Kitesurfing Crash! I can "help" you after pint of beer. OMG.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ธ.ค. 2021
  • Here is a quick guide on how to help other kiters if you just had a beer. No thanks needed. Just free service on mastering the kite. I think this helping guy can land an airplane after another can of beer. I'm joking of course. What is happening in the head of this guy when he is approaching a kiter with his zero skills? I think he should pay the kiter for the equipment and some extra as a compensation. Even if it was not damaged. And then he will think twice before doing such things. Next video shows that you should do some checks before launching. Otherwise you will end up dancing on the sand with the kite and long jumps. Quick release system was activated and the kiter goes full power through all the beach. Detaching the leash at the end. As the chicken loop is released - it goes full power all the way. If you did not strap the harness correctly or the chicken loop was not properly closed before launching the kite - this is the situation the kiter will have to handle afterwards.On this video the guy is trying to realign the lines when the kiite is already in the air. Is a bad idea to realign the lines when the kite is already up. It is better to land the kite, align the lines properly and to relaunch the kite once again. Otherwise you can loose 500 dollars instantly in 1 second.Another clip has 2 things to notice. First thing - the kiter did not pump the kite to the right pressure. The kite folds down on launching position and is underinflated. So what he should do first - is to put the kite down, pump it to the normal pressure which is usually around 8 PSI. And then to relaunch it. Nevertheless, another thing - the anchor point should be strong and stable. He even did not reach his bar when the kite got ripped of the ground and went to the sea. Another lauch goes wrong when the bar is taken by one hand only. This lady launches her kite handling the bar only with her right hand. The wind is strong. And the kite has to go up and it goes. However she is not able to reach the bar with her left hand when the kite passes 12 o'clock. So she ends up crashing her kite on the land. She was dragged a little on sand as well. So, always keep both hands on the bar when launching a kite.The last clip shows how one mistake leads to another. The guy is launching kite by himself. There are people nearby who could help him. So, most probably he could help to launch it. It could increase his chances of launching the kite properly. His red line is located on the right side which means that the bar is misaligned and his left side of the bar is being handled by right hand. This leads the kite to hit the ground and dragging the guy on sand. When he felt down - his line and leash was trapped in his harness hook. So he can not release it properly and the kite went into several death loops. If there are people nearby - it is always better to ask somebody to help to launch the kite. Is better to do so compared to a self launch. As in self launch there is less time to prepare and to avoid mistakes and more chances to break the kite.I'm pretty sure - some of the things we saw - any kiter experienced or will experience. There is no improvement without fails. But those who fails and stand up again - will improve and will enjoy riding. Just don't give up at your first failures. It comes with time and practice. Thank you guys for watching and see you soon.

ความคิดเห็น • 3

  • @divergent5709
    @divergent5709 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    а где на русском.... текстом... для глухонемых)))

    • @vincentcyprus
      @vincentcyprus  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Есть только на английском )). На русском можно попробовать кстати. Это идея ))

    • @divergent5709
      @divergent5709 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vincentcyprus ну дык)))... бушь на два фронта