This content is hosted here as close to it's original form as possible to act as educational research content so the program can be judged in full with it's content in context. If you would like to learn more about the racial stereotypes this show was based on consider visiting the web page for "The Jim Crow Museum"' for a in depth exploration of the culture of the time and how it affected people's lives.
Out of curiosity, where do you source these from? Can’t seem to find full episodes like this anywhere else so just wondered if you had access to a special archive or something?
@haroldparratt9827 These episodes have been traded in private for years since at least the mid 00's with some even appearing on bootleg dvd's, I obtained a 1961 episode back in 2020 and I was able to obtain more this year though there are a few others out there I don't have.
This was a great show, with routine that are from stage versions of the show, Enjoyed seeing Neville King the ventriloquist with the old boy. Keep bring them to us. The is TV variety.
I grew up watching this, and NEVER was there the type of connotations lefty types place on it now, it was PURE entertainment!, something they don't understand!.
This content is hosted here as close to it's original form as possible to act as educational research content so the program can be judged in full with it's content in context. If you would like to learn more about the racial stereotypes this show was based on consider visiting the web page for "The Jim Crow Museum"' for a in depth exploration of the culture of the time and how it affected people's lives.
Out of curiosity, where do you source these from? Can’t seem to find full episodes like this anywhere else so just wondered if you had access to a special archive or something?
@haroldparratt9827 These episodes have been traded in private for years since at least the mid 00's with some even appearing on bootleg dvd's, I obtained a 1961 episode back in 2020 and I was able to obtain more this year though there are a few others out there I don't have.
That Lizzy Borden routine is one of the most wonderfully insane things I've ever seen
Another gem 👍🏻
This was a great show, with routine that are from stage versions of the show, Enjoyed seeing Neville King the ventriloquist with the old boy. Keep bring them to us. The is TV variety.
I grew up watching this, and NEVER was there the type of connotations lefty types place on it now, it was PURE entertainment!, something they don't understand!.