Im a catholic, but i have great admiration for the musical tradition of the church of England and all these BEAUTIFUL hymns. God bless you brothers and sisters, we are all Christians!
@@colingrant8401 Firstly it is Welsh not Welch - Welch is only used in the regimental name for the Royal Welch Fusilers. Secondly The Church in Wales is the established Church in Wales and is part of the Anglican Communion and my father was the first member of my family for some 300 years was not a Minister in the Church in Wales - His older brother, the Rev Andrew Timothy was the Vicar of Bala when WW2 started and he left his Parish to become an army Padre and then a paratroop Padre in 1940. My father left Theological College on the 3rd of September, 1939, to join the RAF serving as a pilot from 1940 to 1946 and wasnt able to return to Theological college when demobbed. My Uncle didn't feel able to return to the Church when he was demobbed and joined the BBC as a News Reader on the Home Service and was the original straight man to the Goons and a close friend of Harry Secombe whose older brother, the Rev Frederick Thomas Secombe was also a Church in Wales Minister
If it draws you from afar, how do you think it will be if you drew near to the one this song is about. Bread of heaven is Jesus and that refreshing is what He wants to give you for eternity. He is worth knowing.
One of the greatest hymns in the world and I am so glad that my enforced exile from my Irish homeland to Cardiff enabled me to learn Welsh and then to learn to sing such wonderful hymns as this in the two languages of Wales
This glorious hymn is even more precious in America now. We have an angry and befuddled man as our President, but we will keep looking to God for comfort until these 4 years have passed. Praise the Lord, he is still in control. He allows trials to come into our lives, but we endure by clinging to Jesus.
We used to sing this hymn on our way to Cornwall from Yorkshire when I was a teenager. 60 years ago. Seems like yesterday. Then we sang it at the Education welfare officers national association conference when my Dad was the president. Sadly the welsh woman who was singing with us didn't seem to know all the verses. (My dad made sure that I did) I love the hymn as it is the cry of my heart.
@1934polly Listen to the words of the hymn. It is for life to live by not for death; once you are dead, the words of this hymn will have no effect. Read Eccl. 9:5, 6 and know the state of the dead.
I have never been to Royal Albert Hall, but my sister and brother in law performed there many time, he on the violin and she singing. They are both gone now, but thank you for letting me see this beautiful place.
Ellie West do go ! have'nt been to this ye t But Tennis yes Seen John McEnroe Boris Becker Andy roddick Marat Safin Pat cash Pat rafter Etc Etc Sorry in advance I have wide interest's Very wide....
This is the result of Welsh men going to choir practice instead of taking drugs, committing adultery, going to pubs, etc. The Welsh have always earned respect for their kindness and goodness. Bless them.
I first heard this simple, stirring hymn at the beginning of How Green Was My Valley (Best Picture, 1941). If you have not yet seen this masterpiece I highly recommend you do so.
Yes! "How Green Was My Valley" was where I had first heard of "Cwm Rhondda" in the original Welsh! This is such a beautiful song, and nothing captures it better than hearing the resounding voices of the Welshmen coming home after a hard day's work in the mines from the movie's beginning. Thank you so much for the wonderful reminder! Absolutely beautiful, and here is the link to that clip from "How Green Was My Valley": Please enjoy if you are interested! :)
Woke up this morning with this song in my heart and I heard to play and sing along 4 times. I'm grateful to my grandmother for my Baptist foundation. God always guide all my journey through this land.
This has to be one of my favorite hymns, and I'm not even that religious really. Although I have to say, my favorite version was the Welsh Children's Choir at the 2012 Olympics
I LOVE THIS. On the Dutch version of Songs of Praise or Nederland Zingt, (#SongsofPraise/#NederlandZingt) the song is called; Leid mij, Heer, o machtig Heiland #LeidmijHeerOMachtigHeiland which translates to Guide Me Lord O Mighty Saviour #GuideMeLordOMightySaviour or Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer, #GuideMeOThouGreatRedeemer Russell Watson, Aled Jones, Alfie Boe, Michael Ball, Vincent Niclo, Andrea Bocelli, Mario Frangoulis, Katherine Jenkins, Laura Wright, Sarah Brightman, Hayley Westenra, Charlotte Church, Carmen Monarcha, Andre Rieu, Carla Maffioletti, Kimmy Skota, Mairead Nesbitt, Orla Fallon, Meav Ni Mhaolchatha, Chloe Agnew, Lisa Kelly, Simon Rattle, Mirusia Louwerse, Anna Majchrzak, Ellen Williams, London Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Celtic Woman team and the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra can sing. It has only three verses in Dutch and three verses in English Here are the lyrics. #LeidMijHeerOMachtigHeiland #GuideMeLordOMightySaviour #GuideMeOThouGreatRedeemer #RussellWatson #AledJones #AlfieBoe #MichaelBall #VincentNiclo #AndreaBocelli #MarioFrangoulis #KatherineJenkins #LauraWright #SarahBrightman #HayleyWestenra #CharlotteChurch #CarmenMonarcha #AndreRieu #CarlaMaffioletti #KimmySkota #MaireadNesbitt #OrlaFallon #MeavNiMhaolchatha #ChloeAgnew #LisaKelly #SimonRattle #MirusiaLouwerse #AnnaMajchrzak #EllenWilliams #LondonSymphonyOrchestra #SingaporeSymphonyOrchestra #BerlinPhilharmonicOrchestra #CelticWoman #RTENationalSymphonyOrchestra (VERSES 1 TO 3 IN DUTCH) Leid mij, Heer, o machtig Heiland door dit leven aan uw hand. Ik ben zwak, maar Gij zijt machtig, wees mijn Gids in 't barre land. Gij mijn Sterkte, Gij mijn Leider, vul mij met uw Geest steeds meer, vul mij met uw Geest steeds meer. Laat mij zijn een Godsgetuige, sprekend van U meer en meer. leid mij steeds door uwe liefde, groeiend naar uw beeld, o Heer. Brood des levens, Brood des hemels, voed mij dat ik groei naar U, voed mij dat ik groei naar U. Laat door mij uw levend water vloeien als een klare stroom. O, Heer Jezus, 't wordt steeds later dat uw Geest over allen koom’. Machtig Heiland, mijn Verlosser, kom, Heer Jezus, in uw kracht, kom, Heer Jezus, in uw kracht. (VERSES 4 TO 6 IN ENGLISH) Guide Me Lord O Mighty Saviour (USED IN ENGLISH US) Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer (USED IN ENGLISH UK AND WORLDWIDE) Pilgrim through this barren land I am weak, but thou art mighty Hold me with thy powerful hand Bread of heaven, bread of heaven Feed me till I want no more Feed me till I want no more
Open now the crystal fountain Whence the healing stream doth flow Let the fire and cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through Strong deliverer, strong deliverer Be thou still my strength and shield Be thou still my strength and shield
When I tread the verge of Jordan Bid my anxious fears subside Death of death, and hell's destruction Land me safe on Canaan's side Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to thee I will ever give to thee Written by William Williams, (ENGLISH) Peter Williams (WELSH) Music by John Hughes view link here:-
Hurrah! what a wonderful performance! Dear singers and musicians! I congratulate and wish you all the best to perform well in many theatres, stages, recording studios etc.
This gets me going really does it brings tears to my eyes when I hear Cwm Rhondda sung with great gusto at the Principality Stadium full to the brim what a wonderful sound it is. And I was born in The Rhondda Valley in Gelli
Now this is the real one ,hear the joy in Praise. We are ready Lord for the midnight cry. Let your children be taught by You alone through the POWER of the Holy Spirit. God please give your beloved's kingdom the honour to lead in this midnight cry.Amen.Jesus please in your MERCY please descend this midnight cry in the land of Judah too after all You are called the Lion of Judah and they are so innocent in my land of pure,please Lord please they will listen if You will open their eyes through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
1 Guide me, O my great Redeemer, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but you are mighty; hold me with your powerful hand. Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore, feed me now and evermore. 2 Open now the crystal fountain, where the healing waters flow. Let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through. Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer, ever be my strength and shield, ever be my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside. Death of death, and hell's Destruction, land me safe on Canaan's side. Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever sing to you, I will ever sing to you.
We used to sing this at assembly in school. Only many years later did I realise the close ties our school had with Wales. (Prince Edward School in Zimbabwe).
Wonderful, thank you ! We used to sing this at school, and loved the singing the 2 parts on the first occurrence of "Feed me till I want no more" line... trebles staying on the same note, lower voices singing the descending then ascending "Feed me till I want no more - and want no more". I didn't hear the 2 parts on the last verse of this recording, but maybe it was overpowered by the orchestral crescendo !
Why do some always want to spoil something with the old moan of Welsh versus English ?. Where such a wonderful stirring hymn is concerned, it doesn't matter if your Welsh, English or Mongolian. It's about time are areas of Britain pulled together and let the past be the past.
Agree - but why are terms like Anglo/American relations still used, And not British/American? One example as to why it seems as though it's always the Welsh and Scots doing the compromising.
This is one of my mum's favourite hymns; for the second time, this song has made the top 10 list for THE NATION'S FAVOURITE HYMN. Which year was this please?
I'm not affiliated with any religions around the world, and this song should be universally sing by all, not by the specific groups only. *Guide me, o thou great redeemer!*
This is absolutely awesome! This is proper traditional Christian worship, the way it should be done. I'd love to hear this sung in an old traditional church with a proper old fashioned big grand acoustic pipe organ with no electronics or amplifiers or speakers etc. which will still work even without electric power. Did Katherine Jenkins ever perform this one?
34 Veď nás, všemocný Jehovo Majestátně 1.Veď nás, všemocný Jehovo, v zem Tebou nám slíbenou; slabí jsme, Tys Všemohoucí, veď nás mocnou rukou svou. Duchu Svatý, provázej nás, dřív než přijde Spasitel, dřív než přijde Spasitel. 2.Otevři ten zdroj Sionu, požehnání, jež dává; kéž nás ohnivý sloup vede do našeho domova. Spasiteli, mocný vůdce, přines nám ten krásný den, přines nám ten krásný den. 3.Když se země otřásají, zažeň strach a uklidni; ochraň svůj lid na Sionu, když svět spěje k zničení. Písně díků, písně chvály, budeme Ti zpívati, budeme Ti zpívati.
¡Oh Pastor Divino escucha! ("Guide me, o thou great Jehovah"). La letra es de William Williams (1717-1791), un galés nacido en una familia calvinista congregacionalista (o independiente). El himno evoca la guía de Dios en el libro del Éxodo. El libro fue escrito primeramente en el dialecto galés en el que fue publicado en 1762, y fue traducido al inglés en 1771. La melodía fue compuesta por John Hughes en 1907 con el hombre de CWM RHONDDA. En el Baptist Hymnal, 1956, aparecen las dos variantes métricas en las que se puede interpretar el himno #55 y #56. Interpretado en el programa Songs of Praise, en Royal Albert Hall, Londres). En el video, el himno no se interpretó en un templo cristiano, ni en el contexto de un culto de adoración, sino que se interpretó en el programa Songs of Praise, en Royal Albert Hall, en Londres (eso explica por qué hay aplausos al final). Canto congregacional con acompañamiento de órgano de tubos y orquesta, lo cual era usual en las iglesias evangélicas de antes. Se observa que el coro puede alternar con la congregación y también hacer acompañamientos con la segunda voz. Himnario Bautista, 1978, #225 Nuevo Himnario Popular, 1955, #269
Why don't you limit the ads to shorter ones? We cannot walk away from the computer because we get bombarded by these CCM ads with the girl with a hernia wailing at us. This is offensive.
Im a catholic, but i have great admiration for the musical tradition of the church of England and all these BEAUTIFUL hymns. God bless you brothers and sisters, we are all Christians!
It`s Welch, not CofE. Hope that helps.
@@colingrant8401 Firstly it is Welsh not Welch - Welch is only used in the regimental name for the Royal Welch Fusilers.
Secondly The Church in Wales is the established Church in Wales and is part of the Anglican Communion and my father was the first member of my family for some 300 years was not a Minister in the Church in Wales - His older brother, the Rev Andrew Timothy was the Vicar of Bala when WW2 started and he left his Parish to become an army Padre and then a paratroop Padre in 1940. My father left Theological College on the 3rd of September, 1939, to join the RAF serving as a pilot from 1940 to 1946 and wasnt able to return to Theological college when demobbed.
My Uncle didn't feel able to return to the Church when he was demobbed and joined the BBC as a News Reader on the Home Service and was the original straight man to the Goons and a close friend of Harry Secombe whose older brother, the Rev Frederick Thomas Secombe was also a Church in Wales Minister
Love all Anglican hymns.Touches our inner souls❤😂❤😂
Sang at our wedding going to have it at my wife’s funeral later in the month after 63 years of marriage
Will be praying for you
Condolences to you and yours (hugs)
Gblaen wern blaenwern humerus get
Be comforted
Condolences on your loss. This a beautiful and timeless hymn. You could not have made a better selection. Kind regards to you…JT
Always my favourite hymn and prayer. I could't stop singing this beautiful hymn and it brings me to tears! Greetings from the Philippines!
Beautiful hymn.
Likewise. Love this stirring hymn!
I'm an Indian Hindu, but listening to the hymn, makes me feel refreshed and closer to God... Peace be upon all..
Bling Go Turn to Jesus.
Ware teg bling
If it draws you from afar, how do you think it will be if you drew near to the one this song is about. Bread of heaven is Jesus and that refreshing is what He wants to give you for eternity. He is worth knowing.
Jesus loves you and He is the only one who bled His precious blood to give you eternal life. Give Him your heart today.
A Canadian here - love to hear the Brits sing. Thank you for this stirring music.
@@Huw_copyright Welsh song, Mixed singers.
@@Noname47122 yes the Welsh sing Guide me O thou great Jehovah.
A very moving hymn. No nation can sing like the Welsh. Brilliant!
Sang this yesterday at my younger brothers funeral as we did at our mother's 😢
So sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and your family. It's a beautiful hymn!
One of the greatest hymns in the world and I am so glad that my enforced exile from my Irish homeland to Cardiff enabled me to learn Welsh and then to learn to sing such wonderful hymns as this in the two languages of Wales
Why did you have to experience enforced exile, or are you referring to the IRA period? Praise God we have a guide and a redeemer!
This glorious hymn is even more precious in America now. We have an angry and befuddled man as our President, but we will keep looking to God for comfort until these 4 years have passed. Praise the Lord, he is still in control. He allows trials to come into our lives, but we endure by clinging to Jesus.
We used to sing this hymn on our way to Cornwall from Yorkshire when I was a teenager. 60 years ago. Seems like yesterday. Then we sang it at the Education welfare officers national association conference when my Dad was the president. Sadly the welsh woman who was singing with us didn't seem to know all the verses. (My dad made sure that I did) I love the hymn as it is the cry of my heart.
AMEN Dadffyd! 😁
No words will ever be adequate; this seeks, finds and goes straight to the soul
Can you imagine sports stadiums everywhere packed with believers singing hymns enthusiastically? I can. This is the kind of world I want to live in.
You should go to a Welsh Rugby match.
You are a sure candidate of heaven where we shall join the angels in singing hymns to our Lord forever and ever, Amen.
What a joke believing in a fairy tale grow up
I chose this hymn for my father's funeral service because although he was English, he loved Wales and spent a lot of time there.
my teardrop to hear this beautiful song, thank you Lord Jesus...
sang at my mums funeral, makes me weep every time i start to hear it
Give him the praise. Beautiful rendition. Amen
Oh what Glory! Blessed be the Lord forever. Guide us in your righteous paths. Jesus Christ thank you for redeeming our souls. HalleluYah
Grew up with this hymn in a Baptist church in the US. Wish I had a Welch coir to sing it act my funeral.
I would love this to be sung at my funeral, as I have always wanted guidance from above.
God bless you
Make sure it is then !
We had it at my dad's funeral. Coffin covered in a Welsh flag and drawings by my children. xx
Has it yet?
Listen to the words of the hymn. It is for life to live by not for death; once you are dead, the words of this hymn will have no effect. Read Eccl. 9:5, 6 and know the state of the dead.
Oh that we would all sing this in our hearts to God.
still remember it word for word 40 years on
It brings back the memory of my childhood mass. Thank you.
May Jesus bless UK
Greetings from Taiwan
I can never sing this song without tearing up. Maybe because it was used in the Her majesty the Queen Elizabeth funeral
How wonderful to be there singing with them all! Some day, in the new Jerusalem.
Yes indeed!
I have never been to Royal Albert Hall, but my sister and brother in law performed there many time, he on the violin and she
singing. They are both gone now, but thank you for letting me see this beautiful place.
Ellie West do go
! have'nt been to this ye t
Tennis yes
John McEnroe
Boris Becker
Andy roddick
Marat Safin
Pat cash
Pat rafter
Sorry in advance
I have wide interest's
Very wide....
This is the result of Welsh men going to choir practice instead of taking drugs, committing adultery, going to pubs, etc. The Welsh have always earned respect for their kindness and goodness. Bless them.
Who do the men commit adultery with
I’m an atheist, but I’d pay good money to hear such a performance in the flesh!
I first heard this simple, stirring hymn at the beginning of How Green Was My Valley (Best Picture, 1941). If you have not yet seen this masterpiece I highly recommend you do so.
Yes! "How Green Was My Valley" was where I had first heard of "Cwm Rhondda" in the original Welsh! This is such a beautiful song, and nothing captures it better than hearing the resounding voices of the Welshmen coming home after a hard day's work in the mines from the movie's beginning. Thank you so much for the wonderful reminder! Absolutely beautiful, and here is the link to that clip from "How Green Was My Valley": Please enjoy if you are interested! :)
I'm so sad when I heard this song. I will always remember Lady Diana cause this wedding her song. RIP my Princess.
Woke up this morning with this song in my heart and I heard to play and sing along 4 times. I'm grateful to my grandmother for my Baptist foundation. God always guide all my journey through this land.
Vow what a time to sing this timeless song. Thanks for the beautiful rendition.
The first verse is really perfect for a funeral. _Feed me now and ever more_ . . . .
This has to be one of my favorite hymns, and I'm not even that religious really. Although I have to say, my favorite version was the Welsh Children's Choir at the 2012 Olympics
I LOVE THIS. On the Dutch version of Songs of Praise or Nederland Zingt, (#SongsofPraise/#NederlandZingt) the song is called; Leid mij, Heer, o machtig Heiland #LeidmijHeerOMachtigHeiland which translates to Guide Me Lord O Mighty Saviour #GuideMeLordOMightySaviour or Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer, #GuideMeOThouGreatRedeemer
Russell Watson, Aled Jones, Alfie Boe, Michael Ball, Vincent Niclo, Andrea Bocelli, Mario Frangoulis, Katherine Jenkins, Laura Wright, Sarah Brightman, Hayley Westenra, Charlotte Church, Carmen Monarcha, Andre Rieu, Carla Maffioletti, Kimmy Skota, Mairead Nesbitt, Orla Fallon, Meav Ni Mhaolchatha, Chloe Agnew, Lisa Kelly, Simon Rattle, Mirusia Louwerse, Anna Majchrzak, Ellen Williams, London Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Celtic Woman team and the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra can sing. It has only three verses in Dutch and three verses in English Here are the lyrics. #LeidMijHeerOMachtigHeiland #GuideMeLordOMightySaviour #GuideMeOThouGreatRedeemer #RussellWatson #AledJones #AlfieBoe #MichaelBall #VincentNiclo #AndreaBocelli #MarioFrangoulis #KatherineJenkins #LauraWright #SarahBrightman #HayleyWestenra #CharlotteChurch #CarmenMonarcha #AndreRieu #CarlaMaffioletti #KimmySkota #MaireadNesbitt #OrlaFallon #MeavNiMhaolchatha #ChloeAgnew #LisaKelly #SimonRattle #MirusiaLouwerse #AnnaMajchrzak #EllenWilliams #LondonSymphonyOrchestra #SingaporeSymphonyOrchestra #BerlinPhilharmonicOrchestra #CelticWoman #RTENationalSymphonyOrchestra
Leid mij, Heer, o machtig Heiland
door dit leven aan uw hand.
Ik ben zwak, maar Gij zijt machtig,
wees mijn Gids in 't barre land.
Gij mijn Sterkte, Gij mijn Leider,
vul mij met uw Geest steeds meer,
vul mij met uw Geest steeds meer.
Laat mij zijn een Godsgetuige,
sprekend van U meer en meer.
leid mij steeds door uwe liefde,
groeiend naar uw beeld, o Heer.
Brood des levens, Brood des hemels,
voed mij dat ik groei naar U,
voed mij dat ik groei naar U.
Laat door mij uw levend water
vloeien als een klare stroom.
O, Heer Jezus, 't wordt steeds later
dat uw Geest over allen koom’.
Machtig Heiland, mijn Verlosser,
kom, Heer Jezus, in uw kracht,
kom, Heer Jezus, in uw kracht.
Guide Me Lord O Mighty Saviour (USED IN ENGLISH US)
Pilgrim through this barren land
I am weak, but thou art mighty
Hold me with thy powerful hand
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven
Feed me till I want no more
Feed me till I want no more
Open now the crystal fountain
Whence the healing stream doth flow
Let the fire and cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey through
Strong deliverer, strong deliverer
Be thou still my strength and shield
Be thou still my strength and shield
When I tread the verge of Jordan
Bid my anxious fears subside
Death of death, and hell's destruction
Land me safe on Canaan's side
Songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever give to thee
I will ever give to thee
Written by William Williams, (ENGLISH) Peter Williams (WELSH)
Music by John Hughes
view link here:-
Hurrah! what a wonderful performance! Dear singers and musicians! I congratulate and wish you all the best to perform well in many theatres, stages, recording studios etc.
how can one hear this without wanting to sing along ! it s total inspiration in every note and phrase !
This gets me going really does it brings tears to my eyes when I hear Cwm Rhondda sung with great gusto at the Principality Stadium full to the brim what a wonderful sound it is. And I was born in The Rhondda Valley in Gelli
Now this is the real one ,hear the joy in Praise. We are ready Lord for the midnight cry. Let your children be taught by You alone through the POWER of the Holy Spirit. God please give your beloved's kingdom the honour to lead in this midnight cry.Amen.Jesus please in your MERCY please descend this midnight cry in the land of Judah too after all You are called the Lion of Judah and they are so innocent in my land of pure,please Lord please they will listen if You will open their eyes through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
No entiendo nada del idioma galés, pero esto está cantado en el idioma del cielo. Me imagino a los salvos alabando al Creador.
feed me till I want no more.hallelujah praise God.
Tell me when I'll sort it xx
1 Guide me, O my great Redeemer,
pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but you are mighty;
hold me with your powerful hand.
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me now and evermore,
feed me now and evermore.
2 Open now the crystal fountain,
where the healing waters flow.
Let the fire and cloudy pillar
lead me all my journey through.
Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer,
ever be my strength and shield,
ever be my strength and shield.
3 When I tread the verge of Jordan,
bid my anxious fears subside.
Death of death, and hell's Destruction,
land me safe on Canaan's side.
Songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever sing to you,
I will ever sing to you.
Where is this rhondda? Beautiful setting for all.these hymns! Nice job everyone. I imagine heaven will be even.more beautiful!
It's a place in South Wales, in the Rhondda Valley.
We used to sing this at assembly in school. Only many years later did I realise the close ties our school had with Wales. (Prince Edward School in Zimbabwe).
Beautiful, but I was waiting for them to do the last repeat in Welsh, and they didn't :-(
Why? We are English.
Thank you 🎶👍❤ I am in tears 🙏✝️✊
Wonderful, thank you !
We used to sing this at school, and loved the singing the 2 parts on the first occurrence of "Feed me till I want no more" line... trebles staying on the same note, lower voices singing the descending then ascending "Feed me till I want no more - and want no more".
I didn't hear the 2 parts on the last verse of this recording, but maybe it was overpowered by the orchestral crescendo !
when i hear this song ,i use to have goosebumps.
I am weak but God is mighty. Hallelujah
Very inspiring - thanks for this.
who else keep repeating this hymn waoo angels sing hallelujah
Why do some always want to spoil something with the old moan of Welsh versus English ?.
Where such a wonderful stirring hymn is concerned, it doesn't matter if your Welsh, English or Mongolian. It's about time are areas of Britain pulled together and let the past be the past.
Agree - but why are terms like Anglo/American relations still used, And not British/American? One example as to why it seems as though it's always the Welsh and Scots doing the compromising.
The hymn is Welsh... We are Welsh...
@@georgehorwatt5426 This is an Anglican hymn. The Church of England is a state religion of England! 😉❤
@@leahengland6704 It wasn't originally, but Anglicans have been delighted to adopt it.
in the brethren we sing this to Glory Glory Everlasting hymn 105 amazing
This is glorious
Light our path O LORD throughout this earthly journey. So that our thoughts, ways, associations and speech would always be pleasing to thee.
A beautiful song , old yes , but with a view of modern day living
never before in the troubled times do we need the God Almighty
Guide me Great redeemer I sincerely ask you to Guide me by your powerful Hand
What a wonderful hymn, so powerful and uplifting, amen
This is one of my mum's favourite hymns; for the second time, this song has made the top 10 list for THE NATION'S FAVOURITE HYMN. Which year was this please?
Great. I love the song.
Precioso himno, profundo en significado, poderoso para orar...Saludos desde España, con mi esposa filipina.
Now in English:
Precious hymn, deep in meanimg, powerful for praying. Greetings from Spain with my filipina wife.
Is that Heaven! ,,,, Amen
My dear mother’s favourite hymn. As I listen it brings us both together. Thank you.
God bless you all. our Holy Protestant Christians. How we fought to get the name of the people of the Word! Amen.
I'm not affiliated with any religions around the world, and this song should be universally sing by all, not by the specific groups only.
*Guide me, o thou great redeemer!*
😊❤😊 ❤🎶❤🏴❤...Thank you👍...Thank You Lord ✝️ for the Tingles 🙏❤✝️
This is absolutely awesome! This is proper traditional Christian worship, the way it should be done. I'd love to hear this sung in an old traditional church with a proper old fashioned big grand acoustic pipe organ with no electronics or amplifiers or speakers etc. which will still work even without electric power. Did Katherine Jenkins ever perform this one?
Guide me Lord to the path of righteousness,M
There is only one Bread of Heaven. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me."
Gloria eterna a Gesù cristo re dei re signore dei signori amen amenamen
tingles down my spine
Blijf bij mij heer
Tineke van Veelen g
The Spirit of God moving within you. Turn your life to Christ.
davey boy smithly
Fabulous! What is the occasion?
Meu Deus que coisa mais linda eu ficaria o tempo todo nesta igreja
Amazing so proud to be Welsh
I just love To sing this song for Jesus.
Heavenly. Thank you.
Thank you, Father, for eyes to see, ears to hear, and lips to sing.
Humanity at its very best in every way! Si sic semper!
É maravilhoso
Who is at my side always
Listen to this hymn sung by the Welsh it’ll make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
By the Welsh in Welsh.
Remembering You Jehu J & your faith !
Wonderful and uplifting
Why do some people sing Bear me cross the swelling torrent...instead of Death of deaths and Hells destruction?
Thank you for your inspiring video
I wish they had learned the hymn off by heart.
I can''t help thinking of the 'Not the 9 o'clock news' version of this!
Veď nás, všemocný Jehovo
1.Veď nás, všemocný Jehovo,
v zem Tebou nám slíbenou;
slabí jsme, Tys Všemohoucí,
veď nás mocnou rukou svou.
Duchu Svatý, provázej nás,
dřív než přijde Spasitel,
dřív než přijde Spasitel.
2.Otevři ten zdroj Sionu,
požehnání, jež dává;
kéž nás ohnivý sloup vede
do našeho domova.
Spasiteli, mocný vůdce,
přines nám ten krásný den,
přines nám ten krásný den.
3.Když se země otřásají,
zažeň strach a uklidni;
ochraň svůj lid na Sionu,
když svět spěje k zničení.
Písně díků, písně chvály,
budeme Ti zpívati,
budeme Ti zpívati.
The best ever xxx
Many do a choir, but the welsh hits differently
Excellent hymn.
¡Oh Pastor Divino escucha!
("Guide me, o thou great Jehovah"). La letra es de William Williams (1717-1791), un galés nacido en una familia calvinista congregacionalista (o independiente). El himno evoca la guía de Dios en el libro del Éxodo. El libro fue escrito primeramente en el dialecto galés en el que fue publicado en 1762, y fue traducido al inglés en 1771. La melodía fue compuesta por John Hughes en 1907 con el hombre de CWM RHONDDA. En el Baptist Hymnal, 1956, aparecen las dos variantes métricas en las que se puede interpretar el himno #55 y #56.
Interpretado en el programa Songs of Praise, en Royal Albert Hall, Londres). En el video, el himno no se interpretó en un templo cristiano, ni en el contexto de un culto de adoración, sino que se interpretó en el programa Songs of Praise, en Royal Albert Hall, en Londres (eso explica por qué hay aplausos al final). Canto congregacional con acompañamiento de órgano de tubos y orquesta, lo cual era usual en las iglesias evangélicas de antes. Se observa que el coro puede alternar con la congregación y también hacer acompañamientos con la segunda voz.
Himnario Bautista, 1978, #225
Nuevo Himnario Popular, 1955, #269
A trusted, judge not ! you don't no anyone's heart!and most of all don't be self righteous"thats a don't😭
Absolutely beautiful. Diolch an fawr.
Why don't you limit the ads to shorter ones? We cannot walk away from the computer because we get bombarded by these CCM ads with the girl with a hernia wailing at us. This is offensive.
Jesus-“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”
Unfortunately, I am hindu. But my heart is Christian
Nothing unfortunate there my friend. The GOOD NEWS is that you can always give your life to Christ!
This made my eyes leak..
Beautifully all respects!!!!
I am glad to be Christ servant
Dad's favorite miss him so much xcc