Siu Fang Wong Hi! I bought this bowl set from Costco but they don’t have it anymore. Here is something similar -,prmr:3,tpim:CLLPkJSpvP3hYBCYlMHOoLvV6dQBGPCmsgwiA1VTRCiQ1ev2BTDrmt47,pdprs:5,cs:1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwr32BRD4ARIsAAJNf_1v23WS7qwP7BjmeydieZ_jebpxZXwFrMJL1Qe0UBDzm9pF75TO6ckaAuDYEALw_wcB
Looks pretty easy to make. Yummy
Naly, thank you for your recipe. Please keep making excellent videos and wonderful recipes.Many blessings to you and your loved ones!
Your blessed with the best husband I dream of. How many kids you have together? Your kids must be beautiful mixed.
My son MG likes sweet,that why he soooo sweet :):) Yummmmm!
Hi sis this is one of the dessert that I will try some time in the future.
Miguel’s lucky. You make and he eat
Hi love your mixing bowl can I still buy it maybe on line. Hope you can let me know.I asked previously ln the other rice cake utube
Siu Fang Wong Hi! I bought this bowl set from Costco but they don’t have it anymore. Here is something similar -,prmr:3,tpim:CLLPkJSpvP3hYBCYlMHOoLvV6dQBGPCmsgwiA1VTRCiQ1ev2BTDrmt47,pdprs:5,cs:1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwr32BRD4ARIsAAJNf_1v23WS7qwP7BjmeydieZ_jebpxZXwFrMJL1Qe0UBDzm9pF75TO6ckaAuDYEALw_wcB