In South Africa,where I grew up we only got to see both series in the mid to late 80's and it was dubbed over in my mother tongue"Afrikaans"It was simulcasted on Radio 2000 .I was fascinated by bothe series.Logan's run was called "Toevlugsoord"(Sanctuary)
fantastic journey sort of fascinated/mesmerised me as a kid, I think part of that was possibly because they were broadcast her in a random order,so became a bit trippy like a fever dream ,nobody here could remember it! haha .Jared Martin and his art garfunkel hair was great, sort of became the haunted face of sci fi for to me a good while .I liked the film of Logans Run, but the really bad car sort of ruined the show for me even back then , still watched it though, as scifi pretty rare on tv back then.
Action star Michael Biehn (sounds like “bean”), would later star in Grease, but is best known for Terminator and Aliens. Toy company MEGO started production on action figures for Logan’s Run, but halted after the show was canceled. I own the DVD box set and felt it would have been great if had reached three seasons. Fantastic Journey aired on Sunday nights in my area, which was a bad timeslot due to church. I saw the pilot and was excited to see more. The Bermuda Triangle was a big deal thanks to shows that promoted it, like “In Search Of.” But back in the 70’s, it was hard for Sci-Fi shows to get a second season and most didn’t reach enough episodes for syndication.
Ah yes. Back in my day, totalitarian repression was to be fought and individuality was celebrated. I'm beginning to realise why old people are so grumpy!
In South Africa,where I grew up we only got to see both series in the mid to late 80's and it was dubbed over in my mother tongue"Afrikaans"It was simulcasted on Radio 2000 .I was fascinated by bothe series.Logan's run was called "Toevlugsoord"(Sanctuary)
All were great!
fantastic journey sort of fascinated/mesmerised me as a kid, I think part of that was possibly because they were broadcast her in a random order,so became a bit trippy like a fever dream ,nobody here could remember it! haha .Jared Martin and his art garfunkel hair was great, sort of became the haunted face of sci fi for to me a good while .I liked the film of Logans Run, but the really bad car sort of ruined the show for me even back then , still watched it though, as scifi pretty rare on tv back then.
I really loved Fantastic Journey
Action star Michael Biehn (sounds like “bean”), would later star in Grease, but is best known for Terminator and Aliens. Toy company MEGO started production on action figures for Logan’s Run, but halted after the show was canceled. I own the DVD box set and felt it would have been great if had reached three seasons. Fantastic Journey aired on Sunday nights in my area, which was a bad timeslot due to church. I saw the pilot and was excited to see more. The Bermuda Triangle was a big deal thanks to shows that promoted it, like “In Search Of.” But back in the 70’s, it was hard for Sci-Fi shows to get a second season and most didn’t reach enough episodes for syndication.
I thought Fantastic Journey was ok but Jared Martin's better series was War of the Worlds , at least the first season.
Ah yes. Back in my day, totalitarian repression was to be fought and individuality was celebrated. I'm beginning to realise why old people are so grumpy!
I remember Logan's Run well but Fantastic Journey did not exist on my earth.