All this weapons are only OP if you are playing on a low dificulty level , play at a decent dificulty level and if you even attempt to use a 2 handed in a horse againt a decent army , you are the one who is going to get rekt , specialy if the enemy has archers. Everything is OP when ur playing on low dificulty...
+Eduardo Borges I normally play on like a 102% difficulty level and with decent armor and the kiting, I can take out 30+ good archers on horse back with a two-hander. It's really not that difficult if you run parallel to the archers and take a swipe at them when they start to knock their arrows.
Mercer3162 i find vanila to be easier than most of the mods i have tried , there are some mods that have a nice hardcore experience , and you cant realy use some of those weapons as effective as in the video. A new dawn , anno domini are just some i remember right now , but there are plenty of others that increase the game dificulty.
I agree. I remember Prophesy of Pendor and Native Expansion had some ridiculous ass archers. The Nolder and the Ivory Sentinels/Archers. They where a pain to either take out or befriend.
I love morningstar, goes through blocks and 1-handed (Or two). Cool enough I'm disappointed no one's talking about morningstar. By the way, DAMN CHEATER!!!
You are right but Heavy Morning stars is slower than regular morning star it has high attack (40) if you strike your morning star on enemies head it deals more damage that regular 40 damage sometimes it goes to 96 damage
This game is kind of "realistic" yes the armors doesnt work like that in real life and irl they had the martial arts but the crossbow is way way less powerful than a bow... (a medieval crossbow)
***** Custom as in you choose what armies you use and army sizes, etc, but you donèt get a campaign. However, a friend told me about a mod that allows someone to take control of a character in the battle
I have never played this game and everyone in the comments is talking like super nerdy shit. And I love it when a game is able to do that. I need to play this!
I prefer the Masterwork War Bow over the Masterwork Strong Bow any day because it does about 5 extra damage(at power draw 10) without sacrificing too much speed and you can make that up for with your bow skill, and the projectiles travel faster, and it has higher damage per second, in fact a Masterwork War Bow outclasses a Masterwork Siege Crossbow in damage per shot at power draw 10 and is only 0.2 damage behind a Masterwork Siege Crossbow at power draw 9 and can be used on horseback + it fires so much faster + is less than half the weight of a Masterwork Siege Crossbow. Give the Masterwork War Bow a shot(pun intended) you might love it.
Bastard sword is my personal favorite. Feels easy to hit things and I can usually one-shot anyone with it. Second would be the bardiche because it wrecks shields and has high base damage
I was thinking: He better include the Great Hammer. That's my favourite weapon, NOBODY can stand in the way. Block? NOPE. Shield? 1 hit no shield. 1 hit no face.
I disagree with you on the lance. I prefer a light lance because the poke on a light lance actually does reasonable damage, and if you've got decent riding skill and a good horse you can still do enormous damage by couching the lance. 200 damage on the charge sounds very impressive, but unless you're trying to kill a horse or break a shield it's a lot of overkill damage that doesn't help you even though you sacrifice utility for it.
You're totally right, the only use for a great lance is to out-reach pikes and other cavalry, which is often not necessary (and a good player is still better off with the light lance).
Actually, great lance pokes well too. Maybe not at first, but once you get to 240 weapon profeciency, which is easy with a lance, it's a new story. I just go forward, couch, kill one and then since I can't couch, I stab. Stab here, stab there, one shot - one kill. Jousting lance sucks though, 19b is too little. But great lance? Perfect on the battlefield for me. As time progresses, I couch less and less... And I kill horses of those lancers that dare to go after me without risk of being killed.
Also you don't need good riding skill to use it well, the first thing I hone the most is lv 5 riding. With hunter and lv 5 riding I can stay for a while until I decide to increase my riding to 7 or 8 and go for a heavier horse. There's one huge pitfall to great lance though and that is that it's completely useless on the ground.
Seems like you guys are all pro butterlords here, can I ask some questions? 1. I'm using a military fork, is that okay? Seems fine to me. 2.What do you do with prisoners in castles? Do I keep them or sell them? Do they create revenue if you keep them there?
I really like the light lance more than the great lance. It stabs really fast and dismounts lords in one couched run had to rush to King Harlus's aid with 120 against over 400. In the end I was alone running circles around a bait ball of over 50 men just picking them off with one hit stabs without ever having to slow down.
I know right the great long axe is so amazing my weapon of choice. Just cleave through people, but it's kinda required though on horse back you always always need a lance.
if you play it right, you can one shot horses too. i love charging at a lord and instead of aiming for them, i cut their horse right down. then play with the lord
I like myself a basic balanced spear. good speed(100+), good reach(good against Calvary),can be used with or without shield(more protection against ranged troops), easy to use mounted(new players may find it hard to hit with a sword while mounted), and most importantly, its easy to obtain(very cheap in shop and often droped by bandits). The only potential problem I see is its mediocre damage going againts shielded enemies which could be easily overcomed be mounting up and letting your horse and momentum do the work.
As a WB veteran I will tell you that you shouldn't just look at the damage or speed. It is all about your style of fighting, you can win using a dagger vs that clever if you know how to!
I dunno, man. My favorite weapon by far is the Great Long Axe. Put a few in power strike, and it one shots almost any enemy unit. Horses and lords, too. It's also a polearm, as well as a two handed. If it wasn't already obvious, it can also crush shields and break blocks.
Bill Ńo, great long axe cannot crush through blocks. But it has bonus damage against shields and its reach is perfect against enemy lancers, swing a side strike at their horse and not even their couched lance can save them. They fall, then an overhead attack finishes them.
you look at the raw damage too much but don't understand the mechanics behind it. As such, bow has lowest damage on the weapon but your character gets bow damage whereas with crossbows you don't. For melee weapon, if you want to kill actual troops, not just shitty hobos you want to forget about cutting weapons pretty much : use blunt or pierce weapons against armored guys. A balanced military pick/scythe/hammer will outperform everything you mentioned (except the siege crossbow) against actual troops
"The armor of the target reduces the damage that is inflicted. After factoring in your weapon’s rating, your skills, and the speed of impact, the game produces a number which is referred to as your “base” damage. Armor reduces this damage by a random factor of between one half and its full rating against cutting damage, while this is further reduced to between one quarter and one half versus piercing or blunt damage. For example, armor with a rating of 20 can block between 10 and 20 points of cutting damage, or between 5 and 10 points of piercing or blunt damage. Apart from directly subtracting some damage, armor also reduces the damage by a percentage." taken from the game's manual, page 46, found here :
if i remember well morningstar is pierce type but maybe it's blunt. Either way it's good against armor. To see what type of damage is inflicted, check the letter next to the damage value : for example Xc is cutting, Xb is blunt and Xp is piercing. Many weapons inflict a different damage type depending on whether you swing or thrust, in that case it will be something like "36c swing, 28p thrust". hope that helps
Morningstar does pierce damage. This makes it slightly worse for armor penetration than the two handed iron maces but the fact that you have the option to use a shield with it is helpful. The down side is that using any 1H/2H weapon in one hand gives you a large damage and speed penalty. Overall it is still a good weapon. It is especially useful when mounted as the movement speed damage bonus will help to counteract the one handed damage penalty. It is a bit long and unwieldy to try to use in close quarters.
The war cleaver is "ok" but the problem is, on higher difficulties, two handed weapons will just get you killed. I found the best weapons to be the polearms when used right, 1 light lance, 2 steel shields and a bag of throwing spears. Keep one of the throwing spears as a melee weapon if they get too close. The shields protect you from ranged fire.
+Nunya Bidness SPEARS, WAY OF THE SPARTAN - That's probably for pros, but I somehow like the old usual one-on-one 'Gladiator' play style and use a 1 -handed axe, any strong shield and a good bow. It's quite multi-purpose.
+Junaidi Syahmi Not the way of the spartan. It's just the best way late game. With a high moving speed, you are very light on your feet. Each thrust of the spear delivers devastating damage due to the speed bonus, even more so. You are pretty much a cavalry's worst nightmare. Plus with the throwing skill worked up you have a nearly unlimited supply of ammo when fighting the likes of Nords and Sarranids. The spear and shield was a very popular method of gladiator fighting. That and spartans were quite heavily armored for their day, mine is very lightly armored and depends on the shield and evasion to avoid attacks and ranged weapons. No need for blunt weapons either since you can switch the shield out and use overhead swings of the spear for those. Plus, with a high polearm damage speed, you can use a poleaxe and deliver devastating hits to even the strongest shields. Specially Rhodoks.
A note for starters, if it’s your first time playing the game make sure you spend all your points on strength and upgrade strike power and when u can afford it get the masterwork great sword, make sure to spend your points on 2 handed weapons
true ! logically speaking yeah , i usually preserve my money to buy a spirited courser and a tempered war cleaver , that way i'll not be at the mercy of nobody ! in sieges i add a shield alone just to fend off the rain of arrow at first
"oops this guy doesn't have decent archery so I can't hit anything" "this is a really bad map to show you the lance" .....this is your job basically and you haven't heard of editting? Maybe, i don't know, do more than one fucking take and pick the one that works best so we don't have to watch you flounder boringly
God forbid the privileged american child have to skip a few minutes on a video or endure lounging on his comfy chair and having to watch a video... This was made in 2015 anyway
2handed weapons will usually get you killed on higher difficulties if you have no backup 1h/board option. Morningstar? 1h/2h - very good damage, piercing. Crushes through blocks, reasonable reach for this type of weapon. The only problem is that it is unbalanced, making it somewhat awkward if you need to quickly block or fight with opponents with faster weapons. Heavy Bastard sword - along with Morningstar - THE most versatile weapon in the game - 1h/2h, good damage and reach. Decent speed. The only problem is the thrust, which is awkward. Elite scimitar - good reach, reasonable damage, amazing speed - only cutting attacks, so no awkward poking attack - the best simple cutting weapon, no contest. Hafted Blade - a polearm with a swinging attack while on horseback - awesome. Light lance - it may not have the reach of heavier versions, but it is not completely useless while simply poking. It will still one-shot pretty much everything when couched anyway. Military hammer and spiked mace - preference choice really - both are probably the best one-handed melee blunt weapons - blisteringly fast, good in tight melee and amazing for taking prisoners thanks to speed alone. Bardiche - like a long axe, but without the awkward poking attack. Simple, convenient weapon. Bows - Masterwork War Bow or Strong Bow - amazing damage, but the problem with bows is that they require a pretty heavy point investment, so yeah... While technically they are overpowered, they directly make your character less useful in other fields. Siege crossbow - good damage, accurate - perfect for headshots - perhaps the best weapon for siege offence. Despite huge damage it still needs 2 bolts to kill heavier enemy units, unless you go for headshots - so the benefits between this and other crossbows are not that great - that is a thing to consider. I will have to do some more testing, because lighter crossbows may actually be more optimal in player's hands, if we consider this.
My favorites: Sword - Bastard sword: It look great and can be used 1 or 2 handed Cutter - Elite scimitar Shield - Huscarls round shield on horse, heavy board shield on foot. Heater shields for being all round in terms of size price resistance and hp. Lance - Great lance for its reach, so that you don't get lanced while charging. Jousting lance for blunt damage. Any counched lance pretty much 1 shot a king harlaus. Short lance for siege/battlefield hybrid if you dont have a long axe. Bow - War bow for damage, hunting or short bow if you want to become a machine gun. Practice arrow is not available normally but is really good because of its quantity. Crossbow - siege crossbow Horse - Courser for looks and speed, saddle for easy to ride, lame sumpters for cheap, chargers for health and looks. Armor - plate armor, plate boots, horned great helm, gauntlets for protection. Heraldic anything for looks. Mail shirt, byrnie, nordic helm for easy to get from sea raider. Blunt - flanged mace and armor, iron mace for cheap. Two handed - polehammer, bardiche. I dont like the great long axe because it can be used to thrust. Throwing - there are no good throwing weapons. Only reason to loot them is to sell them. Think of veteran horse archers with javelins.
I'm a fan of the black handled Balanced Two Handed Sabre. 47 damage, 99 speed and 120 reach. It's far better than the war cleaver ever could hope to be.
"Hey guys here's a video on the most BADASS weapons in mount and blade warband!" *proceeds to whiff consecutive shots against bandits while getting headshotted repeatedly*
@@superlawyer4532 but rhodok sharpshooter is the most feared ranged in caldaria and can destroy almost everyone before the swadian cavalry arrives to rhodok sharpshooters 😉
I find Military Hammers, Balanced Military Picks and Iron War Axes to be really good as they are an excellent balance of reach (short enough to be effective in really close up quarter battles, yet long enough to be used on horse back), damage, armour piercing and speed.
Need to mention about few things: - All Lances can deal "Rush damage" that starts after 5 seconds of horse sprinting. There can be Light Lance, Balanced Lance, and so on. - If you use Shields with lances, then damage is reduced by 35%, and no more than 35%. Lance on the foot is total garbage, so if you have a crossbow as your secondary weapon, then equip 4th melee weapon and not shield, cuz sometimes you will meet rouges in the villages or bandits and you need to have something that you can use for fight. - Siege Crossbow has modifier "Masterpiece" and it's not that easy to find + it's very expensive for the beginning of the game.
@ 3:52 yeah, I'm hardcore, so I use no shields when on horseback. My character looks like one of those Sassanian Aswaran solders XD in fact as a joke I trained and equipped all my NPCs to fight that way. Ymira in particular is hardcore, though Nizar is the best by far at this. Klethi's unique for using javelins, and Matheld I'm thinking of making her a super-heavy aswaran. they're surprisingly devastating: a hail of missiles followed by a serious lancing by them is the main tactic: as I'm fighting as part of a larger army my regiment (all cavalry) hits them from the flanks. And surprisingly hard to knock-out or kill XD
***** ***** Ill go often Bastard 2H on horse and for ground a onehanded sword and a shield Got Archers for longrange in singleplayer (in siege ill go for bow big bag arrows and 1H Shield
Sinbreaker Swords are versatile weapons that can cut, thrust, parry, and grapple - good on offense AND defense, good against armor AND soft targets. Their main selling point is that they can be worn as a sidearm.
I'm assuming you know a little about weapon history. Not saying they aren't good for a lot of different uses, but they have a lot of drawbacks. Overall specialized weapons were used much more often in armies and war. Swords were often secondary weapons. By the 16th century they were nearly useless if fighting plate armor. I mean if you think about it, what is the point of wearing armor if it can't protect against anything?
Sinbreaker Exactly. Swords were the easiest weapons to carry (besides a knife or dagger, of course), so they basically filled the same role that pistols do today. A spear or lance was the best weapon to have, but a sword made a splendid backup weapon.
My List (in no particular order) 1. Light Crossbow - can be used on horseback 2. Morningstar - Can crush through blocks, can be used with a shield, can be used on horseback 3. Light Lance - fastest lance and can still out-reach the others with a thrust 4. Nordic Sword - Easy to get and probably the best early game sidearm 5. Military Pick - Incredibly fast and good against armor 6. Siege Crossbow - no annoying power draw requirement
I never understood how to use lances I know you have to ram with them at high speeds but I can't tell when to release the attack button Also using a lance on foot is terrible at least for me
couching takes a long time, if you want to attack faster you just have to aim at an enemy while attacking with your lance. It takes some practice but the damage is almost the same, as long as you have some speed while doing it
I still prefer the Heavy Morningstar or those clubs the Mamlukes use. Not only are they really strong but they CAN CRUSH BLOCKS. Specially if you're on a horse, no matter if they have shields or are blocking with their weapons you will ALWAYS hurt them
M&B is pretty well balanced. Every weapon has its function and reason its in the game. Hell, one of my favorite weapons were war spear since it was short enough to use on land well and long enough on horse back. And its a lot shorter then lances. But its faster and you can actually fight close range with it. And with lance, you pretty much have to waste another slot in your inventory for another weapon. Considering you only have 4 and adding shield in the mix, that leaves you with no ability to have bow. So this video is highly subjective and brings very little value exept to hear about favorite weapons of the videos author. It does not represent actual game state in any way.
Horse archery? Khergits. Lances? I'm not good at that. Cleaver? I use that for infantry. Crossbow? I prever Khergit horse archery. Masterwork Great Sword? I prever multiplayer. Heavy Great Hammer? I don't like it. Byebye!
The thing about bows and crosbows: crosbows dont have a skill that improves the dmg thus the high base dmg and slow reload speed, bows on the other hand have power draw that boost the dmg by 14% for every point you take so in the end masterwork strong bow does the same dmg as masterworks siege crosbow with 7 points in powerdraw but fires faster and can be used on horseback. Crosbows are for those that want a range solution but dont wana waste points in to skills to use.
your using that lance all wrong, you can use the great lance just by pressing left click like normal and you still kill a shitload of people. Couching a lance vs real people is a fucking stupid idea because they will almost always move, you need to use its massive reach and left click for direction.
Those shields aren't going to break easily without a couched lance dude. Besides, the click-poking is so slow that you need skill to time it. Skill that you do not need if you couch that lance.
RageWinRAR No they're not, but if you have skill as you say you can aim above them for the head. And seeing as I'm talking about multiplayer it's fair to say if all you do is couch on horseback and wait for that perfect strike, you'll likely kill 1 or 2 people tops in a 10 minute game.
This game is still awesome. But my top melee weapons are a bit different. I love using either the balanced spiked mace or the heavy military hammer, and the jousting lance, if I'm trying to keep my enemies. If I'm killing them I like to use either the morningstar or the bastard sword, depending on the enemies armor.
@@Gridironwarplans I Think It Is Because Either They Are Stupid Or Maybe English Isn't Their First Language, But If It Is Their First Language They Have No Excuse.
I tried warband during the free trial on steam, after a few minutes I had to get the whole collection. I was and am so happy with it, only problem is I really suck, but then I found your guides! I FLIPPEN LOVE YOU AND YOUR CHANNEL YOU MOUNT AND BLADE BEAST YOU!
honestly i know the great sword is great but it has the same stats as the "Sword of War" but great sword has longer reach then the Sword of War. But the Sword of war is faster by like 3 or 4 points i prefer speed. Mine is a Balanced Sword of War btw.
From my experience, the bow is by far the greatest weapon. You can take over towns by yourself. I can take out 100+ men in the open field by myself rather quickly.
Idk, You have to enable cheatis in the config too. You know where you pick your mod, here's a list see if any work AI takes over you character in battles CTRL+F5 Completely heals you CTRL+H Completely heals your horse CTRL+Shift+H Damage yourself CTRL+F3 Deactivate Cheat Menu Ctrl + ~ (then type in 'nocheatmenu' no '') Fast Forward waiting at map Ctrl + space Gives experience to the selected party member CTRL+X Gives you 1000 XP in the character screen CTRL+X Greatly increases all of your weapon proficiencies CTRL+W In the inventory it gives you 1000 Gold CTRL+X Knock unconscious all enemy troops Ctrl+Alt+F4 Knocks out all enemies zoomed into. (Holding shift and looking at) Ctrl+Shift+F4 Knocks out all of your troops Ctrl+Shift+F6 Knocks out one of your troops Ctrl+F6 Knocks unconcious an enemy after a number of presses CTRL+F4 Let's you see everything except hideouts on the World Map CTRL+T Level Up Shift + L On the World Map, teleports your party to where you click CTRL+Left Click Slow Motion (Press again to turn on or off) CTRL + F9 Stop the time at battle Ctrl + F11 Upgrade all available units to that path. Ctrl + Left Click
nice! I've been using fighting axe on horse as it has long range and goes through shields (how is it vs armour?) but that hammer looks cool! Was worried about shorter range and speed.. as i've just restarted the game and in need of cash.. hammers look a good choice for getting slaves!!
Ha been trying the hammer since that post. Find a bit short range and I can miss or get stuck in a fight with them. Will probably stick with long axes!
It is all about horse, riding and polearm and its skill. If you have enough(or maxed) riding to ride a fast horse, your lancing damage trns into one-shot-kill, if you have high polearm skill, it lets your polearm turn faster (they are like battleship turrets, takes a long-ass time to reach your aim), and depends on your lance, if the lancce it TOO long, it is harder to aim like the one in the vid. it has 320(smth like that) reach that lets you lance your lacing opp and thus, protect your squad from the lanced fate. Or if you use a Khergit type lances (which resembles spears more than a lance) they have less reach, but fast. You may not even need shouldering those lances. because the thrust you make with that is completed much more early then the long-ass one. But while playing, you need to calculate the movements, which requires practice.
3 words, Balanced Bastard Sword. The damage is amazing on horseback and it has 101 reach and speed respectively. I usually use this with the Masterwork War Bow with Bodkin Arrows and just destroy armies 4 to 1 with my Swadian Knights.
+Thegamers500 At level 10 power draw the Masterwork War Bow does about 5 more damage than the Masterwork Strong Bow and it's speed is just 5 lower, 5 damage for 5 speed is a damn good deal.
I didn't play native enough, but if you try to use these slow two-handed weapons in prophesy of pendor, you will be blown away in seconds, because enemies instantly change their attack after you try to block, so you just have to right click like an idiot. Or even more likely you will get an arrow to your face from another side of the map.
Best setup is 3 shields and Balanced Heavy Bastard Sword. It is literally all you need for battles and sieges, does it all. You need 3 shields because they break and without shields you are dead meat. So survive-ability is most important thing. And the sword can be used as single or double handed if the situation permits it. Giving it ultimate flexibility. In siege you need that flexibility, and you need shield to tank so many missiles. Then when you get to the top, you can just crack heads with over hand swings super fast, you can break shields, you can crack heads, you can block any javelins, arrows or bolts and you will always have your back protected with extra shield, and if one breaks you have spare and still have your back protected.
The best bow you can find,two slots arrows and one twohanded weapon a heavy armor and the fastest armored horse and the tactic is to target light troops like archers or the horses or go behind shield troops to shoot at their backs and dont stop moving because you will become easy target for long range weapons
I am missing the hand-and-a-half-swords(Bastardswords) Those are great for leveling up both 1h and 2h skill, just put away shield and it's a 2h, use shield and it's a 1H. Not sure if it does any more damage as 2h, but it is a great sword for horseback, AND for getting your skills up!
xBeau Gaming, could you recommend a Khanate layout. Definitely need a bow but what for the other two. Also what is the best khanate armour. I don't care if the gear is weaker I only care for khanate equipment.
Overhead Swing
Overhead Swing
Overhead Swing
Overhead Swing
Overhead Swing
Overhead Swing
This, my children, is how you win a siege.
Some questions from the Rhodok sharpshooters in the audience....
@@mrfreeland123 *loads crossbows simultaneously*
“There’s another way”
@Chilzz Tethus *proceeds to shove crossbow and bolts into the oppenents asses
@Chilzz Tethus *grabs staff to hold asscheeks apart*
@@obnoxiousbrit6875 ok
All this weapons are only OP if you are playing on a low dificulty level , play at a decent dificulty level and if you even attempt to use a 2 handed in a horse againt a decent army , you are the one who is going to get rekt , specialy if the enemy has archers. Everything is OP when ur playing on low dificulty...
+Eduardo Borges I normally play on like a 102% difficulty level and with decent armor and the kiting, I can take out 30+ good archers on horse back with a two-hander. It's really not that difficult if you run parallel to the archers and take a swipe at them when they start to knock their arrows.
Mercer3162 do you play vanila mount and blade? Or do you use mods?
Mercer3162 i find vanila to be easier than most of the mods i have tried , there are some mods that have a nice hardcore experience , and you cant realy use some of those weapons as effective as in the video. A new dawn , anno domini are just some i remember right now , but there are plenty of others that increase the game dificulty.
I agree. I remember Prophesy of Pendor and Native Expansion had some ridiculous ass archers. The Nolder and the Ivory Sentinels/Archers. They where a pain to either take out or befriend.
I love morningstar, goes through blocks and 1-handed (Or two). Cool enough
I'm disappointed no one's talking about morningstar.
By the way, DAMN CHEATER!!!
Dunno. I prefer to use weapons with the ability to crush through blocks
+Arda Anıl Ergin try using Military Pick...
+Arda Anıl Ergin (Aynshtaynn) imo Morningstar is the best weapon. since it is one-handed, has decent range and does pierce-damage(p)
+mbchudno Morgningstar is like an upgraded version of the Military Pick
+Fry The Brain are you fucking serious?
The best weapon has to be the military fork
I cant breath. Ur killing me
0:32 "Less talking, more raiding". Perfect timing.
I know this is late, but the Heavy Morning star should've been on this. It does 109 or more damage to troops, it's crazy!
you are not late bro i am also start playing it just 2 days ago
Really? I have to get that.
Where do you get it from?
You are right but Heavy Morning stars is slower than regular morning star it has high attack (40) if you strike your morning star on enemies head it deals more damage that regular 40 damage sometimes it goes to 96 damage
I got it once but I liked the spiked axe better, it looks cool and is fast, still try it out on lord's when I meet them
man, nobody told this guy that twohanded weapons do reduced damage when used on horseback...
+M. Vipsanius Agrippa WHAT?!?!?! *head explodes*
if you swing the 2h weapons while riding fast on horseback actually you will get higher damage as there will be speed bonus applied
@M. Vipsanius Agrippa My world just exploded
U wot m8?
tom dalen
1 questions
Why do you turn into batman when holding the war cleaver?
+BallzOfSatan because I'm batman...
This game is kind of "realistic" yes the armors doesnt work like that in real life and irl they had the martial arts but the crossbow is way way less powerful than a bow... (a medieval crossbow)
you should really do batman plays
Afonso Gonçalves
? who did you say it to?
Davoda 1 to xbeau
All I saw was War Cleaver and War Cleaver part 2.
+Tony Gregory War Cleaver is love, War Cleaver is life.
+kuma977 Cold hard facts
+Jugenmujugenmugokono Sedegakaisadeasensu Multiplayer mode is basically just custom battles
***** Custom as in you choose what armies you use and army sizes, etc, but you donèt get a campaign. However, a friend told me about a mod that allows someone to take control of a character in the battle
***** Yea.
It would be cool. Kai could be the seccond player. Haha
I have never played this game and everyone in the comments is talking like super nerdy shit. And I love it when a game is able to do that. I need to play this!
Me 2
hes been sucked in like we have since he made this comment
now you're a nerdy fuck too just like us!
It seals for cheap on sales
Legend has it he is still on warband till this day
"Best part about the hammer is that it knocks em out and the good thing about that is you get to keep him" very well said beau
I prefer the Masterwork War Bow over the Masterwork Strong Bow any day because it does about 5 extra damage(at power draw 10) without sacrificing too much speed and you can make that up for with your bow skill, and the projectiles travel faster, and it has higher damage per second, in fact a Masterwork War Bow outclasses a Masterwork Siege Crossbow in damage per shot at power draw 10 and is only 0.2 damage behind a Masterwork Siege Crossbow at power draw 9 and can be used on horseback + it fires so much faster + is less than half the weight of a Masterwork Siege Crossbow. Give the Masterwork War Bow a shot(pun intended) you might love it.
6:36 "Whadda u gpnna do? wiff - urghghhhh" LOL
Bastard sword is my personal favorite. Feels easy to hit things and I can usually one-shot anyone with it. Second would be the bardiche because it wrecks shields and has high base damage
also bastard swords acts either one or two handed weapon. Good dmg for one hand while wearing a champion shield , userful for castle raids.
I was thinking: He better include the Great Hammer.
That's my favourite weapon, NOBODY can stand in the way. Block? NOPE. Shield? 1 hit no shield. 1 hit no face.
I know a hammer with 201 base dmg
+lage viklund what is it?
AbsolClient i accidently deleted my saves but its a two handed long warhammer
lage viklund o cool tanks
I use the Morningstar that lets you switch between two handed and 1-hand & shield
I disagree with you on the lance. I prefer a light lance because the poke on a light lance actually does reasonable damage, and if you've got decent riding skill and a good horse you can still do enormous damage by couching the lance. 200 damage on the charge sounds very impressive, but unless you're trying to kill a horse or break a shield it's a lot of overkill damage that doesn't help you even though you sacrifice utility for it.
You're totally right, the only use for a great lance is to out-reach pikes and other cavalry, which is often not necessary (and a good player is still better off with the light lance).
This, great lance is just for jousting tourneys for me!
Actually, great lance pokes well too. Maybe not at first, but once you get to 240 weapon profeciency, which is easy with a lance, it's a new story. I just go forward, couch, kill one and then since I can't couch, I stab. Stab here, stab there, one shot - one kill. Jousting lance sucks though, 19b is too little. But great lance? Perfect on the battlefield for me. As time progresses, I couch less and less... And I kill horses of those lancers that dare to go after me without risk of being killed.
Also you don't need good riding skill to use it well, the first thing I hone the most is lv 5 riding. With hunter and lv 5 riding I can stay for a while until I decide to increase my riding to 7 or 8 and go for a heavier horse. There's one huge pitfall to great lance though and that is that it's completely useless on the ground.
Seems like you guys are all pro butterlords here, can I ask some questions?
1. I'm using a military fork, is that okay? Seems fine to me.
2.What do you do with prisoners in castles? Do I keep them or sell them? Do they create revenue if you keep them there?
I really like the light lance more than the great lance. It stabs really fast and dismounts lords in one couched run had to rush to King Harlus's aid with 120 against over 400. In the end I was alone running circles around a bait ball of over 50 men just picking them off with one hit stabs without ever having to slow down.
If i remember correctly, I think I once owned this one really good weapon, the Heavy Great Long Axe, it did 1 hit kills almost all the time.
Yep, and it's very fast compared to other heavy two-handed weapons (if you use it as a polearm).
yep. if you take it horseback, and get in a good full swing it shatters a lot of things
all you need to oneshot most of the units is 60 damage.
and some on the "harder" side are with like what? 66HP?
I know right the great long axe is so amazing my weapon of choice. Just cleave through people, but it's kinda required though on horse back you always always need a lance.
if you play it right, you can one shot horses too. i love charging at a lord and instead of aiming for them, i cut their horse right down. then play with the lord
The war cleaver is good and looks awesome too! Great/heavy Bardiche is worth a mention as it does 52+ and goes through blocks with good reach too.
Sword of war is better
7 years but it doesn't goes through blocks, it adds effectivity against shields.
BOI... You ain't seen nothing yet.
Bardiche. Heavy Great Long axe. Morningstar.
And Swadian Knight spam. That's the most powerful weapon of all.
and Nord huscarl with rhodok sharpshooter
I really like Nerds and Virgins troops but I love sergeants
I'll switch up my infantry and archers based on who I'm fighting but yea. Can't go wrong with a wave of mounted death
I don't oppose this list....
Where does one find the War Cleaver?
The Conspiracy You buy it even tho its extremely expensive
Pk41 Do you have to be a certain level because I can only find rusty war cleavers?
The Conspiracy Yea i believe lvl 40 or something.
I like myself a basic balanced spear. good speed(100+), good reach(good against Calvary),can be used with or without shield(more protection against ranged troops), easy to use mounted(new players may find it hard to hit with a sword while mounted), and most importantly, its easy to obtain(very cheap in shop and often droped by bandits). The only potential problem I see is its mediocre damage going againts shielded enemies which could be easily overcomed be mounting up and letting your horse and momentum do the work.
As a WB veteran I will tell you that you shouldn't just look at the damage or speed. It is all about your style of fighting, you can win using a dagger vs that clever if you know how to!
+Wayhowen This is a video about the weapons, not fighting styles.
+Michael Edmunds I know it but there's no such thing as overpowered weapon in Warband due to fighting mechanics.
+Wayhowen Exactly this.
How many hours on the game you got?
+Wake up sheeple 2016 :3 True
I dunno, man. My favorite weapon by far is the Great Long Axe. Put a few in power strike, and it one shots almost any enemy unit. Horses and lords, too. It's also a polearm, as well as a two handed. If it wasn't already obvious, it can also crush shields and break blocks.
Bill Ńo, great long axe cannot crush through blocks. But it has bonus damage against shields and its reach is perfect against enemy lancers, swing a side strike at their horse and not even their couched lance can save them. They fall, then an overhead attack finishes them.
Just imagine how powerful the pommel of the Masterwork Great Sword is!
Using it you can end anyone rightly!
Painful to watch.
- Delivered 0 Damage -
Ikr, ever tried a great bardiche brah?
Especially the fact that he is playing on like 50 -70% difficulty
you look at the raw damage too much but don't understand the mechanics behind it. As such, bow has lowest damage on the weapon but your character gets bow damage whereas with crossbows you don't. For melee weapon, if you want to kill actual troops, not just shitty hobos you want to forget about cutting weapons pretty much : use blunt or pierce weapons against armored guys. A balanced military pick/scythe/hammer will outperform everything you mentioned (except the siege crossbow) against actual troops
i guess we're not playing the same warband then. The damage he does with his 2hander is the same i'm doing with my 1h balanced military pick
"The armor of the target reduces the damage that is inflicted. After factoring in
your weapon’s rating, your skills, and the speed of impact, the game produces a number
which is referred to as your “base” damage. Armor reduces this damage by a random
factor of between one half and its full rating against cutting damage, while this
is further reduced to between one quarter and one half versus piercing or blunt damage.
For example, armor with a rating of 20 can block between 10 and 20 points of
cutting damage, or between 5 and 10 points of piercing or blunt damage. Apart from
directly subtracting some damage, armor also reduces the damage by a percentage."
taken from the game's manual, page 46, found here :
does a morningstar apply to this?
if i remember well morningstar is pierce type but maybe it's blunt. Either way it's good against armor.
To see what type of damage is inflicted, check the letter next to the damage value : for example Xc is cutting, Xb is blunt and Xp is piercing. Many weapons inflict a different damage type depending on whether you swing or thrust, in that case it will be something like "36c swing, 28p thrust". hope that helps
Morningstar does pierce damage. This makes it slightly worse for armor penetration than the two handed iron maces but the fact that you have the option to use a shield with it is helpful. The down side is that using any 1H/2H weapon in one hand gives you a large damage and speed penalty. Overall it is still a good weapon. It is especially useful when mounted as the movement speed damage bonus will help to counteract the one handed damage penalty. It is a bit long and unwieldy to try to use in close quarters.
I can't wait for M&B BANNERLORD
+Eduardo Borges So your grandchild has money to buy one for you to bury along :D
+Hypercharge Just remember to have less typing and more raiding >:)
The war cleaver is "ok" but the problem is, on higher difficulties, two handed weapons will just get you killed.
I found the best weapons to be the polearms when used right, 1 light lance, 2 steel shields and a bag of throwing spears. Keep one of the throwing spears as a melee weapon if they get too close.
The shields protect you from ranged fire.
+Nunya Bidness SPEARS, WAY OF THE SPARTAN - That's probably for pros, but I somehow like the old usual one-on-one 'Gladiator' play style and use a 1 -handed axe, any strong shield and a good bow. It's quite multi-purpose.
+Junaidi Syahmi Not the way of the spartan. It's just the best way late game. With a high moving speed, you are very light on your feet. Each thrust of the spear delivers devastating damage due to the speed bonus, even more so. You are pretty much a cavalry's worst nightmare.
Plus with the throwing skill worked up you have a nearly unlimited supply of ammo when fighting the likes of Nords and Sarranids.
The spear and shield was a very popular method of gladiator fighting. That and spartans were quite heavily armored for their day, mine is very lightly armored and depends on the shield and evasion to avoid attacks and ranged weapons.
No need for blunt weapons either since you can switch the shield out and use overhead swings of the spear for those.
Plus, with a high polearm damage speed, you can use a poleaxe and deliver devastating hits to even the strongest shields. Specially Rhodoks.
Nunya Bidness Thx for the advice, u typed like 25 lines tho lol
+Junaidi Syahmi I needed something to do while I traveled from Sargoth to Shariz...
Lol, time killer typing?
I use the heavy great long axe as a two handed.
That's tough
A note for starters, if it’s your first time playing the game make sure you spend all your points on strength and upgrade strike power and when u can afford it get the masterwork great sword, make sure to spend your points on 2 handed weapons
I'd suggest some sort of two handed masterwork axe for the bonus on shields
Never got the hang of using a bow, crossbow or thrown weapon in this game to this day, ESPECIALLY on horseback.
I usually go in with my fists!
WHY!? Why do people do that? It makes fookin 0 damage!!!
not if he cheats.
I prefer kicking
Just a disclaimer. You do lots of damage by poking with the lance if you have speed. Almost the same thing as using the weapon mode.
Why no masterwork heavy bastard sword?
true ! logically speaking yeah , i usually preserve my money to buy a spirited courser and a tempered war cleaver , that way i'll not be at the mercy of nobody ! in sieges i add a shield alone just to fend off the rain of arrow at first
***** true ! 99 % i use a greatsword but in sieges , how are you going to fend the rain of arrows :) ?
bullshit, shields are for blocking arrows in 99% of the battles
+LoonyyyWSMN True, i loved my bastard sword and my huscarl shield. I always switched back to them.
+Thomas K Same
Great long axe can be up to 42000c if you have 10k strength in real life the weight of that axe is 300kg and can cut dinosaurs
hasanjudge1 underrated comment
How about Great Long Axe? It's a killing machine! No wonder Jarls use it...
Yea i was wondering the same its fucking amazing
Dominik Magnus
The Heavy version is the best weapon in the game, no contest.
Yea an you can use it on horse and swing it if you press x
Great long axe is tough, tbh
"oops this guy doesn't have decent archery so I can't hit anything"
"this is a really bad map to show you the lance"
.....this is your job basically and you haven't heard of editting? Maybe, i don't know, do more than one fucking take and pick the one that works best so we don't have to watch you flounder boringly
I was thinking the same thing
calm down
God forbid the privileged american child have to skip a few minutes on a video or endure lounging on his comfy chair and having to watch a video... This was made in 2015 anyway
Ayeee this fight is alittle to late
Dylan Schultz Hooray I triggered somebody today over an internet comment. Job done.
Lmao, the only time your commentary has any emotion at all is when your jizzing over the damage your weapons are doing
Ni Hao Calvin perfectly balanced, as all things should be
Lol, ikr, he's all like
" oh yeah"
"Omg yes yes yes"
"Omg this hits so hard"
Best one handed? I'm using the heavy bastard sword
Elite Scimitar is the best one I found so far
+Renton Thurston a masterwork bastard sword
+Juca Lebre My favorite thing about scimitars, is that I can't thrust with them by accident...
Yes, thats why I use them xD
I named mine Longclaw.
Lol... I'm so glad I found you. I bought this game three days ago and I already have played for 47 hours.... thanks, man.
Keep up the great work!
Glad to help buddy and enjoy
Wow! Get out of the house much?
Go outside, fucking troll lmao
I'm late, yes I know
"You can still poke like normal, it's not nearly as effective" then why do I do 300+ damage with a timed left click?
"Awwwww yeaaaahhhh" + Bass Sound = 70's adult movie's
2handed weapons will usually get you killed on higher difficulties if you have no backup 1h/board option.
Morningstar? 1h/2h - very good damage, piercing. Crushes through blocks, reasonable reach for this type of weapon. The only problem is that it is unbalanced, making it somewhat awkward if you need to quickly block or fight with opponents with faster weapons.
Heavy Bastard sword - along with Morningstar - THE most versatile weapon in the game - 1h/2h, good damage and reach. Decent speed. The only problem is the thrust, which is awkward.
Elite scimitar - good reach, reasonable damage, amazing speed - only cutting attacks, so no awkward poking attack - the best simple cutting weapon, no contest.
Hafted Blade - a polearm with a swinging attack while on horseback - awesome.
Light lance - it may not have the reach of heavier versions, but it is not completely useless while simply poking. It will still one-shot pretty much everything when couched anyway.
Military hammer and spiked mace - preference choice really - both are probably the best one-handed melee blunt weapons - blisteringly fast, good in tight melee and amazing for taking prisoners thanks to speed alone.
Bardiche - like a long axe, but without the awkward poking attack. Simple, convenient weapon.
Bows - Masterwork War Bow or Strong Bow - amazing damage, but the problem with bows is that they require a pretty heavy point investment, so yeah... While technically they are overpowered, they directly make your character less useful in other fields.
Siege crossbow - good damage, accurate - perfect for headshots - perhaps the best weapon for siege offence. Despite huge damage it still needs 2 bolts to kill heavier enemy units, unless you go for headshots - so the benefits between this and other crossbows are not that great - that is a thing to consider. I will have to do some more testing, because lighter crossbows may actually be more optimal in player's hands, if we consider this.
My favorites:
Sword - Bastard sword: It look great and can be used 1 or 2 handed
Cutter - Elite scimitar
Shield - Huscarls round shield on horse, heavy board shield on foot. Heater shields for being all round in terms of size price resistance and hp.
Lance - Great lance for its reach, so that you don't get lanced while charging. Jousting lance for blunt damage. Any counched lance pretty much 1 shot a king harlaus. Short lance for siege/battlefield hybrid if you dont have a long axe.
Bow - War bow for damage, hunting or short bow if you want to become a machine gun. Practice arrow is not available normally but is really good because of its quantity.
Crossbow - siege crossbow
Horse - Courser for looks and speed, saddle for easy to ride, lame sumpters for cheap, chargers for health and looks.
Armor - plate armor, plate boots, horned great helm, gauntlets for protection. Heraldic anything for looks. Mail shirt, byrnie, nordic helm for easy to get from sea raider.
Blunt - flanged mace and armor, iron mace for cheap.
Two handed - polehammer, bardiche. I dont like the great long axe because it can be used to thrust.
Throwing - there are no good throwing weapons. Only reason to loot them is to sell them. Think of veteran horse archers with javelins.
Throwing weapons are dope honestly, heavy throwing axes go hard
It's 2021 and I still watch this for some advice
I found a masterwork sabre on the body of king ragnar
I use it now
King Ragnar can't die Bruh
whyquit44 He was knocked out
then say you looted it after a battle with him
How do you know it was his?
he can't know, just looted
*when you're fighting rhodoks at a plain field and you have a SHIT ton of cavalry* OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I'm a fan of the black handled Balanced Two Handed Sabre. 47 damage, 99 speed and 120 reach. It's far better than the war cleaver ever could hope to be.
I was watching the crossbow work until he goes WARCLEVER BABY
Watch me whiff, now watch me nae nae.
"Hey guys here's a video on the most BADASS weapons in mount and blade warband!"
*proceeds to whiff consecutive shots against bandits while getting headshotted repeatedly*
Swadian Knight is OP
I only have 210
Swadian Knights are feared throughout all of calradia
@@superlawyer4532 but rhodok sharpshooter is the most feared ranged in caldaria and can destroy almost everyone before the swadian cavalry arrives to rhodok sharpshooters 😉
Oh yeah?
I find Military Hammers, Balanced Military Picks and Iron War Axes to be really good as they are an excellent balance of reach (short enough to be effective in really close up quarter battles, yet long enough to be used on horse back), damage, armour piercing and speed.
So many haters in the comments, WTF. I'm going to go watch their M&B videos.
Well, I'm back. And strangely enough, did not find a single video.
Need to mention about few things:
- All Lances can deal "Rush damage" that starts after 5 seconds of horse sprinting. There can be Light Lance, Balanced Lance, and so on.
- If you use Shields with lances, then damage is reduced by 35%, and no more than 35%. Lance on the foot is total garbage, so if you have a crossbow as your secondary weapon, then equip 4th melee weapon and not shield, cuz sometimes you will meet rouges in the villages or bandits and you need to have something that you can use for fight.
- Siege Crossbow has modifier "Masterpiece" and it's not that easy to find + it's very expensive for the beginning of the game.
I so love The great bardiche and the war hammer :)
+cesar the imperator do you even England bro (english)
Nope I'm French :/
+cesar the imperator I prefer the long great bardiche if I'm going to do lots of kiting.
The great long bardiche cannot be usefully use on an horse so I don't love it.
@ 3:52
yeah, I'm hardcore, so I use no shields when on horseback. My character looks like one of those Sassanian Aswaran solders XD
in fact as a joke I trained and equipped all my NPCs to fight that way. Ymira in particular is hardcore, though Nizar is the best by far at this. Klethi's unique for using javelins, and Matheld I'm thinking of making her a super-heavy aswaran.
they're surprisingly devastating: a hail of missiles followed by a serious lancing by them is the main tactic: as I'm fighting as part of a larger army my regiment (all cavalry) hits them from the flanks. And surprisingly hard to knock-out or kill XD
What about the Morningstar?
Wow! Masterwork weapons do a lot of damage? That's crazy!
Guess you never played Prophesy of Pendor
The Masterworks Great Sword is also a beautiful piece of work for sieges. Overhead strikes all day will break through any defensive line.
Heavy Great Long War Axe... I think that's the best weapon in the game myself.
Man of culture
I prefer the Bastard Sword (1h/2h) with Shield (the prefix dont count) got quite nice speed, range and is easy to obtain
Ill go often Bastard 2H on horse and for ground a onehanded sword and a shield
Got Archers for longrange in singleplayer (in siege ill go for bow big bag arrows and 1H Shield
My God I hate these Hilary ads
Won't be seeing many of those anymore.
8:47 funniest part of the whole damn video
Where is the bardiche? I had one that had like 53 damage. How about that being OP?
ik the heavy great bardiche hits like a truck that has explosives in it. jk but it dishes out some serious damage
Most terrifying weapon award goes to the war cleaver.
8:55 Snake...? Snake? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!?
So random hahahaha
I love the lances, they are way too overpowered, dealing 152 couched lance damage is really gratifying
So Robert Baratheon had the right idea, eh?
Haha. In real life, swords for the most part weren't all that useful compared to other weapons. Hollywood just sensationalized them.
Swords are versatile weapons that can cut, thrust, parry, and grapple - good on offense AND defense, good against armor AND soft targets. Their main selling point is that they can be worn as a sidearm.
I'm assuming you know a little about weapon history. Not saying they aren't good for a lot of different uses, but they have a lot of drawbacks. Overall specialized weapons were used much more often in armies and war. Swords were often secondary weapons. By the 16th century they were nearly useless if fighting plate armor. I mean if you think about it, what is the point of wearing armor if it can't protect against anything?
Exactly. Swords were the easiest weapons to carry (besides a knife or dagger, of course), so they basically filled the same role that pistols do today. A spear or lance was the best weapon to have, but a sword made a splendid backup weapon.
I forgot you have option for an automatic couched lance. I always have it on manual
uses cheat to beat some forest bandit with 1/4 damage, can't wait to see how you get rekt in multiplayee
I don't like Herodotus worse case if he actually pirated this game lmao
My List (in no particular order)
1. Light Crossbow - can be used on horseback
2. Morningstar - Can crush through blocks, can be used with a shield, can be used on horseback
3. Light Lance - fastest lance and can still out-reach the others with a thrust
4. Nordic Sword - Easy to get and probably the best early game sidearm
5. Military Pick - Incredibly fast and good against armor
6. Siege Crossbow - no annoying power draw requirement
I never understood how to use lances
I know you have to ram with them at high speeds but I can't tell when to release the attack button
Also using a lance on foot is terrible at least for me
You don't use the attack button when using a lance. Go at full speed, wait till the lance gets couched, aim with the mouse.
Hunter HU what's couching? call me a noob but I have no idea what that is
Tyler Keaton it is when your Lance is down
Walreeses Pieces ty for the response though i had already looked up what it was
couching takes a long time, if you want to attack faster you just have to aim at an enemy while attacking with your lance. It takes some practice but the damage is almost the same, as long as you have some speed while doing it
I still prefer the Heavy Morningstar or those clubs the Mamlukes use.
Not only are they really strong but they CAN CRUSH BLOCKS.
Specially if you're on a horse, no matter if they have shields or are blocking with their weapons you will ALWAYS hurt them
M&B is pretty well balanced. Every weapon has its function and reason its in the game. Hell, one of my favorite weapons were war spear since it was short enough to use on land well and long enough on horse back. And its a lot shorter then lances. But its faster and you can actually fight close range with it. And with lance, you pretty much have to waste another slot in your inventory for another weapon. Considering you only have 4 and adding shield in the mix, that leaves you with no ability to have bow.
So this video is highly subjective and brings very little value exept to hear about favorite weapons of the videos author. It does not represent actual game state in any way.
+mbchudno Well it doesent say Overpowered Loadouts lol
Horse archery? Khergits.
Lances? I'm not good at that.
Cleaver? I use that for infantry.
Crossbow? I prever Khergit horse archery.
Masterwork Great Sword? I prever multiplayer.
Heavy Great Hammer? I don't like it.
The thing about bows and crosbows: crosbows dont have a skill that improves the dmg thus the high base dmg and slow reload speed, bows on the other hand have power draw that boost the dmg by 14% for every point you take so in the end masterwork strong bow does the same dmg as masterworks siege crosbow with 7 points in powerdraw but fires faster and can be used on horseback. Crosbows are for those that want a range solution but dont wana waste points in to skills to use.
your using that lance all wrong, you can use the great lance just by pressing left click like normal and you still kill a shitload of people. Couching a lance vs real people is a fucking stupid idea because they will almost always move, you need to use its massive reach and left click for direction.
+paul paulio if you talk about the multiplayer, yeah, but not on campaign
Raka Nggaknormal true, but its good to get practice in in singleplayer
Those shields aren't going to break easily without a couched lance dude. Besides, the click-poking is so slow that you need skill to time it. Skill that you do not need if you couch that lance.
RageWinRAR No they're not, but if you have skill as you say you can aim above them for the head. And seeing as I'm talking about multiplayer it's fair to say if all you do is couch on horseback and wait for that perfect strike, you'll likely kill 1 or 2 people tops in a 10 minute game.
You can't block a couched lance but you can block a thrusted one. The pros couch. Its all about how you control your horse
This game is still awesome. But my top melee weapons are a bit different. I love using either the balanced spiked mace or the heavy military hammer, and the jousting lance, if I'm trying to keep my enemies. If I'm killing them I like to use either the morningstar or the bastard sword, depending on the enemies armor.
Sorry Man But You Dont Know- Much Of This Game
Perhaps give some insight as to the *why* you think this way?
Those who are new would appreciate your perspective, if it's correct.
Can I Ask You Something Why Do You Capitalize Every Word Like This? I See People Do It A Lot And I Am Curious Why People Do It.
@@Gridironwarplans I Think It Is Because Either They Are Stupid Or Maybe English Isn't Their First Language, But If It Is Their First Language They Have No Excuse.
I tried warband during the free trial on steam, after a few minutes I had to get the whole collection. I was and am so happy with it, only problem is I really suck, but then I found your guides! I FLIPPEN LOVE YOU AND YOUR CHANNEL YOU MOUNT AND BLADE BEAST YOU!
+Issei Senpai Great bud, hope you made it thru all 20 guides :D They will be there as you progress in the game, so thanks for subbing.
why all the dislikes? this video was entertaining and slightly informational
because someone fav weapon wasnt in video smh
Or because they are comparing weapons in vanilla to mods.
because he doesn't know how to edit
because he's a giant fcking noob
he dont even know wich are the over powered weapons of the game. so he is basically showing a bad gameplay of a cheated game.
honestly i know the great sword is great but it has the same stats as the "Sword of War" but great sword has longer reach then the Sword of War. But the Sword of war is faster by like 3 or 4 points i prefer speed. Mine is a Balanced Sword of War btw.
Get something one handed or a heavy Morningstar because you can go home with those
From my experience, the bow is by far the greatest weapon. You can take over towns by yourself. I can take out 100+ men in the open field by myself rather quickly.
I can do that with the heavy bastard sword, which is the best sword imo
You can kill 100+ men with 30 arrows? nice
Chicken Wilson
I think he carries 90 arrows with no melee weapons. He can also go back to his baggage and get extra arrows during a battle.
"rather quickly"
plus, without a melee weapon, how can he rid shield men?
Imagine telling people to use masterwork 2h weapons instead of balanced.
400000+ Denars. gg
+Blizzard Blaze CTRL+X in inventory screen
+SnipeLikeVasya even on Mac?
Idk, You have to enable cheatis in the config too. You know where you pick your mod, here's a list see if any work
AI takes over you character in battles CTRL+F5
Completely heals you CTRL+H
Completely heals your horse CTRL+Shift+H
Damage yourself CTRL+F3
Deactivate Cheat Menu Ctrl + ~ (then type in 'nocheatmenu' no '')
Fast Forward waiting at map Ctrl + space
Gives experience to the selected party member CTRL+X
Gives you 1000 XP in the character screen CTRL+X
Greatly increases all of your weapon proficiencies CTRL+W
In the inventory it gives you 1000 Gold CTRL+X
Knock unconscious all enemy troops Ctrl+Alt+F4
Knocks out all enemies zoomed into. (Holding shift and looking at) Ctrl+Shift+F4
Knocks out all of your troops Ctrl+Shift+F6
Knocks out one of your troops Ctrl+F6
Knocks unconcious an enemy after a number of presses CTRL+F4
Let's you see everything except hideouts on the World Map CTRL+T
Level Up Shift + L
On the World Map, teleports your party to where you click CTRL+Left Click
Slow Motion (Press again to turn on or off) CTRL + F9
Stop the time at battle Ctrl + F11
Upgrade all available units to that path. Ctrl + Left Click
+SnipeLikeVasya That's for scrubs, you export your character, edit the text file and import.
+Blizzard Blaze It's just for demonstration
nice! I've been using fighting axe on horse as it has long range and goes through shields (how is it vs armour?) but that hammer looks cool! Was worried about shorter range and speed..
as i've just restarted the game and in need of cash.. hammers look a good choice for getting slaves!!
Ha been trying the hammer since that post. Find a bit short range and I can miss or get stuck in a fight with them. Will probably stick with long axes!
Dude i am horrible at lancing. Like its really difficult haha
Tulop yeah I can't get the hang of it either
It is all about horse, riding and polearm and its skill. If you have enough(or maxed) riding to ride a fast horse, your lancing damage trns into one-shot-kill, if you have high polearm skill, it lets your polearm turn faster (they are like battleship turrets, takes a long-ass time to reach your aim), and depends on your lance, if the lancce it TOO long, it is harder to aim like the one in the vid. it has 320(smth like that) reach that lets you lance your lacing opp and thus, protect your squad from the lanced fate. Or if you use a Khergit type lances (which resembles spears more than a lance) they have less reach, but fast. You may not even need shouldering those lances. because the thrust you make with that is completed much more early then the long-ass one.
But while playing, you need to calculate the movements, which requires practice.
i see
Also, Unless you are facing against Rhodok inf or Khergits, just use smaller lances. Otherwise great Lance is the breather you are looking for.
3 words, Balanced Bastard Sword. The damage is amazing on horseback and it has 101 reach and speed respectively. I usually use this with the Masterwork War Bow with Bodkin Arrows and just destroy armies 4 to 1 with my Swadian Knights.
Disappointing video, I'm guessing he doesn't know how to edit videos?
+Dylan “DCSTheGamer” Schultz nope, I focus on content sooo sometimes I forget the Ray flares and magic star dust
Potato Lord Yeah, got a fucking problem?
Potato Lord What?
Potato Lord I'm the stupid 8 year old? Just have a look at all of your replies
Potato Lord Exactly...
in my opinion I like the masterwork warbow the only down side is speed, cost and 8 points in power draw
+Thegamers500 At level 10 power draw the Masterwork War Bow does about 5 more damage than the Masterwork Strong Bow and it's speed is just 5 lower, 5 damage for 5 speed is a damn good deal.
Ur kinda cringe but it's ok we can all be friends he thanks for the info
I didn't play native enough, but if you try to use these slow two-handed weapons in prophesy of pendor, you will be blown away in seconds, because enemies instantly change their attack after you try to block, so you just have to right click like an idiot. Or even more likely you will get an arrow to your face from another side of the map.
But my vanilla masterwork longbow has the same speed as the Nomad bow and does 10 more damage with every shot being a 1shot kill
And my balanced regular sword does more damage than all of the swords you showed
Best setup is 3 shields and Balanced Heavy Bastard Sword. It is literally all you need for battles and sieges, does it all. You need 3 shields because they break and without shields you are dead meat. So survive-ability is most important thing. And the sword can be used as single or double handed if the situation permits it. Giving it ultimate flexibility. In siege you need that flexibility, and you need shield to tank so many missiles. Then when you get to the top, you can just crack heads with over hand swings super fast, you can break shields, you can crack heads, you can block any javelins, arrows or bolts and you will always have your back protected with extra shield, and if one breaks you have spare and still have your back protected.
The best bow you can find,two slots arrows and one twohanded weapon a heavy armor and the fastest armored horse and the tactic is to target light troops like archers or the horses or go behind shield troops to shoot at their backs and dont stop moving because you will become easy target for long range weapons
I am missing the hand-and-a-half-swords(Bastardswords) Those are great for leveling up both 1h and 2h skill, just put away shield and it's a 2h, use shield and it's a 1H. Not sure if it does any more damage as 2h, but it is a great sword for horseback, AND for getting your skills up!
xBeau Gaming, could you recommend a Khanate layout. Definitely need a bow but what for the other two. Also what is the best khanate armour. I don't care if the gear is weaker I only care for khanate equipment.