@@gguidedproductions so is it also a sin to have a picture of the merciful Jesus on my wall? I mean the one where the blue and red streaks of blood and water are coming and are shining out of his heart, as seen by Sister Faustina?
im just going to say as a catholic myself that i dont agree with the actions of the pope nor do i follow any of the bad actions catholics did in the past. What they did isnt a reflection on the church and what we believe. The catholic church was formed by Jesus while Protestantism were formed in 1517 by Martin Luther. He disagreed and was disturbed by what the Catholic Church believed in and he penned his 95 Theses. These were 95 propositions that challenged the church's authority and doctrines. I wouldnt believe in a denomination that was created by a German monk who lived and died more than 500 years ago.
@@nealsbball don’t y’all believe the pope is passed down from the apostles so you’d say you don’t agree with what he is doing and promoting which is pretty much universalism Don’t you also believe you receive the Holy Spirit through a sacrament around the age of 7 And also believe in infant baptism Aren’t the nuns and priests abusing children because they are following unbiblical practices like forbidding to marry and can’t handle their own lusts I see a lot of Catholics say oh I don’t agree with this though in Catholicism oh and I don’t do that are you really catholic you yourself can see the carnality and worldliness promoted by the Roman Catholic Church how could this be of God remember when Paul went to say goodby to the Ephesians he said “For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.” Acts 20:29-31 KJV I went to a catholic school and learned about Catholicism and the Roman Catholic Church is not of God I remember my catholic teacher watering down the Bible not holding it to it’s true authority conforming to the world
As a former cradle Catholic, technically speaking they don't teach that the priest forgives sins, but rather that God acts through the priest to forgive the sins. And yet, the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) teaches that the clergy hold the "keys" of authority to bind and loose, to forgive sins or to retain sins. They taught me in Catechism that a mortal sin can't be forgiven at all unless it's confessed to, and absolved by, a Catholic priest. So their teachings conflict somewhat, since they make their laity think that they really _need_ to get their sins absolved through the priest. And they don't really think their sins have _already been forgiven_ from the moment when they came to living faith in Christ, which is problematic. Actually, Catholics don't really believe that they are fully justified by God through faith apart from works, either. They think they received "initial" justification _through baptism_ (which is weird and totally contrary to Romans 3:10-5:19), and they think they must gradually become fully justified as a process... because they've been taught to conflate justification with _sanctification._ There is no worship of the pope. Matter of fact, the current pope is deplored by most Catholics. The RCC has moved a long way from their old dogma of _Unam Sanctam_ which said, “We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” Now they're like, "Eh, no, we don't believe that." Which is weird, since CCC #88 states that every Catholic is "irrevocably obliged" to adhere to all Catholic dogmas. The doctrine of Mary's "Immaculate Conception" (part of the whole "sinless" thing, since it gets around their doctrine that all humans are born guilty of Original Sin) is another required-to-be-believed dogma. They overlook the fact that Romans says "All have sinned" and "none are righteous." They overlook Mary's confession that God is her Savior (which implies that she knew she needed a Savior like everybody else, Luke 1:46-47). All Catholics are required to believe this, yet Catholics didn't know it until the 1800s. One of my main concerns is the Catholic practice of worshiping/adoring the Eucharist. They look at an _image_ of a bread wafer, and they worship toward it as "the whole Christ." Exo 20:4,5 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them..." Is the _image_ of bread a 'graven' (man-made) image? Yes, it is. May a person render worship toward graven images? No, it is forbidden. Lev 26:1 "Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God." Is the host in the monstrance a 'standing image' set up for Catholics to kneel and worship toward it as their god? Yes, it is. The Israelites created a calf of gold, declared it to be Almighty God, and worshiped it. As punishment, Moses had the calf ground up and made the people ingest the gold. The Roman Catholics create wafers of bread, declare them to be Almighty God, raise them up in monstrances and worship them. Then they ingest them. See the similarity? The Catholic will retort, "But we believe that it really is God! It's the Real and Substantial Presence of Jesus!" This is immaterial. God did not want anyone to create a physical object or image and worship toward it. The Israelites believed that the gold calf Really was the God who led them out of Egypt... and they were committing the sin of idolatry.
Thank you for this fam. I learned a few new things from this info alone. It’s so sad to see so many people led astray by false doctrine. Thank you for sharing this information and providing some history with it as well. I will be looking into this deeper
I understand your concern about the commandment against graven images about looking at the eucharist as Jesus. It's a common misconception about Catholic belief. Catholics don't worship the bread and wine themselves, but rather the Body and Blood of Christ truly present within them. It's a mystery of faith based on Jesus' words at the Last Supper. Our adoration is directed towards Jesus Christ, who we believe is truly present in the Eucharist. It's not about worshiping a physical object but recognizing the divine within it.
And another one about mary being sinless. Realistically, it's a complex topic, and I appreciate your perspective. While it's true that Romans 3 states all have sinned, the Catholic Church believes Mary was uniquely preserved from original sin, a gift from God. This doesn't negate her humanity or the need for a Savior. Her confession of God as Savior reflects her deep humility and dependence on Him. It's important to remember that the Church's understanding of doctrine develops over time through reflection on Scripture and tradition.
@@nealsbball I suggest that you read CCC #1378 entitled, _"Worship of the Eucharist"._ Here is an excerpt: *"The Catholic Church...offers to the sacrament of the Eucharist the cult of adoration..."* You cannot deny that *one of the unavoidable and intrinsic "accidents" present in the Eucharist which you adore (i.e., worship) is the optical **_image_** of a piece of bread.* Thus, the Catholic is taught by their denomination's Catechism to direct adoration/worship toward the visible Eucharist. As a former Catholic, I know first-hand that Catholics kneel down and bow their heads in a particular manner before the image in the monstrance, and they pray toward it, as if they were witnessing 'Jesus in the flesh' instead of a breadlike image.
@@nealsbball You wrote: "While it's true that Romans 3 states all have sinned, the Catholic Church believes Mary was uniquely preserved from original sin..." It seems you are admitting that the Catholic Church willingly teaches beliefs which conflict with what the Bible teaches. I agree with you! Tradition is well and good, but when a church lets tradition trump Holy Scripture, they have a problem. Marian piety is not the only instance wherein Rome has done this, either. They've done it with Transubstantiation doctrine, too. (Not the real presence portion of that belief, but the part where they claim that the substances of bread and wine cease when consecrated. Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians contradicts the claim.)
As an ex Catholic, now most likely orthodox christian, I agree 10000000 percent. I was lied to my entire life, but thanks to the Holy Spirirt, i found the truth. Btw, your parrot is really cute :)
I understand where you’re coming from about the confessions. It’s really some people’s fault thinking they can keep getting away and living in sin just because they are forgiven. They think that they can trick God but God knows everything we do. Good or bad, private or public. Also with the Catholics that think that they are better, holier than other people because they know those people’s sins. That is just straight up pride. It’s still nice that there’s still a pretty high percentage of Catholics that actually try to turn away from sin and live a life for God. I’ll keep supporting you man✝️
Absolutely fam. This video was not meant to “call out Catholics” or target other ppl it was simply calling out unscriptural things that Catholicism preaches. As A LOT of denominations do. It is very sad to see I really just hope ppl come to repentance. At the end of the day the word of God is the final say
I have been going to a Catholic Church since my early ages of life and agree 100% with you, there are a lot of things that Catholicism messed up, I am not a Catholic, but I go to a Catholic church, there are some teachings that I don't accept, but I now the Truth from the Gospels and I'm not going to let anyone say me what is wrong. God bless you :)
Amen I went to catholic school I learned about Catholicism and when I read the Bible they are so many unbiblical things they added and many biblical things they have taken away the pope is a universalist and still refuses to teach repentance and turning from sin and that God loves you how you are but they are Catholics who are true Christian’s and saved if they follow Gods teaching from his word and funny thing is they always have stuff they don’t agree with that Catholicism teaches if they haven’t left already
God bless you Joshua! I was a non denominational Christian missionary for 40 years and I agree with you 100%!!!! Can't wait to see 2080! I'll keep you in my prayers! Keep going for God!!!!
”And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.“ Matthew 16:18 KJV
The early fathers struggled with this verse, and there was no clear consensus as to what it meant. But neither Chrysostom nor Tertullian nor Origen nor Augustine believed that _petra_ referred to _Simon and all of his successors_ (as the RCC claims that Jesus meant). Tertullian believed that *only* Peter (not any successor) was the rock ("On Modesty," Ch. 21). Origen believed that *all who professed the same belief* as Peter *also could be called ‘rock.’* Origen maintained that the gifts conferred to Peter were similarly conferred to all believers ("Commentary on Matthew," Book 12, Chapters 10-14). Chrysostom said that the rock was Peter’s confession of faith-that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. "… therefore [Christ] added this, ‘And I say unto you, you are Peter, and upon this rock will I build my Church;’ that is, on the faith of his confession. Hereby He signifies that many were now on the point of believing, and raises his spirit, and makes him a shepherd" (Homily on Matthew #54, Sec. 3). Augustine, early in his ministry, believed similar to Tertullian. But he changed his mind later and wrote that Jesus is the rock and that Peter was called by the new name after the object of his faith, Jesus Christ. If the early church believed it as the RCC teaches it, then we should see evidence within the first 300 years (in their writings) that they believed in a monarchical bishopric in Rome who held authority over all the churches throughout the world. There is no such evidence. The records actually show bishops sometimes agreeing with, and sometimes disagreeing & ignoring, the opinions of the Roman bishop. All of the bishops were equals. The Roman bishops began to become more and more influential from the 3rd Century onward, and by about the 5th Century the Roman bishop had enough clout to pretty much seize power. By then, "church" was _big business_ and had a substantial cash flow as well as significant socioeconomic and political clout. The smoke of Satan was making inroads as our adversary 'played the long game' with an eye toward how he could twist the Gospel and get more people into perdition. The papacy has played out well for him, because now the Catholic version of the gospel is perverted by the addition of numerous dogmas which the RCC requires the "good Catholic" to believe (CCC 88) for his salvation (Paul vehemently warned against this in Galatians 1:6-9).
@@ivyx7346 I am a Christian, in fellowship with an ACNA Anglican parish. Anglicans reached back to the teachings of the Bible and the very early church (first 500 years, generally speaking) to excise and bypass the later accretions to Rome's doctrinal teachings. Anglicans regard the Bible as the primary source of inspiration and authority, while the lesser authorities include tradition and Spirit-enlightened reason.
That’s right listen no matter what type of doctrine you hear only believe what aligns with Gods word of you are confused about something always go to Gods word to check if it’s right as soon as I read the word for myself I Learnt how to follow the lord and discerned which are false doctrines and wolves in sheeps clothing “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Colossians 2:8
Repentance is the act of changing one’s understanding. The determination that shows whether you are seriously trying to repent or not is by the way you view and interact with sin, negatively or positively. If you positively interact with sin it means you fight against it at all times and only fall to a battle against temptation. To negatively indulge in temptation and sin is to live in sin and invite sin into your life like a friend.
Thank you for your videos. You inspire me to deal a lot more with my faith. I think we all need to reflect alot, no matter if catholic or any other. I am going to think about all this. ❤ Fact is: We pray to God, we believe sin is bad and there is no way to live in sin. I always think that every new day is a new chance to try the best in every second, to try and try and try again! Never give up to sin!!!!❤ We all can do this!!!!!!
Joshua, i really respect you for you doing this. Our opinions don’t matter when it comes to the Bible. And the TRUE Gospel. Thank you for exposing this!!
Repenting means to go from unbelief to belief in Christ. Repent and believe in the Gospel. To change your mind about sin, so that means to turn away from sin before you commit it...right? I may be wording this wrong but please correct me as I'm trying to seek accurate knowledge. Thank you and Amen
Repentance is the act of changing one’s understanding. The determination that shows whether you are seriously trying to repent or not is by the way you view and interact with sin, negatively or positively. If you positively interact with sin it means you fight against it at all times and only fall to a battle against temptation. To negatively indulge in temptation and sin is to live in sin and invite sin into your life like a friend.
No, repentance is an action of choosing to worship and follow God, not in your words, but in His Word alone. You got very little time of your own life, so drain out your own time and devotion by going to Him everyday. Hell is real, Heaven is real, God is real, Devil is real, Demons are real, and Angels are real. Don’t forget who you following.
it's simple, it's like this, hey Patrick, please pray for me, Mama, I'm feeling weak, please pray for me, hey, my friend @KaMQue-w8y, please pray for me. ...we are asking saints to pray FOR us, because they are WITH God in heaven
Catholics say they pray to images of God because these images remind them of God and help them focus more on their prayers, even though the images are not God himself but creations made by humans who have never seen God. They still believe that praying to saints is not idolatry but a way to seek guidance toward God. Im 13 years old and i want to to tell this truth in my school which is a catholic school. But they will get offended and say that it's blasphemy. Also sign of the cross and praying with a rosary is wrong right? God did not said that we should do that right?
As someone who uses a Catholic Bible and goes to Catholic churches and was baptized at a Catholic church i agree that we should stop the false catholic teachings and that we should change how the catholic church is But i do recommend that you should study the Catholic apocrypha before you say stuff about it
About the people forgiving one another part, Colossians 3:13 says "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." What do you mean that only God can forgive people? Can other people not forgive other people if they commit mistake to that particular person?
We are confessing to God himself, we believe Jesus is in the priest in this moment, priest only listens and gives helpful advice as God leads him. GOD FORGIVES. This is clear. .
”Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.“ John 20:21-23 KJV
1. a priest does not forgive our sins, he is a way for us to confess to the lord, we are taught in scripture to confess our sins to others, it is a way of repenting, God is still the one forgiving us. 2. the Pope is not worshiped like he is Christ. 3. the virgin Mary was sinless, when she gave birth to Christ she experienced no pain, this is a sign of not inheriting the first sin because birthing pain was the punishment for the first sin, Luke 1:28-30 (i mainly believe this because of catholic teaching, i will explain why catholic teaching is to be trusted later on). 4. the pope never approved of homosexuality, and why would he not be allowed to bless sinners? we are all sinners, if he isnt allowed to bless sinners then he isnt allowed to ever bless anyone. 5. the apocrypha was removed by the protestants from the bible but was before that accepted, do you really think someone 1000 years after the creation of the bible knew better than the original creators of the bible? also from my understanding the apocrypha does not teach paying off sins, and is simply a collection of historical books. Matthew 16:18-19 gives authority to Peter and begins papal succession, aka the Pope (peter) is given the authority ("the keys of the kingdom of heaven") over the church ("on this rock i will build my church") because this authority is given to Peter, it extends to the Pope as well, and the church that was built is the Catholic church, the church that Jesus Christ started, because of this, and because this belief and the authority of the Catholic church is supported in the gospel, is why i dont believe that the Catholic church would teach falsehoods, as it is led by the holy spirit.
1. Some Catholics teach that you have to go to a priest to be forgiven of sins. That goes against 1st Timothy 2:5 (for there is one God & one mediator between God and man, and that is Jesus Christ). Nowhere in scripture does it say that you need to go through a priest at all. 2. That was a sarcastic comment by me I wasn’t saying that Catholics teach that. Apologies for not clarifying 3. Can you give me a Bible verse where it says Mary was sinless? Mary being sinless is not mentioned in scripture at all. That was made up by Catholic teaching based off of small details. IF Mary’s birth was painless that does not mean she was sinless. You just connected two things that don’t actually go together 4. The Pope did not bless same sex marriage but he did still bless same sex couples which is still wrong. We shouldn’t be blessing sinners at all. We should be loving & praying for them but not blessing them as in he has the authority to bless an act that God calls a sin. He has also gone back and forth on his stance on the LGBTQ community if you research deep enough. Also we are no longer sinners we are saints of God (Romans 6: 1-2) 5. If you looked at my entire video I state that The Apocrypha was never removed from The Bible it was added to The Bible by The Roman Catholic Church as a retaliation against the Reformation movement. It was never canon to scripture originally. It was added in which it never was supposed to be and then removed again as it should have been. Look at the article I put in the description of the video 5. The term Catholic Church is nowhere in the Bible. Jesus giving Peter the authority did not mean he had equal authority to God. That verse was simply a description of the start of the church.
You can't go off of scripture alone.... The Catholic Church is the one who put together the canon of Bible so if by saying ur trusting the bible ur trusting the catholic church. Even if later Protestants took out some parts it was still originally put together by the catholic church
@@gguidedproductions i never stated that the church had higher authority than God, but it does have authority in general, authority that Jesus gave to Peter, the first Pope. a bible verse about Mary being sinless is unneeded because the catholic church deems her sinless, and the catholic church has the authority to make claims such as that as it is led by the Holy Spirit. blessing others, even if they are in sin, should be allowed and if the Pope did it then it obviously is allowed, the fact that he blessed sinners doesnt mean that he was giving legitimacy to those sins. the thing about Mary having no pain when birthing Jesus is a fairly important thing to mention in a conversation of this importance, and i believe it isnt just a baseless claim as it has biblical proof. the church that Jesus Christ started wasnt called the "catholic church" in the bible, its just a matter of naming, same as the Jews never really referring to God as God, its a matter of words, that doesnt refute the fact that the catholic church is the church that Jesus himself started with Peter as its authority. the apocrypha are books that were used by both jews and early Christians, before the church, those books where there from the beginning, protestants were the ones to wrongfully remove them. also, from what i know, the pope has only ever stated things such as "leave the gays alone" or things along those lines, which dont affirm homosexuality, but simply state that we shouldnt witch hunt or hate those people, they are sinners just like us. i respect your apology and i also respect you responding to my comment, however i do not respect claims of the catholic church being against scripture, the church was made by Christ for us, and is led by The Holy Spirit, the church deserves devotion and respect, as it was created by Christ.
Im a catholic but started to read the bible using the NIV bible, and i didnt even know that we have to go to a priest to be able to be cleansed as a catholic
I'm a Catholic and since I come to Christianity or I could say Christ I see that they actually worship statue I see someone in the news too that worship Mary instead of Jesus and blessing same sex marriage is just wrong
I just want to say I personally had en encounter with Jesus Christ when COVID started, and when I was seeking the Lord he was showing me how praying to Mary and saints and then bowing down before their images is idolizing. Jesus is the only Way to Go to Heaven, Jesus: I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, no man comes unto The Father but thou Me. May God bless You. Even people that did whichcradt before like John Remerez said people in the cult would use the statues to chant spirits into the statue since spirits are things without body’s. And he even said when the statue looks alive is because there is a spirit of alter behind it. Jesus Loves You!!
This is a prime example of ppl don’t leave Catholicism they leave what they Catholicism is. The pope is infallible in ex cathedra statement regarding theology. 2) the Catholic Church canonised scripture compiled it the first pope was involved in writing the Bible I’m pretty sure the institution that compiled scripture follows scripture better than any other. If you reject Catholicism why not reject the Bible. 3) confession is in the bible as Christ gave the church authority to forgive sins John 20:21-23
As a Catholic I dont blame jesus ciz ive been struggling with some stuff and i wanted to tell u guys but im still struggling and its hard for me to explain it to you
5:53 hebr 10:26-30 is not for Christians. Its ment for tribulation Jews. The blood of Chist aplies to Christians even after wilfully sinning, otherwise, works for salvation would still apply for Christians, but thats not the case. Its the case for tribulation Jews.
Let it be known to you that muslim, & other things that do not follow Christ are not the truth. Jesus said I am the way, the truth, & the life. He said that no one could come to the Father except through Him. Its John 14:6, so do not get confused on 10:24-27
I am an orthodox and I agree with a lot of what you are saying but in the matter of confession of our sins I do not agree. The Christian except of exercising the orders of the God and fighting against his passions, must also participate at the mysteries of our Church. And one of the mysteries is confession. And that can only be done through the Priest who has the charisma to deliver our sins to the God. Of course you can talk directly to the God about your sins in your prayer and it will surely help you but that is something different. Confession is am mystery and it can not be executed by the Christian himself.
Thank you for sharing your opinions, I definitely agree with some points you made on not ignoring what the scriptures call us to do, but please make sure you are not basing your arguments on the bad/extremist actions of a few to justify the “flaws” of Catholicism. There have been Catholics who really messed up, as there have been for many other denominations. BUT If you had a discussion with someone who is actually educated in Ecclesiology and Christian theology vs just ranting to biased ppl on the internet, you’d get the answer to so many of your questions/beliefs. Just something to think about, no hate
The old ark of the covenant (the boxlike object) is no longer the place where God dwells, and it is no longer revered. Mary's womb is no longer the place where God dwells since Jesus was born, lived, died, and ascended. She should no longer be revered. The old ark is a created object used by God for a season. The new ark is a created being used by God for a season.
Not only catholicism 😔 but all other religions who pray to other false god and spirit of death.we only focused on catholicism but theres other religion and atheist satanist or tradition we support that we dont know they arent also not from God and unbiblical.
This was the funniest nondenominational “critique” iv seen in a while😂I’m not even Catholic but I could defend what we share as orthodox. Just to take 1 thing the apocrypha was seen as canon in the early church way before Luther was ever born
@ early church history shows that Christians practiced and believed in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist (communion). So if that’s the case, and if it’s true, then I must choose between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. To put it simply, because it wouldnt be justified by a mere comment section, I find that Catholicism is more objectively sound than Orthodoxy.
The transformed Eucharist is Jesus himself, God himself. A gift to us. It touches me how although we let him down, again and again he keeps giving himself to us. He unites his merciful heart with ours.
Im orthodox and i believe that Mary has never sinned by her free will but of course she had Adam's sin and the only person who has no sins is Jesus Christ (not even having Adam's sin) and why is this belief wrong?
Can’t you look at sites like Catholic Answers or hear what Catholic apologists like Trent Horne or Voice of Reason have to say? Much of these statements are misconceptions, for example the 73 books were always taught since the ancient councils. I say this in love, Protestantism was invented by man, the early church fathers clearly affirm Catholicism.
11:50 blessings and sin are like josuke higashikata and kira yoshikage because one destroys and then the other fixes it and then its destroyed again just a repeating cycle(basically theyre highly contrasted)
@oscaradeaza1203 Romans 10:9-10 says: “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." It may be wrong ofc because the Bible is possibly riddled with human errors (not of Jesus) and tamperings made by man.
The Idea of Sola Scriptura, which is the belief that that the Bible is the sole authority of Christianity, and that all beliefs must come from scripture, is not even supported by the Bible itself. Now of course, an ignorance of scripture is an ignorance of Christ, but the practices of Catholicism that aren’t technically in the Bible, are not at all heretical. In fact, Catholic doctrine doesn’t even require you to do these things, and more so just sees them as good things to do. Also, the idea Catholics worship saints, Mary, and the Pope, is not at all true. Catholicism teaches that Jesus Christ founded one Church on earth, gave the apostles the authority to bless, cast out demons, and forgive sins, and made Simon Peter the first Pope. Thus, through Apostolic succession, other members of the clergy have retained this authority. That’s why the Pope, cardinals, bishops, etc., are seen as holy. Catholics pray to the saints and Mary, not as worshiping them, but as asking them to pray for us to God. There’s this TH-camr who goes by @ironinquisitor who explains this very well.
Hey Josh, you said that you didn't want to convince us, you're just telling the truth. You said something like that, but I mean, you should try to convince right?
4:08 1. How does this contradict anything? “iT wAS a EArLY TiMe” in John 2 that doesn’t refute anything, Jesus still gave the Authority to the Apostles for forgiving sin, and yes it doesn’t say they did but this a “Argument From Silence” Fallacy, just because it doesn’t write it doesn’t mean they didn’t, if Christ gave the Authority to the Apostles to forgive sins Jesus wasn’t just saying they can pray for eachother. So you failed to dispove Confession, and YOU actually did the thing you accused the Apostolic Churches of doing “cherrypicking”. Also this is what is known as a “Strawman Fallacy” Orthodox and Catholics do not say Priest are sinless or infallible, but its the same idea as the Apostles and Prophets. They are sinful people, yet the Prophets converted people, God used them to help with the Kingdom of Heaven they helped people by being leaders. Jesus let the Apostles do miracles and to forgive sins. Just because one is sinful doesn’t mean they cant have authority, the Bible answers your question. 7:37 2. Completely unBiblical, an example of the Apostles (Who are Bishops btw, they are mentioned to be Overseers of the Church and the definition of Bishops in Greek was Overseer this is the earliest definition of Bishop). Paul blesses the Ephesians in the end of the Letter to the Church in Ephesus who were rebelling against John and obviously DIY’ing Worship. Revelation 22:21, John blesses everyone who reads Revelations, Matthew 10:40 Jesus gives Authority to the Apostles, this includes forgiveness in sins, blessing people. 3. None of the verses you gave about Jesus being the forgiver disproves Confession btw, it just says He’s also the Forgiver and? That doesn’t address the point that John 2 clearly shows the Apostles having Authority to forgive. “There is only one authority to curse” no there isnt, read Galatians 1:8, Paul clearly has the power to Anathematize people or “Accurse” people. 4. No there isnt only one Authority lol, this is refuted multiple times by Pauls writing, Barnabas had authority, Timothy had authority, the Apostles had authority in the Church -12:42 5. Funny you mention heresy because basically all the Evangelical views arent accepted by the Bible or Early Church writings, rejecting the literal Presence of the Eucharist, not being able to loose Salvation, not having liturgical cycles. “Im non-Denominational” doesn’t exist btw, holds to the same ecclesiology as Evangelicals, same thing as Evangelicals without a term which is silly, even the early Church had a term called “The Way” 5:08 The Bible teaches the Church is the Universal pillar of Truth, the Eucharist isn’t symbolic and is literally the Flesh and Blood of Christ, to partake at the Altar, to take the Eucharist to be saved because you cannot be saved without the New Ark of the Covenant which is His Body and Blood. 15:43 Jesus never qoutes from Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Ecclesiastes, or Song of Songs. Does that make those books false to? Wrong, *CANON LXXXV* which pre-dates the reformation by hundreds of years confirm the Duertocanon was present in the early Church, so no these Books were never randomly made canon to prove a point that purgatory and Saint intercession is canon, we also have a Bishop who knew John personally (Martyrdom St. Polycarp of Smyrna) he writes on the Deuterocanonical books (Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, Susanna, and Sirach) I want to make it clear im not Catholic, im Eastern Orthodox but I will a hundred percent defend stuff I agree with as so the Catholics). Also the Apostles never had a formulated Biblical canon, the Canon wasnt established until the 4th century in the Council of Laodicea and Council of Carthage, theres a list of the canons and they definitely dont have the 66 Books. Luke 1:26-28, and 1 Timothy 2:1-2, all prove Saint Intercession.
So there’s nothing wrong about being a Baptist? Nothing wrong with Protestant? All of the other denominations are perfect accept Catholicism? I get there are some Catholic popes and people out there that are making us look bad, but that’s not all of us. Let me explain- We do not worship Mary, we ask her to pray for us. We pray to Archangel Michael for protection, in no shape or form do we thing that Mary, Archangel Michael, or any other saints we pray to are above God. Second, we do not worship the Eucharist and the wine, we simply acknowledge that that’s what Jesus said and we just repeat it. Not all Catholics are bad. And not all Catholics a PDF’s, the priests who were pdfs weren’t actual priests, they just signed up so they can take advantage of kids.
A Christian that attacks the body of Christ is a proof that he doesn't belong to it. Why do a video like this if you can edify by speaking truth non christians and christians. You don't need to say something about your brother are bad if you want to edify just say the truth ! God bless you❤
It’s just crazy how people like you talk about the Catholic Church like if they knew anything at all You should read the documents instead of just basing from videos or articles brother because everything you stated in this video is completely ignorant I’m still Catholic and will be until my death
I love your videos brother but cannot be any clearer than “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” John 20:23 Christ didnt put an expiration date on this. He didnt say only until the apostles die. He was speaking to the founders and elders of the church who passed down their authority through the generations. You talk about others cherry picking verses when you did so as well. And to be clear im not a catholic at least not yet. Im taking my time and truly determining my calling but out of all the denominations so far Catholicim keeps coming out on top closely followed by Orthodoxy. Most Protestantism is just unbiblical.
People only speak based on their bias but thanks to God for speaking through you and clearing the lies of the enemy
Thank you for listening fam! We are all called to read and follow the word. I’m not perfect BY ANY MEANS. I just try to do what the word says to do 🙏🏾
@@gguidedproductions yes looking forward to the 2080 film 🎉
@@gguidedproductions so is it also a sin to have a picture of the merciful Jesus on my wall? I mean the one where the blue and red streaks of blood and water are coming and are shining out of his heart, as seen by Sister Faustina?
im just going to say as a catholic myself that i dont agree with the actions of the pope nor do i follow any of the bad actions catholics did in the past. What they did isnt a reflection on the church and what we believe. The catholic church was formed by Jesus while Protestantism were formed in 1517 by Martin Luther. He disagreed and was disturbed by what the Catholic Church believed in and he penned his 95 Theses. These were 95 propositions that challenged the church's authority and doctrines. I wouldnt believe in a denomination that was created by a German monk who lived and died more than 500 years ago.
I made the same critiques as he did in this video once. It's hard to listen to now that I know the Truth and history. Count the books in the Vulgate.
Catholic church does a lot of pagan things, Jesus did NOT form a pagan practing religion.
@starlightgone88 If you can, can you give me examples if these pagan things?
@@starlightgone88any context or just a sentence?
@@nealsbball don’t y’all believe the pope is passed down from the apostles so you’d say you don’t agree with what he is doing and promoting which is pretty much universalism
Don’t you also believe you receive the Holy Spirit through a sacrament around the age of 7
And also believe in infant baptism
Aren’t the nuns and priests abusing children because they are following unbiblical practices like forbidding to marry and can’t handle their own lusts
I see a lot of Catholics say oh I don’t agree with this though in Catholicism oh and I don’t do that are you really catholic you yourself can see the carnality and worldliness promoted by the Roman Catholic Church how could this be of God remember when Paul went to say goodby to the Ephesians he said
“For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.”
Acts 20:29-31 KJV
I went to a catholic school and learned about Catholicism and the Roman Catholic Church is not of God I remember my catholic teacher watering down the Bible not holding it to it’s true authority conforming to the world
As a former cradle Catholic, technically speaking they don't teach that the priest forgives sins, but rather that God acts through the priest to forgive the sins. And yet, the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) teaches that the clergy hold the "keys" of authority to bind and loose, to forgive sins or to retain sins. They taught me in Catechism that a mortal sin can't be forgiven at all unless it's confessed to, and absolved by, a Catholic priest. So their teachings conflict somewhat, since they make their laity think that they really _need_ to get their sins absolved through the priest. And they don't really think their sins have _already been forgiven_ from the moment when they came to living faith in Christ, which is problematic.
Actually, Catholics don't really believe that they are fully justified by God through faith apart from works, either. They think they received "initial" justification _through baptism_ (which is weird and totally contrary to Romans 3:10-5:19), and they think they must gradually become fully justified as a process... because they've been taught to conflate justification with _sanctification._
There is no worship of the pope. Matter of fact, the current pope is deplored by most Catholics. The RCC has moved a long way from their old dogma of _Unam Sanctam_ which said, “We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” Now they're like, "Eh, no, we don't believe that." Which is weird, since CCC #88 states that every Catholic is "irrevocably obliged" to adhere to all Catholic dogmas.
The doctrine of Mary's "Immaculate Conception" (part of the whole "sinless" thing, since it gets around their doctrine that all humans are born guilty of Original Sin) is another required-to-be-believed dogma. They overlook the fact that Romans says "All have sinned" and "none are righteous." They overlook Mary's confession that God is her Savior (which implies that she knew she needed a Savior like everybody else, Luke 1:46-47). All Catholics are required to believe this, yet Catholics didn't know it until the 1800s.
One of my main concerns is the Catholic practice of worshiping/adoring the Eucharist. They look at an _image_ of a bread wafer, and they worship toward it as "the whole Christ."
Exo 20:4,5 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them..."
Is the _image_ of bread a 'graven' (man-made) image? Yes, it is. May a person render worship toward graven images? No, it is forbidden.
Lev 26:1 "Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God."
Is the host in the monstrance a 'standing image' set up for Catholics to kneel and worship toward it as their god? Yes, it is.
The Israelites created a calf of gold, declared it to be Almighty God, and worshiped it. As punishment, Moses had the calf ground up and made the people ingest the gold.
The Roman Catholics create wafers of bread, declare them to be Almighty God, raise them up in monstrances and worship them. Then they ingest them.
See the similarity?
The Catholic will retort, "But we believe that it really is God! It's the Real and Substantial Presence of Jesus!" This is immaterial. God did not want anyone to create a physical object or image and worship toward it. The Israelites believed that the gold calf Really was the God who led them out of Egypt... and they were committing the sin of idolatry.
Thank you for this fam. I learned a few new things from this info alone. It’s so sad to see so many people led astray by false doctrine. Thank you for sharing this information and providing some history with it as well. I will be looking into this deeper
I understand your concern about the commandment against graven images about looking at the eucharist as Jesus. It's a common misconception about Catholic belief. Catholics don't worship the bread and wine themselves, but rather the Body and Blood of Christ truly present within them. It's a mystery of faith based on Jesus' words at the Last Supper. Our adoration is directed towards Jesus Christ, who we believe is truly present in the Eucharist. It's not about worshiping a physical object but recognizing the divine within it.
And another one about mary being sinless. Realistically, it's a complex topic, and I appreciate your perspective. While it's true that Romans 3 states all have sinned, the Catholic Church believes Mary was uniquely preserved from original sin, a gift from God. This doesn't negate her humanity or the need for a Savior. Her confession of God as Savior reflects her deep humility and dependence on Him. It's important to remember that the Church's understanding of doctrine develops over time through reflection on Scripture and tradition.
@@nealsbball I suggest that you read CCC #1378 entitled, _"Worship of the Eucharist"._ Here is an excerpt: *"The Catholic Church...offers to the sacrament of the Eucharist the cult of adoration..."* You cannot deny that *one of the unavoidable and intrinsic "accidents" present in the Eucharist which you adore (i.e., worship) is the optical **_image_** of a piece of bread.* Thus, the Catholic is taught by their denomination's Catechism to direct adoration/worship toward the visible Eucharist. As a former Catholic, I know first-hand that Catholics kneel down and bow their heads in a particular manner before the image in the monstrance, and they pray toward it, as if they were witnessing 'Jesus in the flesh' instead of a breadlike image.
@@nealsbball You wrote: "While it's true that Romans 3 states all have sinned, the Catholic Church believes Mary was uniquely preserved from original sin..."
It seems you are admitting that the Catholic Church willingly teaches beliefs which conflict with what the Bible teaches. I agree with you!
Tradition is well and good, but when a church lets tradition trump Holy Scripture, they have a problem. Marian piety is not the only instance wherein Rome has done this, either. They've done it with Transubstantiation doctrine, too. (Not the real presence portion of that belief, but the part where they claim that the substances of bread and wine cease when consecrated. Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians contradicts the claim.)
As an ex Catholic, now most likely orthodox christian, I agree 10000000 percent. I was lied to my entire life, but thanks to the Holy Spirirt, i found the truth. Btw, your parrot is really cute :)
@@ulubak amen! I love to hear testimonies like this fr. All glory to God. Also thank you! Little Mango is my partner lol
@@gguidedproductions Mar Mari Emannuel brought me back to Christ. I thank him, the Lord, Christ for dying for our sins and you for this video.
absolutely! excited for the film :-D
Thank you fam! Can’t wait for you to see it
I understand where you’re coming from about the confessions. It’s really some people’s fault thinking they can keep getting away and living in sin just because they are forgiven. They think that they can trick God but God knows everything we do. Good or bad, private or public.
Also with the Catholics that think that they are better, holier than other people because they know those people’s sins. That is just straight up pride.
It’s still nice that there’s still a pretty high percentage of Catholics that actually try to turn away from sin and live a life for God.
I’ll keep supporting you man✝️
Absolutely fam. This video was not meant to “call out Catholics” or target other ppl it was simply calling out unscriptural things that Catholicism preaches. As A LOT of denominations do. It is very sad to see I really just hope ppl come to repentance. At the end of the day the word of God is the final say
Have you asked people why they go to confession and what it means to them?
I have been going to a Catholic Church since my early ages of life and agree 100% with you, there are a lot of things that Catholicism messed up, I am not a Catholic, but I go to a Catholic church, there are some teachings that I don't accept, but I now the Truth from the Gospels and I'm not going to let anyone say me what is wrong. God bless you :)
Amen I went to catholic school I learned about Catholicism and when I read the Bible they are so many unbiblical things they added and many biblical things they have taken away the pope is a universalist and still refuses to teach repentance and turning from sin and that God loves you how you are but they are Catholics who are true Christian’s and saved if they follow Gods teaching from his word and funny thing is they always have stuff they don’t agree with that Catholicism teaches if they haven’t left already
@latestmush9281 That is so true!
God bless you Joshua! I was a non denominational Christian missionary for 40 years and I agree with you 100%!!!! Can't wait to see 2080! I'll keep you in my prayers! Keep going for God!!!!
I agree with you 100% man, keep going with the good work and awesome videos!
”And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.“
Matthew 16:18 KJV
What does this mean ?
The early fathers struggled with this verse, and there was no clear consensus as to what it meant. But neither Chrysostom nor Tertullian nor Origen nor Augustine believed that _petra_ referred to _Simon and all of his successors_ (as the RCC claims that Jesus meant).
Tertullian believed that *only* Peter (not any successor) was the rock ("On Modesty," Ch. 21).
Origen believed that *all who professed the same belief* as Peter *also could be called ‘rock.’* Origen maintained that the gifts conferred to Peter were similarly conferred to all believers ("Commentary on Matthew," Book 12, Chapters 10-14).
Chrysostom said that the rock was Peter’s confession of faith-that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. "… therefore [Christ] added this, ‘And I say unto you, you are Peter, and upon this rock will I build my Church;’ that is, on the faith of his confession. Hereby He signifies that many were now on the point of believing, and raises his spirit, and makes him a shepherd" (Homily on Matthew #54, Sec. 3).
Augustine, early in his ministry, believed similar to Tertullian. But he changed his mind later and wrote that Jesus is the rock and that Peter was called by the new name after the object of his faith, Jesus Christ.
If the early church believed it as the RCC teaches it, then we should see evidence within the first 300 years (in their writings) that they believed in a monarchical bishopric in Rome who held authority over all the churches throughout the world. There is no such evidence. The records actually show bishops sometimes agreeing with, and sometimes disagreeing & ignoring, the opinions of the Roman bishop. All of the bishops were equals.
The Roman bishops began to become more and more influential from the 3rd Century onward, and by about the 5th Century the Roman bishop had enough clout to pretty much seize power. By then, "church" was _big business_ and had a substantial cash flow as well as significant socioeconomic and political clout. The smoke of Satan was making inroads as our adversary 'played the long game' with an eye toward how he could twist the Gospel and get more people into perdition. The papacy has played out well for him, because now the Catholic version of the gospel is perverted by the addition of numerous dogmas which the RCC requires the "good Catholic" to believe (CCC 88) for his salvation (Paul vehemently warned against this in Galatians 1:6-9).
@@rexlion4510 are you Orthodox?
@@ivyx7346 I am a Christian, in fellowship with an ACNA Anglican parish. Anglicans reached back to the teachings of the Bible and the very early church (first 500 years, generally speaking) to excise and bypass the later accretions to Rome's doctrinal teachings. Anglicans regard the Bible as the primary source of inspiration and authority, while the lesser authorities include tradition and Spirit-enlightened reason.
@@rexlion4510Become Orthodox bro, Sola Scriptura is not even in Scripture
Cannot wait for 2080!! May God guide you through it all. Love from South Africa ❤
God bless you brother, straight facts
All this denomination baloney givesme anxiety and makes me confused. I simply just follow Jesus and dont deny the Gospel
That’s right listen no matter what type of doctrine you hear only believe what aligns with Gods word of you are confused about something always go to Gods word to check if it’s right as soon as I read the word for myself I Learnt how to follow the lord and discerned which are false doctrines and wolves in sheeps clothing
“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
Colossians 2:8
Incredible video! 👏👏👏
7:24 This was rlly powerful man. You are truly filled and emboldened by the Holy Spirit. Continue speaking the truth brother 🙏
Repentance is the act of changing one’s understanding. The determination that shows whether you are seriously trying to repent or not is by the way you view and interact with sin, negatively or positively. If you positively interact with sin it means you fight against it at all times and only fall to a battle against temptation. To negatively indulge in temptation and sin is to live in sin and invite sin into your life like a friend.
It is persistent faith and trust, my brother. I don’t know if you are my brother, but there it is!
All glory to JESUS CHRIST ❤
I can’t wait for that movie 🔥🔥
Thank you for your videos. You inspire me to deal a lot more with my faith. I think we all need to reflect alot, no matter if catholic or any other. I am going to think about all this. ❤ Fact is: We pray to God, we believe sin is bad and there is no way to live in sin. I always think that every new day is a new chance to try the best in every second, to try and try and try again! Never give up to sin!!!!❤ We all can do this!!!!!!
Preach youngman and God bless you. You spoke and taught facts. Amen ✝️
Joshua, i really respect you for you doing this. Our opinions don’t matter when it comes to the Bible. And the TRUE Gospel. Thank you for exposing this!!
Repenting means to go from unbelief to belief in Christ. Repent and believe in the Gospel. To change your mind about sin, so that means to turn away from sin before you commit it...right? I may be wording this wrong but please correct me as I'm trying to seek accurate knowledge. Thank you and Amen
Repentance is the act of changing one’s understanding. The determination that shows whether you are seriously trying to repent or not is by the way you view and interact with sin, negatively or positively. If you positively interact with sin it means you fight against it at all times and only fall to a battle against temptation. To negatively indulge in temptation and sin is to live in sin and invite sin into your life like a friend.
No, repentance is an action of choosing to worship and follow God, not in your words, but in His Word alone. You got very little time of your own life, so drain out your own time and devotion by going to Him everyday.
Hell is real, Heaven is real, God is real, Devil is real, Demons are real, and Angels are real. Don’t forget who you following.
I remember my Sunday class teacher was saying if you pray to a saint and they pray to god
it's simple, it's like this, hey Patrick, please pray for me, Mama, I'm feeling weak, please pray for me, hey, my friend @KaMQue-w8y, please pray for me.
...we are asking saints to pray FOR us, because they are WITH God in heaven
Catholics say they pray to images of God because these images remind them of God and help them focus more on their prayers, even though the images are not God himself but creations made by humans who have never seen God. They still believe that praying to saints is not idolatry but a way to seek guidance toward God. Im 13 years old and i want to to tell this truth in my school which is a catholic school. But they will get offended and say that it's blasphemy.
Also sign of the cross and praying with a rosary is wrong right? God did not said that we should do that right?
As someone who uses a Catholic Bible and goes to Catholic churches and was baptized at a Catholic church i agree that we should stop the false catholic teachings and that we should change how the catholic church is
But i do recommend that you should study the Catholic apocrypha before you say stuff about it
Once we are saved we cannot loose salvation ever ! Believe on the lord Jesus Christ as you're only form of salvation and you are eternally saved ! ..
God bless you
I am so glad someone finally pointed out the Catholic Church.
About the people forgiving one another part, Colossians 3:13 says "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
What do you mean that only God can forgive people? Can other people not forgive other people if they commit mistake to that particular person?
Only God can forgive SINS. You are free to forgive those who trespass against you in circumstance, but your sins are only forgiven by God.
We are confessing to God himself, we believe Jesus is in the priest in this moment, priest only listens and gives helpful advice as God leads him. GOD FORGIVES.
This is clear.
”Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.“
John 20:21-23 KJV
Tell me what this means
1. a priest does not forgive our sins, he is a way for us to confess to the lord, we are taught in scripture to confess our sins to others, it is a way of repenting, God is still the one forgiving us.
2. the Pope is not worshiped like he is Christ.
3. the virgin Mary was sinless, when she gave birth to Christ she experienced no pain, this is a sign of not inheriting the first sin because birthing pain was the punishment for the first sin, Luke 1:28-30 (i mainly believe this because of catholic teaching, i will explain why catholic teaching is to be trusted later on).
4. the pope never approved of homosexuality, and why would he not be allowed to bless sinners? we are all sinners, if he isnt allowed to bless sinners then he isnt allowed to ever bless anyone.
5. the apocrypha was removed by the protestants from the bible but was before that accepted, do you really think someone 1000 years after the creation of the bible knew better than the original creators of the bible? also from my understanding the apocrypha does not teach paying off sins, and is simply a collection of historical books.
Matthew 16:18-19 gives authority to Peter and begins papal succession, aka the Pope (peter) is given the authority ("the keys of the kingdom of heaven") over the church ("on this rock i will build my church") because this authority is given to Peter, it extends to the Pope as well, and the church that was built is the Catholic church, the church that Jesus Christ started, because of this, and because this belief and the authority of the Catholic church is supported in the gospel, is why i dont believe that the Catholic church would teach falsehoods, as it is led by the holy spirit.
Wow I finally found someone who’s well versed on Catholicism
1. Some Catholics teach that you have to go to a priest to be forgiven of sins. That goes against 1st Timothy 2:5 (for there is one God & one mediator between God and man, and that is Jesus Christ). Nowhere in scripture does it say that you need to go through a priest at all.
2. That was a sarcastic comment by me I wasn’t saying that Catholics teach that. Apologies for not clarifying
3. Can you give me a Bible verse where it says Mary was sinless? Mary being sinless is not mentioned in scripture at all. That was made up by Catholic teaching based off of small details. IF Mary’s birth was painless that does not mean she was sinless. You just connected two things that don’t actually go together
4. The Pope did not bless same sex marriage but he did still bless same sex couples which is still wrong. We shouldn’t be blessing sinners at all. We should be loving & praying for them but not blessing them as in he has the authority to bless an act that God calls a sin. He has also gone back and forth on his stance on the LGBTQ community if you research deep enough. Also we are no longer sinners we are saints of God (Romans 6: 1-2)
5. If you looked at my entire video I state that The Apocrypha was never removed from The Bible it was added to The Bible by The Roman Catholic Church as a retaliation against the Reformation movement. It was never canon to scripture originally. It was added in which it never was supposed to be and then removed again as it should have been. Look at the article I put in the description of the video
5. The term Catholic Church is nowhere in the Bible. Jesus giving Peter the authority did not mean he had equal authority to God. That verse was simply a description of the start of the church.
Let me know if you have any questions
You can't go off of scripture alone.... The Catholic Church is the one who put together the canon of Bible so if by saying ur trusting the bible ur trusting the catholic church. Even if later Protestants took out some parts it was still originally put together by the catholic church
@@gguidedproductions i never stated that the church had higher authority than God, but it does have authority in general, authority that Jesus gave to Peter, the first Pope.
a bible verse about Mary being sinless is unneeded because the catholic church deems her sinless, and the catholic church has the authority to make claims such as that as it is led by the Holy Spirit. blessing others, even if they are in sin, should be allowed and if the Pope did it then it obviously is allowed, the fact that he blessed sinners doesnt mean that he was giving legitimacy to those sins. the thing about Mary having no pain when birthing Jesus is a fairly important thing to mention in a conversation of this importance, and i believe it isnt just a baseless claim as it has biblical proof. the church that Jesus Christ started wasnt called the "catholic church" in the bible, its just a matter of naming, same as the Jews never really referring to God as God, its a matter of words, that doesnt refute the fact that the catholic church is the church that Jesus himself started with Peter as its authority. the apocrypha are books that were used by both jews and early Christians, before the church, those books where there from the beginning, protestants were the ones to wrongfully remove them. also, from what i know, the pope has only ever stated things such as "leave the gays alone" or things along those lines, which dont affirm homosexuality, but simply state that we shouldnt witch hunt or hate those people, they are sinners just like us. i respect your apology and i also respect you responding to my comment, however i do not respect claims of the catholic church being against scripture, the church was made by Christ for us, and is led by The Holy Spirit, the church deserves devotion and respect, as it was created by Christ.
Im a catholic but started to read the bible using the NIV bible, and i didnt even know that we have to go to a priest to be able to be cleansed as a catholic
As a Catholic, i just follow the word of god, not what Catholicism tells me..
Then you ain't Catholic 😂
This was cool thanks
Debate Trent Horn
Nowhere in the scriptures does it say sola Scriptura is true
Where does the Bible tell us to pray to saints
@@SeboJ-i9lJames 5:16
I'm a Catholic and since I come to Christianity or I could say Christ I see that they actually worship statue I see someone in the news too that worship Mary instead of Jesus and blessing same sex marriage is just wrong
I just want to say I personally had en encounter with Jesus Christ when COVID started, and when I was seeking the Lord he was showing me how praying to Mary and saints and then bowing down before their images is idolizing. Jesus is the only Way to Go to Heaven, Jesus: I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, no man comes unto The Father but thou Me. May God bless You. Even people that did whichcradt before like John Remerez said people in the cult would use the statues to chant spirits into the statue since spirits are things without body’s. And he even said when the statue looks alive is because there is a spirit of alter behind it. Jesus Loves You!!
I'm an ex catholic teen
Praise be to God
Please pray for me I'm scared
Dont be scared
God Loves you! ❤
I make stories too! Nice parrot by the way lol
I’ve been doubting Catholicism for a while now…
When is 2080 planned to come out?
So then how do i repent the right way?
Look up the sinners' prayer
This is a prime example of ppl don’t leave Catholicism they leave what they Catholicism is. The pope is infallible in ex cathedra statement regarding theology. 2) the Catholic Church canonised scripture compiled it the first pope was involved in writing the Bible I’m pretty sure the institution that compiled scripture follows scripture better than any other. If you reject Catholicism why not reject the Bible. 3) confession is in the bible as Christ gave the church authority to forgive sins John 20:21-23
Please we Catholics don't worship the pope we worship only God
Mango brought up some good points
As a Catholic I dont blame jesus ciz ive been struggling with some stuff and i wanted to tell u guys but im still struggling and its hard for me to explain it to you
5:53 hebr 10:26-30 is not for Christians. Its ment for tribulation Jews. The blood of Chist aplies to Christians even after wilfully sinning, otherwise, works for salvation would still apply for Christians, but thats not the case. Its the case for tribulation Jews.
Let it be known to you that muslim, & other things that do not follow Christ are not the truth. Jesus said I am the way, the truth, & the life. He said that no one could come to the Father except through Him. Its John 14:6, so do not get confused on 10:24-27
If someone worships the pope it is idolatry
We don't worship the pope
As a Catholic thats fax man
Damn bro , you're right but let's just believe that Rev father have the authority to forgive sin but you still have to work and play
I am Catholic but I do not belive what Catholic priest are teaching now a days
I am an orthodox and I agree with a lot of what you are saying but in the matter of confession of our sins I do not agree. The Christian except of exercising the orders of the God and fighting against his passions, must also participate at the mysteries of our Church.
And one of the mysteries is confession. And that can only be done through the Priest who has the charisma to deliver our sins to the God. Of course you can talk directly to the God about your sins in your prayer and it will surely help you but that is something different. Confession is am mystery and it can not be executed by the Christian himself.
Thank you for sharing your opinions, I definitely agree with some points you made on not ignoring what the scriptures call us to do, but please make sure you are not basing your arguments on the bad/extremist actions of a few to justify the “flaws” of Catholicism. There have been Catholics who really messed up, as there have been for many other denominations. BUT If you had a discussion with someone who is actually educated in Ecclesiology and Christian theology vs just ranting to biased ppl on the internet, you’d get the answer to so many of your questions/beliefs. Just something to think about, no hate
Mary is the ark of the new covenant
The old ark of the covenant (the boxlike object) is no longer the place where God dwells, and it is no longer revered.
Mary's womb is no longer the place where God dwells since Jesus was born, lived, died, and ascended. She should no longer be revered.
The old ark is a created object used by God for a season. The new ark is a created being used by God for a season.
Not only catholicism 😔 but all other religions who pray to other false god and spirit of death.we only focused on catholicism but theres other religion and atheist satanist or tradition we support that we dont know they arent also not from God and unbiblical.
This was the funniest nondenominational “critique” iv seen in a while😂I’m not even Catholic but I could defend what we share as orthodox. Just to take 1 thing the apocrypha was seen as canon in the early church way before Luther was ever born
This made me more Catholic 🙏
Let's go, a real Catholic
Not to start a fight but just because of curiosity could you tell me what makes you Catholic or why your catholic
@ early church history shows that Christians practiced and believed in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist (communion). So if that’s the case, and if it’s true, then I must choose between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. To put it simply, because it wouldnt be justified by a mere comment section, I find that Catholicism is more objectively sound than Orthodoxy.
The transformed Eucharist is Jesus himself, God himself. A gift to us. It touches me how although we let him down, again and again he keeps giving himself to us. He unites his merciful heart with ours.
so, if Catholic not, then which is the real Church?
Im orthodox and i believe that Mary has never sinned by her free will but of course she had Adam's sin and the only person who has no sins is Jesus Christ (not even having Adam's sin) and why is this belief wrong?
Your parrot looks like a cayola Cran in a good way
Can’t you look at sites like Catholic Answers or hear what Catholic apologists like Trent Horne or Voice of Reason have to say? Much of these statements are misconceptions, for example the 73 books were always taught since the ancient councils. I say this in love, Protestantism was invented by man, the early church fathers clearly affirm Catholicism.
Priests don’t forgive sins
It isn’t taught that priests forgive sins
Amen ❤
I hope you get more likes
Does roman catholic still count?
11:50 blessings and sin are like josuke higashikata and kira yoshikage because one destroys and then the other fixes it and then its destroyed again just a repeating cycle(basically theyre highly contrasted)
yo guys, i dont have any friends :(
You're saved when you believe in Christ.
But the demons and devils believe in God…
@oscaradeaza1203 Romans 10:9-10 says: “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." It may be wrong ofc because the Bible is possibly riddled with human errors (not of Jesus) and tamperings made by man.
The Idea of Sola Scriptura, which is the belief that that the Bible is the sole authority of Christianity, and that all beliefs must come from scripture, is not even supported by the Bible itself. Now of course, an ignorance of scripture is an ignorance of Christ, but the practices of Catholicism that aren’t technically in the Bible, are not at all heretical. In fact, Catholic doctrine doesn’t even require you to do these things, and more so just sees them as good things to do. Also, the idea Catholics worship saints, Mary, and the Pope, is not at all true. Catholicism teaches that Jesus Christ founded one Church on earth, gave the apostles the authority to bless, cast out demons, and forgive sins, and made Simon Peter the first Pope. Thus, through Apostolic succession, other members of the clergy have retained this authority. That’s why the Pope, cardinals, bishops, etc., are seen as holy. Catholics pray to the saints and Mary, not as worshiping them, but as asking them to pray for us to God.
There’s this TH-camr who goes by @ironinquisitor who explains this very well.
Hey Josh, you said that you didn't want to convince us, you're just telling the truth. You said something like that, but I mean, you should try to convince right?
Wow you have a parrot so cool
But seriously, are there people that actually worship the Pope like Jesus or something?
Nah I should have clarified. That was me being sarcastic I wasn’t literally saying they worship The Pope. Sorry for that. That wasn’t clear
Orthodoxy is the way
Jesus is the way
1. How does this contradict anything? “iT wAS a EArLY TiMe” in John 2 that doesn’t refute anything, Jesus still gave the Authority to the Apostles for forgiving sin, and yes it doesn’t say they did but this a “Argument From Silence” Fallacy, just because it doesn’t write it doesn’t mean they didn’t, if Christ gave the Authority to the Apostles to forgive sins Jesus wasn’t just saying they can pray for eachother. So you failed to dispove Confession, and YOU actually did the thing you accused the Apostolic Churches of doing “cherrypicking”. Also this is what is known as a “Strawman Fallacy” Orthodox and Catholics do not say Priest are sinless or infallible, but its the same idea as the Apostles and Prophets. They are sinful people, yet the Prophets converted people, God used them to help with the Kingdom of Heaven they helped people by being leaders. Jesus let the Apostles do miracles and to forgive sins. Just because one is sinful doesn’t mean they cant have authority, the Bible answers your question.
2. Completely unBiblical, an example of the Apostles (Who are Bishops btw, they are mentioned to be Overseers of the Church and the definition of Bishops in Greek was Overseer this is the earliest definition of Bishop). Paul blesses the Ephesians in the end of the Letter to the Church in Ephesus who were rebelling against John and obviously DIY’ing Worship. Revelation 22:21, John blesses everyone who reads Revelations, Matthew 10:40 Jesus gives Authority to the Apostles, this includes forgiveness in sins, blessing people.
3. None of the verses you gave about Jesus being the forgiver disproves Confession btw, it just says He’s also the Forgiver and? That doesn’t address the point that John 2 clearly shows the Apostles having Authority to forgive. “There is only one authority to curse” no there isnt, read Galatians 1:8, Paul clearly has the power to Anathematize people or “Accurse” people.
4. No there isnt only one Authority lol, this is refuted multiple times by Pauls writing, Barnabas had authority, Timothy had authority, the Apostles had authority in the Church
5. Funny you mention heresy because basically all the Evangelical views arent accepted by the Bible or Early Church writings, rejecting the literal Presence of the Eucharist, not being able to loose Salvation, not having liturgical cycles.
“Im non-Denominational” doesn’t exist btw, holds to the same ecclesiology as Evangelicals, same thing as Evangelicals without a term which is silly, even the early Church had a term called “The Way”
The Bible teaches the Church is the Universal pillar of Truth, the Eucharist isn’t symbolic and is literally the Flesh and Blood of Christ, to partake at the Altar, to take the Eucharist to be saved because you cannot be saved without the New Ark of the Covenant which is His Body and Blood.
Jesus never qoutes from Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Ecclesiastes, or Song of Songs. Does that make those books false to? Wrong, *CANON LXXXV* which pre-dates the reformation by hundreds of years confirm the Duertocanon was present in the early Church, so no these Books were never randomly made canon to prove a point that purgatory and Saint intercession is canon, we also have a Bishop who knew John personally (Martyrdom St. Polycarp of Smyrna) he writes on the Deuterocanonical books (Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, Susanna, and Sirach) I want to make it clear im not Catholic, im Eastern Orthodox but I will a hundred percent defend stuff I agree with as so the Catholics). Also the Apostles never had a formulated Biblical canon, the Canon wasnt established until the 4th century in the Council of Laodicea and Council of Carthage, theres a list of the canons and they definitely dont have the 66 Books.
Luke 1:26-28, and 1 Timothy 2:1-2, all prove Saint Intercession.
So there’s nothing wrong about being a Baptist? Nothing wrong with Protestant? All of the other denominations are perfect accept Catholicism? I get there are some Catholic popes and people out there that are making us look bad, but that’s not all of us. Let me explain- We do not worship Mary, we ask her to pray for us. We pray to Archangel Michael for protection, in no shape or form do we thing that Mary, Archangel Michael, or any other saints we pray to are above God. Second, we do not worship the Eucharist and the wine, we simply acknowledge that that’s what Jesus said and we just repeat it. Not all Catholics are bad. And not all Catholics a PDF’s, the priests who were pdfs weren’t actual priests, they just signed up so they can take advantage of kids.
A Christian that attacks the body of Christ is a proof that he doesn't belong to it. Why do a video like this if you can edify by speaking truth non christians and christians. You don't need to say something about your brother are bad if you want to edify just say the truth ! God bless you❤
It’s just crazy how people like you talk about the Catholic Church like if they knew anything at all
You should read the documents instead of just basing from videos or articles brother because everything you stated in this video is completely ignorant
I’m still Catholic and will be until my death
I love your videos brother but cannot be any clearer than
“If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
John 20:23
Christ didnt put an expiration date on this. He didnt say only until the apostles die. He was speaking to the founders and elders of the church who passed down their authority through the generations. You talk about others cherry picking verses when you did so as well. And to be clear im not a catholic at least not yet. Im taking my time and truly determining my calling but out of all the denominations so far Catholicim keeps coming out on top closely followed by Orthodoxy. Most Protestantism is just unbiblical.
Heretic 🤣🫵
Pentecostal 🫡
Damn bro , you're right but let's just believe that Rev father have the authority to forgive sin but you still have to work and play
Amen 🙏
Damn bro , you're right but let's just believe that Rev father have the authority to forgive sin but you still have to work and play