We do not entirely agree with this. The more precisely you formulate a goal for your brain, the greater the chance that your body will achieve it. That's why some pros look for even smaller targets in the Triple 20 field, such as a sisal fiber. Make sure you give your brain the exact “command” that the body should carry out when throwing.
@DartsDecoded yes I agree with your counter argument but as a beginner everyone focuses on t20 and frustrated when you don't hit a 180. Only to find yourself with say 71 left over and rather than being able to hit t13 d16 spend 9 more darts trying to check out. See it loads in the pub leagues.... can hit 100s and 140s but literally can't hit big 9 or big 13. I'm just recommending mixing it up in practice
when you first start playing darts you make hitting your first 180 your big goal. But when you're a beginner that is way too hard and will take a lot of time. It's not an ideal practice goal at all. And once you've hit it you're still miles away from being a pro.
Just hit 180 after getting my board 6 days ago. While it might not be totally correct to throw at T20 alot, it has increased my scoring against DartBot and allowing me get to a checkout much quicker with less pressure. Also boosts confidence. I feel like I've done it now so move to somewhere else
Adjust the Distance of the dart board? the is ODD advice for beginners. I can hit a 180 every time if I throw from 1 foot away
One tip I'd give is don't focus on the t20. Focus on being able to hit any number that you're throwing for
We do not entirely agree with this. The more precisely you formulate a goal for your brain, the greater the chance that your body will achieve it. That's why some pros look for even smaller targets in the Triple 20 field, such as a sisal fiber. Make sure you give your brain the exact “command” that the body should carry out when throwing.
@DartsDecoded yes I agree with your counter argument but as a beginner everyone focuses on t20 and frustrated when you don't hit a 180. Only to find yourself with say 71 left over and rather than being able to hit t13 d16 spend 9 more darts trying to check out. See it loads in the pub leagues.... can hit 100s and 140s but literally can't hit big 9 or big 13. I'm just recommending mixing it up in practice
when you first start playing darts you make hitting your first 180 your big goal. But when you're a beginner that is way too hard and will take a lot of time. It's not an ideal practice goal at all. And once you've hit it you're still miles away from being a pro.
Just hit 180 after getting my board 6 days ago. While it might not be totally correct to throw at T20 alot, it has increased my scoring against DartBot and allowing me get to a checkout much quicker with less pressure. Also boosts confidence. I feel like I've done it now so move to somewhere else
I hit my first 180 and 15 minutes later hit it again!!: hit a few 140’s since never yet!