words! herded, branded, eaten up by words. the words [descriptions] are not the things the images in the head are not the things human thought process, our most powerful tool, is in remission imho stupefied wrong education! indoctrination with ideas & beliefs is not intelligence, convinces no one, they just keep on believing & thinking what they think is true & real Which is The Real definition of Insanity imho
What about the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, France, and New Zealand to name a few? You know there are other countries that signed this shit other than the US, China, and India right now
That's a great idea petroleum fuels should be so expensive that everyone should be forced to either ride a bicycle for transportation or end up homeless and destitute if they dare spend money on petroleum fuels
You are absolutely right! Trump fooled all of his followers that he lost the election because of fraud when there was none, which has been proven over and over again by numerous recounts, court decisions, reviews by Republican governors, and even his own agencies and administrators... but as you say very well, it is very difficult to convince the people that have been fooled.
Yeah sure the scientists in universities all over the world are corrupt and are lying better listen to some random guy on the internet without any science accreditation to tell the truth.
I was dating a girl when Trump withdrew from the accord. I tried explaining to her how awful and phoney it was but she just got angry at me. Some people just can't accept the lying politicians.
There has been a 40% global increase in the CO2 atmospheric concentration, causing ocean warming and escalating biosphere die-offs (e.g. mass coral death), sea level rise, heatwave deaths and so on. U.S. contributions to this are about 150x as great as Pakistan's. Per capita emissions today remain about 15x larger in the U.S. But commenters in the U.S. want to blame countries like Pakistan before accepting any responsibility for continuing free polluting behavior that has yielded economic benefit and net wealth transfer to themselves. Mainly, it highlights that leading feature of the modern world - a complete collapse of interest in the concept of personal or national responsibility. Literally the largest polluter in the world celebrating being the only country to officially leave the Paris agreement and reject all responsibility for pollution. Widespread hostility to science and literal cheering by tribal ideologues. Open antipathy to American traditions of support for reason and the Enlightenment dating back to founding fathers and Jefferson. Stunning. "The most objectionable feature of the conservative attitude is its propensity to reject well-substantiated new knowledge because it dislikes some of the consequences which seem to follow from it" - free market economist and libertarian Friedrich Hayek, 1960
@Geoff Price Yeah and Hayek wouldn’t Say the Solution would be a Bloated Federal Government Response to Spend and Waste Billions, Then Trillions Only to Reduce the Temperature by 0.6 Degrees Celsius by the End of the Century and when Conservatives Propose Advanced Nuclear Power and Renewed Conservation Efforts the American Left Doesn’t Listen and Shouts No New Nuclear Power. Also the USA is Far From the World’s Number One Polluter, Case in Point with Advanced Catalytic Converter Technology we’ve Reduced Our Carbon Monoxide Emissions ( Which is Actually Worse than CO2) by 73% Since 1983! Also it’s not Pakistan that Conservatives Mostly Go After, It’s China and India. One more thing to Consider, Natural Gas and Propane Burn Cleanly and Our NG and PG Boom in the US Shuts Down Most Coal mines and Drastically Reduces our Use of Coal. Also Large Tracts of Forest Land and Streams, Rivers, Ponds and Lakes Wouldn’t Exist in the US if it wasn’t for The American Conservative SportsMan, In Other words The American Hunter and Fly Fisherman.
@@gmprice Don't forget, USA already had their massive pollution boom and now stand on a soap box acting like they didn't create a hole in the ozone while Pakistan was still having horse carriages. The ignorance of being unable to see your past and using your current morals to judge a developing country is just amazing.
@Abdtract Anonymity True But I Believe There is Like a 250 or 300 Year Supply if You Start From 2010 or 2015 so in The Year 2290 it Won’t Matter We Will have UnObtainium or Nuclear Cold Fusion and You and I Will be Dead at the same Time We ( The Human Race) Might be Dead For Different Reasons ( Nuclear War?, Viral Plagues?!? Robot Takeover?) Also None of What I Just Said might come to Fruition and There Might be a Greater Chance of the 2nd Coming of Christ!?! And I’m Agnostic! I Still Believe We Can Burn NG and Propane with Better Carbon Capture Tech in the Future and Stretch that 275 Year Supply to maybe 400 Years?!?
And now we’re back in. Can’t you just feel how much Biden cares about climate change? Warms the soul. I just hope my sarcastic tone is coming across in print.
Let's wait a bit longer for a more disasters and you'll see the Paris accord will be taken very seriously. People just need to die first, no biggie. Idiot Homo Sapiens if you ask me, wait for a disaster to happen before you accept that a change must take place.
John Stossel always asks the "hard hitting" questions. That's why proponents of climate change don't want to be interviewed or have a spirited debate. Thanks John, we know how phony it is now.
The people angry we removed ourselves from the accord are the same people who froth at the mouth when you suggest they spend their own money on their concerns.
Yeah that scumbag got rich from his BS, his house of 10,000 or more square feet uses more electricity than most people ever do, his power bill is 10-20% higher than the average american’s is. I saw a report on this and they showed a copy of his bill.
Jerry C It wouldn’t have been televised. Although I wasn’t a Trump supporter, anyone who honestly examines the media has to conclude that no matter WHAT Trump does or doesn’t do, the MSM will use it as an excuse to condemn and try to impeach him.
Maybe it would have been easier if Trump had just explained this...but it seems Trump usually has his own way of doing things. I generally agree with what he does...so I can't complain too much about how he gets it done.
HORSESHIT. Stossel is a former hospital management flunky who knows fucking SHIT about science climate physics math radio-chemistry. Fucking NOTHING but a HORSESHITTER.
All these planes flying to Paris for no more than a propaganda action, proves that they either are not afraid of the climate or are deliberstely trying to cause catastrophic climate change.
Counter Tenor And then what? Yes it was a good idea to withdraw but then what has he done for the climate? Nothing. And that’s terrible. That’s what makes him a bad president. Not pulling out of the pca.
anythingthough anythingthough for one actually support reform in your country and stop denying. Also rich countries should help developing nations in their transition via loans/industry. They need rich countries help because it’s America and Europe that did the same thing before developing nations.
With paris agreement we will never see record temperature as we will have by then a legislation to regulate climate...preferably in Paris as lovely city to control the planet
Ruth Ann Brooks, now we need for him to roll back all the phony BS on our cars and get rid of the ethanol and the high price of diesel. Diesel is easier to make than gas, I can make it In my back yard with Waste vegetable oil to make bio diesel.
Michael Benoit that’s alright the latest in my leftie run country is they want to do away with Diesel ,she wants to spend tax payers money on all diesel run government funded vehicles and replace them with electric,hello problems with the power grid. Greens want to do away with dams,nuclear,coal and all gas. And run the world on solar and wind ,anyone else with enough common sense to see a problem with this,like not enough power to juice to power up the cars. Electrical grids crashing.etc.
They emit more carbon, but have several times the population. They use fewer emissions to support much more people. China is taking steps to shift to renewables- to be fair, they are not doing this to "save the planet", they don't give a fuck about humanity; renewables permit greater energy security, which is China's goal.
@@UserName-us1nm I could see China cutting emissions under the guise to "save the planet," but it is more specifically for their heavily polluted cities where its citizens must wear masks in risk of health risks. Totally agree with you, though.
@@mhycoal It doesn't matter whether or not they care about the environment, they'd use the PR all the same either way. I think it's dumb even when environmentalists mention "saving the planet"; the moon was formed by a collision with a Mars-sized planet: all humanity can do is kill itself. Also forgot about the air quality factor, I'm sure that's a significant part of that.
@@davidvbobb7785 the great thing about a two party system is that both sides can refuse to address the problem by turning it into a culture war; putting ideology (and the will of the ruling class) over science. The Russians and Chinese tried that with agriculture and it didn't work out for them. Right-wing politicians will say anything about the climate up until the point at which the oil industry is implicated in anything negative. Liberal politicians try to appease the public through eloquent speech and half-measures, while still serving oil interests. The Canadian Carbon Tax serves a great example of this phenomenon.
I am shocked how many people are deceived. Every hot day, every rain shower proves their pre-decided alarmism. Our ancestors would say "what a bunch of morons".
@darren edwards you should also try to read about Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Philippines. he suffers the same fate, black propaganda from the left and an aggressive stance towards taxing the 1%
He forgot to mention "We all burned a ton of jet fuel each flying to Paris in separate private jets so that we could make everyone think we're doing our part to save the the planet. Aren't we great?! 👏"
All aviation accounts for 2% of all global emissions. Even if the couple hundred flights taken (by other people for other purposes as well) accounted for ALL the emissions of ALL aviation, the agreements signed still reduce emissions by more. The US alone, which is an 1/8th of all global emissions, will decrease by 30%, the EU, 1/11th global emissions, will decrease by 40% etc. etc. The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement is absolutely meaningfully and only fails in that it doesn't compel its goals strongly enough. And pointing to flight emissions is the dumbest reaction to the entire thing.
How does Stossel continue to have a job? I'm amazed that the propaganda mills that employ him have not fired him. He goes off script and tries to open peoples' eyes way too often.
It was just a media political posturing for politicians to make people feel they are needed to save the planet and shut-up when they carbon tax the shit out of them. What bullshit. Even if someone is a firm believer of man made global warming i can't for the life of me understand why they think government and politicians are gonna fix anything. When in the history of mankind did politicians and government officials fixed anything? Great people with inventions and ingenuity is what gave us the progress we currently have not politicians. Philosophers, scientist, entrepreneurs, this are the people that push humanity forward and solve problems. All politicians know to do is fight for votes and leech and steal our money out of our hands so they can feed their useless self.
@@SIPEROTH - It's all about taxpayer subsidies which result in kickbacks, lobbying, and campaign contributions to the politicians (who give contracts to the private companies who promise them the kickbacks).
He is correct. As Mr Stossel said, "isn't it fair given US has twice emissions per person than China?" And indeed he is correct. Its fair deal given that the US done most polluting doing more polluting per capita than most countries and financially in a position to do more.
@@stenba96 For starters Trump saved the US trillions of dollars in payments to the UN by not backing the Accord. He is following that up nationally by getting rid of leeches in the EPA who were harming the US economy internally with all their phony and expensive regulations. Your hatred of all things Trump is duly noted though. I just don't understand how you allow yourself to hate someone you have never even met. I don't see that as a sign of intelligence.
@@warrenp8877 I don't hate him personally, of course I don't know him. I just dislike his environmental policy. You are saving money by ignoring a problem, which is climate change, I don't think it's a good idea.
@@stenba96 What problem? The earth has been swinging from hot to cold for countless thousands of years. If we can avoid wasting trillions on climate BS we can better adapt to the climate changes. There is no impending climate problem, none.
I am glad we left the Paris Agreement because I asked what it was about and no one could say what it was. All the while everyone flew in their private planes and drove in big limos to come together to do nothing. A song and dance for fools to admire. #UsefulIdiots
After Al Gore's first movie I began a 6 month journey studying the climate. Just when I was about ready to drink the Kool-aid an 80 year old Professor emeritus was retiring from the University of Colorado. Studied the climate for 50 years. Asked about Global Warming, says there's no such thing. Since then we have had Climate Gate etc.....etc.....I'm now a climate change denier!!
Notice it’s not global warming anymore since Trump is in. It’s Climate change. As in the political climate has changed. Or no matter what it does now warm up or cool off it’s changing. 🥴🤥wink
@@bradleyweiss1089 The name change was proposed many years ago because the name "global warming" is misleading and implies everywhere will get warmer. People were latching on to any cold spell and using it as an excuse to deny global warming. In reality it's an average increase in global temperature, which through disruption of many weather systems leads to some regions experiencing extreme weather, and yes, that includes extreme cold as well. But data shows that the planet is getting warmer, ice caps are slowly disappearing and many species which are very sensitive to the climate are going extinct. Even if you believe this to be natural, it is scientifically proven that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases lead to an increase in temperature. If human activity is making any difference whatsoever, should we not do our very best to reduce the impact we're making? Or does the planet mean that little to you?
@@jefryt67 But of course he is severely harming the climate because he continues to let forests burn. Maybe its fine for now since Brazil is a growing country but there has to be limits.
Paris was where the meeting was held. France didn't dictate anything. Did any of you even watch the video - each country just made up their own goals! LMAO
I remember watching a show on tv in the 90s. They would show bits and pieces of what our future would look like in 30 years, no trees or plants, just dirt and the sun was really bright. Well, it’s almost 30 years later and the plants are still here and nothing as far as I can tell has changed since then.
@@nt2122 we have faith climate change isn't real.So same as you Dr.Scientist Lmfao.Ours is cheaper though yours makes government bigger,you still following the ball??? Look up the word apathetic,it will help.
@@Garrick1983 So you are smarter then a scientist then. We both know that there is a consensus that global warming is real and man made, as evidenced by the majority of scientists that publish paper in support of it. Instead of spewing out rhetoric, show me your facts. If global warming is fake, you should have the facts to back it up.
I'm a geologist, when I called my 87 years old professor, whom researched and studied the climate of the Earth for all his life, asking his thoughts about climate change his answer was:"as geologists we study the past, predicting the future it's astrology and therefore not my field of studies"
If that was his response than he's an idiot with a mind clouded in ignorance. Studying trends can help prevent future catastrophes. History repeats itself is the epitome of this.
Dimokrats in 2000: "There will be no life in the oceans in 10 years". Dimokrats in 1973: "A new Ice Age is coming". Current dimokrats: Can't even rely on daily weather forecasts and yet believe they can foresee climate changes over 100's to 1000's of years.
In Australia we had a hot week 7th to 12 th November, The Media made a big deal out of it. It got to 0.2 above the highest recorded temperature. The next week was 10 degrees below the average. NOTHING WAS SAID ABOUT THAT!!!!
You can't blame India or China for the emmision. When America and England had industrialization there was no one to tell them what to do and what not to. Now we can't tell people in Africa to not progress because they would produce pollution. And by the way America with so little population produces so so and so much of population
The planet has been either warming or cooling for the last 4+ billion years. That's nothing new. But we live in an Ice Age (2 "little" white things at the poles), and our interglacial is overdue to end. Cooling results in famines and societal collapses. Warming results in abundances and prosperity. And the rate of warming could not be budged by post-WW2 industrial boom. The warming from 1910 to 1940 was slightly faster than the warming from 1970 to 2000. And the Earth actually cooled from 1940 to 1970 when the biggest increases in CO2 were getting under way. Yes, CO2 is a greenhouse gas, but it is a very weak one, especially at the measly concentration of 400 ppm. People take 10,000 ppm quite well. NASA set their spacecraft maximum for CO2 at 20,000 ppm. Plants thrive at between 1,000 ppm and 2,000 ppm. And "delicate" shellfish and corals evolved when CO2 was between 4,500 and 7,000 ppm.
Bushrod, perhaps. Watch my video on Earth vs. Venus and CO2. One scientific study showed the peak of rice and wheat production was just above 1,000 ppm and fell down a bit by 2,000 ppm. Every plant is going to respond differently, but the average CO2 level for the last 600 million years was close to 2,300 ppm, sometimes going as high as 7,000 ppm. What do you think the range is? And what do you base that on?
Elevation 760 feet above sea level. Yeah I'm not so worried about coastal flooding since the nearest coast is about 1000 miles. Are my potatoes going to start making popcorn now?
If the average temperature is slightly increasing, which everybody agrees with. Wouldn’t it be normal for each year to technically be the hottest year?
Wolfman Jack Its not a fraud, but you don't combat it by fucking up the economy. We need the market to find more efficient resources. We went from coal, to oil, then natural gas, and nuclear is the future.
Matrix Man no, it's a fraud. If its not, its just a natural occurrence. The governments of the World are trying to tax the hell out of people. Sorry I don't trust anyone, not the news, not our government especially them. You should have took the Red Pill😂😂
The man made part is the fraud. The CO2 is harmful part is the fraud. It's all about making communists rich so they can afford energy in the future. It's really about control, destroying Capitalism, and killing people.
The simple fact of the matter is, thermometers were invented roughly 500 years ago. The beginning of the end of the most recent ice age started millions of years ago, and lasted likely a million or more years. We don't know what this planets "average" temperature is. We don't know if it "ALWAYS" has frozen polar caps. It may not. Yes, the planet is warming, that's what happens when ice ages end. Where it stops warming, we don't know. How much of the rapidity is due to us? We don't know. What we do know, in the 70s, science was in "agreement" we were heading toward another ice age. In the 80s, "acid rain is going to kill everyone." By the 90s, if we didn't change our ways, all the polar caps will melt by 2000.... then 2005.... then 2010..... all our coastal cities were going to be under water after the polar caps melt..... 2023, they are still frozen. These doomsayers need to work on their prophecies.... or at least stop excluding variables from their calculations while trying to crank out numbers that fund them into perpetuity. Trump was correct, we don't need to waste billions being the biggest spender. But we also don't have better technology that can produce energy pound for pound as safely as fossil fuels.
The Earth isnt cooling, it is warming, at least by what we have been able to measure. The backing for the assumption that man is responsible comes from looking at historic climate combined with historic atmosphere (ie ice cores). There are some problems with this however such as the assumptions on past climate being based on the sun having gradually increased in Total Solar Irradiance over the last few million years at a rate which is less than a thousandth of the rate of increase we have seen since we were able to begin measuring it.
Yes, the earth is cooling. It is a natural cycle. This year has been the coldest one for decades in many parts of the world. If you would ask me, I would rather have global warming because the crops wouldn't fail. However, the reality is, we are heading down into a new mini-iceage. How did the last ice age melt? Was it because of man-made emissions back then? Idiota....
Unless you are referring to the solar cycle this statement isnt correct. And if you are "Man-made emissions are not the cause" is not a statement that fits with the solar cycle. Also the last ice age didnt melt. We are still in the ice age (known as the Quaternary ice age). The ice age (essentially) means times when there are ice caps and ice/snow on the mountains. Last time the ice caps melted was in response to rising greenhouse gasses (which at least to the best of my knowledge is beleived to have largely been from volcanic activity)
Getting out of the Paris accord, helped those who actually cared of the environment, take advantage of the free market. The eco friendly businesses did more to make the beaches in L.A. a lot cleaner
@Patriot Spring how he wrote off a billion dollar loss back in the 90s to avoid paying taxes since. If that deal wasn't shady he'd be fine to show his tax return
The European Union has committed to 50% reduction in 2030. I think the reasoning is : western countries can afford it more, have emitted more in the past and someone has to save the planet. For now I don't think we can expect 3rd world countries to chip in just as much.
And when we go broke, who's going to bail us out? China going to buy us? I think we need to concentrate some of that money on cleaning up and taking care of the shithole cities this country has.
@Nuby let's destroy the planet because there is no hope of saving it. There is simply no choice, someone has to do it. I still believe others will follow especially if a profitable market is created, for instance in solar energy.
America helps the environment by sending manufacturing to Canada and Mexico. How does that help the environment? Our epa laws restrict our vehicle manufacturing, so then other countries do it . None of it helps the environment, just hurts America and American jobs.
Many years ago Time magazine had a picture of a tomato plant in China, and how the factories' smoke and soot affected all the growth of food in the country's rural areas. I remember at that time the US getting a lot of flack for our carbon emissions and greenhouse gases. China has not stopped or slowed down to improve its own environment for its people yet. There is no way our however-many 100's million plus people can compare to China's 1 and 1/2 billion plus people emitting carbon and gh gasses. Like Joey says "Come on man!"
Literally the best, logical, informative news piece I have seen from a well-known reporter in a long time. Cheers John, I liked and shared, several of your videos. Could there be a rebirth of journalism. Perhaps, The Best is yet to come. I didn't mean to but I just quoted Donald Trump.
Whenever a group of privileged politicians and other VIP's hop on their private jets and fly to Paris (the shopping is fabulous!) to hawk their ideas on Climate Change.......well kids.....pull up a chair.
M Row It was designed as a first step, with voluntary goals set by each country. The expectation is that once these goals are met, we make more goals to seek to further reduce our carbon deficit.
@Steven Caruso You seem incredibly naive. "Designed as a first step". That basically means not do anything. How many of these "first steps" agreements do we need? This is like the 20th time in the last 30 years that we've tried. The only reason why every country is now on board is because we've now lowered the standard so much that literally every country can do literally nothing and still be included in this "climate pact".
It’s amazing how we live in a world with constant access to unlimited amounts of info. Yet many choose to listen to the crowd and mainstream media instead of doing their own research.
Except that our actions are massively affecting climate change regardless of the sun. The effect of our various greenhouse gasses is a matter of simple chemistry and physics, regardless of whether government agreements to curb it are scams or not.
I remember once I pulled out of my girlfriend. I managed to save a lot of money by doing so and help the world population problem. Give me a Nobel Prize.
For every 26,000 molecules of CO2 in the atmosphere man adds one thru his activities (burning fuels). Green plants and trees need CO2 for their cycle of manufacturing oxygen. Where is the problem ? Oh, maybe the big guys just want a carbon tax. Always follow the money to find the answer.
“I pledge to do something at some point in time, somewhere. Now all praise me for my action.” -every UN accord in history.
Every *Democrat in history
I fixed it.
John, you are wrong, the premise is wrong. You are too afraid to trigger the stupid, evil liberal: just tell them to go to hell.
words! herded, branded, eaten up by words.
the words [descriptions] are not the things
the images in the head are not the things
human thought process, our most powerful tool, is in remission imho stupefied
wrong education!
indoctrination with ideas & beliefs is not intelligence, convinces no one,
they just keep on believing & thinking what they think is true & real
Which is The Real definition of Insanity imho
More like "I pledge to do NOTHING at some point in time, somewhere..."
What about the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, France, and New Zealand to name a few? You know there are other countries that signed this shit other than the US, China, and India right now
Here in Canada all of our politicians federal and provincial are using the Paris accord to squeeze more taxes out of us.
I would burn down Vancouver again if I were you.
Bushrod Rust Johnson Imagine the emissions that would cause though
We do the Hokey Pokey and we turn our pockets out,
that’s what it’s all about!
@@MilwaukeeF40C Na.. We are lazy up here, we let the earthquakes do it for us.
That's a great idea petroleum fuels should be so expensive that everyone should be forced to either ride a bicycle for transportation or end up homeless and destitute if they dare spend money on petroleum fuels
"It is very easy to fool the people but difficult to convince them that they HAVE been fooled!"
Mark Twain.
They don't make em like old Sam anymore.
@@AW-zy1kw They surely do not...
what if you fool the people into believing the truth
You are absolutely right! Trump fooled all of his followers that he lost the election because of fraud when there was none, which has been proven over and over again by numerous recounts, court decisions, reviews by Republican governors, and even his own agencies and administrators... but as you say very well, it is very difficult to convince the people that have been fooled.
@@Iggyucsc LMAO
Keep speaking out, Mr. Stossel. We need to hear your voice.
Absolutely. He does and always has presents the hard facts based on RESEARCH
Need more people like you, Stossel.
Let's clone him.
@@borkerman careful
we want Stossel's not gary's.
There are too many, already!
Yeah sure the scientists in universities all over the world are corrupt and are lying better listen to some random guy on the internet without any science accreditation to tell the truth.
@@jaywogan168 What's that even got to do with this video? He never denounced climate change, he's just exposing this fraud of an agreement.
I was dating a girl when Trump withdrew from the accord. I tried explaining to her how awful and phoney it was but she just got angry at me. Some people just can't accept the lying politicians.
Like Trump.
@get noob he's gone. Tears of joy.
@@jonnyrollins wdym
@@MOMOFCJ6 the person I was responding to is gone.
Girls who wears scarves and clogs are overrated, Seattle and Portland trash ,get a Arizona woman! They have nice ass!
I love the Pakistani 'commitment'. 'We'll reach a peak, at which time we'll start a decline.' That should be ours, too.
There has been a 40% global increase in the CO2 atmospheric concentration, causing ocean warming and escalating biosphere die-offs (e.g. mass coral death), sea level rise, heatwave deaths and so on. U.S. contributions to this are about 150x as great as Pakistan's. Per capita emissions today remain about 15x larger in the U.S. But commenters in the U.S. want to blame countries like Pakistan before accepting any responsibility for continuing free polluting behavior that has yielded economic benefit and net wealth transfer to themselves.
Mainly, it highlights that leading feature of the modern world - a complete collapse of interest in the concept of personal or national responsibility. Literally the largest polluter in the world celebrating being the only country to officially leave the Paris agreement and reject all responsibility for pollution. Widespread hostility to science and literal cheering by tribal ideologues. Open antipathy to American traditions of support for reason and the Enlightenment dating back to founding fathers and Jefferson.
Stunning. "The most objectionable feature of the conservative attitude is its propensity to reject well-substantiated new knowledge because it dislikes some of the consequences which seem to follow from it" - free market economist and libertarian Friedrich Hayek, 1960
@Geoff Price Yeah and Hayek wouldn’t Say the Solution would be a Bloated Federal Government Response to Spend and Waste Billions, Then Trillions Only to Reduce the Temperature by 0.6 Degrees Celsius by the End of the Century and when Conservatives Propose Advanced Nuclear Power and Renewed Conservation Efforts the American Left Doesn’t Listen and Shouts No New Nuclear Power. Also the USA is Far From the World’s Number One Polluter, Case in Point with Advanced Catalytic Converter Technology we’ve Reduced Our Carbon Monoxide Emissions ( Which is Actually Worse than CO2) by 73% Since 1983! Also it’s not Pakistan that Conservatives Mostly Go After, It’s China and India. One more thing to Consider, Natural Gas and Propane Burn Cleanly and Our NG and PG Boom in the US Shuts Down Most Coal mines and Drastically Reduces our Use of Coal. Also Large Tracts of Forest Land and Streams, Rivers, Ponds and Lakes Wouldn’t Exist in the US if it wasn’t for The American Conservative SportsMan, In Other words The American Hunter and Fly Fisherman.
@@gmprice Don't forget, USA already had their massive pollution boom and now stand on a soap box acting like they didn't create a hole in the ozone while Pakistan was still having horse carriages.
The ignorance of being unable to see your past and using your current morals to judge a developing country is just amazing.
@@bradleymcavoy3432 Unfortunately Natural Gas isn't a renewable resource but it definitely is better than using oil or diesel.
@Abdtract Anonymity True But I Believe There is Like a 250 or 300 Year Supply if You Start From 2010 or 2015 so in The Year 2290 it Won’t Matter We Will have UnObtainium or Nuclear Cold Fusion and You and I Will be Dead at the same Time We ( The Human Race) Might be Dead For Different Reasons ( Nuclear War?, Viral Plagues?!? Robot Takeover?) Also None of What I Just Said might come to Fruition and There Might be a Greater Chance of the 2nd Coming of Christ!?! And I’m Agnostic! I Still Believe We Can Burn NG and Propane with Better Carbon Capture Tech in the Future and Stretch that 275 Year Supply to maybe 400 Years?!?
And now we’re back in. Can’t you just feel how much Biden cares about climate change? Warms the soul. I just hope my sarcastic tone is coming across in print.
Oh yeah, I feel it.
John , I’m happy to see there are some still real Journalists out there . Thank you for the real story
Almost didn't want to listen to 60 minutes, thought it may be one of the MSM that tell so many lies
Let's wait a bit longer for a more disasters and you'll see the Paris accord will be taken very seriously. People just need to die first, no biggie.
Idiot Homo Sapiens if you ask me, wait for a disaster to happen before you accept that a change must take place.
John Stossel is no journalist and anyone believing him is a Simpleton
John Stossel always asks the "hard hitting" questions. That's why proponents of climate change don't want to be interviewed or have a spirited debate. Thanks John, we know how phony it is now.
The people angry we removed ourselves from the accord are the same people who froth at the mouth when you suggest they spend their own money on their concerns.
They're also the ones that belive gender is on a spectrum lol
okay yea so let's privatize the reforming of the entire country's energy infrastructure. let's see how that goes.
Tim Laning they all agreed to agree.
that is SO TRUE
Well said Tim. It’s all just about to get exposed
Don't let Al Gore off the hook, this was his baby.
Yeah that scumbag got rich from his BS, his house of 10,000 or more square feet uses more electricity than most people ever do, his power bill is 10-20% higher than the average american’s is. I saw a report on this and they showed a copy of his bill.
Yes and made a fortune from the biggest Hoax in history. The earth is cooling down.
Algore is an illuminati trust fund baby. Globalism is their religion.
He's looking nice and fat with his few hundred million he made from inventing climate change scam!
Politicians always willing to sacrifice Americans.
I knew it was BS but I didt realize how BS this "Agreement" was Intill listened to this🎸
How can that be ? The info is everywhere. Just asking.
Spencer Lee - I read it😉
Reading it I was like..
"China is A Developing Nation?"
@@scottmichael3745 until*
Finally... Some REAL JOURNALISM! 👏
I agree with Trump by why didn't he point out all the information about how worthless this agreement is? It would have saved a lot of condemnation.
Jerry C It wouldn’t have been televised. Although I wasn’t a Trump supporter, anyone who honestly examines the media has to conclude that no matter WHAT Trump does or doesn’t do, the MSM will use it as an excuse to condemn and try to impeach him.
Trump keeps his promises. If he signs something, he will do it.
And this time, he wont sign a bullshit paper.
He didn't point it out because he didn't know. The reason he pulled out is because Obama was a champion for it, simple as that.
It's possible he did - The media won't (can't) show you everything they know. They only show you what they want you to know.
Maybe it would have been easier if Trump had just explained this...but it seems Trump usually has his own way of doing things. I generally agree with what he does...so I can't complain too much about how he gets it done.
Money won’t change anything here.
John Stossel: A voice of sanity in an insane world.
John Stossel, fuck yeah!
Comin' again to save the mother fuckin' day yeah!
John Stossel, fuck yeah!
Stossel for president in 2020
Paid stooge of the Koch Bros.
Stossel is a former hospital management flunky who knows fucking SHIT about science climate physics math radio-chemistry. Fucking NOTHING but a HORSESHITTER.
This stuff is great. I can't get enough of this show.
I have loved John for decades and it reminds me of when 60 minutes actually gave a damn and stood up as true journalists.
Glad trump pulled US out of this nonsense
That's what Stormy Daniels said?
Small Farms i dont know what storm sanders said.and couldnt care less.i know what i said
Oops...stormy daniels..lol
All these planes flying to Paris for no more than a propaganda action, proves that they either are not afraid of the climate or are deliberstely trying to cause catastrophic climate change.
get fed up now morons. in 50 years or so the world will rid of humankind forever.
This is like all of the classmates handing the teacher a note saying "we will do our homework eventually, or work on it faster".
Getting out the Paris Accord was one of the best things Trump has done.
Second best. First was beating that witch, Hillary.
A lame *attempt* from the french to tax Americans, LOL! Welcome to the 4th reich.
Counter Tenor And then what? Yes it was a good idea to withdraw but then what has he done for the climate? Nothing. And that’s terrible. That’s what makes him a bad president. Not pulling out of the pca.
Jeremi Trzaska what can you do about the climate? Until the developing world starts doing something as well, what can you actually do?
anythingthough anythingthough for one actually support reform in your country and stop denying. Also rich countries should help developing nations in their transition via loans/industry. They need rich countries help because it’s America and Europe that did the same thing before developing nations.
In California there were records for high temperatures that aren’t broken yet by two degrees.
And this record was set in 1920!
With paris agreement we will never see record temperature as we will have by then a legislation to regulate climate...preferably in Paris as lovely city to control the planet
Thank you President Trump for getting America out of the Paris accord
The Honda Accord does more to limit Greenhouse gas emissions than the Paris Accord ever will.
Some one lmao,awesome.
Ruth Ann Brooks, now we need for him to roll back all the phony BS on our cars and get rid of the ethanol and the high price of diesel.
Diesel is easier to make than gas, I can make it In my back yard with Waste vegetable oil to make bio diesel.
Michael Benoit that’s alright the latest in my leftie run country is they want to do away with Diesel ,she wants to spend tax payers money on all diesel run government funded vehicles and replace them with electric,hello problems with the power grid.
Greens want to do away with dams,nuclear,coal and all gas.
And run the world on solar and wind ,anyone else with enough common sense to see a problem with this,like not enough power to juice to power up the cars. Electrical grids crashing.etc.
Someone should ask Joe Biden: "How do you feel about China and India's carbon emmisions and can the US agree to match their contributions?
They emit more carbon, but have several times the population. They use fewer emissions to support much more people. China is taking steps to shift to renewables- to be fair, they are not doing this to "save the planet", they don't give a fuck about humanity; renewables permit greater energy security, which is China's goal.
@@UserName-us1nm I could see China cutting emissions under the guise to "save the planet," but it is more specifically for their heavily polluted cities where its citizens must wear masks in risk of health risks. Totally agree with you, though.
@@mhycoal It doesn't matter whether or not they care about the environment, they'd use the PR all the same either way. I think it's dumb even when environmentalists mention "saving the planet"; the moon was formed by a collision with a Mars-sized planet: all humanity can do is kill itself.
Also forgot about the air quality factor, I'm sure that's a significant part of that.
The answer will be, without a doubt, "great question, we'll circle back to you on that one..."
@@davidvbobb7785 the great thing about a two party system is that both sides can refuse to address the problem by turning it into a culture war; putting ideology (and the will of the ruling class) over science. The Russians and Chinese tried that with agriculture and it didn't work out for them.
Right-wing politicians will say anything about the climate up until the point at which the oil industry is implicated in anything negative. Liberal politicians try to appease the public through eloquent speech and half-measures, while still serving oil interests. The Canadian Carbon Tax serves a great example of this phenomenon.
One giant con, full stop.
I am shocked how many people are deceived. Every hot day, every rain shower proves their pre-decided alarmism. Our ancestors would say "what a bunch of morons".
More like the Stall not stop...
A con that is working, why change it now?
Thanks for exposing this John.
Thank you Mr. Stossel for this video 👍👍
No global warning !!! Thank you John
We needed to sign onto this agreement so we could find out what's in it!
- Nancy Pelosi
So Democrat funny!
China could have submitted a recipe for Peking Duck and Bernie would've praised them for their outstanding contribution to humanity.
JP Turvey that’s why they call him Joe Biden China besides creepy Joe
A recipe for Peking duck would have been a useful contribution to humanity
Hey, Peking duck is bomb
This is the most underrated comment on the internet
Have you ever had pecking duck?
It is an outstanding contribution to society....
When Trump ditched the Paris Accord I knew he wasn't bought and paid for. He may be the only free leader the world has right now.
Spot on. He's a one-in-a-million president.
thats why the entrenched politicians/elite want him out so bad.
@darren edwards you should also try to read about Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Philippines. he suffers the same fate, black propaganda from the left and an aggressive stance towards taxing the 1%
He forgot to mention "We all burned a ton of jet fuel each flying to Paris in separate private jets so that we could make everyone think we're doing our part to save the the planet. Aren't we great?! 👏"
All aviation accounts for 2% of all global emissions. Even if the couple hundred flights taken (by other people for other purposes as well) accounted for ALL the emissions of ALL aviation, the agreements signed still reduce emissions by more. The US alone, which is an 1/8th of all global emissions, will decrease by 30%, the EU, 1/11th global emissions, will decrease by 40% etc. etc. The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement is absolutely meaningfully and only fails in that it doesn't compel its goals strongly enough. And pointing to flight emissions is the dumbest reaction to the entire thing.
Thanks Stossel!
It is nice to see a channel release real news.
I'm glad he's still making youtube videos after his fox show ended.
Why did youtube insert that wikipedia/ global warming chicklet below this video?
@@scottysols Because it goes against the Globalist Agenda
How does Stossel continue to have a job? I'm amazed that the propaganda mills that employ him have not fired him. He goes off script and tries to open peoples' eyes way too often.
@@scottysols Because it's related to the topic lol...
The Paris Climate accord was nothing but a Cash Cow and a kick back for the few!
It was just a media political posturing for politicians to make people feel they are needed to save the planet and shut-up when they carbon tax the shit out of them.
What bullshit. Even if someone is a firm believer of man made global warming i can't for the life of me understand why they think government and politicians are gonna fix anything. When in the history of mankind did politicians and government officials fixed anything?
Great people with inventions and ingenuity is what gave us the progress we currently have not politicians. Philosophers, scientist, entrepreneurs, this are the people that push humanity forward and solve problems.
All politicians know to do is fight for votes and leech and steal our money out of our hands so they can feed their useless self.
@@SIPEROTH - It's all about taxpayer subsidies which result in kickbacks, lobbying, and campaign contributions to the politicians (who give contracts to the private companies who promise them the kickbacks).
Thank you Mr Stossel... you are one of the last true journalists.
He is correct. As Mr Stossel said, "isn't it fair given US has twice emissions per person than China?" And indeed he is correct. Its fair deal given that the US done most polluting doing more polluting per capita than most countries and financially in a position to do more.
@@jaywogan168 I don't know where you get your information but China is the biggest polluter in the world,followed by India.
I want a refund back from Obama and Biden
The president was right👍🇺🇸🇺🇸. Thank you Mr. President for being a leader and not a follower. I trust you know whats right for us. MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
While Trump also joined the group of "doing little or nothing"! Great idea!!
@@stenba96 For starters Trump saved the US trillions of dollars in payments to the UN by not backing the Accord.
He is following that up nationally by getting rid of leeches in the EPA who were harming the US economy internally with all their phony and expensive regulations.
Your hatred of all things Trump is duly noted though. I just don't understand how you allow yourself to hate someone you have never even met. I don't see that as a sign of intelligence.
@@warrenp8877 I don't hate him personally, of course I don't know him. I just dislike his environmental policy. You are saving money by ignoring a problem, which is climate change, I don't think it's a good idea.
@@stenba96 What problem? The earth has been swinging from hot to cold for countless thousands of years. If we can avoid wasting trillions on climate BS we can better adapt to the climate changes. There is no impending climate problem, none.
@@Chronic2112 bingo. It's all a plan to sterilize us.
I'm still hiding in my garage with a camping stove awaiting the Y2K disaster.
Lol! Bravo!!!
I'm glad you're not a Y2K denier!
Al gore has become a meme for a reason.
I am glad we left the Paris Agreement because I asked what it was about and no one could say what it was. All the while everyone flew in their private planes and drove in big limos to come together to do nothing. A song and dance for fools to admire.
After Al Gore's first movie I began a 6 month journey studying the climate. Just when I was about ready to drink the Kool-aid an 80 year old Professor emeritus was retiring from the University of Colorado. Studied the climate for 50 years. Asked about Global Warming, says there's no such thing. Since then we have had Climate Gate etc.....etc.....I'm now a climate change denier!!
Ah yes, "Climate Gate", the groundbreaking scandal where no evidence for fraudulent activity was found. Hm...
Franz Maier Yeah like the collusion emails.
Notice it’s not global warming anymore since Trump is in. It’s Climate change. As in the political climate has changed. Or no matter what it does now warm up or cool off it’s changing. 🥴🤥wink
@@bradleyweiss1089 The name change was proposed many years ago because the name "global warming" is misleading and implies everywhere will get warmer. People were latching on to any cold spell and using it as an excuse to deny global warming. In reality it's an average increase in global temperature, which through disruption of many weather systems leads to some regions experiencing extreme weather, and yes, that includes extreme cold as well. But data shows that the planet is getting warmer, ice caps are slowly disappearing and many species which are very sensitive to the climate are going extinct. Even if you believe this to be natural, it is scientifically proven that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases lead to an increase in temperature. If human activity is making any difference whatsoever, should we not do our very best to reduce the impact we're making? Or does the planet mean that little to you?
@@franzmaier433 you believe a lot of shit that isn't true clearly.
I love how Trump said, we're not going to let France tell us what to do. Bravo
Jefryt 67 Brazil’s President told France the same exact thing.
@@zoink9285 That's nice for the Brazilians
@@jefryt67 But of course he is severely harming the climate because he continues to let forests burn. Maybe its fine for now since Brazil is a growing country but there has to be limits.
@@Skrixm no he is not. California Democrats are by not allowing forest management in the name of “saving the environment”
Paris was where the meeting was held. France didn't dictate anything. Did any of you even watch the video - each country just made up their own goals! LMAO
Nineties they told us we would be under water 💦 😂😂😂😂
Wow,they just can't help themselves !!!! #MAGA TRUMP 2020 !!!!!!
I remember watching a show on tv in the 90s. They would show bits and pieces of what our future would look like in 30 years, no trees or plants, just dirt and the sun was really bright. Well, it’s almost 30 years later and the plants are still here and nothing as far as I can tell has changed since then.
Incredible. Sounded like a really positive thing until you find out the details.
The Paris Climate Agreement is simply a participation award. Its completely meritless and useless.
13 democrats blindly voted Thumbs Down. It's their civic duty
9.8k Republicans blindly voted Thumbs Up. It's their civic duty.
This is a libertarian Chanel actually
Na, they had there own reasons.. Gotta keep the financiers happy return on corporate investment that is.
@@nt2122 we have faith climate change isn't real.So same as you Dr.Scientist Lmfao.Ours is cheaper though yours makes government bigger,you still following the ball??? Look up the word apathetic,it will help.
@@Garrick1983 So you are smarter then a scientist then. We both know that there is a consensus that global warming is real and man made, as evidenced by the majority of scientists that publish paper in support of it. Instead of spewing out rhetoric, show me your facts. If global warming is fake, you should have the facts to back it up.
In 1980s they said 4 feet of water raise by 2020 Boston will be under water well no so
I'm a geologist, when I called my 87 years old professor, whom researched and studied the climate of the Earth for all his life, asking his thoughts about climate change his answer was:"as geologists we study the past, predicting the future it's astrology and therefore not my field of studies"
If that was his response than he's an idiot with a mind clouded in ignorance. Studying trends can help prevent future catastrophes. History repeats itself is the epitome of this.
Anyone else get the subtle "Context" box to let you know that the TH-cam overlords disapprove?
The problem is people are all ready sold and do no fact checking.
"the world is gonna end in 10 years"- democrat 10 years ago
Dimokrats in 2000: "There will be no life in the oceans in 10 years". Dimokrats in 1973: "A new Ice Age is coming". Current dimokrats: Can't even rely on daily weather forecasts and yet believe they can foresee climate changes over 100's to 1000's of years.
When Trump pulled out of the paris agreement they said we would all be dead in 2 years.
@Peg Leg Right!, lol! They are idiots.
Back in the seventies the eco alarmist were saying the world would run out of oil by the late eighties!
In the seventies, we where to freeze to death with sudden ice age.
In Australia we had a hot week 7th to 12 th November, The Media made a big deal out of it. It got to 0.2 above the highest recorded temperature.
The next week was 10 degrees below the average.
Did anyone notice that Al Gore is looking more and more like Rodney Dangerfield?
An agreement to do nothing. Mark Twain, former newspaper, “ don’t believe anything you read in the newspaper “
President Senile put America back onto chopping block
Let's all fly our private jets to Paris to sign an agreement to say that we're not going to do anything!
Those "private" jets are paid for by fossil fuel money you colossal idiot.
You can't blame India or China for the emmision. When America and England had industrialization there was no one to tell them what to do and what not to. Now we can't tell people in Africa to not progress because they would produce pollution. And by the way America with so little population produces so so and so much of population
Damn it we are back in the agreement
Trump always turns out to be right!
The planet has been either warming or cooling for the last 4+ billion years. That's nothing new. But we live in an Ice Age (2 "little" white things at the poles), and our interglacial is overdue to end. Cooling results in famines and societal collapses. Warming results in abundances and prosperity.
And the rate of warming could not be budged by post-WW2 industrial boom. The warming from 1910 to 1940 was slightly faster than the warming from 1970 to 2000. And the Earth actually cooled from 1940 to 1970 when the biggest increases in CO2 were getting under way. Yes, CO2 is a greenhouse gas, but it is a very weak one, especially at the measly concentration of 400 ppm. People take 10,000 ppm quite well. NASA set their spacecraft maximum for CO2 at 20,000 ppm. Plants thrive at between 1,000 ppm and 2,000 ppm. And "delicate" shellfish and corals evolved when CO2 was between 4,500 and 7,000 ppm.
I think your plant range might be low.
Bushrod, perhaps. Watch my video on Earth vs. Venus and CO2. One scientific study showed the peak of rice and wheat production was just above 1,000 ppm and fell down a bit by 2,000 ppm. Every plant is going to respond differently, but the average CO2 level for the last 600 million years was close to 2,300 ppm, sometimes going as high as 7,000 ppm.
What do you think the range is? And what do you base that on?
> Warming results in abundances and prosperity.
...and coastal flooding.
I have lived beside the Ocean for 25 years. The high and low watermarks on the bulkhead have not changed.
Elevation 760 feet above sea level. Yeah I'm not so worried about coastal flooding since the nearest coast is about 1000 miles. Are my potatoes going to start making popcorn now?
If the average temperature is slightly increasing, which everybody agrees with. Wouldn’t it be normal for each year to technically be the hottest year?
It's a fraud. Global warming does not exist. Just another way for these countries to raise a fake tax, based on a lie.
Wolfman Jack Its not a fraud, but you don't combat it by fucking up the economy. We need the market to find more efficient resources. We went from coal, to oil, then natural gas, and nuclear is the future.
Matrix Man no, it's a fraud. If its not, its just a natural occurrence. The governments of the World are trying to tax the hell out of people. Sorry I don't trust anyone, not the news, not our government especially them. You should have took the Red Pill😂😂
The man made part is the fraud. The CO2 is harmful part is the fraud. It's all about making communists rich so they can afford energy in the future. It's really about control, destroying Capitalism, and killing people.
Scientists know it exist since the 50s... but hey lets believe to fuckeduppeople.com
Finally Real News!!
Climate improvement depends on what happens in China and India....not the good old USA!
Thank you Mr stossel you are an American hero one day your name will echo in the Halls of history. :)
It's all about money how to take as much money from the US as possible that's what the other countries pledge to do
John! You rock. Great stuff again.
The simple fact of the matter is, thermometers were invented roughly 500 years ago. The beginning of the end of the most recent ice age started millions of years ago, and lasted likely a million or more years. We don't know what this planets "average" temperature is. We don't know if it "ALWAYS" has frozen polar caps. It may not. Yes, the planet is warming, that's what happens when ice ages end. Where it stops warming, we don't know. How much of the rapidity is due to us? We don't know. What we do know, in the 70s, science was in "agreement" we were heading toward another ice age. In the 80s, "acid rain is going to kill everyone." By the 90s, if we didn't change our ways, all the polar caps will melt by 2000.... then 2005.... then 2010..... all our coastal cities were going to be under water after the polar caps melt..... 2023, they are still frozen. These doomsayers need to work on their prophecies.... or at least stop excluding variables from their calculations while trying to crank out numbers that fund them into perpetuity. Trump was correct, we don't need to waste billions being the biggest spender. But we also don't have better technology that can produce energy pound for pound as safely as fossil fuels.
Hi, nice vid. However, the earth is cooling. "Man-made" emissions are not the cause, it is a natural cycle.
The Earth isnt cooling, it is warming, at least by what we have been able to measure. The backing for the assumption that man is responsible comes from looking at historic climate combined with historic atmosphere (ie ice cores). There are some problems with this however such as the assumptions on past climate being based on the sun having gradually increased in Total Solar Irradiance over the last few million years at a rate which is less than a thousandth of the rate of increase we have seen since we were able to begin measuring it.
Yes, the earth is cooling. It is a natural cycle. This year has been the coldest one for decades in many parts of the world. If you would ask me, I would rather have global warming because the crops wouldn't fail. However, the reality is, we are heading down into a new mini-iceage. How did the last ice age melt? Was it because of man-made emissions back then? Idiota....
Unless you are referring to the solar cycle this statement isnt correct. And if you are "Man-made emissions are not the cause" is not a statement that fits with the solar cycle.
Also the last ice age didnt melt. We are still in the ice age (known as the Quaternary ice age). The ice age (essentially) means times when there are ice caps and ice/snow on the mountains. Last time the ice caps melted was in response to rising greenhouse gasses (which at least to the best of my knowledge is beleived to have largely been from volcanic activity)
Getting out of the Paris accord, helped those who actually cared of the environment, take advantage of the free market. The eco friendly businesses did more to make the beaches in L.A. a lot cleaner
Phony like Obama's birth certificate🤣
And trumps tax return. Don't let bipartisan politics blind you, they're both corrupt
@Patriot Spring how he wrote off a billion dollar loss back in the 90s to avoid paying taxes since. If that deal wasn't shady he'd be fine to show his tax return
@@jcrowley1985 If it was shady the IRS would have nailed him. Losses are right offs.
Like big mike
jcrowley1985 Give yo the “they are all corrupt” bs to cover the leftist attempt to destroy America.
The European Union has committed to 50% reduction in 2030. I think the reasoning is : western countries can afford it more, have emitted more in the past and someone has to save the planet.
For now I don't think we can expect 3rd world countries to chip in just as much.
And when we go broke, who's going to bail us out? China going to buy us? I think we need to concentrate some of that money on cleaning up and taking care of the shithole cities this country has.
@Nuby let's destroy the planet because there is no hope of saving it. There is simply no choice, someone has to do it.
I still believe others will follow especially if a profitable market is created, for instance in solar energy.
@Nuby yes we can, by taxing fossile fuels.
I wish Canada could drop it too. But with Trudeau in power we are screwed.
thanks John , keep up the gr8 work
3 years later and most people still haven't a clue what's really in the Paris Sham (AKA: Accord).
America helps the environment by sending manufacturing to Canada and Mexico. How does that help the environment?
Our epa laws restrict our vehicle manufacturing, so then other countries do it .
None of it helps the environment, just hurts America and American jobs.
Just another way to give everyone else our hard working American taxpayers dollars
America was the only country to make it's targeted Co2 cuts. We did this by growing are economy through fracking.
In other words, we just can't win.
Many years ago Time magazine had a picture of a tomato plant in China, and how the factories' smoke and soot affected all the growth of food in the country's rural areas. I remember at that time the US getting a lot of flack for our carbon emissions and greenhouse gases. China has not stopped or slowed down to improve its own environment for its people yet. There is no way our however-many 100's million plus people can compare to China's 1 and 1/2 billion plus people emitting carbon and gh gasses. Like Joey says "Come on man!"
Literally the best, logical, informative news piece I have seen from a well-known reporter in a long time. Cheers John, I liked and shared, several of your videos. Could there be a rebirth of journalism. Perhaps, The Best is yet to come. I didn't mean to but I just quoted Donald Trump.
We live in a world where countries get praise for “promises” instead of action.
Lying to the children is most shameful of all. SHAME!
3% of plastic in oceans comes from America, but I had to give up bags.
Enough of this
I love how this video was preceded by an ad for a reusable straw to "Save" the environment. I doubt that is a coincidence.
@@heyyo6050 fuck the environment
Whenever a group of privileged politicians and other VIP's hop on their private jets and fly to Paris (the shopping is fabulous!) to hawk their ideas on Climate Change.......well kids.....pull up a chair.
A study said if 100% of the Paris Agreement was meet by 2030, by 2100 it would be less than 0.05 degrees cooler....
M Row It was designed as a first step, with voluntary goals set by each country. The expectation is that once these goals are met, we make more goals to seek to further reduce our carbon deficit.
In the 1970s, the fear was global cooling, not warming.
@Steven Caruso
You seem incredibly naive.
"Designed as a first step". That basically means not do anything. How many of these "first steps" agreements do we need? This is like the 20th time in the last 30 years that we've tried. The only reason why every country is now on board is because we've now lowered the standard so much that literally every country can do literally nothing and still be included in this "climate pact".
And how much if not met? 2.5 degrees warmer?
M Row - I can hardly wait. In 2100 I will be 147 years old. Ah...I can feel the difference already!
My climate change mantra “the sun makes up 98% of all the mass in our solar system. The sun is responsible for climate change”
It’s amazing how we live in a world with constant access to unlimited amounts of info. Yet many choose to listen to the crowd and mainstream media instead of doing their own research.
One Penguin said to the other Penguin, "Any more of this Global Warming we're going to freeze to death".
Oh look a low info voter fooled by Stossel's ignorance
Like the solar cycles care what politicians agree to.
Or entropy for that matter.
mordeys These are politicians. They'll legislate what the Solar Cycle can and can't do!
Except that our actions are massively affecting climate change regardless of the sun. The effect of our various greenhouse gasses is a matter of simple chemistry and physics, regardless of whether government agreements to curb it are scams or not.
octorokpie ok...thank you.
This will be the coldest year in the last 11.
Would love a follow up on this. Thank you John Stossel!
I'm still worried about the coming ice age that "the scientists" warned us about back in the 1970s.
I remember once I pulled out of my girlfriend. I managed to save a lot of money by doing so and help the world population problem. Give me a Nobel Prize.
acording to NASA the earths temp has lowered two degrees...
When? 5pm with respect to 6am? What are you even talking about?
For every 26,000 molecules of CO2 in the atmosphere man adds one thru his activities (burning fuels). Green plants and trees need CO2 for their cycle of manufacturing oxygen. Where is the problem ? Oh, maybe the big guys just want a carbon tax. Always follow the money to find the answer.
@Stanley Goddard It's crazy how much of an echo chamber this comment section is, isn't it Stanley?
TRUMP 2020! Reelect!
The world has gone crazy
Fuck Trump.