Racism in Russia vs USA

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ค. 2019
    Insta - @shirin.fedor
    Fedor's Russian channel- / @befluentinrussian
    VK- id16737366

ความคิดเห็น • 2.3K

  • @rigalaitheseer
    @rigalaitheseer 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm black and studying in Russia, everything is true in this video. One time this Babushka (grandma) saw me in the street and rushed to buy me a tort (cake). She said thank you for visiting our country...I was surprised.

  • @knucklehoagies
    @knucklehoagies 4 ปีที่แล้ว +602

    Europeans aren't obsessed with race the way Americans are.

  • @jenyatungus6130
    @jenyatungus6130 4 ปีที่แล้ว +200

    I am Russian and I can say the following - for the vast majority of Russians it does not matter at all what kind of skin you have, black, white or yellow. For them, only what you represent as a person, good or bad, matters.

  • @shelikays5120
    @shelikays5120 5 ปีที่แล้ว +498

    I feel the same as a black woman each time I visit Serbia. They are very welcoming

  • @carpediem1975mx
    @carpediem1975mx 4 ปีที่แล้ว +372

    I'm Mexican, have lived in Russia for years and I am the exotic candy wherever I go, I love Russia... I went to Siberia on the transsiberian train and I gained a few kilos just from being fed by babushkas for 6 days))), I felt so much love from them on that train ride it was amazing. On the other hand, I have no words to describe how I (negatively) feel towards the US in all aspects...

  • @ibrahimkenderian4479
    @ibrahimkenderian4479 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    I’m living and studying in Russia now… and I haven’t experienced any kind of racism, I’m from Egypt and when people just know about that, they are full of interest and it feels amazing when you see them knowing a lot of things about egypt and not only the fact that we have pyramids. From my experience, Russians are respectful, open to learn about you and about the world around them. Loving the country and looking forward to learn Russian

  • @PaulV.
    @PaulV. 5 ปีที่แล้ว +471

    As a person who lives in both countries at the same time Russia and the US I can say that foreigners often think Russians are racist because of two things. First one is a general curiosity of Russians towards black people. There are not many of them living in Russia and outside Moscow and Saint-Petersburg a lot of people havent seen even one in real life. So yes they sometimes stare but only because they are really interested. The second thing is a general directness of Russians. It might seem strange for a Westerner but Russians usually much freely express their minds cause such thing as PC culture is not present in their country. They are not afraid to tell someone of different race if they are somehow dissatisfied with his behavior or even act in response and will be very suprised if someone accuse them of racism because of that.

  • @vegan4846
    @vegan4846 4 ปีที่แล้ว +90

    Russians are extremely honest but have huge hearts. Tough and confident but soft on the inside. Beautiful people.

  • @coastalcapybara
    @coastalcapybara 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Being black has never had a negative meaning in Russia, but people will stare at black people, because most have never seen a black person in real life.

  • @JO-uf3mq
    @JO-uf3mq 4 ปีที่แล้ว +420

    I am black and i live in St Petersburg (Russia). I have experienced racism once in the metro when a woman clearly showed to everyone that she did not want to sit next to me because I am black. But when she did that, another lady who was seated across me told me not to mind that lady. She left her sit and came to sit next to me. So I felt undisturbed, but the whole day I was still shocked from the act of the other lady.

  • @borisezomo6798
    @borisezomo6798 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Am an Afro Russian. Had more racism in the U.K. in one week that I had seen in Russia in twenty years.

  • @nthabinessa5705
    @nthabinessa5705 5 ปีที่แล้ว +824

    I'm south african and literally every single time I go out, I get told that I'm beautiful. The first month I felt uncomfortable with people staring at me all the time because I was told that I'm going to experience so much racism in Russia but then I realized that's not true and now I'm used to it and I love being complimented every day.

  • @MohoganyFan
    @MohoganyFan 3 ปีที่แล้ว +117

    Russian was one of the BEST experiences for me. Not only am I a Black woman but, I'm 186 cm so the stares are ALWAYS there hahahaha. I have had so many babushkas come up to me and give me food and little gifts. I get a lot of people who want to take pictures with me and stand next to me. I experience this in America as well, as I am a native born American, however, it is usually height related versus race related. I can't wait to go back to Moscow and take pictures of the art. That's my main reason for travel, I love seeing beautiful creativity from other cultures. I learned to say several polite things in Russian so that I express to my hosts that I appreciate their hospitality and that I have a genuine respect for their lands and people. I do that in every country that I visit. Russian men have been incredibly affectionate towards me and very protective, even strangers who are only meeting me in public for the first time. I can appreciate curiosity as I am a curious person. Visiting a place, learning the language and learning the history can dispel so many myths that the media would like to place in your minds. If you have not visited Russia, or any country for that matter, don't be a debil and act like Lord or Lady of the Manor because of your passport...it's unconscionable to be rude in someone else's country.

  • @jontiswe
    @jontiswe 4 ปีที่แล้ว +270

    Well I was in Russia during the World Cup last summer and had the most amazing time, alright I'm a white, blond and blue-eyed Swede, but I did not hear any stories from African, Latin American or Asian fans that they had been treated badly or experienced any racism either. Not saying that nothing bad happened o anyone, I mean there were A LOT of people there during the World Cup, but I didn't hear about a single thing and if it had been a problem, Western media would have been all over it because they always look for any chance to discredit Russia.

  • @jacmorales5314
    @jacmorales5314 5 ปีที่แล้ว +250

    Your experiences showed me that racism is taught, not born. Thank you for sharing.

  • @josephboyd4406
    @josephboyd4406 5 ปีที่แล้ว +499

    This is so interesting because I met someone from Russia and I never felt he was looking at me as a black person just a human being. Children are not born with hate in their hearts. It

  • @dccoulthard
    @dccoulthard 4 ปีที่แล้ว +222

    After living in Murmansk for five months, and now being back in the States, I am really considering moving back to Russia. I find that people, one-on-one, are much nicer than in the US.

  • @ksilas78
    @ksilas78 4 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    I've worked with Russian people and went to school with Russians in New York, and I always thought Russians were cool💜

  • @dzee5357
    @dzee5357 4 ปีที่แล้ว +248

    I’m an Asian American who’s been living in Moscow for 8 months, and I got the same comments when I told people I was going to Russia. But the truth America is a much more dangerous place, and the racism is much worse. In America, I felt that 75-80% of my interactions were influenced in someway by race. Coming here, it’s like this huge cloud that always hovered over me in the US has mostly gone away.

  • @elenaherwagen3529
    @elenaherwagen3529 5 ปีที่แล้ว +91

    In Russia people really look AT one another with interest. In America they look THROUGH you as if they don't really see you. They try not to make eye to eye contact. I've been living in America for almost 20 years now and got used to it. But at first I lacked that kind of positive attention I got in Russia from strangers as a person, from men as a rather good looking woman. You, on the contrary, are fed up with negative attitude in America and get all the advantages of living in Russia with your real and unusual beauty and charming smile. Stay there and never come back, I wish you all the best!