This content is hosted here as close to it's original form as possible to act as educational research content so the program can be judged in full with it's content in context. If you would like to learn more about the racial stereotypes this show was based on consider visiting the web page for "The Jim Crow Museum"' for a in depth exploration of the culture of the time and how it affected people's lives.
I remember this being on the tv as a small child. I thought it was a group of black singers and I wasn’t really interested in it as it was old school variety (not that I knew why it bored me as a tiny kid) I had no idea they were in blackface until I was older. It was just something that the adults watched…obviously as an adult, I can see why it was offensive.
This content is hosted here as close to it's original form as possible to act as educational research content so the program can be judged in full with it's content in context. If you would like to learn more about the racial stereotypes this show was based on consider visiting the web page for "The Jim Crow Museum"' for a in depth exploration of the culture of the time and how it affected people's lives.
Yh my teach taught us and it was also rly sad about the rules they made in the 50’s
I remember this being on the tv as a small child. I thought it was a group of black singers and I wasn’t really interested in it as it was old school variety (not that I knew why it bored me as a tiny kid) I had no idea they were in blackface until I was older. It was just something that the adults watched…obviously as an adult, I can see why it was offensive.
Much more fun than Strictly 🎉
The Chinese laundry segment is bonkers hilarious: today no race left unoffended. Yet it was harmless fun and well meant at the time.
This must have been Delia's (as well as John's) last appearance? about a year after the new producer took over.