Very nice radio! I have a Derby H in line for refurbishment. The case on mine is that nice fake wood they loved so much. It has now faded away a bit due to wear, but it's still a nice looking radio. I have to admit I've replaced germanium output transistors before with silicon on a couple occasions. I do make sure they're biased properly, so at least the radio works well even if you can't quite get the same output wattage anymore. In my case the old germaniums were very leaky and prone to thermal runaway--a fun effect to observe in real life!
well, good luck with your radio too. I still have germaniums to spare, recovered from various corpses. In this case the guy who repaired it just slapped in the silicone ones, no other changes. For the fake wood Derby I would recommend you to take extreme care when cleaning the case. I cleaned mine with ordinary kitchen cleaner spray and just wiped it but the paint started coming off a bit too, must have been some unstable chemical composition they used. The same happened on the Telefunhen Bajazzo radios from the same era with the same fake wood. The fake wood Grundig, Nordmende, ITT Schaub lorentz, Loewe and Philips ones that I have stood the test of tie though, cleaned without hassle.
@@Th0rnblade thanks for the advice! I have a Nordmende Transita from the previous generation also in the restore queue. Lovely radio, that one, in both looks and sound. You can tell the difference in build material-real teak veneer survives the test of time way better than painted plastic. Anyway, I’ve enjoyed your videos-lots of inspiration on what to collect next!
@scruffdogmillionaire good luck with that one too... I have the Transita ones too, one with wood veneer over wood, one with the fake leather over wood. The fake leather is the ts deluxe version, better sound and performance but the regular one is the better looker, it has some really nice orange veneer, looks like it came out of the store a week ago not some almost 60 years.... those were really built to last. You can find them both here on my channel
@@Th0rnblade Ah, those are nice! So the veneer one I have is a Ts deluxe from Germany (I live in north america, so German radios can be hard/pricey to get). But, Nordmende did sell them here as well, so I found a regular Transita like your veneer one, but in bright red vinyl (!!) and also a "Globetraveler Jr." in black vinyl, which from what I can tell is the NA version of the TS deluxe. That one is in horrible shape. It's almost like someone left it in a barn or outside in the US south, and also they drilled a larger hole for the antenna in the scale, so it will need a ton of work. But the fun thing about both of the North American models is that FM scale goes to 108MHz.
@@scruffdogmillionaire yep, good luck with the work on them, for some you need the patience of a saint... indeed the range up to 108 is a big plus, I have to struggle adjusting various coils and capacitors trying to get them even to 106 in order to get to receive one of my favorite stations. Grundig were some of the first whom extended their FM up to 108 even in the early 60s and called it a day with the 104 limit nonsense. As such they did not have to make two versions of their radios, one for export one for internal / nordic countries use. A spark of marketing Brilliance then. Some Schaub-Lorentz, Telefunken and Nordmende ones also were with the FM up to 108 for all versions, but mileage varied... throughout the 60s and 70s, the majority of them stayed faithful to their German limit and their "kanale" , channels for FM. The channel thing was so idiotic that they put it even in the digital receivers they made. I have a Telefunken HR 5000, a Saba 9260 and a Grundig R-3000 and all of them have a button to swithch the digital display from frequency to channel number on FM... oh well, german had those and USA had the civil defense marks on the AM radio dials in those days :))
Very nice radio! I have a Derby H in line for refurbishment. The case on mine is that nice fake wood they loved so much. It has now faded away a bit due to wear, but it's still a nice looking radio.
I have to admit I've replaced germanium output transistors before with silicon on a couple occasions. I do make sure they're biased properly, so at least the radio works well even if you can't quite get the same output wattage anymore. In my case the old germaniums were very leaky and prone to thermal runaway--a fun effect to observe in real life!
well, good luck with your radio too. I still have germaniums to spare, recovered from various corpses. In this case the guy who repaired it just slapped in the silicone ones, no other changes. For the fake wood Derby I would recommend you to take extreme care when cleaning the case. I cleaned mine with ordinary kitchen cleaner spray and just wiped it but the paint started coming off a bit too, must have been some unstable chemical composition they used. The same happened on the Telefunhen Bajazzo radios from the same era with the same fake wood. The fake wood Grundig, Nordmende, ITT Schaub lorentz, Loewe and Philips ones that I have stood the test of tie though, cleaned without hassle.
@@Th0rnblade thanks for the advice! I have a Nordmende Transita from the previous generation also in the restore queue. Lovely radio, that one, in both looks and sound. You can tell the difference in build material-real teak veneer survives the test of time way better than painted plastic. Anyway, I’ve enjoyed your videos-lots of inspiration on what to collect next!
@scruffdogmillionaire good luck with that one too... I have the Transita ones too, one with wood veneer over wood, one with the fake leather over wood. The fake leather is the ts deluxe version, better sound and performance but the regular one is the better looker, it has some really nice orange veneer, looks like it came out of the store a week ago not some almost 60 years.... those were really built to last.
You can find them both here on my channel
@@Th0rnblade Ah, those are nice! So the veneer one I have is a Ts deluxe from Germany (I live in north america, so German radios can be hard/pricey to get). But, Nordmende did sell them here as well, so I found a regular Transita like your veneer one, but in bright red vinyl (!!) and also a "Globetraveler Jr." in black vinyl, which from what I can tell is the NA version of the TS deluxe. That one is in horrible shape. It's almost like someone left it in a barn or outside in the US south, and also they drilled a larger hole for the antenna in the scale, so it will need a ton of work. But the fun thing about both of the North American models is that FM scale goes to 108MHz.
@@scruffdogmillionaire yep, good luck with the work on them, for some you need the patience of a saint... indeed the range up to 108 is a big plus, I have to struggle adjusting various coils and capacitors trying to get them even to 106 in order to get to receive one of my favorite stations. Grundig were some of the first whom extended their FM up to 108 even in the early 60s and called it a day with the 104 limit nonsense. As such they did not have to make two versions of their radios, one for export one for internal / nordic countries use. A spark of marketing Brilliance then. Some Schaub-Lorentz, Telefunken and Nordmende ones also were with the FM up to 108 for all versions, but mileage varied... throughout the 60s and 70s, the majority of them stayed faithful to their German limit and their "kanale" , channels for FM. The channel thing was so idiotic that they put it even in the digital receivers they made. I have a Telefunken HR 5000, a Saba 9260 and a Grundig R-3000 and all of them have a button to swithch the digital display from frequency to channel number on FM... oh well, german had those and USA had the civil defense marks on the AM radio dials in those days :))
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