The Blackcoat’s Daughter is pretty much always my go-to recommendation when someone asks for a great horror film they probably haven’t heard of. Love, love, love that masterpiece. Also, hot take: The Lighthouse is the second-best horror film ever made, right behind American Psycho.
The Witch and Hereditary are two of my favorites. I like horror but I don't love it, so I prefer movies that are more interesting on their own and happen to be horror, which is why those two appealed to me. But then I wasn't a huge fan of Under the Skin at all... so maybe I don't actually know what I like when it comes to horror haha.
I think the ending of It Comes At Night is amazing. That moment where shots are fired and we only hear what happens and the final shot at the table shortly after are jaw dropping
Love this. Yes you will enjoy The Lighthouse even more the second time. Whenever I hear a younger person rave about Green Room, I can't help but recommend the granddaddy of all survival horror movies Deliverance. Not sure if you've seen it, but you should.
I keep thinking about where I’d place Under the Skin, but likely my ranking would share yours. It’s very good, but I haven’t revisited it since its release. I swear, Hereditary and Midsommar just have to be favorites. Hereditary’s transition to the second act actually made me shout in the theater. I rated The Lighthouse higher than you did. It’s exactly my kind of movie: moody, atmospheric, something where you can smell and feel the setting. (My wife told me it reminded her of my own fiction.) And Saint Maud. Wow. Just wow. I watched it one evening and was blown away. My wife decided to watch so we ran it again and it was just as fresh. That ending...
That's kind of a tough one, there are over 50 of them (I believe), I'd have to think of a way to narrow that down to a smaller number. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll see what I can do!
@@ImpressionBlend I'd be interested in this too! Maybe omit the lower rated ones and only do like the 25 or 20 highest rated (Letterboxd, of course)...?
Mine would probably be: 1. Midsommar 2. Saint Maud 3. The Witch 4. The Lighthouse 5. Hereditary Great video! Also nice to see someone else who loves the Witch as much as I do- it seems to be one that most people think is just good and then they forget about it but I absolutely love that movie!
I love A24 horror, and I LOVE your list! Very enjoyable, and I just subscribed! I would mostly agree except: The Blackcoat's Daughter and Midsommar. Blackcoat's Daughter I would bump it up into "Quality Nightmares". I absolutely love that film. And Midsommar I would definitely bump up into "All Hail!" It's just fantastic IMO, and has scenes that I could never ever forget.
I think our opinions on the A24 horror films are pretty similar for the most part! There's a few I haven't seen yet though, so I need to get on those (although dreading Woodshock haha). And weirdly, I'm a Yorgos Lanthimos fan, but The Killing of a Sacred Deer was my least favourite of all the ones I've seen so far! The Lighthouse is definitely a grower, I appreciated it a lot more on a second viewing and am still excited to see it a third time! Our tops are the same though - The Witch and Green Room have been multiple watches for me, and Hereditary and Saint Maud are ones that I need to rewatch! I think my ranking from best to worst of the ones I've seen would be: 1. The Witch 2. Saint Maud 3. Hereditary 4. The Lighthouse 5. Green Room 6. The Killing of a Sacred Deer 7. Under the Skin 8. Midsommar 9. Climax 10. The Blackcoat's Daughter 11. In Fabric 12. It Comes at Night 13. High Life 14. Tusk 15. The Monster
I didn’t get Killing of a Sacred Deer at all. It seemed like it’s only goal was to disturb, on which count it were very successful, but it didn’t have anything else going for it.
Top 5 A24 Horror Films: 1.Under The Skin 2.The Witch 3.Midsommar 4.Climax 5.Killing of a Sacred Deer (I would also have included "Enemy" if only imdb had the decency to call it horror ^^)
Love the format! Either ranks or tier lists are always really good watches. I did not see all of these films but my top 5 are: The Witch, Hereditary, Saint Maud, Midsommer and The Blackoat's Daugher.´ Love your channel, greetings from Portugal!
I dont understand why people love the witch so much. Wasnt really that interesting of a story or ending. It was only cool that is took place in the 1630's
Thank you! I think I might do a separate Tarantino video like I did for Fincher that's not a Tier list, just because he doesn't have THAT many movies out.
Amazing to see so much love to A24 horror, horror movies with high artistic merit is what I live for. I rank them: 1. The Lighthouse 2. The Witch 3. Blackcoat's Daughter 4. Under the Skin 5. Climax 6. Kiling of a Sacred Deer 7. High Life 8. St Maud
I've only seen 10 of these films, but my top five would be as follows: 1. Midsommar 2. Green Room 3. The Witch 4. The Lighthouse 5. It Comes at Night Unfortunately, I really didn't like Hereditary, even though Midsommar is one of my favorite horror films. I really want to see Saint Maud!
OMG, a list featuring The Witch, The Lighthouse, Midsommar, Under the Skin and Saint Maud. As a scaredy-cat, I didn't realize I liked so many A24 horror films.
I just stumbled onto your channel, and I'm so grateful. I love the content and your points of view. Don't necessarily agree with every take, but that's why we all have takes, right? Either way: really enjoy your channel. Thank you.
Both The Witch and The Blackcoat's Daughter have these vibes of feeling like scary stories on film rather than the typical narrative features audiences are used to. I can see why they don't work for everyone, but I love them. I think I'm the only fan in the world of The Hole in the Ground, but that's okay, I'll keep it for myself. Woodshock is the only one I haven't seen and it sounds like I can carry on with my life as is.
Nice list! You have a very professional presentation style that is very clear and concise. Great content! Out of curiosity, have you watched The Nightingale, and if so did you enjoy it?
Thank you! Yes, I've seen "The Nightingale", and I don't know if "enjoyed it" is the right description for what I felt? I thought it was really good, really well-made, and incredibly effective, but some of the brutality was way too hard to watch for me, so I wouldn't want to see it again.
@@ImpressionBlend Enjoy probably wasn't the best choice of words, sorry! I completely understand. I felt the same way. It was very visceral and I think the natural colours and sounds often made it that much more realistic and intense. I'd be hard pressed to watch it again too. Great performances but very tough to stomach.
Saint Maud was one of my most anticipated films, it felt like an eternity waiting for it's release. Sadly, I found it underwhelming when I finally did get to watch it. It's a bit hollow but interesting visually, which basically means I thought it was more style than substance. That being said, as someone who's tortured themselves through the mediocrity that is Bryan Bertino's filmography, I am looking forward to seeing more from Rose Glass. Anyways, here's my top 5: 1. Hereditary 2. Under the Skin 3. The Witch 4. The Lighthouse 5. Green Room
Trailer really did a bad job here, I feel, the movie was not what you'll expecting after watching trailer, it should have been presented as psychological personal drama, as it is, and not as horror sorta exorcist-like film... Fun fact, The blackcoats daughter's trailer has the opposite problem: presents movie as coming of age, mystical thriller, at least that is what I remember.
1. Midsommar 2. The Lighthouse 3. The Witch 4. Hereditary 5. The Killing of a Sacred Deer *haven't seen them all Looking forward to watching Saint Maud
great list! I generally agree, here is my version, though I haven't seen all of them. I also need to re-watch Under the Skin and Green Room, It's been a really long time since I've seen them and don't fully remember. I really want to give It comes at night a second chance. I started it a while ago but I wasn't paying close attention so never finished it. All Hail!: The VVitch, Hereditary, Midsommar Quality Nightmares: Under the Skin, St Maud One Time Scare: Green Room, The Lighthouse No Sleep Lost: The Blackcoat's Daughter Would Offer as a Sacrifice: Tusk
Excellent video, I really like the tier format. My top 5: 1. Green Room 2. Under the Skin 3. The Blackcoat's Daughter aka February 4. Saint Maude 5. Wild Life Think David Cronenberg could be an interesting subject for a tier list, perhaps?
I am EMBARRASSED to say I didn’t catch The Blackcoat’s Daughter until about a week ago. I went in unaware of what to expect and I watched all the way through without interruption (which I think is vital to grasping the story, visuals and atmosphere Oz Perkins has used to tell a very dark tale). I think the pacing was perfect and he laid out just enough at all the right times to keep me engaged until the third act where dividends weren’t paid out. I found myself thinking “This is why I love horror” in the final scenes. It’s not easily pulled off but when it is, particularly at this level, it’s such a breath of fresh air. For me, definitely one of my all time A24’s. UPDATE AFTER WATCHING YOUR REVIEW: It’s time to rewatch it. 👀
1. The Witch 2. The Lighthouse 3. The Killing of the Sacred Deer 4. Hereditary 5. Under the Skin I feel the same as you do about High Life and I am yet to watch Midsommar and I just added Saint Maud into my list. This was a great tier! I would love to see more.
I like that the top 4 in your list all have a hellish feel to them, almost as if you're seeing the devil in the flesh in the most frightening way. Yet to watch Under the Skin. Hope you enjoy midsommar.
@@wisco9er536 Well the psychology in those top4 movies is quite intriguing and I still hate that goat Adam in The Witch, goats have such terrifying eyes (it's the Look)!
I haven't seen enough A24 films, but right now, my favourites are: 1. Midsommar (this is also my favourite horror film of all time) 2. The Lighthouse 3. Hereditary 4. The Witch 5. It Comes At Night. Can't wait to see Saint Maud.
Top 5: 1 Midsommar 2 Hereditary 3 The Witch 4 The Lighthouse 5 Under the Skin. I'm close to on board with most of your rankings. Some notable differences: Midsommar of course in the All Hail category. High Life 2 tiers higher. Greenroom 2 tiers lower. St. Maude 1 tier lower. Also disappointed in Killing of a Sacred Deer. Gratitude.
Of your top tier, I haven’t watched “The green room”, thanks to you, I will. Thanks. I didn’t like “It comes at night”. I don’t know why you don’t have more subscribers, I will try to promote you in some social networks.
I love how balanced this tier list was. I don’t watch to many A24 films (have only seen hereditary and I love it!) but this was still enjoyable to watch. Now I know which to watch next. Thanks!
NICE! :D As for personal top 5 (of ones I’ve seen): 1) ‘The VVitch’ (and those children actors were crazy good, esp with that unique dialect-and good to see Anya Taylor-Joy doing such awesome work since) 2) ‘Hereditary’ (Toni Collette gave THE lead performance of the 2010s 🖤) 3) ‘The Lighthouse’ (kinda mean to say, but Robert Pattinson’s occasionally sounding kinda like JFK would throw me. My better half, though, thought he was the best actor in it-shows what I know 😋) 4) ‘Green Room’ (Sir P-Stew is so real at being frightening. A great movie that my better half and I both recommend with Anton Yelchin and the aforementioned Anya Taylor-Joy is ‘Thoroughbreds’) 5) Tough...gonna go with ‘Midsommar’. Haunting, yeesh (and that violin/drum maypole contest music near the end is awesome) Gonna check out ‘In Fabric’, and this week will finally see ‘Saint Maud’(!) On a playful note: that “you never know what might be lurking” line-well, it *did* look like Arya or another cutie was in and out of the back there at one point, making a cameow, so 🐈 Guess nice things can lurk around, too 🐾 Will brainstorm other tier lists -so cool!! LOVE it!!! As always, thanks for the great video!
Thank you! Loved your list as well, definitely need to give "Thoroughbreds" another try - I was extremely tired and fell asleep watching it some time ago, so I didn't even log it. Can't wait for you two to finally see "Saint Maud", looking forward to your thoughts )) And yes, Arya LOVES to show up in the background of my videos and pretend like nothing is going on haha
Hereditary, plays on my mind, yet I still rewatch it, glad to know I’m not the only one checking corners :) , The only other movie to “scare” me in the real world was White noise, I couldn’t find the remote so turned the TV off at arms length ;) I enjoyed Midsommer. I think the Lighthouse will get to you if it catches the watcher in the right mind set...also guess I’m going the watch the Witch now. :)
One reason i tend to enjoy their movies is that they rarely "cop out". Theres nothing worse than watching some creepy movie with psychological twists that end up just being a dream or something. Their movies usually give you a decently satisfying pay off
great tier list. I LOVED It Comes At Night and followed the hugely underrated Krisha, although not a horror is a tense, atmospheric film. Not sure I'd put Green Room In horror. A lot of elements are there but It's the one re occurring movie on horror lists that gets me. First time viewer love your set up.
Love your channel, and love the idea of doing Tier lists every month. My suggestion would be Blumhouse movies. They’ve come out with a lot of gems in recent years. Will be keen to hear your thoughts.
Tier List is good. I don't think films should really be compared directly with one another in terms of quality since they stand on their own. Ranking is ok but because taste is subject to change, it's kinda making something permanent out of something somewhat ephemeral. Tiers hit the sweet spot.
Yorgos Lanthimos is my favorite director and The Favorite is my least favorite of his film 😂 I totally get why his usual style doesn't work for a lot of people though, can't really even explain why it does work for me lol
I can respect your opinion on Green Room, and I am glad that you love it, but I don't see what you saw in it. It's a decent thriller, but nothing more in my opinion.
Take my like and subscription. You did praise It Comes At Night which is kind rare, because people keeps judging it by their idiotic expectations and not by what the movie is. In my opinion It Comes at Night and Under the Skin should be "S" tier, but opinions... I Agree with The Witch and Green Room being "S". Hereditary is great and its position isn't a surprise, but is deserved.
Given you mentioned Sci Fi Horror being your favorite, I would love for you to watch and review the latest Apple Tv series "Calls"... It's pretty experimental and therefore divisive, so wondering what your ,take would be. I loved it!
Will you review the Snyder cut???btw i love this movie binging seasons starts soon after a big exam is over..thanks for the great suggestions.
I was really confused by the hate for It Comes at Night. I remember seeing the trailer a few times and I thought it was totally obvious that it was going to be more of a psychological arthouse horror
@@ImpressionBlend good point, but I find it strange that mainstream audiences will binge watch slow burn shows like Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead for three hours but then have a problem when a movie is a slow burn too.
@@mattjazzfan2288 So true! I've also always found it interesting that people will binge entire TV series in a weekend, but are reluctant to watch a film that's longer than 2 hours.
Damn I may have to watch Green Room again. I watched it right after Blue Ruin which has become one of my all time favorites. So maybe at the time I was kinda Meh on it. Was Blue Ruin A24? Obviously not horror but an amazing revenge thriller.
I, too would place Hereditary and The Witch at the top of this list. Hereditary and its amazing acting being one of my top horror movies of all time. I applaud A24 regardless for going out on that ledge… thx for your ranking. I need to watch both Green Room and The Blackcoat’s Daughter!
I know this is a short story collection, but I highly recommend you read 'Salt Slow' by Julia Armfield. I think it's the type of gothic that you'd really enjoy, but I'd love to know your thoughts?
@@ImpressionBlend i actually was waiting for the movie to show up on your list. For years i was convinced it was A24. I could also be possible that it came out around the same time as the Witch, and i didnt like both movies (sorry!). But life of beth is now on my radar :) thx!
The Witch and Hereditary are probably the best 'horror' films, whereas i think Under the Skin and The Lighthouse have more potential for cult status, for their visual sensibilities and mood.
Great list. Very happy to see The VVitch and Hereditary om that top level, Hereditary is one of my all time favourites too. I hadn't even heard of Slice. Sounds like it should have been amazing, shame.
Personally, I love Lanthimos' deadpan dialogue but I can totally see how someone might not. And Climax is horrific but amazing at the same time, in my opinion - a personal favourite of mine. Definitely agree that Hereditary and The Witch are fantastic though!
Did you ever watch Ghost in The Shell? Animated one not live action, I feel that that movie really shows that animation can tell really deep story-it was biggest inspiration for Matrix, and even James Cameron said that after that movie he took animation seriously. And the movie although inspiration for Matrix is a lot more similar to something like Blade runner or Solaris.
My list would be very similar, a few films I still havent seen but the only ones I would swap are Green Room and Saint Maud go down and Under The Skin and The Lighthouse go up. I might even move It Comes At Night up too I need to rewatch it
"Under the skin" is a bit kind of like "what if 'species' was part of the 'space odissey' franchise, but maybe the franchise was European or something."
Haha rec'ing Midsommar for getting into horror is funny to me. I have loved horror since I was 11 and have seen hundreds, but I have yet to watch Midsommar a second time because it really disturbed me. Lol!
I was so looking forward to seeing Slice. I even ordered Pizza to go with the theme of the movie. GOOD LORD!! That movie was a damn disaster. Just awful. I welcome more Tier list for the channel.
I think a sacrifice is supposed to be something you value, otherwise it's not a sacrifice, it's just you throwing out something you don't want anyway. So your last tier name maybe doesn't make sense. The old gods wouldn't think much of that sacrifice.
Horror, rom-coms, comedy, thriller, whatever genre, you name it is subjective... no one person will feel the same... no reason to feel "apologetic" in any way..... it's just.. humans... I guess. We ALL think differently and will always .. that's why I veer from reviews and trailers... it's up to me what I like and what I don't 🤷♀️
Excellent video, I added a couple to my queue =) Also, thank you! I actually hated Climax, never understood the love for that movie, it was incredibly boring. Same thing for Sacred Deer, though I did like some aspects of it.
I hated Tusk. And I love strange films but this one was just awful. The plot wasn’t great and the practical effects.....were just grotesque and I was not about it. Even the dialogue was boring. Now Green Room...👏🏻 fantastic and also Blue Ruin was just as good, also by the same director! Midsommar is one of my favorites. I watched it 4 times in a 2 week period lol But I didn’t enjoy Hereditary 🙈
I'm glad I'm not alone with that opinion on "Tusk" - I just couldn't wait for that movie to end. And YES! "Blue Ruin" is great, and very under-appreciated!
Slice, for me, is that "This movie is so bad that it's good" category. It's such an awful film, but phenomenal to watch while on some sort of substance with friends to just make fun of it. I personally love it, for what it is.
Your review of Climax made me laugh. I also thought it was awful. The fact that it's based on a "true" story is even worse. In the actual story, someone drugged the dancers with LSD, but no one got hurt. Bullshit gratuitous sensationalist film making at its worst. I did not even think it looked that good.
Tusk is the most bizarre movie of decade.... I was doubting myself being human for next one month after watching that movie... It's a 840 degree shock.. I don't know and understand how the fuck they even shoot and made that thing .
oh my gosh i love tier lists. Please make more. Perhaps a weekly thing if you're up to it! Yorgos Lanthimos is one of my favorite directors. Dogtooth is SOOO GOOOD. Have you seen "Funny Games?" It's not a stuido 24 film as far as I know but definitely has that feel to it. Check iit out if you haven't seen it yet.
I've only seen the original "Funny Games", but not the remake though. It's so interesting that the director remade his own film, I'm curious to find out which one I'll prefer.
My Top 5:
1) Hereditary
2) The Witch
3) Midsommar
4) The Lighthouse
5) Green Room
This feels like the classiest tier list imaginable.
The Blackcoat’s Daughter is pretty much always my go-to recommendation when someone asks for a great horror film they probably haven’t heard of. Love, love, love that masterpiece.
Also, hot take: The Lighthouse is the second-best horror film ever made, right behind American Psycho.
The blackcoats daughter is my favorite horror movie of all time I have recommended it to almost all of my friends
Loving the improved filming quality and new intro logo.
The Witch and Hereditary are two of my favorites. I like horror but I don't love it, so I prefer movies that are more interesting on their own and happen to be horror, which is why those two appealed to me. But then I wasn't a huge fan of Under the Skin at all... so maybe I don't actually know what I like when it comes to horror haha.
I think the ending of It Comes At Night is amazing. That moment where shots are fired and we only hear what happens and the final shot at the table shortly after are jaw dropping
Love this. Yes you will enjoy The Lighthouse even more the second time. Whenever I hear a younger person rave about Green Room, I can't help but recommend the granddaddy of all survival horror movies Deliverance. Not sure if you've seen it, but you should.
This is wonderful and all (HUGE A24 fan here) but Marianna, WHEN will we get part 2 of the movies that changed your life? 😭❤
I keep thinking about where I’d place Under the Skin, but likely my ranking would share yours. It’s very good, but I haven’t revisited it since its release. I swear, Hereditary and Midsommar just have to be favorites. Hereditary’s transition to the second act actually made me shout in the theater.
I rated The Lighthouse higher than you did. It’s exactly my kind of movie: moody, atmospheric, something where you can smell and feel the setting. (My wife told me it reminded her of my own fiction.)
And Saint Maud. Wow. Just wow. I watched it one evening and was blown away. My wife decided to watch so we ran it again and it was just as fresh. That ending...
Hereditary is not only my favorite horror film but also one of my favors films in general.
If you have time, could you do a Tier List of Blumhouse films? I noticed it’s hit or miss with a lot of people
That's kind of a tough one, there are over 50 of them (I believe), I'd have to think of a way to narrow that down to a smaller number. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll see what I can do!
@@ImpressionBlend I'd be interested in this too! Maybe omit the lower rated ones and only do like the 25 or 20 highest rated (Letterboxd, of course)...?
@@shonna_77 Oh that's a good idea! And maybe just horror then? Since they do other genres as well?
@@ImpressionBlend totally! yay!
Mine would probably be:
1. Midsommar
2. Saint Maud
3. The Witch
4. The Lighthouse
5. Hereditary
Great video! Also nice to see someone else who loves the Witch as much as I do- it seems to be one that most people think is just good and then they forget about it but I absolutely love that movie!
I love A24 horror, and I LOVE your list! Very enjoyable, and I just subscribed! I would mostly agree except: The Blackcoat's Daughter and Midsommar. Blackcoat's Daughter I would bump it up into "Quality Nightmares". I absolutely love that film. And Midsommar I would definitely bump up into "All Hail!" It's just fantastic IMO, and has scenes that I could never ever forget.
I think our opinions on the A24 horror films are pretty similar for the most part! There's a few I haven't seen yet though, so I need to get on those (although dreading Woodshock haha). And weirdly, I'm a Yorgos Lanthimos fan, but The Killing of a Sacred Deer was my least favourite of all the ones I've seen so far!
The Lighthouse is definitely a grower, I appreciated it a lot more on a second viewing and am still excited to see it a third time! Our tops are the same though - The Witch and Green Room have been multiple watches for me, and Hereditary and Saint Maud are ones that I need to rewatch!
I think my ranking from best to worst of the ones I've seen would be:
1. The Witch
2. Saint Maud
3. Hereditary
4. The Lighthouse
5. Green Room
6. The Killing of a Sacred Deer
7. Under the Skin
8. Midsommar
9. Climax
10. The Blackcoat's Daughter
11. In Fabric
12. It Comes at Night
13. High Life
14. Tusk
15. The Monster
I didn’t get Killing of a Sacred Deer at all. It seemed like it’s only goal was to disturb, on which count it were very successful, but it didn’t have anything else going for it.
Hm. That’s interesting. I loved Killing of a Sacred Deer. I like seeing other’s opinions though!
Couldn’t agree more
Top 5 A24 Horror Films:
1.Under The Skin
2.The Witch
5.Killing of a Sacred Deer
(I would also have included "Enemy" if only imdb had the decency to call it horror ^^)
That new hairstyle is amazing! I really like tierlists so if this becomes a series that would be great news.
Thank you! I'm definitely hoping to make this a monthly thing))
Love the format! Either ranks or tier lists are always really good watches.
I did not see all of these films but my top 5 are: The Witch, Hereditary, Saint Maud, Midsommer and The Blackoat's Daugher.´
Love your channel, greetings from Portugal!
Thank you!
@@ImpressionBlendhi there.
what did you think about lamb?
I dont understand why people love the witch so much. Wasnt really that interesting of a story or ending. It was only cool that is took place in the 1630's
Love these types of videos! I’m sure everyone is suggesting this, but we NEED a Tarantino Tier List from you!
Thank you! I think I might do a separate Tarantino video like I did for Fincher that's not a Tier list, just because he doesn't have THAT many movies out.
Amazing to see so much love to A24 horror, horror movies with high artistic merit is what I live for.
I rank them:
1. The Lighthouse
2. The Witch
3. Blackcoat's Daughter
4. Under the Skin
5. Climax
6. Kiling of a Sacred Deer
7. High Life
8. St Maud
I've only seen 10 of these films, but my top five would be as follows:
1. Midsommar
2. Green Room
3. The Witch
4. The Lighthouse
5. It Comes at Night
Unfortunately, I really didn't like Hereditary, even though Midsommar is one of my favorite horror films. I really want to see Saint Maud!
OMG, a list featuring The Witch, The Lighthouse, Midsommar, Under the Skin and Saint Maud. As a scaredy-cat, I didn't realize I liked so many A24 horror films.
I just stumbled onto your channel, and I'm so grateful. I love the content and your points of view. Don't necessarily agree with every take, but that's why we all have takes, right? Either way: really enjoy your channel. Thank you.
Both The Witch and The Blackcoat's Daughter have these vibes of feeling like scary stories on film rather than the typical narrative features audiences are used to. I can see why they don't work for everyone, but I love them.
I think I'm the only fan in the world of The Hole in the Ground, but that's okay, I'll keep it for myself.
Woodshock is the only one I haven't seen and it sounds like I can carry on with my life as is.
Nice list! You have a very professional presentation style that is very clear and concise. Great content!
Out of curiosity, have you watched The Nightingale, and if so did you enjoy it?
Thank you! Yes, I've seen "The Nightingale", and I don't know if "enjoyed it" is the right description for what I felt? I thought it was really good, really well-made, and incredibly effective, but some of the brutality was way too hard to watch for me, so I wouldn't want to see it again.
@@ImpressionBlend Enjoy probably wasn't the best choice of words, sorry! I completely understand. I felt the same way. It was very visceral and I think the natural colours and sounds often made it that much more realistic and intense. I'd be hard pressed to watch it again too. Great performances but very tough to stomach.
@@sVieira151 I will say though, Kent's first film, "The Babadook" was a very interesting one to revisit - I loved it even more on my second viewing.
@@ImpressionBlend I've heard many good things about it, but haven't yet gotten round to it. It's on my list, for sure!
Saint Maud was one of my most anticipated films, it felt like an eternity waiting for it's release. Sadly, I found it underwhelming when I finally did get to watch it. It's a bit hollow but interesting visually, which basically means I thought it was more style than substance. That being said, as someone who's tortured themselves through the mediocrity that is Bryan Bertino's filmography, I am looking forward to seeing more from Rose Glass.
Anyways, here's my top 5:
1. Hereditary
2. Under the Skin
3. The Witch
4. The Lighthouse
5. Green Room
Trailer really did a bad job here, I feel, the movie was not what you'll expecting after watching trailer, it should have been presented as psychological personal drama, as it is, and not as horror sorta exorcist-like film... Fun fact, The blackcoats daughter's trailer has the opposite problem: presents movie as coming of age, mystical thriller, at least that is what I remember.
1. Midsommar
2. The Lighthouse
3. The Witch
4. Hereditary
5. The Killing of a Sacred Deer
*haven't seen them all
Looking forward to watching Saint Maud
great list! I generally agree, here is my version, though I haven't seen all of them. I also need to re-watch Under the Skin and Green Room, It's been a really long time since I've seen them and don't fully remember. I really want to give It comes at night a second chance. I started it a while ago but I wasn't paying close attention so never finished it.
All Hail!: The VVitch, Hereditary, Midsommar
Quality Nightmares: Under the Skin, St Maud
One Time Scare: Green Room, The Lighthouse
No Sleep Lost: The Blackcoat's Daughter
Would Offer as a Sacrifice: Tusk
I hope you revisit this again in a video later on to do the newer A24 horror movies and ones to still come.
Excellent video, I really like the tier format.
My top 5:
1. Green Room
2. Under the Skin
3. The Blackcoat's Daughter aka February
4. Saint Maude
5. Wild Life
Think David Cronenberg could be an interesting subject for a tier list, perhaps?
I will never stop screaming about The VVitch and I'm so glad to see you won't either
Black Phillip is the MVP of A24
Marianna: "hope you have a wonderful day"
Also marianna: *posts during midnight*
Time zones ))) This was the middle of the day for me
1. Hereditary
2. The Blackcoat’s Daughter
3. The Witch
4. Midsommar
5. Green Room
Hey! I would love to see a review for The Killing of Two Lovers. I can’t seem to find anywhere to stream it.
I am EMBARRASSED to say I didn’t catch The Blackcoat’s Daughter until about a week ago. I went in unaware of what to expect and I watched all the way through without interruption (which I think is vital to grasping the story, visuals and atmosphere Oz Perkins has used to tell a very dark tale). I think the pacing was perfect and he laid out just enough at all the right times to keep me engaged until the third act where dividends weren’t paid out. I found myself thinking “This is why I love horror” in the final scenes. It’s not easily pulled off but when it is, particularly at this level, it’s such a breath of fresh air. For me, definitely one of my all time A24’s.
UPDATE AFTER WATCHING YOUR REVIEW: It’s time to rewatch it. 👀
1. The Witch
2. The Lighthouse
3. The Killing of the Sacred Deer
4. Hereditary
5. Under the Skin
I feel the same as you do about High Life and I am yet to watch Midsommar and I just added Saint Maud into my list.
This was a great tier! I would love to see more.
I like that the top 4 in your list all have a hellish feel to them, almost as if you're seeing the devil in the flesh in the most frightening way.
Yet to watch Under the Skin. Hope you enjoy midsommar.
@@wisco9er536 Well the psychology in those top4 movies is quite intriguing and I still hate that goat Adam in The Witch, goats have such terrifying eyes (it's the Look)!
With you on the definition of horror, a film of increasing dread. Slashers I call Boo! films. Something jumps out and goes boo. Very simplistic.
I haven't seen enough A24 films, but right now, my favourites are:
1. Midsommar (this is also my favourite horror film of all time)
2. The Lighthouse
3. Hereditary
4. The Witch
5. It Comes At Night.
Can't wait to see Saint Maud.
Top 5: 1 Midsommar
2 Hereditary
3 The Witch
4 The Lighthouse
5 Under the Skin.
I'm close to on board with most of your rankings. Some notable differences: Midsommar of course in the All Hail category. High Life 2 tiers higher. Greenroom 2 tiers lower. St. Maude 1 tier lower. Also disappointed in Killing of a Sacred Deer. Gratitude.
Of your top tier, I haven’t watched “The green room”, thanks to you, I will. Thanks.
I didn’t like “It comes at night”.
I don’t know why you don’t have more subscribers, I will try to promote you in some social networks.
I love how balanced this tier list was. I don’t watch to many A24 films (have only seen hereditary and I love it!) but this was still enjoyable to watch. Now I know which to watch next. Thanks!
The Witch, St. Maude and Hereditary are all top notch modern horror films for me.
Still need to see Green Room.
I love A24 movies, and I really love your tier list. The Black coats Daughter should’ve been 1 higher!
The Blackcoat's Daughter was actually the first A24 horror movie I watched, and I still really love it, if not more so than the first time I saw it.
I suggested you this on IG :D Great video!
Thank you!!
Great video! :D
Thank you!! Nice to see you here :D
NICE! :D As for personal top 5 (of ones I’ve seen):
1) ‘The VVitch’ (and those children actors were crazy good, esp with that unique dialect-and good to see Anya Taylor-Joy doing such awesome work since)
2) ‘Hereditary’ (Toni Collette gave THE lead performance of the 2010s 🖤)
3) ‘The Lighthouse’ (kinda mean to say, but Robert Pattinson’s occasionally sounding kinda like JFK would throw me. My better half, though, thought he was the best actor in it-shows what I know 😋)
4) ‘Green Room’ (Sir P-Stew is so real at being frightening. A great movie that my better half and I both recommend with Anton Yelchin and the aforementioned Anya Taylor-Joy is ‘Thoroughbreds’)
5) Tough...gonna go with ‘Midsommar’. Haunting, yeesh (and that violin/drum maypole contest music near the end is awesome)
Gonna check out ‘In Fabric’, and this week will finally see ‘Saint Maud’(!)
On a playful note: that “you never know what might be lurking” line-well, it *did* look like Arya or another cutie was in and out of the back there at one point, making a cameow, so 🐈 Guess nice things can lurk around, too 🐾 Will brainstorm other tier lists -so cool!! LOVE it!!! As always, thanks for the great video!
P.S. and yes, that is an AWESOME copy of ‘Under the Skin’
Thank you! Loved your list as well, definitely need to give "Thoroughbreds" another try - I was extremely tired and fell asleep watching it some time ago, so I didn't even log it. Can't wait for you two to finally see "Saint Maud", looking forward to your thoughts )) And yes, Arya LOVES to show up in the background of my videos and pretend like nothing is going on haha
@@ImpressionBlend lol nice-then she’s been a ninja cat about it for us, this might be our personal first Arya sighting 👀
Loved this - though I clearly need to see some more. Agree on Green Room, The Witch and Hereditary- thanks Marianna.
My top 5:
1. The Witch
2. Hereditary
3. The Lighthouse
4. Midsommar
5. Under the Skin
Hereditary, plays on my mind, yet I still rewatch it, glad to know I’m not the only one checking corners :) , The only other movie to “scare” me in the real world was White noise, I couldn’t find the remote so turned the TV off at arms length ;)
I enjoyed Midsommer.
I think the Lighthouse will get to you if it catches the watcher in the right mind set...also guess I’m going the watch the Witch now. :)
One reason i tend to enjoy their movies is that they rarely "cop out". Theres nothing worse than watching some creepy movie with psychological twists that end up just being a dream or something. Their movies usually give you a decently satisfying pay off
great tier list. I LOVED It Comes At Night and followed the hugely underrated Krisha, although not a horror is a tense, atmospheric film. Not sure I'd put Green Room In horror. A lot of elements are there but It's the one re occurring movie on horror lists that gets me. First time viewer love your set up.
Love your channel, and love the idea of doing Tier lists every month.
My suggestion would be Blumhouse movies. They’ve come out with a lot of gems in recent years. Will be keen to hear your thoughts.
Just noticed someone else mentioned Blumhouse. But I stand my ground. Lol
Tier List is good. I don't think films should really be compared directly with one another in terms of quality since they stand on their own. Ranking is ok but because taste is subject to change, it's kinda making something permanent out of something somewhat ephemeral. Tiers hit the sweet spot.
excellent list! love A24 movies. haven't seen St. Maud yet so I'll be on the lookout for that one.
You need to see it, its an excellent movie! Would send u a link to watch it online but my comment will end up getting removed by YT
great video! also so happy to see you make more videos ✨
Interestingly The Favourite is my least favorite Lanthimos film and Sacred Deer is my favorite 🤷🏼♂️😎
Killing of a Sacred Deer was awesome. It was like watching a Kubrick film.
Yorgos Lanthimos is my favorite director and The Favorite is my least favorite of his film 😂 I totally get why his usual style doesn't work for a lot of people though, can't really even explain why it does work for me lol
I can respect your opinion on Green Room, and I am glad that you love it, but I don't see what you saw in it. It's a decent thriller, but nothing more in my opinion.
1: The Lighthouse
2: Under the Skin
3: The Witch
Take my like and subscription. You did praise It Comes At Night which is kind rare, because people keeps judging it by their idiotic expectations and not by what the movie is.
In my opinion It Comes at Night and Under the Skin should be "S" tier, but opinions...
I Agree with The Witch and Green Room being "S". Hereditary is great and its position isn't a surprise, but is deserved.
Given you mentioned Sci Fi Horror being your favorite, I would love for you to watch and review the latest Apple Tv series "Calls"... It's pretty experimental and therefore divisive, so wondering what your ,take would be. I loved it!
Will you review the Snyder cut???btw i love this movie binging seasons starts soon after a big exam is over..thanks for the great suggestions.
Thank you! I hope you find some new favorites)) I don't think I'll be reviewing the Snyder Cut.
I was really confused by the hate for It Comes at Night. I remember seeing the trailer a few times and I thought it was totally obvious that it was going to be more of a psychological arthouse horror
I don't think the trailer conveyed the pacing of the film properly, I remember a lot of people complaining it was slow and not much happened
@@ImpressionBlend good point, but I find it strange that mainstream audiences will binge watch slow burn shows like Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead for three hours but then have a problem when a movie is a slow burn too.
@@mattjazzfan2288 So true! I've also always found it interesting that people will binge entire TV series in a weekend, but are reluctant to watch a film that's longer than 2 hours.
@@ImpressionBlend I guess most audiences are more willing to sit through slow burns when it involves characters they’ve already gotten to know
Damn I may have to watch Green Room again. I watched it right after Blue Ruin which has become one of my all time favorites.
So maybe at the time I was kinda Meh on it.
Was Blue Ruin A24? Obviously not horror but an amazing revenge thriller.
I agree with so much of what you say! My top five in no order are the lighthouse, the witch, hereditary, tusk, and green room
My top 5 probably would be:
1 - Midsommar
2 - The Witch
3 - Hereditary
4 - Killing of a Sacred Deer
5 - The Lighthouse
My Top 5 favorite A24 Horror movies
1. X
2. Hereditary
3. The Witch
4. The Lighthouse
5. Midsommar
Thank you for making this video! You are an absolute delight and our tiers are extremely similar, although there are a few we disagree on. :)
Thanks! Very well done discussion. 🎃
My top 5 A24 Horror Films:
1. The Lighthouse
2. The Witch
3. Under the Skin
4. Killing of a Sacred Deer
5. Climax
I, too would place Hereditary and The Witch at the top of this list. Hereditary and its amazing acting being one of my top horror movies of all time. I applaud A24 regardless for going out on that ledge… thx for your ranking. I need to watch both Green Room and The Blackcoat’s Daughter!
I know this is a short story collection, but I highly recommend you read 'Salt Slow' by Julia Armfield. I think it's the type of gothic that you'd really enjoy, but I'd love to know your thoughts?
Great tier list, made me realize for the first time that It Follows isnt actually a A24 film, although it feel like one.
Right?? It would fit right in
@@ImpressionBlend i actually was waiting for the movie to show up on your list. For years i was convinced it was A24. I could also be possible that it came out around the same time as the Witch, and i didnt like both movies (sorry!). But life of beth is now on my radar :) thx!
The Witch and Hereditary are probably the best 'horror' films, whereas i think Under the Skin and The Lighthouse have more potential for cult status, for their visual sensibilities and mood.
Great list. Very happy to see The VVitch and Hereditary om that top level, Hereditary is one of my all time favourites too.
I hadn't even heard of Slice. Sounds like it should have been amazing, shame.
Personally, I love Lanthimos' deadpan dialogue but I can totally see how someone might not. And Climax is horrific but amazing at the same time, in my opinion - a personal favourite of mine.
Definitely agree that Hereditary and The Witch are fantastic though!
My favorites are Hereditary, the VVitch and Midsommar.
The blackcoats daughter is my favorite A24 film
Did you ever watch Ghost in The Shell? Animated one not live action, I feel that that movie really shows that animation can tell really deep story-it was biggest inspiration for Matrix, and even James Cameron said that after that movie he took animation seriously. And the movie although inspiration for Matrix is a lot more similar to something like Blade runner or Solaris.
Yes, it's one of my favorites
My list would be very similar, a few films I still havent seen but the only ones I would swap are Green Room and Saint Maud go down and Under The Skin and The Lighthouse go up. I might even move It Comes At Night up too I need to rewatch it
Let me know what you think, if you end up rewatching "It Comes at Night"!
"Under the skin" is a bit kind of like "what if 'species' was part of the 'space odissey' franchise, but maybe the franchise was European or something."
Haha rec'ing Midsommar for getting into horror is funny to me. I have loved horror since I was 11 and have seen hundreds, but I have yet to watch Midsommar a second time because it really disturbed me. Lol!
Really? It's always so interesting to me how horror affects us all differently. Which would you say is a good starter for someone new to the genre?
I was so looking forward to seeing Slice. I even ordered Pizza to go with the theme of the movie.
GOOD LORD!! That movie was a damn disaster. Just awful.
I welcome more Tier list for the channel.
Right? This sounded like so much fun... how did they mess up such a cool idea?!
I think a sacrifice is supposed to be something you value, otherwise it's not a sacrifice, it's just you throwing out something you don't want anyway. So your last tier name maybe doesn't make sense. The old gods wouldn't think much of that sacrifice.
yassss Ukrainian queen, I am here for lists and also tier lists.
Horror, rom-coms, comedy, thriller, whatever genre, you name it is subjective... no one person will feel the same... no reason to feel "apologetic" in any way..... it's just.. humans... I guess. We ALL think differently and will always
.. that's why I veer from reviews and trailers... it's up to me what I like and what I don't 🤷♀️
Excellent video, I added a couple to my queue =) Also, thank you! I actually hated Climax, never understood the love for that movie, it was incredibly boring. Same thing for Sacred Deer, though I did like some aspects of it.
Thank you! Which ones did you add?
@@ImpressionBlend Saint Maud And The Lighthouse to start with. Have already seen the rest of the 'good ones' =)
Niceeee! Enjoy!
I hated Tusk. And I love strange films but this one was just awful. The plot wasn’t great and the practical effects.....were just grotesque and I was not about it. Even the dialogue was boring. Now Green Room...👏🏻 fantastic and also Blue Ruin was just as good, also by the same director! Midsommar is one of my favorites. I watched it 4 times in a 2 week period lol But I didn’t enjoy Hereditary 🙈
I'm glad I'm not alone with that opinion on "Tusk" - I just couldn't wait for that movie to end. And YES! "Blue Ruin" is great, and very under-appreciated!
Your tier names are hilarious 😂
Slice, for me, is that "This movie is so bad that it's good" category. It's such an awful film, but phenomenal to watch while on some sort of substance with friends to just make fun of it. I personally love it, for what it is.
I can definitely see that being a fun way to look at it! I wish it worked for me
Great information/presentation!!!...All Hail Justin Long!!!...thanks very much!!!...\m/
Your review of Climax made me laugh. I also thought it was awful. The fact that it's based on a "true" story is even worse. In the actual story, someone drugged the dancers with LSD, but no one got hurt. Bullshit gratuitous sensationalist film making at its worst. I did not even think it looked that good.
Tusk is the most bizarre movie of decade.... I was doubting myself being human for next one month after watching that movie... It's a 840 degree shock.. I don't know and understand how the fuck they even shoot and made that thing .
Have you seen the Babadook or her other movie Nightingale?
Yes, I've seen both, though I watched "The Babadook" twice
I absolutely love Monster. Thank younfor another great video. Agree with most of your opinion 👌 👍
I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks for watching!
@@ImpressionBlend would you ever consider reading some of your favorite lines or chapters on video from your favorite books? It would be so cool.
oh my gosh i love tier lists. Please make more. Perhaps a weekly thing if you're up to it!
Yorgos Lanthimos is one of my favorite directors. Dogtooth is SOOO GOOOD.
Have you seen "Funny Games?" It's not a stuido 24 film as far as I know but definitely has that feel to it. Check iit out if you haven't seen it yet.
I've only seen the original "Funny Games", but not the remake though. It's so interesting that the director remade his own film, I'm curious to find out which one I'll prefer.
Had to click on the video as soon as I got the notification.
Very interesting and fun tier list, always enjoy your content. But OMG the disrespect for The Blackcoat's daughter! Brought a tear to my eye.