This is interesting. At 62. I am getting ready to retire within the next year. I’ve been telling coworkers lately. Just lock me in the garage and I am going to build a lot of stuff. I’ve always built or customized antique cars and motorcycles on the side. However I do like to shoot the breeze with a good neighbor or whoever I meet out on the street. Blessings for everyone here. Smitty. LWND
LWND. Someone asked me if l was lonely once. I replied, what, on the other side of my front door there's about 8 billion people, so no, l'm not lonely. Love ya work fraya. 💞🌞🌈☕️🍪💐
Something I wrote 30 years ago. No one I have known will ever own me call my house a home or ever really get to know me I’m a loner all alone and I don’t get lonely because I’m on my own I’m my one and only.
LWND! 😁 Thanks. I endured today, an outing amongst the 99% - A visit to a cathedral, so I could absorb the architectural sacred geometry, the peace & the cymatic energy within it. Instead, I encountered a Godless pit of consumption. The magnificent cathedral, had been set up as a ‘Christmas Fair experience’ & was awash with pink apes, amusing themselves with purchasing tacky merchandise, associated with the the traditional retail distraction, called ‘Christmas’ This experience confirms, that I do not & cannot, fit in. Uhhggg, I now need two weeks of solitude, to create in my workshop. - one last thing…..I don’t need to get ahead, I already know I AM & do not need to prove or compete with anybody, today’s lesson, confirms it. Namaste 🙏
Learning how to be alone without being lonely will change your life. I was in a combat zone, surrounded by thousands of people and I was Alone and Miserable. It took a bit of time, but eventually I learned to love myself and realized that being alone was no reason to be/feel lonely. Once I hit that phase of my evolution, everything got pretty easy. Love. Calm. Ease... 🙂 I love you and I thank you. LWND
Last year I had some conflict at work and I was asked to take mindfulness training sessions. It helped immensely, but a started regressing. The almighty algorithm sent you to me, as I was looking for a way to refresh that training. Absolutely every video, even the “Fraya Show” has hit home with me. Thank you. I am very close to retirement age, so I will stick with my sometimes aggravating, but sometimes very fulfilling job; given the recent political events I might have to work until I’m 70. So, I’ll be a huge supporter of you channel.
Thank you so much Bruce! It's great to have likeminded people in our corners. I hope you'll consider signing up for my Mindfulness Group starting in January! Would love to have you there.
The smile I had on my face while listening to this beautiful summary of LW life. 😌 I looove that you quoted our LW genius Tesla! I wanted to be a scientist just like him, when I was young. Physics and electro-techincs were my favorite subjects in highschool....but 99% drained me and left me hanging by a thread. But here I am, stronger and smarter than ever, standing firmly in my aloneness. LWND! ❤
From my earliest years I believed I was an awful person because I was always alone . I was about 23 when I discovered I could choose what potato chip I wanted to eat next , it opened my life to realising I had the power to choose . Step by step I became the person I am today .. that was over 30 years ago . #LWND . 🦋🙏🕊️
What you said about potato chips was incredibly weird... but I totally understood what you meant! When I was old enough to go to college, and then four years later old enough to get an apartment with a roommate, I felt overwhelmed with the sheer number of choices I had in life, ranging from big decisions like where to live, to little decisions like what to snack on. I'm now 51, and I still feel overwhelmed at times by all the existential choices I have to make. Sometimes it feels like every choice is a problematic one, if not outright bad. I've always been an introvert, but with people-pleasing tendencies, so it's taken a long time to accept the idea that I can do whatever I want, as long as it's not immoral, and that it's okay to do something that I want, even if other people might do something differently or pressure me to do what they want me to do.
LWND when I came across one of your videos made me realize that I’ve been a lone wolf all of my life. And didn’t really care what others expected or think of me and refused to feel selfish for it. Thank You.
Hello Fraya!!! Wow, excellent!!!! LWND!!! I am glad and proud to be a LW. These days when I get asked to go to a social event get the ick. So thankful I don't live in an urban area and have to do xmas shopping......
@@frayamortensenPressure! Appropriate word for the fear infused season of reciprocity! Good idea for a video to save your subscribers some 💲this year, ay?
Life of choices, hence choose wisely. Praise often spoken. Realized I would spend a lot of time alone early in life, learned to embrace it. I do get to share my experiences with others, at times strong connections are made. ❤❤❤
I am 75 years old and seemed to be alone most of my life. I don't like crowds and never have. People have a tendency to hang labels on you from being stuck up to just plain weird but I am okay with that. A little over a year and a half ago I finally walked away from the rest of my family when I came to the realization that they were never going to being acceptable of me and I could not bring myself to being acceptable of their ways either. I am now at peace with myself and realize that I should have done this a long time ago. I refuse to apologize for the way and what I was born into. It is just who I am. LWND.
Learning at 52 im a sigma empath, and why I've always acted like I have. Your lone wolf videos are very informative! I appreciate the knowledge you give for me to look within and continue to grow and walk down my own path! Thank you! ☮️
It's such a pleasure to find you here on TH-cam! I am completely isolated, believe in nothing, am comletely hopeless and completely fulfilled🙏 I love how you say 99% I say 95%, maybe I am a little hopeful...
Well it’s just a number to express a vast difference. no scientific data on the accuracy of the numbers of course. I appreciate you checking out the video
LWND, Thank you for your Lone Wolf series, Fraya. I have never fit in. Most of the time it is okay. But this LW is very disabled and sometimes needs the help of other people. I loathe having to rely on other people for anything as I have been burned by ppl for over six decades. Accepting other peoples’ lack of character and their broken promises is VERY hard for me. When I make a promise, I KEEP IT.
Recognizing one's darker aspects can be the first step towards personal growth or seeking redemption. Acknowledging one's shadow is essential for psychological wholeness. So, trusting in or identifying with evil might be an acknowledgement of this shadow, which, if integrated properly, can lead to a more complete and balanced personality. Here, 'evil' might not exist in opposition to 'good', but as part of a necessary duality where each defines and gives purpose to the other.
I also was abandoned and then adopted into a loving family at 18 months old! I grew up in a loving family! I still chose to eventually be homeless, bankrupt and to prison i my 20s! I've healed and pressing on! I appreciate your videos! Truth! Gn!
Your creative wisdom knows no limit. The brain is designed for addiction. Society is built on that addiction. Most are enslaved by that addiction. So 99% of people are addicts. We are not the addictions , we are sober spirits.
For me, labeling myself as a Lone Wolf would feel as ostentatious as getting a Neck tattoo! or worse, like my frienD who insists on wearing sleeveless tops in freezing weather just to flaunt his tattoo sleeves. It's simply not my style. That said, I find an affinity with the qualities and characteristics of the 1%. You rock Fraya! This was an awesome and provocative video.
Being in solitude is mwah! My loneliest and most exhausting days were when surrounded by inauthentic people who vacillate between vicious and saccharine behaviors. Same folks who claim their community or family is everything. I do long for some real give and take connections with secure people. I believe there is grest value in sharing ideas and learning from one another in addition to maintaining a strong sense of internal connection.
I came to terms to being alone was needed cos evry evning i had social hangover until i lost so manny jobs i discoverd the need of alone time to self reflect
This video speaks volumes. I haven’t necessarily been chasing after the wrong things lately, just fallen into bad habits. I dislike being unemployed. I need income to continue my pursuit of self development. While some would question why, they’d likely need to be put in my shoes dealing with the constant screaming and questioning everyday. It’s rough doing everything you can to land the proper job and everyone’s dilly dallying running on their own time. Like no, you don’t understand. My parents won’t stfu. I need a job, now. Preferably something I actually plan to stick with not something I snag for a few months just creating more chaos to the perfect schedule I’m trying to piece together.
It’s a hard go that’s for sure. I think once you let go of the old habits you’ll create space for something new to enter, and it might not be what you expected.
Building my 2nd air conditioning shop now! The first was for someone else! This time its for my community and me! Thanks for your input! You are a smart lady and i appreciate your input! GN! 💪
LWND indeed! Your words resonates with me and that’s how I truly see it. I don’t mind company if they’re authentic and not shy to be there selves nevertheless I don’t mind being alone actually I love being that lone wolf (funny that I always loved wolves and now I am one 😅). Glad to find your channel and I’m truly glad to see your transformation through your videos.. keep that confident smile on 😊
Alan Watts was able to bring this to my attention in a way that was palatable to me personally and has helped skip in a multitude of ways. In my ego I was driven to pursue a career and make my family proud alongside my wife and instead my ego consumed me with fear and paranoid victimization.
For of that was indeed very interesting n so of your mind this new spiritual up rising movement sure getting people looking for more gotta like that 😊 Ty for sharing my beautiful spirit family of fraya ❤3
I've been alone the last four years, and I sincerely couldn't be more happy. Just the right dosis of socialization is perfect, every now and then. But the thing is that, it's not enough. You have first to set a purpose, because even when life isn't a race, isn't either the need of being alone just for the sake of being alone. Our spirit sake depends on it, in ways only a few know. Living up to the fullest isn't either the goal, specially for those who understand that life is already to its fullest on the other side of itself. Maybe living up for the packs aout there to preserve their right to live could be the ultimate goal, as an aware wolf. LWND
I don't know if I'm a lone wolf. The categorization really doesn't matter anyway. I love my alone time, of which I have copious amounts by choice. I love time with friends. I love not having any time commitments. I love sitting in solitude and watching nature. I love watching interesting people express interesting ideas on the internet. I apparently love commenting on/to these interesting people. I love spell check. I love having a positive outlook on life most of all. Peace and Love, B Goat
At 48 I´m finally alone for a year now and the children are grown up and out of the house, time to live as I need it.. (shitty forced socialization). Finally time to live out my many talents, unlimited and not hindered by others! LWND
Excellent video with some really encouraging points in it. However, I almost didn't click because i had an aversion to the idea that I'm trying to "get ahead" of other people. I really don't see that as my goal in this life in any way, even if that ever happens. The quest for my own style development is a personal one for me and only affects others in the sense that I can then help them along in their journey. I think the competitive mindset we've developed in this culture is highly toxic and one of the the main contributing factors leading to human demise, as we destroy our very life blood by extracting from the ecosystem, most often in service of filling this endless void of lack within our own self. I think this loneliness epidemic is actually highly correlated with this false belief, as we strive to create ourselves by serving seeking acceptance and validation in others. I think at one point in our evolution, those things were more innate and community flowed naturally through us. I definitely agree that healing this within ourselves is key to moving forward and bringing our species back into alignment with the wild natural world
Neither is to be ignored, one represents your ego and the other represents your higher self, your true self. Careful which one you give the bigger meals to and which one is getting the scraps.
LWND. Remarkable videos. So glad I found you. My ex threw at me tonight as an insult.. you should never have got married.. you were always happy to be on your own. Uh huh.. Lesson learnt and no offence taken!
people watched the video for an average of 6 minutes - not quite 99% more like 35% watched to the end. I guess I couldn't hold their attention for the whole 16 minutes. Ahh well.... such is the life of a content creator - only 1% of people can successfully become one of those. Hard gig over here. lol. Thank you for watching to the end my friend. 🙏
For me it's in the mix. I love other people if they in love with thereselfs. A spiritual aspect is we are many but also just One. For me there is a surpreme ONE creating plurality for ouer joy. Is it not joy it is not from him.
If it is true (and it is) we are all fractals of God and all one then who are you praying to? We may look different and be many miles apart but we are the same spirit. We are connected in a literal sense even though not pysically. So.... Hello me! Your pysical expression is very beutiful.
This is interesting. At 62. I am getting ready to retire within the next year. I’ve been telling coworkers lately. Just lock me in the garage and I am going to build a lot of stuff. I’ve always built or customized antique cars and motorcycles on the side. However I do like to shoot the breeze with a good neighbor or whoever I meet out on the street. Blessings for everyone here. Smitty. LWND
That's amazing! Sounds like you have a lot of life left to live and a lot of projects to build! 🤘😎
Someone asked me if l was lonely once.
I replied, what, on the other side of my front door there's about 8 billion people, so no, l'm not lonely.
Love ya work fraya.
That's it exactly! 👊
Something I wrote 30 years ago.
No one I have known will ever own me
call my house a home
or ever really get to know me
I’m a loner all alone
and I don’t get lonely
because I’m on my own
I’m my one and only.
Well said.
LWND! 😁 Thanks. I endured today, an outing amongst the 99% - A visit to a cathedral, so I could absorb the architectural sacred geometry, the peace & the cymatic energy within it. Instead, I encountered a Godless pit of consumption. The magnificent cathedral, had been set up as a ‘Christmas Fair experience’ & was awash with pink apes, amusing themselves with purchasing tacky merchandise, associated with the the traditional retail distraction, called ‘Christmas’ This experience confirms, that I do not & cannot, fit in. Uhhggg, I now need two weeks of solitude, to create in my workshop. - one last thing…..I don’t need to get ahead, I already know I AM & do not need to prove or compete with anybody, today’s lesson, confirms it. Namaste 🙏
That's it exactly! Thank you for watching to the end LWND! 🙌
I’m really glad I found this channel
Glad to have you here!
Learning how to be alone without being lonely will change your life.
I was in a combat zone, surrounded by thousands of people and I was Alone and Miserable.
It took a bit of time, but eventually I learned to love myself and realized that being alone was no reason to be/feel lonely.
Once I hit that phase of my evolution, everything got pretty easy. Love. Calm. Ease... 🙂
I love you and I thank you. LWND
@@TheGreatAwakening160 brilliant! It sounds like you’ve discovered the true meaning of life ✨
That's really moving, thank you 🙏🏽
Last year I had some conflict at work and I was asked to take mindfulness training sessions. It helped immensely, but a started regressing. The almighty algorithm sent you to me, as I was looking for a way to refresh that training.
Absolutely every video, even the “Fraya Show” has hit home with me. Thank you.
I am very close to retirement age, so I will stick with my sometimes aggravating, but sometimes very fulfilling job; given the recent political events I might have to work until I’m 70.
So, I’ll be a huge supporter of you channel.
Thank you so much Bruce! It's great to have likeminded people in our corners. I hope you'll consider signing up for my Mindfulness Group starting in January! Would love to have you there.
The smile I had on my face while listening to this beautiful summary of LW life. 😌
I looove that you quoted our LW genius Tesla! I wanted to be a scientist just like him, when I was young. Physics and electro-techincs were my favorite subjects in highschool....but 99% drained me and left me hanging by a thread.
But here I am, stronger and smarter than ever, standing firmly in my aloneness. LWND! ❤
From my earliest years I believed I was an awful person because I was always alone . I was about 23 when I discovered I could choose what potato chip I wanted to eat next , it opened my life to realising I had the power to choose . Step by step I became the person I am today .. that was over 30 years ago . #LWND . 🦋🙏🕊️
What you said about potato chips was incredibly weird... but I totally understood what you meant! When I was old enough to go to college, and then four years later old enough to get an apartment with a roommate, I felt overwhelmed with the sheer number of choices I had in life, ranging from big decisions like where to live, to little decisions like what to snack on. I'm now 51, and I still feel overwhelmed at times by all the existential choices I have to make. Sometimes it feels like every choice is a problematic one, if not outright bad. I've always been an introvert, but with people-pleasing tendencies, so it's taken a long time to accept the idea that I can do whatever I want, as long as it's not immoral, and that it's okay to do something that I want, even if other people might do something differently or pressure me to do what they want me to do.
I like your style. I’m in the right dojo. Thank you. :)
*bows respectfully*
Happy to have you here 🙏🏼
Most welcome! Thank you for your support on my channel 🙏😁
LWND when I came across one of your videos made me realize that I’ve been a lone wolf all of my life. And didn’t really care what others expected or think of me and refused to feel selfish for it. Thank You.
@@Waiki64 you got it ☺️✌️
Good job Fraya, Thank you
Most welcome! Thank you for watching . 😁✌️
LWND. Nothing happens by coincidence. Your channel popped up on my feed. I am finding your insights very helpful. Thank you 🤗🌟💛
Hello Fraya!!! Wow, excellent!!!! LWND!!! I am glad and proud to be a LW. These days when I get asked to go to a social event get the ick. So thankful I don't live in an urban area and have to do xmas shopping......
hahah..... oh the consumerism and the pressure!
@@frayamortensenPressure! Appropriate word for the fear infused season of reciprocity!
Good idea for a video to save your subscribers some 💲this year, ay?
Discussion of this topic is much needed; especially when also considering the impact of social media and the constant bombardment of the senses. LWND
Feed both wolves, both have points that they excell and you will need them at one point or another in life
Beautifully put. I enjoyed your the way you summarize and distinguished lone/lonely.
Beyond grateful for You being Your own Lone Wolf and guiding others to their Lone Wolf. Such conviction and presence.
Most welcome my friend 🙏🏼
Thank you for love and truth
LWND - Clever 🙂👍 I appreciate your fearlessness. The world needs it.
Thank you! 🙏
@@frayamortensen You are welcome 🙂🙏
Life of choices, hence choose wisely. Praise often spoken. Realized I would spend a lot of time alone early in life, learned to embrace it. I do get to share my experiences with others, at times strong connections are made. ❤❤❤
Thanks Fraya for the wisdom, entertainment and inspiration. LWND 🤜🤛
My pleasure, and thank you for watching 🙏🏼
LWND. Its great to hear someone that understands the lone wolf.
I believe your content is gold
Thank you for watching Benjamin! 🙏😁
@@frayamortensen too easy. Thank you for providing wonderful information to help everyone 🙂
@@Benjamin.remember.self.1111 my pleasure 😇
Good job thank you,
LWND Thank You , for your support and wisdom.
You’re welcome! 😎✌️Thank you for watching to the very end
It's taken me until my late 50's to accept that LWND. Thanks for your video wisdom it's empowering 🙂
You are so welcome 🙏🏼 thank you for watching to the end
I am 75 years old and seemed to be alone most of my life. I don't like crowds and never have. People have a tendency to hang labels on you from being stuck up to just plain weird but I am okay with that. A little over a year and a half ago I finally walked away from the rest of my family when I came to the realization that they were never going to being acceptable of me and I could not bring myself to being acceptable of their ways either. I am now at peace with myself and realize that I should have done this a long time ago. I refuse to apologize for the way and what I was born into. It is just who I am. LWND.
Learning at 52 im a sigma empath, and why I've always acted like I have. Your lone wolf videos are very informative! I appreciate the knowledge you give for me to look within and continue to grow and walk down my own path! Thank you! ☮️
It's such a pleasure to find you here on TH-cam! I am completely isolated, believe in nothing, am comletely hopeless and completely fulfilled🙏 I love how you say 99% I say 95%, maybe I am a little hopeful...
Well it’s just a number to express a vast difference. no scientific data on the accuracy of the numbers of course. I appreciate you checking out the video
@frayamortensen my pleasure. Thank you for putting it out there.
Ps"1% of 8billion is 80million. Just for fun🙏🙌🫶
I took a psychological test once and the first words from the tester were, you're a lone wolf.
@jimnicosia5934.. INFJ?
LWND❤😊 when you said. If you don't connect with yourself, you can't connect with others.🤔🤔🤔oooh.
A fight is going on inside of us oooh the imagery
Exactly! 🙏
That's great imagery
LWND, Thank you for your Lone Wolf series, Fraya. I have never fit in. Most of the time it is okay. But this LW is very disabled and sometimes needs the help of other people. I loathe having to rely on other people for anything as I have been burned by ppl for over six decades. Accepting other peoples’ lack of character and their broken promises is VERY hard for me. When I make a promise, I KEEP IT.
Recognizing one's darker aspects can be the first step towards personal growth or seeking redemption. Acknowledging one's shadow is essential for psychological wholeness. So, trusting in or identifying with evil might be an acknowledgement of this shadow, which, if integrated properly, can lead to a more complete and balanced personality.
Here, 'evil' might not exist in opposition to 'good', but as part of a necessary duality where each defines and gives purpose to the other.
I also was abandoned and then adopted into a loving family at 18 months old! I grew up in a loving family! I still chose to eventually be homeless, bankrupt and to prison i my 20s! I've healed and pressing on! I appreciate your videos! Truth! Gn!
Humbled and thankful for everything I have now! At peace!
Your creative wisdom knows no limit. The brain is designed for addiction. Society is built on that addiction. Most are enslaved by that addiction. So 99% of people are addicts. We are not the addictions , we are sober spirits.
ahhh yes, meanwhile many a lone wolf is no stranger to addiction - for some it's part of the path, and a road many have travelled on their journey.
For me, labeling myself as a Lone Wolf would feel as ostentatious as getting a Neck tattoo! or worse, like my frienD who insists on wearing sleeveless tops in freezing weather just to flaunt his tattoo sleeves. It's simply not my style.
That said, I find an affinity with the qualities and characteristics of the 1%. You rock Fraya!
This was an awesome and provocative video.
no labels needed, I suppose we have enough of those these days!
Being in solitude is mwah! My loneliest and most exhausting days were when surrounded by inauthentic people who vacillate between vicious and saccharine behaviors. Same folks who claim their community or family is everything. I do long for some real give and take connections with secure people. I believe there is grest value in sharing ideas and learning from one another in addition to maintaining a strong sense of internal connection.
It definitely helps when or if you become self aware. The greatest gift in life.
Emotional Sobriety and Emotional Independence are two (of many) important aspects of never feeling loneliness.
LWND, there was a time when I was lonely, went through detachment, and now I love my alone time, and I love my dog
Right on! 👍
Great episode! I am looking forward to more insightful content! Cheers! 💯💯👍👍🌞🌞💗💗
Thank you so much! Stay tuned! 🙏
I love being in the 1%. I’ve never felt so free or at peace
True message
I came to terms to being alone was needed cos evry evning i had social hangover until i lost so manny jobs i discoverd the need of alone time to self reflect
The social hangover is all too real… especially when there’s no other “substances” involved
This video speaks volumes. I haven’t necessarily been chasing after the wrong things lately, just fallen into bad habits. I dislike being unemployed. I need income to continue my pursuit of self development. While some would question why, they’d likely need to be put in my shoes dealing with the constant screaming and questioning everyday. It’s rough doing everything you can to land the proper job and everyone’s dilly dallying running on their own time. Like no, you don’t understand. My parents won’t stfu. I need a job, now. Preferably something I actually plan to stick with not something I snag for a few months just creating more chaos to the perfect schedule I’m trying to piece together.
It’s a hard go that’s for sure. I think once you let go of the old habits you’ll create space for something new to enter, and it might not be what you expected.
Building my 2nd air conditioning shop now! The first was for someone else! This time its for my community and me! Thanks for your input! You are a smart lady and i appreciate your input! GN! 💪
partnership is often connected to survival ❤
Tis true… that’s the feeling I get.
Thank you Fraya for this wonderful piece and for all your wonderful input you share 🙂🩵
My pleasure 😊 Thank you for watching to the end 🙏🏼
One last comment! Just saying! I love life, i love animals, i love to grow gardens, helping peiple grow as i grow and riding my harley! Peace!
LWND indeed! Your words resonates with me and that’s how I truly see it. I don’t mind company if they’re authentic and not shy to be there selves nevertheless I don’t mind being alone actually I love being that lone wolf (funny that I always loved wolves and now I am one 😅). Glad to find your channel and I’m truly glad to see your transformation through your videos.. keep that confident smile on 😊
Alan Watts was able to bring this to my attention in a way that was palatable to me personally and has helped skip in a multitude of ways. In my ego I was driven to pursue a career and make my family proud alongside my wife and instead my ego consumed me with fear and paranoid victimization.
love Alan Watts! Thank you for sharing the wisdom!
For of that was indeed very interesting n so of your mind this new spiritual up rising movement sure getting people looking for more gotta like that 😊
Ty for sharing my beautiful spirit family of fraya ❤3
Upward and onward Darrell!
@frayamortensen for of truth spreading evolving the door can't be closed with the mind good shit spirit sis
LWND I love your videos, Fraya! 🙂
Thank you so much! 🙌
I've been alone the last four years, and I sincerely couldn't be more happy. Just the right dosis of socialization is perfect, every now and then. But the thing is that, it's not enough. You have first to set a purpose, because even when life isn't a race, isn't either the need of being alone just for the sake of being alone. Our spirit sake depends on it, in ways only a few know. Living up to the fullest isn't either the goal, specially for those who understand that life is already to its fullest on the other side of itself. Maybe living up for the packs aout there to preserve their right to live could be the ultimate goal, as an aware wolf. LWND
LWND (with Agape Love!)
Love it!
A complex form of love. This video clarifies eloquently why it is misunderstood.
LWND, we learn to thrive 💓
You got it 😎🙌
I don't know if I'm a lone wolf. The categorization really doesn't matter anyway. I love my alone time, of which I have copious amounts by choice. I love time with friends. I love not having any time commitments. I love sitting in solitude and watching nature. I love watching interesting people express interesting ideas on the internet. I apparently love commenting on/to these interesting people. I love spell check. I love having a positive outlook on life most of all. Peace and Love, B Goat
Rock on Matt!
At 48 I´m finally alone for a year now and the children are grown up and out of the house, time to live as I need it.. (shitty forced socialization). Finally time to live out my many talents, unlimited and not hindered by others! LWND
I've been alone for 35 yrs now. I can't even stand to be among those people at the convenient store.
@jimnicosia5934… INFJ?
LWND you’re awesome
Excellent video with some really encouraging points in it.
However, I almost didn't click because i had an aversion to the idea that I'm trying to "get ahead" of other people.
I really don't see that as my goal in this life in any way, even if that ever happens.
The quest for my own style development is a personal one for me and only affects others in the sense that I can then help them along in their journey.
I think the competitive mindset we've developed in this culture is highly toxic and one of the the main contributing factors leading to human demise, as we destroy our very life blood by extracting from the ecosystem, most often in service of filling this endless void of lack within our own self.
I think this loneliness epidemic is actually highly correlated with this false belief, as we strive to create ourselves by serving seeking acceptance and validation in others.
I think at one point in our evolution, those things were more innate and community flowed naturally through us.
I definitely agree that healing this within ourselves is key to moving forward and bringing our species back into alignment with the wild natural world
LWND!!! Nor does a Human…being.❤
Tis true!
LWND, Thank You Fraya
Most welcome! thank you for watching to the end.
Tesla looks like the brother I've never had
Lone wolf never dies : )
I love your eyes
I'm a lonely wolf that never dies 😢
I have a beautiful quote from Andrew Cheung for you all : We learn to sing in solitude so we learn that solitude sings to us.
All the best folks .🤗
I could say more....
Just to BE indeed! ❤😊🎉
If you ignore the black wolf, it will crawl into you and eat you from the inside!
Neither is to be ignored, one represents your ego and the other represents your higher self, your true self. Careful which one you give the bigger meals to and which one is getting the scraps.
LWND ❤️💥🙏
LWND Thanks Fraya
You're welcome 😊
You know it! Thank you for watching to the end 🙌
@@Philca1 yes! Thank you for watching to the end Phil
LWND. Remarkable videos. So glad I found you. My ex threw at me tonight as an insult.. you should never have got married.. you were always happy to be on your own. Uh huh.. Lesson learnt and no offence taken!
wow! such truth! Can be a hard one to hear. But as you say - no offence taken. True say my friend.
It seems funny to me, that of this 1%, 99% commented with LWND. Pack Behavior will never die either.
people watched the video for an average of 6 minutes - not quite 99% more like 35% watched to the end. I guess I couldn't hold their attention for the whole 16 minutes. Ahh well.... such is the life of a content creator - only 1% of people can successfully become one of those. Hard gig over here. lol. Thank you for watching to the end my friend. 🙏
What happens when both your inner wolves are loony…
@@VikingMale mindfulness - find the middle path.
Your eyes are magnificently beautiful.
Most people think that, we just don't have the courage to say it out of fear of objectification or minimising her content. Thanks for having the ⚽🏀🎱
LWND - 😊
LWND. If aloneness isn’t experienced as loneliness, it’s solitude
For me it's in the mix.
I love other people if they in love with thereselfs. A spiritual aspect is we are many but also just One.
For me there is a surpreme ONE creating plurality for ouer joy.
Is it not joy it is not from him.
@frayamortensen wow that's amazing.. I use to say that alot
If it is true (and it is) we are all fractals of God and all one then who are you praying to? We may look different and be many miles apart but we are the same spirit. We are connected in a literal sense even though not pysically. So.... Hello me! Your pysical expression is very beutiful.