Speedsoft / Pick up games : the call of duty of airsoft (not a bad thing) Milsim Events - the battlefield and Arma of Airsoft (depends on the event, again not a bad thing)
They a lot different because its easy because it being fast paced makes it easy and skilless, while in speedsoft, it being fast paced makes it difficult and require skill for it to be effective
Speedsoft- Fast paced Competitive Organized Sport like gameplay Milsim- Military Simulation for people who are either Retired Military, Military reenactment enthusiasts (Cause not everyone has what it takes to be a soldier), Active Military/Police, or people who are unable to join the military due to medical disqualification (Past Injuries, Health issues, Etc) Both are 2 Styles of Gameplay that attract alot of people to airsoft, both have their pros and cons.
I agree completely with everything. I play a balance of stealth, tactics, and conservative play with hyper aggressive violence of action. As you said in the video....people seem to shut down when faced with aggression. Sadly my milsim team is mostly Vets, and they play the "don't get killed game". They love and hate me because i disobey orders, and lone wolf some times, but love me b/c i hit so hard and fast force a break in the front line causing the enemy to retreat. Balance is the key...there is a time and place for everything and with experience, you'll know when to turn on the hit, and when to wait for the enemy to get out of position.
sounds like a good team were ther is diverce in players and as you said if the team get stuck then you can un lock by going rogue on the other team and make your hole team advance forward.
Me too in a similar way. Im a gun lover and sport shooter who goes to a liberal school. Whenever I say i like to shoot guns, people look at me like I'm gonna shoot the place up.
Maybe it's from personal experience, but it seems that speedsofters are a lot more forgiving and guiding to new or inexperienced players than milsimers.
Yeah because a guy that does milsim will yell at you if you do something wrong, whereas a speedsofter will tell the noob to follow him so he can show that noob what to do and some tactics. And if you do something wrong next to a speedsofter he will support you and tell the milsimers to go easy on that noob since its his or her first or second time. They also like to share ideas. Though this is not true for all milsim players it's very common. Or is just me that does this and some other speedsofters are dicks? I also feel like speedsoft is great for some kids since they are fast and agile. (Unless they are chubby) The kids also can move and slide around or under objects. If you do parkour such as I do it helps with speedsoft. Or is just me that does this and some other speedsofters are dicks? I do not have a prefrence really since they are both fun and are the same game.
@@Gryffon-wf3oh most speedsofters I encounter are asshole punk kids spray the hell out of rental kids purposely they are super rude and try to talk shit if they feel they hit you iv seen speedsofters run into a room and spray the room with there hpa setup and THERES NOONE IN THE ROOM
Just randomly found your channel and i gotta tell ya i love it haha i live in chicago land area and just joined a airsoft team (bored of paintball) and i gotta say i LOVE both milsim and operation games and open plays they are all fun i love meeting new people and all your points were spot on keep up the awesome content guys
Callsign Lykos Hey, I'm from Chicago too and I'm currently getting into airsoft myself. I've been into paintball for quite some time now but I am looking for something with more of the milsim realistic feel of play. I've been to Blastcamp in Hobart, IN and Badlandz in Crete, IL for paintball and I enjoyed what they have to offer, but I want to experience the simulation of something like Milsim West or American Milsim operation (like the abondoned factory/industrial type of feel). Would you mind telling me the team you're with and where you all go? Also, are you guys looking for new members? Thanks.
A friend and I just opened EagleFreak Airsoft up in Lake Stevens, WA where we're developing a friendly version of speedsoft to grow the airsoft player base in WA. Our rules are semi only, 8 RPS max, 1 joule limit, and anti overshooting rules. Mixed with fantastic game modes and a well thought out field we've made really great strides in retaining airsoft players and on boarding new players.
Speedsoft makes airsoft competitive. It lets games have a clear winner and a clear loser. There will be no argument on who won. Speedsoft is fast, less serious, and usually has short rounds. That's why I prefer Speedsoft over Milsim.
Speedsoft is fun if you want to just go play on the weekends. Milsim is if your more serious about training and realism. Both are fun. But I prefer speedsoft
I'm a milsim player and I want to play both. I respect both. They are the same sport just different play type. I love both and they are both fun. In my opinion people kind of over exaggerate how people judge speedsofting even though they may have Berber played that style.
In Denmark we have like a combo, where people have guns and gear that leans more towards to Milsim but the tactics and pace and rules are more like Speedsoft. I personally find it very good combi.
Hard to say which is better because they're so different. Milsim is LARPing and speedsoft is competitive airsoft. Stop saying one is better than the other, people who think like this is the reason why our sport is dying.
Honestly, every type of airsoft styles needs to have some aggressiveness. People who layback too much drive me crazy because it's hard to move up without your team sometimes. Like, what are you doing with a pistol back there, move up! Your not gonna snipe someone from spawn.
Realy great video, I personaly like both playstyles. Currently my gear is leaning a bit heavy to the Milsim. But im working on my Speedsoft setup since i found out i prefer that playstyle for indoors. But here in Holland Speedsoft in not so big yet 'Sad Face". Also i have a question for andre can you do a video on what you personaly upgrade on your speedsoft Hi Capa's and are you runing the Prowin 41 rounds or just the extended mags?
I'm a fickle guy, I rotate between speedsim, milsim and plinking in the woods with friends, depending on what time of year it is and what everyone else is doing.
honestly the coolest way is to just go out on an open field and play! its not as competitive as speedsoft and nit as serious as milsim + you can play however you want and effectiveness doesnt matter unless you want it to.
That subject is the most debatable and fight maker in the field...and yet you made both side happy with one video! I never understood why it have to be black or white Combine, adopt, play what and how you love it. Personally I love the quick games and the "aggressive" play style,But in Israel there is mostly Milsim-ish plays And because of that I understood the beauty of playing milsim with my attitude and rythem,after all..Its a game,Play how you like it. Great vid as always
My home field is an indoor cqb facility... Extreme Airsoft in Wakefield, RI. And we get all 5 core airsofters - speedsofters, milsimmers, the "hoodie brigade" {new players/rentals}, the birthday partiers, and folks like me - the proud filthy casual. But are far as the two main types go, but speedsoft and milsim, have a lot to offer. Both styles can learn a lot from each other. Personal feelings... As long as you are following the rules and having fun, there is no wrong answer.
Hey guys, I recently talked to a cop in my school and even he couldn't answer this question accurately. Do you have any idea if foaming my suppressor in new York is illegal? Knowing the suppressor is built with airsoft in mind and I do not own a firearm. If it was foamed ONLY FOR AIRSOFT.
Ex0dus Airsoft i dont think it matters as once they figure out its an airsoft gun they wont even check to see if it has foam where do you play in ny btw im in central ny/upstate but i just play in an abandoned rock quarry
those groups you said that took it too far I do agree. being from the military I have yet to find other vets that wants to talk to each other's like that. we have squad designation (ie: bravo 00, etc) and that's it, we do have billets like squad leader, fireteam lead, platoon leader but not a rank structure.
But Andre, as a speedsoft player what is your take on speedsoft allowing improper weapon shouldering of any gun with a stock. there are tons of people who just let it rest on the side of their arm to have it "3 points of contacts".
Just a General Rules Question, If i wanted to start Airsoft, Can i carry 2 pistols and an M14, Scar or Shotgun ect . or is it strictly a Primary and Secondary ONLY.. ??well aside from grenades, knifes and mines..
Damon Santori most fields don't really have a restriction on how many guns you can carry. Sometimes I'll run with my M4, 1911, and h8er so two sidearms and a primary. Be advised the more you carry the heavier it will be, but sometimes it's super useful to have a second secondary.
Kyle Roush Thank you bro for the response, yeah i was thinking of a Scar with grenade mount, secondary pistol on thigh and on back up pistol on vest, to dual weild CQC..or lack ammo in Primary..
Damon Santori it's great to have options always. I use the two pistols so when I'm in a room that has two doors and I want to cover them both it makes life easier. I say more is better as long as you feel comfortable running around with it all on your person.
Kyle Roush whats the deal with silencers on airsofts, the electric blowback SEEM to work Silenced, but i hear alot of reviews Say it Doesnt Work other then looks and a little better accuracy.. thoughts??
Damon Santori well unless there is foam in the suppressor it probably isn't doing much of anything. Most people either throw them on for the looks or it's actually a barrel extension so they can throw a larger inner barrel inside the gun for increased range/accuracy. So there's multiple reasons, but most are honestly just because it looks cool.
I respect both styles of play immensely, but truth be told I much prefer speedsoft.I just have this craving for high energy gunplay thats super fast paced and aggressive. Its so fast honestly its entirely unrealistic but thats what I enjoy (and I'm by far not the fastest at my field). Dropping a 30 bomb on an 8 min unlimited respawn CQB field feels absolutely amazing.
i ran with a milsim company (paintball to be specific, but i think the same issues translate over to airsoft milsim) for a short bit (i got up to captain, so i guess it was a longer than a short bit, rofl) that ran with ranks, but it was more of a "hey, we established a leveling system like halo/COD and like using it" we never used the rank as a authority. we had a forum for tips/tricks, stats on K/D per game, game finders, etc. it was ahead of its time and sadly no longer exists (special ops paintball brigade)
I play paintball and we have very similar problems. I am a speedballer which is the paintball equivalent to speedsofter. According to the milsim players in paintball i play like a dousche. But according to my fellow speedballers i play like any normal speedballer. I personally am fine with getting shot multiple times just like any other speedballer. But almost every single Milsim player i have met has been a pussy about getting shot multiple times
paintballer here, tho im a woodsballer i had gone from big hopper (dye rotor) and lots of pods to pistol play just for the reason its lighter equipment and make me faster and for the speed in the game. so i had gone more to speedball as far as speed and flow of the game and with less stuff to carry and less paintballs also my hits per ball gone upp so the spray and pray aspect is something i dont miss at all its rather fun to advance on the other team and make the hits count.
Milsim takes things way way way to seriously Speedsoft are to immature But on the same side. Milsim builds team skills Speedsoft helps you push better and become better at agression Milsim needs more speedsoft agression and speedsoft needs more mature teamwork. Nuff said
I just love airsoft I'll play what ever I do have a preference but I have no bother playing either style of play I prefer milsim type play but I think cqb can be good to whip your play style into shape
I’ve got a team, with ranks and team structure but we don’t call each other sir or by ranks. We are casual like you said but our rank system is more of a way to have our players be more enthusiastic about the team. If you come to team events and you come to play with us and play good you will rank up etc. also it determines team positions like if your a higher rank there’s a better chance that you’d be a fire team leader or a Squad leader at games
This video is the reason why I play paintball and want to finally start playing airsoft. Because if I wanna play a team competition setting, I want to be able to mark/paint their target. I wouldn’t play speedqb/speedsoft. But if I wanted to play Milsim/Roleplay events, yeah. Airsoft it is!
i usually play a speedsoft-ish style with hi capa mag adapter and will run around and get in close and am looking at getting a p* setup for funsys but i also love to go outside and do an event for two days even if its milsim maybe its just that everyone in nzs super chill
I played CQB with a springer pistol as a joke and it was kids night and I'm glad I did it because the kids were not scared to push up if I shoot them with that gun
I actually play both since I like both. Some days I like to go out and wear my Dye and hit the speedsoft field. And less often, I go to bigger ops I like. I completely agree with you guys. Both types of games improve my skills in the other game. And I agree: you need a good team.
What I CANNOT stand is in the more skirmish games is not being able to tell who the hell is on your team. That's one of the reasons that I like MILSIM.
for me, I'm 110% form over function and can't really see myself enjoying how competitive speedsoft is at times where I enjoy how non competetive milsim is. I don't want to win, I want to experience.
You can't say people that do milsim "aren't in the military" because alot of troops train with airsoft rifles and alot of troops play airsoft themselves to hone cqb skills because when it comes the to real thing you only get one chance
I like SEAL team structure, because all guys are friends in there, they just have somekind of respect to authorities.. not telling their Lt sir, they call him his name...
I love my real steal and I recently got my first hi Cappa pistol and I'm learning to tech it and more I've never played on a field but I'm excited to say me and my friends will soon be playing at iron sight airsoft
Honestly, having heard you describe this, I believe this is a big part of my squads problems. My squad consists of me and three other friends, but we seem to have issues regarding our play styles. Two of my friends have a play style that I personally consider too conservative. I find that when I hang back with them, we are constantly moving back and never take objectives. At the same time, when I or my other buddy take the lead, they don’t follow and when we get shot, they call us out for being too aggressive. Often saying that we are being too much like speed sifters and that we aren’t really using tactics (I find this a bit absurd). It’s really starting to divide our squad since me and one of my friends generally stick together towards the front, getting lots of kills and often picking off people from side flanks or from behind. My other friends on the other hand tend to get a relatively low amount of kills but die way less. Generally they never take the objective and just try to sit in buildings nearby to hit anyone rushing in. We’ve had conversations but it never seems to reach a solution. The times we’ve compromised have actually led to some of our worst performances. What solution do you have in mind that you think could help out my squad. Thank you, and love your channel!
It's not rocket science. Know when to be fast and know when to be slow. Have good team communication, keep angles covered, go fast to exploit openings and to evade, go slow to be more quiet and controlled. I'm the only milsim guy on my field on average in nearly full kits and people know me as one of the most aggressive players. What you wear doesn't define your play style.
I honestly enjoy both types of play style. I enjoy milsim but personally dont like having to lug around a bunch of gear just to look cool or for efficiency, I like to play fast but also kind of keep that military look so I would prefer anyone who likes to play like that I would recommend milspeed
For a casual day of airsoft, you really don't need a lot of gear unless you're in a milsim op, airsoft isn't like actual combat, so it's best to keep it light. If you want simulation, knock yourself out with all the gear but it's more recommended for milsim ops.
Well it’s normal if your going to a milsim you can’t wear OD green and multicam together imagine you see only the top of the helmet OD green and finally you take a shot then the guy calls hit and you see him stand up and finally his kit is all multicam and you where in the same team it would be stupid to change the rules just because people ho complaint they don’t have the right kit to go to a milsim
TL;DR: Milsim = Treating it like a role playing experience, prioritizing fun and teamwork. Using realistic gear and guns, even if they’re not the best (Conventional AR/M4 platform, AK platform, etc) Speedsoft = Treating it like a sport, prioritizing competitiveness and performance. Using only what’s most effective, usually not concerned with realism (see: G&G SSG, Hi capas, DSGs, etc). Personally my preference leans towards milsim because in my experience speedsofters are often arrogant and toxic, but that’s not every speedsofter and I see the flaws with hardcore milsim. The perfect way to play airsoft is probably a mixture of the two styles.
"Milsim needs a dose of speedsoft and speedsoft needs a dose of milsim."
Pretty much the moral of this video.
Russ Harvey hell yeah
100th Like :D
Tbh tho
yeah, its called regular ass fucking airsoft, all kinds of players in casual games
I do both,its called Milspeed
robert wicks Danksoft master race
Temper wym?
robert wicks Check out Head Hunters Airsoft they do these funny videos(well in my opinion) maybe you'll like them
robert wicks I just called is speedsim because my play style is more on the speed aspect before the simulation aspect
Speedsoft / Pick up games : the call of duty of airsoft (not a bad thing)
Milsim Events - the battlefield and Arma of Airsoft (depends on the event, again not a bad thing)
I hate CoD but i really like speedsoft because I like running and being agile
As a milsim player I can agree with that
They a lot different because its easy because it being fast paced makes it easy and skilless, while in speedsoft, it being fast paced makes it difficult and require skill for it to be effective
Speedsoft = Call of Duty
MilSim = ArmA
more like battlefield tbh
@@joshelguapo5563 wdym?
ArmA is way more realistic than BF
@@seppalastname4574 that's the point
@@joshelguapo5563 you mean speedsoft=battlefield?
@@seppalastname4574 no I mean saying milsim is realistic is just silly
"You like using your special snowflake stuff!" It's true xD I hate being told what colors to wear.
"If you ain't dying, you ain't trying."
Speedsoft- Fast paced Competitive Organized Sport like gameplay
Milsim- Military Simulation for people who are either Retired Military, Military reenactment enthusiasts (Cause not everyone has what it takes to be a soldier), Active Military/Police, or people who are unable to join the military due to medical disqualification (Past Injuries, Health issues, Etc)
Both are 2 Styles of Gameplay that attract alot of people to airsoft, both have their pros and cons.
Also love the channel guys!
Love this comment
I agree completely with everything. I play a balance of stealth, tactics, and conservative play with hyper aggressive violence of action. As you said in the video....people seem to shut down when faced with aggression. Sadly my milsim team is mostly Vets, and they play the "don't get killed game". They love and hate me because i disobey orders, and lone wolf some times, but love me b/c i hit so hard and fast force a break in the front line causing the enemy to retreat. Balance is the key...there is a time and place for everything and with experience, you'll know when to turn on the hit, and when to wait for the enemy to get out of position.
sounds like a good team were ther is diverce in players and as you said if the team get stuck then you can un lock by going rogue on the other team and make your hole team advance forward.
Firearm enthusiast in NY...I feel your pain XD
Me too in a similar way. Im a gun lover and sport shooter who goes to a liberal school. Whenever I say i like to shoot guns, people look at me like I'm gonna shoot the place up.
Dat Birdie Boi bro me too my dad said to my principal “we’re going to the shooting range after this” and she went from nice to practically scared
gears of muffin Texas is the best state we go nade launchers flame throwers and guns everywhere
@@beakiethegoon4439 do it, just do it!
jk, pls dont.
Me too im from staten island, NY
Maybe it's from personal experience, but it seems that speedsofters are a lot more forgiving and guiding to new or inexperienced players than milsimers.
Yeah because a guy that does milsim will yell at you if you do something wrong, whereas a speedsofter will tell the noob to follow him so he can show that noob what to do and some tactics. And if you do something wrong next to a speedsofter he will support you and tell the milsimers to go easy on that noob since its his or her first or second time. They also like to share ideas. Though this is not true for all milsim players it's very common.
Or is just me that does this and some other speedsofters are dicks?
I also feel like speedsoft is great for some kids since they are fast and agile. (Unless they are chubby) The kids also can move and slide around or under objects. If you do parkour such as I do it helps with speedsoft.
Or is just me that does this and some other speedsofters are dicks?
I do not have a prefrence really since they are both fun and are the same game.
@@Gryffon-wf3oh most speedsofters I encounter are asshole punk kids spray the hell out of rental kids purposely they are super rude and try to talk shit if they feel they hit you iv seen speedsofters run into a room and spray the room with there hpa setup and THERES NOONE IN THE ROOM
@@ryandeluca3761 that's a fact
@@ryandeluca3761 milsim is full of guys that never made the military trying to bark orders at everyone 😂
@@churbro8195 i have never once experienced that its honestly more like playing cod online iv never had someone bark orders
This is like the 9mm vs. .45 ACP argument
My boi ehouse and Andre laying down facts 💯💯💯
Love your vids man
MCSWAIN dude i love ur vids
Rottendorito thanks brah
Oblivious Chad yes
As a milsim player speedsoft is very annoying to go against in pick up games but I've tried it and it is fun so I can see why it is done a lot
I like your guys channel, the guy on the left reminds me of Seth Rogen.
spinxtercell more in shape lol but definitely
ayyy love the vids.
He reminds everyone of Seth Rogan
I don't see it since I don't have the overwhelming desire to hit him with my car.
Just randomly found your channel and i gotta tell ya i love it haha i live in chicago land area and just joined a airsoft team (bored of paintball) and i gotta say i LOVE both milsim and operation games and open plays they are all fun i love meeting new people and all your points were spot on keep up the awesome content guys
Callsign Lykos Hey, I'm from Chicago too and I'm currently getting into airsoft myself. I've been into paintball for quite some time now but I am looking for something with more of the milsim realistic feel of play. I've been to Blastcamp in Hobart, IN and Badlandz in Crete, IL for paintball and I enjoyed what they have to offer, but I want to experience the simulation of something like Milsim West or American Milsim operation (like the abondoned factory/industrial type of feel). Would you mind telling me the team you're with and where you all go? Also, are you guys looking for new members? Thanks.
A friend and I just opened EagleFreak Airsoft up in Lake Stevens, WA where we're developing a friendly version of speedsoft to grow the airsoft player base in WA. Our rules are semi only, 8 RPS max, 1 joule limit, and anti overshooting rules.
Mixed with fantastic game modes and a well thought out field we've made really great strides in retaining airsoft players and on boarding new players.
...So ultimately what you're implying is that at the end of the day it's the people you're with that make or break the game AND style?
Love talking about this subject
I love to milsim
And when the weather is bad I go indoor and speedsoft that easy
Hows this for a change, They are both awesome.
Has anyone ever told you look scarily like Seth rogan ?
reegan hellevik what if he is
Speedsoft makes airsoft competitive. It lets games have a clear winner and a clear loser. There will be no argument on who won. Speedsoft is fast, less serious, and usually has short rounds. That's why I prefer Speedsoft over Milsim.
richard delmundo I agree
richard delmundo I disagree every team versus team game there will be a Winner, either by gaining points by kills or objectives captured
richard delmundo ah yes there is a clear winner after the 30 minutes of complaining and crying over who shot who first
Tim Lo everyone cheats
Speedsoft is fun if you want to just go play on the weekends. Milsim is if your more serious about training and realism. Both are fun. But I prefer speedsoft
Danksoft Master Race rules all
I'm a milsim player and I want to play both. I respect both. They are the same sport just different play type. I love both and they are both fun. In my opinion people kind of over exaggerate how people judge speedsofting even though they may have Berber played that style.
In Denmark we have like a combo, where people have guns and gear that leans more towards to Milsim but the tactics and pace and rules are more like Speedsoft. I personally find it very good combi.
The thing that triggers me is how speedsofters hold their guns especially the chicken wing
its so that they can semi spam
You make it seem like everyone does it. And I hate stereotypers.
You can always shoot their arms when they chicken wing.
Not everyone does the chicken wing but when they do it makes my eyes bleed
Hard to say which is better because they're so different. Milsim is LARPing and speedsoft is competitive airsoft. Stop saying one is better than the other, people who think like this is the reason why our sport is dying.
I'm not sure why your channel isn't bigger then this, by far my favorite airsoft channel
You guys should have so many more subs your channel is great
Honestly, every type of airsoft styles needs to have some aggressiveness. People who layback too much drive me crazy because it's hard to move up without your team sometimes. Like, what are you doing with a pistol back there, move up! Your not gonna snipe someone from spawn.
Love your channel personally i have played both and I like speedsoft more but you guys are awesome thanks for the great vids
Where did Andre get his slide and Magwell? If anyone knows please let me know
Nicholas O'Connor alpha airsoft probably
What if I wear military clothes but I am a speedsofter
A little late but its called speedsim or milspeed
what do u guys think of silo's gameplay?
Realy great video,
I personaly like both playstyles.
Currently my gear is leaning a bit heavy to the Milsim.
But im working on my Speedsoft setup since i found out i prefer that playstyle for indoors.
But here in Holland Speedsoft in not so big yet 'Sad Face".
Also i have a question for andre can you do a video on what you personaly upgrade on your speedsoft Hi Capa's and are you runing the Prowin 41 rounds or just the extended mags?
It's literally like doing missions vs. playing online in like call of duty or something
I'm a fickle guy, I rotate between speedsim, milsim and plinking in the woods with friends, depending on what time of year it is and what everyone else is doing.
honestly the coolest way is to just go out on an open field and play!
its not as competitive as speedsoft and nit as serious as milsim + you can play however you want and effectiveness doesnt matter unless you want it to.
That subject is the most debatable and fight maker in the field...and yet you made both side happy with one video!
I never understood why it have to be black or white
Combine, adopt, play what and how you love it.
Personally I love the quick games and the "aggressive" play style,But in Israel there is mostly Milsim-ish plays
And because of that I understood the beauty of playing milsim with my attitude and rythem,after all..Its a game,Play how you like it.
Great vid as always
My home field is an indoor cqb facility... Extreme Airsoft in Wakefield, RI. And we get all 5 core airsofters - speedsofters, milsimmers, the "hoodie brigade" {new players/rentals}, the birthday partiers, and folks like me - the proud filthy casual.
But are far as the two main types go, but speedsoft and milsim, have a lot to offer. Both styles can learn a lot from each other.
Personal feelings... As long as you are following the rules and having fun, there is no wrong answer.
Where can I get E House's T Shirt? The link does not work.
Found it and got it. 🤘
What do you recommend as a airtank, hose, and resistor, for a hpa pistol that won't cost a fortune?
Does anyone know what combat shirt the speedsoft dude has on the thumbnail
Chef the Wizard LBX Glacier Gray, you can get them on evike
Garrett Ewell thanks yous
Hey guys, I recently talked to a cop in my school and even he couldn't answer this question accurately. Do you have any idea if foaming my suppressor in new York is illegal? Knowing the suppressor is built with airsoft in mind and I do not own a firearm. If it was foamed ONLY FOR AIRSOFT.
Ex0dus Airsoft i dont think it matters as once they figure out its an airsoft gun they wont even check to see if it has foam where do you play in ny btw im in central ny/upstate but i just play in an abandoned rock quarry
Western New York, buffalo battleground
Ex0dus Airsoft well shiit Buffalo is like 3 hours away and im only 16 so my dad is to much of a bum to drive that far even tho he plays too
those groups you said that took it too far I do agree. being from the military I have yet to find other vets that wants to talk to each other's like that. we have squad designation (ie: bravo 00, etc) and that's it, we do have billets like squad leader, fireteam lead, platoon leader but not a rank structure.
But Andre, as a speedsoft player what is your take on speedsoft allowing improper weapon shouldering of any gun with a stock. there are tons of people who just let it rest on the side of their arm to have it "3 points of contacts".
Just a General Rules Question, If i wanted to start Airsoft, Can i carry 2 pistols and an M14, Scar or Shotgun ect . or is it strictly a Primary and Secondary ONLY.. ??well aside from grenades, knifes and mines..
Damon Santori most fields don't really have a restriction on how many guns you can carry. Sometimes I'll run with my M4, 1911, and h8er so two sidearms and a primary. Be advised the more you carry the heavier it will be, but sometimes it's super useful to have a second secondary.
Kyle Roush Thank you bro for the response, yeah i was thinking of a Scar with grenade mount, secondary pistol on thigh and on back up pistol on vest, to dual weild CQC..or lack ammo in Primary..
Damon Santori it's great to have options always. I use the two pistols so when I'm in a room that has two doors and I want to cover them both it makes life easier. I say more is better as long as you feel comfortable running around with it all on your person.
Kyle Roush whats the deal with silencers on airsofts, the electric blowback SEEM to work Silenced, but i hear alot of reviews Say it Doesnt Work other then looks and a little better accuracy.. thoughts??
Damon Santori well unless there is foam in the suppressor it probably isn't doing much of anything. Most people either throw them on for the looks or it's actually a barrel extension so they can throw a larger inner barrel inside the gun for increased range/accuracy. So there's multiple reasons, but most are honestly just because it looks cool.
I respect both styles of play immensely, but truth be told I much prefer speedsoft.I just have this craving for high energy gunplay thats super fast paced and aggressive. Its so fast honestly its entirely unrealistic but thats what I enjoy (and I'm by far not the fastest at my field). Dropping a 30 bomb on an 8 min unlimited respawn CQB field feels absolutely amazing.
Your channel needs more subs, you deserve them
You guys seem like some chill characters!
That's what I like about you two and your videos !
@16:38 I thought he was going to quote Keemstar "I'm fast as fuck boiii" XD
Tactical Antivist Dude fucking same
What's your opinion on CQC play?
Do your part, magdump your local milsim player
Do your part, gun shame your local speedsofter
i ran with a milsim company (paintball to be specific, but i think the same issues translate over to airsoft milsim) for a short bit (i got up to captain, so i guess it was a longer than a short bit, rofl) that ran with ranks, but it was more of a "hey, we established a leveling system like halo/COD and like using it" we never used the rank as a authority. we had a forum for tips/tricks, stats on K/D per game, game finders, etc. it was ahead of its time and sadly no longer exists (special ops paintball brigade)
I play paintball and we have very similar problems. I am a speedballer which is the paintball equivalent to speedsofter. According to the milsim players in paintball i play like a dousche. But according to my fellow speedballers i play like any normal speedballer. I personally am fine with getting shot multiple times just like any other speedballer. But almost every single Milsim player i have met has been a pussy about getting shot multiple times
paintballer here, tho im a woodsballer i had gone from big hopper (dye rotor) and lots of pods to pistol play just for the reason its lighter equipment and make me faster and for the speed in the game.
so i had gone more to speedball as far as speed and flow of the game and with less stuff to carry and less paintballs also my hits per ball gone upp so the spray and pray aspect is something i dont miss at all its rather fun to advance on the other team and make the hits count.
Personally I just use what works on the milsim side of things without falling into the IG traps.
Didn't realize you guys were in upstate NY. Ever played at Rochester Airsoft?
i suggest an apocoliptyc larp scenario with different clans....burning man/ road warrior style...
Milsim takes things way way way to seriously
Speedsoft are to immature
But on the same side.
Milsim builds team skills
Speedsoft helps you push better and become better at agression
Milsim needs more speedsoft agression and speedsoft needs more mature teamwork. Nuff said
Great video. BTW you guys are from New York! when are you coming down to Pittsburgh to play at the beautiful Battlegrounds?
i prefer speedsoft
tacticalevolve weak lol
tacticalevolve strong
I enjoy speedsoft too,it's a game I enjoy just going for it
tacticalevolve same
tacticalevolve here we go again
I also live in ny are there any good fields here :( i wanna get into it and most fields are paintball fields and only do airsoft on Sundays
Rennnewz Where in NYS do you live?
I like milsim more than speedsofting but I also like speedsofting. altogether people just need to stop arguing and everything would be fine.
You deserve way more subs and also I used to play hockey a very fast paced sport and speedsoft let's me enjoy the rush I used to get from hockey
I just love airsoft I'll play what ever I do have a preference but I have no bother playing either style of play I prefer milsim type play but I think cqb can be good to whip your play style into shape
I’ve got a team, with ranks and team structure but we don’t call each other sir or by ranks. We are casual like you said but our rank system is more of a way to have our players be more enthusiastic about the team. If you come to team events and you come to play with us and play good you will rank up etc. also it determines team positions like if your a higher rank there’s a better chance that you’d be a fire team leader or a Squad leader at games
This video is the reason why I play paintball and want to finally start playing airsoft. Because if I wanna play a team competition setting, I want to be able to mark/paint their target. I wouldn’t play speedqb/speedsoft. But if I wanted to play Milsim/Roleplay events, yeah. Airsoft it is!
Still in 360p, will wait couple of minute to watch it in FHD :)
i usually play a speedsoft-ish style with hi capa mag adapter and will run around and get in close and am looking at getting a p* setup for funsys but i also love to go outside and do an event for two days even if its milsim
maybe its just that everyone in nzs super chill
i love both speed soft and milsim
I played CQB with a springer pistol as a joke and it was kids night and I'm glad I did it because the kids were not scared to push up if I shoot them with that gun
I actually play both since I like both. Some days I like to go out and wear my Dye and hit the speedsoft field. And less often, I go to bigger ops I like. I completely agree with you guys. Both types of games improve my skills in the other game. And I agree: you need a good team.
Now you really have to put up a play video of you two (or rather all of you) playing together!
is that shirt e-house on sale I like it
How did you guys meet.
What I CANNOT stand is in the more skirmish games is not being able to tell who the hell is on your team. That's one of the reasons that I like MILSIM.
im starting speedsoft would someone give me a good chest rig that is 50 and under
for me, I'm 110% form over function and can't really see myself enjoying how competitive speedsoft is at times where I enjoy how non competetive milsim is. I don't want to win, I want to experience.
The way I see Speeds of vs Milsim. Why not both?
You can't say people that do milsim "aren't in the military" because alot of troops train with airsoft rifles and alot of troops play airsoft themselves to hone cqb skills because when it comes the to real thing you only get one chance
I like SEAL team structure, because all guys are friends in there, they just have somekind of respect to authorities.. not telling their Lt sir, they call him his name...
I love my real steal and I recently got my first hi Cappa pistol and I'm learning to tech it and more I've never played on a field but I'm excited to say me and my friends will soon be playing at iron sight airsoft
You really need to do a vido with airsoftolgy it would be so good.
Would love to see what you guys come up with for DnD LARPsofting
I’m a sacrilegious swine. I dress like a milsim player but I love to go for those sweeps🔥🔥🔥🔥
This is probably a REALLY dumb question, but... are DSGs banned in milsims?
I don't even have a dsg lol, but I do want to build one.
Honestly, having heard you describe this, I believe this is a big part of my squads problems. My squad consists of me and three other friends, but we seem to have issues regarding our play styles. Two of my friends have a play style that I personally consider too conservative. I find that when I hang back with them, we are constantly moving back and never take objectives. At the same time, when I or my other buddy take the lead, they don’t follow and when we get shot, they call us out for being too aggressive. Often saying that we are being too much like speed sifters and that we aren’t really using tactics (I find this a bit absurd). It’s really starting to divide our squad since me and one of my friends generally stick together towards the front, getting lots of kills and often picking off people from side flanks or from behind. My other friends on the other hand tend to get a relatively low amount of kills but die way less. Generally they never take the objective and just try to sit in buildings nearby to hit anyone rushing in. We’ve had conversations but it never seems to reach a solution. The times we’ve compromised have actually led to some of our worst performances. What solution do you have in mind that you think could help out my squad. Thank you, and love your channel!
Sweet video gents👌👌👌
My feild is absolutely the perfect mix between the two.
It's not rocket science. Know when to be fast and know when to be slow. Have good team communication, keep angles covered, go fast to exploit openings and to evade, go slow to be more quiet and controlled.
I'm the only milsim guy on my field on average in nearly full kits and people know me as one of the most aggressive players. What you wear doesn't define your play style.
An excellent medium would be swat rescue and house clearing.
speedCQB with NVGs and peq boxes would kick so much ass , like a kill house force on force somebody needs to do it
I honestly enjoy both types of play style. I enjoy milsim but personally dont like having to lug around a bunch of gear just to look cool or for efficiency, I like to play fast but also kind of keep that military look so I would prefer anyone who likes to play like that I would recommend milspeed
they both the same thing one rush 4 ten mintues and the other 18h to 24h 48h they have the same to shoot the bad guy
In Florida it’s always basketball shorts and a t-shirt
For a casual day of airsoft, you really don't need a lot of gear unless you're in a milsim op, airsoft isn't like actual combat, so it's best to keep it light. If you want simulation, knock yourself out with all the gear but it's more recommended for milsim ops.
Well it’s normal if your going to a milsim you can’t wear OD green and multicam together imagine you see only the top of the helmet OD green and finally you take a shot then the guy calls hit and you see him stand up and finally his kit is all multicam and you where in the same team it would be stupid to change the rules just because people ho complaint they don’t have the right kit to go to a milsim
i love both, they are both funny
Milsim = Treating it like a role playing experience, prioritizing fun and teamwork. Using realistic gear and guns, even if they’re not the best (Conventional AR/M4 platform, AK platform, etc)
Speedsoft = Treating it like a sport, prioritizing competitiveness and performance. Using only what’s most effective, usually not concerned with realism (see: G&G SSG, Hi capas, DSGs, etc).
Personally my preference leans towards milsim because in my experience speedsofters are often arrogant and toxic, but that’s not every speedsofter and I see the flaws with hardcore milsim. The perfect way to play airsoft is probably a mixture of the two styles.