@@capkarr you should probably call USSA Amerika, as the rest of the world does since the coup of November, 1963. Look at the GDP, greed, drugs, and perversion, since '63.
The police were in violation of the 14ht Amendment of the United States Constitution. They deprived this family their right to liberty and they threatened their right to life and ceased their property without due process of law.
Also, Amendment 9, Article 6, a violation of Title 18, US Code, Section 242. Update, 1/22/19: Section 242 was changed significantly about 10 days after I notified Feinstein I intended to take legal action if she continued with her unlawful activities. Fortunately, I only cited that law in that Email, and there are other laws she can be charged under. When I found out about S.66 more recently, I sent her 2nd notice, also informing her that I noticed the convenient timing and change in the law I cited before. I let her know there are other laws she can be charged under and her recent antics changed nothing, unless she ceases and desists any and all of her unlawful activity. So, notice 1 and 2 were sent. 3 strikes and she's out...
Nope. There are many people who act contrary to the Constitution, though. If it was scrapped, there'd be war. Double-speak and manipulation of the Constitution and laws to support literally unlawful but abstractly legal actions has been more effective, though.
It's time to get rid of EVERY SINGLE government employee at EVERY LEVEL and start fresh. This shit has gone to far for too long, and there is no other way to fix our system. We have to stop it or we WILL be the next North Korea.
"Voting, if it mattered they wouldn't let you do it." Mark Twain "I you vote you have no right to complain" George Carlin. Need I go on? Father time I believe your willful ignorance is the real thing that is wrong with our country. Not to mention your blatant racism that they want you to have so they can keep us divided and them in power
J Hutch it is all fun and games til the went up the stairs looking down the barrel of a BAR with the trigger depressed just spilling a belt of steel core .30-06 bullets
@@tome8373 They will just hire a few more ex military. If you know for sure they have come to execute you then that would be the right choice otherwise you get the ability to scandalize them afterwards if you let them arrest you. You live to fight another day.
Retired Law Enforcement Officer: Ths IS the exact type of service I would refuse to be a part. This abuse of power. Pure and simple. These are Gestapo Agents you see here
Thanks to laws you enforced "prohibited persons" and like laws, this has become the norm. There is no such thing as a good cop because although you may have refused to take paet,would you have arrested the cops who didnt? Exactly. You were nothing but a state hired thug. And you brag about it. Its sickening.
THANK YOU JOHN STOSSEL!! Thanks for all of your work over these many years. "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
The officers should be charged with breaking the constitution. If there is anything we should have learned in Nuremberg it is that "I was just following orders" is not an adequate excuse to morally and ethically violate other people! The officers should have known better and stood up to their bosses and refused to do what they know is wrong!
I think it’s a bit of a stretch to compare genocide with a search of someone’s home, the police conducting it probably didn’t know why they were searching the house, maybe just a jist
Austin Martín Hernandez I’m sure you would’ve shot at the numerous, heavily armed/ armoured police officers. I don’t think the officers should’ve bust down the door, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have done it. Would you not point your gun at someone who could be potentially violent and kill you?
@@mudzbe8414 these raids were performed against political marketers not traffickers of any kind. They were 100% aware that these people were non-violent. Gestapo tactics plain as day.
"I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God" Anyone acting under orders from superiors who violate this should be imprisoned.
I have sworn that oath, as a firefighter. I understand that oath. Two of my grandson's, have sworn this oath, as police officers. They understand it. Unfortunately, many people, who swear this oath, hear; blah, blah, blah. "I do". And, they have a job, that they will do anything to keep. Those are the one's, you have to fear.
@mobilemodo, isn't this the oath our Congress takes? If not, it should be and all who violate it should be arrested, prosecuted and jailed, at the very least.
@@strangelyukrainian7314 And if the government is already owned by private corporations?? The government is Coca-Cola, Google, Exon, Citi Bank, Apple, McDonald's, Monsanto, etc. That's the government... There are no criminals in jail really; only poor people who can't afford expensive lawyers or buy judges...
@@user-gz4ve8mw9l Agree. Each day I have to remind myself: "Don't empoverish your life trying to make 'moe' money to buy 'moe' useless merchandize". I gotta get out of this cicle of buying on credit-watching TV. I really don't need the new BMW, nor the latest iphone/ipad, nor the largest flat screen. Just a warm jacket for winter, some healthy food, perhaps some good company with whom to have interesting and enriching conversations... Cheers, mate!
I think nothing less than a total clean out is what is in order. From the politicians who voted the illegal law in, to the judges who signed off on the warrants, and yes even the officers who enforced it. All should be removed from position, and banned for life to ever seek positions in government or law or as attorney's ever again. Personally I'd even have them branded so the whole world could see their guilt. But maybe, just maybe that would be going to far. But that is how angry this makes me. Especially that so called public servant who tried to defend it.
Maybe not branded, but wear something that shows they are traitors and cannot be trusted the rest of their lives. But then again, a brand would be effective at not being able to be removed. Maybe a tattoo.
Actually, many of the ow ranking guards weren't tried unless they had proof of extraordinary actions. Just because they were guards at the camps wasn't enough. I doubt few would be in their 80s today. 72 years since the end of the war to be 18 in 1945 you would be 90 now.
I've spoken to law enforcement at different levels, local, state and Federal. I have friends who are police officers and they've told me that the federal agents they work with have a different mentality than them. They are not always very good cops. They are more like naive boyscouts with a badge and a gun who cannot or will not think for themselves. I also have friends friends from the military who didn't get hired at the local and federal level because they "had too much life experience" and were considered too tainted in their viewpoints or they had "too many combat tours overseas" Not making this up. The people they are hiring these days are not people who believe in Freedom like most of those who view these videos. They are looking for "yes men" who will follow orders blindly no matter what. It's pretty scary.
A problem with law enforcement is a lot of people who are power hungry are attracted to those jobs. Not all but some of the people in government and law enforcement are no better than the criminals they are supposed to be protecting the public from.
Thank you, Mr. Stossel for truth in journalism! It's very refreshing, even though it's mostly about government corruption, which is rampant and quite sickening! The American citizens deserve a lot better!
Police do shit like that here. My house was stormed by 6 cops without a warrant who handed my 3 year old to my abusive ex who had lied in court and said it would be appealed in court in a few weeks yet a year and a half later my daughter has been not allowed to see or speak to me. This was because she and I had disclosed abuse and her father has some money and connections. We have compelled hate speech laws in Canada too that silence and oppress people ever hear of Jordan Peterson?
RUBICUNDUS ERATIUDAS Uh no... not outraged at all. It just appeared pretty evident that jumping from this video to calling America fascist is a pretty radical opinion.
@@nerf7674 Well, just by looking at the facts of life in your immediate neighborhood you can tell they are more radical than simply telling the truth about them, don't you think?? I mean: Mental dullness as the norm Obesity rates up the ass (number one in the world) Incarceration rates, the highest in the world Shootings every week perpetrated by kids Narcissism and dogmatism that makes people feel like ex-cathedra experts on all issues Ritalin-loaded children in schools and forced medication everywhere Orwellian surveillance up the ass Suicide rate to brag about Divorce rate that has destroyed family as the foundation of society. Homelessness rates way above those of most third world countries, including Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea Emasculation of men by women, the media, and the law Medical care as a luxury for the few Anger, overreaction, melodrama, and childishness in adults everywhere Student debts impossible to pay, while the rest of the world enjoys free higher education Decaying infrastructure everywhere Entitlement and moral superiority complex to embarrass the cruelest inquisitiors Metoo movements that only show the decadence of an empire Feminists movements that destroy normal communication among humans Gray and leaded tap water in large cities, so you have to drink coke Gender ideology that practically makes child abuse an institutional practice Glorification of violence Highest women mortality rate when delivering a baby, in all the industrialized world Drug use as a way of life like nowhere else in the world Cannibalism Childish police brutality that shoots people on the back Income inequality South-Africa style Forced medication for healthy people just for being unable to adapt to an ill society. Criminalization of normal human behavior News panelists who confuse Nazism with socialism A country owned by corporations A population reduced to merchandize And it’s all steadily getting worse. To top it all, people like you who actually believe saying it like it is is too radical... You probably just escaped from the 20th century, and haven't discovered the U.S. has become Idiocracy, right Nerfy??
+Johnnie Boy I agree with your sentiment; however, when the attack is made by armed SWAT/soldiers, even the above-average home defender will lose. There is power in numbers, but the victims of such atrocities are too often alone and powerless.
That's why you find the pigs in their homes later and it's SCORCHED EARTH!!!! Their familie's blood in on their hands just like the pigs treat everyone else!!!! Send them on to their master in Hell !!!!!
#Cops Suck Yes, that is a good plan, but the filth in government and their partners in crime the media would use this as a way of getting rid of guns just like with all these staged mass shootings. Remember if they can get away with Pearl Harbor and 9/11 they can get away with anything!
Despite all of that abuse of political power, Scott Walker was elected and withstood a recall movement enacted by the same interests that employed these brutal tactics. Must give credit to the people of Wisconsin for not tolerating this crap, in spite of years of being dictated to by liberal Democrats. Hope still lives in the U.S., but we cannot take it for granted.
I'm glad this included the 'no, I don't think so' line around 4 minutes in, even though it doesn't necessarily strengthen your argument. It's a degree of journalistic integrity and intellectual honesty that is desperately lacking in political discourse today.
I only wish the people who commit an offense like this should have their personal information exposed so we can contact them to let them know of our dissatisfaction!
"The Spirit of Liberty manifests itself in people's willingness to get outraged." 5:40....Do this sort of thing to a true patriot and he/she will begin firing at the Gestapo through their own door.... Asking no questions.
Wrong. The Patriot Act requires a warrant from a special court federal judge based on credible persons testimony of probable cause. That is why Loretta Lynch got in trouble looking at Tax Returns of Republican donors. These raids were being done by a Democrat District Attorney with no magistrate or judge signature based on a loose innuendo of an internal audit of government misappropriation. That violates the 4th amendment and that is why Wisconsin Supreme Court had to reverse the practice before the US Supreme Court ordered a reversal and sanctions. Democrats have no regard for the Constitution. HB5717 proves this.
DowskiVision MagicalOracle Killery Clinton’s head is still attached. They have the News Media, Colleges, FBI and Demorat machine of Judges backing them. I think you and I are arguing the same side of the coin.
“They who can give up the essentials of liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, loose both, and deserve neither!” - Paraphrased by me, Original Text - Ben Franklin "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
It gets measurably worse by the year. This is incredibly un-American. I'm old enough to remember when things that are happening today would not have been been permitted half a century ago. Little by little, piece by piece, change by change. They are incrementally disarming the public, conducting and average of 150 pre-dawn SWAT raids every day -- when such raids were authorized less than 50 times a year back in the 40s and 50s. The First and Second Amendments and the Castle Doctrine mean nothing anymore.
JOHN STOSSEL is TRULY a National Treasure! We are fortunate to have this wonderful man in our country holding the government accountable. Because of him, I realized that I too, am a libertarian. Libertarians are the only ones who seem to "get it." Both conservatives AND liberals are different sides of the same coin. Each believe in aggrandizing state power at the expense of individual liberty/freedom. Hopefully, more folks in both political parties will eventually recognize the threat of expanded governmental power. The problem is that when the government becomes tyrannical, the populace has ABSOLUTELY NO RECOURSE! Because BOTH Democrats and Republicans believe they know what's best for EVERYONE, they wish to impose THEIR own views/values on everybody else. Why is it sooooo difficult just to let each person run their own life according to their own wishes???? Sadly, so many corrupt pols just can't stand to see each person running their own life the way THEY wish! Mind your own damned business!
Mr. Stossel, I admire your efforts in exposing this. Even though I don't always agree with your opinions, I treasure the fact that you always offer politically unbiased reporting, you are the integrity's last hope. Regards Rick
@@PatrickBaptist Exactly. You know what they mean when they say it, even though it is technically wrong. The official name of that country is "People's Republic of China". You can extrapolate my point from there.
@@teh_jibbler Not quite the same at all. China is not a continent. My point being is even the Mexican people are technically Americans, as well as Canadians.
As soon as they would tell me not to tell anybody I would immediately think one that is an illegal search , and I would tell everybody who would listen
Freedom of speech and if the government creates a law that is unconstitutional . You have the right to break that law with impunity according to a supreme court ruling .
Politicians who advocate restricting citizen's rights and activities should be required that they surrender their right to remain silent when the public wants answers about their abuse. And they should be charged criminally if they lie to the public.
"Political prosecution". Do We live in North Korea now?
You know what is weird? The development in Europe is exactly the same. Critics are harassed by the state, something unthinkable only a few years ago.
Big government, Democrats and leftist love this.
It's actually worse than North Korea: Jails are now private corporations. Therefore, police are now private employees...
No, but the democrat party is fucking well working on it
if the Democrats win, you won't know the difference.
this is what the KGB did in Soviet Russia
Wesley Hite now kgb does it in Soviet America
Back in the U.S.S.A.
I am starting to think that we America has been hijacked...
@@capkarr you should probably call USSA Amerika, as the rest of the world does since the coup of November, 1963. Look at the GDP, greed, drugs, and perversion, since '63.
This is a abuse of the 1st, 4th, 5th Amendments
Abuse? No, it's a complete disregard of them.
The police were in violation of the 14ht Amendment of the United States Constitution. They deprived this family their right to liberty and they threatened their right to life and ceased their property without due process of law.
Also, Amendment 9, Article 6, a violation of Title 18, US Code, Section 242.
Update, 1/22/19:
Section 242 was changed significantly about 10 days after I notified Feinstein I intended to take legal action if she continued with her unlawful activities. Fortunately, I only cited that law in that Email, and there are other laws she can be charged under. When I found out about S.66 more recently, I sent her 2nd notice, also informing her that I noticed the convenient timing and change in the law I cited before. I let her know there are other laws she can be charged under and her recent antics changed nothing, unless she ceases and desists any and all of her unlawful activity. So, notice 1 and 2 were sent. 3 strikes and she's out...
Nope. There are many people who act contrary to the Constitution, though. If it was scrapped, there'd be war. Double-speak and manipulation of the Constitution and laws to support literally unlawful but abstractly legal actions has been more effective, though.
@@kennynoble1223 "...unlawful but abstractly legal actions..." What?! Unlawful but legal?! It's either unlawful or it's not, can't be both.
"Everyone attacking me is a career government employee...." No. Everyone attacking you is a career criminal.
It's time to get rid of EVERY SINGLE government employee at EVERY LEVEL and start fresh. This shit has gone to far for too long, and there is no other way to fix our system. We have to stop it or we WILL be the next North Korea.
Same thing, just said a different way.
You mean career politician. Synonymous
Difference being?
What's the distinction? These are the people whose paycneck funds are collected through outright theft (a.k.a "taxes" if you prefer euphemisms).
This makes my blood boil.
Do you vote? Or are you as stupid as Colin Kaepernick?
"Voting, if it mattered they wouldn't let you do it." Mark Twain "I you vote you have no right to complain" George Carlin. Need I go on? Father time I believe your willful ignorance is the real thing that is wrong with our country. Not to mention your blatant racism that they want you to have so they can keep us divided and them in power
Agreed. A betrayal of the American society and people.
Ron Helton no, this makes the iron in my blood melt and ooze out of of my mouth, eyes, and wars and then harden into metal on the ground.
The government wanted them silenced, and the SWAT teams wanted the practice.
Horrible folks
J Hutch it is all fun and games til the went up the stairs looking down the barrel of a BAR with the trigger depressed just spilling a belt of steel core .30-06 bullets
@@tome8373 You do realize they would do the exact same thing to you as the ATF under Clinton's AG at WACO.
Kim O'Brien fully trackimg but i can bring two or three with me
@@tome8373 They will just hire a few more ex military. If you know for sure they have come to execute you then that would be the right choice otherwise you get the ability to scandalize them afterwards if you let them arrest you. You live to fight another day.
Never take freedom for granted, guard and protect it.
hopndon hopndon we aren't free at all so there's nothing to take for granted
Yes, death to pigs is the only reasonable response to this evil !!! Then the parasite politicians !!!
None of us are free.
@W B LOL!!! They'll screw you over a thousand times without the need to take your guns, cause they've been doing it all along.
Retired Law Enforcement Officer: Ths IS the exact type of service I would refuse to be a part.
This abuse of power.
Pure and simple.
These are Gestapo Agents you see here
Thank you for being an honest LEO. Hopefully there are more like you out there than the Gestapo police.
It's too bad you retired.
Thanks to laws you enforced "prohibited persons" and like laws, this has become the norm. There is no such thing as a good cop because although you may have refused to take paet,would you have arrested the cops who didnt? Exactly. You were nothing but a state hired thug. And you brag about it. Its sickening.
@Tyler More There are a few doors that need kicking in and yours is one of them.
Tyler More are you in the UK?
That German accent when he says how they only obeyed orders....
@Noah Partic
Not coming. Its been here.
Those were the kind of cops who would gladly march you into an oven.
"...following orders".
What about "following your OATH?"
Altruists. Common good before the individual good
Now that's a wild as exaggeration .
@@bill6732not at all
@@lylecampbell9036 yes it is and only a fool, or a baiter, would say that.
its called terror tactics all should be jailed
Tossed into the abyss.
Damn Democrats
All should be killed.
So true. Someone should be prosecuted over this but you can bet NOTHING happened to these traitors. NOTHING
Thanks for all of your work over these many years.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
Stissel is great 99% of the time..but he is for open boarders.
The officers should be charged with breaking the constitution. If there is anything we should have learned in Nuremberg it is that "I was just following orders" is not an adequate excuse to morally and ethically violate other people! The officers should have known better and stood up to their bosses and refused to do what they know is wrong!
I think it’s a bit of a stretch to compare genocide with a search of someone’s home, the police conducting it probably didn’t know why they were searching the house, maybe just a jist
That's why you need to have an IQ lower than 100 to be hired as a cop these days.
Austin Martín Hernandez I’m sure you would’ve shot at the numerous, heavily armed/ armoured police officers.
I don’t think the officers should’ve bust down the door, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have done it.
Would you not point your gun at someone who could be potentially violent and kill you?
@@mudzbe8414 these raids were performed against political marketers not traffickers of any kind. They were 100% aware that these people were non-violent. Gestapo tactics plain as day.
Try the Siberian gulags and the Bolshevics that ran them!
Even General Patton said we fought the wrong side!
Anericans are brainwashed beyond belief!
John Stossel, you are my hero. Thank you so much for what you do.
One day, he'll be silenced.
@@cindydieball6350 what's that baby
@@cindydieball6350 what's that baby
We the people have lost control of our rights. it doesn't matter who you vote for. the game is rigged. they do whatever they want.
This is why you should vote character. Get to know the actions before you vote.
All that's left is to wait till all the evil people die
The trouble is when ones dies off, there are two more to take their place.
@@jimbobaggans1564 hail hydra
We need a revolution to change it and that's the only way I can imagine actual change
This just tells me to never ever give campaign donations.
And thats exactly what they want.
"I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God" Anyone acting under orders from superiors who violate this should be imprisoned.
I can't agree more!
revolution this way comes.
Unfortunately they lack the ability to comprehend what they speak
I have sworn that oath, as a firefighter. I understand that oath. Two of my grandson's, have sworn this oath, as police officers. They understand it. Unfortunately, many people, who swear this oath, hear; blah, blah, blah. "I do". And, they have a job, that they will do anything to keep. Those are the one's, you have to fear.
@mobilemodo, isn't this the oath our Congress takes? If not, it should be and all who violate it should be arrested, prosecuted and jailed, at the very least.
The 9 Most Terrifying Words in The English language Are
I’m from the Government and I’m here to Help!
40th US President Ronald Reagan
Zenmasterme no, it means “FU”!!!
Wow take away your freedom. Using the police as a Gestapo
It's actually worse than Nazi Germany: Jails are now private corporations. Therefore, police are now private employees...
@@strangelyukrainian7314 And if the government is already owned by private corporations?? The government is Coca-Cola, Google, Exon, Citi Bank, Apple, McDonald's, Monsanto, etc. That's the government... There are no criminals in jail really; only poor people who can't afford expensive lawyers or buy judges...
@@rubicunduseratiudas1264 Exactly this...its the truth how screwed up all of this is, most people don't even begin to comprehend
@@user-gz4ve8mw9l Agree. Each day I have to remind myself: "Don't empoverish your life trying to make 'moe' money to buy 'moe' useless merchandize". I gotta get out of this cicle of buying on credit-watching TV. I really don't need the new BMW, nor the latest iphone/ipad, nor the largest flat screen. Just a warm jacket for winter, some healthy food, perhaps some good company with whom to have interesting and enriching conversations... Cheers, mate!
"I was just following orders" is an admission of guilt and evidence of a lack of remorse.
We must see your papers...
Nazis just wanted to go home to thier families!!!
I think nothing less than a total clean out is what is in order. From the politicians who voted the illegal law in, to the judges who signed off on the warrants, and yes even the officers who enforced it. All should be removed from position, and banned for life to ever seek positions in government or law or as attorney's ever again. Personally I'd even have them branded so the whole world could see their guilt. But maybe, just maybe that would be going to far. But that is how angry this makes me. Especially that so called public servant who tried to defend it.
Maybe not branded, but wear something that shows they are traitors and cannot be trusted the rest of their lives. But then again, a brand would be effective at not being able to be removed. Maybe a tattoo.
I like the branding idea.🤔
That last statement said it all:
"The spirit of liberty is manifest in people's willingness to get outraged."
That "obeying orders" shit didn't fly at Nuremberg. What a joke.
It did for the peon foot soldier. The one's who were called were the big leaders. They didn't try every death camp guard.
Actually, many of the ow ranking guards weren't tried unless they had proof of extraordinary actions. Just because they were guards at the camps wasn't enough. I doubt few would be in their 80s today.
72 years since the end of the war to be 18 in 1945 you would be 90 now.
no they were round up and executed all no questions asked
I've spoken to law enforcement at different levels, local, state and Federal. I have friends who are police officers and they've told me that the federal agents they work with have a different mentality than them. They are not always very good cops. They are more like naive boyscouts with a badge and a gun who cannot or will not think for themselves. I also have friends friends from the military who didn't get hired at the local and federal level because they "had too much life experience" and were considered too tainted in their viewpoints or they had "too many combat tours overseas" Not making this up. The people they are hiring these days are not people who believe in Freedom like most of those who view these videos. They are looking for "yes men" who will follow orders blindly no matter what. It's pretty scary.
Domestic terrorists, chickenshit cowards and GOD DAMNED TRAITORS hiding behind a thin blue SWASTIKA!
I thought this was America 🇺🇸 not North Korea 🇰🇵
Than study the Patriot act fully. Our gov now posesses the same totalitarian powers as NK, CHINA, etc.
This can't be real, CNN would have told us about it. ;-)
Only if it happened to them 🤔.
They would applaud it as how government should work
@@michaelmerck7576 Exactly...
Those liberal Media clowns are just as evil as government
"Don't tell anyone..." There's only one reason for operating in secret!!!!
I like how Democrats are all about following the law.
gotta stock them prisons and keep the welfare state fueled
Yeah, trump always follows the law...that why since he seized power,, over 40 times courts have over ruled his actions...
This is what Americans want! We have been indirectly screaming “give us a king!” “Give us a king!” Give us a king!
the police were complupicite and violated their oaths
I read jibberish and run on paragraphs as a side hobby. 😂
Tom Vogt please explain..complupicite.. so sounds like a word you were saying underwater could be wrong but I'm not an expert like you
Tom Vogt .. and you got 14 other geniuses that like talking underwater also
Tom Vogt
BWAAHAHAHAA, whatta fuckin Idiot
Spelling errors don't invalidate the truth.
This country needs more "John Stossels"
Land of the free (... to be abused, harassed, punished, curtailed, restricted, imprisoned, fined, scrutinized ...).
Tactickle Shtooper god bless our war of terror domestic and abroad says the US gov.
God bless you sir!! The reality of this story is vile!
and yet THE PEOPLE will continue to let it happen...everywhere...pathetic...
Are elections rigged or ppl just stupid. Need a way to vote them out.
"The American dream".. yes, you have to be asleep to believe it.
murika? North or south, it kills me how people call america a country when it's a divided continent.
get a job
At 4:16 if my wife titled her head with that expression 🤔 and took that long to answer, if she's been faithful; I'd be filing divorce in seconds!
A problem with law enforcement is a lot of people who are power hungry are attracted to those jobs. Not all but some of the people in government and law enforcement are no better than the criminals they are supposed to be protecting the public from.
You are so right.
Thank you, Mr. Stossel for truth in journalism! It's very refreshing, even though it's mostly about government corruption, which is rampant and quite sickening! The American citizens deserve a lot better!
Where was his outrage when Colleges tried to silence DeSousa and Milo?
I'm a conservative in Canada we don't have police here if they tried that kind of thing here IT WOULD BE WAR!!! I don't use lawyers
Police do shit like that here. My house was stormed by 6 cops without a warrant who handed my 3 year old to my abusive ex who had lied in court and said it would be appealed in court in a few weeks yet a year and a half later my daughter has been not allowed to see or speak to me. This was because she and I had disclosed abuse and her father has some money and connections. We have compelled hate speech laws in Canada too that silence and oppress people ever hear of Jordan Peterson?
Great Video John!
Outrageous...(I wrote that before the last word) Wow...
This, and other reasons... why I vote conservative now...
Conservative? As in Christian National Socialist?
And they say this isn't a police state.
Yeap. It's fascism at its best...
RUBICUNDUS ERATIUDAS Woah there pal. Slow down.
@@nerf7674 Was I going to fast? Did my words outraged you?
RUBICUNDUS ERATIUDAS Uh no... not outraged at all. It just appeared pretty evident that jumping from this video to calling America fascist is a pretty radical opinion.
@@nerf7674 Well, just by looking at the facts of life in your immediate neighborhood you can tell they are more radical than simply telling the truth about them, don't you think?? I mean:
Mental dullness as the norm
Obesity rates up the ass (number one in the world)
Incarceration rates, the highest in the world
Shootings every week perpetrated by kids
Narcissism and dogmatism that makes people feel like ex-cathedra experts on all issues
Ritalin-loaded children in schools and forced medication everywhere
Orwellian surveillance up the ass
Suicide rate to brag about
Divorce rate that has destroyed family as the foundation of society.
Homelessness rates way above those of most third world countries, including Venezuela, Cuba
and North Korea
Emasculation of men by women, the media, and the law
Medical care as a luxury for the few
Anger, overreaction, melodrama, and childishness in adults everywhere
Student debts impossible to pay, while the rest of the world enjoys free higher education
Decaying infrastructure everywhere
Entitlement and moral superiority complex to embarrass the cruelest inquisitiors
Metoo movements that only show the decadence of an empire
Feminists movements that destroy normal communication among humans
Gray and leaded tap water in large cities, so you have to drink coke
Gender ideology that practically makes child abuse an institutional practice
Glorification of violence
Highest women mortality rate when delivering a baby, in all the industrialized world
Drug use as a way of life like nowhere else in the world
Childish police brutality that shoots people on the back
Income inequality South-Africa style
Forced medication for healthy people just for being unable to adapt to an ill society.
Criminalization of normal human behavior
News panelists who confuse Nazism with socialism
A country owned by corporations
A population reduced to merchandize
And it’s all steadily getting worse. To top it all, people like you who actually believe saying it like it is is too radical... You probably just escaped from the 20th century, and haven't discovered the U.S. has become Idiocracy, right Nerfy??
You are correct Mark Stein.
Castle doctrine applies here. Yes! You have the right to shoot any threat coming through your home door or window.
+Johnnie Boy
I agree with your sentiment; however, when the attack is made by armed SWAT/soldiers, even the above-average home defender will lose. There is power in numbers, but the victims of such atrocities are too often alone and powerless.
That's why you find the pigs in their homes later and it's SCORCHED EARTH!!!! Their familie's blood in on their hands just like the pigs treat everyone else!!!! Send them on to their master in Hell !!!!!
#Rich S
Yes, just look at Waco and Ruby Ridge, or more recently with the Hammond's and Bundy's!
#Cops Suck
Yes, that is a good plan, but the filth in government and their partners in crime the media would use this as a way of getting rid of guns just like with all these staged mass shootings. Remember if they can get away with Pearl Harbor and 9/11 they can get away with anything!
If a court order is issued right or wrong it's a righteous entry and any action taken against the police would be taken as criminal offense.
They would not be able to shut me up, I would be screaming for all to hear!
G. Gordon Liddy had the best response this horror, “they better hope they’re a better shot than I am”.
The constitution and bill of rights supersedes all this legal ease rules ,if your week you'll bend over and allow this injustice.
That’s a shame that this stuff is happening in our country. It does make my blood boil. We must stay vigilant.
THIS is why amendment 4 says there must be a crime with a witness under oath beforehand. Not a search warrant, a WITNESS UNDER OATH IN COURT.
Despite all of that abuse of political power, Scott Walker was elected and withstood a recall movement enacted by the same interests that employed these brutal tactics.
Must give credit to the people of Wisconsin for not tolerating this crap, in spite of years of being dictated to by liberal Democrats. Hope still lives in the U.S., but we cannot take it for granted.
Then Wisconsin votes for biden, I hope they do raids on them 24/7
I'm glad this included the 'no, I don't think so' line around 4 minutes in, even though it doesn't necessarily strengthen your argument. It's a degree of journalistic integrity and intellectual honesty that is desperately lacking in political discourse today.
He wasn't telling the truth, you could see in his eyes, it bothered him alot
Exactly what I was thinking! He had to fight with his true feelings in order to force that lie out of his disgusting pie hole.
I only wish the people who commit an offense like this should have their personal information exposed so we can contact them to let them know of our dissatisfaction!
"The Spirit of Liberty manifests itself in people's willingness to get outraged." 5:40....Do this sort of thing to a true patriot and he/she will begin firing at the Gestapo through their own door.... Asking no questions.
Thank you John. More on this subject please.
That is outrageous.
Great video and important for all Americans to see and hear
“ i take cold comfort in having my constitutional rights trampled by both parties “
oof that resonates
I vote LP.org since 1982
Take it to the Supreme Court then sue their pants off!!!
John Stossel is a true traditional liberal. Not like mainstream media who give liberals a bad name.
Thank you for your efforts and brave reports👍
The Patriot Act makes this type of abuse legal.
And the HIPAA law takes your health rights away...
My AR-15 disagrees with that assessment.
Wrong. The Patriot Act requires a warrant from a special court federal judge based on credible persons testimony of probable cause. That is why Loretta Lynch got in trouble looking at Tax Returns of Republican donors. These raids were being done by a Democrat District Attorney with no magistrate or judge signature based on a loose innuendo of an internal audit of government misappropriation. That violates the 4th amendment and that is why Wisconsin Supreme Court had to reverse the practice before the US Supreme Court ordered a reversal and sanctions. Democrats have no regard for the Constitution. HB5717 proves this.
@@dwightsmith4641 Is Loretta Lynch's head still attached to her shoulders? If so your argument is null and void.
DowskiVision MagicalOracle Killery Clinton’s head is still attached. They have the News Media, Colleges, FBI and Demorat machine of Judges backing them. I think you and I are arguing the same side of the coin.
“They who can give up the essentials of liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, loose both, and deserve neither!” - Paraphrased by me, Original Text - Ben Franklin
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave.
It gets measurably worse by the year. This is incredibly un-American. I'm old enough to remember when things that are happening today would not have been been permitted half a century ago. Little by little, piece by piece, change by change. They are incrementally disarming the public, conducting and average of 150 pre-dawn SWAT raids every day -- when such raids were authorized less than 50 times a year back in the 40s and 50s. The First and Second Amendments and the Castle Doctrine mean nothing anymore.
Milwaukee DA needs to be far and feathered !!!
Unconstitutional beyond belief.
Doesn't that break the 4th Amendment, The Bill of Rights?
Don't worry Mark!....I am definitely pissed about this abuse of power!.
The U.S.S.A. . Take these anti-constitutionalists out of any and all government jobs !!
Reagan-Bush pee in a Dixie cup or be fired packed the government with prohibitionist zealots
Big Brother hard at work.
This story actually makes me feel like another civil war is on the horizon.
Freedom of speech!!!!!!
This country no longer have the guts they had to bring about 1776.
JOHN STOSSEL is TRULY a National Treasure! We are fortunate to have this wonderful man in our country holding the government accountable. Because of him, I realized that I too, am a libertarian. Libertarians are the only ones who seem to "get it." Both conservatives AND liberals are different sides of the same coin. Each believe in aggrandizing state power at the expense of individual liberty/freedom. Hopefully, more folks in both political parties will eventually recognize the threat of expanded governmental power. The problem is that when the government becomes tyrannical, the populace has ABSOLUTELY NO RECOURSE! Because BOTH Democrats and Republicans believe they know what's best for EVERYONE, they wish to impose THEIR own views/values on everybody else. Why is it sooooo difficult just to let each person run their own life according to their own wishes???? Sadly, so many corrupt pols just can't stand to see each person running their own life the way THEY wish! Mind your own damned business!
Democrats you say .......
Mr. Stossel, I admire your efforts in exposing this. Even though I don't always agree with your opinions, I treasure the fact that you always offer politically unbiased reporting, you are the integrity's last hope. Regards Rick
and they wonder why they get shot
And that was 5 years ago, and things have gotten far worse in the past few years.
Gestapo-like. What a nightmare.
This is ridiculous , wonder why this story hasn't been covered better? Its crazy
From the video: We were attacked because we were effective. Everyone attacking me is a career government employee. This is about shutting us up.
Just subscibed for truth. Thanks John.
Sadly nothing changed. I'm sure that it's still going on
This is what they are doing to Donald Trump now
Where is the cited sources for this case would love to read it.
"...Practicing theories of law that didn't exist."
And fascinatingly frightening.
not without due process ACLU
Idgaf I would not stay quite. They better read this b4 trying this on my home. 🇺🇸🇺🇸FREEDOM🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thanks for bringing this to light but I'm afraid America is already gone. Police state is here.
murika? North or south, it kills me how people call america a country when it's a divided continent.
@@PatrickBaptist Does it bother you when people say China instead of the People's Republic of China?
Why would I care?
@@PatrickBaptist Exactly. You know what they mean when they say it, even though it is technically wrong. The official name of that country is "People's Republic of China".
You can extrapolate my point from there.
@@teh_jibbler Not quite the same at all. China is not a continent.
My point being is even the Mexican people are technically Americans, as well as Canadians.
The need to keep our STUFF is greater than our; self respect dignity and moral foundation. Who's all up for a shower?
THE laws are what the laws are until it comes to democrats they make the laws as it suits them.
Right on John
lol this is the equivalent of swatting. law enforcement is just a tool and rule abiders that are easily manipulated.
The spirit of liberty manifests itself in people's willingness to get outraged!
Land of the free, home of the brave, not any more. We cower in fear and surrender rights without a second thought.
As soon as they would tell me not to tell anybody I would immediately think one that is an illegal search , and I would tell everybody who would listen
Freedom of speech and if the government creates a law that is unconstitutional . You have the right to break that law with impunity according to a supreme court ruling .
Politicians who advocate restricting citizen's rights and activities should be required that they surrender their right to remain silent when the public wants answers about their abuse. And they should be charged criminally if they lie to the public.