I really like Helga's whammying actually -- on some notes it sounds like a chiptune vibrato, and on others like that part of a damaged VHS where the screen starts rolling upward lmao
This is really cool, because as long as we can find the optimal star power path and the optimal squeezes, it's possible to use Helga to experimentally determine the highest possible score for any song. That's awesome.
It's really cool to know exactly how the timing window mechanics work in this game. I have a hard time playing because my computer's audio delay is over 200ms and I can't account for that, so I'm stuck with Phase Shift! It would be cool to see someone do a similar analysis on Phase Shift's mechanics, but I understand that binaries are hard to sort through. Massive respect for the work you've done on GH3.
cool as hell man.... god damn im tellin you! you could really be the pannenkoek2012 of guitar hero you just gotta make more explanation videos like the two hour long song video and you are golden!! your knowledge of the inner code behind the game is very interesting! identical reasons to why pannenkoek is so interesting, he's got an insane level of knowledge about super mario 64 you already seem like the go to expert for gh so there we go haha build up your channel friend! I wanna see you at the top
There's a bit more stuff going on in Super Mario 64 that you can go over than with this game. I have a few quirky things I'd like to make videos of though such as gray notes, things that crash the game, and odd little quirks about the game that are surprising but not really worth an entire video.
So what the heck is the 200ms bug? Also, this is awesome to finally see, thanks for all the info you put into the description, I'm totally convinced that this is the highest possible score. Also thanks for explaining why the slowhero path squeezes aren't all possible.
Oh btw, very small and practically unnecessary detail, but it'd be cool to see one of these done with flames. Just makes the end squeezes clearer, with the blue flames over normal flames.
I do not have much information about it but it has to do with abusing video calibration to get otherwise impossible squeezes. It's what people use to get first place on Closer.
When using 200ms, if you hit certain notes early (or late, can't remember), they won't be registered as part of the SP phrase or something like that (that's clearly not exactly what's happening but meh). It lets you overlap SP phrases up to the very last note of the phrase.
natsu dragneel I know, it's meant to get the highest possible score by looking for the most amount of notes in the quickest time period that it can fit it into, just saying tho, I've only made it to 30% on this and ima be practicing later lol
Quicksilvur has a suggestion to try and get 1M: The activation in Bridge 2 should happen a little later, about halfway through the sustain in Synth Death before the sweeps. This way you can have a full activation when opposed to Bridge 2 which is only about half-full, though activated early because of the star power on the trills before Grinding Scales 1. This has the potential to get a 1,000,188, if not about 999,900-something. Seems promising. But there's a problem. The full activation on Grinding Scales 2 was a full SP phrase, and we can't do that now as we'd only have about half-full Star Power, yielding half the amount of points we'd usually get in the optimal run, and we don't activate here. This brings our score down to 982,855. Yikes. BUT... there is a small glimmer of hope. You'd save the Star Power up to the "pac-man noise" before Herman's Solo, where you will have a FULL SP meter. Herman's Solo normally gives you 25,200 points in a normal run (because you didn't activate here in the first place). Let's say Herman's Solo will get you 35,000-odd points with full star power, because there are small gaps between the orange walls and sustains. 982,855 + 35,000 = 1,017,855 Not that anybody will try it since the only thing anyone plays anymore is Clone Hero, and I'm sure faults with this theory will be found anyways, but I thought I'd mention it regardless.
That wouldn't work because in Herman's solo, assuming your math, if you normally get 25,200 points but could get 35,000 with a full star power bonus, then the difference between a normal Herman's solo and full star power Herman's solo is 9,800 points (35,000 - 25,200 = 9,800), so the extra bonus is only about 9,800 points, not the full 35,000. Adding 35,000 points to the 982,855 you mentioned you'd get with that method is assuming that the person scored 982,855 points without performing Herman's solo at all which is not possible. Theoretically you could get a similar score on that method vs the bots method since 982,855 + 9,800 = 992,655, but probably can't get anything higher than that.
Mind pointing out which squeezes you think haven't been hit? Because I remember dan having hit some absurd squeezes for a possible 991k+ (including the twin act)
Lost Inside, Lost Within and Twin Solo. If I see a video I will rescind my statement but I have a hard time believing the twin solo activation can be done by a human. Even accounting for luck and trying over and over hitting the full squeeze sounds extremely unlikely on a console locked at 60.
You'll have to take dan's words for twin since there's no video, can't blame anyone for doubting it though. You might be right about Lost Inside, Lost Within, I've only seen people go for the green strum but if it's anything like the intro activation then it might have been done.
Andrew Hooven it’s when you wait as late as possible, until a note is past the strum line, activate SP and still hit the note just hit it late, and when SP is ending, you hit the last note as early as possible, giving 1-2 extra notes in SP
Maybe also checking if late whammying gives more or less whammy depending on the song. Same old song and dance is rumored to give more whammy when late whammied. Maybe it's when the bpm changes from measure to measure, which push the chord in a measure where less whammy is cut. (The .25 whammy cut is always calculated on the first meas of the song. So if the first meas is 60BPM, and a whammy sustain is in 120BPM, .25s of the whammy will be cut instead of the .125 it shouldve been.)
shit, i've already spent my "proof that whammying gives more points" joke on the other video =( that aside, this is great, the timing window info may be helpful if anyone wants to make an extremely accurate GH3 clone (or full band clone with GH3 timing window support)
I remember playing around with activations ending in ticks (like the So Far Away 1 and Bridge 1 activations here) and finding that there was a 'parity' to it, so hitting the ending sustain as early as possible may not be optimal. See here: www.scorehero.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1710900/. Unfortunately I don't know much about it, so I can't rule out whether it could get an extra tick or two in TTFAF.
Ticks in guitar hero 3 are nondeterministic because they use floats up until the point where you hit the whole note. If you got INCREDIBLY lucky you might get enough floating point errors to get a tick early but I doubt it would be enough in any non contrived song. The scoreboard doesn't update every frame. The point in that thread about ticks only going up in two is wrong in that regard. That's just a visual bug. Here's the code responsible for calculating a hold note's score. At high frame rates I think most of the things you pointed out should approach 0 but I don't completely understand what people are testing exactly in that thread as "ticks" is a somewhat ambiguous term to me. The decompiler output isn't perfect but it should be enough to understand what is going on. pastebin.com/bWPxYh43
I think it can be higher than that. Helga thinks that at the outro, the double notes at 7:29 are more points than the part at 7:36, because the trill goes on after star power is over. If the double notes are worth more, why did Helga miss 3 of those in favor of the trill? If the trill is worth more, why not activate later to catch the entire trill?
Because it doesn't matter since the ending squeeze happens in the "trill" part regardless. Helga could more or less activate anywhere in the two note chords as long as starpower still ran out in the "trill" part. The three skipped chords is just a quirk of whatever algorithm was used to calculate the "optimal" path eight years ago or so. It makes no difference in the end.
Indeed, as ExileLord said. If you watch closely, the double notes occur half as often as the trills. This is why it's doesn't matter as long as you get the squeeze properly when in the double notes you activate. To explain further: A note in GH is 50 points, times your multiplier (which is doubled during starpower, so all of the values given would be doubled during the starpower activation). The double notes (two note chords) are worth 50 points times two (since two notes in the chord), times four multiplier, or 400 points. The trills, being single notes, are 50 points times four, or 200 points. However, they are twice as frequent, so over the same timespan, you have the same amount of points (either a two note chord for 400 or two single notes for 400). Therefore, changing the time of the activation - so long as he gets the squeezes he needs - doesn't matter, since you're either removing a double note and adding two single notes or removing two single notes and adding a double note, which is the same amount of points in the end. It looks weird but when you do the math it adds up properly.
I like to name things after cartoon characters because I am a child. It's at least better than my friend who names his servers after pokemon he thinks are hot.
At 3:31 it didn't look like the bot got the triple chord in star power. Could just be my eyes but that would cost some points. I paused right before it hit the triple chord and SP cuts off.
ExileLord yeah it gets the 1200 for sure but just doesn't hit the note before it cuts off lol. It seemed to cut right before the last note before the triple chord. Still cool it got it tho. That's a hell of a bot.
Unlike GH2, GH3 won't destroy gems before they hit the "nowbar" unless they are somehow missed before reaching it. It does hit the note but the gems won't be destroyed early.
The slowdown (if this is what I think you're talking about) is from a mismatch between the highway's position and the audio's position. I don't know a whole lot about this though so I can't say.
Yeah, it's about the audio calibration. Unlike on console, the PC port basically slowdown the fretboard until it syncs with the audio which is retarded. That's why I think adding 200ms of delay at the start could be a potential fix since that's the maximum audio calibration.
i was thinking of something, is it possible to hit more notes with the star power if you use a kind of abuse of the hit window. for example, delaying a little bit the first notes and hit earlier the last ones ? is there a difference between score of a perfect hit note and a bad hit note ?
Will this be a thing in the next GH3+ release? Or are you planning on keeping the stock bot where the score resets every second? This would be a great way for charters to find out what the best possible score players can get for their custom charts.
I do not know if this will be better but I feel the activation at 4 minutes could be held until just before you pickup the next star power on the held chords, them use the wammy to maintain max star power into the keyboard sweep at 4.20. However the next activation will miss a SP pickup, and I do not know if the score would be better overall, ir would be great if you could find out Exile even though it must be a ball ache
Squeezing is abusing the timing window to hit more notes under starpower. If starpower lasted 2 seconds for example but two notes were 2.2 seconds apart, you could still hit both under star power by hitting the first note late and the last note early.
ExileLord oh thank you so much that makes sense now. and i'm assuming hammer ons are notes that aren't strummed? also has there been any improvements found?
Hammer ons are notes that are not strummed. In the video they are the notes that have a white glow on top of them. I do not know what you are talking about regarding improvements though. If I thought there was room for improvement in this score I wouldn't have claimed it was optimal.
ExileLord i know i'm not trying to insult you, i just wish a million was possible ): i wouldn't insult you. what you do takes skill, brains, and genius which i do not have. you did an outstanding job also thank you for informing me about all the terms (:
I may be totally wrong here but I always thought that using the whammy bar gives you more points and when used on a long note with a start it also gives you more star power. Am I right or wrong I would like to know because if I am right then there needs to be a whammy bar added into the bot for even more points.
The bot whammies every note as I mentioned in the description. Helga doesn't whammy all the way down though as that would make an incredibly obnoxious sound throughout the video. Also the game running at such a high frame rate makes the whammy "wibbles" travel a lot faster than they would on a console so it can be somewhat hard to see. Whammy does not give you more points but it does give you more starpower, yes.
ExileLord is it possible to whammy fast enough to immediately fill the star power bar, giving you more possible activations, or is star power from sustains independent of the speed at which a person whammies.
No. Whammy is either "the player is whammying" or "the player is not whammying". It doesn't give starpower faster depending on the rate. If it did the starpower meter would fill instantly because Helga is whammying at a rate far faster than any human is capable of.
You would be wrong. Those chords are worth just as much as that little tapping section at 7:37. Your activation would also take you past the tapping section into the slow notes at the end which is throwing away more points.
Isn’t this score exclusive to 1000 FPS though? 60 FPS BOT optimal should be 400 less than this. Can you confirm this is true? Because you don’t get whammy on the first frame of a sustain ever in GH3, so at 1000 FPS every sustain you whammy you get somewhere between 0.1 and 16≅ ms more SP whammy than at 60 FPS. That twin solo act is two notes more than what a triple squeeze is on console/60 FPS, because of the multiple short sustains to whammy.
I haven't seen what easy expert changes exactly but even with generous calculations before it wasn't enough to get past one million. Unless it changes the split threshold you still wouldn't be able to squeeze more than halfway past the current note anyways regardless so really you'd only be expanding the front window a little.
Here you go babe __asm { test ebp, ebp; // Check if we have a pointer for frets jz DONE; mov ecx, ebx; // Move guitar frets into ecx call fretInputTakeover; // Get bot frets mov [ebp], eax; // Store bot frets DONE: jmp returnAddress; }
Yeah. That will be the next video. I actually need to fix a bug in Helga because she gets confused at the first part of the song with the tap note chords and then stops hitting notes entirely.
just went back and watched IamChris4Life's original video on the "First ever FC" which he scored 987786, just over 4k shy of what this squeezing bot was capable of. I'm honestly not sure if I buy it.
i believe he meant other charts of the same song. this is just a guess, i didnt test anything, but i don't think you can get 1 mil on any of the official charts (maybe RB4's? idk). one can probably get it on GHX X's chart of it though (or another custom) paths would need to be remade for GH3 tho, since it doesnt have overlapping starpower like GH:SH, RB3 or RB4.
PixelBuster04 ahh, that makes more sense. I wasnt aware there was a difference in how the engines worked for overdrive. Thank you for clearing things uo and i appologise for sounding stupid
I uploaded a video of a bot getting the "top score" a week ago before but this one is higher than that. Also I've improved the bot and I don't think a higher score is possible so I figured I decided to "redo" the video. Unlike the last video, Helga's timing is now perfect.
Clone Hero has different mechanics. The difference in theoretical scores between GH2 and GH3 for example is over 6000 points. Clone Hero has overlapping starpower which allows for even more significant differences.
One thing I thought about was... If someone *cough* you *cough* made a plugin for overlapping SP phrases, would it theoretically be possible to get a score over 1.000.000?
Overlapping SP phrases would likely make getting 1,000,000 trivial. I'm not sure why the muted guitar track happens. I have only seen the game ever try to set the volume of the track to 0 or 100 so I don't know how it gets these weird in between values.
How about a small plugin that forces the game to set the volume always to 100, no matter what. I think that more people are more annoyed by the fact that the guitar track is sometimes silent even when you are hitting notes than that its not when you dont.
If I really wanted to I could do worse than what you see here in regards to making it look human. With that said, this is just a toy I made for myself and I have no intention to give this to people. I just wanted to make a bot that's better than everyone else at the game.
kinda glad 1 million isn't possible or that would actually be the worst meme imaginable for GH. "yo but you should get 1 million on TTFAF"
Actually it can become a meme since it's impossible
Clone Hero:
Hello There :)
that 998k Randyladyman got was amazing though.
Instead, we have "yo FC Soulless 4 & 5"
inb4 Helga is actually Danny without a face cam
Ah, but Helga is playing with Hyperspeed!
ExileLord lmao
Actually i think randyladyman and acai would both beat danny
@@ExileLord Danny without hyperspeed is deliberately limiting his skill so others have a chance
busts an almost 10 year old myth that 1 mil is possible
I really like Helga's whammying actually -- on some notes it sounds like a chiptune vibrato, and on others like that part of a damaged VHS where the screen starts rolling upward lmao
@[GMD] MatriX late reply but on long notes if you wham it gives star power
*on long SP notes
yes, it's situational
This is really cool, because as long as we can find the optimal star power path and the optimal squeezes, it's possible to use Helga to experimentally determine the highest possible score for any song. That's awesome.
stop lying you kidnapped beberle2 and let him play
Haven't heard that name in a long time. Kid's 18 now.
holy shit is he?
+ExileLord Ben beberle2 Eberle will always be 9 in our hearts
lol, beberle2, times when games was released, good old times damn
It's really cool to know exactly how the timing window mechanics work in this game. I have a hard time playing because my computer's audio delay is over 200ms and I can't account for that, so I'm stuck with Phase Shift! It would be cool to see someone do a similar analysis on Phase Shift's mechanics, but I understand that binaries are hard to sort through. Massive respect for the work you've done on GH3.
cool as hell man....
god damn im tellin you! you could really be the pannenkoek2012 of guitar hero
you just gotta make more explanation videos like the two hour long song video and you are golden!! your knowledge of the inner code behind the game is very interesting! identical reasons to why pannenkoek is so interesting, he's got an insane level of knowledge about super mario 64
you already seem like the go to expert for gh so there we go haha
build up your channel friend! I wanna see you at the top
There's a bit more stuff going on in Super Mario 64 that you can go over than with this game. I have a few quirky things I'd like to make videos of though such as gray notes, things that crash the game, and odd little quirks about the game that are surprising but not really worth an entire video.
Talk about parallel universes and then build up speed for over 12 hours.
So what the heck is the 200ms bug? Also, this is awesome to finally see, thanks for all the info you put into the description, I'm totally convinced that this is the highest possible score. Also thanks for explaining why the slowhero path squeezes aren't all possible.
Oh btw, very small and practically unnecessary detail, but it'd be cool to see one of these done with flames. Just makes the end squeezes clearer, with the blue flames over normal flames.
I do not have much information about it but it has to do with abusing video calibration to get otherwise impossible squeezes. It's what people use to get first place on Closer.
When using 200ms, if you hit certain notes early (or late, can't remember), they won't be registered as part of the SP phrase or something like that (that's clearly not exactly what's happening but meh). It lets you overlap SP phrases up to the very last note of the phrase.
and here i am just trying to build up to a pass on this song
well this is a bot that presses the notes exactly when they ment to be pressed at least i think thats what he means by helga bot
natsu dragneel I know, it's meant to get the highest possible score by looking for the most amount of notes in the quickest time period that it can fit it into, just saying tho, I've only made it to 30% on this and ima be practicing later lol
natsu draneel it presses them at the earliest possible time during star power and it hits them on point when not
Soullix did you pass it yet?😂i can only 5 star it
@@wqaixd oh fuck off dude
Quicksilvur has a suggestion to try and get 1M:
The activation in Bridge 2 should happen a little later, about halfway through the sustain in Synth Death before the sweeps. This way you can have a full activation when opposed to Bridge 2 which is only about half-full, though activated early because of the star power on the trills before Grinding Scales 1.
This has the potential to get a 1,000,188, if not about 999,900-something.
Seems promising. But there's a problem.
The full activation on Grinding Scales 2 was a full SP phrase, and we can't do that now as we'd only have about half-full Star Power, yielding half the amount of points we'd usually get in the optimal run, and we don't activate here.
This brings our score down to 982,855. Yikes.
BUT... there is a small glimmer of hope. You'd save the Star Power up to the "pac-man noise" before Herman's Solo, where you will have a FULL SP meter. Herman's Solo normally gives you 25,200 points in a normal run (because you didn't activate here in the first place). Let's say Herman's Solo will get you 35,000-odd points with full star power, because there are small gaps between the orange walls and sustains.
982,855 + 35,000 = 1,017,855
Not that anybody will try it since the only thing anyone plays anymore is Clone Hero, and I'm sure faults with this theory will be found anyways, but I thought I'd mention it regardless.
That wouldn't work because in Herman's solo, assuming your math, if you normally get 25,200 points but could get 35,000 with a full star power bonus, then the difference between a normal Herman's solo and full star power Herman's solo is 9,800 points (35,000 - 25,200 = 9,800), so the extra bonus is only about 9,800 points, not the full 35,000. Adding 35,000 points to the 982,855 you mentioned you'd get with that method is assuming that the person scored 982,855 points without performing Herman's solo at all which is not possible. Theoretically you could get a similar score on that method vs the bots method since 982,855 + 9,800 = 992,655, but probably can't get anything higher than that.
I didn't do the work so don't blame me for any errors
@@courtemanche437 Oh no you're not to blame. The person who came up with the idea was wrong lol.
Oh OK haha
Mind pointing out which squeezes you think haven't been hit? Because I remember dan having hit some absurd squeezes for a possible 991k+ (including the twin act)
Lost Inside, Lost Within and Twin Solo. If I see a video I will rescind my statement but I have a hard time believing the twin solo activation can be done by a human. Even accounting for luck and trying over and over hitting the full squeeze sounds extremely unlikely on a console locked at 60.
You'll have to take dan's words for twin since there's no video, can't blame anyone for doubting it though. You might be right about Lost Inside, Lost Within, I've only seen people go for the green strum but if it's anything like the intro activation then it might have been done.
Sounds pretty fair to me.
Wth are squeezes
Andrew Hooven it’s when you wait as late as possible, until a note is past the strum line, activate SP and still hit the note just hit it late, and when SP is ending, you hit the last note as early as possible, giving 1-2 extra notes in SP
Maybe also checking if late whammying gives more or less whammy depending on the song. Same old song and dance is rumored to give more whammy when late whammied. Maybe it's when the bpm changes from measure to measure, which push the chord in a measure where less whammy is cut. (The .25 whammy cut is always calculated on the first meas of the song. So if the first meas is 60BPM, and a whammy sustain is in 120BPM, .25s of the whammy will be cut instead of the .125 it shouldve been.)
shit, i've already spent my "proof that whammying gives more points" joke on the other video =(
that aside, this is great, the timing window info may be helpful if anyone wants to make an extremely accurate GH3 clone (or full band clone with GH3 timing window support)
GoulartGH I've already been altering Moonscraper's timing window based on this info and its been feeling a lot more like GH3 because of it.
does it include the "infinite" front-end window for ho/pos? (as in not checking for new input, just if fret is held within the timing window)
GoulartGH Yeah, it's had that for a while.
it's funny to think about that as an Intended Feature rather than a mistake in the code or design (which it probably was on GH3)
i love how unorthodox most of the star power pathing seems to be
I remember playing around with activations ending in ticks (like the So Far Away 1 and Bridge 1 activations here) and finding that there was a 'parity' to it, so hitting the ending sustain as early as possible may not be optimal. See here: www.scorehero.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1710900/. Unfortunately I don't know much about it, so I can't rule out whether it could get an extra tick or two in TTFAF.
Ticks in guitar hero 3 are nondeterministic because they use floats up until the point where you hit the whole note. If you got INCREDIBLY lucky you might get enough floating point errors to get a tick early but I doubt it would be enough in any non contrived song.
The scoreboard doesn't update every frame. The point in that thread about ticks only going up in two is wrong in that regard. That's just a visual bug.
Here's the code responsible for calculating a hold note's score. At high frame rates I think most of the things you pointed out should approach 0 but I don't completely understand what people are testing exactly in that thread as "ticks" is a somewhat ambiguous term to me. The decompiler output isn't perfect but it should be enough to understand what is going on.
I think it can be higher than that.
Helga thinks that at the outro, the double notes at 7:29 are more points than the part at 7:36, because the trill goes on after star power is over.
If the double notes are worth more, why did Helga miss 3 of those in favor of the trill?
If the trill is worth more, why not activate later to catch the entire trill?
Because it doesn't matter since the ending squeeze happens in the "trill" part regardless. Helga could more or less activate anywhere in the two note chords as long as starpower still ran out in the "trill" part. The three skipped chords is just a quirk of whatever algorithm was used to calculate the "optimal" path eight years ago or so. It makes no difference in the end.
Indeed, as ExileLord said. If you watch closely, the double notes occur half as often as the trills. This is why it's doesn't matter as long as you get the squeeze properly when in the double notes you activate. To explain further:
A note in GH is 50 points, times your multiplier (which is doubled during starpower, so all of the values given would be doubled during the starpower activation). The double notes (two note chords) are worth 50 points times two (since two notes in the chord), times four multiplier, or 400 points. The trills, being single notes, are 50 points times four, or 200 points. However, they are twice as frequent, so over the same timespan, you have the same amount of points (either a two note chord for 400 or two single notes for 400). Therefore, changing the time of the activation - so long as he gets the squeezes he needs - doesn't matter, since you're either removing a double note and adding two single notes or removing two single notes and adding a double note, which is the same amount of points in the end.
It looks weird but when you do the math it adds up properly.
Habreno cool, that was my main doubt with the video, i didn't think both parts made as much points per second, so it doesn't matter.
What made you choose the name HelgaBot?
juli7xxxxx Its his mom's name.
I like to name things after cartoon characters because I am a child. It's at least better than my friend who names his servers after pokemon he thinks are hot.
Whats the name of one of his servers?
ExileLord it's a pretty hot pokemon
damn, I always hoped a million was possible :(
same here
It was quite clear that a million on TTFAF would never be possible
Deadtoads not back when the game was new
Deadtoads Even after release and all it was known that 998k would be possible for a human, so a bot made the chance a bit better for the million
We've known for years that this wasn't possible lmao
Can you run One too? And check if the Closer squeeze is possible?
It's crazy how the optimal score past b2 is 501.6k and people have gotten as high as 501.3k in the past.
this is really impressive, nice work!
+ExileLord What Recording Software Do You Use To Record Your GH3 Footage ?
OBS and on rare occasions Fraps.
I'll repeat what I said on the other Helga TTFAF video:
Optimal Score.
Uncreativity Is Key To Survival ?
is this an attempt at being funny
the579GH - bad at alt tapping
no. I'm just repeating myself, no humour here
At 3:31 it didn't look like the bot got the triple chord in star power. Could just be my eyes but that would cost some points. I paused right before it hit the triple chord and SP cuts off.
9:00. If it is too close for you to see you can look at the score. A three note chord under starpower is worth 1200 points at a 4x multiplier.
ExileLord yeah it gets the 1200 for sure but just doesn't hit the note before it cuts off lol. It seemed to cut right before the last note before the triple chord. Still cool it got it tho. That's a hell of a bot.
Unlike GH2, GH3 won't destroy gems before they hit the "nowbar" unless they are somehow missed before reaching it. It does hit the note but the gems won't be destroyed early.
ill be happy with a ttfaf pass
Ukog has serious competition
Is 1000000 possible on clone hero with the being able to get more star power while in star power thing?
This is absolutely incredible.
Btw a little irrelevant but regarding the practice mode slowdown, wouldn't it be "easy" to fix by adding 200ms delay before sections start?
The slowdown (if this is what I think you're talking about) is from a mismatch between the highway's position and the audio's position. I don't know a whole lot about this though so I can't say.
Yeah, it's about the audio calibration. Unlike on console, the PC port basically slowdown the fretboard until it syncs with the audio which is retarded. That's why I think adding 200ms of delay at the start could be a potential fix since that's the maximum audio calibration.
dude your vids are satisfying
I always knew this was the optimal path
i'd like to see Helga trying the Uber song.
That would actually be interesting
I'd need someone to map out a path. Helga still can't calculate paths yet.
So can Helga strum faster than toogle?
Yes. After my latest tweaks she's actually better than GH3's bot.
So will you release Helga one day?
Rest in piece 1000000 score
This bot is neat.
The score and the Note Streak Doesn't reset every 1 Second.
Will this be available soon? (For download)
JustWaitASec GT he stated in the first HelgaBot video that this will never be released
Owh. I didn't know that. I never seen the first Bot video. Sorry. Thanks for informing me.
was just watching the other ttfaf video from a couple days ago
Any special vid for 10k subs?
i was thinking of something, is it possible to hit more notes with the star power if you use a kind of abuse of the hit window. for example, delaying a little bit the first notes and hit earlier the last ones ? is there a difference between score of a perfect hit note and a bad hit note ?
Nino Wassmer
That it what is called squeezing.
Basically abusing the window to force extra notes in.
Will it ever be released to experiment highest scores in a song? It's a much more updated version of the BOT that we currently have.
Tyno GH no cause cheaters, sadly
He could just make videos for different songs like he did for soulless 3 but then he or someone else would have to map a path out
Oh yeah? Well I can get up to 5 thousand points before I fail the whole song, so I'm basically an expert
Interesting vid, Will u do any other songs using HelgaBot? If so I have ALOT of requests :p
Will this be a thing in the next GH3+ release? Or are you planning on keeping the stock bot where the score resets every second? This would be a great way for charters to find out what the best possible score players can get for their custom charts.
There's not going to be a public release of HelgaBot. It's just a toy I'm keeping for myself.
Gotcha. I just now noticed on your last TTFaF vid. My bad.
Great job on the programming, by the way! Far surpasses what many of us can do
Furthermore Helga still requires a human to tell it what SP path to take, it doesn't calculate what the best path actually is.
I do not know if this will be better but I feel the activation at 4 minutes could be held until just before you pickup the next star power on the held chords, them use the wammy to maintain max star power into the keyboard sweep at 4.20. However the next activation will miss a SP pickup, and I do not know if the score would be better overall, ir would be great if you could find out Exile even though it must be a ball ache
It's been tried. It's common for 5* runs but for FC runs there are better options.
why does gh3 crash every time i try to play multiplayer??????
I was trying to see what was wrong, there are no flames when the notes are hit
And here I am just trying to get past the hammer on in the beginning 😂
Me too xD
what is "squeezing" and stuff like can someone explain what that is and what it does and stuff
Squeezing is abusing the timing window to hit more notes under starpower. If starpower lasted 2 seconds for example but two notes were 2.2 seconds apart, you could still hit both under star power by hitting the first note late and the last note early.
ExileLord oh thank you so much that makes sense now. and i'm assuming hammer ons are notes that aren't strummed? also has there been any improvements found?
Hammer ons are notes that are not strummed. In the video they are the notes that have a white glow on top of them.
I do not know what you are talking about regarding improvements though. If I thought there was room for improvement in this score I wouldn't have claimed it was optimal.
ExileLord i know i'm not trying to insult you, i just wish a million was possible ): i wouldn't insult you. what you do takes skill, brains, and genius which i do not have. you did an outstanding job also thank you for informing me about all the terms (:
When your video is exactly 10 minutes long
Exactly why is not getting the chord at the end of the intro with the squeeze better?
It does get the chord. Look at the score
@@ExileLord Okay, I see it. The notes didn't appear to be getting hit on time.
Can you do this for the beta chart now !!! Plzzz
You should beat ukogs Welcome to the Jungle score. I remember him and Apethehippy battled back and forth for a while on that song.
500 fps in game? I play on 59-60 :( With these micro-freezes i lost my count.
And i play on pc, with keyboard lol.
LPD dude don't fucking play in vsync
use 3d analyzer
No vsync, sorry. It's just hdd's problem i think. I can remove fps lock, but it will be dancing from 40 to 300
And keyboard is important too, lol. On my 8$ thing triplets are difficult.
Which is better, HelgaBot, or Toogle Bot? I'm curious.
How do you get 1000 fps? Mine's capped at 60.
Use a tool like 3DAnalyze or disable VSync in your video card settings. For Nvidia this would be the Nvidia Control Panel.
I may be totally wrong here but I always thought that using the whammy bar gives you more points and when used on a long note with a start it also gives you more star power. Am I right or wrong I would like to know because if I am right then there needs to be a whammy bar added into the bot for even more points.
The bot whammies every note as I mentioned in the description. Helga doesn't whammy all the way down though as that would make an incredibly obnoxious sound throughout the video. Also the game running at such a high frame rate makes the whammy "wibbles" travel a lot faster than they would on a console so it can be somewhat hard to see.
Whammy does not give you more points but it does give you more starpower, yes.
ExileLord is it possible to whammy fast enough to immediately fill the star power bar, giving you more possible activations, or is star power from sustains independent of the speed at which a person whammies.
No. Whammy is either "the player is whammying" or "the player is not whammying". It doesn't give starpower faster depending on the rate. If it did the starpower meter would fill instantly because Helga is whammying at a rate far faster than any human is capable of.
So, where does the excess 4 points come from?
Someone call Todd Rogers.
Time to dust off helgabot for the TTFAF beta chart? :)
I feel like it would've been 1 million if helga activated star power at 7:35 or 7:37
You would be wrong. Those chords are worth just as much as that little tapping section at 7:37. Your activation would also take you past the tapping section into the slow notes at the end which is throwing away more points.
Well fuck
does helgabot whammy really fast on every sustain?
Isn’t this score exclusive to 1000 FPS though? 60 FPS BOT optimal should be 400 less than this. Can you confirm this is true? Because you don’t get whammy on the first frame of a sustain ever in GH3, so at 1000 FPS every sustain you whammy you get somewhere between 0.1 and 16≅ ms more SP whammy than at 60 FPS.
That twin solo act is two notes more than what a triple squeeze is on console/60 FPS, because of the multiple short sustains to whammy.
that looks so clean tho
You mean "N-possible?"
not possible
It's not a bot. It's a 2.0god.
Yea but do other versions of ttfaf have a higher score?
At least some do, yes.
Have helga play "Mercyful fate" from guitar hero metallica
Are you sure that starpower use time can't be improved?
Slowed down TTFAF sound very funny btw.
hey, what about Easy Expert mode?
I haven't seen what easy expert changes exactly but even with generous calculations before it wasn't enough to get past one million. Unless it changes the split threshold you still wouldn't be able to squeeze more than halfway past the current note anyways regardless so really you'd only be expanding the front window a little.
What's next, DWDTG?
What if this actually Exilelord himself?
R.I.P. 992k
I Really Feel Like After All This Hard Work You Need A Break, Or Why Not Do Some Modding On GH:WT ?
that would be sick :)
Modding on GH:WT wouldn't be a break. It would be starting over.
Where is helga's guitar cam
Here you go babe
test ebp, ebp; // Check if we have a pointer for frets
jz DONE;
mov ecx, ebx; // Move guitar frets into ecx
call fretInputTakeover; // Get bot frets
mov [ebp], eax; // Store bot frets
jmp returnAddress;
please release this :/
has blue given you the s4 path yet?
Yeah. That will be the next video. I actually need to fix a bug in Helga because she gets confused at the first part of the song with the tap note chords and then stops hitting notes entirely.
Damn. I can't wait to see it!
Helga should play the don't play this song ( if not legend)
would love to see this on gh2 for the last wammy on psychobilly freakout
just went back and watched IamChris4Life's original video on the "First ever FC" which he scored 987786, just over 4k shy of what this squeezing bot was capable of. I'm honestly not sure if I buy it.
Raccoon Friend iamchris is a pretty good squeezer himself that score of his is still 6-7th on ttfaf rankings out of what like 100 fcs
welp, ukog has 990,510 iirc so rip chris lol
Now for ttfaf at 125/150 speed :p
8:33 cod zombies confirmed?
Does this bot work on all songs?
Currently the star power path needs to programmed into it but yes. I have another video of it playing Soulless 3.
ExileLord will you ever release the plugin ?
Electron no
Has the science gone too far?
Your bot needs to k ow who to save up star power to get a better and higher score
200 ms overlap glitch on closer next :p 283k lol
I wonder if there's a chart of ttfaf that Helga can get 1Mil on
It wouldn't be TTFAF then.
Nawk do u mean a normal ttfaf with a random ass 10k point long note at the end
I mean, wouldn't it be possible on like 125% speed? since the starpower would last for more notes?
Star power lasts the same amount of notes regardless of speed, it's tied to the BPM of the song as far as I'm aware
i believe he meant other charts of the same song. this is just a guess, i didnt test anything, but i don't think you can get 1 mil on any of the official charts (maybe RB4's? idk). one can probably get it on GHX X's chart of it though (or another custom)
paths would need to be remade for GH3 tho, since it doesnt have overlapping starpower like GH:SH, RB3 or RB4.
Randy almost got it tho
I dont know why Im subscribed to you, no hate but seriously your in my subscription but this made up for it.
Randy at 998, 142
PixelBuster04 ahh, that makes more sense. I wasnt aware there was a difference in how the engines worked for overdrive. Thank you for clearing things uo and i appologise for sounding stupid
Imagine HelgaBot on Clone Hero TTFAF. I think it would reach 1 mil
this is reuploaded or its my imagination?
I uploaded a video of a bot getting the "top score" a week ago before but this one is higher than that. Also I've improved the bot and I don't think a higher score is possible so I figured I decided to "redo" the video. Unlike the last video, Helga's timing is now perfect.
so, i'm just gonna go ahead and watch the video.
Is 992k in any way possible?
I don't think there's anything you can do to get more points. I have been wrong in the past though.
move it football head
I fc'd ttfaf at hyperspace of 4
But Randy got 1 mil???
On clone hero.
This is guitar hero III
When randy gets 998k...
TheTitanFall clone hero is not gh3.
TheCheezFace if it's charted the same with everything in the same place it shouldn't make a difference should it?
Clone Hero has different mechanics. The difference in theoretical scores between GH2 and GH3 for example is over 6000 points. Clone Hero has overlapping starpower which allows for even more significant differences.
ExileLord thank you for that explanation
Randy did 998k
Also 1 second off for more ads. FeelsBadMan
There's not much I can do to avoid Dragonforce putting a copyright claim on this unfortunately.
One thing I thought about was... If someone *cough* you *cough* made a plugin for overlapping SP phrases, would it theoretically be possible to get a score over 1.000.000?
Also, how hard would it be to fix the muted guitar track with vsync off problem and making SP phrases overlap
Overlapping SP phrases would likely make getting 1,000,000 trivial.
I'm not sure why the muted guitar track happens. I have only seen the game ever try to set the volume of the track to 0 or 100 so I don't know how it gets these weird in between values.
How about a small plugin that forces the game to set the volume always to 100, no matter what. I think that more people are more annoyed by the fact that the guitar track is sometimes silent even when you are hitting notes than that its not when you dont.
Soon were going to have undetectable bots
If I really wanted to I could do worse than what you see here in regards to making it look human. With that said, this is just a toy I made for myself and I have no intention to give this to people. I just wanted to make a bot that's better than everyone else at the game.
ExileLord just make it use whammy on long notes with star power
Play the hardest song
Fake! this is just [insert popular GH3 player here] playing.