This is the best Lucas to Alternator conversion video I've seen. Clear instructions, straightforward thinking, nice problem solving with escellent video shots to guide the viewer. You can save a lot of money and get a far better installation by watching this than you'll get by any of the aftermarket "kits" out there. Absolutely go with A/C Delco, Absolutely !
Those alternators are pretty solid.
This is the best Lucas to Alternator conversion video I've seen. Clear instructions, straightforward thinking, nice problem solving with escellent video shots to guide the viewer. You can save a lot of money and get a far better installation by watching this than you'll get by any of the aftermarket "kits" out there. Absolutely go with A/C Delco, Absolutely !
That’s the same alternator I am running on my TR4A. It’s been working great!
So far no issues. But I only have 50 miles of testing on it.
Thanks for the how to video.