It's good that Blue Gogeta is now a lot more equal with the other fusions, because it felt wack that the fusion with the most swagger was just really mid besides having fusion stats.
@plewisjr90 Using FighterZ as an example UI Goku is considered to be one of the worst options in the game, and Ss4 Gogeta is honestly the worst of the fusion characters there too. Meanwhile Gogeta Blue has the most free and easy shit ever and what's possibly the biggest damage output possible in that game. Xenoverse 2 in Gogeta blue's debut I remember while he may not have had the most powerful skills and damage like UI Goku, he was very slippery and hard to catch due to the I-frames on his dash. UI Goku still didn't have normal stamina recovery at this point in the game's life too. And Ss4 Gogeta died in this game the moment back hits were nerfed and didn't come back until he was a custom mentor.
FighterZ: idk I'm not well versed in it to know XenoVerse: i-frame dash step king SZ: IT'S FUTILE 🦅 Legends: IT'S FUTILE 🦅 (origin) Breakers: Shotgun super (STS exclusive, only available in base in regular Transpheres normally for some reason. Unless I missed something.) Please list any others I've missed/not gotten down properly, be it in a joking or serious way
@@drex4929 No way you believe that SSJ4 is worst than Kefla or Zamasu (I do admit he's worse than both Blues, but those are like top 5 with Vegito being possibly top 1).
@@ignisalge7156 with the recent patch yes I do. While he is in no ways a bad character in this game I know because I use him religiously. But both Kefla and Zamasu have more powerful tools in their arsenal than Ss4 Gogeta. I can't speak much for Zamasu since I don't use him but I fought him enough to know what he's like, and I also use Kefla religiously. Both characters possess long range projectiles and have better full screen control than Ss4 does. Kefla's dash is also invulnerable to everything and is special cancelable so she can get the jump on people. Not to mention she has access to some easy 50/50 mix set ups off of light cannon ball and overall better mix than Ss4. She's also got some of the most powerful stagger pressure and block strings. Zamasu has total control over the flow of the fight in most interactions, his flight and the air dash that comes with it makes it very hard to approach him. And once again his projectiles help with screen control and make it hard to approach him. His mix ups while maybe not on par with Ss4 are still good none the less, and his damage is more explosive than Ss4. Ss4 is a good character and has been constantly better than he was on release. But he's never been good enough to be constantly seen in high competitive play after his initial release. Meanwhile Kefla has been picked up by a lot of pros lately and even prior to this latest patch, she's been making appearances in the comp scene. And Zamasu is still used by two top players at all times and others in the comp scene as well. Ss4 is a good character but does not have as much going for him as the others. Perhaps I can say he's better than Gotenks, since he's not bugged anymore, and can't special cancel Die Die missile barrage.
@@Steedoj OHHHHHHHH YOU RESPONDED!!! Im a new viewer but I love your stuff and this made my whole day bro thank you! And damn that’s a wild skill now lol.
Try Super Perfect Cell. Great Frieza style Ki blasts, Fast side step, great combo chain and attack speed and has wild sense and instant transmission for skills. He’s severely underrated
Holy shit that first fight thats me!! :D i remember it being a great fight GG m8! :) Edit: now i've seen the video it's not the first fight but nevertheless, enjoyed playing you!
I was trying to use Janemba thinking the sword gonna make up for his lack of skills. Yea no.. even scrubs where wupping me with UI Goku wild sense spam .
They turned this game into a passive game with the z burst dash nerf. Anyone can play passive and it'll work much better than trying to engage and put pressure on them all the time. You just can't pressure them without z burst dashes because it's so goddamn easy to not engage.
I think they actually slowed down Majin Vegeta and SSB Vegeta final explosions speed. I don’t know why they nerfed those ultimates. I think SSB Vegeta also takes more damage from his ultimate too. I hope they change it. Those ultimates are now useless. You just escaped in your video. Pre patch you would have got caught in the explosion.
I already posted all of the following comments on another YT's video, I'll just copy paste everything here, 'cauz I think that everything Imentioned needs to get adjusted, nerfed and fixed: I don't think super dashing or whatever it's called costing 2 Ki bars is not the problem, in fact, I think that's good. The biggest problems imo are, that Super Perception is just so unnecessary, it just needs to go. It wasn't in the Budokai Tenkaichi series before, why is it nin this one? It's a guaranteed counter everytime for only 1 blue bar, which makes it impossible to dash to your opponent with a let's say charged attack, 'cauz he's just gonna super perception it, which leads me to my next point: Blue bars are still passively charging up way too fuckin' fast. They need to make that way slower. Yeah, make it charge up faster, when you're deflecting Ki blasts, OK, but not just as it is rn, while doing nothing it goes Speedy Gonzales, which also leads me to my next point: Every type of Wild Sense is the new After Image Strike. CXosting only 2 blue bars and with that ridiculous fast charging of the blue bars, they spam it everytime and keeping you away with Ki blasts. And when you try to approach / engage them before they get 2 blue bars again, guess what??? They're just gonna super perception you with the 1 blue bar they just got and then they're gonna combo you with some bullshit 'til they get at least 2 bars back. You always get punished for trying to be the first to approach the opponent. Next thing is sidestepping. Bruh, how I fucking hate side stepping. Approach and opponent starts side stepping 'til I'm getting tired of this passive ass pussy like gameplay and try to start the fuckin' fight, but no, punish me for actually wanting to fight and not dancing in a circle with my opponent together, 'cauz fuck me, right??? The patch was good, but there's still too much to improve EDIT: Ki blast spam is still a thing and sometimes I still get pinned down by it on the spot and can't move while deflecting as they claimed it would be possible now. Also sometimes my opponents can still block mid air, when I do the lift kick. And very often my combos still get interrupted by my character just not continuing the punches / kicks. Just stops mid combo, which as they said, apparently got fixed, which is definitely not the case Oh yeah, forgot to mention 1 other bullshittery: MUI Goku just hits the rush super attack or just his 2nd super attack guaranteed, when you are charging Ki. You can not block that because of god knows why. Because you are still in the animation or something??? Idk. Like that guy starts his 2nd super attack, which lets him teleport instantly towards you and while I press the block button, while the sequence / animations for his super attack are running, my character is just not blocking. Like wtf man Another one!! In the older parts, you were able to charge punch/kick your opponent mid-combo, here it's just not possible. When you try that, your character just stops doing anything. For example: square, square, square -> HOLD square. Worked in BT3, doesn't work here AND ANOTHER ONE!! Inputs are still not instant or at least kinda quick. Feels like half a second after I pushed the button, that my character is moving. Also Aura charging is also not instant, takes also half a second after the animation starts, that your character is actually charging up the Ki bars. Actually, you press the button, THEN first the ability menu in the bottom left corner appears, then your character starts the animation, then the charging aura effect comes up and AFTER that the Ki gauge starts filling up. OK, looks like it doesn't end here: So, you know that perfect charged punch, (that's what I'm gonna call it, since I don't know the ingame term) that let's you vanish behind your opponent ideally and is supposed to be a guaranteed hit: Yeah, you can just side step that and it won't hit. So, then with the new patch now, they added that new "glow" or "shading" effect, that occurs on your character, when you are hitting the opponent consecutively / little combo. That is an indicator, that lets you do the perfect charged hit even faster, so the timing for that is even smaller, but it comes out way faster than normally. The reason I'm mentioning this, is because they didn't note that in the patchnotes. Maybe I just don't remember, but the other reason is, that when you do that perfect charged punch with that glow effect, the glow effect disappears. So you would think: "OK, I can't do the charged perfect punch as fast anymore." Nope, it is still there, but the glow effect is gone. Idk for how many tries or for what amount of time that smaller time window stays up, but that glow effect is the thing, that should tell us, at least that's what it was made for, but it doesn't work right, since it diesappears with trying doing it once. EDIT: The glow effect also disappears, when you continue the combo or start a new combo or whatever else damage dealing you do, but the smaller time windows is also still there for this case, too. Yeah bruh, it keeps coming: WHY TF can you NOT deflect charged Ki blasts while you fly around or stand still and deflect normal Ki blasts??? And why can I NOT just normally block Ki blasts like you block punches??? It just automatically deflects Ki blasts, when you wanna block, which will let you get hit by up-followed charged Ki blasts or by up-followed punches. Wasn't like that in BT3 either and it makes sense, that it wasn't like that before: You could just block everything normally and you were able to deflect by pressing the block button + Left or Right. That's a way better design choice, who changed that??? It's especially painful when your opponent is up close and he starts spamming Ki blasts in your face, 'cauz he knows, that you're gonna deflect them, since you can't choose to normally block in that moment. Obviously he'll get free hits / combos in for that. Wouldn't be like that, when I'd just be able to block normally. EDIT: Yeah, we don't wanna about unblockable Ki blasts, do we??? Also bullshit, when you're pinned down and forced to deflect normal incoming Ki blasts which get followed up by unblockable ones like from sword characters or MUI Goku, who just keeps spamming 'em ...Rush/Charged supers still keep missing. Either the opponent uses the normal step to evade it, which I just noticed today, that that is apparently somehow possible, or you just drift past them, even though you clearly touched the body. You also somehow miss, when the opponent is below you. You either fly pass them, even though you touched the body or you somehow get deflected by the ground, when he is on the ground. Same happens with walls. Sometimes you can fly through them, so they get destroyed, but very often you are just flying along the wall Oh yeah, when you normally charge up to Sparking Mode, you can instantly use an ability, be it either a beam or rush attack. You don't have to wait for that little explosive wave like thing, when you fully charge up. So, why tf is it like that? In BT3 you have the same feature, it also blocks in both games beams and keeps opponents off of you, when they charge towards you. The major difference is, in BT3 that "explosive wave" was always instant, which just makes way more sense and you were NOT able to instantly use a super, so you don't have to wait for that explosive wave and after that still have some of your Sparking Gauge to follow up with an ult, that takes at least 2 health bars away, too. That's way too broken with MUI Goku for example, he charges up, uses his bullshit ass teleport rush super and follows up with another bullshit ass teleport rush or his ult, or with Gogeta blue in combination with his teleportation, which got way better with this patch. You can not vanish any variant of Wild Sense when you use a homing attack. I don't know, if it's the same for After Image Strike, but I bet it is Of course we're not done yet. So I already said everything regarding the blue bars and so on except this one, which still blows my mind. It's also since release there and the new patch did nothing about it: When you hit an opponent with a super, he instantly gets 1 full blue bar. For example: Hit him with a rush super while he has 1 1/2 blue bars: He now has 2 1/2 blue bars. But that's not all. Guess what happens, when you hit your opponent with an ult. Yes, he gets 2 full blue bars. So when he had 1 1/2, he now has 3 1/2 blue bars. Remove that shit completely whose fuckin' idea was it to bring that bullshit ass feature into the game??? Also wanted to mention, that the short dashes you can do by pressing X or A, which consume Ki are just bullshit. Just bring normal flying with normal speed back, without having to consume Ki for that. It's just ass Switching, Fusion and Transformation tabs are still whack as fuck
Hm. Here's the problem with this one, now that the patch has nerfed previous OP characters, new OP characters have emerged, the game needs to be balanced to last for years, balance is the key to fun
Balance is not the key to fun. The unbalanced games are more fun because you can do more strong things tbh. Things like storm, mvc, and mortal Kombat proved this
@@ringzy Ok, we are going for some technicality alright, bear with me When a game is heavily unbalanced, players can feel frustrated and helpless against overpowered opponents.and Unbalanced games often reduce strategy to "pick the strongest character/build and win." This limits gameplay depth. Most importantly Unbalanced games tend to have shorter lifespans, as players lose interest once they've exploited the imbalance. In contrast, balanced games require players to think critically and develop innovative strategies. Foster a sense of accomplishment. Promote community engagement - Street Fighter II: While it's true that some characters were overpowered, Capcom addressed these balance issues in subsequent updates and games. - Mortal Kombat: The series has had its share of balance issues, but the developers have consistently worked to address these problems and create a more balanced experience. - Marvel vs. Capcom: While the game had some balance issues, it's also known for its intricate mechanics and strategic depth. Some unbalanced games might be exciting initially, they often lead to frustration and a lack of strategy. I have tonnes of more examples for it
You’re a good player, but honestly you’re not that much better than the Gogeta 4 lol. Both Gogeta Super and Gogeta 4 are absolutely ridiculous characters!
20 seconds in im seeing straight BOTS on the other side of screen. when you pop the move they can hit you while you recover, none of these people punishing… yeah can’t watch this 😭 ill wait for the next video
I feel like it should be 3 but only when you use it as a melee combo escape. may seem like alot but this skill is a “get off me” type of move that does have a weakness but the opponent hits from face to face, not face to back.
I don’t think it does. Every time gogeta uses it theres some time he takes to recover, almost every time he uses it here, he gets hit as soon as the opponent is able to recover
"It's Futile." They gave in to the meme.
They really did lmfao
ITS FUTILE 🦅 🦅 🦅 🦅
Yeah it is
Fun fact: If you time Stardust Barrier correctly, you can stop rush supers with it. I just did it yesterday.
It's good that Blue Gogeta is now a lot more equal with the other fusions, because it felt wack that the fusion with the most swagger was just really mid besides having fusion stats.
I see this skill costing 2 in the future.
Yeah same lmao
Idk abt that,explosive wave is 2 ,and it works frim the back too so,it make sense
@prodigy_son7011 some explosive waves costs 3 for doing the same, this barrier will be nerfed if it becomes a problem.
@@prince_badmanI recall those are barriers that cost 3, besides android 17 super which is 2
Probably not because if you miss the barrier then it’s punishable. Explosive wave protects you 100% pretty much.
Dragon Ball game devs try not to make Gogeta Blue the most annoying thing to fight ever challenge (impossible)
Idk man UI Goku & ss4 Gogeta still seem pretty up there.
@plewisjr90 Using FighterZ as an example UI Goku is considered to be one of the worst options in the game, and Ss4 Gogeta is honestly the worst of the fusion characters there too. Meanwhile Gogeta Blue has the most free and easy shit ever and what's possibly the biggest damage output possible in that game.
Xenoverse 2 in Gogeta blue's debut I remember while he may not have had the most powerful skills and damage like UI Goku, he was very slippery and hard to catch due to the I-frames on his dash. UI Goku still didn't have normal stamina recovery at this point in the game's life too. And Ss4 Gogeta died in this game the moment back hits were nerfed and didn't come back until he was a custom mentor.
FighterZ: idk I'm not well versed in it to know
XenoVerse: i-frame dash step king
Legends: IT'S FUTILE 🦅 (origin)
Breakers: Shotgun super (STS exclusive, only available in base in regular Transpheres normally for some reason. Unless I missed something.)
Please list any others I've missed/not gotten down properly, be it in a joking or serious way
@@drex4929 No way you believe that SSJ4 is worst than Kefla or Zamasu (I do admit he's worse than both Blues, but those are like top 5 with Vegito being possibly top 1).
@@ignisalge7156 with the recent patch yes I do. While he is in no ways a bad character in this game I know because I use him religiously. But both Kefla and Zamasu have more powerful tools in their arsenal than Ss4 Gogeta. I can't speak much for Zamasu since I don't use him but I fought him enough to know what he's like, and I also use Kefla religiously. Both characters possess long range projectiles and have better full screen control than Ss4 does.
Kefla's dash is also invulnerable to everything and is special cancelable so she can get the jump on people. Not to mention she has access to some easy 50/50 mix set ups off of light cannon ball and overall better mix than Ss4. She's also got some of the most powerful stagger pressure and block strings.
Zamasu has total control over the flow of the fight in most interactions, his flight and the air dash that comes with it makes it very hard to approach him. And once again his projectiles help with screen control and make it hard to approach him. His mix ups while maybe not on par with Ss4 are still good none the less, and his damage is more explosive than Ss4.
Ss4 is a good character and has been constantly better than he was on release. But he's never been good enough to be constantly seen in high competitive play after his initial release. Meanwhile Kefla has been picked up by a lot of pros lately and even prior to this latest patch, she's been making appearances in the comp scene. And Zamasu is still used by two top players at all times and others in the comp scene as well. Ss4 is a good character but does not have as much going for him as the others. Perhaps I can say he's better than Gotenks, since he's not bugged anymore, and can't special cancel Die Die missile barrage.
Oh shit I feel so dumb. I thought it only blocked blast attacks.
Nah now it's everything from the front lol
@@Steedoj OHHHHHHHH YOU RESPONDED!!! Im a new viewer but I love your stuff and this made my whole day bro thank you! And damn that’s a wild skill now lol.
Cringe @@paperchasintyy6099
@@paperchasintyy6099Did dragon ball legends get you to think that
Brother that 2nd Gogeta v Gogeta fight was peak
GOGETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BROLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, fusing on your own SS4 Gogeta or Fused Zamasu is going to be broken now, without the cheese meta.
Why, what changed?
Why would fused zamasu be broken
There’s still cheese meta bro it’s just different now 😂
Try Super Perfect Cell. Great Frieza style Ki blasts, Fast side step, great combo chain and attack speed and has wild sense and instant transmission for skills.
He’s severely underrated
At 5:32 you did that boy so dirty bruf 🎉
It’s really good but at the same time it can be your downfall which is good nice little 50/50😂 my boy is finally goated
It looks like they even modified the graphics. Something about it looks different.
they changed the fov
It's a new camera option you can choose
"modified the graphics" 😂
You play on pc right? good
Game plays :D
Gogeta is pretty str- SHIA LABEOUF!?
That's me! LOL
Where is the CUBE!
Hi steedoj. Can you please show off some sparking mode super combos? Like super into super or super into ultimate?
Gogeta looks cool
Holy shit that first fight thats me!! :D i remember it being a great fight GG m8! :)
Edit: now i've seen the video it's not the first fight but nevertheless, enjoyed playing you!
I know its absurd, but they should have made it deflect beam supers, I know it already does but it just turns it into ki blast🙂
17:46 seems slower and smaller to me did they nerf it
is that follow up to hot someone after knocking about jsut left trigger forward and X?
Nice, pls Vegito next :D
How did you change the hud?
Oh, but mystic breath cant break combos and has a tiny ass cone. Thats cool
I was trying to use Janemba thinking the sword gonna make up for his lack of skills. Yea no.. even scrubs where wupping me with UI Goku wild sense spam .
Random but it would be cool if you could knock your oppponent out of their transformation like they do in the show.
6:10 why did that attack do no damage?
Your super damage scales down the longer your combo is
@ Ooh, I thought it was only combo damage that got reduced not supers smh
@@indeedgaminghere401 it's a good feature, if they didn't scale you'd be able to kill 90% of the cast in only 2 full combos lol
can you go back to the not so close up version plz
They turned this game into a passive game with the z burst dash nerf. Anyone can play passive and it'll work much better than trying to engage and put pressure on them all the time. You just can't pressure them without z burst dashes because it's so goddamn easy to not engage.
I think they actually slowed down Majin Vegeta and SSB Vegeta final explosions speed. I don’t know why they nerfed those ultimates. I think SSB Vegeta also takes more damage from his ultimate too. I hope they change it. Those ultimates are now useless. You just escaped in your video. Pre patch you would have got caught in the explosion.
I think the barrier can block it’s just not unblockable ones
I already posted all of the following comments on another YT's video, I'll just copy paste everything here, 'cauz I think that everything Imentioned needs to get adjusted, nerfed and fixed:
I don't think super dashing or whatever it's called costing 2 Ki bars is not the problem, in fact, I think that's good. The biggest problems imo are, that Super Perception is just so unnecessary, it just needs to go. It wasn't in the Budokai Tenkaichi series before, why is it nin this one? It's a guaranteed counter everytime for only 1 blue bar, which makes it impossible to dash to your opponent with a let's say charged attack, 'cauz he's just gonna super perception it, which leads me to my next point: Blue bars are still passively charging up way too fuckin' fast. They need to make that way slower. Yeah, make it charge up faster, when you're deflecting Ki blasts, OK, but not just as it is rn, while doing nothing it goes Speedy Gonzales, which also leads me to my next point: Every type of Wild Sense is the new After Image Strike. CXosting only 2 blue bars and with that ridiculous fast charging of the blue bars, they spam it everytime and keeping you away with Ki blasts. And when you try to approach / engage them before they get 2 blue bars again, guess what??? They're just gonna super perception you with the 1 blue bar they just got and then they're gonna combo you with some bullshit 'til they get at least 2 bars back. You always get punished for trying to be the first to approach the opponent. Next thing is sidestepping. Bruh, how I fucking hate side stepping. Approach and opponent starts side stepping 'til I'm getting tired of this passive ass pussy like gameplay and try to start the fuckin' fight, but no, punish me for actually wanting to fight and not dancing in a circle with my opponent together, 'cauz fuck me, right???
The patch was good, but there's still too much to improve
EDIT: Ki blast spam is still a thing and sometimes I still get pinned down by it on the spot and can't move while deflecting as they claimed it would be possible now. Also sometimes my opponents can still block mid air, when I do the lift kick. And very often my combos still get interrupted by my character just not continuing the punches / kicks. Just stops mid combo, which as they said, apparently got fixed, which is definitely not the case
Oh yeah, forgot to mention 1 other bullshittery: MUI Goku just hits the rush super attack or just his 2nd super attack guaranteed, when you are charging Ki. You can not block that because of god knows why. Because you are still in the animation or something??? Idk. Like that guy starts his 2nd super attack, which lets him teleport instantly towards you and while I press the block button, while the sequence / animations for his super attack are running, my character is just not blocking. Like wtf man
Another one!! In the older parts, you were able to charge punch/kick your opponent mid-combo, here it's just not possible. When you try that, your character just stops doing anything.
For example: square, square, square -> HOLD square. Worked in BT3, doesn't work here
AND ANOTHER ONE!! Inputs are still not instant or at least kinda quick. Feels like half a second after I pushed the button, that my character is moving. Also Aura charging is also not instant, takes also half a second after the animation starts, that your character is actually charging up the Ki bars.
Actually, you press the button, THEN first the ability menu in the bottom left corner appears, then your character starts the animation, then the charging aura effect comes up and AFTER that the Ki gauge starts filling up.
OK, looks like it doesn't end here: So, you know that perfect charged punch, (that's what I'm gonna call it, since I don't know the ingame term) that let's you vanish behind your opponent ideally and is supposed to be a guaranteed hit: Yeah, you can just side step that and it won't hit. So, then with the new patch now, they added that new "glow" or "shading" effect, that occurs on your character, when you are hitting the opponent consecutively / little combo. That is an indicator, that lets you do the perfect charged hit even faster, so the timing for that is even smaller, but it comes out way faster than normally. The reason I'm mentioning this, is because they didn't note that in the patchnotes. Maybe I just don't remember, but the other reason is, that when you do that perfect charged punch with that glow effect, the glow effect disappears. So you would think: "OK, I can't do the charged perfect punch as fast anymore." Nope, it is still there, but the glow effect is gone. Idk for how many tries or for what amount of time that smaller time window stays up, but that glow effect is the thing, that should tell us, at least that's what it was made for, but it doesn't work right, since it diesappears with trying doing it once.
EDIT: The glow effect also disappears, when you continue the combo or start a new combo or whatever else damage dealing you do, but the smaller time windows is also still there for this case, too.
Yeah bruh, it keeps coming: WHY TF can you NOT deflect charged Ki blasts while you fly around or stand still and deflect normal Ki blasts??? And why can I NOT just normally block Ki blasts like you block punches??? It just automatically deflects Ki blasts, when you wanna block, which will let you get hit by up-followed charged Ki blasts or by up-followed punches. Wasn't like that in BT3 either and it makes sense, that it wasn't like that before: You could just block everything normally and you were able to deflect by pressing the block button + Left or Right. That's a way better design choice, who changed that??? It's especially painful when your opponent is up close and he starts spamming Ki blasts in your face, 'cauz he knows, that you're gonna deflect them, since you can't choose to normally block in that moment. Obviously he'll get free hits / combos in for that. Wouldn't be like that, when I'd just be able to block normally.
EDIT: Yeah, we don't wanna about unblockable Ki blasts, do we??? Also bullshit, when you're pinned down and forced to deflect normal incoming Ki blasts which get followed up by unblockable ones like from sword characters or MUI Goku, who just keeps spamming 'em
...Rush/Charged supers still keep missing. Either the opponent uses the normal step to evade it, which I just noticed today, that that is apparently somehow possible, or you just drift past them, even though you clearly touched the body. You also somehow miss, when the opponent is below you. You either fly pass them, even though you touched the body or you somehow get deflected by the ground, when he is on the ground. Same happens with walls. Sometimes you can fly through them, so they get destroyed, but very often you are just flying along the wall
Oh yeah, when you normally charge up to Sparking Mode, you can instantly use an ability, be it either a beam or rush attack. You don't have to wait for that little explosive wave like thing, when you fully charge up. So, why tf is it like that? In BT3 you have the same feature, it also blocks in both games beams and keeps opponents off of you, when they charge towards you. The major difference is, in BT3 that "explosive wave" was always instant, which just makes way more sense and you were NOT able to instantly use a super, so you don't have to wait for that explosive wave and after that still have some of your Sparking Gauge to follow up with an ult, that takes at least 2 health bars away, too. That's way too broken with MUI Goku for example, he charges up, uses his bullshit ass teleport rush super and follows up with another bullshit ass teleport rush or his ult, or with Gogeta blue in combination with his teleportation, which got way better with this patch.
You can not vanish any variant of Wild Sense when you use a homing attack. I don't know, if it's the same for After Image Strike, but I bet it is
Of course we're not done yet. So I already said everything regarding the blue bars and so on except this one, which still blows my mind. It's also since release there and the new patch did nothing about it: When you hit an opponent with a super, he instantly gets 1 full blue bar. For example: Hit him with a rush super while he has 1 1/2 blue bars: He now has 2 1/2 blue bars. But that's not all. Guess what happens, when you hit your opponent with an ult. Yes, he gets 2 full blue bars. So when he had 1 1/2, he now has 3 1/2 blue bars. Remove that shit completely whose fuckin' idea was it to bring that bullshit ass feature into the game???
Also wanted to mention, that the short dashes you can do by pressing X or A, which consume Ki are just bullshit. Just bring normal flying with normal speed back, without having to consume Ki for that. It's just ass
Switching, Fusion and Transformation tabs are still whack as fuck
all i meet online is gogeta blue players playing passive and spamming those fast ki blasts
Should cost 2 if you can do it while being hit cause that kinda like a explosive wave
Not really, it’s only from the front explosive wave is from front and back so it checks out.
IT'S FUTILE 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Oh is this why he’s “meta”? 😂I just be throwing hands
Honestly kinda miffed Gogeta blue and SSJ4 Gogeta dont have an interaction
Wish we could give super gogeta z gogeta colors
Has anyone else been getting flashed on and off of Xbox network when playing ranked?? I feel like it can’t just be me
It’s truly futile now
broken wtf are they doing
Hm. Here's the problem with this one, now that the patch has nerfed previous OP characters, new OP characters have emerged, the game needs to be balanced to last for years, balance is the key to fun
Balance is not the key to fun. The unbalanced games are more fun because you can do more strong things tbh. Things like storm, mvc, and mortal Kombat proved this
@@ringzy Ok, we are going for some technicality alright, bear with me
When a game is heavily unbalanced, players can feel frustrated and helpless against overpowered opponents.and Unbalanced games often reduce strategy to "pick the strongest character/build and win." This limits gameplay depth. Most importantly Unbalanced games tend to have shorter lifespans, as players lose interest once they've exploited the imbalance.
In contrast, balanced games require players to think critically and develop innovative strategies. Foster a sense of accomplishment. Promote community engagement
- Street Fighter II: While it's true that some characters were overpowered, Capcom addressed these balance issues in subsequent updates and games.
- Mortal Kombat: The series has had its share of balance issues, but the developers have consistently worked to address these problems and create a more balanced experience.
- Marvel vs. Capcom: While the game had some balance issues, it's also known for its intricate mechanics and strategic depth.
Some unbalanced games might be exciting initially, they often lead to frustration and a lack of strategy.
I have tonnes of more examples for it
@@ringzy unbalanced is not fun, we literally saw the mass playercount drop off and embarassing tournament cheese. No one thought that was fun.
@Codyslx it's fun they just did it wrong
@@ringzy How do you incorrectly unbalance something?
Of course blue gogeta is weak to backshots 💔
man i used this shit against ss4 gogeta ultimate n that shit did not work
The new update encourages that play style, they fucked up the game smh
You’re a good player, but honestly you’re not that much better than the Gogeta 4 lol. Both Gogeta Super and Gogeta 4 are absolutely ridiculous characters!
First 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
20 seconds in im seeing straight BOTS on the other side of screen. when you pop the move they can hit you while you recover, none of these people punishing… yeah can’t watch this 😭 ill wait for the next video
If your so good then why don't you have a youtube channel with 300k followers? Exactly eat a dick. Nobody cares about you
I feel like it should be two skill points.
I feel like it should be 3 but only when you use it as a melee combo escape. may seem like alot but this skill is a “get off me” type of move that does have a weakness but the opponent hits from face to face, not face to back.
I don’t think it does. Every time gogeta uses it theres some time he takes to recover, almost every time he uses it here, he gets hit as soon as the opponent is able to recover
Its weaker then a normal explosive wave. Its fine
@@loneartist8310 hmm
@@loneartist8310 true true I ain't realize that