The SMUG Wisdom of Dennis Prager

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @rationalityrules
    @rationalityrules  ปีที่แล้ว +49

    Get 25% off Blinkist premium and enjoy 2 memberships for the price of 1! Start your 7-day free trial by clicking here:

    • @NayBuster
      @NayBuster ปีที่แล้ว

      The Impossibility Of The Contrary:
      -It is impossible to be without knowledge of uniformity of nature.
      -Knowledge of uniformity of nature is impossible without God.
      -It is impossible that God does not exist.
      -God exists.
      The Uniformity Of Nature:
      The principle that the future will resemble the past, in that when sufficiently similar situations recur, similar effects follow.
      Nature is uniform means nature is constant in respect of its laws.
      So how do you know/on what basis do you (note Q isn't: on what basis don't you something) believe that your reply will reach me?
      That you or your surroundings won't turn to dust the next nanosecond?
      On what basis do you justify operating upon the belief that nature will be uniform?
      Yes, all those depends upon the UON which you can't account for.
      -Nature isn't uniform.
      The laws of nature has never changed. Miracles suspends or adds, not change.
      -Define knowledge.
      Justified true belief.
      -I don't know/I don't have the belief that nature will be uniform.
      Is a self-refuting statement. So it's impossible.
      -I wouldn't be replying if I didn't.
      Irrelevant thesis.
      -Prove the impossibility of the second premise.
      It's proven by the non-existence of a contrary possibility to justify operating upon said belief.
      Same way a possibility to undo the past does not exist, so it's impossible to undo the past.
      -I know nature will be uniform on the basis that nature has been uniform.
      Circular logic, missing the point of the Q.
      -Assuming what you're trying to prove in the premise.
      Y. X is a necessary precondition for Y. X.
      -The obligation to justify my belief which I operated upon isn't necessary. (Prejudicial reasoning, hypocrisy.)
      Then my watch is evidence of (X) so it's still impossible that said (X) isn't true. (Discussions, debates rendered unnecessary.)
      -So it's impossible that God does not exist/God exists because?
      Precisely because there has to be a "because", a justification to begin with which the self-defeating Q lacks.
      The only thing an atheist needs to hear is the fact that they already know God exists as demonstrated above.
      So what's the point if they already know so? To shut their mouth, Romans 1:20, now verbally too, admission that he exists.
      And yes it's Biblical, Colossians 1:17. Also shout-out to: The Burden Of Opinion. Like playing along with a child's play pretend,
      any further like giving evidence as the evidentialist does on the matter of God only serves to feed & strengthen their delusion.
      The evidential apologist even dishonors God by elevating these children to the position of judge with God being the one on trial.
      Laughable, of course it naturally results in gavel pummeling enthusiasts. Now what the based apologist does is, confiscate it.
      Why call it based apology? It reveals the baselessness of the opposition all the more as demonstrated above.

    • @LouisGedo
      @LouisGedo ปีที่แล้ว

      👊 💥 *Destroying Anti-secular Nonsense with Facts And Logic*

    • @Pizmos
      @Pizmos ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @johnfitzgerald8879
      @johnfitzgerald8879 ปีที่แล้ว

      Keep at him

    • @Vyt3x
      @Vyt3x ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@gavinmyatt5589 you can literally solve it in 2 ways:
      1. Stop being racist (as a country)
      2. Reduce poverty and defund police and increase social services. (go economically left as a country)
      As a bonus, number 2 also reduces or eliminates a lot of other problems

  • @farrex0
    @farrex0 ปีที่แล้ว +1174

    "The least wise places in America... are called Universities. That is where all the ridiculous ideas come from"
    Ahh! now I see why it is called Prager UNIVERSITY.

    • @Klepske
      @Klepske ปีที่แล้ว +78

      Dennis says universities as source of all the ridiculous ideas, my mind went to religion instead as the source

    • @GameTimeWhy
      @GameTimeWhy ปีที่แล้ว +48

      It is pretty funny the arguments a lot of apologists are using. "Science is a religion so we can't trust it (or a variation of that)" or "universities are where communists are made/wisdom can't be found there" while having Prager University.

    • @Llortnerof
      @Llortnerof ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @@Klepske Maybe Dennis thought two negative sources of wisdom make a positive?

    • @claudermiller
      @claudermiller ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @phatmhat9174
      @phatmhat9174 ปีที่แล้ว

      secular universities.
      you guys can't make a point without straw manning.

  • @elensila74
    @elensila74 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Your well-founded explanations and the occasional Tim Minchin turned over a dull and tired evening, thank you. You publish awesome videos, practically I've been surviving on them this week so far. I'm very grateful for the mental sustenance.

  • @plasmaballin
    @plasmaballin ปีที่แล้ว +10

    "If you don't get your wisdom from the Bible, where do you get it from?" may be the dumbest question I have heard asked by an apologist. It doesn't even make sense unless you believe that every person is incapable of original thought. Perhaps Dennis is admitting this about himself?

    • @loganleatherman7647
      @loganleatherman7647 ปีที่แล้ว

      With the vast majority of believers you can pretty much boil down their unfounded claims and general magical nonsense to psychological projection

  • @merrigalebeddoes1921
    @merrigalebeddoes1921 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    If my grandfather taught me anything, it was that as a fool gets old, he is just an old fool. Contrary to what Dennis says, I have read the Bible, and I can't see that I gained any wisdom by doing so. I think most of the wisdom I have gained, I learned from my kid. I hope I may have returned the favor.

    • @FakingANerve
      @FakingANerve ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I too read the whole bible and I do think some wisdom was gained by doing so. The proverbial scales fell from my eyes and I realized that the emperor had no clothes. I don't know how much longer I would have lingered in church stuff had I not finally read it front to back.

    • @laurajarrell6187
      @laurajarrell6187 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      ​@@FakingANerve So very true! As a wise man, one who loved Hitchens and disliked dennis said, 'reading the bible completely, is the greatest way to create atheists!' I'm paraphrasing, but that was Isaac Asimov!💖🥰✌

    • @FakingANerve
      @FakingANerve ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@laurajarrell6187 I love that quote, and many others from him! 🍻

    • @js8270
      @js8270 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Reading the Bible taught me Christianity isn't based on the Bible. It also made me think if any of this was true mankind would unite to despose such a evil entity.

    • @Pushing_Pixels
      @Pushing_Pixels ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It's true that most Christians either don't read the bible, or don't understand what they've read and just go along with what the preacher says.

  • @ptolemyauletesxii8642
    @ptolemyauletesxii8642 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The most effective and thorough way to debunk anything Dennis Prager says is to point out that Dennis Prager said it.

  • @AlanWinterboy
    @AlanWinterboy ปีที่แล้ว +1

    maybe my favorite of yours so far. you keep getting better and better.

  • @reinaemiya
    @reinaemiya ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Well, he is the proof that age doesn't guarantee wisdom.

  • @joelgertler3308
    @joelgertler3308 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Prager should look to the Bible to see what it's wisdom says about gluttony. That gut is getting out of control.

  • @Lamster66
    @Lamster66 ปีที่แล้ว

    There are many things in life that you can change and many things that you cannot
    Wisdom is knowing the difference!

  • @coffeefrog
    @coffeefrog ปีที่แล้ว +2

    By assuming wisdom can only come from the Bible, it begs the question, how did the wise people written about in the Bible gain wisdom? Certainly not life experience...

  • @blackice9088
    @blackice9088 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    And by the way, Mr. Prager, Adolf Hitler was a catholic, *not* a secularist...

  • @tweetdriver
    @tweetdriver ปีที่แล้ว +2

    He fought his own nature, and lost.

  • @joanfregapane8683
    @joanfregapane8683 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Another great episode of your refutation of Dennis Prager’s ignorant and dangerous Master Class.

  • @moculus2063
    @moculus2063 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for the wonderful episode. A different title, perhaps, that i would like to propose: 'smug wisdom' is an oxymoron so how about simply 'The smug arrogance of Dennis Prager' ?

  • @deadweaselsteve3262
    @deadweaselsteve3262 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Take a Dennis Prager speech, substitute "the Jew" for "secular", and ask him who he sounds like.

  • @MaleINTP
    @MaleINTP ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The only way in which the bible is a source of wisdom in our days is to remind us of what it did to humanity when it was taken seriously...

  • @godlessblessings7020
    @godlessblessings7020 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks! -- KEEP UP THE "PRAGEROLOGY"!... *Oh, BUT, if I become a
    *"Prager Wisdom Witness"* do you have any materials to deconvert if I'm persecuted for being *TOO* conservative!! ??

  • @Wytch4
    @Wytch4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To me, wisdom is learning how to apply the knowledge I gain, in a beneficial manner for myself and others, religion plays no part of the process.

  • @orlando-from-The-Bronx
    @orlando-from-The-Bronx ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What I can't stand the most about Prager, even above his lack of wisdom and his spreading of obvious lies, is the smug self-assuredness with which he delivers his spiel.

  • @kevind6723
    @kevind6723 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Man does Denny sure love to hear himself pontificate.

  • @DewoftheDutch
    @DewoftheDutch ปีที่แล้ว

    Intelligence is knowing how to speak, wisdom is knowing when to speak.
    And Dennis Prager can't keep his dang mouth shut.

  • @Will-kt5jk
    @Will-kt5jk ปีที่แล้ว

    11:43 - I do mainly audio books too, but I’ve recently been thinking about how the experience is different; how my [subjective] thinking experience, changes in response to different writing styles more so for written word than spoken… …I need to play about with it (and maybe look up some studies), but it sure feels different.

  • @courtcomposer
    @courtcomposer ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Coraxyn
    @Coraxyn ปีที่แล้ว

    Learned from Wasps, Killer Whales, Ravens and others

  • @softwareminimalist
    @softwareminimalist ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Since when prager cared about making sense?

  • @genghisdingus
    @genghisdingus ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dennis Prager acts like he hasn't seen the graph of countries plotted by religiosity and GDP.

  • @Adam-tp8py
    @Adam-tp8py ปีที่แล้ว

    I don’t really think anyone disagrees with the premise that most secular universities are where ideas go to die in 2023. It is not about the colourful exchange of ideas, only pseudo-religious dogma in the form of activism.

  • @chrisingersoll2364
    @chrisingersoll2364 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Every word I hear from Prager seems geared to align himself with the religious right in the US, almost all of whom would regard his faith as defective, because as much as he talks about the Bible, he does not believe in the part that his fellow authoritarians consider the most essential. Prager's smug, smarmy, and oleaginous delivery is painful enough without the overhanging specter of the christianity with which he would like to seem aligned, but in which he finds only marginally more value that I do.

  • @dakrontu
    @dakrontu ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Prager needs to visit some highly religious countries, Christian and otherwise, to find out what religion is really like. In the US, he is shielded from it by his extreme wealth. In the world as a whole, religion and poverty and crime and misery go hand in hand. The most civilised countries are the ones where people behave rationally because they have set religion aside. Hard to imagine he does not actually know that. But believers are very good at ignoring inconvenient information, including most of the text of their gory immoral holy book with its brutal narcissistic god.

  • @danielhopkins296
    @danielhopkins296 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thnxs Brodhisattva 🙏

  • @milohilltop3691
    @milohilltop3691 ปีที่แล้ว +500

    Dennis says he didn't meet any bad children when he was a child at a religious school. The simplest answer? He was the worst one there.

    • @MasamiPhoenix
      @MasamiPhoenix ปีที่แล้ว +35

      I went to church as a kid. I never met any bad kids either. Of course that might be because everybody has been told to be on their best behavior and had the promise of snacks as soon as church ended.

    • @beachcomber2008
      @beachcomber2008 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It works the other way as well.
      To J C (and maybe Dennis) everyone else is more badly-behaved than he is, and he has no-one else to look up to. 🦍

    • @Lahng_Blackduke
      @Lahng_Blackduke ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Have we not considered that he never met any bad children because no one would speak to him? Kids can tell who the asshole is and have no shame in shunning them.

    • @lyokianhitchhiker
      @lyokianhitchhiker ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Lahng_Blackduke was thinking he just lucked out

    • @k.g.7591
      @k.g.7591 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I went to catholic school. One kid got in trouble for keeping a bottle of wine in her locker.

  • @cosmicprison9819
    @cosmicprison9819 ปีที่แล้ว +1488

    Prager is the biggest walking coping mechanism for not having gotten your university degree that I’ve ever seen.

    • @FloppyDucks
      @FloppyDucks ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @farrex0
      @farrex0 ปีที่แล้ว +215

      @@FloppyDucks By Dennis own admission, he was a terrible student and was unable to be accepted in any University. So he spends most of his time trying to demerit Universities and often says how Universities creates fools. All the while calling his channel and business Prager University. So it is pretty obvious that he is salty that he never got into University, and all of this is a way for him to cope with that reality.

    • @FloppyDucks
      @FloppyDucks ปีที่แล้ว +27

      @@farrex0 ohhhhhh ok I was just super confused by the fist comment

    • @halthammerzeit
      @halthammerzeit ปีที่แล้ว +91

      I'll make my own university. With blackjack and useless degrees.

    • @worldlinezero4783
      @worldlinezero4783 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@halthammerzeit But what about the hookers?

  • @davidcarney1533
    @davidcarney1533 ปีที่แล้ว +422

    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing to never put it in a fruit salad

    • @confusu
      @confusu ปีที่แล้ว +64

      From the Book of Fruiteronomy

    • @pansepot1490
      @pansepot1490 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@confusu 😂

    • @InigoMontoya-
      @InigoMontoya- ปีที่แล้ว +47

      @@confusu later though, verses Tomatothy 3: 2-8 state 2 “And the lack of color in the salad was displeasing to the guests. 3 Jesus stepped forward with a tomato and showed the redness. 3 Guests were taken aback stating, ‘Lord, this is Ambrosia, a fruit salad.’ 4 Jesus held the tomato aloft and proclaimed it was indeed a fruit. 5 The botanist agreed. 6 Jesus added the tomato to the Ambrosia salad. 7 The salad immediately brightened with the redness of the tomato. 8 The salad tasted terrible.”

    • @georgemeller4074
      @georgemeller4074 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      Intelligence is knowing that a Tomato is a Fruit. Wisdom is knowing to never put it in a fruit salad.
      Charisma is finding a way to market a tomato-based fruit salad. (Salsa?)
      The argument between the Wizard, the Cleric, and the Bard.

    • @RictusHolloweye
      @RictusHolloweye ปีที่แล้ว +39

      Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein was not the monster. Wisdom is knowing that Frankenstein was the monster.

  • @electricant55
    @electricant55 ปีที่แล้ว +622

    "the greatest genocides of the 20th century occured in the 20th century" damn, you made Dennis tell the truth for once

    • @GameTimeWhy
      @GameTimeWhy ปีที่แล้ว +36

      Definitely got a chuckle on that one.

    • @wet-read
      @wet-read ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Conveniently left out by Prager et al. is that insane technological advances also happened. It wasn't pure ideology or the lack thereof that allowed those to occur.

    • @GameTimeWhy
      @GameTimeWhy ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wet-read yeah it's insane that he believes god creating a global flood killing all life on earth minus the 5 (?) Humans and the impossibly large number of animals is morally justified because god wanted it but it isn't ok when humans (not Christians) kill a relatively small number of people in comparison.

    • @SteveDorrans
      @SteveDorrans ปีที่แล้ว +16

      What, ALL of them?! And we're supposed to believe that it's some kind of coincidence???
      Do your own research people, we're through the looking glass here...

    • @Octoberfurst
      @Octoberfurst ปีที่แล้ว +8

      That was his most brilliant observation ever! 😂

  • @DinosaurianDude
    @DinosaurianDude ปีที่แล้ว +184

    'Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It's not the time that counts, it's the person'
    The Doctor - Doctor Who

    • @douglasdea637
      @douglasdea637 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Adric was young when he died. But he did more to save the world than most people.

    • @Lunch_Meat
      @Lunch_Meat ปีที่แล้ว +11

      "it's not the age, it's the mileage"
      Or, the same phrase with a twist
      "It's not the age, it's the miles you put in and the roads you go down"

  • @fabriziocamisani5477
    @fabriziocamisani5477 ปีที่แล้ว +376

    I may disagree with many but few are able to make me cringes the way DP does: intellectually dishonest, unbelievably glib and as smug as they come

    • @blondequijote
      @blondequijote ปีที่แล้ว +18

      I’d say it’s more honestly dis-intellectual than intellectually dishonest. He doesn’t know enough different philosophers to cite as authorities that bolster his argument the way you’ll see professional apologists do with enlightenment thinkers.

    • @uncleanunicorn4571
      @uncleanunicorn4571 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      the portmanteau Smugnorant comes to mind.

    • @BMCKINN7
      @BMCKINN7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm not above pointing out the DP innuendo 👀🙏🏾

    • @leyrua
      @leyrua ปีที่แล้ว +16

      DP has been described by _Mister Deity_ as having a tendency to skim the first few chapters of books, and then claim to have read them cover to cover. He likes _owning_ lots of books, but not reading them.

    • @JM-us3fr
      @JM-us3fr ปีที่แล้ว

      I think Dennis is just profoundly confused after a lifetime of brainwashing. He's been bathing in this conservative, evangelical bath for so long, he doesn't even know what clean water looks like.

  • @AprilFrost
    @AprilFrost ปีที่แล้ว +281

    I remember falling into a prageru hole around 2015 when I was alone and going through some pretty tough time.
    It’s was easy, digestible and affirmed my feelings.
    I was able to claw myself out.
    Videos like these would have saved me a lot of time.
    Thanks you.

    • @solacedagony1234
      @solacedagony1234 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      I suspect that this is the case for many others with good intentions (as Dennis notes) as a result of PragerU, AIG, etc.

    • @mikolmisol6258
      @mikolmisol6258 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Congratulations on your journey! It's good to have you here in the light.

    • @mckaylapaddock9319
      @mckaylapaddock9319 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Yep. Family sent and promoted Prager U videos to me while I was in college between 2008-2012. They were so worried about me being brainwashed at my 'liberal University'. And those videos seemed legit. I thought they were just as credible as what i was being taught. Then i grew up. Ask it took was one creator going through a prager u video and pointing out the blatant lies, with actual evidence while pointing out their lack of evidence and credible sources. Then it was easy to see how all their content is the same: bold claims made with absolute confidence without any evidence or justification beyond, 'my faith says so.'even when they quote statistics, there's usually no source cited, or the source is another Prager U video, or a clearly biased article. And when i say biased, I don't mean, 'it clearly agrees with them and disagrees with me,' I mean the actually methodology used would discredit the results, which I understand before my university taught me how to peer review research and determine if it's valid or not, including for papers that came to conclusions I agreed with, or were supported by other papers, but they were flawed. It's haunt an actual understanding of how statistics, psychology, etc, works. Knowledge of those things gives us the wisdom to know we can't just take the word of others, but rather do our own research.
      Or to put it simply, my university and experience taught me to fact check everything! And Prager doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

    • @milanmick8213
      @milanmick8213 ปีที่แล้ว

      Back in hole. We are going to fight rightwing war of USA legacy.

    • @solacedagony1234
      @solacedagony1234 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@milanmick8213 Probably a comment for the PragerU video instead

  • @hmnhntr
    @hmnhntr ปีที่แล้ว +198

    Man, the smugness from Dennis in these is at dangerous levels. I feel like I need a mask or something.

    • @uncleanunicorn4571
      @uncleanunicorn4571 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      the smugnorance is strong in this one

    • @charlesjenkins7130
      @charlesjenkins7130 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      You know he smells his farts like in the South Park episode.

    • @JimiBerkeley
      @JimiBerkeley ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It's crazy isn't it to watch someone have that much faith 🤣😂

    • @hmnhntr
      @hmnhntr ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@charlesjenkins7130 Maybe that's what he's doing when he takes those pauses after (charitably) making his point
      And yes that episode was exactly where my mind went

    • @HocusPocus6969
      @HocusPocus6969 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It is toxic

  • @klebbe1
    @klebbe1 ปีที่แล้ว +283

    I use the phrase "With wisdom comes age, but not necessarily the other way around."
    I'd say Dennis is a great example of the latter.

    • @josiahferrell5022
      @josiahferrell5022 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm not sure that the first part makes very much sense.

    • @machintelligence
      @machintelligence ปีที่แล้ว

      @@josiahferrell5022 Perspective comes with age, assuming you haven't lived your whole life with your head up your ass.

    • @Llortnerof
      @Llortnerof ปีที่แล้ว +27

      @@josiahferrell5022 You can only gain wisdom over time, so it actually checks out. To accumulate wisdom, you must age. But aging does not automatically accrue wisdom.

    • @josiahferrell5022
      @josiahferrell5022 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Llortnerof But it isn't true that you gain wisdom over time. You actually gain it from the things you learn, not the time spent. If that were the case, it would be refuting to the other half of the phrase.

    • @andrewkruse7899
      @andrewkruse7899 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      @Josiah Ferrell "You actually gain it from things you learn".... which takes time.

  • @chrisclark784
    @chrisclark784 ปีที่แล้ว +146

    You hit the nail on the head. The more exposure to different views, religions, and cultures, the more varied you become in outlook, and that makes people like Dennis upset.

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      Where was "god" during the holocaust,Dennis? And how about all those pogroms? The "chosen people?" Hmm?

    • @Faint366
      @Faint366 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Right. The more experience you get with other people the more you’re able to understand. In other words, the more wisdom you have. And Dennis hates nothing more than actual wisdom because it shows how shallow his views of biblical wisdom are.

    • @j.g.dangerfield3999
      @j.g.dangerfield3999 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​​@@shriggs55 the chosen in "chosen people" means chosen to follow the law of the talmud, it doesn't mean God's favorites

    • @fuckamericanidiot
      @fuckamericanidiot ปีที่แล้ว

      @@shriggs55 Right exactly, "God" was nowhere to be seen. All the worst dictators of the 20th century did not believe in God, Lenin especially thought he was a god.

    • @kapasian9009
      @kapasian9009 ปีที่แล้ว

      Torah, not Talmud. Talmud is thoughts of different rabbies about the Torah.

  • @roblovestar9159
    @roblovestar9159 ปีที่แล้ว +211

    24:23 "...We can only imagine how bad Dennis' true nature is if the outcome of a lifelong fight to be good has resulted in the small-minded, bigoted man we see today".
    A sterling example of wisdom, Stephen. Bravo!

    • @matiasyannuzzi9655
      @matiasyannuzzi9655 ปีที่แล้ว

      Considering his views on marital r4pe and how he said the only thing keeping him from murd3r and r4pe is that the Bible tells him not to do those things... Yeah, he's pretty much a psycho barely contained by religious indoctrination.

    • @user-oh5gz4ue6r
      @user-oh5gz4ue6r ปีที่แล้ว +1

      bigotry is bad because [...]

    • @user-oh5gz4ue6r
      @user-oh5gz4ue6r ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Tsukiru Do you want to be the judge?

    • @awkwardukulele6077
      @awkwardukulele6077 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@user-oh5gz4ue6r he wants to use his judgement, yes. Like any normal person, he’d like to hear your reason for questioning whether bigotry is bad, and then judge whether you made a good point or a bad one.
      So by all means, state your case.

    • @user-oh5gz4ue6r
      @user-oh5gz4ue6r ปีที่แล้ว

      @@awkwardukulele6077 I don't need to make any case, he's the one making a moral claim (bigotry is bad) and imposing it on me.

  • @upgradeplans777
    @upgradeplans777 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    "If older people can't give wisdom to younger people then they have lost the biggest reason for getting old."
    Is that so? I was unaware I needed a reason for getting old. In fact, not that I know I don't have one, I'd happily stop aging 🤔

    • @realistic_delinquent
      @realistic_delinquent ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Surely the premiere reason for getting old is instinct toward life preservation.

    • @FakingANerve
      @FakingANerve ปีที่แล้ว +6

      "I couldn't agree more."
      -my back, 24/7

    • @Ponera-Sama
      @Ponera-Sama ปีที่แล้ว +1

      *Izayoi Sakuya has entered the chat*

    • @JM-us3fr
      @JM-us3fr ปีที่แล้ว +4

      You could also interpret Dennis' quote a little differently. If "the biggest reason for getting old" was something like cellular senescence, then we should make sure to make ourselves incapable of giving young people wisdom so are cells would stop senescing.

    • @smilloww2095
      @smilloww2095 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Its so funny that besides the fact that saying this is just weird (Whats the probolem with getting old for your own sake?) it just completely - 100% contradicts his own whole narrative.

  • @ottz2506
    @ottz2506 ปีที่แล้ว +130

    People like Dennis are the reason why r/confidentlyincorrect exists

    • @pythondrink
      @pythondrink ปีที่แล้ว

      Lol I know that subreddit. Some of the OPs are ironically confidently incorrect.

    • @ottz2506
      @ottz2506 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@pythondrink oh without a doubt

    • @schwarzwolfram7925
      @schwarzwolfram7925 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      They're also why shampoo has instructions.

    • @epsteindidntkillhimself69
      @epsteindidntkillhimself69 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ew, reddit

  • @notyoyoma
    @notyoyoma ปีที่แล้ว +52

    Loved the Tim Minchin shoutout! "I know the good book's good because the good book says it's good. I know the good knows it's good because a really good book would"
    What a fucking lyrical genius.

  • @louisng114
    @louisng114 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    Dennis may not have defined "wisdom" well, but he certainly defined "punchable". Holding back takes tremendous wisdom.

    • @AnEvolvingApe
      @AnEvolvingApe ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's so hard for me to resist psychotic thoughts when I see DP. I'm glad I don't interact with people like that.

    • @MrMarinus18
      @MrMarinus18 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think it's down to the hyper individualism we live in where you have individual that is a "genius" that should be lifted above the rest of society. This is called a meritocracy which is actually a bad thing. Cause it boils down every skill to one skill called "merit" and that someone with more "merit" is inherently better than someone with less "merit". Rather than many people having many different skills and beliefs and that to have a great society we need to work together to combine those skills and rely on the skills of others to compensate for the skills we don't have. Being "self-sufficient" is a bad thing, you want to rely on others and other rely on you.

    • @dom11949
      @dom11949 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      it takes great self control. wisdom comes from the fact that prison for assault is nasty. lol

  • @gregcampwriter
    @gregcampwriter ปีที่แล้ว +115

    Bismarck made the comment that while fools learn from experience, he preferred to learn by observing fools.

    • @freddan6fly
      @freddan6fly ปีที่แล้ว +30

      The stupid can't learn from their own mistakes
      The average can learn from their own mistakes
      The smart can learn from mistakes by others.

    • @cliftongaither6642
      @cliftongaither6642 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      that's genius 👏

    • @halthammerzeit
      @halthammerzeit ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Was it Twain?
      -Stupid people call their mistakes a experience.

    • @abigailslade3824
      @abigailslade3824 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Which is why history is so important and not tainting it for modern sensibilities in even more important.

    • @pineapplepenumbra
      @pineapplepenumbra ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@abigailslade3824 There's the argument that we shouldn't judge people in the past by our standards, but that's only correct up until a certain point.
      As even many other animals have exhibited _empathy,_ there's no excuse for humans at any point in our history believing that slavery, rape, child marriage, skinning people alive, boiling people alive, genocide, etc, were acceptable in any way.
      Furthermore, there have always been people who have had thoughts that were far ahead of their time (even though those thoughts shouldn't have been).

  • @nataliadeavilapires2136
    @nataliadeavilapires2136 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Dennis Prager telling us he "wont speak down to you" is wild.

  • @NovaZero100
    @NovaZero100 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    This whole thing brought to mind a couple lines from one of my favorite singers;
    "and I never have a damn about the story's end, or even how it all began. And the one word that I seek is one that I can tell myself."
    More and more as I've gotten older and learned psychology, philosophy, epistemology, and behavior sciences, I've come to find comfort in my ability to make enough sense of the world that I'm not left in the dark often. It occurs to me that religion never gave me that comfort, nor did it give me usable answers. Then, on all counts, religion didn't make me wise. It left me blind.

    • @FakingANerve
      @FakingANerve ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Well said! 🍻

    • @teuast
      @teuast ปีที่แล้ว +4

      “And it’s a long and winding road, but if you reap the seeds you sow, you’ll see you’re really not alone.”

    • @NovaZero100
      @NovaZero100 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@teuast My hero!

    • @teuast
      @teuast ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@NovaZero100 I have both a ragtime piano and a guitar trio cover of Forty Days on my channel lol

    • @pineapplepenumbra
      @pineapplepenumbra ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "on all counts, religion didn't make me wise. It left me blind."
      If you read some of the verses in the bible, qur'an, etc, you can see how they're doing this in a manipulative way. It's only blind people who will believe their crap, so they seek to not only keep people blind, but to try to convince them that the intelligent, wise, knowledgeable people of the world are really the blind ones and that god thinks that they are the truly wise.
      For example, there's the verse saying how the wise of the world are foolish in the eyes of god.

  • @TheLunarPierce
    @TheLunarPierce ปีที่แล้ว +85

    The fact that someone less than half his age can pick his points apart and prove him wrong, shows how little wisdom he actually has.

    • @pearlbonnie1369
      @pearlbonnie1369 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      But it is not a surprise. Dennis, like a lot of people , has spent his years getting really good at being wrong. If you spend years honing skills, you get to be good at those skills.

    • @blondequijote
      @blondequijote ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@pearlbonnie1369 From that standpoint, DP does deserve a PhD in bad arguments. He could definitely be the Professor of that class.

    • @gsp3428
      @gsp3428 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well obviously because you think youre right and he is wrong, doesnt necessarily make you right. Every single person on the planet thinks they are right.

    • @gsp3428
      @gsp3428 ปีที่แล้ว

      He is a probably a millionare and you are here on youtube comments.

    • @alexalbuquerquerodriguesal108
      @alexalbuquerquerodriguesal108 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@gsp3428 Obviously, that's why people show how the other is wrong and how they themselves are right, otherwise you wouldn't be able to write a single comprehensive phrase since not a single person on the planet would have a coherent mutual symbolic language. Take for reference the section 4:10 through 5:18, It's a perfect example of showing the thought process of the other is wrong.

  • @harrygeorge5848
    @harrygeorge5848 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    This series and the other episodes addressing the daily wire content have been unbelievably good well done and thank you I love watching them

  • @FurretWok
    @FurretWok ปีที่แล้ว +32

    For most people, someone is wise if they act mature or give good advice or they're hard to fool. For Dennis, someone is wise if they agree with him on religion.

  • @deepashtray5605
    @deepashtray5605 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Can't really talk about wisdom while totally ignoring critical thinking skills which is Dennis Prager's ultimate goal: getting rid of critical thinking skills.

  • @charlesyates8228
    @charlesyates8228 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I stand in awe of your ability to listen and watch Dennis Prager and anything Prager U or Prager Foundation related. I wish I had your patience and fortitude

  • @cosmicprison9819
    @cosmicprison9819 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Wisdom without knowledge is just anecdotal evidence.

  • @cgillespie78
    @cgillespie78 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Wisdom comes from experience, not by reading old books. Part of your experience will be reading old books, but without mapping those ideas onto reality you're no more wise than ChatGPT

    • @thewhitefalcon8539
      @thewhitefalcon8539 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Definitely agree. You can know all the theory of a field but if you haven't applied it then you don't have wisdom. Theory by itself can still be useful though. Religious theory can't.

  • @ilke3192
    @ilke3192 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Just in, the man was one google scholar search away from finding out that "wisdom", in fact, is still used, and discussed upon. ONE search. Took me about 30 seconds. Come on, Dennis, you aren't even trying.

    • @johngenericlastname9781
      @johngenericlastname9781 ปีที่แล้ว

      He doesn't have to, the confirmation chirstcucks lap it up

    • @MasamiPhoenix
      @MasamiPhoenix ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Why google search when you can just assume you're right. Not like his audience is going to fact check him.

    • @Alan_Duval
      @Alan_Duval ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh. No. He's very trying.

  • @machintelligence
    @machintelligence ปีที่แล้ว +14

    As an old fart, I have a lot of wisdom about all manner of obsolete things.
    For example, I know how to change the "leathers" on the pump at the bottom of a windmill.
    I even know how to downshift a manual transmission that lacks synchronizers (a crash box) by double clutching.

    • @js8270
      @js8270 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I could still rebuild a automobile carburetor blindfolded while enjoying a mixed tape recorded off vinyl.

    • @davidarbogast37
      @davidarbogast37 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That would be considered knowledge, not necessarily wisdom. Knowledge is knowing how to do things, wisdom is knowing why to do those things.

  • @JagnaLesna
    @JagnaLesna ปีที่แล้ว +29

    There is no fool like an old fool.

  • @FakingANerve
    @FakingANerve ปีที่แล้ว +12

    "The least wise places in societies are universities."
    -Prager UNIVERSITY
    Brilliant. 🤦‍♂️

  • @a88aiello
    @a88aiello ปีที่แล้ว +21

    It is unwise to presume that all wisdom can be found in one place.

  • @drickaway
    @drickaway ปีที่แล้ว +57

    Yeah the magic book with talking donkeys is not ridiculous and has all the best ideas.

    • @mooseymoose
      @mooseymoose ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I had some crab once, still walking sideways. Bibble all troo!

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The Bible treats sorcery as though it's real.Also,witchcraft,necromancy,divination,numerology,demons,angels,sea monsters,dragons,cockatrices,fiery serpents,prophecy,etc.All unproven things.Wisdom?

    • @popiko282
      @popiko282 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wait there's talking donkeys in the bible no way 😂😂😂 could you tell me the story just curious ?

  • @tylerstoakes4940
    @tylerstoakes4940 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    To his credit, Dennis Prager has gotten me to loudly and repeatedly proclaim the name Jesus Christ.

  • @Dommi1405
    @Dommi1405 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    18:30 I feel like the unwise decision of Dennis' radio listeners is that they listened to his radio show

  • @stephengasaway3624
    @stephengasaway3624 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Dennis Prager is, to me, the visual representation of the word "bloviator".

    • @AathielVaDaath
      @AathielVaDaath ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I was skimming comments and misread it. But the misread immediately prompted the mental image of Prager and Spawn in an epic battle to the ages...
      Prager is broken, bleeding on the ground before Spawn, being characteristically dramatically (though in his mind "dramatically" was replaced with "ostentatious and uncomfortable")
      Prager croaks out "I win", to which Spawn looks confused.
      Spawn: How so?
      Prager: Nobody said I couldn't arbitrarily change the win conditions at any point.
      I can never be beaten!
      I am invincible!
      Spawn: You're a loony
      Prager: Marxist!
      Sometimes I wonder how my brain works the way it does.
      And I'm usually pretty certain it's better to not know

    • @TheSquad4life
      @TheSquad4life ปีที่แล้ว

      Perfect description

  • @Pablo668
    @Pablo668 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Prager makes my teeth ache. I wish he wouldn't talk about education because it is obvious he knows diddly about it. I don't know what exactly what he thinks wisdom is exactly, but it's not a thing we try to impart. At the base of all we (teachers) do is trying to teach our students how to learn. If you can get your students to enjoy learning then hopefully everything else falls into place given time.
    I don't know what Prager is on about when it comes to educational institutions.

  • @0815UserII
    @0815UserII ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Since Dennis is so confused about stats, maybe this helps:
    Strength is being able to crush a tomato.
    Dexterity is being able to dodge a tomato.
    Constitution is being able to eat a bad tomato.
    Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
    Wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad.
    Charisma is being able to sell a tomato based fruit salad.

  • @pizzahuthonoka
    @pizzahuthonoka ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The greatest wisdom is realizing that Dennis Prager is best suited for TH-cam Poop

    • @rhaeven
      @rhaeven ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, urine and faeces!

    • @optillian4182
      @optillian4182 ปีที่แล้ว

      "What happens when you push a baby underwater?"
      "The baby fucking dies."

  • @seanelsenbroek7530
    @seanelsenbroek7530 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I love prageru videos because you don’t need a satirical TH-camr to point out the stupidity of their claims. I say claims because they don’t actually provide any arguments 😂

    • @hurdygurdyguy1
      @hurdygurdyguy1 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Claims that are given as "facts" when in reality they're just opinions...

    • @Faint366
      @Faint366 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@hurdygurdyguy1it’s funny cuz there is literally a prayer U video where Dennis complains that opinions are being called opinions in schools, and he wants them taught as fact

    • @terrencelockett4072
      @terrencelockett4072 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's like folks like Prager really don't know the difference between opinions and facts.

  • @sigmascrub
    @sigmascrub ปีที่แล้ว +14

    "Let's acknowledge that if you didn't have any life experience, you're probably a fool."
    Yes, Dennis! That's exactly how it works! No one thinks about how wise they were as a teenager!

  • @freddan6fly
    @freddan6fly ปีที่แล้ว +61

    Dennis is really wise
    If you do as Dennis, define gullibility as wisdom, and wisdom as gullibility.
    The Ministry of Truth in 1984 by George Orwell comes to mind.

    • @Ponera-Sama
      @Ponera-Sama ปีที่แล้ว

      These are the facts of this world, and you all must learn to accept them...

    • @hendrikjanriesebos1293
      @hendrikjanriesebos1293 ปีที่แล้ว

      He knows very well how to hide it, then.😂

    • @mikolmisol6258
      @mikolmisol6258 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That's what it means nowadays, I guess. Critical thought is listening to know-nothing nutjobs on the internet, whereas listening to scientists, experts, and scholars is naïvete.

  • @davidschneide5422
    @davidschneide5422 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Prager verifies the old adage "for dummies, with age comes a broader, prouder ignorance"

  • @njhoepner
    @njhoepner ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Realizing that the bible is mythology is the beginning of wisdom, and learning that the religions derived from it are on the same plane as every other religion is knowledge.

  • @kenreeve32
    @kenreeve32 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    This Prager series critique has been spectacular. Well done!

  • @vwabi
    @vwabi ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Saying a 12-year-old child is wiser than a 50-year-old philosophy professor completely lays bare Dennis' definition of wisdom: you are wise if you are Christian, unwise if you are not. It also lays bare who his target audience are: Christians who need affirmation they are better and more valuable than the out-group.

  • @kevinlawrence1582
    @kevinlawrence1582 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    A twelve-year-old Jewish boy is wiser than a fifty-year-old philosophy professor he says. Also Dennis Prager why would an all-knowing all-loving all-powerful God how to destroy the world because it came out awful. I mean he is God he's supposed to be perfect right wouldn't his creation have been perfect the first time. Just another of many religious contradictions

  • @chrisgk7494
    @chrisgk7494 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Again, I hate this kind of reasoning. Did the Bible just came out of thin air? No previous influences. Were all Greeks and Roman pre-Christian fools? Stoicism people like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca devoted their entire lives trying to live the good life. Does Buddhism or the book of rings not contain a single shred of wisdom?

    • @animejuggernaut2553
      @animejuggernaut2553 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You: Mentions literally anything good that pre-dates the Bible.
      Dennis: I pretend I do not see🙈

    • @loganleatherman7647
      @loganleatherman7647 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not to mention the Tao Te Ching, which predates the Bible and yet is still a better book of wisdom than the Bible ever was

  • @websolete
    @websolete ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thank god we have people like you to help combat the stupidity rampaging through the world.

  • @lyricduo
    @lyricduo ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Love The Good Book. Just wish Tim Minchin would publish the score. I’d definitely accept a job as a church musician again if he did! 🤪🤣

  • @YLLPal
    @YLLPal ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Dennis is a true suppository of wisdom.

    • @ToddAMeyers
      @ToddAMeyers ปีที่แล้ว


    • @kegawinek7628
      @kegawinek7628 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am stealing this, and gosh bless you.

  • @paineoftheworld
    @paineoftheworld ปีที่แล้ว +9

    When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...
    ... and that's where wisdom comes from.

  • @Nick_Vendel
    @Nick_Vendel ปีที่แล้ว +54

    Wisdom is literally just experience. Whenever i see people confusing knowledge and wisdom, i always reminded of "miasma theory of the disease" thing, where people thought air was "bad" and from that air they would get diseases, so they tried to avoid places with "bad air", which often were places with diseased people and it helped them to not get diseased... that's a wisdom in a sense, they learned through experience something and they apply that in their life, even though they were completely wrong about actual source of the disease. While knowledge would be more of a modern understanding of how viruses spread and ways to prevent that, it's a more "in-depth" understanding of a process or an event. To me they aren't the same thing, nor they are mutually exclusive, though often wisdom is more subjective and has personal value, like a dating advice for example, while knowledge is more objective and is universally useful.

    • @smilloww2095
      @smilloww2095 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah. I also feel like wisdom is a word that kinda means something different to everybody. I basically never use the word because it is just really imprecise. If someone asks me a question about wisdom I would always have the need to ask what they mean by it. While that is the case with a lot of words, there is a lot less confusion to be had with a word like knowledge or experience.

    • @Nick_Vendel
      @Nick_Vendel ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@smilloww2095 I probably wouldn't use it either, but i have a D&D campaign, and Wisdom is one of six major ability scores... so i have to use it. I do define Wisdom as "basically just practical experience" in my setting though.
      In game, Medicine is a skill based primarily on Wisdom and i see it as an "experience in first aid", while when it comes to surgery or more "modern methods" i use Intelligence instead of Wisdom, as at that point i think just practical experience wouldn't cut it, and you have to know a lot of stuff about biology and physiology.

    • @mwperk02
      @mwperk02 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I've viewed wisdom as ones ability to apply knowledge and experience to their lives and to learn from them. a Person can have plenty of knowledge and even experience but still routinely act a fool.

    • @Nick_Vendel
      @Nick_Vendel ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mwperk02 can you give an example where person is knowledgeable and has experience yet acts like a fool?

    • @awkwardukulele6077
      @awkwardukulele6077 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Nick_Vendel any “nutty professor,” stereotype. Or any nerd with bad social skills. Or any precocious child who doesn’t understand how to adult yet. Etc.

  • @chadb9270
    @chadb9270 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The god of the Bible commands and commits genocide, slavery and child rape.
    Is it wise to commit genocide, slavery and child rape???
    Is it wise to worship a god that commands people to commit genocide, slavery and child rape???
    A simple yes or no will be fine, thank you.

    • @KrwiomoczBogurodzicy
      @KrwiomoczBogurodzicy ปีที่แล้ว

      Excerpt from _A Dream of Socrates_ by David Deutsch (Chapter 10 from the book _The Beginning of Infinity_ :

      HERMES: You reason coolly. Are you not afraid?

      SOCRATES: Bah! I ask you in return: are you a benevolent or a malevolent god? If benevolent, then what do I have to fear? If malevolent, then I disdain to fear you. We Athenians are a proud people-and protected by our goddess, as you surely know. Twice we defeated the Persian Empire against overwhelming odds, and now we are defying Sparta. It is our custom to defy anyone who seeks our submission.

      HERMES: Even a god?

      SOCRATES: A benevolent god would not seek it. On the other hand, it is also our custom to give a hearing to anyone who offers us honest criticism, seeking to persuade us freely to change our minds. For we want to do what is right.

      HERMES: Those two customs are two sides of the same valuable coin, Socrates. I give you Athenians great credit for honouring them. (…) How many are willing to criticize a god by the standards of reason and justice?

      SOCRATES: [Ponders.] All who are just, I suppose. For how can anyone be just if he follows a god of whose moral rightness he is not persuaded? And how is it possible to be persuaded of someone’s moral rightness without first forming a view about which qualities are morally right?

    • @freddan6fly
      @freddan6fly ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Dennis Prager _ "But I cherry pick these other verses out of context and ignore your verses, so god is actually a good guy"

    • @Marniwheeler
      @Marniwheeler ปีที่แล้ว

      "Yes, as long as it happens to opposing tribes." - a true believer.

    • @thewhitefalcon8539
      @thewhitefalcon8539 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If Prager is ever speaking in your town and taking questions make sure to ask him this. But don't make it so long or you'll confuse him. Just say: "The Bible says it's good to r*pe children. Is it good to r*pe children?"

  • @baraharonovich2926
    @baraharonovich2926 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This dude is like the opposite of ben shapiro, ben shapiro thinks speaking fast make him smart and dennis thinks speaking really slow make you sound smart.

  • @aaron2709
    @aaron2709 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    He's the best example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

  • @floralpatterns21
    @floralpatterns21 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Your videos being aimed at right wingers is my favorite development of any youtube channel ever

  • @PatrikWesterlund
    @PatrikWesterlund ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It's easier to control people that haven't got these "ridiculous" ideas from universities.

  • @RickReasonnz
    @RickReasonnz ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I'm so impressed/commiserate by the fact you had to experience all these videos by Dumb-Dumb-Dennis. Jeez that must have taken a toll.

  • @everdash
    @everdash ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I wish we could have 2 societies start with nothing.
    Society A has religion.
    Society B has science, schools, and universities.
    Let's see where they end up in 100 years.

    • @tulpas93
      @tulpas93 ปีที่แล้ว

      Keep an eye on the Nordic countries, which are largely secular. Contrast their societal health (happiness, murder rates, health, infant mortality, stds, etc.) with that of the USA's which is highly religious.
      It's not exactly the setup you were suggesting, but very similar and it's already here!
      If you were being rhetorical, please disregard. Good health to you!

    • @alexalbuquerquerodriguesal108
      @alexalbuquerquerodriguesal108 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tulpas93 Hah, this example even rigged in favor of the USA: the country became a technological powerhouse thanks to the Cold War and is also the sole emitter of world reserve currency, the fact that the USA is unwilling to provide at least decent living to It's citizens while Nordic countries provide good living for the vast majority of Its citizens is very telling.

    • @torum6448
      @torum6448 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Depends if they're neighbours, it's very possible that the more backwarded society with religion will just conquer the secular one and impose religious fundamentalism on it. Stuff like that has happened in the past.

  • @edwardkelly1262
    @edwardkelly1262 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Is it just me or is Dennis' big revelation is that "sometimes you are your own worse enemy"?

  • @DeadManDancing42
    @DeadManDancing42 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Great video again. I love the current quality of the channel. Good job, Stephen!

  • @germanvisitor2
    @germanvisitor2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Let us all strive to become as unwise in Dennis Prager's eyes as possible.

  • @thatamericannarrator8247
    @thatamericannarrator8247 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    As a philosophy major Dennis’ arguments make me die laughing.

  • @tommy_svk
    @tommy_svk ปีที่แล้ว +5

    So I've been into ancient epics recently. You know, Epic of Gilgamesh, Illiad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Beowulf and so on. I think Dennis should give some of these a read. Because if you do so, it's blatantly obvious that the Bible isn't the only way you cna get wisdom. These epics were written by authors who have never even heard of the Bible of Christianity/Judaism (well, except Beowulf). And yet there is a lot of wisdom in it.
    For example in Works and Days, Hesiodos says: "Invite your friend to a meal and don't care for your enemy, care the most for those who live near you, because then when a bad thing happens to you in your village, your neighbors will come even naked to help you", 342-345. (I don't have the book in English so this is just my very rough translation from Slovak 😅). From this, you can clearly see that the ancient Greeks had the wisdom to be kind to their neighbors, without ever reading the Bible. You know, love thy neighbor. And they figured that out all by themselves.
    In fact, this is where I believe morality actually comes from. In the beginning there wasn't god but a ton of people who just kept murdering each other in order to survive. Later on, some of these people found out that if they work together, they can survive better. They found out that certain actions make it so that they have a better chance of survival. And we call these actions "moral". They aren't necessarily "objectively a good thing to do", they are just actions that benefit society and so everyone in the society benefits from it. Morality is just a thing that got selected by nature, because if you're "moral", meaning that you do these actions, you have a better chance of survival. On the other hand if you are "immoral" and do things like stealing, murdering and raping, everyone will hate you, which significantly makes your life worse and lower the chance of your genetic material surviving.
    In a sense then, morality is a necessity. Humans have to be moral by definition, because the opposite results in having a worse life and the ultimate goal of all living things is to survive and live with the least amount of problems. So it's only natural that humans learnt to be "moral".
    So there's your wisdom. No God needed.
    PS: I love how universities, the place where students learn in order to be able to contribute to society, apperently teach people to "fight against" society. How does that make any sense? Dennis, just because some people in universities have opinions you disagree with, doesn't mean they are fighting against society. Also, not all universities teach the stuff he's clearly hinting at. Actually I'd say most don't. I study computer science and at my university we never study gender, sexuality, moral, religion, evolution or whatever. That's simply not what the school's focus is at all. It's just computers and programs man. How exactly was I taught to fight against society then?
    PPS: Also I love the irony of the man who has never studied on a university telling us how bad studying at a university is.

    • @MrSeedi76
      @MrSeedi76 ปีที่แล้ว

      The explanation of morality evolving from cooperation is really quite obvious. Just not to the people who insist on the "objective morality" for which God is "needed".
      I think Marquis de Sade made a convincing case against a universal objective morality by comparing different societies (even though his knowledge about some of those at the time might have been a little limited) in the philosophical parts of "Justine et Juliette". I doubt Prager ever read it, or Kant for that matter or any other philosopher.
      Like Bill Maher put it in "Religulous" - "we don't need God to come up with stuff like, 'don't kill each other and don't take each other's stuff'."
      Edit: almost forgot - I really like some of the stuff in the old "Edda". Really similar to many of the proverbs in the Bible.
      And I learned that all the names of the Dwarves in "Hobbit" were actually taken from the Edda. Who knew? I didn't 😊.

    • @tommy_svk
      @tommy_svk ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MrSeedi76 Edda is next on my list! Can't wait to read that! And yeah, I already noticed Gandalf and the dwarves when I was skimming through it after I got it :D

  • @MasamiPhoenix
    @MasamiPhoenix ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Its pretty easy to claim that secular teachings are "unwise" when you redefine "wisdom" to mean "non-secular teachings."

  • @stevewebber707
    @stevewebber707 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Did Dennis just say we need a reason to get old?
    That is incredibly odd, and the alternative to getting old implies something very dark.
    I imagine he meant something a bit different than what he literally said, but this is his video, and he has the option to review this content before posting it.

  • @kingpest13
    @kingpest13 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Beware when they're telling you education is bad.

  • @Lorenzo_That_Vegan_Dad
    @Lorenzo_That_Vegan_Dad ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I love your breakdowns/rebuttals. But I gotta give some love to the artist of your thumbnails. Quality, to say the least. 👍🏾

  • @laurajarrell6187
    @laurajarrell6187 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Rationality Rules, Stephen,I'm loving these! Wow, dennis, whom granted, I can't stand, was always gross. Now though, he looks like he weighs close to a gross! I mention this, not as an 'ad hoc' but because he claims to have conquered his wants! Yet, he can't fight the food, putting his belly over his laptop! Oh, and I love Tim Minchin! I found no wisdom nor good morals in any of the bibles, tried different versions, but read cover to cover! Nothing good, original. The one every believer seems to mention, the 'Golden Rule' was said by Confucius, long before jesus! Oh, and edit in, the whole proverb, is 'An eye for an eye and tooth for tooth, leaves the world blind and toothless!' I assume you were going for brevity! And the African one is even better! I'm still looking for others to play my beautiful game, DEBUNKED!👍💖💙🥰✌

  • @ShieldYoung
    @ShieldYoung ปีที่แล้ว +8

    अंधों में काना राजा
    (One eyed is the king among Blinds)