Cool Video! Because it is imporant that the guy who is receiving the massage is as relaxed as possible, we usually use a method where the guy receiving the massage is laying on the ground in a relaxed way and his friends kick him from all sides. Super relaxing!
I mean, every time you punch him, you're causing him to tense up every muscle to keep stable so... This is basically just wanting an on-site massage with no intimacy.
Cool Video! Because it is imporant that the guy who is receiving the massage is as relaxed as possible, we usually use a method where the guy receiving the massage is laying on the ground in a relaxed way and his friends kick him from all sides. Super relaxing!
More of this please
It seem relaxing
Good job
Thank you.
I mean, every time you punch him, you're causing him to tense up every muscle to keep stable so...
This is basically just wanting an on-site massage with no intimacy.
чел в подворотне отбивает почки...
это массаж!
This is like Russian Systema Massage.
Without the plexus punches. The point of this massage is to feel good and relax, not to practice breathing while being uncomfortable.
You just want a free massage