Spicy Tangy and Satisfying Hot and Sour Soup 酸辣湯

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • Spicy Tangy and Satisfying Hot and Sour Soup 酸辣湯
    Hot and sour soup is savoury, spicy, tangy, hearty and warming - a perfect tonic for the winter months. It can be made easily at home using your favourite ingredients and involves just some preparation (which can all be done in advance) and a little cooking. Once you’ve gathered up the required ingredients the rest is a breeze.
    酸辣湯的做法通常是根據個人喜好混合各種配料而製成的. 它味道鮮美、既酸且辣。 一種非常豐盛的湯可以在家裡輕鬆製作。只需要做一些準備工夫 (都可以提前做好), 一旦你買齊所需食材剩下的就輕而易舉了。
    Ingredients 材料 - Serves 4 (4人份量)
    Main Ingredients主要材料 :
    Large deboned chicken leg (一隻去骨大雞腿肉) 200g or chicken breast (或雞胸肉)
    Diced prawns or shrimps (小蝦粒或蝦仔) 60g
    Dried Shiitake mushroom (香菇) 10g - rehydrate in water in advance (提前浸軟)
    Dried wood fungus (木耳) 10g - rehydrate in water in advance (提前浸軟)
    Tofu (豆腐) 140g
    Winter bamboo shoots (冬筍) 80g
    Small carrot (細紅蘿蔔) 1 about (約) 80g
    Red chilli (指天椒) 2
    Stock or water (高湯或水) 800g - I used vegetable stock (我用蔬菜高湯)
    Beaten Eggs (雞蛋) 2
    Marinade for Chicken 雞肉醃料:
    Grated ginger (薑末) 1 tsp (茶匙)
    Light soy sauce (生抽) 1 tsp (茶匙)
    Cooking wine (料酒) 1 tbsp (湯匙)
    Seasoning 調味料:
    Chinese black rice vinegar (黑香醋) 3 tbsp (湯匙)
    Sugar (糖) 2 tsp (茶匙)
    Salt and white pepper to taste (適量鹽和白胡椒粉)
    Starch Solution 粟粉芡:
    Cornstarch 1 tbsp + 2 tbsp water (一湯匙粟粉加2湯匙水)
    Please give my recipe a try, like, comment, share and subscribe to my channel
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    Thank you for watching!

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