Patriarchal Priesthood: Priesthood Above the Church

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • A presentation covering the new higher order of priesthood that Joseph Smith introduced during the last several years of his life in Nauvoo, called the "Patriarchal Priesthood", "Highest Order of the Melchizedek Priesthood", and "Fullness of the Melchizedek Priesthood". The authority to this higher order of Melchizedek Priesthood was restored by Moses, Elias, and Elijah in the Kirtland Temple (D&C 110), but Joseph did not begin to reveal the ordinances and principles of this priesthood to others until early 1842. This was a Priesthood of Kings and Priests and Queens and Priestesses, bringing women into receiving the blessings and authority of the Priesthood, and was organized through the principle known as the Law of Adoption.
    To learn more, see the paper "The Nauvoo Priesthood Developments":
    "The Demise of the Patriarchal Priesthood":
    "Women and the Priesthood":
    Five Statements Concerning Patriarchal Priesthood in Nauvoo:
    “The 2nd Priesthood is Patriarchal authority. Go to and finish the temple, and God will fill it with power, and you will then receive more knowledge concerning this priesthood.” - Joseph Smith (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 27 August 1843, page 323)
    “[The] 2nd [Priesthood in Hebrews chapter 7 is] Abraham’s Patriarchal power - which is the greatest [priesthood] yet experienced in this church.” - Joseph Smith (Words of Joseph Smith, 27 August 1843, page 245)
    “He [James Adams] has been a most intimate friend. I anointed him to the patriarchal power - to receive the keys of knowledge and power, by revelation to himself.” - Joseph Smith (Times and Seasons vol. 4, 6 October 1843, page 331)
    “Many of the Apostles and Elders having returned home from England, Joseph washed and anointed as Kings and Priests to God, and over the House of Israel, the following named persons, as he said he was commanded of God, viz: James Adams (of Springfield), William Law, William Marks, Willard Richards, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Newel K. Whitney, Hyrum Smith, and myself; and conferred on us Patriarchal Priesthood. This took place on the 5th and 6th of May, 1842.” (George Miller letter to The Northern Islander, 26 June 1855, published in Annual Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California vol. 10 pages 120-121)
    “In the course of the winters of 1845 and 1846, at the instance of Brigham Young, H. C. Kimball and Willard Richards, and others of the quorum of the Twelve, it was agreed upon by them in council that brethren who had been faithful in paying their tithing and could produce the proper vouchers that they have paid a full tithe of all their property, should receive an endowment of patriarchal priesthood under the hands of the twelve Apostles so soon as the upper room of the Temple could be fitted therefore, and tithe gatherers were sent in every direction. Consequently there was an immense sum of money and property paid in, and the rooms in the Temple were fitted up and the promised endowment began in the latter part of December, or there abouts, and was continued from day to day until in February, 1846.” - George Miller (George Miller letter to the Northern Islander, 1 July 1855, The Northern Islander vol. 5 no. 11, 13 September 1855)
    To learn more:
    / workofthefather

ความคิดเห็น • 11

  • @structuredenterprises6918
    @structuredenterprises6918 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    It's amazing I was just talking to my wife about my feelings on this but had no references. It's nice to have a second witness. Thanks for the references to study.

  • @Autamnleaves65
    @Autamnleaves65 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This is not saying that a kingdom is made up of polygamy but of monogamy.

  • @ILove_jesus9999
    @ILove_jesus9999 10 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Excellent channel good sir

  • @4rcgoodwin
    @4rcgoodwin 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This is what I have been missing, I had said to many people there must be a higher higher priesthood that is missing and know I know the name.

  • @FromTheDustPodcast
    @FromTheDustPodcast 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The idea that there's an order of the Priesthood that is over his family, holding all the keys. That an idea backed by another translated work, the Book of Nations.

  • @jillosborn6886
    @jillosborn6886 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Thank you for the reference! I have come to believe most members of Christ's Restored Church are missing this component. They focus on the 2 priesthoods used for performing saving ordinances, the Aaronic and the Melchizedek, without realizing we use more. When I have shared my views, they act like I am crazy. I have come to conclude that there are 3. God's pattern of carrying out his plans on earth come in 3's. The Godhead (Heavenly Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost), families (father, mother, child), etc. Just like there are 3 Kingdoms of Glory, there are 3 distinct orders of priesthood power on earth. Aaronic, Melchizedek, and Patriarchal. The Patriarchal priesthood or "fulness of the priesthood" is the order of Priesthood given to Adam and Eve and their decendents, the Patriarchs. You will notice that many of these Patriarchs are known ALONG with their wives. That is because the Patriarchal priesthood is administered through the family. The parents lead together in righteousness and love as full partners in creating and teaching their family. This is the order of priesthood under which women are able to perform ordinances in the temple (God's house and ordinances to bring His children back into His presence) and access power in the priesthood in their families. God the Father is the Head. We are taught what and how this priesthood is to be used by Heavenly Father through His son and the Holy Ghost. We gain power in this priesthood only through a direct relationship with the Father after taking symbolic steps back into His presence through the endowment of power and becoming sealed to our spouse for eternity. Our stewardship in this priesthood is over our family and over our own God given gifts and talents. We are to seek Heavenly Father's counsel on how He expects us to use this power in His priesthood.
    The Melchizedek priesthood was later used after some families became unrighteous. Through the Melchizedek priesthood, ordinances can be performed for people who do not have a righteous father holding the priesthood. We see this priesthood being administered to Abraham by Melchizedek. This is the order the High Priests of the ancient temple operated under and Jesus Christ is the Head, the Great High Priest who intercedes on our behalf with the father. In this priesthood stewardship is given through priesthood ordinations to various offices in this priestood. This is the priesthood by which Christ organized His church on the earth by calling and ordaining apostles, evangelists, teachers, etc. to teach, preach, and administer the saving ordinances. This is the Ecclesiastical priesthood the church operates under. That is why it is a Family centered (Patriarchal,) church supported (Melchizedek) organization. The church is able to fill in the gaps so that all God's children have access to His blessings regardless of if their earthly parents are faithful.
    The Aaronic priesthood, or the preparatory priesthood ordinances prepare us to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ similar to how the manifestations of the Holy Ghost lead us to faith in Christ, repentence and baptism. Young men are called and ordained to offices in this priesthood. They help administer the preparatory saving ordinances of baptism and the sacrament. They hold keys to the ministering of angels. When each of us are baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we are confirmed members and given the gift of the Holy Ghost to be our constant companion, by a Melchizedek priesthood holder. Having access to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is the beginning, the preparatory step, of learning to use God's power on earth (the priesthood). It is where our connection to Heavenly Father begins. It leads us to Christ, who leads us back into the presence of the Father. Everyone, boys and girls, men and women are given the gift of the Holy Ghost after they are baptized. During the preparatory years between 8 and 18, young women are given opportunities and experiences to learn to lean upon the Holy Spirit and gain blessings and power in the priesthood by following His promptings.
    We "have" power in the priesthood when we work with Heavenly Father to learn how and for what purpose we should "use" His priesthood.

  • @josevasquez-ju8rb
    @josevasquez-ju8rb 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    almighty god is perfect in all his work when it comes to eternity " I will send Ellias the prophet who will restored all thing before the dreadful day of the almighty god Jesus... when he was in the temple remnber his words I will send Ellias the prophet is not so the hold earth will be wasted at his appearance...we live in a world of mysticism a fake society where Jesus is only a memory the point im writing is a little down payment deliver to me will help the prophet and the leadership but since i overcame by charity the devil already told me look not even your own people help you ...because they are living under the spacious building that in on earth already know his location ...therefore you must come to me to be revealed powers from high because franky you been living in this building for e long long time in jesus name amen.

  • @Schtroumpsolis
    @Schtroumpsolis 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    we re anointed TO BE king and priest , not king and priest

    • @WorkoftheFather
      @WorkoftheFather  8 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      That's how it is today, but that is not how it was done originally.