THE COVE - Official US Theatrical Trailer in HD

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
    In this pulse-pounding eco-thriller, a crack team of divers, activists and special effects experts infiltrate a secret cove in Japan to expose one of history's most shocking and unimaginable crimes against nature. Winner of the Audience Award at this year's Sundance Film Festival, 'The Cove' is sure to be one of the most talked about films of the summer.

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  • @valientesantanina5898
    @valientesantanina5898 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    14 yrs later, I still remember my 6 yrs old self balling my eyes out watching the most devastating and very tragic documentary i have ever seen. featuring the unfortunate life of the dolphins in the cove. that was the first time I'd cried over a film, I was traumatized. but regardless of those heart wrenching parts, this film is an eye opener.

  • @psgsummers
    @psgsummers 14 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Watched this a couple of days ago: I have never, ever cried so much at a documentary.
    This film should be compulsory viewing.
    It is a true act of heroism. These activists have really brought to light this annual massacre.

  • @Erickonlive
    @Erickonlive 10 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    266 japaneses clicked unlike

  • @moskito5864
    @moskito5864 10 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    uploaded in 2009 and this CRIME AGAINST Nature is still going on :(

  • @yewjo7410
    @yewjo7410 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am Chinese. Somehow the way that the Japanese treat dolphins reminds me of Nanking Massacre. I cant stop crying.

  • @Munkeyman131
    @Munkeyman131 14 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is a very enlightening movie and the sad part is that we are supporting this in the U.S. and around the world by visiting places like Sea World and Discovery Cove. I think if more people knew that this is happening and how the dolphins at Sea World and so on got there they would not want to support those companys for their actions. This is truly disgusting

  • @speciesamused
    @speciesamused 15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Knowledge is power. Thank you for the upload.

  • @ThatGuyInMD81
    @ThatGuyInMD81 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    As an american who eats meat, I can understand the argument of the Japanese people. In America we have no problem eating beef, but some people find the cow to be an extremely precious animal. My problem with the whole "dolphin hunt" is that studies have shown that the meat is extremely contaminated, (sometimes as much as 10 times the allowable amount for mercury) and that meat was being consumed by children and pregnant women. Regardless of how you feel about the hunt itself, that's a problem.

  • @dECeNTiFiC
    @dECeNTiFiC 14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    For everyone who says that this was only about making money remember that this is a documentary and they usually don't make a whole lot of money. Documentary's are made solely so people can see the message it delivers.

  • @liumangcookie
    @liumangcookie 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Their main problem is not what they hunt but how much they hunt. Seems like a good documentary/film.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Whalers often accuses Western critics of insensitivity toward its culture and heritage. Which is false. Japanese culture is Buddhist, which unlike Whalers, encourages respect for all living things, and vegetarianism. It is whalers that betray Japanese culture.

  • @KyuJones
    @KyuJones 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow... I'm glad this documentary was created. The world really needs to stop shutting their eyes to things. They need to care about the environment and other creatures more.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    "They can be served with a warrant if they go into Australia." "There is a Federal Court order banning them from whaling in Australian territorial waters and they are in contempt of that order." "They could be detained. They won't go into an Australian or New Zealand port."
    Last year Japan told the IWC it intended to operate its whaling fleet in waters off the Australian Antarctic territory. Such a move would contravene Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade stipulations.

  • @sayococo7
    @sayococo7 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Antarctica is defined as all land and ice shelves south of 60° S for the purposes of the Treaty System. The treaty was signed by twelve countries including the Soviet Union (and later Russia), the United Kingdom, Argentina, Chile, Australia, and the United States.[50] It set aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, established freedom of scientific investigation and environmental protection, and banned military activity on the continent.

  • @kwanzalimited
    @kwanzalimited 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    -and just like coal mining in the US.
    -these fishermen are human beings just like us, with families to support.
    -it takes time for old industries to die and for those who used to rely on it to adjust and "get with the times".
    -one act doesn't justify another, but there is such a thing as a double standard.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research refused to say whether the Japanese fleet had this season operated in waters claimed by Australia.
    Japanese Whaling Corporate Spokesman Glenn Inwood said he understood the whaling ships were banned from docking in Australian ports.
    "Japanese vessels whenever they have needed any sorts of repair have never had to go to either Australia or New Zealand anyway," Japanese Whaling Corporate spokesperson Inwood said.

  • @ktirioactathens7777
    @ktirioactathens7777 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    People this is not about giving Japanese people a bad reputation. This is about killing dolphins. This happens in a lot of places in the world. The Cove is just one of them. Killing dolphins is not right and a lot of Japanese activists think so too. Nobody is saying that Japanese people are bad.

  • @LourdesAB
    @LourdesAB 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is shocking. Terrifying, really. The sheer heartlessness and cruelty. It's astounding.
    I'm glad to see this movie bring this issue to the world's attention.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Justice James Alsop ruled that the Japanese company, which did not appear in court at any time during the proceedings, has violated the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, or the EPBC Act

  • @ktirioactathens7777
    @ktirioactathens7777 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    We are saying that NOBODY should be killing dolphins. Dolphins are very intelligent beings and just because we humans have ways to capture them should not mean that we have the right to humiliate them or kill them. You shouldn't be eating them either.

  • @star0shadows
    @star0shadows 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    This movie had a huge effect on me. Its very moving and intense. I recommend it to everyone.

  • @365magic
    @365magic 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    We watched this movie in school and we need to do everything we can to stop this from happening!

  • @TheVoiceOfReason93
    @TheVoiceOfReason93 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    For example, if a country had a culture which says mass murder and rapes with foreigners are not only permitted, but mandatory, do you think they are justified to defend their heritage from other people, saying that it is their culture and they have no right to intrude? Internationally accepted morality should therefore override cultural practices that are deemed harmful to men and environment, like killing dolphins and whales.

  • @photospencer
    @photospencer 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    i think most of the japanese don't know what happened in taiji
    and they even dun consume whale/dolphin meat
    i think the rest of japanese should raise this point, instead of calling others a racist, or calling this a fake film, or comparing other people's diet.
    this film already makes a negative image on japanese, but it's because the fishermen in taiji only. it's time to clarity that not all japanese did the same or consume wale/dolphin meat.

  • @antimassgomi
    @antimassgomi 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Before Japan was not influenced by USA, Japanese didnt eat any mammals with 4 legs because they are so close to human beings. However, as Japanese needed proteins, they ate mammals living in the sea because they look like fishes. Which is crueler? Would westerners follow their opinion if Japanese said human beings must not eat any mammals with 4 legs or if Indians said the cows is their god?

  • @driftinsti
    @driftinsti 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Before you make an argument please understand the definition of the word racism. It means having hatred or intolerance of another race or other races and this movie does not support that. If this movie was racist it would say that all japanese are like this but it isn't. In the trailer some people don't even know about this issue about killing dolphins. This movie is not specifically targeting an entire race of japanese people. It is only targeting those individuals who are killing dolphins.

  • @mzmadmike
    @mzmadmike 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    True on that one.
    Guess your ambassador should have come to the demonstration at White Sands when he was invited, shouldn't he?
    As I said, don't start a war if you can't take a joke.

  • @antimassgomi
    @antimassgomi 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know one Japanese movie in which one elementary school fed a pig, which was well taken care of with affection. All the children loved the pig. But finally the pig was taken away against the childrens will. All the children cried. The pig was put in their lunch menu. Their teacher taught them the meaning for living, and we must live, getting others life, and we must thank them.

  • @hippysastwach777
    @hippysastwach777 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    No movie has even gotten me so inspired. How can anybody justify the horribly inhuman treatment of a living creature? It's disgusting. I will do something about this
    Ric O'Barry is my new hero

  • @323guiltyspark
    @323guiltyspark 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    The problem is that dolphin and whale meat are artificially propped up industries. The only reason why there is any demand for it is because the government mandates it to be a part of public school lunches. Without these mandates, there would be no demand.

  • @DementedElvis
    @DementedElvis 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Culture and traditions are NOT an excuse for killing those living beings. The same thing is for eating animals. It IS unethical to eat animals, as we do it in western countries (the only exceptions are zones on earth, where no plants can be planted like Greenland etc.). We DON'T have to eat animals, it is luxury and it is brutal.

  • @kwanzalimited
    @kwanzalimited 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm all for films that inform the public but please keep these points in mind :
    -this is taking place in a different country with a different culture than ours.
    -culture includes the good AND the bad
    -if we want cultures around the world to be "americanized" or if we want to respect each culture as they evolve on their own
    -whaling in general is a dying trade in japan just like logging is in canada.

  • @danagrl52
    @danagrl52 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    So, using this logic, they have decided that it is inhumane to kill and eat dolphins, which is why they are condemning the people on this cove who do this (and yes, they happen to be japanese). This is not racism. This is not hypocritical. It is a logical extension of a universally held convention that leads them (or us) to repudiate this act and those that commit it.

  • @artichokeflower
    @artichokeflower 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Europeans and Americans insist that tuna also includes mercury much.
    But a mercury poisoning patient isn't in Japan.
    Japanese eating habit was westernized in recent years, and We were coming to eat much beef gradually and Our health was made bad.
    Fat of beef is rather bad for body.

  • @baggie00001
    @baggie00001 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    All this anti Japanese comments about dropping bombs on Hiroshima etc.
    I would just like to say. I think it was absolutely despicable what the Americans did.
    Only dropping two bombs was completely unacceptable.

  • @ingridtts
    @ingridtts 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Allowing them to kill dolphins implies a risk for us all. It is not about Japan or USA or any country or anything like that. It is about the world!! The interconnection between us all. .. AND YES, cows are treated with cruelty as well and many other animals.

  • @RockNRoll1822
    @RockNRoll1822 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    No one ever said Saddam caused 9/11. There was info given to Bush saying that Saddam had WMDs, which we now know as being false, but no one said he was part of 9/11. The only link to 9/11 that Iraq has is that we've found members of Al Quida in the country, but given that Al Quida didn't care much for Saddam, that doesn't link HIM to the event.
    But just because our info on the WMDs was wrong, it still doesn't mean that we're not doing good over there

  • @TheVoiceOfReason93
    @TheVoiceOfReason93 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Japanese hadn't even apologized for Nanjing massacre, Bataan Death march, Project 571, Burmese railway, Korean colonization, etc. If they don't respect human life how do you suppose they would respect Dolphins and Whales? Sometimes i wish the Americans finish the Job back in 45

  • @mrsjoejonas24
    @mrsjoejonas24 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    The killing of these dolphins is just wrong! How can some of you call this a bad film?!? Have you even seen it?? I'm proud that this movie got an Oscar because it sure;y diserved it. The Japanese need to realize what is happening in their country and stop it as soon as possible. I really do not see the pros of killing these poor dolphins since their meat is highly toxic with Mercury.

  • @satyra661
    @satyra661 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I bet half of the people that are saying that will never hurt an animal, are now eating a cheeseburger, haha

  • @naofumi811
    @naofumi811 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Taijin town is "Buraku" the discriminated ppl from Edo era for hundreds of years. We japanese really hope their calm and peaceful life now, our government dose also.
    You foreigners may not understand their really sad history, but i beg you not to be harsh or cruel to them. Please...

  • @stinkeepumpkin
    @stinkeepumpkin 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gosh, I just love all the rampant generalizing going on here.
    Didn't anyone hear him say "The Japanese people don't even know about it..."?
    It's like someone saying "I hate Americans because they have a history of slavery and are all a bunch of racists."
    Seriously. Saying you hate an entire nation of "disgusting people" based on the actions of a few, is absolutely ridiculous. And justifying Japan's recent disaster on karma--saying they "deserve" it?
    Not even going to go there..

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Last year, Sea Shepherd activists Benjamin Potts and Giles Lane boarded the Yushin Maru No.2 to deliver a letter of protest. Captain Watson said the lost money and time will be a blow to whalers' plans this season.
    Greenpeace said Australia regularly denied access to Japanese whalers.
    "Federal Court ruled on January 15, 2008, that Japanese whaling fleets operations in Australian Antarctic waters are illegal."

  • @michie198
    @michie198 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    just to be accurate, they actually did apologize for the death march in 09. there was a more unofficial and general apology also given in 95 for war atrocities namely nanking. u culd dispute the second though since its not official but they def. had a official one for bataan.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Japan had complained to the Netherlands after several violent confrontations between the Steve Irwin and Japanese whalers in February in which both sides reportedly rammed the other's ships.
    Research by the shipping inspectorate showed both sides had broken international sea rules, the minister said.

  • @menbou200
    @menbou200 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Giving Academy award to this film means that
    the US quit to sell american entertaiment to Japan.

  • @TheJarconti
    @TheJarconti 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    There are less than: 50 Maui dolphins, 58 Ayeyarwady River dolphins, 54 Mahakam River dolphins, 77 Malampaya Sound dolphins, 100 Eastern Taiwan Strait humpback dolphins, 30 Hector's dolphins, and 1000 black sea bottlenose dolphins left in existence today. THAT is the difference between dolphins and cows. Cows are FARMED and slaughtered in mass. Furthermore, cows are not swept up in 30 mile nets and killed for no reason and they also aren't dying from massive habitat loss and pollution.

  • @Normynxvx
    @Normynxvx 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    actually, even the cultivation of domesticated animals is cripplingly destructive to our environment. I think it's ethnocentric to say that what goes on in the U.S. is somehow more ethical than what takes place in japan.

  • @chrysan6128
    @chrysan6128 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    All cove crew are members of Seashepherd. They got finance from SS to make movie. Their final purpose is putting this movie on the screens in Japan in order to get funds for SS. They are aiming at Japanese big money.

  • @driftinsti
    @driftinsti 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not all japanese. As i said to PaulFatson, the trailer shows that some japanese if not the majority, don't know about this.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    "I think both the Australian and New Zealand governments have made it clear to Japan that the vessels are not to dock in New Zealand or Australia." Japanese Whaling Corporate Spokesperson Inwood said.
    "Having said that, the ICR is not making any comment on the status of their vessels or their whereabouts, or the status of the research." said Japanese Whaling Corporate Spokesperson Inwood.
    Reports say the Whalers damaged their Yushin Maru No.2 when they steered their harpoon ship into thick ice.

  • @yusukeshinyama
    @yusukeshinyama 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Japanese people would love this film if the people who're being blamed were, for example, Chinese. Actually, Japan is the country of whistleblowing. They love the idea of secret surveillance, anonymous reporting and peeping for seemingly peaceful purposes, which is to "protect the weak". Unfortunately it's always hard for anyone (not only Japanese) to look into a mirror and accept their true self.

  • @chvick
    @chvick 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @NationalNeongraphic By the way... Fun fact: Japan has 3,598 Macdonalds restaurants second country in the WORLD next to US... Canada is in third by three times less the amount in Japan. Your argument is invalid.

  • @DurzoBlunts
    @DurzoBlunts 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just want this shit to come to a movie theater near me!!! or atleast on fucking DVD!!!!

  • @ingridtts
    @ingridtts 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Remember biomagnification and bioaccumulation of all this hazardous waste in our water (pesticides, DDT, heavy metals, etc) is a key point. Oh an also by keeping them in captivity, they are suffering, as stated in the movie their sense of sound is very important, and it causes them to stress and die.

  • @sarabruxada
    @sarabruxada 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't understand why some people try to justify this with other massacre that happened all over the world...

  • @naofumi811
    @naofumi811 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lets start Dolphin BBQ Party!! yahooo :D

  • @mzmadmike
    @mzmadmike 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey, don't start a war if you can't take a joke ;-)

  • @antimassgomi
    @antimassgomi 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anti-dolphin hunters, give us your opinions.
    America strongly insists that the American base must be constructed in Henoko Okinawa. This base will be constructed by braking a habitat of dugongs which are endangered.
    Why didn't the director come to Henoko Okinawa?

  • @KristapsRr
    @KristapsRr 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I felt disgusted to see my country among the countries importing dolphin meat from Taiji, Japan.

  • @danagrl52
    @danagrl52 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a vegetarian, so maybe you'll listen to me. You would think it horrible if an omnivore all of a sudden went out to eat humans. Among other reasons, this is because humans are intelligent and sentient creatures and it would be wrong to treat them otherwise. The human community has recognized that this same logic applies to dolphins. Studies show that they have a society, can talk to one another, and are completely sentient. They are the most intelligent of animals, second only to humans.

  • @mzmadmike
    @mzmadmike 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Global warming means more fertile cropland in Canada, and more grain, as their wheat season is barely a week shorter than the current frost free days. This would be a good thing.

  • @QueenLeilani
    @QueenLeilani 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    For people who say this movie is telling lies...obviously never watched this film. There's no lies when you watch the video. It's very graphic and sad at the same time. I signed the petition on the website to save the Dolphins on savejapandolphins(dot)com

  • @12345MINO
    @12345MINO 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    A work next of the supervisor asks for the furnace in the documentary when killed by the slaughterhouse in the United States and Australia of the cow, the pig, and the chicken.

  • @photospencer
    @photospencer 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    if the meat is not poison
    the dept of health in japan should do something to prove this dolphin meat is not harmful, not only from the govt of taiji.
    it's not come from only the documentary, is that other japanese had the right to know if they are consuming toxic food. if it's not toxic, there's nth to afraid of.

  • @jasminesoap
    @jasminesoap 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    You couldn't really say Japan is the "worst country ever" just for this.
    China and North Korea have it worse.
    Of course, every country has its flaws.
    Just because I'm half Japanese, doesn't mean that I agree to this.
    Most people don't even know about this in Japan.

  • @Deathgurl123
    @Deathgurl123 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Most of the Japanese are unaware of the situation. And those who are aware, for the most part, are shocked and disgusted by it. This year, the Cove was shown in Tokyo, during a film festival.

  • @mzmadmike
    @mzmadmike 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki were legitimate military targets, and were given three days warning to evacuate before the bombings. The alternative (which the Japanese government agrees with) was an invasion that would have killed millions.
    Also, less people died in both of those than in any of the firebombings of Dresden, Tokyo, or the bombing of Coventry.
    It's also likely the use then has prevented other uses of nukes.

  • @wubai565
    @wubai565 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Japanese goverment advised pregnant woman should not eat the meat regularly but it was not banned because the contamination level is low.

  • @antimassgomi
    @antimassgomi 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    When USA was bashed for the Vietnam Wars comical use to Vietnamese, suddenly whaling issue was raised. 40 years later history was repeated.

  • @photospencer
    @photospencer 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    it's pretty simple, if there's rumour against a product
    people will lose confidence in that product and not buy it
    and that really affects taiji's economy and fisherman.
    but now i am being blamed for asking if the dolphin meat is toxic after watching the documentary!

  • @CindyPDX
    @CindyPDX 14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I saw this last night and was shocked, devastated and in tears over what is happening to the Dolphins in Japan. AND is this partly why so many children in Japan (& around the world) have Autism? Makes you wonder...
    Thank you for posting this movie on TH-cam. I just signed up for THE COVE's Cause on Facebook.

  • @rancidtime
    @rancidtime 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Actually, the Japanese who eats the whale and the dolphin
    is really small number of people.
    It seems that a lot of people in the world do not know that.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    The United States has also urged Japan to "refrain" from the trip. Japan says whaling is a cherished cultural tradition and says the hunt is for research purposes, though Japan did not begin whaling until the late 1930's and no data has been produced from the ICR that came from the "research" whaling.
    Tainted whale and dolphin meat ends up in Japanese supermarkets and restaurants and in school lunches, given to uninformed children.

  • @antiguabarbuda
    @antiguabarbuda 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    this comment would be a good one except most Japanese don't know about the dolphins or whales being killed, and they sure as hell don't know about the meat being given to their kids having so much mercury in it.

  • @antimassgomi
    @antimassgomi 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Deer are sacred animals for many Buddhists. When Buddha first preached in a field, many deer gathered around him to listen to it. In the place in India, many deer are kept, and in Japan, for example around Kofukuji temple, so many deer are well treated. But in your countries deer are just animals that are shot by human beings. What is the difference from dolphins?

  • @ingridtts
    @ingridtts 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can see that people are simply missing the point of the movie. Help the environment, help OUR WORLD. One of the ways to do it is by stopping the killing of dolphins!!! Their meat is very harmful and contains high levels of mercury, (and possibly other toxic waste i.e heavy metals) which if we want to trace back are mainly cause by water pollution caused by anthropogenic intervention.

  • @mamaito88
    @mamaito88 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    i can not understand how a person who doesn't love peace and don't respect other people (that happens to have diff. ideals than his own) can love and claim to protect mother doesn't make sense at all.

  • @antimassgomi
    @antimassgomi 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can smell the same smell in this film as Toyota bashing.
    In the early 90s American media bashed Japan and over 60 % of Americans thought Japan is more threat than Soviet Union. Why now Americans begin to bash Japan? Toyota, dolphins, whales.Just because of Lehman shock. American causes this serious world recession, and bash Japan instead of apologizing to Japan.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    i have spoken to a japanese person. she was very nice and said how she loves whales and hates whaling. and she was excellent at cooking, her BBQ ribs from a well raised farm pig was tasty. only 4% of japan eats the whale meat and the rest is sold to Norway or illegally smuggle into the USA, only to be caught and get their asses kicked.

  • @Rottenprin
    @Rottenprin 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, the fifth Shogun, establised the law to protect animals.
    It is an age of the ecofascism that continues from 1687 to 1709.
    Animal's cruelty was prohibited by the country at this time and having violated human was killed.
    The danger of ecofascism has been experienced in Japan at the great antiquity.
    It is famous as "OINUSAMA".
    Please inquire of a well informed specialist about the history of Japan in detail.

  • @TheVoiceOfReason93
    @TheVoiceOfReason93 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    By the way, can't believe the debates on the comment pages is still going after three years. Seriously, won't they ever give up and realize that nobody likes them killing whales and dolphins?

  • @seismohahahaha
    @seismohahahaha 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    What you eat is slaughtered. Not only dolphin but also, cow, pig and chicken are also slaughtered.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    NEWS: SeaShepherd Ship will keep its Dutch Flag!
    Anti-whaling ship can remain Dutch
    Friday 27 November 2009
    The Netherlands has no plans to remove the Dutch flag from the ship Steve Irwin operated by the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd, junior transport minister Tineke Huizinga told MPs on Friday, news agency ANP reports.

  • @algerianhistorychannel
    @algerianhistorychannel 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    How can the Japanese not be repulsed by people slaughtering these dolphins? How can they ignore this?

  • @HRMOKeefe
    @HRMOKeefe 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    then why is there a cop on every street corner in Japan? When I arrived at narita the local farmers were launching ground to ground missiles at the airport,
    Americans were ten times more likely to die in japanese prison camps than fighting against the japanese army , very civilized my ass

  • @antimassgomi
    @antimassgomi 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    all the Japan bashers still ignore Dugong issue in Okinawa and cattle global warming issue.

  • @TheVoiceOfReason93
    @TheVoiceOfReason93 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    to sum it up, stop disrespecting life, stop denying your sins, STOP KILLING DOLPHINS!!

  • @AlexanderSaleh
    @AlexanderSaleh 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree that the slaughter of dolphins and whales in Japan is incredibly inhumane, but why does no oneshine a light on the sport-hunting of American fauna such as deer, moose, wolves, etc?

  • @yuzikatou
    @yuzikatou 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    The food kangaroo cooking which you love ・Is the history old ? Do easily die if you hit the head of the kangaroo with a baseball bat ? Please teach me kangaroo cooking !

  • @mzmadmike
    @mzmadmike 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    And btw, I'm British by birth, not American, so it wasn't in American schools I learned about WWII.

  • @croc560
    @croc560 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Because Dolphins are shockingly sentient animals. they raise their young, talk to each other, help each other, discipline their young, live in family groups, and even save shipwrecked humans. and do you think if it is culture it is ok. Slavery was American culture and look at what happened to it. GONE! because it was SICK AND IMMORAL JUST LIKE THIS MASSACRE!! what the FUCK DID THE DOLPHINS DO TO DESERVE THIS?

  • @TheVoiceOfReason93
    @TheVoiceOfReason93 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not that it is important, but i see a lot of ultranationalism in the rebuttals against stopping the dolphins and whales hunts, and remember what THAT lead to back in the 40s...

  • @Eldriant
    @Eldriant 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    True, but remember,
    this documentary is about dolphins, made by people who love dolphins.
    If there are any people that loves chickens, pigs, or cows,
    they should make a documentary about it then.

  • @BizenKiyomitsu
    @BizenKiyomitsu 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you very much for your comment. I know they are kind of extreme people. But as patriot of Japan, one sided and lucking global view point of criticism can not afford.
    I can not afforrd sacrificing my father country for Entertainment of Hollywood.

  • @antimassgomi
    @antimassgomi 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    (Bloomberg) -- Paul McCartney, the former Beatle and vegetarian pop star, asked fans to go meatless on Mondays to help slow global warming by reducing the amount of gaseous emissions from farm animals.
    Cows, pigs and sheep bred for human consumption discharge millions of tons of methane, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Livestock accounts for about 18 percent of greenhouse gases, more than all the worlds cars, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has said.

  • @aardfay
    @aardfay 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    It has nothing to do with racism to state that a Native American or whoever is the same as a Brahman Cow.
    That statement is actually about equality, not superior races or species.
    It doesn't offend me nor it should offend you the fact that we are animals.

  •  14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They're actually the 2nd most intellgent, the 3rd being the humans.

  • @drmarrese101
    @drmarrese101 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @SingYaSun I never suggested that Cannibalism etc were anything to do with Japanese culture, I used them as examples of nasty things humans have done in the past that they have given up because they have evolved beyond those traditions, habits. Its your imagination that is trying to rearrange my points to suit your perspective on the subject. Its simple, dolphins are sentient, intelligent selfless beings that we should be peaceful towards, not tricking them into a cooking pot with an axe

  • @chrysan6128
    @chrysan6128 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who has the right to deny other culture?
    Who has the right to destroy other life and familly?
    Who has the right to force one value to other?
    Why dolphins should not be eaten?
    Why dolphins should not be hunted?
    Who could decide that dolpins are smarter and more beautiful than other animals in the slaughterhouse?
    Why do you eat cow,pig and chicken?
    Rick O'Barry should answer questions.