so insecure about her feelings for me, which she was evidently still holding onto and she couldn't hide it. We remained "friends" on Facebook and I was damn proud of myself that I never said a word about her new guy. We aren't officially back together as of yet, but she's in constant contact with me and yes, she has reproclaimed her love for me and was only using the guy to cover up pain, but the break up was her idea as i tried to treat her like gold, but you know women. they cycle through many emotions and find trouble where there's none to be found, then realize what they had.
BluDoves Well, this was the first time she dumped me back in 2013 and after 2 months, she then dumped him and "magically" came back, so fast forward to December, 2014 and she lined up another man that was just a "friend" and she very cooly backed away from me once again and I backed away from her and 3 weeks later, she made him the official boyfriend and it hurt, but I respected it and just bowed out but she kept texting me off and on for nearly 8 months and then then finally sent me one last message about something sexual, then when I went to respond, she had blocked me. That was in September, 2015 and she's happily with the man she dumped me for. So I have moved on and so has she. Unfortunately, she couldn't remain loyal when she was offered greener pastures, so good ridence.
It depends on how long a person can do all the right things for. Getting a chance is getting a chance. If you keep doing the right things the relationship continues. Do the wrong things the relationship is over. The new guy did enough things right for her to pick him and the old guy did enough things wrong to loose her. No one can leave the person who does all the right things that they want.
This is good insight. I know for a fact that I was someone's rebound before even though he will never admit to it. It was painful to know that I had been used but a lesson I needed to learn. I cut off all communication with this person and now I am very cautious with the men I deal with. When you end one relationship you need to figure things out and heal not jump into someone else's bed in hopes of getting over that situation. On a positive note, that situation gave me great inspiration to write and I have turned that man into my muse.
Nope I don't think so because its about moving on and if you think the person is going to call you or that you will call them then you have to make sure that you don't do that. Changing you number is a good move.
I've seen tons of those "internet gurus", but only Chazz is for real. The best. I wish I could go to a seminar, just to shake his hands, look in his eyes, and say: THANK YOU!!!!
Wow, thank you. I've been there, thank you for telling us "you just occupy their time" until they get what they really want... that sucks. Very insightful.
Yeah, because backing off gives you time to see what's real but it also puts pressure on them to look at what they have now and what they really lost. By staying with a person as a rebound you are kind of acting as a supplement for what they aren't getting from the core guy.
Dude...I love how straight forward and genuine you are. I think that in another lifetime, we would be friends. And I mean like actual friends (Not the friends with the benefits, or the friend hoping to become a wife). Thank you for taking out your time to even do these videos, and the information is enriching and actually helpful. You don't need me to say it, but Great Job!!!!
Sounds to me like you are a rebound and you know it. What you are doing now is trying to talk your brain out of the truth. When you asked me this question you already knew the answer but its your pride and your heart that has you wanting to believe that you are not a rebound. What you are going through is normal because its human nature to want to believe that things are as we want them to be. If you are having fun with this guy keep chilling with him but know that it can end any time.
Thank you I really cant even say that enough - I've been on a roller coaster from hell. I know exactly whats up. I thought I was wrong - I watched this and I know exactly whats up.
See, I believe that we know most of the answer we seek but we need an honest person to keep us from talking ourselves out of the truth. Thanks for you comment I know that it helped somebody else learn from what you went through.
hey man good thoughts for thing I would add to this: if you feel more like a therapist than a bf/gf to your S.O, ur probably a rebound. talking bout the past is one thing, but when u are constantly trying to help someone get over their ex, ur wasting ur time and theirs. get out while u can!
You forgot to mention that the partner will most likely get easily irritated. Things will be going good at first but along with that rapid decline comes irritability. You can ask the simplest question to her like ''So what did you do today?'' And shes going to blow out and become a psycho. Also lack of patience and strong apathetic behavior.
That kind of thing happens all of the time. We always know what is best for us but at the same time it is human nature to want to believe the things that we want to hear.
Absolutely brilliant! I also agree with the previous comment. Not only have I learnt about someone in my past. I also learnt some "hard to face" traits about myself. Really impressed!
brutal gut wrenching truth. love that you pointed out that a person will be forever chasing the best of what they had is leftover from the previous relationship. crazy . great vid chazz!💪✌
I think I'm in the current rebound situation because everything that's been going on matches exactly what you said but this video has honestly opened my eyes and made me feel so much better . Will definitely take your advice to cut off all communication . Thumbs up to this video !
That's why I did the video because I believe that it really helps to know why something happened and it's not like the other person is going to tell you.
wow!! very informative. I didn't realIze that I was the REBOUNDER (the one getting out of the relationship in search of someone to fill the void) Everything you described is what I've done in recent situation. You know your stuff!!
Damn I wish I'd found this much much much sooner, because this is practically a recount of what had happened. True enough, if I had found this, I wouldn't have learnt what I've learnt from the relationship... but at least now I know. Thank you!
We had an honest and a sad conversation before we stopped seeing one another because he wanted to give his ex another chance after they broke up. I really invested in the guy and all of a sudden it's "what he wanted." I wear my heart under my sleeve and I communicated how I felt and where I'm coming from, including how he made me feel like a rebound. I wonder how the person feels when you told him that he used you as a rebound? This thought is killing me after being so hurt. I deleted his number..just so I know I won't call or text him. Guhh this sucks :'-(
Hey, AskChazzEllis.......For real......I was close to getting kicked to the curb...I stumbled onto this video.....I swear to God......You showed me that I was a rebound! Now....I'm taking my time to see if this rush...rush romance will still be about it....I love you Chazz! Thank you!
Oh my goodness you just confirmed my every thought. Not one thing you said deviated. My emotional side wants to make excuses because I so badly want to contact him but you are right - I got the best at the beginning and never will again. It did end very quickly. Thanks keep up the videos!
Thanks for swhowing the light. I was the rebound ,.. I think it was more difficult to move on than a divorce three yrs ago. Thank s I finally got it. God bless
I didn't realize it then, but I know now exactly what I did, and I feel awful knowing that I made someone my rebound. I was caught up in my own emotions, and dragged someone new in. What I did was horrible, and although I have apologized, I know it doesn't fix anything, and it sure doesn't return the time invested......... Thanks for the video; it truly is great advice.
I like what you said. Rather honest. Thanks. You were able to help. I was the "core". And he is in a rebound. The quickness of pace toward commitment he went at with this new person repulses me.
Everything he said were true.. felt like shit after having to deal with this for far too long.. it really does destroy yourself from within like toxic... Im glad I get to rebuild myself up again and move on..
Damn I listened to this like 6 months ago and I was in so deep I knew I was a rebound but I couldn't actually let go. The relationship crashhheddddd and burrrrnnnnedddd so badly I literally cannot. Man I wish I had just had the strength to cut off ties way back then. It was a confusing experience to say the least. All I can do is laugh a little and be like okay dude you got me, glad I could help I guess. Ugh! What sucks about it is he got of Scott free better than he was doing when he met me and I'm the only one out of the two of us that actually got my feelings hurt. Thanks anyway for the advice you da best Chazz aloha
Well, if there were no signs that you were a rebound then you actually may not have been. Just because someone broke up with another person right before they started dating you doesn't mean that they were not completely over the other person. There could have been another reason for the break up or she may have shown signs that just weren't listed in the video but if you were a rebound there were signs. I am only telling you this to help you avoid it in the future.
you hit the nail on the head wit this one right here!!!!! I knew I was a rebound but, was looking for exactly what he gave me in the beginning! I woke up!!!! #LESSONLEARNED
such a good video with brilliant advice! I was so angry before this video about someone I was speaking too and now I feel so much calmer knowing now it can just over and done with
This video made me feel better about my situation, because I know that the girl my ex is with doesn't know she is a rebound. It will be such a horrible realization for her, that I don't have to think about revenge anymore. The video about reasons Not to take revenge really helped me. Thank you, Chazz!!!
This is amazing this dude.Before 2 months I love you..i want to be with you all the time...always calling and texting..making plans..found out he had just come out of a relationship weeks before he met me. Now he dwindled away and lost all interest. Didnt even give a reasin. Very painful. This video makes so much sense. Thanks
That could be good or a massive train wreck to be honest. You could both help each other heal or possibly just end up using each other as crutches and stay in a relationship of convenience. I would just be careful and make sure you both keep your cards on the table in plain sight.
I really liked what you said. I agree that you can tell when something is NOT right. We have been in and out of each other's life for 2 years and have known each other 14, so I didn't think I was a rebound. But he was keeping his distance and not calling or initiating and would act strange on the phone when I would call him. BIG RED FLAGS to me! So,I kept asking him leading questions and letting him know that I wasn't going to be a pin pal or someone he calls once in awhile, and eventually he told me he was dating. I thought we had been dating for 6 months. When he told me that he was dating, I CUT ALL contact with him.
Thank you so much for making this video brother! So much valuable content and I can say 100% accurate! Almost got caught up in a very similar situation but cut her loose after seeing your video. God bless you my man!
Good video man. I just recently found out I was a rebound and she just hit me w/ the "too real" and blunt honesty portion. I'm doing what you said and cutting off the communication. Sucks because I really fell in love with her. Thanks for this tho.
What's good man. Shit. Just realized this was me. She just dumped me last Saturday but trying to figure out why. She got out of a 2 year relationship, met me about a week later, had high ass feelings, progression was sic for a month than bam. It's over. All the signs your saying were there. I feel fucking used. Bullshit. Shitty thing is I got her in class. Still gotta see her. Bullshit.
" you're just energy for them and something to occupy their time" damn ....cold world but true
Treasure Carelli this brother is pussy whip and everything you said but all he do is drink beer smoke a little funk. I dont have no problem with that he's young 48 i love playing cards. Bones ooh im mad all over again i try to teach bible scriptures i go to church e ery sunday. Its getting out 1year and half. good. He's outta here ....
1. early connection and willingness to commit
2. inconsistent feelings and emotions
3. rapid deterioration of feelings
4. consistent bashing of the ex followed by defense
5. lack of concern for your feelings
6. rationing of that person's time
7. being very honest
Richard Gray what number 6 mean?
an what number 1 mean?
Richard Gray excellent I like how you summed it up
Mine is moving too fast for such a short time, but never bashes his ex nor talks about her, cares about my feelings, is being very honest, its hard to tell sometimes
Bro u just open your mouth and truth comes out
I was a rebound not too long ago, The pain hurts, but it is possible to get over it. Just love yourself enough to move on. Life is too short to be stuck on one person. Keep your heart and mind open always. I hope this will help some of y'all in the same spot I was in a few days ago.
+Andrew Lyon This was beautiful. Thank you for the positive energy :)
Thank you, Maria Urbina. Just trying to help others. That's my goal in life pretty much. :)
I'm and reading your comment right now thank you :)
Andrew Lyon so true. First we have to love ourselves.
This brought me to tears. You have mentioned everything he has done to me. It hurt but I'm doing the no contact treatment now. Wish me luck x
Claire O'Mara hi ..if you wanna talk would be helpful for me ..I am in the same situation i am actually heartbroken. been dating for this wonderful guy for 2 months ..texted me all day, saying beautiful things to me (too early though ) , acting like a boyfriend ...and now he is acting like he doesn't care anymore textig not caring .i feel horrible because i love him. also he is good looking and this makes it even hard because i fell for him inside and out. but I am just discovering that i could have been his rebound .i feel angry i wanna talk to him about it .i miss his attentions
In time it gets easier. I cut him off totally and now I'm happier. It does get better I promise you. Go dating other people. I did and I'm having a much better time x
Claire O'Mara did he ever contact you again? And also Did you ever ask for explanations? i think i deserve it after 2 months
I did yeh and he wasn't over his ex. So I decided I deserved better than to be messed about. Your heart doesn't deserve it so don't waste your thoughts or tears over someone who isn't sure of their own feelings or what they want hun x
Claire O'Mara i know but what if I feel he is the one for me..he really made me feel it. .I am in pain. .we meet First time 5 years ago and he asked me out before he started dating his ex..I said no 5 years later he asked me out said yes but now horrible timing. ...I feel so bad ..he is the one for me!
i started thinking i am a rebound because he said in a text he is having hard time to Close with his past relationship.
Nothing hurts more than knowing that you're just a rebound but don't feel sorry for yourself because time will come that he will realize that you're more than a rebound. The more you value yourself, the more you'll find the person who will love you truly.
Thank you for your comment. I really like this. I’m crying!!! Omg
I think the toughest part about going through anything is feeling that you are alone. I notice that when we talk to friends and family they always seem to tell us what they would do if it happened to them and how they wouldn't put up with this or that and the shit really just makes you feel worse and doesn't help at all. I try to keep it real and let people know that things happen to us all.
Wow, you are ON THE MONEY! I knew something was wrong with my situation when I had a bad taste about this guy's behavior!
Because of your insightfulness, I learned something about myself also-and now that part of me is no more. I will NO LONGER accept the bs rebound behavior!
He's intelligent
D**n cute too. Though too young for me.
Undeniably true... I just ended a rebound relationship. It was short, but my ex was using me for energy to deal with his crazy relationship with his ex, who popped up at his house unannounced while I was there. He stopped her at the door and sent her by her way. I ended it immediately. I walked out peacefully and said little words. He called and texted me after stating how wonderful of a person I am. I still haven't answered. I cut off all contact. She can have him.
Yeah, you can't help a person get over someone else that's just something that has to happen naturally.
Yep, its possible to be a rebound 10 years after a break up. Its about how much they've healed not how much time has passed. Thanks for watching and commenting Henry, I appreciate your support.
i want to cry after watching this video.
DjDellsky I did
I did 😭
HeyIt'sGessika me too
This is so spot on!! Got myself out of a similar situation a couple of days ago, so glad i finally got to listen to my gut, roaring 'there's something wrong', from day 1. Details are unnecessary, but the guy was exhibiting the above mentioned behavior, to a t. What's more, he also tried to manipulate me into believing that it was my head playing games with me! Hey, i am a Psychologist and a Criminologist, i've been through stuff, i can see right through your lies and manipulations and put my poker face on until it's time to call your bluff. Realizing you were a rebound is hurtful, but you have to realize that it has nothing to do with who you are as a person. Basically, it had nothing to do with you, to begin with. Using people as batteries is indeed in our human nature (unfortunately), but it says nothing bad for the one being used. Forgive, forget and proceed. There are better things to do with your time. Thank you for this video. Love and inner peace to all.
Chazz, I've looked at a lot of other sites, blogs, etc. Everyone has the central idea of Rebound and its implications. However, no-one and I mean there is no-one that explains such a complicated twist to Rebounds, than you. For that I'm appreciative of you and your in-depth skills; of sharing something so unexplainable. That can only come from experience. Thank you
Why did I not see your video 3 months ago? Would have saved me 3 months of my sanity and heart. Thanks, bless ya.
Recently I got into a weird relationship with this girl. My friend's told me I was nothing more but a rebound to her. But I wasn't convinced.. After watching this video, Chazz nailed Every. Single. Fucking. Point. that happened between me and this girl. And I'm really glad I got confirmation that I was really used as a rebound.. and that shit hurts
Thanks again Chazz, def subbed
I'm glad you said that because a lot of people don't even know that they are using someone as a rebound they are simply trying to heal from the pain of their last relationship and someone else ends up getting hurt but that's the way life works.
Wow... this just wow... you really got me thinking over here smh. This is SO true..
I was a rebound. He warned me at the beginning and tried to cancel our first date because he said he wasn't ready to date just yet. I didn't think much of it (never dealt with someone fresh out of a relationship) and told him how much I enjoyed talking to him. He immediately reversed his decision, I guess he thought he could handle it, but he clearly wasn't ready. He never talked about his ex but I could tell he was often preoccupied. Sad part is, part of me hopes he'll come back a few months down the line and try and restart things...
I feel it I just went through this.
Yes, if you cut off your ex then you should contact the girl that broke up with you and let her know that you are still interested.
So relatable even tho he's in denial about the ex......was going to cut off communication, this confirms it.
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it because that's just the cycle for people after a breakup.
Pretty sure that this video changed my whole outlook on life, from a relationship standpoint.
It can happen that way but life is 24 hours a day 365 days a year so you guys may run into each other again and things may be different.
Sorry to hear that man I know it sucks but really she did you a favor by keeping it real. Yea cut off the communication and if you do it right and don't seem thirsty she'll probably be begging to get back with you in the next year or so when her current situation dries up and by then you should be strong enough to do whatever you want with the situation.
Don't feel too bad because we all end up being on both sides of this if we know it or not.
Now see you got the right idea man make the most most out of your situation and move on when the time comes.
Your so right in this video, my ex g/f is now in what i think is a "rebound relationship" because she's been dealing with alot of hurt over me but she dumped me and then is now so "happily in love" with the new guy. She's already posted they are gonna be "Mr. and Mrs" after only 4 weeks, just crazy. I guess it could work out but somehow in time, not dealing with healing first is gonna cause some complications.
It could work out but you have to ask yourself one do you even know what she's doing? If she was as happy as she claims the last person to know would be you because you would be blocked from everything.
UPDATE: Her so called "new found love" aka "rebound relationship" is now over. The guy was so insecure about her feelings for me, which she was evidently still holding onto and she couldn't hide it. We remained "friends" on Facebook and I was damn proud of myself that I never said a word about her new guy. We aren't officially back together as of yet, but she's in constant contact with me and yes, she has reproclaimed her love for me and was only using the guy to cover up pain, but the break up was her idea as i tried to treat her like gold, but you know women. they cycle through many emotions and find trouble where there's none to be found, then realize what they had.
Well, this was the first time she dumped me back in 2013 and after 2 months, she then dumped him and "magically" came back, so fast forward to December, 2014 and she lined up another man that was just a "friend" and she very cooly backed away from me once again and I backed away from her and 3 weeks later, she made him the official boyfriend and it hurt, but I respected it and just bowed out but she kept texting me off and on for nearly 8 months and then then finally sent me one last message about something sexual, then when I went to respond, she had blocked me. That was in September, 2015 and she's happily with the man she dumped me for. So I have moved on and so has she. Unfortunately, she couldn't remain loyal when she was offered greener pastures, so good ridence.
It depends on how long a person can do all the right things for. Getting a chance is getting a chance. If you keep doing the right things the relationship continues. Do the wrong things the relationship is over. The new guy did enough things right for her to pick him and the old guy did enough things wrong to loose her. No one can leave the person who does all the right things that they want.
This is good insight. I know for a fact that I was someone's rebound before even though he will never admit to it. It was painful to know that I had been used but a lesson I needed to learn. I cut off all communication with this person and now I am very cautious with the men I deal with. When you end one relationship you need to figure things out and heal not jump into someone else's bed in hopes of getting over that situation. On a positive note, that situation gave me great inspiration to write and I have turned that man into my muse.
Nope I don't think so because its about moving on and if you think the person is going to call you or that you will call them then you have to make sure that you don't do that. Changing you number is a good move.
No problem I do whatever I can to help and thank you for your feedback.
Dang I must be a rebound. Everything you said confirmed what I was thinking
I've seen tons of those "internet gurus", but only Chazz is for real. The best. I wish I could go to a seminar, just to shake his hands, look in his eyes, and say: THANK YOU!!!!
Wow, thank you. I've been there, thank you for telling us "you just occupy their time" until they get what they really want... that sucks. Very insightful.
Yeah, because backing off gives you time to see what's real but it also puts pressure on them to look at what they have now and what they really lost. By staying with a person as a rebound you are kind of acting as a supplement for what they aren't getting from the core guy.
Dude...I love how straight forward and genuine you are. I think that in another lifetime, we would be friends. And I mean like actual friends (Not the friends with the benefits, or the friend hoping to become a wife). Thank you for taking out your time to even do these videos, and the information is enriching and actually helpful. You don't need me to say it, but Great Job!!!!
Yeah, but knowing helps you heal.
Sounds to me like you are a rebound and you know it. What you are doing now is trying to talk your brain out of the truth. When you asked me this question you already knew the answer but its your pride and your heart that has you wanting to believe that you are not a rebound. What you are going through is normal because its human nature to want to believe that things are as we want them to be. If you are having fun with this guy keep chilling with him but know that it can end any time.
Thank you I really cant even say that enough - I've been on a roller coaster from hell. I know exactly whats up. I thought I was wrong - I watched this and I know exactly whats up.
See, I believe that we know most of the answer we seek but we need an honest person to keep us from talking ourselves out of the truth. Thanks for you comment I know that it helped somebody else learn from what you went through.
hey man good thoughts for thing I would add to this: if you feel more like a therapist than a bf/gf to your S.O, ur probably a rebound. talking bout the past is one thing, but when u are constantly trying to help someone get over their ex, ur wasting ur time and theirs. get out while u can!
You forgot to mention that the partner will most likely get easily irritated. Things will be going good at first but along with that rapid decline comes irritability. You can ask the simplest question to her like ''So what did you do today?'' And shes going to blow out and become a psycho. Also lack of patience and strong apathetic behavior.
Thank you and thank you for all the positive feedback on my vids, I notice it and really do appreciate your support.
thank you and you explained it in a way where I feel empowered by the information instead of feeling played and rejected.
That kind of thing happens all of the time. We always know what is best for us but at the same time it is human nature to want to believe the things that we want to hear.
Absolutely brilliant! I also agree with the previous comment. Not only have I learnt about someone in my past. I also learnt some "hard to face" traits about myself. Really impressed!
brutal gut wrenching truth. love that you pointed out that a person will be forever chasing the best of what they had is leftover from the previous relationship. crazy . great vid chazz!💪✌
I think I'm in the current rebound situation because everything that's been going on matches exactly what you said but this video has honestly opened my eyes and made me feel so much better . Will definitely take your advice to cut off all communication . Thumbs up to this video !
Thank you so much. This hurt but it helped and I really appreciate the well versed manner in which you spoke.
No problem, I'm glad I could help.
you make my eyes opened that i am a rebound... because what you just shared in this video are truly right and happening to me... omg.. thanks to you.
That's why I did the video because I believe that it really helps to know why something happened and it's not like the other person is going to tell you.
Wow, askchazzellis has THE BEST relationship advice on TH-cam, period.
fucking just realized I'm a rebound mg emotions are all fucked up now
yup! hardest thing is to realize when it's gone it's gone but once you do realize that, life gets so much easier! Moving on is hard but its important.
wow!! very informative. I didn't realIze that I was the REBOUNDER (the one getting out of the relationship in search of someone to fill the void) Everything you described is what I've done in recent situation. You know your stuff!!
Damn I wish I'd found this much much much sooner, because this is practically a recount of what had happened. True enough, if I had found this, I wouldn't have learnt what I've learnt from the relationship... but at least now I know. Thank you!
We had an honest and a sad conversation before we stopped seeing one another because he wanted to give his ex another chance after they broke up. I really invested in the guy and all of a sudden it's "what he wanted." I wear my heart under my sleeve and I communicated how I felt and where I'm coming from, including how he made me feel like a rebound. I wonder how the person feels when you told him that he used you as a rebound? This thought is killing me after being so hurt. I deleted his number..just so I know I won't call or text him. Guhh this sucks :'-(
I found out I was a rebound too fucking late like one child and four years later late. Now I feel really fucked up
No problem man and I appreciate the positive feedback bro.
Hey, AskChazzEllis.......For real......I was close to getting kicked to the curb...I stumbled onto this video.....I swear to God......You showed me that I was a rebound! Now....I'm taking my time to see if this rush...rush romance will still be about it....I love you Chazz! Thank you!
Damn! You have just confirmed exactly what I have been thinking lately. Everything you said is exactly as it has happened.
Bro!! You intellect on this subject is on point. Somtimes the truth is within us it just takes hearing it from someone else confirms it thankz dude.
:=] yup.
Very well put.
I will thanks. Isn't it funny how we know something but it takes someone else to say it before we can really believe the truth?
Oh my goodness you just confirmed my every thought. Not one thing you said deviated. My emotional side wants to make excuses because I so badly want to contact him but you are right - I got the best at the beginning and never will again. It did end very quickly. Thanks keep up the videos!
Thanks for swhowing the light. I was the rebound ,.. I think it was more difficult to move on than a divorce three yrs ago. Thank s I finally got it. God bless
I didn't realize it then, but I know now exactly what I did, and I feel awful knowing that I made someone my rebound. I was caught up in my own emotions, and dragged someone new in. What I did was horrible, and although I have apologized, I know it doesn't fix anything, and it sure doesn't return the time invested......... Thanks for the video; it truly is great advice.
No prob, I'm glad that I could help.
I like what you said. Rather honest. Thanks. You were able to help. I was the "core". And he is in a rebound. The quickness of pace toward commitment he went at with this new person repulses me. are so right......Chazz is intelligent/well-spoken and a Life saver!
Everything he said were true.. felt like shit after having to deal with this for far too long.. it really does destroy yourself from within like toxic... Im glad I get to rebuild myself up again and move on..
Damn I listened to this like 6 months ago and I was in so deep I knew I was a rebound but I couldn't actually let go. The relationship crashhheddddd and burrrrnnnnedddd so badly I literally cannot. Man I wish I had just had the strength to cut off ties way back then. It was a confusing experience to say the least. All I can do is laugh a little and be like okay dude you got me, glad I could help I guess. Ugh! What sucks about it is he got of Scott free better than he was doing when he met me and I'm the only one out of the two of us that actually got my feelings hurt. Thanks anyway for the advice you da best Chazz aloha
Well, if there were no signs that you were a rebound then you actually may not have been. Just because someone broke up with another person right before they started dating you doesn't mean that they were not completely over the other person. There could have been another reason for the break up or she may have shown signs that just weren't listed in the video but if you were a rebound there were signs. I am only telling you this to help you avoid it in the future.
you hit the nail on the head wit this one right here!!!!! I knew I was a rebound but, was looking for exactly what he gave me in the beginning! I woke up!!!! #LESSONLEARNED
This really makes sense. Looked this subject up because I was tired of being a rebound. This certainly ,makes sense. Thanks
You're brilliant! Love your no nonsense, straightforward, & funny sense of communicating! :)
such a good video with brilliant advice! I was so angry before this video about someone I was speaking too and now I feel so much calmer knowing now it can just over and done with
I'm sorry you're going through it but at least now you do know.
So much wisdom! I cried after watching and it's overwhelming info knowing but definitely useful. 💯❤️
Chazz, have you ever thought about doing counseling? I'm serious ;-) you have some wisdom in your insight and I for one appreciate it. Thank you!
This video made me feel better about my situation, because I know that the girl my ex is with doesn't know she is a rebound. It will be such a horrible realization for her, that I don't have to think about revenge anymore. The video about reasons Not to take revenge really helped me. Thank you, Chazz!!!
This is amazing this dude.Before 2 months I love you..i want to be with you all the time...always calling and texting..making plans..found out he had just come out of a relationship weeks before he met me. Now he dwindled away and lost all interest. Didnt even give a reasin. Very painful. This video makes so much sense. Thanks
i asked him and he said "your the only one that listens to me mostly and you don't ask me for much i guess." what the hell is that?
joan baczek ewww, lazy man. did you kick him to the curb?
joan baczek your easy to manipulate
That could be good or a massive train wreck to be honest. You could both help each other heal or possibly just end up using each other as crutches and stay in a relationship of convenience. I would just be careful and make sure you both keep your cards on the table in plain sight.
Mate you just hit the nail on the head
you have a very wise head on young shoulders keep up the great work
No, thank you that is exactly why I do this and when you tell me that I help you it makes me feel like I'm doing my job. Thanks
No prob and I'm glad I could help.
Well, at least now you know for sure.
I really liked what you said. I agree that you can tell when something is NOT right. We have been in and out of each other's life for 2 years and have known each other 14, so I didn't think I was a rebound. But he was keeping his distance and not calling or initiating and would act strange on the phone when I would call him. BIG RED FLAGS to me!
So,I kept asking him leading questions and letting him know that I wasn't going to be a pin pal or someone he calls once in awhile, and eventually he told me he was dating. I thought we had been dating for 6 months. When he told me that he was dating, I CUT ALL contact with him.
Depends on how long and what they are coming back with. Watch 7 signs you are a rebound pt2 I think that will help you.
Thank you so much for making this video brother! So much valuable content and I can say 100% accurate! Almost got caught up in a very similar situation but cut her loose after seeing your video. God bless you my man!
It's always possible especially if the signs are there.
Good video man. I just recently found out I was a rebound and she just hit me w/ the "too real" and blunt honesty portion. I'm doing what you said and cutting off the communication. Sucks because I really fell in love with her. Thanks for this tho.
This channel deserves soooo many more subs
Real talk! Even Steve Harvey couldn't break it down this well!
your video makes the most sense and seems the most realistic of all the ones i have viewed. Your a smart man.
You are so welcome. We appreciate that you are so real. In all my life; I've never learned so much about Love and Relationships. Than I have from you.
What's good man. Shit. Just realized this was me. She just dumped me last Saturday but trying to figure out why. She got out of a 2 year relationship, met me about a week later, had high ass feelings, progression was sic for a month than bam. It's over. All the signs your saying were there. I feel fucking used. Bullshit. Shitty thing is I got her in class. Still gotta see her. Bullshit.