A lot of words, but not much content or real information. This seems to be happening a lot with TED talks lately. Bland, wishy-washy talks which are largely devoid of any interesting and/or challenging information. Packed full of clichés ("we must do this together", "real progress requires change", "we have to think outside the box" etc etc), but not really giving us any real information. I miss the old TED talks which used to be much more data based, with facts, figures, demonstrations etc. Occasionally I still see them, but too much people talking for a long time about not much.
the real heroes are obviously the engineers which made the technology competitive and unstoppable not fancy cliches which she represents. However, as usual, these heroes remain unsung..
This was a great speech! I have been following the Climate talks for a while and it's nice to get an insider's perspective (with an informed opinion) on the matter. Seeing some huge steps forward from many countries around the world, like Peru giving solar power to 2 million of it's poorest citizens! The quality of life for many people is going to drastically improve. Honestly though the people who have the audacity to shrug off climate change, or unbelievably regurgitate half-baked negative rhetoric and slander without making even a bare minimal effort to look into climate change and forming their _own_ opinions, while literally millions are starving, dying from extreme natural disasters, and pollution and then use this as an excuse to dismiss/not worrying about climate change is the _epitome_ of hypocritical. REGARDLESS of whether you believe in climate change, renewable resources and lifestyles give people self-sufficiency and a degree of independence and security from the government and these corporations. Particularly in Australia for many living in remote communities we NEED renewable resources, not only so people can more easily access food, power and water, but so they don't choke under the extreme costs for access to these basic needs (which, hey, are only going to increase when these resources become more scarce). Renewable resources REDUCE the cost and IMPROVE living while giving people their own platform to stand on and have an actual say about their future.
She's a great speaker, but I think it would have been good to list some examples of nations doing their part. She says they're all doing their part, but I'm not aware of what exactly is being done.
+tonbonthemon Most likely a lot of talk, while all the data show a worsening trend. Professor Al Bartlett on the subject: th-cam.com/video/O133ppiVnWY/w-d-xo.html
***** Being negative isn't easy, you know. It's quite a dis-ease. But being positive with a weak basis is also fraught with difficulty as well - imagine how bad it would feel to find out it's all a lie. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying it's all a lie. We really did come to an agreement in Copenhagen. I know there are certain things being done to improve the climate, but every time she said lots and lots of great things were being done, I was disappointed (as a rather uninformed individual) to hear her not give specific examples to back up her incredibly positive claims.
tonbonthemon Politics based on populism does not always yield results that are great for the general population. The main objective is to generate clout for the politicians, such as the speaker in this video. It is about appearing to be doing great things, by spellbinding people with stories that make them feel things. If they are lucky, they get a lot of money and/or power (same thing) for talking more, in the future. Hillary Clinton and Obama are good examples of coat turning career politicians as well, for example. Trump is the more honest fascist, like Mr Hitler himself, basing his politics on agressive bullshit, which feeds the rage of the masses, as a simple shortcut to power.
well, you should do your own research but here is what I think. It is an historic event that has only happened 1-2 times in our history. All these countries got together and signed a treaty to acknowledge climate change. The fact that they got China, Russia, India and the US to sign is actually pretty historic. Now, as for what it does, or better yet, what it forces everyone to do, is nothing. That's right, there are no penalties for not abiding by this treaty. To make it even less stellar is that it lets every country decide on their own what they plan to do to "do their part" of the treaty. Now, china and india said they would close coal mines and other mineral mines that are toxic for the environment but both of them said they wouldn't do it for something like 10-15 years (your going to have to look it up, I don't remember the exact dates) They funny part is that the treaty ends in 2030 and I believe one of these countries "Plan" doesn't start until after 2030...it was basically their way to participate in the treaty, get all the good karma without actually doing anything for the climate. On the flip side, don't worry about the 100 Trillion dollar number they keep throwing around, that is future money that could have been made between now and 2030 if we didn't do what the treaty wants us to do (Again, each country decides what they will do, they aren't forced to do anything). The Paris accords were important in atleast getting all those countries to sign a paper, but in reality, very little is actually done and most of it is for show. I don't agree that the US pulled out but really, us being in or out has no impact on the climate cause we didn't actually have a plan , as part of the treaty, to reach the US lofty goal of 23% reduction in carbon emissions.....which will already happen due to getting off oil and moving to solar , wind and battery.
Exactly, the fact that you have this many nations agreeing to a common goal is historic. And for all the skeptics, it's great to be critical to fix flaws in this agreement, but just assume for a minute that you could be wrong, just assume that the ice caps melting raising sea levels, weather patterns changing, green energy a possible solution (and unless you're psychic you can't assume that neither side is right/wrong), but just imagine that the vast majority of the scientific community is actually right on this, but we go down you're road and do nothing. What is the price to pay then?
@Aleksandrs Vabelis it's easy to say money will save the planet but what steps are being taken? Ok, we've established the problem now where's the solution. Alot of talk and no idea on where the money is going. No more facts just solutions before I commit.
One of the rare videos that indicate the rigorous processes of obtaining consensus on a very large scale. One can read about the terms of the Paris Conference anywhere but finding such optimistic stories is not so easy. :)
A lot of the comments below misunderstand that behind every human action there is a motivation. If we cannot motivate people to act to stop climate change then NO PROGRESS will be made - regardless of the money, numbers, tech, facts etc. First comes hope, optimism and can do spirit - then the rest follows.
Christina como mujer costarricense le estoy agradecida. Más allá del éxito en este proyecto , por el ejemplo de su actitud retadoramente positiva. Ver su video, es ver caer en pedazos los roles femeninos llenos de estigmas sociales que de a poco vamos dejando atrás en este pedacito de tierra llamado Costa Rica. Es usted ejemplo de lucha pacífica.
Paris was just greenwashing.... Things that need to change are ideology about climate and the way we consume. Not "legally binding" contracts. those contracts allow the consumers to carry on living as they live today, just buying different products and allowing the companies to make their choices solely looking at their profits. That jeweller who said the pearls would be extinct soon but "they signed an accord" is not optimism! OPTIMISM WOULD BE SAYING "WE DO NOT NEED TO IMPORT EXTINCT SPECIES, which are excessively polluting to get here, taking away jobs from tahiti, and feeding the machine of materialism" Someone who understands the aims and how to fulfill them would know to stop wearing makeup and dying their hair. Regardless of their right to do so, it should be, as i said, part of their ideology.
+Raphaël Vartore Yeah, people need to get educated and start consuming consciously. If everybody who cared about future generations knew that animal agriculture's impact on the climate is ~1,5-4 times more destructive than all transprotation globally combined, people would know how to easily make a difference.
Little Napoleon Macron should rather get his country in order because its been now 6 months that the yellow vets are protesting and that cannot be good for the French economy. Yellow vests keep going till he resigns. We salute you all. Pity we cannot be with you.
I wonder if she's feeling cynicism now that the US, the most powerful guy in this agreement that was also paying the highest bill pretty much decided to pull out of this agreement
What can I do to change the world? Believe it possible, firstly. Never give up hope, secondly. Work towards securing our collective interests of self preservation, thirdly. Aim to cooperate with your neighbors whenever they wish to do something which will benefit everyone, fourthly. Make every possible diplomatic gesture to people who refuse to believe they can change the world, fifthly. And lastly, never, ever resign yourself over to failure. We CAN make a difference, if we believe we can do it together! Thank you
Jester 34 Your heart's in the right place, and maybe I'm just that jaded of a person, but as such, despite steadfastly believing your text to be cringey, I am sorry to say so.
Yes, grammar is not one of my strong suits. I'll admit the text is a mouthful of awkwardness. However, the highlight we should all be paying better attention to here is the video. Not the banter down in the comments section.
Jester 34 By way of constructive criticism... your grammar is pretty much faultless-style is another story. The overuse of parallel structure, in such an explicit manner, makes it all seem rather trite; particularly when many of the suggestions are practically synonymous, if not already having a considerable amount of overlap.
Anyone who says green affordable energy and wind and solar power doesn’t know what they are talking about. Nuclear is is the only way forward, for now.
Yeah, a bunch of politicians gathered together, again, to sign some paper work on not polluting and consuming less and cheered when they were done. Now they're heroes.
The U.S. meet its Kyoto CO2 reduction targets without being part of the Kyoto Agreement. The U.S. is on target to meet its Paris CO2 reduction targets without being part of the Paris Agreement. What is the value of UN officials and the UN bureaucracy again?
Of course they decided unanimously. On one hand there's hypothetical funding for them. On the other hand - Agree to tax or be taxed/fined more. Moreover, there's the political liability of not getting onboard. Participation does not correlate to universal interpretation of a theory's data. This issue at the international level will represent a precedent for global taxing authority. It represents one of the final steps for supporters of globalism to place one universal will over sovereign nations. Good speaker. I'd love to see other hypothesis posited for the current global climate/weather/earth changes. It seems like that is now happening due to weakness in the global warming hypothesis and discovery of purposeful aligning of data with political global initiatives for profit and power. Alas, any other theories will be too late. Our taxes will be raised based on the idea of our carbon output and given to the UN. Interesting time to be alive.
Climate Change is NOT a myth it's been proven by all scientists. Also the earth is not flat. In order to be educated you need to be willing to read the peer reviewed research or else don't say anything at all.
@@alphaomega1969 Couldnt disagree more with these two comments. She raised awareness and created profound impact in many of us with this speech. She embodies by watching her what true leadership is about
As I understand the Paris “agreement”, each signatory country does what exactly it wants and was going to do anyway, with British and American taxpayers footing the bill.
Honestly, overwhelmingly thrilled to see all of the comments that call this talk out. I thought my skepticism was a sadly tiny minority. Let's start with "195 governments agreed....". That alone should give you pause. Then let's consider CO2 is PUMPED into greenhouse by professional growers. On purpose! Thus, it will enhance the greening of the earth. (Don't these folks want a "green new deal"?) But climate change alarmists call it "pollution". Complete and utter disconnect from reality, if they can't admit an obvious positive. They call it "global warming" for about 20 years, then change the name to a term that describes what has occurred naturally since the beginning of earth and before man existed "climate change", even though "warming" is entirely their meaning. Why do that? Really, why? One word... Propaganda.
It's a setup. Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum all governments doing this NWO idea using Climate Change and digital government Artificial intelligence. Doomsday clock in new York to reach 1.5°C by 2030. Called UN Agenda 2030. Paris Accords Agreement made by Emmanuel Macron France of the European Union and UN Secretary General Antiono Gutierrez and World Bank. 2023-2030 rapture happens before they can completely implement everything. Temple Mount and 2 state solution. Israel 3rd temple is being built. red Heifers ready to go. Great Tribulation 7 years= COVID-19 Great Reset Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum Climate Change agenda 2030 1.5°C brought about the New World Order.
Christiana Figueres knocked sense into me ever since that speech of the Paris agreement. I've added her to the dictionary Change is the age of Aquarius.
That's nice and all, but its one thing to say you support the environment and a different thing to actually do it. Yes, its true the 195 world leaders got together in Paris to discuss climate change, but they all flew there in their presidential planes, when they got there, they each had their private cars to drive them around the city and each had 2 police cars following them around for security (I'm sure Obama had more). So how can you say you want to change the global warming path we've been taking, when your carbon footprint is off the charts? She mentiones new technologies regarding clean energy, but what about this not so new technology called conference calling? I know its not as fancy as all getting together in beautiful Paris to discuss the problem, to later go on cocktails to drink champagne and pat each other on the back for having signed an agreement, but global warming is not fancy. A more humble approach is probably the way to go.
+seijasb Humility may have its upsides in this case... but the carbon footprint of politicians getting together is so negligible that to mention it at all is ridiculous.
+TheGerogero everything we can do to help the environment as individuals, is negligible. The idea is that every little thing helps, and, as world leaders, they should be setting an example. I'm not saying they should avoid travelling, but its kind of illogical to increase your carbon footprint on the days you are supposed to be debating the negative effects of global warming.
seijasb You get nowhere with that kind of priority-neglecting, totalitarian approach. Besides, there's so much that goes into supporting such a diverse and important event-organizers, translators, media, etc.-that the benefits of physically being in one place and being able to talk face to face is invaluable.
Heating and cooling is a huge contributor to carbon footprint and resulting global warming. Individually make a major contribution to combatting global warming. Go Green Between 13C/55F and 30C/85F - don't heat if your interior space is warmer than 13C/55F, and don't cool if your interior space is cooler than 30C/85F. It's easy. Go about your life as normal, just dress warmer, dress cooler, or dress in layers as conditions warrant. It's what much of the world has been doing all along. We are long past due for the rest of the world to do its part. Go GreenBetween!
I'm sorry nations. This is just too little too late. And I don't care how important this agreement was and how hard it was to accomplish. The biggest businesses still hurt our planet the most. And many of the things that should stop cilmate change get abused by businesses too - for profit. Especially by energy providers.
Do you mind a question olli? Respectfully, how much of your current quality of life would you give up for a better across the board international standard? I've thought about this myself. I can see some great things but I'm not sure it's worth the sovereignty that would have to be given up. It seems the standards are never raised to the highest common denominator but reduced to the lowest. Warmest regards!
If they invested the same time and money into renewable resources they would have a period of economical depression, but they would bounce back stronger because they would have the most advanced systems in the world because they started first.
Hey olli tuovinen... India and china are cutting emissions encouraging solar power and conserving water... Which the governments themselves are encouraging with stipends and tax benefits... Plus india and china are not the major contributors in co2 emissions... Both the nations are agriculture based... If you are counting on number of people breathing in india and china as emissions and not the number of cars, industries and wastes generated you are still not making a point there. compared to the sparely populated rest of the world generating these two highly populated nations are doing better.
I don't think the world needs "relentless optimism into the system". Humanity needs to see the world as it is and it is dying. Decreasing (or even stopping) GHGE's won't prevent catastrophic, runaway Arctic warming. Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is the crucial first step to stop this train wreck. The last time humanity had an intelligent breakthrough in CDR was over 1,000 years ago with terra preta. Current CDR tools would utterly fail against the ravages of an ice-free Arctic Ocean. If half of the world's super-computers were focused on CDR, it may deliver an innovative, original breakthrough to keep complex life on this planet alive.
Also the hypotheses become lacking IF, as some argue, the climate signs depict a nature induced temperature rise, FOLLOWED by the associated CO2 rise, before a slip back into planet cooling - most likely caused by volcanic eruptions and many years of sunless summers; so mass starvation and justifiable mass human migration. Plans for this need to be radically different to those currently on offer - boosting the world's food production in the face of the obvious climate changes being the most important and ORGANISING LEGAL PLANNED mass immigration the next most important. Incidently, what is currently being done, if we cannot stop climate change- WHATEVER THE CAUSE - will cause mass starvation through crop failures and the ensuing civil unrest. Perhaps that is the objective of The World Economic Forum established so long ago by Klaus Schwab, who now boasts that his 'WEF Young Leaders' have "penetrated the cabinets (of the major governments around the world"! Gives one food for thought. Yours, Keith
Check out the dates of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, I believe it was set up in 1971. The globalist agenda runs from about then. Good points made in the TED TALK but the counter arguments is something mentioned in the talk... did you miss it? "Legally binding"! That is to say the end of national sovereignty - globalism, especially if moderated by technology currently being rolled out in China; surveillance, censorship and social and financial credit scores. Perhaps you should look at the forced marriages, imposed selection of work - what, where and when, that makes up the atheistic, Marxist, governance system. After a little study one might revise optimism for a realistic appreciation of agendas and the strategies to achieve goals in leadership and control that one has, as yet, never even conceived of. As a Christian I understand a little of the supposed war between Satan and God - God has already won and wins on earth too... if I were a humanistic Atheist, I would see the small part I play in the greater plans of the privileged, wealthy elitist and deduce that if they want only 500 million humans to run their new ideal utopia, where as George Orwell put it "Some are more equal than oyhrts", 500 million is what they are going to get; so I must now voluntarily check with around ten of my family and friends to decide which one of our group we put forward as the sole survivor, or slowly watch as 8 billion humans die through manipulated food shortages and civil unrest. Look for evidence and signs that genuine people are being fed misinformation from the leadership; so sadly using them as unaware useful-idiots.... if you find this evidence beware, even of unbounded optimism. If not, then join the rush to zero carbon, surveillance and Self censorship - for all our benefit. Best wishes, Keith.
Search “Paris Climate Agreement” and listen to those who have read the agreement and their analysis of this watered downed Agreement Where countries agreed to send in a plan of what they will do by 2030 and 2050 Like China agreed to do less than they had planned to do before the Paris conference.
Improve lives for everyone? Is that what these tiny high-rise apartments in the car-less communities are supposed to be for us? The sovereign decision-making of nations has to go! The UN knows what is best for us! Ha!
At 3:05 she states that impossible is NOT a fact! Scientists may strive to achieve the impossible, but none of their ideas, good or half baked ever make it to the finish line within considerable time and effort put in by the engineers who strive to take it from concept to field-proven reality. A prime example was the US development of the first atomic bomb...... The US military listened to the scientists who said, we must first meet with the engineers to ascertain the feasibility of these options. The engineer's foresight enabled them to advise which of the options were utterly impossible and which might possibly work out. The decision was made to accept the engineer's advice and the projects succeeded..... Such was not the case in Germany nor in Japan...... the government refused to listen to the engineers. We need to make political stupidity a criminal offense and prosecute these fool with the death penalty for all the suffering and death that will otherwise occur to the masses.
Yeah, i remember when they were planned to be banned in Europe (i live in france) because they were dangerous for the environment. That must have been planned for 2013, but as usual Europe isn't as green/lobby-resistant as it is sometimes famed to be.
Well, I see it didn't take the climate change deniers long to catch on and start spouting their ramblings. Luckily for the rest of us, we dont have to care, we'll just go ahead and solve the problem, take care all!
Most who express a concern over climate change know climate change IS happening but do not attribute it to the effects of CO2. Primarily this is because research shows the world's climate temperature rises due to solar-system natural effects, this graphical rise is FOLLOWED by a rise in CO2 levels. However, the concern other 'deniers' have is based on the chosen actions of those who state they are fully behind anthropogenic climate change, BUT sadly - knowingly or unknowingly - do not allow for the eventuality of NOT being able to stop climate change, this situation could occur if the climate change IS man-made OR if energies outside of our control ARE causing a natural cycle. IF we can't stop climate change ALL - and I mean all - our efforts need to go towards boosting worldwide food production, along with its distribution as well as facilitating legal immigration away from areas that no longer have viable food security or viable living; due to temperature rises or temperature falls. The next priority is to move much of the housing and shopping and manufacturing underground in borderline environments, as has been done to lesser extent in both desert - hot - and frosty - cold - places. This insures against either future scenario, neither of which can be faced by much of the population, come heat or cold. Since the above is NOT being done, but what I would call futile efforts to tweet the climate are absorbing all our efforts, which in reality will only be available to the few that survive the unservivable, I conclude my or your survival is not top of the agenda of any globalist elitists, if of course any such breed can be found :-(
She gives a speech for globalism against nationalism. -- We are told in the media that Paris Climate Agreement is "non-binding", but she emphasizes that parts are "legally binding". Well, now there is Trump and all bets are off for awhile.
i challenge her version of what happened at Copenhagen 2009. of course, inside these American borders, we didn't get the news, but the rest of the world was incredulous at what happened. Every major nation was ready to sign a binding agreement on their country's commitment to carbon reduction over a clearly stated time. the united states threw a tantrum and blew the whole thing off claiming that a promise ought to be sufficient. But then we would only promise something that essentially added up to nothing, and at that point the ehole thing virtually disintegrated due to the disunity sown by our country. wonder why? does the word PETRO DOLLAR mean anything to anyone who actually benefits from it? from there echoes an old idea we Americans used to see as having real significance in the business/political landscape, and that idea was commonly referred to as "conflict of interests." our government is two-faced. it claims to want to lead the world on climate action, yet in reality blocks any movement in that direction, both at home and abroad because our entire economic well being depends on the petro industry expanding until there is no more oil, and then, as obama says, the united states will move into a carbon reduced future. thats what he really means.
Good points, but the counter arguments is something mentioned in the talk... did you miss it? "Legally binding"! That is to say the end of national sovereignty - globalism, especially if moderated by technology currently being rolled out in China; surveillance, censorship and social and financial credit scores. Perhaps you should look at the forced marriages, imposed selection of work - what, where and when, that makes up the atheistic, Marxist, governance system. After a little study one might revise optimism for a realistic appreciation of agendas and the strategies to achieve goals in leadership and control that one has, as yet, never even conceived of. As a Christian I understand a little of the supposed war between Satan and God - God has already won and wins on earth too... if I were a humanistic Atheist, I would see the small part I play in the greater plans of the privileged, wealthy elitist and deduce that if they want only 500 million humans to run their new ideal utopia, where as George Orwell put it "Some are more equal than oyhrts", 500 million is what they are going to get; so I must now voluntarily check with around ten of my family and friends to decide which one of our group we put forward as the sole survivor, or slowly watch as 8 billion humans die through manipulated food shortages and civil unrest. Look for evidence and signs that genuine people are being fed misinformation from the leadership; so sadly using them as unaware useful-idiots.... if you find this evidence beware, even of unbounded optimism. If not, then join the rush to zero carbon, surveillance and Self censorship - for all our benefit. Best wishes, Keith.
Rich people can't empathize with poor people. They're just in two entire different worlds. Rich people feel guilty for their life-style so EVERYBODY has to pay. The irony is that we think we can solve this with pumping money into this. Where is it going to end up? Meanwhile money is still an abstract thing and doesn't bring us any closer to nature. It's still personal choices of people whether they fly 10 times per year or don't want any green plant or tree in their garden. Can't force global population to pay for that. They say it's for investments in Bangladesh etc, but they have problems with water management, and lack of leadership in this, not just with climate. If you really believe that our actions increase temperature, we should live more simple, substract things, not add things. No money is needed for that. And why spend billions if of a lot of people don't even have their basic needs met? Which more has to do with power, powerlessness, oppurtunities, right investments at the right places etc. There should be investments made in projects that help women in third world countries out of their powerlessness, so they will give birth to the amount of children which their community can actually support, etc. The power of money only works if it's spend with a purpose and with integrity. Not just blindly pumping it around.
Paris agreement was nothing more than a promise not to punish anyone financially for CO2 emissions and let China who emits more than everyone combined keep building More coal plants until 2030 when it promises to slow down production(unless it changes it's mind since there never was any agreed consequences)
John Stossels video on this topic breaks down just how silly the Accords are, and actual research proves it, these accords do nothing for America and the planet considering we are constantly improving, all those who agree with the accords probably and cant tell you what's in them. This is more of the same old government getting involved in things we didn't ask it to.
@Robbert James Not really. In fact, creating more eco friendly technologies to mitigate climate change creates jobs and profit. It literally helps capitalism. Really the only loser is the oil industry, but oil is running more scarce anyways. It will take years for fossil fuels to regenerate.
The history of the causes of rapid climate change due to humans of the planet is vitally important. The industrial revolution that brought about two world wars is a good start to understand how science can go very bad.
Climate change is like a 100 ton flaming steel train that shoots lightning coming at you at 1 one mile per year, and we're too fat and lazy to get off the tracks.
+Arkadiem "100 ton flaming steel train that shoots lightning" You mean a fraction of a degree temperature change? A change so subtle that it requires averaging thousands of thermometers to even detect? A change that the majority of climate scientists believe is mostly natural? A change like the MWP that was beneficial? Sorry, I'm not scared.
Why do climate change deniers use a fairy tale story to make their rational arguments? I didn't believe that human's are responsible for changing the climate so dramatically either, but then I saw it for myself. Nobody needs to tell you what to believe, you need to find out what to believe. And I put my money on the people that told us that Lead in paint products is bad, despite what the Lead Paint industry lobby said, or the scientists and doctors that bravely confronted the Big Tobacco lobby, and their lies that smoking is supposedly actually good for you. Its nothing new, it has happened for as long as government influence and direction became as tradeable as a stock option. I don't buy this whole propaganda bullshit, my people bought into it 83 years ago, and it ended up in the deaths of millions. So the first thing I do is to do some research on the data and the people that proclaim said data, and what their motives are, what their research methods where, and who is paying them and possibly influencing their message. You cannot argue with the truth, you can deny it, you can smear it, you can do whatever it is you think will plug up the hole, but sooner or later it will prevail. Fewer and fewer people believe the lies and misinformation the Big Coal and Big Oil lobby funds people to say. So George, maybe you will call me names. Maybe you will continue with the petty comparisons I started out with because I simply thought the debate has got to be over by now. But I really sincerely hope not. I would rather have people who are still in denial step aside and let us save the planet, but honestly we can't do it unless everyone is on board with us. iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/11/4/048002
it is good that more countries are showing interest for climate change mitigation and adaptation, but how long do we have to wait for the countries to act. The effort they are putting now don't seem to be adequate to keep the global temperature below 1.5.
3:01 Hang on, Impossible is not a fact, It's an attitude, Itis just an attitude! 13:56 need to reinterpret Zero-sum mentality: As we are trained to believe that there are always winners and losers. You are loss is my gain.
To those that say there is no real content in this TED Talk, you really have no idea of how difficult it is to harmonize the interests of all the countries of the world. She is saying that the environmental diplomacy has taken huge steps in the last years. Before Paris, as she said, even if some governments sat together to try to understand how can they work together on fighting climate-related issues, the most "dangerous" ones didn't even care about participating on those talks as they were too worried on continuing their economic growth which is obviously connected to the environmental issues (countries like the BRIC). Although for some it's "just politics", please try to understand that first of all, having almost all the governments sitting, trying to find a solution, or before that, the reason for the climate change based on scientific facts it's a big step, so please be sensible.
"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”Christiana Figueres
Each Party's successive nationally determined contribution will represent a progression over time. There is never actual enforcement in International Law, so who cares if there are no legally binding targets. This collaborative pledge is better than nothing and a good framework to begin with.
I like her optimism..but it's all too little too late.There is no way we have enough time to slow down let alone stop the critical mass point that we have no doubt already passed.. There is a huge lesson for the human race here and it is becoming more apparent daily.There is no way to quick fix a flawed system - our skewed system of constant growth or so called progress..there is no such thing.All we have done as a species is create technologies that have alienated us from the bedrock of our environmental source and that have put us on a disastrous path to our own destruction and extinction.The global and 'concerned' governments(note that none of them are mentioned by her)are simply giving lip service in order to continue doing what they have always done..make more profits for their shareholders and benefactors(the invisible 1% that hold more than 50% of the global economic wealth)and at the same time line their own pockets through those corrupt connections.
"i had no idea how to solve this problem." No specific goals, no specific vision, but we need lots of money and lots of change and no specific way to measure the results. ...money please! The perfect democratic passion.
Hindi mo po ba nakita ang pagbuka ng lupa dahil sa pagka tuyo, sanhi ng pagkaubos ng mga puno sa buong mundo, at ang pagkatunaw ng gabundok na yelo sanhi ng matinding init ng araw, nanaisin po ba nating maganap ang isang lindol na wawasak sa buong mundo, ang the big one ay hindi natin maiiwasan kung hindi tayo kikilos ng masmaaga, nasusulat ito sa bible, na isng lindol na malakas ang magaganap sa buong mundo, at walang bansang makatutulong sa kapuwa bansa sapagkat kung maganap ito ang lahat ay lugmok, sinong tutulong kung ang lahat ay lugmok, ang lahat ng ito ay balanse. Salamat po kaibigan.
"Unlike its predecessor, the Kyoto Protocol, which sets commitment targets that have legal force, the Paris Agreement, with its emphasis on consensus-building, allows for voluntary and nationally determined targets. The specific climate goals are thus politically encouraged, rather than legally bound." (Source: Wikipedia) .... Remarkable achievement?! Really?! Getting all the parties to agree on something that is not legally binding? I could be in charge of such "climate talks" without being a negotiation expert. A load of wishy-washy stuff in this talk with only a few key points I agree with.
+saltnlightful You do realize that modern engine design ans use of composites have improved fuel efficiency by almost 25% (avg.) in 20 years? For U.S. airlines, domestic flights now average 0.54 aircraft-mile per gallon of jet fuel (0.23 kilometer per liter), an increase of more than 40 percent since 2000. There's also been progress for the heavier jets on international flights: a 17 percent improvement to 0.27 mpg (0.12 km/l.) news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2013/04/130423-reshaping-flight-for-fuel-efficiency/
+saltnlightful What's also surprising is that the global airline industry is largely free of tax too, making other forms of transportation less competitive: books.google.co.uk/books?id=erFDNidxIPYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+Solar+Economy+Scheer&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22The%20decision%20to%20accord%20tax-exempt%20status%22&f=false
Simple. Without assistance for the airline industry. You would need a network of 200 Km/H trains to go medium distences & 300-350 Km/H trains to cross countries. For the longest & busiest routes build 500 km/h maglevs. No can do though. Governments have only got debt. Trillions of $ rising debt.
*"I'm the FIRST ONE to recognize that there is still work to do" regarding climate change.....only an Egotist would think OR say that.... I'm sure many others including humble me (knowbody) thought that too. By No Way are you the First to think or recognize such, although, I commend you for your work and efforts.
A better life for everyone? Promises , promises. How will we achieve this? Why by giving government more power and authority, of course! By implementing their plan for us, humm.
Less than 3/10ths of 1 degree at the cost of $100 trillion isn't very impressive. Even those who signed on said it didn't do anything when called out on the facts. Wanna help the planet? We need MORE co2.
A great feel good and pat myself on the back for all my accomplishments vid. In reality it is an agreement that will have almost zero effect. The path forward is technology based not political. It is almost a certainty that the market will deliver a solution.
I've been wanting to learn about climate change. I finally thought that a Ted speech on climate change would give me an understanding about climate change. but all I got out of it is a woman with a sales pitch explaining how she came about creating her sales plan for climate change. After watching the video I still don't understand climate change. I don't know how and becomes a problem of completion with only two Nations out of 190 that are not in it is a problem. Why can't 188 Nations do it without the other two Nations. why does it take two more Nations to get this this rolling. It seems to be that it's not about how many nations join the climate Accord. It seems to me that this whole idea needs an investor and someone to be the sucker and implement the money for the whole project. As I try to learn more about this it seems to me like a pyramid scam where they take from one rich country and give to one poor country. Well Joe Biden is president now and he will sign the Paris Accord so I guess it will start rolling I just wonder how much more money America will borrow from European bankers to make this happen and at the end the American taxpayers will foot the bill. This is what America gets for bailing out Europe and sacrificing all the young men soldiers that died for Europe when the Nazis were going to take it all. This is how the Europeans repay us with a worldwide pyramid scam that will bankrupt America.
A lot of words, but not much content or real information. This seems to be happening a lot with TED talks lately. Bland, wishy-washy talks which are largely devoid of any interesting and/or challenging information. Packed full of clichés ("we must do this together", "real progress requires change", "we have to think outside the box" etc etc), but not really giving us any real information.
I miss the old TED talks which used to be much more data based, with facts, figures, demonstrations etc. Occasionally I still see them, but too much people talking for a long time about not much.
the real heroes are obviously the engineers which made the technology competitive and unstoppable not fancy cliches which she represents. However, as usual, these heroes remain unsung..
Jonny Marshall truth is far more bitter then it looks my friend in this topic of the climate change!!!
Jonny Marshall Agreed
Yep! You got that right!
TED specializes in banal trivia of PC kind
This was a great speech! I have been following the Climate talks for a while and it's nice to get an insider's perspective (with an informed opinion) on the matter. Seeing some huge steps forward from many countries around the world, like Peru giving solar power to 2 million of it's poorest citizens! The quality of life for many people is going to drastically improve.
Honestly though the people who have the audacity to shrug off climate change, or unbelievably regurgitate half-baked negative rhetoric and slander without making even a bare minimal effort to look into climate change and forming their _own_ opinions, while literally millions are starving, dying from extreme natural disasters, and pollution and then use this as an excuse to dismiss/not worrying about climate change is the _epitome_ of hypocritical.
REGARDLESS of whether you believe in climate change, renewable resources and lifestyles give people self-sufficiency and a degree of independence and security from the government and these corporations. Particularly in Australia for many living in remote communities we NEED renewable resources, not only so people can more easily access food, power and water, but so they don't choke under the extreme costs for access to these basic needs (which, hey, are only going to increase when these resources become more scarce). Renewable resources REDUCE the cost and IMPROVE living while giving people their own platform to stand on and have an actual say about their future.
She's a great speaker, but I think it would have been good to list some examples of nations doing their part. She says they're all doing their part, but I'm not aware of what exactly is being done.
+tonbonthemon Most likely a lot of talk, while all the data show a worsening trend.
Professor Al Bartlett on the subject: th-cam.com/video/O133ppiVnWY/w-d-xo.html
***** Being negative isn't easy, you know. It's quite a dis-ease. But being positive with a weak basis is also fraught with difficulty as well - imagine how bad it would feel to find out it's all a lie. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying it's all a lie. We really did come to an agreement in Copenhagen. I know there are certain things being done to improve the climate, but every time she said lots and lots of great things were being done, I was disappointed (as a rather uninformed individual) to hear her not give specific examples to back up her incredibly positive claims.
tonbonthemon Politics based on populism does not always yield results that are great for the general population. The main objective is to generate clout for the politicians, such as the speaker in this video. It is about appearing to be doing great things, by spellbinding people with stories that make them feel things. If they are lucky, they get a lot of money and/or power (same thing) for talking more, in the future. Hillary Clinton and Obama are good examples of coat turning career politicians as well, for example. Trump is the more honest fascist, like Mr Hitler himself, basing his politics on agressive bullshit, which feeds the rage of the masses, as a simple shortcut to power.
well, you should do your own research but here is what I think. It is an historic event that has only happened 1-2 times in our history. All these countries got together and signed a treaty to acknowledge climate change. The fact that they got China, Russia, India and the US to sign is actually pretty historic. Now, as for what it does, or better yet, what it forces everyone to do, is nothing. That's right, there are no penalties for not abiding by this treaty. To make it even less stellar is that it lets every country decide on their own what they plan to do to "do their part" of the treaty. Now, china and india said they would close coal mines and other mineral mines that are toxic for the environment but both of them said they wouldn't do it for something like 10-15 years (your going to have to look it up, I don't remember the exact dates) They funny part is that the treaty ends in 2030 and I believe one of these countries "Plan" doesn't start until after 2030...it was basically their way to participate in the treaty, get all the good karma without actually doing anything for the climate. On the flip side, don't worry about the 100 Trillion dollar number they keep throwing around, that is future money that could have been made between now and 2030 if we didn't do what the treaty wants us to do (Again, each country decides what they will do, they aren't forced to do anything). The Paris accords were important in atleast getting all those countries to sign a paper, but in reality, very little is actually done and most of it is for show. I don't agree that the US pulled out but really, us being in or out has no impact on the climate cause we didn't actually have a plan , as part of the treaty, to reach the US lofty goal of 23% reduction in carbon emissions.....which will already happen due to getting off oil and moving to solar , wind and battery.
Exactly, the fact that you have this many nations agreeing to a common goal is historic. And for all the skeptics, it's great to be critical to fix flaws in this agreement, but just assume for a minute that you could be wrong, just assume that the ice caps melting raising sea levels, weather patterns changing, green energy a possible solution (and unless you're psychic you can't assume that neither side is right/wrong), but just imagine that the vast majority of the scientific community is actually right on this, but we go down you're road and do nothing. What is the price to pay then?
Very general presentation and probably to some - motivational, but no facts or real details on what is exactly being done.
@Aleksandrs Vabelis it's easy to say money will save the planet but what steps are being taken? Ok, we've established the problem now where's the solution. Alot of talk and no idea on where the money is going. No more facts just solutions before I commit.
Just a lot of money will be "pumped" into this thing... Won't end up where its needed
Exactly man, no information about how the money is gonna be used and didn't even mentioned the cost and what it promises to bring😑.
the facts, the real details and all, would've extended the talk to a 6 to 8-hour seminar series.
One of the rare videos that indicate the rigorous processes of obtaining consensus on a very large scale. One can read about the terms of the Paris Conference anywhere but finding such optimistic stories is not so easy. :)
A lot of the comments below misunderstand that behind every human action there is a motivation. If we cannot motivate people to act to stop climate change then NO PROGRESS will be made - regardless of the money, numbers, tech, facts etc. First comes hope, optimism and can do spirit - then the rest follows.
Exactly. Some people can't take this simple foundational truth but look for the end result 😂
Christina como mujer costarricense le estoy agradecida. Más allá del éxito en este proyecto , por el ejemplo de su actitud retadoramente positiva. Ver su video, es ver caer en pedazos los roles femeninos llenos de estigmas sociales que de a poco vamos dejando atrás en este pedacito de tierra llamado Costa Rica. Es usted ejemplo de lucha pacífica.
Paris was just greenwashing.... Things that need to change are ideology about climate and the way we consume. Not "legally binding" contracts. those contracts allow the consumers to carry on living as they live today, just buying different products and allowing the companies to make their choices solely looking at their profits.
That jeweller who said the pearls would be extinct soon but "they signed an accord" is not optimism! OPTIMISM WOULD BE SAYING "WE DO NOT NEED TO IMPORT EXTINCT SPECIES, which are excessively polluting to get here, taking away jobs from tahiti, and feeding the machine of materialism"
Someone who understands the aims and how to fulfill them would know to stop wearing makeup and dying their hair. Regardless of their right to do so, it should be, as i said, part of their ideology.
+Raphaël Vartore Yeah, people need to get educated and start consuming consciously. If everybody who cared about future generations knew that animal agriculture's impact on the climate is ~1,5-4 times more destructive than all transprotation globally combined, people would know how to easily make a difference.
Little Napoleon Macron should rather get his country in order because its been now 6 months that the yellow vets are protesting and that cannot be good for the French economy. Yellow vests keep going till he resigns. We salute you all. Pity we cannot be with you.
Most of those plans, mainly from developing countries, were not based on their national interest. They were forced to develop those plans.
It's like a kindergarten lecture. Who agreed to what? Find out who took and who gave all and you'll feel differently.
I wonder if she's feeling cynicism now that the US, the most powerful guy in this agreement that was also paying the highest bill pretty much decided to pull out of this agreement
yeah ... the bill goes to America ....
She continued with anti-cynicism actually.
Im from the future. The US is back, and global cooperation is our only way out from the climate crisis
frankly nobody could have expected Trump
What can I do to change the world? Believe it possible, firstly. Never give up hope, secondly. Work towards securing our collective interests of self preservation, thirdly. Aim to cooperate with your neighbors whenever they wish to do something which will benefit everyone, fourthly. Make every possible diplomatic gesture to people who refuse to believe they can change the world, fifthly. And lastly, never, ever resign yourself over to failure.
We CAN make a difference, if we believe we can do it together!
Thank you
+Jester 34 Jesus, the cringe.
Jester 34 Your heart's in the right place, and maybe I'm just that jaded of a person, but as such, despite steadfastly believing your text to be cringey, I am sorry to say so.
Yes, grammar is not one of my strong suits. I'll admit the text is a mouthful of awkwardness. However, the highlight we should all be paying better attention to here is the video. Not the banter down in the comments section.
Jester 34 By way of constructive criticism... your grammar is pretty much faultless-style is another story. The overuse of parallel structure, in such an explicit manner, makes it all seem rather trite; particularly when many of the suggestions are practically synonymous, if not already having a considerable amount of overlap.
Anyone who says green affordable energy and wind and solar power doesn’t know what they are talking about. Nuclear is is the only way forward, for now.
Yeah, a bunch of politicians gathered together, again, to sign some paper work on not polluting and consuming less and cheered when they were done. Now they're heroes.
But " this year will go down in history!" Of course it will. So sad to think about
+Raphaël Vartore Eventually there will be no historical records left, so it is only a temporary problem, from most perspectives.
fucking bunch of wankers, low life thieves and who wil pay for rthis bullshit....us.
The U.S. meet its Kyoto CO2 reduction targets without being part of the Kyoto Agreement. The U.S. is on target to meet its Paris CO2 reduction targets without being part of the Paris Agreement. What is the value of UN officials and the UN bureaucracy again?
Of course they decided unanimously. On one hand there's hypothetical funding for them. On the other hand - Agree to tax or be taxed/fined more. Moreover, there's the political liability of not getting onboard. Participation does not correlate to universal interpretation of a theory's data. This issue at the international level will represent a precedent for global taxing authority. It represents one of the final steps for supporters of globalism to place one universal will over sovereign nations. Good speaker. I'd love to see other hypothesis posited for the current global climate/weather/earth changes. It seems like that is now happening due to weakness in the global warming hypothesis and discovery of purposeful aligning of data with political global initiatives for profit and power. Alas, any other theories will be too late. Our taxes will be raised based on the idea of our carbon output and given to the UN. Interesting time to be alive.
Climate Change is NOT a myth it's been proven by all scientists. Also the earth is not flat. In order to be educated you need to be willing to read the peer reviewed research or else don't say anything at all.
Fairly meaningless presentation, seems more like a self-promotion.
Yes, you are right... i was hopping to know what the agreement is
@@alphaomega1969 Couldnt disagree more with these two comments. She raised awareness and created profound impact in many of us with this speech. She embodies by watching her what true leadership is about
As I understand the Paris “agreement”, each signatory country does what exactly it wants and was going to do anyway, with British and American taxpayers footing the bill.
100% right
can anyone recommend a video with a more granular explanation? all videos I see are a bunch of generalizations
Honestly, overwhelmingly thrilled to see all of the comments that call this talk out. I thought my skepticism was a sadly tiny minority. Let's start with "195 governments agreed....". That alone should give you pause. Then let's consider CO2 is PUMPED into greenhouse by professional growers. On purpose! Thus, it will enhance the greening of the earth. (Don't these folks want a "green new deal"?) But climate change alarmists call it "pollution". Complete and utter disconnect from reality, if they can't admit an obvious positive. They call it "global warming" for about 20 years, then change the name to a term that describes what has occurred naturally since the beginning of earth and before man existed "climate change", even though "warming" is entirely their meaning. Why do that? Really, why? One word... Propaganda.
Paris Climate Agreement will not measurably impact climate change and empty the banks of those who participate.
That's a fact man, President Trump was right when he took the united states off the paris agreement.
It's a setup. Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum all governments doing this NWO idea using Climate Change and digital government Artificial intelligence. Doomsday clock in new York to reach 1.5°C by 2030. Called UN Agenda 2030. Paris Accords Agreement made by Emmanuel Macron France of the European Union and UN Secretary General Antiono Gutierrez and World Bank. 2023-2030 rapture happens before they can completely implement everything. Temple Mount and 2 state solution. Israel 3rd temple is being built. red Heifers ready to go. Great Tribulation 7 years= COVID-19 Great Reset Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum Climate Change agenda 2030 1.5°C brought about the New World Order.
I am from the United Nations. And we are here to help.
Christiana Figueres knocked sense into me ever since that speech of the Paris agreement. I've added her to the dictionary Change is the age of Aquarius.
What's the % of co2 in the atmosphere ?
Any idea ?
Co2 is used to put fires out....
This woman looks like Patrick Swayzie....
That's nice and all, but its one thing to say you support the environment and a different thing to actually do it.
Yes, its true the 195 world leaders got together in Paris to discuss climate change, but they all flew there in their presidential planes, when they got there, they each had their private cars to drive them around the city and each had 2 police cars following them around for security (I'm sure Obama had more). So how can you say you want to change the global warming path we've been taking, when your carbon footprint is off the charts?
She mentiones new technologies regarding clean energy, but what about this not so new technology called conference calling? I know its not as fancy as all getting together in beautiful Paris to discuss the problem, to later go on cocktails to drink champagne and pat each other on the back for having signed an agreement, but global warming is not fancy. A more humble approach is probably the way to go.
+seijasb Humility may have its upsides in this case... but the carbon footprint of politicians getting together is so negligible that to mention it at all is ridiculous.
+TheGerogero everything we can do to help the environment as individuals, is negligible. The idea is that every little thing helps, and, as world leaders, they should be setting an example. I'm not saying they should avoid travelling, but its kind of illogical to increase your carbon footprint on the days you are supposed to be debating the negative effects of global warming.
seijasb You get nowhere with that kind of priority-neglecting, totalitarian approach. Besides, there's so much that goes into supporting such a diverse and important event-organizers, translators, media, etc.-that the benefits of physically being in one place and being able to talk face to face is invaluable.
Christiana es mi héroe, mi total admiración para usted! Amo que el centro de todo sea el optimismo.
Trump just opted out of the Paris accord. Now what?
miTTTir get more countries out, and eventually crush Paris and then eventually UN
Facing climate change is a global task. With transformational optimism, together we find an ecological path :)
Heating and cooling is a huge contributor to carbon footprint and resulting global warming. Individually make a major contribution to combatting global warming. Go Green Between 13C/55F and 30C/85F - don't heat if your interior space is warmer than 13C/55F, and don't cool if your interior space is cooler than 30C/85F. It's easy. Go about your life as normal, just dress warmer, dress cooler, or dress in layers as conditions warrant. It's what much of the world has been doing all along. We are long past due for the rest of the world to do its part. Go GreenBetween!
Des clips qui frappent qui droit au coeur nous donnent de l'espoir en l"humanité, CHristiana Figueres gives me faith in humanity in this clip from TED
What a waste of time, I thought this would give some info on what was actually in the agreement, thanks TED
Read her book
I'm sorry nations. This is just too little too late. And I don't care how important this agreement was and how hard it was to accomplish. The biggest businesses still hurt our planet the most. And many of the things that should stop cilmate change get abused by businesses too - for profit. Especially by energy providers.
We can't say it's too late though just from our little worlds. It's not.
Thankfully China and India won't be cutting CO2 emissions for decades. Better for reducing global poverty and lifting living standards.
China and India have to make very large CO2 cuts, and have to develop mainly renewable energies.
Do you mind a question olli? Respectfully, how much of your current quality of life would you give up for a better across the board international standard? I've thought about this myself. I can see some great things but I'm not sure it's worth the sovereignty that would have to be given up. It seems the standards are never raised to the highest common denominator but reduced to the lowest. Warmest regards!
If they invested the same time and money into renewable resources they would have a period of economical depression, but they would bounce back stronger because they would have the most advanced systems in the world because they started first.
Hey olli tuovinen... India and china are cutting emissions encouraging solar power and conserving water... Which the governments themselves are encouraging with stipends and tax benefits... Plus india and china are not the major contributors in co2 emissions... Both the nations are agriculture based... If you are counting on number of people breathing in india and china as emissions and not the number of cars, industries and wastes generated you are still not making a point there. compared to the sparely populated rest of the world generating these two highly populated nations are doing better.
They haven’t signed to the big global policies but they have their own targets, which at the moment is better than what the US is doing
I don't think the world needs "relentless optimism into the system". Humanity needs to see the world as it is and it is dying. Decreasing (or even stopping) GHGE's won't prevent catastrophic, runaway Arctic warming. Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is the crucial first step to stop this train wreck. The last time humanity had an intelligent breakthrough in CDR was over 1,000 years ago with terra preta. Current CDR tools would utterly fail against the ravages of an ice-free Arctic Ocean. If half of the world's super-computers were focused on CDR, it may deliver an innovative, original breakthrough to keep complex life on this planet alive.
Also the hypotheses become lacking IF, as some argue, the climate signs depict a nature induced temperature rise, FOLLOWED by the associated CO2 rise, before a slip back into planet cooling - most likely caused by volcanic eruptions and many years of sunless summers; so mass starvation and justifiable mass human migration.
Plans for this need to be radically different to those currently on offer - boosting the world's food production in the face of the obvious climate changes being the most important and ORGANISING LEGAL PLANNED mass immigration the next most important.
Incidently, what is currently being done, if we cannot stop climate change- WHATEVER THE CAUSE - will cause mass starvation through crop failures and the ensuing civil unrest. Perhaps that is the objective of The World Economic Forum established so long ago by Klaus Schwab, who now boasts that his 'WEF Young Leaders' have "penetrated the cabinets (of the major governments around the world"!
Gives one food for thought.
I didn't know they started these negotiations since 1992. That's 24 years of agreements to do something about climate change.
Sunday law is coming, the mark of the beast. th-cam.com/video/29g4KQz3MOs/w-d-xo.html
Oi Simon
Check out the dates of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, I believe it was set up in 1971. The globalist agenda runs from about then.
Good points made in the TED TALK but the counter arguments is something mentioned in the talk... did you miss it?
"Legally binding"!
That is to say the end of national sovereignty - globalism, especially if moderated by technology currently being rolled out in China; surveillance, censorship and social and financial credit scores. Perhaps you should look at the forced marriages, imposed selection of work - what, where and when, that makes up the atheistic, Marxist, governance system.
After a little study one might revise optimism for a realistic appreciation of agendas and the strategies to achieve goals in leadership and control that one has, as yet, never even conceived of. As a Christian I understand a little of the supposed war between Satan and God - God has already won and wins on earth too... if I were a humanistic Atheist, I would see the small part I play in the greater plans of the privileged, wealthy elitist and deduce that if they want only 500 million humans to run their new ideal utopia, where as George Orwell put it "Some are more equal than oyhrts", 500 million is what they are going to get; so I must now voluntarily check with around ten of my family and friends to decide which one of our group we put forward as the sole survivor, or slowly watch as 8 billion humans die through manipulated food shortages and civil unrest. Look for evidence and signs that genuine people are being fed misinformation from the leadership; so sadly using them as unaware useful-idiots.... if you find this evidence beware, even of unbounded optimism. If not, then join the rush to zero carbon, surveillance and Self censorship - for all our benefit.
Best wishes,
Search “Paris Climate Agreement” and listen to those who have read the agreement and their analysis of this watered downed Agreement
Where countries agreed to send in a plan of what they will do by 2030 and 2050
Like China agreed to do less than they had planned to do before the Paris conference.
Improve lives for everyone? Is that what these tiny high-rise apartments in the car-less communities are supposed to be for us? The sovereign decision-making of nations has to go! The UN knows what is best for us! Ha!
At 3:05 she states that impossible is NOT a fact! Scientists may strive to achieve the impossible, but none of their ideas, good or half baked ever make it to the finish line within considerable time and effort put in by the engineers who strive to take it from concept to field-proven reality.
A prime example was the US development of the first atomic bomb...... The US military listened to the scientists who said, we must first meet with the engineers to ascertain the feasibility of these options. The engineer's foresight enabled them to advise which of the options were utterly impossible and which might possibly work out. The decision was made to accept the engineer's advice and the projects succeeded.....
Such was not the case in Germany nor in Japan...... the government refused to listen to the engineers. We need to make political stupidity a criminal offense and prosecute these fool with the death penalty for all the suffering and death that will otherwise occur to the masses.
when she said "impossible is not a fact, but an attitude", i gave my thumb up
I don’t have thumbs. Insensitive >:(
Basically the us dumps tons of cash and china keeps dumping trash and pollution
you mislead from second 39. governments did not "decide", they just made a non-binding PR statement.
CO2 this, CO2 that. Did we got rid of fluorochlorinated hydrocarbons yet? Remember the ozone hole?
Yes we did. And the ozone hole is half closed.
Yeah, i remember when they were planned to be banned in Europe (i live in france) because they were dangerous for the environment. That must have been planned for 2013, but as usual Europe isn't as green/lobby-resistant as it is sometimes famed to be.
The ozone opens and closes all the time.
Well, I see it didn't take the climate change deniers long to catch on and start spouting their ramblings. Luckily for the rest of us, we dont have to care, we'll just go ahead and solve the problem, take care all!
Go us !!
Hopefully you can make something better than the COP21... which was just a joke.
I don't deny climate changes IDIOT!. It's cooling.
Most who express a concern over climate change know climate change IS happening but do not attribute it to the effects of CO2.
Primarily this is because research shows the world's climate temperature rises due to solar-system natural effects, this graphical rise is FOLLOWED by a rise in CO2 levels.
However, the concern other 'deniers' have is based on the chosen actions of those who state they are fully behind anthropogenic climate change, BUT sadly - knowingly or unknowingly - do not allow for the eventuality of NOT being able to stop climate change, this situation could occur if the climate change IS man-made OR if energies outside of our control ARE causing a natural cycle.
IF we can't stop climate change ALL - and I mean all - our efforts need to go towards boosting worldwide food production, along with its distribution as well as facilitating legal immigration away from areas that no longer have viable food security or viable living; due to temperature rises or temperature falls.
The next priority is to move much of the housing and shopping and manufacturing underground in borderline environments, as has been done to lesser extent in both desert - hot - and frosty - cold - places. This insures against either future scenario, neither of which can be faced by much of the population, come heat or cold.
Since the above is NOT being done, but what I would call futile efforts to tweet the climate are absorbing all our efforts, which in reality will only be available to the few that survive the unservivable, I conclude my or your survival is not top of the agenda of any globalist elitists, if of course any such breed can be found :-(
She gives a speech for globalism against nationalism. -- We are told in the media that Paris Climate Agreement is "non-binding", but she emphasizes that parts are "legally binding". Well, now there is Trump and all bets are off for awhile.
Everyone needs to watch “The Paris Climate Agreement Won't Change the Climate" and get some actual stats and details on this agreement.
i challenge her version of what happened at Copenhagen 2009. of course, inside these American borders, we didn't get the news, but the rest of the world was incredulous at what happened. Every major nation was ready to sign a binding agreement on their country's commitment to carbon reduction over a clearly stated time. the united states threw a tantrum and blew the whole thing off claiming that a promise ought to be sufficient. But then we would only promise something that essentially added up to nothing, and at that point the ehole thing virtually disintegrated due to the disunity sown by our country. wonder why?
does the word PETRO DOLLAR mean anything to anyone who actually benefits from it? from there echoes an old idea we Americans used to see as having real significance in the business/political landscape, and that idea was commonly referred to as "conflict of interests." our government is two-faced. it claims to want to lead the world on climate action, yet in reality blocks any movement in that direction, both at home and abroad because our entire economic well being depends on the petro industry expanding until there is no more oil, and then, as obama says, the united states will move into a carbon reduced future. thats what he really means.
Good points, but the counter arguments is something mentioned in the talk... did you miss it?
"Legally binding"!
That is to say the end of national sovereignty - globalism, especially if moderated by technology currently being rolled out in China; surveillance, censorship and social and financial credit scores. Perhaps you should look at the forced marriages, imposed selection of work - what, where and when, that makes up the atheistic, Marxist, governance system.
After a little study one might revise optimism for a realistic appreciation of agendas and the strategies to achieve goals in leadership and control that one has, as yet, never even conceived of. As a Christian I understand a little of the supposed war between Satan and God - God has already won and wins on earth too... if I were a humanistic Atheist, I would see the small part I play in the greater plans of the privileged, wealthy elitist and deduce that if they want only 500 million humans to run their new ideal utopia, where as George Orwell put it "Some are more equal than oyhrts", 500 million is what they are going to get; so I must now voluntarily check with around ten of my family and friends to decide which one of our group we put forward as the sole survivor, or slowly watch as 8 billion humans die through manipulated food shortages and civil unrest. Look for evidence and signs that genuine people are being fed misinformation from the leadership; so sadly using them as unaware useful-idiots.... if you find this evidence beware, even of unbounded optimism. If not, then join the rush to zero carbon, surveillance and Self censorship - for all our benefit.
Best wishes,
She "stubbornly, relentessly injected optimism into the system," at ~5:00 . . .
The Paris climate agreement is not a deal, as Donald Trump says, it is an agreement.
Its so true that the negative attitude on climate change is the only thing stopping us as people from changing the issues at hand.
Rich people can't empathize with poor people. They're just in two entire different worlds. Rich people feel guilty for their life-style so EVERYBODY has to pay. The irony is that we think we can solve this with pumping money into this. Where is it going to end up? Meanwhile money is still an abstract thing and doesn't bring us any closer to nature. It's still personal choices of people whether they fly 10 times per year or don't want any green plant or tree in their garden. Can't force global population to pay for that. They say it's for investments in Bangladesh etc, but they have problems with water management, and lack of leadership in this, not just with climate. If you really believe that our actions increase temperature, we should live more simple, substract things, not add things. No money is needed for that. And why spend billions if of a lot of people don't even have their basic needs met? Which more has to do with power, powerlessness, oppurtunities, right investments at the right places etc. There should be investments made in projects that help women in third world countries out of their powerlessness, so they will give birth to the amount of children which their community can actually support, etc. The power of money only works if it's spend with a purpose and with integrity. Not just blindly pumping it around.
Paris agreement was nothing more than a promise not to punish anyone financially for CO2 emissions and let China who emits more than everyone combined keep building More coal plants until 2030 when it promises to slow down production(unless it changes it's mind since there never was any agreed consequences)
What was this talk of this agreement being legally binding? Proponents are saying the opposite.
Just the fact that the United States CANNOT withdraw until Nov 2020 is evidence it has legal teeth.
When I hear someone use the not-so-buzz-anymore word "Solidarity" I check out.
John Stossels video on this topic breaks down just how silly the Accords are, and actual research proves it, these accords do nothing for America and the planet considering we are constantly improving, all those who agree with the accords probably and cant tell you what's in them. This is more of the same old government getting involved in things we didn't ask it to.
They are all cheering the agreement because it involved many countries. The facts are gray and no one can say how we were doing it....
just politics
Right..... So environment = politics?
Science is not politics. Just how human rights isn't politics. However, she should've showed more content about climate change as it is a real threat.
@Robbert James Not really. In fact, creating more eco friendly technologies to mitigate climate change creates jobs and profit. It literally helps capitalism. Really the only loser is the oil industry, but oil is running more scarce anyways. It will take years for fossil fuels to regenerate.
Sunday law is coming, the mark of the beast. th-cam.com/video/29g4KQz3MOs/w-d-xo.html
The history of the causes of rapid climate change due to humans of the planet is vitally important. The industrial revolution that brought about two world wars is a good start to understand how science can go very bad.
Great and hopeful summary of Paris Agreement. Humanity's last and best hope.
quite funny now
Climate change is like a 100 ton flaming steel train that shoots lightning coming at you at 1 one mile per year, and we're too fat and lazy to get off the tracks.
+Arkadiem less of the 'we' it isnt the 'we' choosing the system
"100 ton flaming steel train that shoots lightning" You mean a fraction of a degree temperature change? A change so subtle that it requires averaging thousands of thermometers to even detect? A change that the majority of climate scientists believe is mostly natural? A change like the MWP that was beneficial? Sorry, I'm not scared.
George Applegate You remind me of someone. ( i.ytimg.com/vi/yfAeMtcURg0/hqdefault.jpg )
Why do climate change deniers use a fairy tale story to make their rational arguments?
I didn't believe that human's are responsible for changing the climate so dramatically either, but then I saw it for myself.
Nobody needs to tell you what to believe, you need to find out what to believe.
And I put my money on the people that told us that Lead in paint products is bad, despite what the Lead Paint industry lobby said, or the scientists and doctors that bravely confronted the Big Tobacco lobby, and their lies that smoking is supposedly actually good for you.
Its nothing new, it has happened for as long as government influence and direction became as tradeable as a stock option.
I don't buy this whole propaganda bullshit, my people bought into it 83 years ago, and it ended up in the deaths of millions.
So the first thing I do is to do some research on the data and the people that proclaim said data, and what their motives are, what their research methods where, and who is paying them and possibly influencing their message.
You cannot argue with the truth, you can deny it, you can smear it, you can do whatever it is you think will plug up the hole, but sooner or later it will prevail.
Fewer and fewer people believe the lies and misinformation the Big Coal and Big Oil lobby funds people to say.
So George, maybe you will call me names. Maybe you will continue with the petty comparisons I started out with because I simply thought the debate has got to be over by now.
But I really sincerely hope not.
I would rather have people who are still in denial step aside and let us save the planet, but honestly we can't do it unless everyone is on board with us.
She’s so powerful and smart. Inspiring women in Costa Rica, including myself of course 👏🏻
it is good that more countries are showing interest for climate change mitigation and adaptation, but how long do we have to wait for the countries to act. The effort they are putting now don't seem to be adequate to keep the global temperature below 1.5.
can you please send a link of the academic writing of this talk
I dont know but if there is one i would love to read it
saturday is the sabbath not sunday .sunday is pagan its sun worship
Oh god not another one from Vancouver. Ok, I'll remain open minded and optimistic....
Are there any TED talks given by scientists who do not think there is a problem with increasing CO2?
3:01 Hang on, Impossible is not a fact, It's an attitude, Itis just an attitude!
13:56 need to reinterpret Zero-sum mentality: As we are trained to believe that there are always winners and losers. You are loss is my gain.
To those that say there is no real content in this TED Talk, you really have no idea of how difficult it is to harmonize the interests of all the countries of the world. She is saying that the environmental diplomacy has taken huge steps in the last years. Before Paris, as she said, even if some governments sat together to try to understand how can they work together on fighting climate-related issues, the most "dangerous" ones didn't even care about participating on those talks as they were too worried on continuing their economic growth which is obviously connected to the environmental issues (countries like the BRIC). Although for some it's "just politics", please try to understand that first of all, having almost all the governments sitting, trying to find a solution, or before that, the reason for the climate change based on scientific facts it's a big step, so please be sensible.
Plus they have failed to make any improvements in the last 25 years, at immense cost. Ridiculous.
All they're interested in is Agenda21 and moving everyone into stack and pack cities.
"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”Christiana Figueres
Definitely living in the middle of it right now...
And that quote is why I'm here
Each Party's successive nationally determined contribution will represent a
progression over time. There is never actual enforcement in International Law, so who cares if there are no legally binding targets. This collaborative pledge is better than nothing and a good framework to begin with.
It doesn't matter as long as the United States gets screwed.
"Optimism" is what makes this people think they are in the correct path
what is she talking about when she says they've done it once and they can do it again?
A big scam. follow the money!
I like her optimism..but it's all too little too late.There is no way we have enough time to slow down let alone stop the critical mass point that we have no doubt already passed.. There is a huge lesson for the human race here and it is becoming more apparent daily.There is no way to quick fix a flawed system - our skewed system of constant growth or so called progress..there is no such thing.All we have done as a species is create technologies that have alienated us from the bedrock of our environmental source and that have put us on a disastrous path to our own destruction and extinction.The global and 'concerned' governments(note that none of them are mentioned by her)are simply giving lip service in order to continue doing what they have always done..make more profits for their shareholders and benefactors(the invisible 1% that hold more than 50% of the global economic wealth)and at the same time line their own pockets through those corrupt connections.
"i had no idea how to solve this problem." No specific goals, no specific vision, but we need lots of money and lots of change and no specific way to measure the results. ...money please! The perfect democratic passion.
Hindi mo po ba nakita ang pagbuka ng lupa dahil sa pagka tuyo, sanhi ng pagkaubos ng mga puno sa buong mundo, at ang pagkatunaw ng gabundok na yelo sanhi ng matinding init ng araw, nanaisin po ba nating maganap ang isang lindol na wawasak sa buong mundo, ang the big one ay hindi natin maiiwasan kung hindi tayo kikilos ng masmaaga, nasusulat ito sa bible, na isng lindol na malakas ang magaganap sa buong mundo, at walang bansang makatutulong sa kapuwa bansa sapagkat kung maganap ito ang lahat ay lugmok, sinong tutulong kung ang lahat ay lugmok, ang lahat ng ito ay balanse.
Salamat po kaibigan.
the climate agreement that left out the biggest polluters...
"Unlike its predecessor, the Kyoto Protocol, which sets commitment targets that have legal force, the Paris Agreement, with its emphasis on consensus-building, allows for voluntary and nationally determined targets. The specific climate goals are thus politically encouraged, rather than legally bound." (Source: Wikipedia)
Remarkable achievement?! Really?! Getting all the parties to agree on something that is not legally binding? I could be in charge of such "climate talks" without being a negotiation expert.
A load of wishy-washy stuff in this talk with only a few key points I agree with.
Is it just me or did she fully sweep India's proverbial middle finger under the rug?
la traductrice français est en repos ? The French translater is in pause ?
Well it looks like I'm not the only one who came here to learn about the Paris Accord and haven't found any actual information. 🙄
Fun fact:
Never knew that.
+Huginn & Muninn
The P is silent like in 'Swimming'.
Good to hear your arguments in plain and simple langauge
It amazes me that the auto industry is required to have clean exhaust but planes spew filth everywhere. Why the exemption for planes?
+saltnlightful Basically because physics and our current technology I guess
+saltnlightful You do realize that modern engine design ans use of composites have improved fuel efficiency by almost 25% (avg.) in 20 years?
For U.S. airlines, domestic flights now average 0.54 aircraft-mile per gallon
of jet fuel (0.23 kilometer per liter), an increase of more than 40
percent since 2000. There's also been progress for the heavier jets on
international flights: a 17 percent improvement to 0.27 mpg (0.12 km/l.)
+saltnlightful What's also surprising is that the global airline industry is largely free of tax too, making other forms of transportation less competitive:
Simple. Without assistance for the airline industry. You would need a network of 200 Km/H trains to go medium distences & 300-350 Km/H trains to cross countries.
For the longest & busiest routes build 500 km/h maglevs.
No can do though. Governments have only got debt. Trillions of $ rising debt.
Smooth Criminal
*"I'm the FIRST ONE to recognize that there is still work to do" regarding climate change.....only an Egotist would think OR say that....
I'm sure many others including humble me (knowbody) thought that too. By No Way are you the First to think or recognize such, although, I commend you for your work and efforts.
Love Always - Lana Capric she was good in ghost & roadhouse .
Don't panic Geoengineering is saving the world
It is a good talk but she didn't need 15 min for it.
A better life for everyone? Promises , promises. How will we achieve this? Why by giving government more power and authority, of course! By implementing their plan for us, humm.
And we know pearls can be made artificially too..
So, this is an inside story!!
Wow, congratulations..
Get to the fucking point. The point is that it's only an agreement... not an "achievement"!
you do not expect depopulation for two, you see what you should do. They rule, you
Less than 3/10ths of 1 degree at the cost of $100 trillion isn't very impressive. Even those who signed on said it didn't do anything when called out on the facts. Wanna help the planet? We need MORE co2.
I'm so glad her rich colleagues get to buy their precious pearls. Sure makes it seem like they are in touch with the rest of the world.
A lot of words, a lot of plans, but nothing is really being done until now 2020
Globle climate is still a huge problem and getting worse and worse
A great feel good and pat myself on the back for all my accomplishments vid. In reality it is an agreement that will have almost zero effect. The path forward is technology based not political. It is almost a certainty that the market will deliver a solution.
What a narcissistic soeech. Paris agreement was watered down so much, it means nothing. Just like Baku and cop 28
I've been wanting to learn about climate change. I finally thought that a Ted speech on climate change would give me an understanding about climate change. but all I got out of it is a woman with a sales pitch explaining how she came about creating her sales plan for climate change. After watching the video I still don't understand climate change. I don't know how and becomes a problem of completion with only two Nations out of 190 that are not in it is a problem. Why can't 188 Nations do it without the other two Nations. why does it take two more Nations to get this this rolling. It seems to be that it's not about how many nations join the climate Accord. It seems to me that this whole idea needs an investor and someone to be the sucker and implement the money for the whole project. As I try to learn more about this it seems to me like a pyramid scam where they take from one rich country and give to one poor country. Well Joe Biden is president now and he will sign the Paris Accord so I guess it will start rolling I just wonder how much more money America will borrow from European bankers to make this happen and at the end the American taxpayers will foot the bill. This is what America gets for bailing out Europe and sacrificing all the young men soldiers that died for Europe when the Nazis were going to take it all. This is how the Europeans repay us with a worldwide pyramid scam that will bankrupt America.
Check out Dr. Shiva he explains it's all a scam.
Your economy is a pyramid scheme what are you talking about? The bottom pays all the taxes, the top 1% pay nothing yet get richer.
@@MattWhite-pg2ro Check out NASA showing exactly how it's not a scam.
She's talking rot. 150 countries signed because it's non-binding! Just go to www.sg-climate.com and read "The Paris Agreement is Meaningless".
I thought they said this 20 years ago