Extremely concise, no fluff, fantastic editing, no begging for likes and subs, not talking to us like we're stupid, no overly-cheery or wacky demeanor, great resolution... I have never before subscribed to someone after a single video. You are awesome.
They REALLY went all-out with nailing the "resistance movement/guerrilla warfare" style of gameplay in just about every aspect I can think of. I give them particular props for putting a timer on infiltration before the start of a mission. It gives it the feel of the original UFO: Enemy Unknown, where you could launch multiple teams at different missions at the same time, but without filling the sky with Skyrangers all over the place. This is going to be very interesting to watch unfold.
This video is amazing! The moment LW2 came out I jumped straight to your channel, I can't wait to follow you through this journey! And look what I find when I watch it; I'm on the video!
This is what XCOM fans have been missing for so long, another competent commander to guide us. Better than Beaglerush at explanation and a silky smooth voice!
Excellent video. Watched it for a 2nd time toady after spending some time with LW2. Not sure if I'll get thru the entire playlist but I'm looking forward to more of your xcom vids! Great pic of the hiding cat! :)
Loving Long War 2. The infiltration mechanic is one of the best I've ever seen solely because, at all stages of the game, you're mixing things up by going in with smaller or larger squads, which offers totally different tactical gameplay and feelings of immersion. It's fucking awesome.
Loved this video. I've been playing for a month and though i had to do every mission, didn't understand the Infiltration mechanism, and learned a lot. Thanks
I'm very glad to see this video. I was about ready to put down this mod as being downright OP and stupid because of the amount of asskicking that i was getting. But actually taking the time to learn the new mechanics and looking out for tips (like the intel tip, holy shit that just made it easier for me) has made me actually enjoy this mod. +1 for you sir for giving this mod another chance for me.
I'm a little late to the party - just noticed you finally have a new playlist with Long War 2 - can't wait! Thank you for finally getting back to what we all love! Sounds like you have a new mic as well - sounds good. I now realize why you have been gone from the game for so long (I saw your name in the opening credits!). I will need to put my regular gaming schedule on hold while I try to get caught up on your new series.
Great video! Thanks for sharing. I tried long war 2 a little before war of the chosen and I felt a little overwhelmed. I've beat a few campaigns now of war of the chosen and I thought it might be fun to give long war 2 another go.
I arrived here after giving up on the second mission because my full team couldn't beat 20+ enemies in huge pods. It all makes sense now, time to boot up XCOM 2 again!
Nice! Grenades, the shitty "XP" system and some terrible promotion nonchoices were my main gripes with the vanilla version, so I am very happy to see at least 2 were addressed, and I have faith in JL (and testers such as yourself) that the promotions will be much more interesting and better balanced as well.
Also, do I surmise correctly that "Infiltration time" will make soldiers unavailable until mission time, thereby replacing the fatigue mechanic as a way of requiring larger rosters? I would also hope nonfatal wounds are more common, and the retarded "always die instead of bleed out until you get the GTS upgrade" mechanic was reworked.
Thanks for putting my name out there for testing btw. It's probably for the best that I didn't get in, as I would have spent WAAAYY too much time playing and participating in forum, to the detriment of earning some needed $$. ;)
I would like to thank you for this awesome amount of good info, becouse i knew probably 35% of it. Specially about infiltration and how haven works. Guess specializing your main (first) haven for intel is really good idea. I didnt really get a clear idea of haven and infiltration from the game alone So far,i have only did like 5-7 missions in long war playing only on normal so i am really green, but this helps a lot. Good luck to you in the battles to come and again, thanks!
I'm pretty sure the Intel generated in a haven generates missions ONLY within that specific region, so to get missions in other regions you have to set their haven members on Intel as well. Once you have liberated a Region you can set all of them to supplies, but before that you should have at least half of them on Intel to generate missions with an expiration timer high enough that you have reasonable amount of time to infiltrate. also set 1 or 2 of them to recruit until the haven has its number of members maxed out. also put a soldier in as liaison into each haven asap to root out the faceless spies, because their presence reduces your income from supply drops. Finally you might want to check the xcom archives in the commanders quarters because there are detailed explanations on all the long war details in there :)
I know about the archives, but there wasnt that much info as here. Also i guess i will find out in the future how it actually works and i already had that one mission with "spyes" in my haven (that was really cool) and already traying my haven advisors on officiers. The game goes really deep.
This all sounds great, can't wait to play the mod on release. Although, how micromanagement heavy does it become to organize the havens and what up-to-13 (did I hear that right?) rebels per haven are doing? Will there be a moment where I'm at 4-5 havens and like 60 total rebels for which I need to remember which ones are in Hiding that I should put to work? P.S. Mr K debuting in the small tactic squads segment, excellent
That's a very useful intro, thank you! I will definitely be playing it this weekend and will get my ass handed to me. One question, I see you have way more information above units, and also after attacking. Is that a part of long war mod, or another mod from a workshop?
I think a lot of guys strategy back then was to equip with flash grenades, but I so rarely use them, I just don't equip with them except when you're forced to have them with civis, or the first mission. Now I'm not sure which is better, but I always equip guys with medi kits instead. This means they are invulnerable to poison, and since the vipers use that all the time, it really helps (and yes, the vipers will often favor it to other sorts of attacks, even perhaps trying to poison the same agent more than once when he should see it's not working the first time). Also, since all my guys usually have them, it means my guys have to pretty much get one-shotted to get killed, because I'm sure to heal that injured guy the next turn. One rather odd thing though, what I have observed playing this way, is if you EVER have a medi kit, yet use it early on in the mission, it will credit you with always having a medi kit throughout, such that you can go through poison clouds just like if you had a medi kit still on you. I do this in LW2 without any additional DLC. Even if I could figure out in advance what missions have vipers, and which don't, I still would probably prefer any other grenade over a flashlight one. Flashlight ones just delay my offensive is how I look at it, since somebody, in most cases, could be throwing a destructive type of grenade. I think flashers come in a lot more handy when you have little cover, but I can't know that in advance. Sheesh, it makes me wonder how well I would play if I ditched the medi kits and had smokers instead. Always something to think about. Actually, trying to fine tune, I think I could probably turn half my team members into carrying flash grenades over concussion, because especially in the beginning missions, when there is no armor on almost all the enemies, the concussion one is somewhat lacking, and since I'm more heavy on trying to get booty then, they can't be used in some situations because they would kill instead of just blowing away armor or make health reduction. Actually, using my current system entirely, it might be a good idea when I can get grenadiers to have three grenade slots, to turn one of them into flash grenades then, so at least I could have 1-2 flashers per mission. But usually, to me, it just seems such a waste when I could had been firing off a concussion one with a long range instead. It's all advantage/disadvantage the whole way.
Wot. Seriously though. I just can't get my head around this mod. I didn't even know it existed until a few days ago and I've sunk over 500 hours into vanilla. Feeling very overwhelmed and underinformed by this mod. Still not quite getting it even after watching this excellent video. And thanks for the album recommendation. Turns out 4 Rebels is actually a pretty good reggae album 😅😅
Hi, I am following your campaign - I saw an episode in the late twenties where you had the game running at 60fps or there abouts - you mentioned ini tweaks. My framerate is pants, would you mind post your performance tweaks please? Much appreciated!!!
Have you found SPARKS to be crucial to the success of missions that limit your squad-size? For example, the Advent Towers to liberate regions. I find their high chance to dodge to be more reliable than flanking with my soldiers, and I wonder if that tactic makes the DLC feel more required. Speaking of which, have you had any issues with the Alien Rulers? I honestly have found them to be push-overs due to this mod. Nearly killed the Viper King first time I encountered him (he left with 1 HP). lol
if you manage to root out a faceless in your region, will it stay free of infiltrations forever? in a fully populated haven, i mean? so it should be possible to root out every infiltrator given time?
Can you please give me a general advice for haven settings? Is it better to make just one region to much Intel to make missions there and maybe liberate it and then move to the next one and have the others hide/recruit/supply? Means making one region after another? Or should I push intel everywhehre I have a Haven?
In my run, that i have now, i put some man in short mission, that I new i can beat just to kill some of alien and run away. it gave me a lot of exp and make liberation of two regions easier.
So I've watch this video and your lets play. In this video I see the avatar project is still there. In your lets play it is not there. I hate the avatar project telling me I cant play any longer so is there another version of lw2 that doesn't have it activated?
I am very new to xcom as a whole and xcom 2 in particular. Seeing this makes me take a step back in fear that I can't handle all that in the slightest. So should I rather play my first playthrough vanilla and then test out Long War 2 or should I bite my way through frustrating hours of this mod with joy for every accomplishment, no matter how little it is?
MannyXVIII MannyXVIII I played vanilla first though I did use a few class mods and am on my long war play through now and I recommend you play vanilla first (which is still very fun) to get yourself aquatinted with the game
I'm having trouble finding any info on class builds that match character attributes. Example- what perks to give a high aim, low defense grenadier. I just started back into low war and I'm hoping to find attribute based class perk recommendations.
Question: Why does Long War 2 released was tossed out in the wild like that without official release date? I mean, this was really hyped project that Firaxis/2k even were supporting. And yet, no release date. Well, rip my Long War 1.0 Impossible Ironman Twitch campaign, I don't know what should I do now.
Hey Xavier, I got a quick question : Does over infiltration matter at all if the baseline activity is already extremely low? Like, overall timer, timer for evac delay, detection range, etc. BTW, I'm talking about patch 1.4, which is SO much easier than 1.2! And thanks a lot for these awesome videos! Almost in every episode, you blew up my mind. Especially the first Lib 1 mission. Solo infiltration and retrieve data in a freaking train. WTF. You are too good at this game. Need to be nerfed.
Is there any way to monitor ADVENT and if they are going to do a terror mission against one of the Havens? Or do you just have to be careful all the time?
I noticed you mentioned on your legend playthrough ADVENT sending in UFOs if the strength is high enough, I'm guessing that's what you're referring to.
also flickering and very dark screens, got it all lol, tried lower vid settings, dump steam cache, I am an educated man and this is killing me, working on it 4 days str8
So if i'm not a big fan of the time limits i had in XCOM 2 i mean the global one and the mission specific ones. can i still use mods that remove / change them when i use LongWar2 ?
Could someone help me with the find a lead objective, don't know what to do, i see some missions have that objective too but nothing happens when i complete them also tygan says to do the advent officer autopsy when it isn't on the list
So certain actions (grenades and the like) create noise that can make pods suspicious. If pods are in an alert state and activate on their turn they can take offensive action. What kind of noises are quieter than others? Obviously melee kills are "silent", and rockets are "loud" with a very large alert range. What about gunfire? Are some primary weapons quieter than others? Flamethrowers? Flashbangs/Frost Bombs/Gas Grenades? Do suppressors actually reduce weapon sound? If so, why isn't this a listed effect? If gunfire does attract attention, where does the "noise radius" emanate from? Does it emanate from your soldier who is shooting or the target that she's shooting at?
Also if you somehow alert a squad on two different sides (maybe two soldiers are north and south of the squad and they both throw grenades)? I assume it'd be the noise they heard last that they'd investigate.
+xywynns Sure, thanks a lot. One last thing, if the noise emanates from the weapon, does that mean that something like a rocket shot from a gauntlet emanates from the technical? So if I keep my technical 36 units away (behind a wall or something), but fire a rocket very close to an enemy pod (without hitting them) will they not get alerted? (Also do enemy weapons alert their friends)
Searching weapon data for "sound", the only soundrange's I could find that were marked as enemy were "advgrenadier" and their grenade types (36), enemy rockets (39) and the drone weapon for some reason. (drone weapon 30, drone repair 20) >No, explosive emanate from the landing point. I see. I tried testing out these distraction/alert mechanics and while explosives do seem to emanate from the targeted point, it seems like the alerted pods would ignore the landing point and head straight for the unseen source soldier (My grenadier in this case), that's interesting.
Oh, no I did find the LW sound ranges and all (I think). I just meant those are the only ENEMY sound data that I found, in response to when you said "Enemy weapons do have sounds, or at least they did.... maybe let me know..." I found that Grenadiers and Rocketeers and Drones are the only enemy types that seem to have sound data listed in case you wanted to know.. So I'd assume that most enemies don't create sound at this point? Also I think I am looking in the right files, It's marked something like "long war_game_data" and all, thanks for all the help and work!
I know you're busy but one REAL last thing. Are there any items ingame or maybe in the future designed specifically for noisemaking/distraction? Maybe something with the advantage that it can be thrown farther/emits sound for multiple turns/has an exceptionally long sound range/can be placed on a timer/or doesn't break concealment (since it's revealed to be an innocuous item on inspection and not indicative of X-Com presence).
Ah gotcha, I spent 20 minutes trying to figure this out. It'll be good to know if a mission is even doable before moving the avenger there. Thanks for all your hard work.
If you haven't figured out how to help find them, it's using the Haven system added into LW2. You can staff a soldier in charge of each contact location to trigger a mission in the future to root them out.
One thing I wonder about. Did you guys ever consider allowing players to grab enemy corpses and evac with them, or would that clutter things up to much?
I should skipping dozens of missions? Oh well... I see my mistake... Ever wondered why this is so hard... never thought that I don't have to do everything
Watching this after being forced to restart the whole campaign because i basically had like 100 missions comming up and only had two squads (both already on an infiltration mission) and the rest were hurt as fuck
If we could just get some Pre-Heresy Alpha Legion mods you could totally Rp a legitimate Alpha Legion campaign of compliance on a human world under sway of vicious alien occupiers during he Great Crusade. I feel like this is pretty much the Alpha Legion modus operandi.
I actually could sit all day and ask you questions about Long War 2 but who has that kind of time? One burning one that I cannot seem to get any straight answer for is what is the mathematical formula that determines how much boosting a mission will change the infiltration? I actually can come up with a formula if I know the rate of change. Most things say that it changes it 50% of the infiltration. But by that logic if you add a ton of people and the infiltration is way higher the boost will do more which doesn't seem correct. Do they mean the base infiltration level will boost 1.5? So if base is 6 days boosting will change it to 9? If ya get a chance lemme know. :)
I could be wrong, but i think things got changed since this vid. I tried playing long war again the first time in years and while it was hard back then but I could manage and i never got to the point where the advent meter got full. Now it is and i have 30 days before game over, luckily i have a 200% infil squad about to attack the black site BUT the game is throwing high armor high HP units at me. That squad took 17 days to infil to 200% and they were not around for AP ammo handouts. Here's hoping for some good luck. I fully expect some of my best to die in this black site mission and whoever survives needs to go right into the codex coordinates mission If they survive at all.
Extremely concise, no fluff, fantastic editing, no begging for likes and subs, not talking to us like we're stupid, no overly-cheery or wacky demeanor, great resolution... I have never before subscribed to someone after a single video. You are awesome.
well, look for Marbozir, another guy who is incredible with his commentary and probably one of the best if not the best xcom and civilization player!
Totally agree. Marbozir is an incredible X-Com player! Would also add Christopher Odd to that list.
You forgot the man, the myth, the legend Beagle rush, just saying.
Some random dude with a halo picture Beagle.
The infiltration system is BRILLIANT. Just introduces so much choice and variability, I love it.
They REALLY went all-out with nailing the "resistance movement/guerrilla warfare" style of gameplay in just about every aspect I can think of. I give them particular props for putting a timer on infiltration before the start of a mission. It gives it the feel of the original UFO: Enemy Unknown, where you could launch multiple teams at different missions at the same time, but without filling the sky with Skyrangers all over the place.
This is going to be very interesting to watch unfold.
An amazing series! Incredibly informative and highly entertaining. Thoroughly enjoyed!! Now on to season 2! Thanks for making these fun to watch.
This video is amazing!
The moment LW2 came out I jumped straight to your channel, I can't wait to follow you through this journey! And look what I find when I watch it; I'm on the video!
This is what XCOM fans have been missing for so long, another competent commander to guide us. Better than Beaglerush at explanation and a silky smooth voice!
xwynns That's a stealth humble-brag, your voice is probably wrecked from those flawless victories..
I just stumbled into this video and I'm so damned happy. I'll miss Beags but I'll take this, xwynns seems pretty dope too.
Join the club.
I almost died laughing when you showed the enemy infiltrator picture. :D So funny and great introduction to Long War 2!
I've been playing XCOM2 for a long while now, but your video taught me a couple new tactics to try; thank you!
Excellent video. Watched it for a 2nd time toady after spending some time with LW2. Not sure if I'll get thru the entire playlist but I'm looking forward to more of your xcom vids! Great pic of the hiding cat! :)
Loving Long War 2. The infiltration mechanic is one of the best I've ever seen solely because, at all stages of the game, you're mixing things up by going in with smaller or larger squads, which offers totally different tactical gameplay and feelings of immersion. It's fucking awesome.
Loved this video. I've been playing for a month and though i had to do every mission, didn't understand the Infiltration mechanism, and learned a lot. Thanks
I'm very glad to see this video. I was about ready to put down this mod as being downright OP and stupid because of the amount of asskicking that i was getting. But actually taking the time to learn the new mechanics and looking out for tips (like the intel tip, holy shit that just made it easier for me) has made me actually enjoy this mod. +1 for you sir for giving this mod another chance for me.
Wow, all these new features look both awesome and very daunting ! Can't wait to get my ass kicked !
I'm a little late to the party - just noticed you finally have a new playlist with Long War 2 - can't wait! Thank you for finally getting back to what we all love! Sounds like you have a new mic as well - sounds good. I now realize why you have been gone from the game for so long (I saw your name in the opening credits!). I will need to put my regular gaming schedule on hold while I try to get caught up on your new series.
Thanx for this. Most educational and concise vid on long war 2 I've come across.
What Patrick Keenan said below, stands for me too. Great video.
Been looking forward to you playing this for a while now! All buckled up commander.
Very excited to see the series. I saw that I made it in too. Hopefully I'm more useful than last time. Good luck commander.
So many things that I thought I knew but actually I didn't. Thanks for the tips.
Nice intro. I'm pumped!
Great introduction
xwynns you sir are a legend
Yay ! Xcom 2 with LW2 ! Time to get my ass kicked ... again !
I like how at 10:30 the drop ship just glitches through the Floor lel. why did you choose to include that shot?
Lmao I didn't even notice that, that made me laugh pretty hard.
Good to see you back ☺️
Looking forward to this play through.
Thanks mate! I was wondering.
Ive been playing long war of the chosen and its awsome
Thanks for the evac tip, probably gonna need that.
what an awesome vid. all the right info I was missing!
Very useful and informative, thanks for the video.
Great video! Thanks for sharing. I tried long war 2 a little before war of the chosen and I felt a little overwhelmed. I've beat a few campaigns now of war of the chosen and I thought it might be fun to give long war 2 another go.
Great video.
very good job at explaining things, nice video
The moment you realise you been playing it wrong....
I arrived here after giving up on the second mission because my full team couldn't beat 20+ enemies in huge pods.
It all makes sense now, time to boot up XCOM 2 again!
Thanks a lot, man! When I first started LW2 I was like wtf is this infiltrate shit. I came to find an answer to that, but found much more. Thanks!
good explanation, well done
This was sick bro. Thanks.
awesome info guide, cheers mate
Damn excellent video!
Thanks for the tips.
Nice! Grenades, the shitty "XP" system and some terrible promotion nonchoices were my main gripes with the vanilla version, so I am very happy to see at least 2 were addressed, and I have faith in JL (and testers such as yourself) that the promotions will be much more interesting and better balanced as well.
Also, do I surmise correctly that "Infiltration time" will make soldiers unavailable until mission time, thereby replacing the fatigue mechanic as a way of requiring larger rosters? I would also hope nonfatal wounds are more common, and the retarded "always die instead of bleed out until you get the GTS upgrade" mechanic was reworked.
Thanks for putting my name out there for testing btw. It's probably for the best that I didn't get in, as I would have spent WAAAYY too much time playing and participating in forum, to the detriment of earning some needed $$. ;)
fantastic information, thank you so much :)
Great explanations. Thanks a lot.
I would like to thank you for this awesome amount of good info, becouse i knew probably 35% of it. Specially about infiltration and how haven works. Guess specializing your main (first) haven for intel is really good idea. I didnt really get a clear idea of haven and infiltration from the game alone
So far,i have only did like 5-7 missions in long war playing only on normal so i am really green, but this helps a lot. Good luck to you in the battles to come and again, thanks!
I'm pretty sure the Intel generated in a haven generates missions ONLY within that specific region, so to get missions in other regions you have to set their haven members on Intel as well. Once you have liberated a Region you can set all of them to supplies, but before that you should have at least half of them on Intel to generate missions with an expiration timer high enough that you have reasonable amount of time to infiltrate. also set 1 or 2 of them to recruit until the haven has its number of members maxed out. also put a soldier in as liaison into each haven asap to root out the faceless spies, because their presence reduces your income from supply drops. Finally you might want to check the xcom archives in the commanders quarters because there are detailed explanations on all the long war details in there :)
I know about the archives, but there wasnt that much info as here. Also i guess i will find out in the future how it actually works and i already had that one mission with "spyes" in my haven (that was really cool) and already traying my haven advisors on officiers. The game goes really deep.
You think they'll ever bring back the EXALT and Meld style mechanic again? that was so much fun on Xcom Enemy Within, i wish they'd bring that back :(
This was amazing, Thank you
Thank you good sir for excellent information :D
cool bro! but where are my corpses..... I need more corpses, or any at all.
This all sounds great, can't wait to play the mod on release.
Although, how micromanagement heavy does it become to organize the havens and what up-to-13 (did I hear that right?) rebels per haven are doing? Will there be a moment where I'm at 4-5 havens and like 60 total rebels for which I need to remember which ones are in Hiding that I should put to work?
P.S. Mr K debuting in the small tactic squads segment, excellent
That's a very useful intro, thank you! I will definitely be playing it this weekend and will get my ass handed to me.
One question, I see you have way more information above units, and also after attacking. Is that a part of long war mod, or another mod from a workshop?
I think a lot of guys strategy back then was to equip with flash grenades, but I so rarely use them, I just don't equip with them except when you're forced to have them with civis, or the first mission. Now I'm not sure which is better, but I always equip guys with medi kits instead. This means they are invulnerable to poison, and since the vipers use that all the time, it really helps (and yes, the vipers will often favor it to other sorts of attacks, even perhaps trying to poison the same agent more than once when he should see it's not working the first time). Also, since all my guys usually have them, it means my guys have to pretty much get one-shotted to get killed, because I'm sure to heal that injured guy the next turn. One rather odd thing though, what I have observed playing this way, is if you EVER have a medi kit, yet use it early on in the mission, it will credit you with always having a medi kit throughout, such that you can go through poison clouds just like if you had a medi kit still on you. I do this in LW2 without any additional DLC. Even if I could figure out in advance what missions have vipers, and which don't, I still would probably prefer any other grenade over a flashlight one. Flashlight ones just delay my offensive is how I look at it, since somebody, in most cases, could be throwing a destructive type of grenade. I think flashers come in a lot more handy when you have little cover, but I can't know that in advance. Sheesh, it makes me wonder how well I would play if I ditched the medi kits and had smokers instead. Always something to think about.
Actually, trying to fine tune, I think I could probably turn half my team members into carrying flash grenades over concussion, because especially in the beginning missions, when there is no armor on almost all the enemies, the concussion one is somewhat lacking, and since I'm more heavy on trying to get booty then, they can't be used in some situations because they would kill instead of just blowing away armor or make health reduction. Actually, using my current system entirely, it might be a good idea when I can get grenadiers to have three grenade slots, to turn one of them into flash grenades then, so at least I could have 1-2 flashers per mission. But usually, to me, it just seems such a waste when I could had been firing off a concussion one with a long range instead. It's all advantage/disadvantage the whole way.
Seriously though. I just can't get my head around this mod. I didn't even know it existed until a few days ago and I've sunk over 500 hours into vanilla. Feeling very overwhelmed and underinformed by this mod. Still not quite getting it even after watching this excellent video. And thanks for the album recommendation. Turns out 4 Rebels is actually a pretty good reggae album 😅😅
Hi, I am following your campaign - I saw an episode in the late twenties where you had the game running at 60fps or there abouts - you mentioned ini tweaks. My framerate is pants, would you mind post your performance tweaks please? Much appreciated!!!
what is the mod that adds the " Hit", "Crit" and " Dodge" percent chance ?
do you know how to change the mission intro? I prefer the one with the skyranger
Have you found SPARKS to be crucial to the success of missions that limit your squad-size? For example, the Advent Towers to liberate regions. I find their high chance to dodge to be more reliable than flanking with my soldiers, and I wonder if that tactic makes the DLC feel more required.
Speaking of which, have you had any issues with the Alien Rulers? I honestly have found them to be push-overs due to this mod. Nearly killed the Viper King first time I encountered him (he left with 1 HP). lol
if you manage to root out a faceless in your region, will it stay free of infiltrations forever? in a fully populated haven, i mean? so it should be possible to root out every infiltrator given time?
is it okay to use a mod to turn off mission turn timers, or does that break the game?
is there a written list over the new features of LW2?
Thanks. :)
Can you please give me a general advice for haven settings? Is it better to make just one region to much Intel to make missions there and maybe liberate it and then move to the next one and have the others hide/recruit/supply? Means making one region after another? Or should I push intel everywhehre I have a Haven?
In my run, that i have now, i put some man in short mission, that I new i can beat just to kill some of alien and run away.
it gave me a lot of exp and make liberation of two regions easier.
So I've watch this video and your lets play. In this video I see the avatar project is still there. In your lets play it is not there. I hate the avatar project telling me I cant play any longer so is there another version of lw2 that doesn't have it activated?
I am very new to xcom as a whole and xcom 2 in particular. Seeing this makes me take a step back in fear that I can't handle all that in the slightest. So should I rather play my first playthrough vanilla and then test out Long War 2 or should I bite my way through frustrating hours of this mod with joy for every accomplishment, no matter how little it is?
MannyXVIII MannyXVIII I played vanilla first though I did use a few class mods and am on my long war play through now and I recommend you play vanilla first (which is still very fun) to get yourself aquatinted with the game
I'm late but you always play vanilla first. Long War is so incredibly hard, normal difficulty long war is around the same as legendary vanilla.
very helpful vdo thanks
just curious, i've seen "vulnerable", which isn't on this chart. what's the difference between vulnerable & extremely light?
I'm having trouble finding any info on class builds that match character attributes. Example- what perks to give a high aim, low defense grenadier. I just started back into low war and I'm hoping to find attribute based class perk recommendations.
Question: Why does Long War 2 released was tossed out in the wild like that without official release date? I mean, this was really hyped project that Firaxis/2k even were supporting. And yet, no release date.
Well, rip my Long War 1.0 Impossible Ironman Twitch campaign, I don't know what should I do now.
lmao, your campaign is brutal monthly ironman, not I/I
Hey Xavier, I got a quick question : Does over infiltration matter at all if the baseline activity is already extremely low? Like, overall timer, timer for evac delay, detection range, etc. BTW, I'm talking about patch 1.4, which is SO much easier than 1.2!
And thanks a lot for these awesome videos! Almost in every episode, you blew up my mind. Especially the first Lib 1 mission. Solo infiltration and retrieve data in a freaking train. WTF. You are too good at this game. Need to be nerfed.
0:55 pause. Look at that highlighted part of the video
Very informative video. Is it necessary to uninstall the first LW mod?
Thank you. I'll try to play it today. Very excited!
Does calling for an evac trigger reinforcements? I've been trying to decide whether or not to drop the flare the instant I spot the mission objective.
Is there any way to monitor ADVENT and if they are going to do a terror mission against one of the Havens? Or do you just have to be careful all the time?
I noticed you mentioned on your legend playthrough ADVENT sending in UFOs if the strength is high enough, I'm guessing that's what you're referring to.
Is Base Infiltration based just on difficulty level?
also flickering and very dark screens, got it all lol, tried lower vid settings, dump steam cache, I am an educated man and this is killing me, working on it 4 days str8
How do you get you game to run so smoothly? I have a decent spec pc and my fps is horrid. Do you have any ini tweaks of performance hacks please?
So if i'm not a big fan of the time limits i had in XCOM 2 i mean the global one and the mission specific ones. can i still use mods that remove / change them when i use LongWar2 ?
Yes you can use these mods. Most of them should work without a problem
Could someone help me with the find a lead objective, don't know what to do, i see some missions have that objective too but nothing happens when i complete them also tygan says to do the advent officer autopsy when it isn't on the list
So certain actions (grenades and the like) create noise that can make pods suspicious. If pods are in an alert state and activate on their turn they can take offensive action.
What kind of noises are quieter than others? Obviously melee kills are "silent", and rockets are "loud" with a very large alert range. What about gunfire? Are some primary weapons quieter than others? Flamethrowers? Flashbangs/Frost Bombs/Gas Grenades? Do suppressors actually reduce weapon sound? If so, why isn't this a listed effect?
If gunfire does attract attention, where does the "noise radius" emanate from? Does it emanate from your soldier who is shooting or the target that she's shooting at?
Also if you somehow alert a squad on two different sides (maybe two soldiers are north and south of the squad and they both throw grenades)? I assume it'd be the noise they heard last that they'd investigate.
+xywynns Sure, thanks a lot. One last thing, if the noise emanates from the weapon, does that mean that something like a rocket shot from a gauntlet emanates from the technical? So if I keep my technical 36 units away (behind a wall or something), but fire a rocket very close to an enemy pod (without hitting them) will they not get alerted? (Also do enemy weapons alert their friends)
Searching weapon data for "sound", the only soundrange's I could find that were marked as enemy were "advgrenadier" and their grenade types (36), enemy rockets (39) and the drone weapon for some reason. (drone weapon 30, drone repair 20)
>No, explosive emanate from the landing point.
I see. I tried testing out these distraction/alert mechanics and while explosives do seem to emanate from the targeted point, it seems like the alerted pods would ignore the landing point and head straight for the unseen source soldier (My grenadier in this case), that's interesting.
Oh, no I did find the LW sound ranges and all (I think). I just meant those are the only ENEMY sound data that I found, in response to when you said "Enemy weapons do have sounds, or at least they did.... maybe let me know..." I found that Grenadiers and Rocketeers and Drones are the only enemy types that seem to have sound data listed in case you wanted to know.. So I'd assume that most enemies don't create sound at this point?
Also I think I am looking in the right files, It's marked something like "long war_game_data" and all, thanks for all the help and work!
I know you're busy but one REAL last thing. Are there any items ingame or maybe in the future designed specifically for noisemaking/distraction? Maybe something with the advantage that it can be thrown farther/emits sound for multiple turns/has an exceptionally long sound range/can be placed on a timer/or doesn't break concealment (since it's revealed to be an innocuous item on inspection and not indicative of X-Com presence).
im having the bug where the avenger doesnt land and im underneath it , got any hints or ideas how to fix it
What is the console command to increase run speed in missions?
gah hundreds of hours in my campaign and I've reached the point where I can't beat any missions....time to start over
black screen, ist mission crash, pure virtual function being called while application was running (gisrunning == 1)
I've played Xcom 1 and Longwar, should I play the vanilla version of Xcom 2, or can I just jump right in with this?
never play vanilla
Extremely Light is NOT 6 to 9 enemies. Where did you get those numbers? lol.
I seem to be missing the mission expiration that you can see around 16 seconds into the video. Any ideas what could be causing that?
Ah gotcha, I spent 20 minutes trying to figure this out. It'll be good to know if a mission is even doable before moving the avenger there. Thanks for all your hard work.
i m very curious if you get the lowest enemies count at 100% what's the point of adding up to 200%???
if long war 2 was a standalone game i would definitely buy it thx Xavier for the Answer
Ive found that even when I get at the baseline there is still an extreme amount of enemies no matter what I do
good job but i have a question. Who takes my supply pay ? I can' t have money what' s the trick ???
Ok, thank' s
If you haven't figured out how to help find them, it's using the Haven system added into LW2. You can staff a soldier in charge of each contact location to trigger a mission in the future to root them out.
How do corpses work in long war 2
Cause for some reason I don't have ANY advent trooper or sectoid corpses and I have killed dozens by now
xwynns yea it's been getting really dicey ;-;
Thanks for the info I thought I broke the game XD
One thing I wonder about. Did you guys ever consider allowing players to grab enemy corpses and evac with them, or would that clutter things up to much?
Is this stuff only part of a Mod for Xcom 2 on PC? I have Xcom 2 for PS4 and I've never seen an option for infiltration or this haven management
Yeah, mods like this are PC only dude.
I kinda wish you could make a extremely light mission even lighter ex:a single shinobi with a smg and suppresser having only 1-2 pods
I should skipping dozens of missions?
Oh well... I see my mistake... Ever wondered why this is so hard... never thought that I don't have to do everything
Watching this after being forced to restart the whole campaign because i basically had like 100 missions comming up and only had two squads (both already on an infiltration mission) and the rest were hurt as fuck
how do you rank up rebels?
If we could just get some Pre-Heresy Alpha Legion mods you could totally Rp a legitimate Alpha Legion campaign of compliance on a human world under sway of vicious alien occupiers during he Great Crusade. I feel like this is pretty much the Alpha Legion modus operandi.
I actually could sit all day and ask you questions about Long War 2 but who has that kind of time? One burning one that I cannot seem to get any straight answer for is what is the mathematical formula that determines how much boosting a mission will change the infiltration? I actually can come up with a formula if I know the rate of change. Most things say that it changes it 50% of the infiltration. But by that logic if you add a ton of people and the infiltration is way higher the boost will do more which doesn't seem correct. Do they mean the base infiltration level will boost 1.5? So if base is 6 days boosting will change it to 9? If ya get a chance lemme know. :)
Ok, it is as simple as that. Thanx!
I could be wrong, but i think things got changed since this vid. I tried playing long war again the first time in years and while it was hard back then but I could manage and i never got to the point where the advent meter got full. Now it is and i have 30 days before game over, luckily i have a 200% infil squad about to attack the black site BUT the game is throwing high armor high HP units at me. That squad took 17 days to infil to 200% and they were not around for AP ammo handouts. Here's hoping for some good luck. I fully expect some of my best to die in this black site mission and whoever survives needs to go right into the codex coordinates mission If they survive at all.