Liang Yi quan Dim Mak

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • Liang Yi quan major in Dim Mak. It control people, not injure other people. It need to practise Qigong.

ความคิดเห็น • 35

  • @lilylily5553
    @lilylily5553  9 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Is the Dim Mak Real?
    Written By: Da Shi Xiong Matt Talbert
    September 8, 2008
    The quick answer is yes. The Dim Mak is very real, though as with many stories and myths tales of its use and prowess have been blown out of proportion. Dim Mak is Cantonese term and is known as Dian Mai (點脈) in Mandarin Dian means to press and exert pressure and Mai is a reference to the blood vessels. This literally is to press on the blood vessels. This is more commonly known in Traditional Chinese Medicine by the term Dian Xue (點血) which also means to press on the blood vessels and should not be confused with Dian Xue (點穴) which means to press on the cavities and references acupressure points.
    Stories and movies often popularize a technique known as the ‘Dim Mak’, the death touch. These stories detail how a well an accomplished master could touch an opponent, sometimes without even any force, and he would die instantly. Is it possible for anyone to develop this kind of power? Is it possible that a mere touch in a certain location on the human body can cause instant death? Is the dreaded Dim Mak real?
    Most of what is considered Dim Mak is not just a single point on the human body but a collection of points. There are numerous points that can severely injure, debilitate, or kill an opponent. In Chinese Kung Fu these points would be taught in a system of martial knowledge known as the Poison Hands. In classical poison hands there are 108 points that are taught that can cause serious injury. 36 of these points can cause death while the other 72 points can cause unconsciousness or permanent injury. Most of these points, if struck with appropriate force, can not be recovered from and the individual will die within a few days or perhaps a few weeks. If these same points are struck with mild force they can cause permanent debilitating injuries if they are not immediately treated with the appropriate herbal remedies. Most of these points are specific points on the various meridians found within acupuncture. These points often seem random to those who are unfamiliar with the theories behind acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Other points are much more common knowledge. Hitting someone very hard in the temple is fairly well known as a potentially fatal strike. The temple is considered one of the 108 points taught within the poison hands.
    Those struck by one of the 108 points, often would die without seeming to have any external injury at all. This is because many of the points, those that lie on certain meridians, often cause severe damage to internal organs. Other points directly cause damage to the internal organs causing internal bleeding. Most people struck by the Dim Mak did not die immediately as the stories would have you believe. Many would die in a few days to severe internal injury, others would appear to recover their health and then perish several weeks later. For those not initiated in the information of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it often appeared that these people died under mysterious circumstances.
    For most people just a touch would not be able to deliver the amount of power necessary to cause such severe injury. Ancient masters were more likely to effect such impressive results with a mere touch, but it did not happen overnight. To be able to effect such results masters often had to have mastered the skills of the Iron Palm. With fingers and hands hardened more than bricks and metal, and a deep understanding of internal power these masters could hit points with seemingly little effort. A master that was very accomplished in the Iron Palm would also likely have had a deep understanding of Qi(氣). This would allow them to project their Qi into an opponent. With just a touch, the master could project his Qi into vital acupuncture points disrupting the opponent’s Qi and damaging internal organs.
    The Dim Mak is not an easy skill to master. The body must be trained so that the hands can deliver the strikes to the appropriate points and must be both tough and very accurate. The spirit must be cultivated so that the exponent can direct his Qi to the appropriate areas of his body and be able to project it into an opponent. There is also a substantial amount of knowledge that must be learned. Theories of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine require years of study but are essential for knowing how to properly affect the points. Not only must the points and the consequences of striking them be understood, but the exponent must remember which of 12 major meridians are active during what time of day, during which seasons so that the most effective points can be acted upon.
    While the Dim Mak is real, the amount stories and their fantastical nature often misleads people to what the skill really is and what it was capable of. This skill requires a lot of time and dedication to master.

    • @patryka11
      @patryka11 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      lily lily Dear Lily. Do you know where is the school of this amazing art?

    • @lilylily5553
      @lilylily5553  9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      this is Liang Yi quan Dim Mak.
      as far as i know, Liang yi dim mak is a very easy and simple dim mak, easy to learn, easy to open it. it seems hospital can heal it, or people can recover it by themselves. And Zi Men Dim Mak(wu bai qian dim mak, or call it five hundreds money dim mak ) is more complicate dim mak, difficult to learn, difficult to open it. Hospital can not heal Zi Men Dim Mak, and people can not recover by themselves. I also post other dim mak videos in my youtube channel . Please watch my videos of my channel. I still feel Zi Men dim mak is amazing dim mak. Zi Men dim mak need longer time to learn and practise. Liang yi dim mak seems the easiest dim mak. Shao Lin dim mak is also not bad.
      I didn't practise any kind martial arts, all of these knowledge i got from website. I am just a fan about it. so i looked through and searched a lot on the website.

    • @patryka11
      @patryka11 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      lily lily Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! :))))))))Would you be so kind and if possible give me the address of Master Duan Baohua?

    • @lilylily5553
      @lilylily5553  9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      patryka11 i just find Zhang Zhenling's address, Duan baohua is Zhang Zhenling's wife's nephew. i am looking for Duan baohua master address and phone, hold on a moment

    • @patryka11
      @patryka11 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ha! 非常 谢谢。

  • @gabrielheredia7293
    @gabrielheredia7293 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    All my nerves were sparked in an accident where to find sifu in Denver, Colorado my energy's flowing everywhere on its own

  • @Sejarahpetualang
    @Sejarahpetualang 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar luar biasa dahsyat keren terbaik

  • @blacksk4
    @blacksk4 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    This video is a very good documentation. An interesting encounter...

  • @blacksk4
    @blacksk4 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There are hundreds of thousands of nerves in a human body and the neural pathways are crossing each other accumulating to certain points of concentration. At some point they'll be over stimulated and so is the brain. Just logical...

    • @johndough8115
      @johndough8115 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      True Dim Mak, requires Fajing (Explosive Power) ability. The ability to coordinate all of your body mass, into a time-unit, as small as like a 16th of a second. This produces way too much energy for the body to be able to absorb... and it can easily Rupture internals. At lower power levels.. you can cause lesser effects, such as temporary bloodflow issues. For example... hitting a major bloodflow area, and causing so much inflammation / swelling, that it vastly reduces, or stops, bloodflow in the area.
      There are many frauds, such as Dillman.. whom have learned the correct places to strike.. BUT... lack Fajing expression. As such... his attempts to KO average MMA fighters, completely failed. This shows, that its far more than simply a bundle of Nerves... causing the effect.
      I developed Fajing long ago, to a very high degree of output (Lethal levels, at less than 2 inches of runway). To date, I used it to KO four different fighters, whom were being very disrespectful. Each time, I used my lead hand vertical fist strike, to their foreheads. Less than 6 inches of distance traveled, and I never used more than about 15% of what I was capable of delivering. All were dropped on the first exchange. Three of them were Blackbelt level fighters, in Jujitsu, at their Open-House sparring event. The other, had training in Capoeira, and Kuk Sul Wan (a blend of Korean TKD and Chinese Kungfu).
      I also had the luck and pleasure, of being hit by a Demo artist, that also Mastered Fajing. His true inch punch (no pre-pullback trickery) to my chest, through a 4 inch thick phone book... nearly put me into the hospital... or worse. I barely moved a half step back.. as I felt a wave of power blast through me. I felt that wave hit the internal front face, of my SPINE! The power was so great, it cause my back to bow... and it felt like it was going to snap my spine in two.
      After the hit.. it felt like someone had poured gas on my chest, and lit it on Fire. The burning pains were unbearable... and they were about the size and diameter, of a Basketball, internally. It was so painful, that I tried to breath as shallow as possible.. as simply the lungs expanding and contracting, was causing me even more pain.
      The dude was getting ready to attempt a 2nd hit... as I could tell that he wasnt completely happy with his initial output. I quickly backed away, knowing I barely survived the first hit, and thanked him for his Demo. Had that book not been there.. or he got even a hair more output on that strike.. I would not be alive to tell the tale.
      Mind you.. Im a Masterclass level fighter.. that had done several years worth of hardcore Iron-Body conditioning. Most fighters couldnt strike me hard enough to really phase me. The burning pains I was experiencing... stayed with me for FOUR HOURS LONG !!! I was at work at the time... and just about when my shift was about to end.. I was considering driving to the ER for X-Rays, to make sure I was OK "Internally"... the pains Finally started to fade away.
      Ive never been hit harder in my entire 29 yrs, in the combat arts. In fact, Ive never felt mortally in fear and danger of my life being Ended... until the point where I felt pressure blasting my spine outwards... and knew that there was nothing I could do about it... to try to absorb / stop it.
      Heres the thing...
      A Fajing punch, can easily be fatal... But its still a large surface area strike. When you apply Fajing with a Finger strike... things go to a whole other level. The finger can drive much deeper into the OPs tissues... delivering a much more Concentrated amount of mass energy, into a much smaller area.. deeply into the OPs tissues, organs, and or blood carrying vessels.
      The amount of power... is sort of like trying to take a 50ft tall Tsunami, and funnel it into a 4" diameter pipe. The pipe just cant take that much instant mass and pressure... and it will blow apart. Since liquids do not compress... and your Blood is a liquid... the energy causes the blood to rupture its containing walls / vessels / veins, and other tissues.
      It also is powerful enough to cause a lot of Micro-Damages to the very tissues... which is why you feel so much "Burning".

  • @dkpv2012
    @dkpv2012 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    good peoples sharing knowledge

  • @zachary7897
    @zachary7897 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm curious what is the story behind this? Is that guy a practitioner? It looks like a bunch of martial artists came to a guy's birthday party to punch him from of 20 girls or something.

  • @sebascruzx
    @sebascruzx 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    0:07 velocidad x0.25 para aprender el movimiento:)

  • @ea9901
    @ea9901 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Para el que quiera saber cómo usarlo se una uno o 2 dedos y se ataca entre el medio de las costillas

  • @blacksk4
    @blacksk4 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Obviously it needs not only a master to take someone down so quickly and effectively but also to bring one up again and help standing. I think those people around are not to blame for their helplessness; rather it is their cultural setting which doesn't seem to have made them fit for "real" love. Of course this is generalized spoken now... maybe the most loving human on earth lives in Manhattan, idk ;)

  • @miketurley8272
    @miketurley8272 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    whats the name and location of the master

    • @lilylily5553
      @lilylily5553  8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Duan Baohua, he is Liang Yi quan master. I think he is in BeiJing,

  • @trashiestpotato673
    @trashiestpotato673 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    llokk at his face funny than fuck

  • @حسينالبطحاوي-ظ2ظ
    @حسينالبطحاوي-ظ2ظ 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    هذه الضربات ليسة للمزاح حتا وان وجد المعلم ف من الممكن ان يموت الشخص في ثواني

  • @dellarias001
    @dellarias001 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just demo

  • @valmontmoore8301
    @valmontmoore8301 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    do that in real life against a person who is trying to take your head off, different story.

    • @algail44
      @algail44 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Don't be a dick

    • @hinderminder5250
      @hinderminder5250 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Do what not be affected by punches? Seems like it would be pretty effective

    • @johndough8115
      @johndough8115 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I used to use Fajin strikes in full contact sparring, if the OPs were being disrespectful, such as yourself. To date, Ive Knocked out 4 different fighters off the first exchange, with a vertical fist to their forehead. I used less than 15% power levels. Fajin (explosive power) can be used with any strike. It operates in timeframes as small as 1/16 th of a second. Faster than anyone can visible see, with the naked eye.
      The last person I did a demo with, was an MMA fighter. I used fajin in an arm deflection. Maybe 10% power levels. Sadly... he used full power, full speed... causing impact potentials to amplify greatly. This nearly shattered his wristbone. It swelled up nearly double in size in an hours time, and he was in great pains for many nights to follow.
      This stuff, is no joke.

    • @johndough8115
      @johndough8115 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@OlJimJam I have no reason to waste my time writing false stories. There is a Huge difference between some amateur that goes to a Chinese arts class 3x a week, for a mere hour of training... and never trains or spars outside of class... and me... whom:
      Went to class 4x a week (each class was 2hrs long. 1 of those hours, was a full hardcore "Core" workout routine), trained before and after class.. 7 days a week.. a minimal total of 4hrs each day.. for a solid 5yrs. I probably threw like 2000 punches and kicks (or other techs) every single day, all throughout the day and night. Id master things in less than one month... that my teachers still hadnt fully mastered, due to my intensity and hard work ethics.
      I also used to spar, cross train, and teach artists from various styles, including MMA fighters. Many local schools have monthly open-house sparring events, and I would attend them... typically ending up sparring their best blackbelt students. These fighters were often 2x my own mass and strength... and I would completely embarrass them, as they (and or their teacher), were rarely able to land a single hit on me.. while I would be lighting them up.
      The sportized arts are not much of a competition to non-corrupted high level Combat arts. But... most people in the Chinese arts, never come closer to mastery on ANY of their techs.. And they never spar... and so even with superior knowledge / methods... they often easily fail to the lowest level kickboxer. They also fail to maintain perfect form under combat stress... and end up looking like a sloppy kickboxer. I attained the level of skill, where I can maintain perfect form.. the exact way these techs were taught in the form and drills... under full contact level sparring.
      Of course, it goes well beyond that all. Such as the Short Range power mastery. I used to hit a custom made hanging bag filled with about 15 lbs worth of steel BBS. It measured about 7" diameter in the thickest part of the bag. Hitting that thing correctly, was like hitting your fist into a solid Iron Girder. After 3 solid month of this, in addition to the 5yrs of hitting a wall mounted sandbag... it was very easy to KO any fighter, with only a fraction of what I was capable of dishing out.
      Ive also been on the other end of such strikes, from masterclass level Chinese arts fighters... whom FAR surpassed my own skillsets and depth of knowledge. One of these true INCH hits, felt like it was about to crack my spine.. and it felt like my entire chest was lit on FIRE. This burning pain was unbearable... and lasted for a full 4hrs long, before it finally faded away. I was literally 10 min away from going to the ER to get x-rays, to make sure my internals were OK. Any more than 1", and this dude would have easily ended me. And trust me, thats no easy feat... considering that I trained hardcore IRON BODY conditioning.
      Unlike Muay Thai, which mostly only conditions their shins... I conditioned my entire body to that level. Head, Neck, chest, abdomen, thighs, shins, fist, toes and fingers. For a demo, I often would chop my own throat at full speed / power... about 5 times in a row. No redness, choking..etc. I also would punch on own forearm as hard as I could, about 5 times in a row. For most people... that level of power would leave a black and blue bruise for over a week. For me.. it was red for less than 5 min, then the redness would completely vanish without a trace. Sometimes I would hit a concrete floor or wall with my fists a few times.. at a slightly reduced power.. to show how well conditioned my fist were as well (though, I dont recommend doing that often. Sandbags are far better for that purpose)
      Heck.. the MMA fighter I had over, I demoed me hitting the sandbag.. and the impacts are loud, and shake the house. I had him try.. and he couldnt generate even a tenth of the power I was able to generate.. and when asked to hit the bag non stop for an hour... he was having issues after only 7 min. 1hr sessions was my standard, when doing specific attribute training. And in that hours time, it was rare that I took any rests... as you are also training Endurance levels.
      My journey is one that few artists are serious enough to take... and when confronted with such a level of work, and hardcore pace.. most artists never return for another session. I was outpacing fighters 10yrs younger than me, in the mere workout routine I took them through. But all of this is only a fraction of what the Ancients used to do. Those guys started training at the age of 3. 8hrs a day min. 7 days a week. Often training and fighting each other after class ended. It was a daily way of life, and it was basically the Only thing they did (no other distractions).
      The best way to know, is to find the real deal.. and politely ask for a few real physical demos. Most of them will be more than happy to do so, so long as you seem sincere, and do not come off as being threatening / challenging. If you are a decent martial artists, let them know before hand.. and tell them that you can take a decent hit without issue. They will be more comfortable in dishing out a more heavy hit.. rather than being too weak to impress you... as they dont want to injure you on accident.