Nothing too clear I’m afraid. It’s just a case of taking it slow and taking off the bits to make it clear. So the airbox and pipes linked to it. And the bulkhead soundproofing with the plastic flower-looking clips opens that out. Then it’s just slowly unclip as you go.
Nice job…respect for having a go…
Thanks. Once I’d got the correct loom it wasn’t too bad. Just a case of trying be methodical about it.
Thanks for sharing, is there any guides/info you were able to follow? Cant find much info online for removing the harness from a m111
Nothing too clear I’m afraid. It’s just a case of taking it slow and taking off the bits to make it clear. So the airbox and pipes linked to it. And the bulkhead soundproofing with the plastic flower-looking clips opens that out. Then it’s just slowly unclip as you go.
Wiper burning fuse