Reason to buy Foch 155: Hilarious when you actually pen the enemy and do it 3 times. Reason to not buy it: The odds of penning more than 1 time is astronomical.
12:46 honestly Mutz is surprisingly good for Frontline because there are so many Borrasques, Progettos, Shptks, Su130s and Skorpions that drive around. That HE shell with good accuracy and velocity works well against them
I used to have a rental on the IS6 when i was still green at the game. My computer crashed mid battle and by the time i got back i was still alive whit my back turned towards the oponents and had bounced 3k dmg. It was such a cool tank to play even if it didnt pen anything.
The T26E5 Patriot is still one of the better credit makers, cause it have 230 penetration with it's standard rounds and 1 round cost 250 credits. Thanks for the video, it helps a lot!
Something to add on the M 41 90 is that the power to weight ratio is quite poor compared to most other tier 8 LTs, being more akin to the even 90's power to weight ratio. This means that it can't reach its incredibly high top speed and is one of the few LTs where I take the horsepower field mod over top speed. This also means that its slow to reach early game positions, usually arriving at the same time as fast mediums, but later than most other lights. Finally, the poor acceleration (relatively speaking) combined with the large size of the vehicle means that getting spotted at a standstill is usually a death sentence. Great video, very informative.
I limit myself to 20 bucks in lootboxes a year (every christmas), and i never got any tier 9 premiums. So when i saw the WZ-114, even knowing how bad it was, i said "welp, heck it". -Fire control sistem T2 -Stabilizers -Mobility impprovement T3 (If there is a tank that needs it, is this one) (no food, i play cheap AF) After all of that, its not the worst tank that i´ve played. You do have to make every shot count, and make sure you don´t get isolated, but you can have good games on it. With a few more skills and field mods, i´m sure i will recover those 11k bonds... eventually.
Super cool run down. Most useful and makes me realise mistakes I have made but at the same time some things I accidentally did right :) As I said on another post it is the normal round pen that makes a difference for my approach. I also find a reload of a long time something that is very unforgiving, especially as I don't know where to hit an enemy reliably in terms of knowing their armour layout. With the Patriot it is so fast you can try and then try somewhere else. I also find that you are less likely to be rushed if you have a fast reload no matter the DPM. It makes the enemy indecisive as to who wants to lose HP for the others to get a kill of you. Cheers as always. A.,
i love the m41 90 gf, its capability in a pure spotting environment is quite lacking, but when it comes to acting as a suede medium that annihilates other lights, its great, especially in late game
One thing to add about WZ 114 is that ithas 2.3k HP. It is basically higher than some tier X and as high as Mauschen, which is a much bigger and slower tank than you. With that and high alpha in mind you theoretically can just trade with most other tanks and win. Make sure you are not outnumbered and take your time to aim, and tank should be usable to some degree. Still not a recommended tank but people that hate tier VIII might want to consider this.
I don’t think you give the t34-3 enough credit. Gun depression can be an issue at times but it is such a well rounded tank with 390 alpha that can pressure tanks in even the worst matchups (tier 9)
with the Senlac, you forgot to mention that it also gets higher than average pen HE rounds at 90 penetration making it also decent at dealing with enemy light tanks
Well I got the 121b a while back and really like it, though the gun depression is kinda eh As of now, its a toss up between the M60, 268/5, or maybe the 252U....but I'd probably go with the M60 to be honest
Nice walkthrough MaxGamingFPS - liked it alot... I am a "tank collector" of sorts myself, so I have alot of premiums (I am affraid) - I also have the M60 wich is one of my favorites... I am not a good player at all. I just play for fun and now-and-then I get a good game ... Tnx again for a nice and informative video! -Regards from Klin Kokos (Norway) 🤪
I love the guard it’s so unique and it works most of the time I don’t always snipe with it as it can win trades with many same tier mediums as the alpha is so high and the armour also works quite decently if you know how to side scrape and wiggle in order to force the opponents to miss the weak point on the turret very good and would recommend.
Are we playing the same tank? It has only enough armor to bounce obvious bad shots, other than those areas its literally cardboard, idk how you manage to sidescrape in it since it has shit side armor and a stupid hull design. And the gun isnt what i would call reliable. Crap pen on both shells, trollish handling. Oh yes almost forgot how every time you get shot something falls apart, engine, driver, ammo preferred ofc
But the mobility is good, camo is nice, and the 390 alpha still holds up. I dont think its a bad tank, its just not that good either. A balanced tank wich im completely fine with
As a new-ish low tier player (NA) I haven't been careful w/ bonds but I have had some fun spending them. M10 RBFM was my 1st bond tank and it's fun w/ crew and equipment 2.34 reload, 2952dpm, .33 dispersion, 42.8/11.13 stationary camo and 418 spotting. Perma track heavies and listen to their complaints lol I currently have level 2 Innovative Loader, level 2 experimental Mobility Improvement, and playing w/ stock exhaust but might switch to something w/ better stats. My crew is at 90% of 5th skill but the Commander is at 96% of 7th skill. Fun tank. I also grabbed the Panzer w/ Panther turret just because it's odd and strange, not a long range sniper but definitely slow and steady. Need to spend more time in it but I like it so far, and I also picked up the T34S mainly for the looks/collector aspect but I haven't spent any time driving it yet, not enough to have an opinion. Now I'm saving up for a tier8 and leaning towards tanks like T103, IS6B, KV5, or the Patriot. I love the skin for the Alpine Tiger but if I remember, the same tank is in the tech tree or collector's section, w/o the skin. The IS2S looks like somebody stole a bit of chain link fencing and zip tied it to the tank, probably worth skipping unless you have excess bonds. The Mutz, 131, and Hydrostat are on my long term list after I get the M60.... Thanks for the videos and advice, always informative and enjoyable.
I love the rbfm even though I am a high tier player. The og strategy is maxing view range at 530m stationary. You spot better than all light tanks even from the back of the map.
For those planning to grind the FV4005, l believe the SU-100Y can teach you how to hide a slow TD with no camo but a big scary gun. The SU-200Y also is one of my best credit earners. 2 hits, win or lose, you still earn good credit. Get a good winning battle with 6 hits, you earn 20-50 k easy. The best thing is that your highest Penn is on the standard not the gold rounds.
really like your channel. i think its great you try to keep your own opinion a bit more out of the video. not that your opinion is bad, but it does not count the same for all people. so realy nice you try it this way
The Smalturm was my very first premium tank back in 2013. I bought it and played with grousers because that was exactly what Jingles recommended in his positive review.
Ok so first of all thx for this overview and updated comments. To not sound bit harsh, what is TLDR and ulitimative best tank for following : TIER 8 Overall bond/tier/performance ratio ? I think that answer will help A LOT to people who watched/listented to this video over and over because of just one thing, since the beginning of video when introducing new tank in line, you are mentioning there are better tanks, but actually you are making out all weak points first so we do not have impression why or how Guard is better choice instad of Loreinne. Please just give honest opinion which Tier 8 to get it and which tank is best bank for buck in overall tier selection ( since some tier X might be better then other tier VIII which I honestly doubt). Thx for reply in advance, I hope this comment wil help algorythm a bit ;)
I got the Tiger 131 a few months back as offer was 53% off so as you said a lot of it was simply the nostalgia side of it especially as the real one lives about 15 miles away from me...Well, not gunna lie.. I put some time and effort into it hoping to master this icon and I was so disappointed with it in gameplay that it's been unused in the garage ever since!
Defender is considered OP because every village idiot can ride out in it and bounce some shells rather than eating them. Fully agreed on the gun. I have the tank and I don't play it, it's frustratingly unsnappy and derpy.
Ive taken the Defender. Why ? Because I always wanted try it out. I also have almost all tier 8 Bond Tanks so no big deal for me. The tank is OK. Im kinda surprised how enemy tanks can pen your lower plate even at crazy angles.
I think when it comes to the tier 8 prem LTs here, it's rather subjective, both are very similar as scouts, the differences are more about damage dealing potential and "style" if you wish. Personally, I prefer Senlac to the M41D. It is slightly better as a spotter due to a mariginally better camo at equal viewrange. Also, despite having lower base dpm, it has NICE and actually usable HE rounds (90 mm pen, 280 alpha), unlike the M41D (only 38 pen, 260 alpha, essentially useless rounds). Its gun also has a bit higher caliber (83,4mm vs 76mm) so in some situations, 2 caliber rule may apply (like vs 40mm thick armor plates, of which there are some in the game) plus its main rounds are AP compared to M41D's APCR, so they normalize better against angled armor (5deg vs 2deg). Finally, though not really that important, it even has a better gun depression at -10, while the Chinese light has -9.
As someone who has played many games in the IS-2S, it's not bad, but you need a good match up. Gun has no pen so need to spam gold, and Armour is not ideal against higher tier tanks
t343 is definitely one of the best choices! the gun is actually not bad and that alpha is ffeels so sigma! armor is not bad if u angle well and the turret is solid and doesnt get penned much
I got the 121B as my first bond tank.. It's by far the best tank (imo) in the bond store.. I got the M60 a couple of years ago, but nothing's quite like the first true love.. And one thing ppl should be aware off - it's camo is slightly better than the leopard 1s, it got better dpm than the leopard and it's basically a slightly less mobile leopard 1 with more turret armor.
reasonable analysis already bought m60 and 121b wonderfull tanks, got Stg guard also not a bad tank if you play sniper or support it will make credits.. i was saving 17k bonds for long time waiting for a new bond store tanks..i was almost making the biggest stupid choice when i was thinking to pick wz114 it's a piece of junk ..i hesitated to purchase the obj 268v5 bcs i don't see 'em more often in battles.. then i pick it and believe me guys it's a good tank if you don't play it as a heavy like almost everyone it's not a heavy you don't have it second line,support and even sniper bcs you have majestic camo
Sooo i bought wz-114 for simple reasons, to earn more silver , free exp and top of that it will earn bonds. It’s slow as turd (e3 is more mobile) and it’s definitely not a high game carrier. But my first game with that thing was 6.2k dmg dealt and it gave me 260k silver(after all cost in battle) and in tier 8 premium i got 7.3k dmg dealt and earn the same amount silver after all the costs (both battles are without premium shells and consumables) so in summary it works for me as silver farming tank to mess around
WZ 114 is trash but the reason some people may pick it up is because they are sick of having to play tier 8 to farm credits, this is the second most cancerous experience in the game after onslaught
correction about the is tanks there is a huge diffrence in their guns cuz is-2 has 250 heat pen wich at least for me easly makes it the best out of them all
I love my M10 RBFM now, not at first because it was a gift for I think a D-Day 75 anniversary? So I assumed it was crap. But boy was I wrong! It is an awesome tank , And mine came with a cool skin, Sirorroco
Sadly I only have two of these tanks . . . The M10 RBFM I would rate as "terrific" (one category better than excellent). In mine I get an average team xp place of 3.7 (out of 15), average real xp earned (with the premium bonus) 741, average credits earned (ditto) 11,900. Its mobility could be better but it has an excellent main gun and concealment, and the armor is good enough to pull off a few surprise bounces (effectively increasing base health by 11%). On mine I run with binos/rotation/exhaust, the crew I put into it comes (mostly) from my S35 CA. With an average team xp place of 4.2 I rate the T-34 shielded as "excellent": essentially a T-34 with its 76mm gun and better armor. In my hands it's just as good as the T-34 with the 57mm gun; both are significantly better than the T-34 mounting the 76mm. The T-34S's 76mm is good with 120mm of pen, mobility and concealment are decent, and it has good armor: enough to effectively give the tank 26% more health. My average real xp earned in it is 593 (compared to 431 for the T-34-57) and average income is 7240 credits (compared to 12,600 for the T-34 w/57mm, surprisingly) -- this tank is better at crew training but worse at making money. I put on mine binos/vents/exhaust, its crew of course comes from my T-34 (and it's a perfect fit). (Win rate? The game is probably rigged, doesn't matter.) Both are fun tanks, and an excellent buy at only 1500 bonds each . . . especially the M10 RBFM. Max thanks for the excellent commentary, it will shape my next bond tank purchase.
T-34-3 is the best. Prem mm, it costs 10k gold so you can trade it and get a good deal. I have tanks like skoda ts-5 obj 703 but I like playing this more cause you have prem mm. 390 alpha on a medium is very good. Also it has usable armor
Some things worth mentioning : - 58 Mutz = Indien Panzer - M10 RBFM = slower Wolverine - Pz IV hydr. = Pz IV F2 - STG = Obj 416 - Strv 81 = Centurion 1 - Alpine Tiger = WZ-111 - M41D = Bulldog - the Patriot's standard rounds are dirt cheap, in fact they have the best penetration / credit ratio in the list. It's one of the best credit farmer tanks in the game, and definitely the best that can be obtained without real money. - the KV-5's life support is bond / bounty / exp equipment. Slap a turbo, grousers and a removed speed governor on it, and even alone it is caraclysmically fun to play (just remember that your armour is on your sides, not the front, so overangle like a mf). I one tap rammed a Borsig UPHILL 3 days ago !
Patriot is what Korean Patton has ever wanted (and should) be. Fairly crazy because with Patriot I often ended up with high spot assist - not something HT are usually recognized for. Moreover it has utterly cheap default ammo compared to the utterly same british equivalent - check i.e. Tier8 Centurions - almost same penetration, damage, APCR, yet you pay 4-times more per shot. Upper plate somehow suffer from low inclination while the thickness is not that low. Over flat terrain you will suffer against russian "magic" with same thickness but some bump in terrain plus gun depression and things will get better Korean was always turd. I was probably my first Tier8 premium for money and I am sorry for that ever since - and I bought him around the time it came to game. Big, sluggish, everybody hits him, everybody penetrates him, outruns and outturns him.
in my opinion patriot is still the best one from bond store. Defender is decent too, su100y could be fun. And from the cheap end M10 is by far the best. Dont think there's much else worth buying. But if you have patriot then you already got awesome credit maker.
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please make a video with why happens i win 10 games and lose 3 and score is not going up after the win, but goes down
Hey Max. Regarding BO...You only said that dont buy it because 113 exist. it good tank? Im thinking tu buy 113. Thanks
the strv81 is a centurion period full stop. just thought you should know.
Reason to buy Foch 155: Hilarious when you actually pen the enemy and do it 3 times.
Reason to not buy it: The odds of penning more than 1 time is astronomical.
Then mine is made by Area-51
3/3 pen
Rarely do 1/3
sometimes 2/3
@@Loudnoseenemy Fv 4005s: oh hi foch
Me: FXCH!!!
I convinced my 2 friends to buy it so we have a 3 foch platoon
Fun fact: Chrysler K GF have stronger and better armor layout than FV215b
But the gun sucks ass
@@LA_Commander it actually have decent gun handling. The issue is only with its ammo. But the gold ammo is good.
@OchaFauzan01 yeah, I think it's one of those tanks where gold ammo is almost mandatory
what doesn't
Best light tanks for bonds is Alpine Tiger +300 gold for the EVEN 90 during a trade in event.
when is it?
Did not know that... thx.
Elc requires good map and good team.
Otherwise frustrating
@@HorusLuperc Nah if you are more proactive its super good.
I am an averadge player and i have easy 52-53% winrate whit it.
Thats what a friend did, i had to trade my AMX 4L
12:46 honestly Mutz is surprisingly good for Frontline because there are so many Borrasques, Progettos, Shptks, Su130s and Skorpions that drive around. That HE shell with good accuracy and velocity works well against them
I used to have a rental on the IS6 when i was still green at the game.
My computer crashed mid battle and by the time i got back i was still alive whit my back turned towards the oponents and had bounced 3k dmg. It was such a cool tank to play even if it didnt pen anything.
The T26E5 Patriot is still one of the better credit makers, cause it have 230 penetration with it's standard rounds and 1 round cost 250 credits. Thanks for the video, it helps a lot!
Something to add on the M 41 90 is that the power to weight ratio is quite poor compared to most other tier 8 LTs, being more akin to the even 90's power to weight ratio. This means that it can't reach its incredibly high top speed and is one of the few LTs where I take the horsepower field mod over top speed. This also means that its slow to reach early game positions, usually arriving at the same time as fast mediums, but later than most other lights. Finally, the poor acceleration (relatively speaking) combined with the large size of the vehicle means that getting spotted at a standstill is usually a death sentence.
Great video, very informative.
I love alpine tiger for its highest price for trade in event. I got elc even 90 for only 300 golds after trading alpine tiger for it.
The other nice thing about the Patriot is that its standard rounds are dirt cheap. Good for the penny pinchers.
What I love about the Patriot the most is when I traded it for 703 II.
@@nenadpopov3601 703 II is definitely another of my favorites. My preferred credit farmer.
Patriot is outdated when WG buffed Super Pershing.
The IS-2S is a modern tank! Those are drone protection grates 🙂
😂😂what an underrated comment
Ah yes, the cope cage... Does it also have autoloader carousel ?
I limit myself to 20 bucks in lootboxes a year (every christmas), and i never got any tier 9 premiums.
So when i saw the WZ-114, even knowing how bad it was, i said "welp, heck it".
-Fire control sistem T2
-Mobility impprovement T3 (If there is a tank that needs it, is this one)
(no food, i play cheap AF)
After all of that, its not the worst tank that i´ve played. You do have to make every shot count, and make sure you don´t get isolated, but you can have good games on it. With a few more skills and field mods, i´m sure i will recover those 11k bonds... eventually.
I got the Lorraine, it thought me how to be patient, be cool headed, think what is best to do next, and not be part of the tomato casuals lol
Max it's about time for new full tech tree overview. It's been a long time, a lot new tanks, a lot nerfs and buffs.
Super cool run down. Most useful and makes me realise mistakes I have made but at the same time some things I accidentally did right :) As I said on another post it is the normal round pen that makes a difference for my approach. I also find a reload of a long time something that is very unforgiving, especially as I don't know where to hit an enemy reliably in terms of knowing their armour layout. With the Patriot it is so fast you can try and then try somewhere else. I also find that you are less likely to be rushed if you have a fast reload no matter the DPM. It makes the enemy indecisive as to who wants to lose HP for the others to get a kill of you. Cheers as always. A.,
i love the m41 90 gf, its capability in a pure spotting environment is quite lacking, but when it comes to acting as a suede medium that annihilates other lights, its great, especially in late game
One thing to add about WZ 114 is that ithas 2.3k HP. It is basically higher than some tier X and as high as Mauschen, which is a much bigger and slower tank than you.
With that and high alpha in mind you theoretically can just trade with most other tanks and win. Make sure you are not outnumbered and take your time to aim, and tank should be usable to some degree. Still not a recommended tank but people that hate tier VIII might want to consider this.
Great review. Thanks Max!
Just got the M41 GF.. Didnt even know it was in the bond shop. Thanks max 👍
I mostly play lights and I find this a very hard tank. I think my crew is a 4 skills each crew and that with standard equipment is not enough I feel.
kv 5 can reverse sidescrape quite well. the only weakspot is the turret flats
I don’t think you give the t34-3 enough credit. Gun depression can be an issue at times but it is such a well rounded tank with 390 alpha that can pressure tanks in even the worst matchups (tier 9)
for the defender i found out that its SO MUCH better to maximize ur aim time rather than dispersion! i went from hating it to being complacent with it
with the Senlac, you forgot to mention that it also gets higher than average pen HE rounds at 90 penetration making it also decent at dealing with enemy light tanks
It still doesn't redeem it though.
The Senlac's tracks break too often...
Well I got the 121b a while back and really like it, though the gun depression is kinda eh
As of now, its a toss up between the M60, 268/5, or maybe the 252U....but I'd probably go with the M60 to be honest
everything but defender, trust me and thank later, this tank is pure trash now
M-60 is my absolute favorite tier 10 tank, it's play style is perfect for the way I play mediums.
recently got the T-34-3, not because I think it's good
just because I'm looking for a tank to put my ninja tortuga together🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢
Consider investing in a set of bond equipment for it and with food it would be better. I love mine, i even managed to mark it .
Nice walkthrough MaxGamingFPS - liked it alot... I am a "tank collector" of sorts myself, so I have alot of premiums (I am affraid) - I also have the M60 wich is one of my favorites... I am not a good player at all. I just play for fun and now-and-then I get a good game ... Tnx again for a nice and informative video! -Regards from Klin Kokos (Norway) 🤪
I love the guard it’s so unique and it works most of the time I don’t always snipe with it as it can win trades with many same tier mediums as the alpha is so high and the armour also works quite decently if you know how to side scrape and wiggle in order to force the opponents to miss the weak point on the turret very good and would recommend.
Are we playing the same tank? It has only enough armor to bounce obvious bad shots, other than those areas its literally cardboard, idk how you manage to sidescrape in it since it has shit side armor and a stupid hull design. And the gun isnt what i would call reliable. Crap pen on both shells, trollish handling. Oh yes almost forgot how every time you get shot something falls apart, engine, driver, ammo preferred ofc
But the mobility is good, camo is nice, and the 390 alpha still holds up. I dont think its a bad tank, its just not that good either. A balanced tank wich im completely fine with
The way you describe SU 100Y was so funny haha
As a new-ish low tier player (NA) I haven't been careful w/ bonds but I have had some fun spending them. M10 RBFM was my 1st bond tank and it's fun w/ crew and equipment 2.34 reload, 2952dpm, .33 dispersion, 42.8/11.13 stationary camo and 418 spotting. Perma track heavies and listen to their complaints lol I currently have level 2 Innovative Loader, level 2 experimental Mobility Improvement, and playing w/ stock exhaust but might switch to something w/ better stats. My crew is at 90% of 5th skill but the Commander is at 96% of 7th skill. Fun tank.
I also grabbed the Panzer w/ Panther turret just because it's odd and strange, not a long range sniper but definitely slow and steady. Need to spend more time in it but I like it so far, and I also picked up the T34S mainly for the looks/collector aspect but I haven't spent any time driving it yet, not enough to have an opinion. Now I'm saving up for a tier8 and leaning towards tanks like T103, IS6B, KV5, or the Patriot. I love the skin for the Alpine Tiger but if I remember, the same tank is in the tech tree or collector's section, w/o the skin. The IS2S looks like somebody stole a bit of chain link fencing and zip tied it to the tank, probably worth skipping unless you have excess bonds.
The Mutz, 131, and Hydrostat are on my long term list after I get the M60.... Thanks for the videos and advice, always informative and enjoyable.
I love the rbfm even though I am a high tier player. The og strategy is maxing view range at 530m stationary. You spot better than all light tanks even from the back of the map.
FV215b was not told to be useless and worthless, my day I brightened
I had Tiger 131 before it was a bond tank. Just to own it. I visited Tiger 131 in the Tank museum in Bovington this year.
Same 👍
T-103 is my first tank for bonds. Best gun of all in terms of penetration (and i dont wanna use gold ammo)
For those planning to grind the FV4005, l believe the SU-100Y can teach you how to hide a slow TD with no camo but a big scary gun. The SU-200Y also is one of my best credit earners. 2 hits, win or lose, you still earn good credit. Get a good winning battle with 6 hits, you earn 20-50 k easy. The best thing is that your highest Penn is on the standard not the gold rounds.
really like your channel.
i think its great you try to keep your own opinion a bit more out of the video.
not that your opinion is bad, but it does not count the same for all people.
so realy nice you try it this way
T 103 tank for chads 🍷🗿
yeah, best gun for bonds 👍
Yeah. It's my favorite tank in the whole list
The Smalturm was my very first premium tank back in 2013. I bought it and played with grousers because that was exactly what Jingles recommended in his positive review.
Ok so first of all thx for this overview and updated comments. To not sound bit harsh, what is TLDR and ulitimative best tank for following :
Overall bond/tier/performance ratio ?
I think that answer will help A LOT to people who watched/listented to this video over and over because of just one thing, since the beginning of video when introducing new tank in line, you are mentioning there are better tanks, but actually you are making out all weak points first so we do not have impression why or how Guard is better choice instad of Loreinne. Please just give honest opinion which Tier 8 to get it and which tank is best bank for buck in overall tier selection ( since some tier X might be better then other tier VIII which I honestly doubt).
Thx for reply in advance, I hope this comment wil help algorythm a bit ;)
Up for visiblity.
Thanks Love your videos!
I got the Tiger 131 a few months back as offer was 53% off so as you said a lot of it was simply the nostalgia side of it especially as the real one lives about 15 miles away from me...Well, not gunna lie.. I put some time and effort into it hoping to master this icon and I was so disappointed with it in gameplay that it's been unused in the garage ever since!
Thank you for a really good view on all the bond tanks,you have really helped me a lot mate.
Defender is considered OP because every village idiot can ride out in it and bounce some shells rather than eating them. Fully agreed on the gun. I have the tank and I don't play it, it's frustratingly unsnappy and derpy.
Ive taken the Defender. Why ? Because I always wanted try it out. I also have almost all tier 8 Bond Tanks so no big deal for me. The tank is OK. Im kinda surprised how enemy tanks can pen your lower plate even at crazy angles.
Good clear video as always
Very good of you to do this before others
I think when it comes to the tier 8 prem LTs here, it's rather subjective, both are very similar as scouts, the differences are more about damage dealing potential and "style" if you wish. Personally, I prefer Senlac to the M41D. It is slightly better as a spotter due to a mariginally better camo at equal viewrange. Also, despite having lower base dpm, it has NICE and actually usable HE rounds (90 mm pen, 280 alpha), unlike the M41D (only 38 pen, 260 alpha, essentially useless rounds). Its gun also has a bit higher caliber (83,4mm vs 76mm) so in some situations, 2 caliber rule may apply (like vs 40mm thick armor plates, of which there are some in the game) plus its main rounds are AP compared to M41D's APCR, so they normalize better against angled armor (5deg vs 2deg). Finally, though not really that important, it even has a better gun depression at -10, while the Chinese light has -9.
Wz 114 and obj v5 are good tanks if u aim well, other ways are painful to play with them...
I got the KV-5 just to use in the Ice age events for ramming fun.
As someone who has played many games in the IS-2S, it's not bad, but you need a good match up. Gun has no pen so need to spam gold, and Armour is not ideal against higher tier tanks
KV-5 is amazing for credit grinding! and fun to ramming stuff
t343 is definitely one of the best choices! the gun is actually not bad and that alpha is ffeels so sigma! armor is not bad if u angle well and the turret is solid and doesnt get penned much
31:01 I think you meant the only Tier 8 TD in the bond store.
Yes, that is what I meant.
I got the 121B as my first bond tank.. It's by far the best tank (imo) in the bond store.. I got the M60 a couple of years ago, but nothing's quite like the first true love.. And one thing ppl should be aware off - it's camo is slightly better than the leopard 1s, it got better dpm than the leopard and it's basically a slightly less mobile leopard 1 with more turret armor.
Obj 268/5 is my next pickup, I have everything else besides the BO (never getting that one btw)
Yeah, who would ever want BO?! ;-)
I've been saving bonds for Guard but suddenly changed my mind and got me that GermanBlackDog, Obj. 416 crew will do good anyway.
None of them, buy purple equipment
And then pay 3 million credits too boost it up.....
@Peter-dy9sp it's purple not pink 💀
And purple is even better than maxed pink
Nice video. Keep up the good work.
Thank you!
reasonable analysis already bought m60 and 121b wonderfull tanks, got Stg guard also not a bad tank if you play sniper or support it will make credits.. i was saving 17k bonds for long time waiting for a new bond store tanks..i was almost making the biggest stupid choice when i was thinking to pick wz114 it's a piece of junk ..i hesitated to purchase the obj 268v5 bcs i don't see 'em more often in battles.. then i pick it and believe me guys it's a good tank if you don't play it as a heavy like almost everyone it's not a heavy you don't have it second line,support and even sniper bcs you have majestic camo
Sooo i bought wz-114 for simple reasons, to earn more silver , free exp and top of that it will earn bonds. It’s slow as turd (e3 is more mobile) and it’s definitely not a high game carrier. But my first game with that thing was 6.2k dmg dealt and it gave me 260k silver(after all cost in battle) and in tier 8 premium i got 7.3k dmg dealt and earn the same amount silver after all the costs (both battles are without premium shells and consumables) so in summary it works for me as silver farming tank to mess around
su-100y, it has a 130mm gun. so it would be able to overmatch roof of bz-176?
Thanks for this my G 👊
I don't have a tier 10 tank. I'll never grind out the 113. I want to get good tanks. Is the 113 BO a good tank?
I heard the 113 BO isn't worth it as the tech tree 113 is the same and much cheaper to buy as it's just credits
Ive got a couple pools in the 131 tiger, its fun to play
Thanks Max!
WZ 114 is trash but the reason some people may pick it up is because they are sick of having to play tier 8 to farm credits, this is the second most cancerous experience in the game after onslaught
im thinking if i should get the guard or the 252u can someone give me advice
252 u seems waaaaay better. I have not bought it but the Guard absolutely sucks : no depression, no accuracy, no pen.
But doesn't IS-5 have -7 gun depression? It's not as armored, as the defender, but it's faster and more comfortable
Patriot has insane credit potential with shells only costing 255 credits each
KV 5 is a meme tank that actually works and is fun
I love the m60 but I fucking hate Leo 1. That gun just major Trolls me. M60 hits snap shots all day long.
With leo, you need to take time and aim every shot, once you do with leo, its laser gun. You are able to hit very small weakspots on huge distance.
I like both, for different reasons.
It's the typical way WG implements german guns in WOT, they don't hit anything unless fully aimed
@@T51B1 What about grille ?
Great video. I’m a console player and still got a lot from this. Thanks!
can you make a camo guide?
I have a camo guide
@@MaxGamingFPSsry I didnt know that youve already made one
Even the War Gaming is afraid to write the full name of the tank: M46 KOLERA
Which LTs are better for gold than M41D?
Would Chrysler K GF be good in frontline Max?
Can't wait to get the version 5.
correction about the is tanks there is a huge diffrence in their guns cuz is-2 has 250 heat pen wich at least for me easly makes it the best out of them all
Since i have 703, kv5,is2M i don't need kv4 or defender??
M41D is alright for the final union 279e mission. Masteries galore
I love my M10 RBFM now, not at first because it was a gift for I think a D-Day 75 anniversary? So I assumed it was crap. But boy was I wrong! It is an awesome tank , And mine came with a cool skin, Sirorroco
I have all the old tanks for bonds, my question is what of the new tanks is the best?
I don't care if is bad or useless, it is still a Tiger. And i love tigers 😊😊
P.s. All of my Tigers has 3 gun marks
I just LOVE my T-103 (although a defeat-magnet)
Cant believe they didnt buff Foch 155 along with Foch B line
Sadly I only have two of these tanks . . .
The M10 RBFM I would rate as "terrific" (one category better than excellent). In mine I get an average team xp place of 3.7 (out of 15), average real xp earned (with the premium bonus) 741, average credits earned (ditto) 11,900. Its mobility could be better but it has an excellent main gun and concealment, and the armor is good enough to pull off a few surprise bounces (effectively increasing base health by 11%). On mine I run with binos/rotation/exhaust, the crew I put into it comes (mostly) from my S35 CA.
With an average team xp place of 4.2 I rate the T-34 shielded as "excellent": essentially a T-34 with its 76mm gun and better armor. In my hands it's just as good as the T-34 with the 57mm gun; both are significantly better than the T-34 mounting the 76mm. The T-34S's 76mm is good with 120mm of pen, mobility and concealment are decent, and it has good armor: enough to effectively give the tank 26% more health. My average real xp earned in it is 593 (compared to 431 for the T-34-57) and average income is 7240 credits (compared to 12,600 for the T-34 w/57mm, surprisingly) -- this tank is better at crew training but worse at making money. I put on mine binos/vents/exhaust, its crew of course comes from my T-34 (and it's a perfect fit).
(Win rate? The game is probably rigged, doesn't matter.)
Both are fun tanks, and an excellent buy at only 1500 bonds each . . . especially the M10 RBFM.
Max thanks for the excellent commentary, it will shape my next bond tank purchase.
I love my SU-100Y, it's a proper meme machine and I've had some hilarious all HE games in it.
Awful TD really, but can be so much fun!
i love my defender with bond Equipment.
for me the gun is not bad.
T-34-3 is the best. Prem mm, it costs 10k gold so you can trade it and get a good deal. I have tanks like skoda ts-5 obj 703 but I like playing this more cause you have prem mm. 390 alpha on a medium is very good. Also it has usable armor
Im convinced that the is-5 is just the t-10(is-8) throwen down at tier 8
I wish I could put the Turret + Gun of the Chieftain Proto on the hull of the Chieftain/T95 and get a passable Chieftain expy at Tier VIII. XD
Some things worth mentioning :
- 58 Mutz = Indien Panzer
- M10 RBFM = slower Wolverine
- Pz IV hydr. = Pz IV F2
- STG = Obj 416
- Strv 81 = Centurion 1
- Alpine Tiger = WZ-111
- M41D = Bulldog
- the Patriot's standard rounds are dirt cheap, in fact they have the best penetration / credit ratio in the list. It's one of the best credit farmer tanks in the game, and definitely the best that can be obtained without real money.
- the KV-5's life support is bond / bounty / exp equipment. Slap a turbo, grousers and a removed speed governor on it, and even alone it is caraclysmically fun to play (just remember that your armour is on your sides, not the front, so overangle like a mf).
I one tap rammed a Borsig UPHILL 3 days ago !
Only war gaming would put so many bad tanks in the bond store.
Yea you better say nothing bad about my boy Alpine Tiger XD
Patriot is what Korean Patton has ever wanted (and should) be. Fairly crazy because with Patriot I often ended up with high spot assist - not something HT are usually recognized for. Moreover it has utterly cheap default ammo compared to the utterly same british equivalent - check i.e. Tier8 Centurions - almost same penetration, damage, APCR, yet you pay 4-times more per shot.
Upper plate somehow suffer from low inclination while the thickness is not that low. Over flat terrain you will suffer against russian "magic" with same thickness but some bump in terrain plus gun depression and things will get better
Korean was always turd. I was probably my first Tier8 premium for money and I am sorry for that ever since - and I bought him around the time it came to game. Big, sluggish, everybody hits him, everybody penetrates him, outruns and outturns him.
IS 6 has pref MM right?
For preff mm its better Alpine tiger,is6 VS Alpine tiger its better Alpine for mi opinión
So what tank I should tack guys
Patriot or Alpine Tiger
in my opinion patriot is still the best one from bond store. Defender is decent too, su100y could be fun. And from the cheap end M10 is by far the best. Dont think there's much else worth buying. But if you have patriot then you already got awesome credit maker.
So, I'm not the only one who's got a Tiger, just because it's a Tiger, Well, technically mine is HT No. VI. But it's the same
121B is better sniper than M60... same accuracy but higher shell velocity, so its better.