I found out I was pregnant at 12 DPO. I went to my doctor a couple days later and they confirmed my HCG was rising hard and fast. Those first few days I was floating on cloud nine. But after a week, I was so anxious that I would miscarry. Its my first ever pregnancy and I wanted this baby so bad. I kept checking my undies for bleeding every time I walked past a bathroom. My husband and I finally went in at 8 week for my first ultrasound. I didn't sleep the night before because I was so afraid the doctor would tell me there was no heartbeat. The tech could tell I was anxious and show us our baby's heartbeat first before she did any measurements. I cried my eyes out on the bed and thanked God. I'm 35 weeks right now with a baby boy and I am so grateful for every little kick and wiggle.
@@GeorginaRodriguez20 some care providers wait until 12 weeks. I believe it’s because they think there is a better chance of clearly seeing the baby on the ultrasound. I get the reasoning but it also surprises me because I’d figure they want to make sure the pregnancy isn’t ectopic. Ultrasound machines are so well developed these days that techs can get pretty good pictures weeks before that point. I’d encourage you to seek another provider if possible. You could even get an ultrasound from an independent imaging office if one is available on your area. I understand what you are feeling. There really isn’t much that can make those feelings go away. Take it one it one day at a time❤️❤️
This might help some, and upset others. Being an older first time mom in my first trimester, I was at first extremely worried about a miscarriage. Though we got pregnant easily , we don't exactly have lots of time to try again. I did a bunch of research to find out what to do/ not do to reduce the chances of early miscarriage... and was relieved to see there's not much a woman can do to cause it. Too much caffeine, certain herbs, raw papaya, and hot tubs/saunas, basically. Not moderate exercise, not junk food, not moderate stress. Basically most early miscarriages are caused by an issue with the baby itself- something not quite right in its genetics/DNA. Learning that immediately calmed my stress. I'm eating healthy, cut my caffeine, continuing my slightly reduced exercise, and trying to sleep/ hydrate more, but if the terrible happens, I'll know it's nature doing what it needs to do to save that little bundle of baby - and me- from experiencing the horrible pain and misery of a short difficulty existence. And I'm at peace with that.
@Student HannahBeatrix Valladolid Thank you so much, I appreciate your comment. Sadly we're a familiar statistic. We lost the baby at 11 1/2 weeks, with 0 symptoms... but didn't find out until a week later, after we finally started telling everyone we were pregnant and making real plans. We had no idea "missed miscarriages" were a thing. (They need to be brought out of the shame closet so ladies experiencing them can get the same support the more common miscarriage gets.) Tests from the D and C showed the baby had Down Syndrome- exactly the type of possibility I'd been preparing myself for. Apparently 2/3 of Downs babies miscarry. The sight of babies and children makes us both incredibly sad, but in a strange way the loss has strengthened our relationship. I wish everyone all the best, and stand by my original comment, now knowing it's so true... the loss of ANY pregnancy is devastating, even when you're prepared for the possibility... but I trust in mother nature making the right decision for our baby. I can only assume the health complications were too severe for our little boy to thrive.
This video deserves endless likes..I’m TTC 3 years..I’m only 6 weeks and I’m terrified for the next 6 weeks please pray for me..and thank you for this video❤️
This is so comforting to me. I had a miscarriage last July and when I got pregnant again I was obsessed with making sure that everything was going alright. I’m glad I’m not the only one who does things like this during the first trimester. Thanks for sharing! ❤️
I’m currently four weeks and 2 days. Multiple positive tests including digital ones. This helped me SO much because I have 5 weeks until the doctor can see me.
When I first found out I tested constantly for reassurance I’m 11 weeks now with my rainbow baby and I’m pretty anxious and cry a lot it’s hard after previous losses but I feel this is God blessing my husband and I finally ❤️
This video helps a lot, I just found out I’m pregnant with my first and I’m 4 weeks 3 days! Still have 3 weeks till my first appointment. I’m super excited!!
Another thing is don’t be disheartened if you aren’t able to see the heartbeat at ultrasound. Currently 6 weeks with baby3, but baby2 they only saw an empty gestational sac. Prepared me for missed miscarriage. Blood work every (2? Days) checking my levels, first one the number was lower than they wanted. More fear. 1 1/2 weeks later the second ultrasound, there he was, little flicker from his heart. He is 2 1/2 now. ❤️
The probability chart was so helpful! Thanks for sharing that! I’m 5 weeks 3 days and definitely thought the probability of miscarriage was greater than 17%. This gave me peace of mind! Thanks!
I literally do all of these things too. Haha the miscarriage probability chart used to really freak me out in the very early weeks because I had recurrent miscarriages previously, but it slowly improves. I’m now almost 12 weeks pregnant with my 2nd ☺️ Congrats on your baby 🎉
I really appreciated the miscarriage percentage. This made me feel 100 times better! This is my first child, I have been under extreme amounts of stress and my mother miscarried prior to me. I always just thought it could be a chance and looking at the chart made me feel so much better. Thank you!!
I’m so glad I found this video. I’m so freaked out this is my first pregnancy. I still don’t believe it’s real. I’m 5weeks & 2 days. My first appointment is at 8 weeks. Idk why I just keep getting thoughts that somethings gonna happen. I’m trying to be happy & positive. It’s just so scary. I want this baby so bad! Thank you for sharing. 💗
Hi Lex. Hoping not to sound like a complete weirdo, I think you are an amazing family. Although old enough to be your mother I'm sure, I can so relate to the experiences and attitudes you share with us. Putting yourself out here on your channel takes huge strength and resilience and I just want you to know how much enjoyment I get personally from your channel. Thank you a million times over for your honesty and allowing us all to get a glimpse of your day to day lives. Huge hugs, Kathy. Windsor, Ontario.
I have had 3 miscarriages and currently 5 weeks and 4 days today and have my first ultrasound tomorrow. I have been so anxious and testing everyday and my test line has been darker than the control line for a few days now so I’m being very hopeful! Got bloodwork done last Wednesday and Friday. Doubled! Went from 1,180 to 2,900!! So I’m trying to stay positive and this video really gave me hope!!
I just found ur channel and I’m loving it!!!! I’m currently 5 wks + 2 days, I have had two miscarries in the past two years and I’m absolutely terrified with every pain and cramp. Thank you for opening up to us and sharing so much
I’ve been TTC for 3 years and it made me so beyond depressed, the week before I found out I was pregnant I truly felt like my life was over and felt so purposeless. I thought when I did become pregnant I would be over the moon, but of course I ended up being a complete ball of nerves and worried every second of every day. That miscarriage probability chart is amazing thank you for sharing that 🙏 I did the line progression checking when I was 4-5 weeks, and I’m now 9 weeks ❤️🥹💕
Times have changed. When I was pregnant, 35 and 32 years ago, I never even had an ultrasound. We didn’t know the gender, and just didn’t worry about miscarriage or problems. My first, a son, was an emergency c-section because I was too narrow for him to squeeze through and he was only 6 lbs 12 oz. My daughter was a planned c-section and it went very smoothly. I recovered well, my babies were fine but I was glad to have been in a hospital where they could handle these issues. 🥰
I found that chart when I got pregnant with my daughter who is also my rainbow baby. It saved my sanity. It gave me hope and reassurance as each day went by. Thanks for sharing this video, I think it is important to hear cause all new mamas feel similar in those early weeks.
I've done the exact same thing as you! It really helped me get through the initial weeks because it was so different to my miscarriage progression. I can see how this wouldn't be for everyone but it was so so so reassuring for me!
I have anxiety and I know that first trimester whenever I get pregnant will be crazy. I can't wait to watch this again when I am at that time in my life.
Thank you so much for this video lex. Currently on my TTC JOURNEY with no luck yet. This was very comforting watching, my anxiety went down listening to this ❤️
I did have a lot of anxiety until my first appointment last week! But thankfully baby was there and heart was beating! This is my first. I still have a little anxiety, but I hope all goes well.
I wish this video came out sooner as I just had my 2nd miscarriage in a row a day ago. This would have helped my anxiety. I started following you a week or two ago as I was still in my early weeks of pregnant. I’m so happy for you and your family and will live viciously through your pregnancy to keep me going mentally and emotionally. Congratulations again!!! You have really beautiful kids.
Thank you so much for posting this video. It has helped me so much. I am currently 9wks and 3 days. I believe we are not that far apart. Congratulations by the way. This is my 4th child. I have had multiple miscarriages and those that have been through it knows how hard this precious time is.
I have been so incredibly anxious and you made me feel much better. I just found out I am expecting my first. Tested out of quarantine boredom. Thank you for being my go to youtube family!
I’m crying watching your video. But it’s a good cry. I’ve been so scared of something might happen to my 4 week old baby. I had a small and necessary procedure done a couple of days ago. And it heightened my anxiety through the roof. Today is my worst day, until I watched this video. Everything you said is so relatable. My therapist said to me years ago, once you realize you are not along going through something hard, it immediately relieves your anxiety. So I feel better now! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and tips! I can’t talk about it with anyone yet since it’s so early. So hearing from other women’s experience means a lot to me. Thank you and god bless 💕
I'm grateful for this video! I'll be 5 weeks, 5 days and was feeling so stressed. I keep trying to calm myself. This video really helped. I thought I was going crazy because I've taken 5 tests!😂 This reassures me that I'm not alone and my baby will make it! Thank you!
I did all of this with my daughter who is now one. I would have loved this video when I was newly pregnant! No one else in my life got it. I’d had a missed miscarriage before her. This will help so many, good luck and baby dust to anyone reading this ❤️ I’m in the UK and while all of our care is free, our first ultrasound isn’t until 12-14 weeks so it’s a long old wait! I paid for a private ultrasound (£70 but worth it for me) at 6 weeks and saw the heartbeat. That heartbeat is now stealing my bagel as I type this!
I’ve really been appreciating these videos! I have had 2 chemical pregnancies these last few months and still have hope to get pregnant with baby #3 soon. Also I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to follow your journey with baby 😊💕
Thank you so much for this video! It really helped with my anxiety. I had a miscarriage 2 months ago and I am now almost 5 weeks pregnant. I was constantly fearing the worst and my first doctors appointment is only is 2 weeks, so testing and seeing that the hcg levels appear to be normal really calmed me down. Thank you again. I wish you all the blessings you deserve! 🧡
Oh my god I’m 5 weeks pregnant as well and I’ve had 5 miscarriages! I’m absolutely petrified and I haven’t got my first scan until I’m 12 weeks. I have a hospital appointment on the 16th March! Good luck ❤️
Really Thank you so much! I am only 4 weeks and 4 days and super super anxious. I feel like I can't really celebrate being pregnant because I don't know it it sticks....But that probability chart really helped me! I will write down the probability of NOT having a Miscarriage on my kitchen whiteboard and focus on that number! I really want this baby
Love this Lex. I'm a very type A and always test a million times, use the digitals as progression markers (I'm in Canada so I can easily get the ones with weeks shown), and use the doppler early as well. My last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 14 weeks, and I am currently at 5 weeks and scared out of my mind. I'm trying not to stress but I always thought of reaching the second trimester as being out of the "danger zone" and now it feels like there's no such thing as "safe" so it's really hard.
Ordered two of the two packs of clear blue weeks estimators last night after you posted the link on Instagram, we just miscarried in January and I know that it will help give me peace of mind if/when when we do get pregnant again I’m able to see that jump from 2-3 to 3+. Such a great idea!
I'm just gone 8 weeks with my first baby. It's 12.38am and I'm in the kitchen sat on the floor with my puppy Maggie (midnight snack buddy) eating a marmite and cheese potato waffle crying with worry about my first scan on Saturday. I'm so scared they'll say they can't find a heart beat... or that the baby isn't there anymore. I know the baby is so tiny but I feel so protective over it already and love it so much. All I want is to be a mummy 😔 Your video has really helped and given me a sense of normality in the feelings I'm having. Thank you for sharing this 💕
I feel like because I've had so many miscarriages. I will test like non stop until I have my first ultrasound and see the heart beat. So using the test strips # Genius. Smartest tip ever. AND the heart beat Doppler. Good morning Lex and baby bear. Y'all be safe and stay healthy.
This is really helpful! I am very type A and was totally freaked out with my first pregnancy (after infertility) that I was going to have a miscarriage. I took about 7 tests in those first few days of knowing I was pregnant!! I found out at 10 DPO so super early. Next time I’m gonna try your method with the weeks estimator!
WOW!!! What an awesome video!!! Tones of great information. Thank you very much young lady for helping us 🙌💐♥️ My first pregnancy, 5 weeks and loosing my mind with anxiety.
I found out 4 days ago that I was pregnant I’m 5 months and didn’t know! And I get my first blood test done tomorrow and I have bad stress and anxiety about blood
Your excitement and enthusiasm at the end ahhh 😍😭 absolutely love it! I can't wait to have my first. Currently a step mom though and I find that just increases the baby fever 😂 thank you for each of your videos! I know I'll be coming back to them when I finally get a BFP
I love hanging out with you guys! I don't watch any other vlog style channels but yours is just so uplifting and positive and calming... I absolutely adore watching your little family, you make me feel so hopeful all the time and determined to be better.
Stumbled upon this and so glad I did. Found out I was pregnant on the 26th of Jan am 6 weeks 3 days and terrified as don’t have a scan till the 11 of feb. fingers and toes are crossed all goes well
I got 3 positive tests over this holiday weekend I’ve been anxiously waiting ever since to call the doctor! Tomorrow is the day! And we also want to surprise my 7 year old daughter with a Christmas announcement. According to the calculator I’m 8 weeks! So anxious!.
This helped me so much I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I had spotting and had an early ultrasound I have a follow-up in a week to check the baby again but so far it looks good. It was just measuring a week smaller then they thought.
For new mommas don’t put too much value in the first HCG result.. I was a few days late and my first # was only 31 I was heartbroken thinking for sure I’d miscarry (I’ve had 1 before) Well here I am now almost 28 weeks pregnant! So please don’t fret if your first number is a little low.
The Fitzgeralds for me it wasn’t.. when I had my MC my first number was 28 so naturally my mind went to that dark place. My second number was 128 I cried I was so happy.
I’m loving following your journey! It’s really interesting to see differences in doc appointments etc in America compared to what I experienced here in the UK. Here, unless you pay for it, you have no ultrasounds/bloods etc until your first 12 week scan. I remember being very nervous that I was somehow lying that I was pregnant since no one checked😂! I’ve never had a miscarriage/issues this is just my experience as a FTM. It’s probably different for people with other experiences. I would pay for a private early scan next time though! X
I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks 4 days recently in my first pregnancy. The probability is so low of that and it broke my heart. I was almost through my first trimester and it just sucks. I both look forward to, and dread my next pregnancy. I will definitely get a doppler when we get our next BFP, and try these other methods. Thank you for sharing this!!
I Come from a broken up unstabel family and childhood. Im now 5 weeks pregnant and i have crazy anxiety that i Will have a broken home too ... even tho i love my men soo much and trust him fully.. It gave me cripling anxiety last night and i have not slept .... my boyfriend is super sweet but is also confused why i have this fear ...i hope and pray i soon feel better
I don’t know if people are aware, but if you are in the US and have an outpatient blood draw station, they usually have an HCG blood test you can get without doctors visit. It’s usually between $20-50 and you get your results the next day :)
This made me feel better about being obsessed with testing. Question, does your husband make fun of you? Mine is pretty annoying about it... always like, “why test again?” ... or , “there’s no way you could test positive right now right?! Why bother...” pfft. Men.
I’m extremely scared and I am hoping this first trimester hurry up and goes by. I am trying to lose weight and be healthy but super duper scared. I’m at almost 7weeks
I can't thank you enough for the probability tracker. As an overthinker, this really helps me somehow. Do you know how accurate this is? I'm 5 weeks and first time mommy at 42. Just a bit nervous 😓
I just ordered the test off ebay! I’m experiencing some lower left side cramping I’m pretty early on I don’t think I’m more than 4-5 weeks no bleeding or spotting and I pray it stays that way. Just scary cramps
I had a miscarriage about 2 years ago, and a tubal about a year ago and just found out a week or so ago that I’m pregnant and I’m so scared. I keep testing to just to feel better, appointment is in three weeks but I feel like I can’t wait. I’m so nervous I can’t carry. Advice? Im very early at about 5 weeks and that’s when I miscarried the first time. I have so much faith and this feels different to me but there’s still thoughts from previously
Second time around and I've got the bouncing tummy ,but light bleeding every month. I would love to know when to test again. We got our first pregnancy , which was very type a girl. She was 17 weeks when I found out. Help! This makes no sense ,since I can't even fit medium shirts and I am only 5 foot 4 in a large fits for mixed company.
I currently am 8.5 weeks along. Due to the virus I wasn’t allowed to have an in person appt and ultrasound. I have to wait until 12 weeks to have an ultrasound. To say my anxiety levels are high are an understatement ... so much unknown and so much time to wait. This is my first pregnancy, but due to me being in nursing school and desiring to be a labor and delivery nurse, I feel like I know too much 😂. It’s made it super hard .... just praying these next four weeks go by fast .... 😭
With my son, I couldn't have an ultrasound until 12w2d! I know how you're feeling, mama. For me it was health insurance issues which delayed it. Hang in there!! It'll fly by!❤
I found out I was pregnant at 12 DPO. I went to my doctor a couple days later and they confirmed my HCG was rising hard and fast. Those first few days I was floating on cloud nine. But after a week, I was so anxious that I would miscarry. Its my first ever pregnancy and I wanted this baby so bad. I kept checking my undies for bleeding every time I walked past a bathroom. My husband and I finally went in at 8 week for my first ultrasound. I didn't sleep the night before because I was so afraid the doctor would tell me there was no heartbeat. The tech could tell I was anxious and show us our baby's heartbeat first before she did any measurements. I cried my eyes out on the bed and thanked God. I'm 35 weeks right now with a baby boy and I am so grateful for every little kick and wiggle.
I am feeling the same way, my first appt it’s at 12 weeks I don’t know why, and pretty anxious about it :(
@@GeorginaRodriguez20 some care providers wait until 12 weeks. I believe it’s because they think there is a better chance of clearly seeing the baby on the ultrasound. I get the reasoning but it also surprises me because I’d figure they want to make sure the pregnancy isn’t ectopic. Ultrasound machines are so well developed these days that techs can get pretty good pictures weeks before that point. I’d encourage you to seek another provider if possible. You could even get an ultrasound from an independent imaging office if one is available on your area. I understand what you are feeling. There really isn’t much that can make those feelings go away. Take it one it one day at a time❤️❤️
This sounds so much like me I’m 6 weeks and I’m terrified
Omg I feeling the same thing right now I have to wait until dec 28 to have my first ultrasound
I hope this is the same way for me because I am literally the same way right now !
I found out I'm pregnant with my first 10 days ago and my anxiety is like hcg- doubling every 48 hours.
i am in the same boat except my anxiety is so bad , i worry if my hcg is even doubling every 48 hours 😓
Literally same.
@@kelseymoreau5856 I just found out that the reason was because im pregnant with healthy twins :)
@@cassienikole876 I still haven’t reached the point where my test line is darker than control line and I’m 16dpo.
My test line was only as dark the the control line on 20dpo. Hoping thats not a bad sign! Also very anxiois
This might help some, and upset others. Being an older first time mom in my first trimester, I was at first extremely worried about a miscarriage. Though we got pregnant easily , we don't exactly have lots of time to try again. I did a bunch of research to find out what to do/ not do to reduce the chances of early miscarriage... and was relieved to see there's not much a woman can do to cause it. Too much caffeine, certain herbs, raw papaya, and hot tubs/saunas, basically. Not moderate exercise, not junk food, not moderate stress. Basically most early miscarriages are caused by an issue with the baby itself- something not quite right in its genetics/DNA. Learning that immediately calmed my stress. I'm eating healthy, cut my caffeine, continuing my slightly reduced exercise, and trying to sleep/ hydrate more, but if the terrible happens, I'll know it's nature doing what it needs to do to save that little bundle of baby - and me- from experiencing the horrible pain and misery of a short difficulty existence. And I'm at peace with that.
@Student HannahBeatrix Valladolid Thank you so much, I appreciate your comment. Sadly we're a familiar statistic. We lost the baby at 11 1/2 weeks, with 0 symptoms... but didn't find out until a week later, after we finally started telling everyone we were pregnant and making real plans. We had no idea "missed miscarriages" were a thing. (They need to be brought out of the shame closet so ladies experiencing them can get the same support the more common miscarriage gets.) Tests from the D and C showed the baby had Down Syndrome- exactly the type of possibility I'd been preparing myself for. Apparently 2/3 of Downs babies miscarry. The sight of babies and children makes us both incredibly sad, but in a strange way the loss has strengthened our relationship. I wish everyone all the best, and stand by my original comment, now knowing it's so true... the loss of ANY pregnancy is devastating, even when you're prepared for the possibility... but I trust in mother nature making the right decision for our baby. I can only assume the health complications were too severe for our little boy to thrive.
This comment gave my grieving soul so much relief. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this comment, made me feel so much better.
@@bunnisibanda4601 Big warm hugs to you, sister.
@@MADDIELUVSGLEE1 Sending you hugs and hope.
This video deserves endless likes..I’m TTC 3 years..I’m only 6 weeks and I’m terrified for the next 6 weeks please pray for me..and thank you for this video❤️
Alexa, how are you doing now? I’m 6 weeks now
I’m 6 weeks today my first ultrasound tomorrow and I’m so anxious.
God is good always!!!! 🙏
Wish I had this video about 6 weeks ago when I was freaking out literally every day, I made it though! I’m 13 weeks and 5 days with my first ❤️
This is so comforting to me. I had a miscarriage last July and when I got pregnant again I was obsessed with making sure that everything was going alright. I’m glad I’m not the only one who does things like this during the first trimester. Thanks for sharing! ❤️
I’m currently four weeks and 2 days. Multiple positive tests including digital ones. This helped me SO much because I have 5 weeks until the doctor can see me.
How’s baby? I found out im 4w 2 days today and my anxiety is awful x
Same! I’m 4w5d today
When I first found out I tested constantly for reassurance I’m 11 weeks now with my rainbow baby and I’m pretty anxious and cry a lot it’s hard after previous losses but I feel this is God blessing my husband and I finally ❤️
This video helps a lot, I just found out I’m pregnant with my first and I’m 4 weeks 3 days! Still have 3 weeks till my first appointment. I’m super excited!!
Alley Wilkinson I’m 4 weeks and 3 days today, too!! Congrats :)
I'm 4 weeks 5 days wooo!!
I’m also 4 weeks 3 days with my first! How did things go? ❤️
9 weeks :) feeling more fatigued and nauseous every day and embracing it! This is such a great, informative video. 😍
Another thing is don’t be disheartened if you aren’t able to see the heartbeat at ultrasound. Currently 6 weeks with baby3, but baby2 they only saw an empty gestational sac. Prepared me for missed miscarriage. Blood work every (2? Days) checking my levels, first one the number was lower than they wanted. More fear. 1 1/2 weeks later the second ultrasound, there he was, little flicker from his heart. He is 2 1/2 now. ❤️
I was the exact same and looked up the percentage a day of miscarriage! I thought I was a crazy person lol but I’m glad I’m not alone!
The probability chart was so helpful! Thanks for sharing that! I’m 5 weeks 3 days and definitely thought the probability of miscarriage was greater than 17%. This gave me peace of mind! Thanks!
I’m glad I’m not alone in being absolutely terrified of losing this precious gift
I literally do all of these things too. Haha the miscarriage probability chart used to really freak me out in the very early weeks because I had recurrent miscarriages previously, but it slowly improves. I’m now almost 12 weeks pregnant with my 2nd ☺️ Congrats on your baby 🎉
I did this exact sequence of testing when I found out I was pregnant with this baby. Congratulations ❤ I am now 32 weeks 🌈❤
Thank you so much for posting this! Just knowing that other women are as terrified as me is some how comforting.
I really appreciated the miscarriage percentage. This made me feel 100 times better! This is my first child, I have been under extreme amounts of stress and my mother miscarried prior to me. I always just thought it could be a chance and looking at the chart made me feel so much better. Thank you!!
I’m so glad I found this video. I’m so freaked out this is my first pregnancy. I still don’t believe it’s real. I’m 5weeks & 2 days. My first appointment is at 8 weeks. Idk why I just keep getting thoughts that somethings gonna happen. I’m trying to be happy & positive. It’s just so scary. I want this baby so bad! Thank you for sharing. 💗
Same how are you doing
Same here...how r u dear?
Hi Lex. Hoping not to sound like a complete weirdo, I think you are an amazing family. Although old enough to be your mother I'm sure, I can so relate to the experiences and attitudes you share with us. Putting yourself out here on your channel takes huge strength and resilience and I just want you to know how much enjoyment I get personally from your channel. Thank you a million times over for your honesty and allowing us all to get a glimpse of your day to day lives. Huge hugs, Kathy. Windsor, Ontario.
Thankyou so much for sharing this video. I'm currently 5 weeks with my first and I'm so incredibly stressed and anxious
I have had 3 miscarriages and currently 5 weeks and 4 days today and have my first ultrasound tomorrow. I have been so anxious and testing everyday and my test line has been darker than the control line for a few days now so I’m being very hopeful! Got bloodwork done last Wednesday and Friday. Doubled! Went from 1,180 to 2,900!! So I’m trying to stay positive and this video really gave me hope!!
How was ur baby
I just found ur channel and I’m loving it!!!! I’m currently 5 wks + 2 days, I have had two miscarries in the past two years and I’m absolutely terrified with every pain and cramp. Thank you for opening up to us and sharing so much
5 wks abs 1 day and one previous miscarriage so I completely identify!! Xx
Same here am 5weeks and 3 days and am Terrified and worried that I might have a miscarriage
I'm only 3-4 weeks pregnant after one miscarriage at 6 weeks & soo scared 😢
I’m 37 weeks pregnant but I just love watching your videos! So I’m making breakfast and watching your video!!
I’ve been TTC for 3 years and it made me so beyond depressed, the week before I found out I was pregnant I truly felt like my life was over and felt so purposeless. I thought when I did become pregnant I would be over the moon, but of course I ended up being a complete ball of nerves and worried every second of every day. That miscarriage probability chart is amazing thank you for sharing that 🙏 I did the line progression checking when I was 4-5 weeks, and I’m now 9 weeks ❤️🥹💕
Thank you so much for this. Currently 5 weeks after a missed miscarriage last year! Trying so hard to be positive and excited!!
Times have changed. When I was pregnant, 35 and 32 years ago, I never even had an ultrasound. We didn’t know the gender, and just didn’t worry about miscarriage or problems. My first, a son, was an emergency c-section because I was too narrow for him to squeeze through and he was only 6 lbs 12 oz. My daughter was a planned c-section and it went very smoothly. I recovered well, my babies were fine but I was glad to have been in a hospital where they could handle these issues. 🥰
When you have recurrent miscarriages, you worry. It’s not hard to understand.
I’m only 5+2 but honestly this has helped me so much! I was so anxious before this video but you’ve really put my mind at ease!! Thank you xxxx
I found that chart when I got pregnant with my daughter who is also my rainbow baby. It saved my sanity. It gave me hope and reassurance as each day went by. Thanks for sharing this video, I think it is important to hear cause all new mamas feel similar in those early weeks.
I've done the exact same thing as you! It really helped me get through the initial weeks because it was so different to my miscarriage progression. I can see how this wouldn't be for everyone but it was so so so reassuring for me!
I have anxiety and I know that first trimester whenever I get pregnant will be crazy. I can't wait to watch this again when I am at that time in my life.
Thank you so much for this video lex. Currently on my TTC JOURNEY with no luck yet. This was very comforting watching, my anxiety went down listening to this ❤️
I did have a lot of anxiety until my first appointment last week! But thankfully baby was there and heart was beating! This is my first. I still have a little anxiety, but I hope all goes well.
Girl. You are a freaking SCIENTIST!! Great points about the cost of healthcare and access to healthcare 🤰🙌🙌
I wish this video came out sooner as I just had my 2nd miscarriage in a row a day ago. This would have helped my anxiety. I started following you a week or two ago as I was still in my early weeks of pregnant. I’m so happy for you and your family and will live viciously through your pregnancy to keep me going mentally and emotionally. Congratulations again!!! You have really beautiful kids.
I feel so much better after this video I’m currently 9 wks 3 days and is very frustrating thank you
Thank you so much for posting this video. It has helped me so much. I am currently 9wks and 3 days. I believe we are not that far apart. Congratulations by the way. This is my 4th child. I have had multiple miscarriages and those that have been through it knows how hard this precious time is.
I recently got a bfp with my second child on the 11th! We're beyond excited! Glad I can follow your journey. : )
I have been so incredibly anxious and you made me feel much better. I just found out I am expecting my first. Tested out of quarantine boredom. Thank you for being my go to youtube family!
I’m crying watching your video. But it’s a good cry. I’ve been so scared of something might happen to my 4 week old baby. I had a small and necessary procedure done a couple of days ago. And it heightened my anxiety through the roof. Today is my worst day, until I watched this video. Everything you said is so relatable. My therapist said to me years ago, once you realize you are not along going through something hard, it immediately relieves your anxiety. So I feel better now! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and tips! I can’t talk about it with anyone yet since it’s so early. So hearing from other women’s experience means a lot to me. Thank you and god bless 💕
Oh same here. This video helped me so much
I'm grateful for this video! I'll be 5 weeks, 5 days and was feeling so stressed. I keep trying to calm myself. This video really helped. I thought I was going crazy because I've taken 5 tests!😂 This reassures me that I'm not alone and my baby will make it! Thank you!
I did all of this with my daughter who is now one. I would have loved this video when I was newly pregnant! No one else in my life got it. I’d had a missed miscarriage before her. This will help so many, good luck and baby dust to anyone reading this ❤️
I’m in the UK and while all of our care is free, our first ultrasound isn’t until 12-14 weeks so it’s a long old wait! I paid for a private ultrasound (£70 but worth it for me) at 6 weeks and saw the heartbeat. That heartbeat is now stealing my bagel as I type this!
Thank you so much!! My anxiety has been draining me!❤❤❤
I’ve really been appreciating these videos! I have had 2 chemical pregnancies these last few months and still have hope to get pregnant with baby #3 soon. Also I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to follow your journey with baby 😊💕
Thank you so much for this video! It really helped with my anxiety. I had a miscarriage 2 months ago and I am now almost 5 weeks pregnant. I was constantly fearing the worst and my first doctors appointment is only is 2 weeks, so testing and seeing that the hcg levels appear to be normal really calmed me down. Thank you again. I wish you all the blessings you deserve! 🧡
Oh my god I’m 5 weeks pregnant as well and I’ve had 5 miscarriages! I’m absolutely petrified and I haven’t got my first scan until I’m 12 weeks. I have a hospital appointment on the 16th March! Good luck ❤️
Really Thank you so much! I am only 4 weeks and 4 days and super super anxious. I feel like I can't really celebrate being pregnant because I don't know it it sticks....But that probability chart really helped me! I will write down the probability of NOT having a Miscarriage on my kitchen whiteboard and focus on that number! I really want this baby
Love this Lex. I'm a very type A and always test a million times, use the digitals as progression markers (I'm in Canada so I can easily get the ones with weeks shown), and use the doppler early as well. My last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 14 weeks, and I am currently at 5 weeks and scared out of my mind. I'm trying not to stress but I always thought of reaching the second trimester as being out of the "danger zone" and now it feels like there's no such thing as "safe" so it's really hard.
That's true. There's no such thing as guaranteed safety.
Ordered two of the two packs of clear blue weeks estimators last night after you posted the link on Instagram, we just miscarried in January and I know that it will help give me peace of mind if/when when we do get pregnant again I’m able to see that jump from 2-3 to 3+. Such a great idea!
I’m in my two week waaaaaaaiiiit. Thanks for helping me pass the time! ❤️
I'm just gone 8 weeks with my first baby.
It's 12.38am and I'm in the kitchen sat on the floor with my puppy Maggie (midnight snack buddy) eating a marmite and cheese potato waffle crying with worry about my first scan on Saturday. I'm so scared they'll say they can't find a heart beat... or that the baby isn't there anymore.
I know the baby is so tiny but I feel so protective over it already and love it so much. All I want is to be a mummy 😔
Your video has really helped and given me a sense of normality in the feelings I'm having.
Thank you for sharing this 💕
I feel like because I've had so many miscarriages. I will test like non stop until I have my first ultrasound and see the heart beat. So using the test strips # Genius. Smartest tip ever. AND the heart beat Doppler. Good morning Lex and baby bear. Y'all be safe and stay healthy.
I’m going to be 12 weeks with my second in a couple of days and I’m just so excited we are on this journey together!! 😍
Love this video 💕 this is going to help a lot of people. The first few weeks of pregnancy are really hard.
This was really helpful. Thank you! We're pregnant with our first at 5 weeks after getting an IUI.
I’m in the exact same boat right now. Third round of IUI worked. Sending you all the love!
This is really helpful! I am very type A and was totally freaked out with my first pregnancy (after infertility) that I was going to have a miscarriage. I took about 7 tests in those first few days of knowing I was pregnant!! I found out at 10 DPO so super early. Next time I’m gonna try your method with the weeks estimator!
WOW!!! What an awesome video!!! Tones of great information. Thank you very much young lady for helping us 🙌💐♥️ My first pregnancy, 5 weeks and loosing my mind with anxiety.
I’m 6 weeks today and feeling so anxious as had a MC in July! But you have made me feel a little more relaxed
I found out 4 days ago that I was pregnant I’m 5 months and didn’t know! And I get my first blood test done tomorrow and I have bad stress and anxiety about blood
I hate needles to
This is literally the most helpful video I've ever watched. Thank you!
Your excitement and enthusiasm at the end ahhh 😍😭 absolutely love it! I can't wait to have my first. Currently a step mom though and I find that just increases the baby fever 😂 thank you for each of your videos! I know I'll be coming back to them when I finally get a BFP
TMI I keep a basket to wipe myself and check throughout the day. To the bathroom is too long a walk. 🤣
Wow interesting! I have positive test . I took 4 but I think I’ll just wait a few weeks to set up an appointment .
This was actually so helpful! Thank you for sharing.
I love hanging out with you guys! I don't watch any other vlog style channels but yours is just so uplifting and positive and calming... I absolutely adore watching your little family, you make me feel so hopeful all the time and determined to be better.
This video was everything. I cannot thank you enough 🙏
This is amazing! Thank you 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Stumbled upon this and so glad I did. Found out I was pregnant on the 26th of Jan am 6 weeks 3 days and terrified as don’t have a scan till the 11 of feb. fingers and toes are crossed all goes well
How r u?
I got 3 positive tests over this holiday weekend I’ve been anxiously waiting ever since to call the doctor! Tomorrow is the day! And we also want to surprise my 7 year old daughter with a Christmas announcement. According to the calculator I’m 8 weeks! So anxious!.
Congrats! 💙
This helped me so much I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I had spotting and had an early ultrasound I have a follow-up in a week to check the baby again but so far it looks good. It was just measuring a week smaller then they thought.
Loved it! So informative and helpful! 😍So happy to see you're feeling better!
Thank you for this video, Lex!
For new mommas don’t put too much value in the first HCG result.. I was a few days late and my first # was only 31 I was heartbroken thinking for sure I’d miscarry (I’ve had 1 before) Well here I am now almost 28 weeks pregnant! So please don’t fret if your first number is a little low.
G-unit Viral 31 is a great first number!!
The Fitzgeralds for me it wasn’t.. when I had my MC my first number was 28 so naturally my mind went to that dark place. My second number was 128 I cried I was so happy.
Tysm for this, it helped a lot. I'm 5w5d pregnant with my first child and I almost can't sleep with the anxiety. God bless you and your family ❤️
Girl! You are a genius. I think these tips are so great!!
Using my husband's account. Lol. Thanks so much for this video. Helped to calm my anxiety to know that I'm not the only one with these fears.
Your Doppler videos helped me find my baby!!
thank you for this. I'm 7 weeks and 1 day with baby #2 i love watching the percentage go down and lines get darker. Dr. appointment in 10 days
This video helped me so much!! Thank you!
I’m loving following your journey! It’s really interesting to see differences in doc appointments etc in America compared to what I experienced here in the UK. Here, unless you pay for it, you have no ultrasounds/bloods etc until your first 12 week scan. I remember being very nervous that I was somehow lying that I was pregnant since no one checked😂! I’ve never had a miscarriage/issues this is just my experience as a FTM. It’s probably different for people with other experiences. I would pay for a private early scan next time though! X
Thank you so much!!!! 5 weeks tomorrow and this helped so much.
Thank you so much for doing this video! It helped me so much in this moment of pregnancy 🙏🏻💕
Thank you for sharing! 🥰😘👍🥳
I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks 4 days recently in my first pregnancy. The probability is so low of that and it broke my heart. I was almost through my first trimester and it just sucks. I both look forward to, and dread my next pregnancy. I will definitely get a doppler when we get our next BFP, and try these other methods. Thank you for sharing this!!
What was the reason for miscarriage any idea?
Lex please hurry up and post your video I cant wait any longer xx
I Come from a broken up unstabel family and childhood.
Im now 5 weeks pregnant and i have crazy anxiety that i Will have a broken home too ... even tho i love my men soo much and trust him fully..
It gave me cripling anxiety last night and i have not slept .... my boyfriend is super sweet but is also confused why i have this fear ...i hope and pray i soon feel better
How are you now love?
I had no clue these were banned in the US!! I’ve been looking for them
I loved this video! And I feel what you do is a great way to reassure yourself! 💜💙💚
I don’t know if people are aware, but if you are in the US and have an outpatient blood draw station, they usually have an HCG blood test you can get without doctors visit. It’s usually between $20-50 and you get your results the next day :)
This is only for a select few states 💙
My type A self thanks you for sharing this!
This made me feel better about being obsessed with testing. Question, does your husband make fun of you? Mine is pretty annoying about it... always like, “why test again?” ... or , “there’s no way you could test positive right now right?! Why bother...” pfft. Men.
I'm 6 weeks 4 days and my partner is also like this lol but who cares i still test teehee x
Thank you so much! This was really reassuring and helpful!!!
I’m extremely scared and I am hoping this first trimester hurry up and goes by. I am trying to lose weight and be healthy but super duper scared. I’m at almost 7weeks
I can't thank you enough for the probability tracker. As an overthinker, this really helps me somehow. Do you know how accurate this is? I'm 5 weeks and first time mommy at 42. Just a bit nervous 😓
I just ordered the test off ebay! I’m experiencing some lower left side cramping I’m pretty early on I don’t think I’m more than 4-5 weeks no bleeding or spotting and I pray it stays that way. Just scary cramps
I needed this video!!!Thank you!
I had a miscarriage about 2 years ago, and a tubal about a year ago and just found out a week or so ago that I’m pregnant and I’m so scared. I keep testing to just to feel better, appointment is in three weeks but I feel like I can’t wait. I’m so nervous I can’t carry. Advice? Im very early at about 5 weeks and that’s when I miscarried the first time. I have so much faith and this feels different to me but there’s still thoughts from previously
Second time around and I've got the bouncing tummy ,but light bleeding every month. I would love to know when to test again. We got our first pregnancy , which was very type a girl. She was 17 weeks when I found out. Help! This makes no sense ,since I can't even fit medium shirts and I am only 5 foot 4 in a large fits for mixed company.
I thought I was one of the only ones to look at the probability of miscarriage charts!
I currently am 8.5 weeks along. Due to the virus I wasn’t allowed to have an in person appt and ultrasound. I have to wait until 12 weeks to have an ultrasound. To say my anxiety levels are high are an understatement ... so much unknown and so much time to wait. This is my first pregnancy, but due to me being in nursing school and desiring to be a labor and delivery nurse, I feel like I know too much 😂. It’s made it super hard .... just praying these next four weeks go by fast .... 😭
With my son, I couldn't have an ultrasound until 12w2d! I know how you're feeling, mama. For me it was health insurance issues which delayed it. Hang in there!! It'll fly by!❤
Moriah Schairer I hope so! It’s hard being stuck at home and nothing but time to think about how shallow time is passing by.
I found out I was expecting at 8 weeks!!! I was in denial for a little and refused to believe it lol 🤣