Pastor Jeff thank you for preaching the truth with power. So many sermons are lukewarm watered down versions. But not at Apologia they preach with strong enough power to break down defences and give the Lord Jesus a chance to speak to hearts. You are sowing good seed and may the Lord Jesus richly bless and anoint you and all your ministry staff 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Bless you brother for this message!! There's only one King There's only one found worthy. He's ruling now the King Jesus! So beautiful the Gospel ...There is none like Him not one. Blessing to you Pastor and Apologia Church
I can certainly attest to the Word of God on this issue of none seek Him. When I was brought back to life i was NOT looking for Him. Even in the plain sense. I wasn't even pretending to look for Him. He came and TOOK me for Him. Saved my life. Changed my entire course. None of that was from me. It's the Holy, living God, for HIS own purpose taking control of His own creature and leading that sad, sinful creature and washing him off and taking him by the hand to lead him to HIS own path and in His own will. We have a mission, and we were tapped by the living God to fulfill that purpose. We're just blessed that God's will for us brings us the joy, the fullness the pleasure. That's a wonderful thing.
Pastor Jeff... you are telling the truth about today’s churches and the modern Christian worship music. Satan knows how to work his lies into the Christian church through our selfish pride. Thank you for your teaching. I am grateful for a great church but it’s 40 minutes away so in winter we can’t alway make it. We live in MT. As a senior citizen it’s a joy to have the truth preached in my home . I pray for your ministry.
God bless brother the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the all MIGHTY GOD and HIS grace abounds forever keep the faith brother Jeff keep the faith church tú hermano en Cristo desde Puerto Rico
I didn't find Him. He send me a gift, a Bible. Then, convinced me to read and by His grace He allowed me to see His Son Jesus, in The Scriptures. Convinced me of my sin, now I am saved by His grace. ❤ Jesus ❤
Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ alone. Faith is complete trust and the duty to fulfil that trust. "He that believeth on me hath everlasting life", as John 6:47, hear and obey (hearken).
How do you believe in Jesus Christ ? By obeying the words that he received from the Father ( Deuteronomy 18:15-19 ; John 12:44-50 ; and Revelation 20:11-15 ) . PLEASE READ THESE VERSES ! Shalom !
@@messengerisrael3817 I am familiar with Jesus being the Prophet of God. And only speaking the words he was given such as love and judge your neighbour as yourself. As for Rev 20 this took place in AD70 and all Jews use now be born again.
@@simonskinner1450 Are you telling me that the white throne judgement took place in 70 A.D. ? At the white throne judgement , ALL will be born of the spirit ( heavenly body ) . Shalom !
@@messengerisrael3817 You should bring a argument instead of SHOUTING PLEASE READ THESE VERSES! Take your Shalom and eat it. Why you who's so willing to reply have not an argument that came from your inside. I can tell you why you don't. It's because your listening to men tell you what you believe instead of actually allowing the Holy Spirit to challenge you on what you think is right. In any case, shouting PLEASE READ THESE VERSES does nothing to edify anyone, least of all someone you disagree with. So if your a follower of Jesus why haven't you followed his Words? Like you say?
Pastor and Apologia Church.. Thank you very much to teach us about GOD and his son and the Holy Spirit. I have learns lot from your teaching the words of GOD. Question: Why and when I go to a church is a big Problem the pastor of the church have make a big problem with me or stoping me from going to the church. Someone give him the power to do that or blackmail me out of the church.
@@fayelewis5476 "For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their works." Matthew 16:27
Windisea1 - it's 501c3 and they're not government churches, they're churches that are influenced by the government by getting a tax break in return. In other words. Not good.
I AM awake - In my book government tax breaks equal government controlled churches. The other correction you took time to comment on was a minor-typo which most people are familiar with so I believe my point was understood, but thanks. Now, do you have any solutions to offer on how to get churches to reject government💰and faithfully reinstate and rely on Jesus as the head of the church?
Windisea1 - thank you for the clarification, I wasn't trying to be that guy, just wanted it to be clear for others. What is this book you mentioned. I'd like to review it and I'm honestly not sure "how to", I just know what needs to be done. All the dispensational pastors need to wake up, repent and speak against the 501c3 regulations, tyranny and corruption around us because of our evil government. That's Exactly what this pastor Chuck Baldwin from Minnesota did and I respect him more than most pastors I like including Jeff. His channel is called FellowshipLibertyMT. Check it out I know you'll find your answer from him.
Do you guys try to get the biggest return when you file your taxes? There's nothing inherently bad with trying to prevent the gov't from stealing more of your money. It's a problem if the church changes it's message to keep a 501c3 status. But simply taking advantage of the 501c3 doesn't mean a church is being influenced by the government. Would I rather the govt take my tithes and offerings and give it to Planned Parenthood? Or my church use it to support the ministry we do at one of the elementary schools here in town? Again, if the gov't says "Don't say homosexuality is wrong, or else you'll lose your status" and your preacher decides to follow their order, THEN it's a problem. But I know for a fact my pastor wouldn't never do that.
what does IO mean on your t-shirt? isn't it a symbol of androgyny? and isn't androgyny a sin? and yet you are a Christian pastor. how do you explain this? please give us your feedback. perhaps you are a deceiver, giving us tiny bits of truth in your animated sermons, but in reality you may be working for the other side. this is unacceptable. you need to come clean and tell us why you wear the symbol IO on your t-shirt.
It's a brand called "10 trees". Supposedly whenever you buy a shirt they plant 10 trees. A lot of suburban upper middle class types wear it. Kind of a bland fashion choice but not satanic
"which they then exercise by believing in Christ and turning from their sins in love for God." No where in scripture are you told to turn from sin in order to be saved. You got it all right until you said that. You don't even have the power to turn from your own sin. You need God to make you alive, and to gift to you the faith in order to believe. Your not going to say, "Thanks Jesus I'll take it from here"? You think your saved because you have this melding pot of "if" then statements in your doctrine. Well God will do this, if I do this. "As a result of this faith, based upon the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, God justifies or makes righteous the one who believes." As a result of? A RESULT OF? This is very subtle, very subtle trickery. Got makes you righteous out of nothing to what do! "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." "Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works"
What timestamp does does he say this? Was looking if this man preached heresy to expose him. Turning from sins for salvation, is following the law for salvation.
Jesus says: If ye love me keep my commandments. (John 14:15) ☝️This includes the 4th commandment (Exodus 20:8-11) REMEMBER to keep the sabbath holy! Remember Sunday is NOT the sabbath! Remember Sunday is NOT the Lord's day!
@@choicemeatrandy6572 You keep the laws of the covenant , the ten commandments , statutes and judgments given to the people from the God of Israel to the covenant people ( Exodus 24;1-8 ) ; now through the law of the mediator Jesus Christ ( Ephesians 2;8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith ; and that not of yourselves ; it is the gift of God ; Not of works , lest any man should boast ) . Paul is saying that , by grace ( blood of Christ ) are ye saved ( forgiven of your past sins ) through faith ( believing the word of God by repenting ( turn away from unrighteousness and obeying the Father's word ) ; and that not of yourselves ( the free gift is his blood , he was a sin sacrifice - Isaiah 53 ) ; it is the gift of God ( Romans 6;23 For the wages of sin is death ; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord ) . Not of works , ( the sin sacrifice through the previous mediator Moses - law of animal sacrifice ( Daniel 9;27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week ; and in the midst of the week he shall shall the sacrifice and the oblation to cease , and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate , even until the consummation , and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate ) ; which could not forgive you of your sins , but kept God from killing your flesh/body , the blood of the animals and oblations ) ; lest any man should boast ( the Israelites did not believe the word of God by faith ; by not keeping it , and went through the law of animal sacrifice for the flesh/body , but not the heart/mind , and remained in sin . Only through faith , can the blood of Christ clean you of your sins ( 1st John 1;5-7 ) . The God of Israel is no respecter of person , but in every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness he accept him , and grafts him into the covenant of Israel , but only Israel has made a covenant with God , under the laws of God . Paul made it clear in Romans 2;11-15 and Romans 11;11-22 ; when the Gentiles/Strangers who are not under the law , do by nature the things contained in the law , they are accepted and grafted into the covenant of Israel . Jesus Christ is the mediator of faith ; you have to start living by faith to come under his blood ; Moses was the mediator of works , through sacrifice and oblation - the blood of the animals . Shalom !
Choice Meat Randy That's the "Mosaic Law" (Ephesians 2:15) ☝️ God's Law = Ten Commandments! Written in stone tablets by God himself! Then place INSIDE the Holy Ark of the Covenant, which represents it's eternal status. Ten Commandments in HEAVEN! 👉(Revelation 11:19) You want to enter the GATES???? 👉(Revelation 22:14) amen!!!
@@protestant77 That is not what the Bible teaches. You are a soul. Your soul is eternal. You will spend eternity in heaven or hell. When you die your body goes into the ground, but your soul never dies. Jesus on the cross said to the thief, "Today you will be will Me in Paradise." Jesus said, "Into Thy hands I commit My spirit." Ecc. 12:7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it. A perfect example is the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Both died, and the rich man went to hell while Lazarus went to paradise (Luke 16). Of course, the rich man was aware that his sins were only committed during his lifetime. But, interestingly, he never says, “How did I end up here?” That question is never asked in hell. He does not say, “Did I really deserve this? Don't you think this is a little extreme? A little over the top?” He only asks that someone go to his brothers who are still alive and warn them against his fate. Like the rich man, every sinner in hell has a full realization that he deserves to be there. Each sinner has a fully informed, acutely aware, and sensitive conscience which, in hell, becomes his own tormenter. This is the experience of torture in hell-a person fully aware of his or her sin with a relentlessly accusing conscience, without relief for even one moment. The guilt of sin will produce shame and everlasting self-hatred. The rich man knew that eternal punishment for a lifetime of sins is justified and deserved. That is why he never protested or questioned being in hell. Gen. 35:18 It came about as her soul (Rachel's) was departing (for she died), that she named him Ben-oni; but his father called him Benjamin. When I die I will be even more alive than I am now. "Absent from the body, present with the Lord." "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Death is gain. Death is unbroken communion with God.
@@jwtrain please read Luke 19;41-44 , the Messiah himself said that not a stone would be left upon another of the city of Jerusalem , so where did that wall that they are praying to come from ? Who do you believe , the Messiah or man , who say that this the outer wall of the temple ?
John Train I don’t know if the remaining wall is relevant to His prophecy. It may not be. I’m in the position of piecing together truth bit by bit. This is one potential problem I’ve come across and I’ve never heard it mentioned.
@@pajamasflannel Not only is the temple to be destroyed , but the entire city is to be destroyed down to the ground ( Luke 19;41-44 ) . First , who is the covenant between ? Answer , The covenant is between the Father and the covenant people ( Israel ) ; Moses and Jesus are the mediators . The covenant is the ten commandments , statutes and judgments to define the covenant , and the mediators intercedes with the Father for the covenant people . Moses received the laws of God on two tablets of stone , and wrote in ink , the statutes and judgments in the book of the covenant ( Exodus 24;1-8 ) . The children of Israel did not believe , so they did not take action to obey the laws of God ( Romans 10;17 So then faith cometh by hearing , and hearing by the word of God ) . To serve the God of Israel , you must live by faith as Abraham did ( circumcised the foreskin of your heart as Moses and Jeremiah said in Deuteronomy 10;12-16 , and Jeremiah 4;1-4 . Moses gave them the laws of God on tablets of stone and written in ink , but unless it's in your heart , it's useless . When the children of Israel began to sin against the laws of God , he gave through the mediator Moses a law to protect their flesh ( law of animal sacrifice ) . This law was of works through the Leviticus priesthood ; which was not of faith ; which could not forgive your sins of the heart/mind/conscience , but kept God from killing your flesh/body . Jesus Christ replaced Moses as the mediator , when he died and was resurrected and appeared before the Father in heaven for our sins ( Hebrews 9;24 ) . Jesus Christ is the mediator of faith , because he lived a righteous life without sin ( the wages of sin is death ) ; but if you live without sin , you overcome death . Christ died not for himself , but the sins of those who live by faith ( 1st John 1;5-7 ) . In order to serve this mediator , you have to live by faith ( start keeping the word of the Father ) . Christ is a better mediator , because through him your sins can be forgiven ; in the covenant through Christ , the laws of God will be place in your mind , and written in our heart ( Hebrews 8;6-13 ) . Jesus Christ himself said that no man come to me unless the Father who has sent me draw him ( John 6;43-45 ) ; and this is how the Father know you ( Malachi 3;16-18 ) . The laws of God did not change , the ministration under the two mediators changed , from Moses to Jesus Christ . Under the ministration of Moses , he received the laws of God on tablets of stone and written in ink in the book of the covenant , but the people did not put the laws of God in their heart ; Moses was of flesh and he mediated through the Leviticus priesthood for their sins with the law of animal sacrifice , but this was only to keep God from killing their flesh , but their sins could not be forgiven ; the lawgiver was the people , by the witness of two of three people , judgment was carried out ; the priesthood was through the Leviticus priesthood , but this was of flesh and sin , the priest not only sacrificed for the people , but also for themselves ; and the high priest was Aaron and his sons , also of sin and flesh . Jesus Christ became the mediator after he was resurrected in the spirit , righteous , everlasting , and appeared in heaven before the Father for our sins . The priesthood has been returned to the everlasting priesthood of righteousness - Melchisedec ; Jesus Christ is now the lawgiver ; Jesus Christ is now the high priest ; and the testator or sin sacrifice for our sin is the blood of Christ through faith ( Ephesians 2;8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith ; and that not of yourselves ; it is the gift of God . Not of works , lest any man should boast ) . You must start living by faith ( keeping the word of the Father ) , then the free gift - the grace ( blood of Christ ) clean you from your past sins . The works that Paul is talking about in Ephesians 2;9 is the sin sacrifice through the mediator Moses - the law of animal sacrifice ; remember it requires a sin sacrifice - blood for the remission of sin ( Hebrews 9;22 ) . God is no respecter of persons , but in every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness he accept , and grafts them into the covenant of Israel , but only the nation of Israel has made a covenant with the God of Israel , under the laws of God ( Romans 2;11-15 ) . The Son ( Christ ) do the will of the Father , and this is the will of the Father ( 1st John 5;3 For this is the love of God , that we keep his commandments ; and his commandments are not grievous ) . We did not stop keeping the laws of the Father through Christ ,but ( Romans 3;31 Do we then make void the law through faith ? God forbid ; yea , we establish the law ) . Remember , the wages of sin is death , so Moses and Christ were given the laws of sacrifice ; Moses the blood of the animals for the flesh/body ; which was not of faith but works , and Christ his righteous blood for the heart/mind/spirit ; which is of faith , and your sins can be forgiven to become a Son of God .
Choice Meat Randy I don’t know if the remaining stones upon others nullifies the prophecy or not. What concerns me is why, as Pastor Jeff says in the video, do “we have a message that’s so ineffective that the world has turned the us upside down?” There isn’t much that I’ve read in scripture that has me doubting but my time with believers has me doubting except for my time with a group called the Twelve Tribes. I must say, too, though, that Pastor Jeff has made an impression on me. He seems very well versed. Pun intended.
I go to a Pre-millennial church, and we have much to say about government. To conflate and shove every other view of eschatology into a non-working or non-laboring-for-the-kingdom church is terribley wrong. Is the wolf dwelling with the lamb? Are lions eating straw like an ox? Are kids playing with cobras and not being hurt? Are the fortunes of Jerusalem restored? Has great tribulation "such as has not occured since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will", happened yet? Of course not! Far worse tribulation has happened since A.D 70 I.e, WW2. Have "all the tribes of the earth" mourned? Absolutely not. None of this has happened. You have to spiritualize and allegorize the text. Moreover, the book of Revelation was written AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem, the evidence is insurmountable. "But when the Son of Man comes"-he will come the same way he left: visibly and physically (not spiritually in judgement-"and all his angles with him, THEN he will sit on his glorious throne". You can't pick and choose which texts to not take literally, when the author is speaking in such terms. Rev. 20, the 1,000 years is a good exame. Food for thought: Thr early church father's for the first few hundred years were virtually all pre millennial (also, not deterministic calvinists).
You, your church, ministries, and videos mean so much to me. Thank you for all that you do
Pastor Jeff thank you for preaching the truth with power. So many sermons are lukewarm watered down versions. But not at Apologia they preach with strong enough power to break down defences and give the Lord Jesus a chance to speak to hearts. You are sowing good seed and may the Lord Jesus richly bless and anoint you and all your ministry staff 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sound doctrine is everything. Thank you pastor Jeff for preaching God’s truth so boldly and staying faithful to the text. ❤️
Bless you brother for this message!!
There's only one King There's only one found worthy. He's ruling now the King Jesus! So beautiful the Gospel ...There is none like Him not one.
Blessing to you Pastor and Apologia Church
I can certainly attest to the Word of God on this issue of none seek Him. When I was brought back to life i was NOT looking for Him. Even in the plain sense. I wasn't even pretending to look for Him.
He came and TOOK me for Him. Saved my life. Changed my entire course.
None of that was from me. It's the Holy, living God, for HIS own purpose taking control of His own creature and leading that sad, sinful creature and washing him off and taking him by the hand to lead him to HIS own path and in His own will.
We have a mission, and we were tapped by the living God to fulfill that purpose.
We're just blessed that God's will for us brings us the joy, the fullness the pleasure. That's a wonderful thing.
Pastor Jeff... you are telling the truth about today’s churches and the modern Christian worship music. Satan knows how to work his lies into the Christian church through our selfish pride. Thank you for your teaching. I am grateful for a great church but it’s 40 minutes away so in winter we can’t alway make it. We live in MT. As a senior citizen it’s a joy to have the truth preached in my home . I pray for your ministry.
God bless you, praise His name
this the first video I caught live! I'm so happy
We need to return to home churches w smaller groups.
Dont worry, the comming persecution will make it necessary.
That was some good stuff pastor Jeff! God bless
God bless brother the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the all MIGHTY GOD and HIS grace abounds forever keep the faith brother Jeff keep the faith church tú hermano en Cristo desde Puerto Rico
I didn't find Him.
He send me a gift, a Bible. Then, convinced me to read and by His grace He allowed me to see His Son Jesus, in The Scriptures. Convinced me of my sin, now I am saved by His grace. ❤ Jesus ❤
Now u r save.... From what?
@LSmoove 79 I take it you're not Reformed?
@LSmoove 79 are you Pentecostal, Apostolic, Adventist, Independent Baptist, Reformed Baptist?
@LSmoove 79 I agree with you. But it matters a lot to what kind denomination you attend and get your doctrine.
I am alone in the world here. My mission is clear.
I have a Pastor I see quarterly of so and I believe I've found a local church...
The Lord has a remnant even now
Make disciples and teach them to obey the Lord.
Awesome message
Good video love it
Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ alone. Faith is complete trust and the duty to fulfil that trust. "He that believeth on me hath everlasting life", as John 6:47, hear and obey (hearken).
How do you believe in Jesus Christ ? By obeying the words that he received from the Father ( Deuteronomy 18:15-19 ; John 12:44-50 ; and Revelation 20:11-15 ) . PLEASE READ THESE VERSES ! Shalom !
@@messengerisrael3817 I am familiar with Jesus being the Prophet of God. And only speaking the words he was given such as love and judge your neighbour as yourself.
As for Rev 20 this took place in AD70 and all Jews use now be born again.
@@simonskinner1450 Are you telling me that the white throne judgement took place in 70 A.D. ? At the white throne judgement , ALL will be born of the spirit ( heavenly body ) . Shalom !
@@messengerisrael3817 yes.
You should bring a argument instead of SHOUTING PLEASE READ THESE VERSES! Take your Shalom and eat it. Why you who's so willing to reply have not an argument that came from your inside. I can tell you why you don't. It's because your listening to men tell you what you believe instead of actually allowing the Holy Spirit to challenge you on what you think is right.
In any case, shouting PLEASE READ THESE VERSES does nothing to edify anyone, least of all someone you disagree with. So if your a follower of Jesus why haven't you followed his Words? Like you say?
So good!!
Jeff Durbin, I humbly plead that you reach out to Owen Benjamin
What are your thoughts on baptism, I would like to see a video on that :)
I’ve got Pastor Ben and John Courson at Applegate Christian fellowship 🤙🏽🙌🏾✝️
I listen to them all the way from Kenya
He says I can sin all I wAnt! Wehooo
Great video on Salvation. Thank you for sharing.
Pastor and Apologia Church.. Thank you very much to teach us about GOD and his son and the Holy Spirit. I have learns lot from your teaching the words of GOD. Question: Why and when I go to a church is a big Problem the pastor of the church have make a big problem with me or stoping me from going to the church. Someone give him the power to do that or blackmail me out of the church.
Good work brother
How do you think that Jesus can save you if you don't think he must be obeyed?
You can't.
Works cannot justify you before God. Works are the evidence of your faith.
@@fayelewis5476 evidence is justification. No evidence, no faith.
@@simonskinner1450 I agree, but that is not what most Protestants believe. See the comment from Faye Lewis.
@@fayelewis5476 "For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their works." Matthew 16:27
Pasto i want to asked you one question
There are no non- government 501c churches and I live in SoCal where by population alone they should be numerous.
Windisea1 - it's 501c3 and they're not government churches, they're churches that are influenced by the government by getting a tax break in return. In other words. Not good.
I AM awake - In my book government tax breaks equal government controlled churches. The other correction you took time to comment on was a minor-typo which most people are familiar with so I believe my point was understood, but thanks. Now, do you have any solutions to offer on how to get churches to reject government💰and faithfully reinstate and rely on Jesus as the head of the church?
Windisea1 - thank you for the clarification, I wasn't trying to be that guy, just wanted it to be clear for others.
What is this book you mentioned. I'd like to review it and I'm honestly not sure "how to", I just know what needs to be done. All the dispensational pastors need to wake up, repent and speak against the 501c3 regulations, tyranny and corruption around us because of our evil government.
That's Exactly what this pastor Chuck Baldwin from Minnesota did and I respect him more than most pastors I like including Jeff. His channel is called FellowshipLibertyMT. Check it out I know you'll find your answer from him.
Do you guys try to get the biggest return when you file your taxes?
There's nothing inherently bad with trying to prevent the gov't from stealing more of your money.
It's a problem if the church changes it's message to keep a 501c3 status. But simply taking advantage of the 501c3 doesn't mean a church is being influenced by the government.
Would I rather the govt take my tithes and offerings and give it to Planned Parenthood? Or my church use it to support the ministry we do at one of the elementary schools here in town?
Again, if the gov't says "Don't say homosexuality is wrong, or else you'll lose your status" and your preacher decides to follow their order, THEN it's a problem. But I know for a fact my pastor wouldn't never do that.
I AM awake Pastor Chuck Baldwin at Liberty Fellowship MT is my Pastor.
what does IO mean on your t-shirt? isn't it a symbol of androgyny? and isn't androgyny a sin? and yet you are a Christian pastor. how do you explain this? please give us your feedback. perhaps you are a deceiver, giving us tiny bits of truth in your animated sermons, but in reality you may be working for the other side. this is unacceptable. you need to come clean and tell us why you wear the symbol IO on your t-shirt.
It's a brand called "10 trees". Supposedly whenever you buy a shirt they plant 10 trees. A lot of suburban upper middle class types wear it. Kind of a bland fashion choice but not satanic
"which they then exercise by believing in Christ and turning from their sins in love for God."
No where in scripture are you told to turn from sin in order to be saved. You got it all right until you said that. You don't even have the power to turn from your own sin. You need God to make you alive, and to gift to you the faith in order to believe. Your not going to say, "Thanks Jesus I'll take it from here"?
You think your saved because you have this melding pot of "if" then statements in your doctrine. Well God will do this, if I do this.
"As a result of this faith, based upon the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, God justifies or makes righteous the one who believes."
As a result of? A RESULT OF? This is very subtle, very subtle trickery. Got makes you righteous out of nothing to what do!
"But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness."
"Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works"
What timestamp does does he say this? Was looking if this man preached heresy to expose him. Turning from sins for salvation, is following the law for salvation.
the stars didnt fall the 2 witnesses havent roamed for 3.5 years then killed and risen after 3 days..not yet happened
Jesus says:
If ye love me keep my commandments.
(John 14:15)
☝️This includes the
4th commandment (Exodus 20:8-11)
REMEMBER to keep the sabbath holy!
Remember Sunday is NOT the sabbath!
Remember Sunday is NOT the Lord's day!
@@choicemeatrandy6572 You keep the laws of the covenant , the ten commandments , statutes and judgments given to the people from the God of Israel to the covenant people ( Exodus 24;1-8 ) ; now through the law of the mediator Jesus Christ ( Ephesians 2;8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith ; and that not of yourselves ; it is the gift of God ; Not of works , lest any man should boast ) . Paul is saying that , by grace ( blood of Christ ) are ye saved ( forgiven of your past sins ) through faith ( believing the word of God by repenting ( turn away from unrighteousness and obeying the Father's word ) ; and that not of yourselves ( the free gift is his blood , he was a sin sacrifice - Isaiah 53 ) ; it is the gift of God ( Romans 6;23 For the wages of sin is death ; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord ) . Not of works , ( the sin sacrifice through the previous mediator Moses - law of animal sacrifice ( Daniel 9;27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week ; and in the midst of the week he shall shall the sacrifice and the oblation to cease , and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate , even until the consummation , and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate ) ; which could not forgive you of your sins , but kept God from killing your flesh/body , the blood of the animals and oblations ) ; lest any man should boast ( the Israelites did not believe the word of God by faith ; by not keeping it , and went through the law of animal sacrifice for the flesh/body , but not the heart/mind , and remained in sin . Only through faith , can the blood of Christ clean you of your sins ( 1st John 1;5-7 ) . The God of Israel is no respecter of person , but in every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness he accept him , and grafts him into the covenant of Israel , but only Israel has made a covenant with God , under the laws of God . Paul made it clear in Romans 2;11-15 and Romans 11;11-22 ; when the Gentiles/Strangers who are not under the law , do by nature the things contained in the law , they are accepted and grafted into the covenant of Israel . Jesus Christ is the mediator of faith ; you have to start living by faith to come under his blood ; Moses was the mediator of works , through sacrifice and oblation - the blood of the animals . Shalom !
Choice Meat Randy
That's the "Mosaic Law"
(Ephesians 2:15) ☝️
God's Law = Ten Commandments!
Written in stone tablets by God himself!
Then place INSIDE the Holy Ark of the Covenant, which represents it's eternal status.
Ten Commandments in HEAVEN!
👉(Revelation 11:19)
You want to enter the GATES????
👉(Revelation 22:14) amen!!!
@@protestant77 Do you know for sure if you died today where you would spend eternity?
Faye Lewis
Yes I know.
I would be in the ground, till Jesus resurrects me.
@@protestant77 That is not what the Bible teaches.
You are a soul. Your soul is eternal. You will spend eternity in heaven or hell. When you die your body goes into the ground, but your soul never dies. Jesus on the cross said to the thief, "Today you will be will Me in Paradise." Jesus said, "Into Thy hands I commit My spirit."
Ecc. 12:7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.
A perfect example is the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Both died, and the rich man went to hell while Lazarus went to paradise (Luke 16). Of course, the rich man was aware that his sins were only committed during his lifetime. But, interestingly, he never says, “How did I end up here?” That question is never asked in hell. He does not say, “Did I really deserve this? Don't you think this is a little extreme? A little over the top?” He only asks that someone go to his brothers who are still alive and warn them against his fate.
Like the rich man, every sinner in hell has a full realization that he deserves to be there. Each sinner has a fully informed, acutely aware, and sensitive conscience which, in hell, becomes his own tormenter. This is the experience of torture in hell-a person fully aware of his or her sin with a relentlessly accusing conscience, without relief for even one moment. The guilt of sin will produce shame and everlasting self-hatred. The rich man knew that eternal punishment for a lifetime of sins is justified and deserved. That is why he never protested or questioned being in hell.
Gen. 35:18 It came about as her soul (Rachel's) was departing (for she died), that she named him Ben-oni; but his father called him Benjamin.
When I die I will be even more alive than I am now. "Absent from the body, present with the Lord."
"For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Death is gain. Death is unbroken communion with God.
Rooted in history but what about the remaining wall of the Temple?
pajamasflannel How is that significant at all? It’s only a support wall of the temple, not part of it.
@@jwtrain please read Luke 19;41-44 , the Messiah himself said that not a stone would be left upon another of the city of Jerusalem , so where did that wall that they are praying to come from ? Who do you believe , the Messiah or man , who say that this the outer wall of the temple ?
John Train
I don’t know if the remaining wall is relevant to His prophecy. It may not be. I’m in the position of piecing together truth bit by bit. This is one potential problem I’ve come across and I’ve never heard it mentioned.
@@pajamasflannel Not only is the temple to be destroyed , but the entire city is to be destroyed down to the ground ( Luke 19;41-44 ) . First , who is the covenant between ? Answer , The covenant is between the Father and the covenant people ( Israel ) ; Moses and Jesus are the mediators . The covenant is the ten commandments , statutes and judgments to define the covenant , and the mediators intercedes with the Father for the covenant people . Moses received the laws of God on two tablets of stone , and wrote in ink , the statutes and judgments in the book of the covenant ( Exodus 24;1-8 ) . The children of Israel did not believe , so they did not take action to obey the laws of God ( Romans 10;17 So then faith cometh by hearing , and hearing by the word of God ) . To serve the God of Israel , you must live by faith as Abraham did ( circumcised the foreskin of your heart as Moses and Jeremiah said in Deuteronomy 10;12-16 , and Jeremiah 4;1-4 . Moses gave them the laws of God on tablets of stone and written in ink , but unless it's in your heart , it's useless . When the children of Israel began to sin against the laws of God , he gave through the mediator Moses a law to protect their flesh ( law of animal sacrifice ) . This law was of works through the Leviticus priesthood ; which was not of faith ; which could not forgive your sins of the heart/mind/conscience , but kept God from killing your flesh/body . Jesus Christ replaced Moses as the mediator , when he died and was resurrected and appeared before the Father in heaven for our sins ( Hebrews 9;24 ) . Jesus Christ is the mediator of faith , because he lived a righteous life without sin ( the wages of sin is death ) ; but if you live without sin , you overcome death . Christ died not for himself , but the sins of those who live by faith ( 1st John 1;5-7 ) . In order to serve this mediator , you have to live by faith ( start keeping the word of the Father ) . Christ is a better mediator , because through him your sins can be forgiven ; in the covenant through Christ , the laws of God will be place in your mind , and written in our heart ( Hebrews 8;6-13 ) . Jesus Christ himself said that no man come to me unless the Father who has sent me draw him ( John 6;43-45 ) ; and this is how the Father know you ( Malachi 3;16-18 ) . The laws of God did not change , the ministration under the two mediators changed , from Moses to Jesus Christ . Under the ministration of Moses , he received the laws of God on tablets of stone and written in ink in the book of the covenant , but the people did not put the laws of God in their heart ; Moses was of flesh and he mediated through the Leviticus priesthood for their sins with the law of animal sacrifice , but this was only to keep God from killing their flesh , but their sins could not be forgiven ; the lawgiver was the people , by the witness of two of three people , judgment was carried out ; the priesthood was through the Leviticus priesthood , but this was of flesh and sin , the priest not only sacrificed for the people , but also for themselves ; and the high priest was Aaron and his sons , also of sin and flesh . Jesus Christ became the mediator after he was resurrected in the spirit , righteous , everlasting , and appeared in heaven before the Father for our sins . The priesthood has been returned to the everlasting priesthood of righteousness - Melchisedec ; Jesus Christ is now the lawgiver ; Jesus Christ is now the high priest ; and the testator or sin sacrifice for our sin is the blood of Christ through faith ( Ephesians 2;8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith ; and that not of yourselves ; it is the gift of God . Not of works , lest any man should boast ) . You must start living by faith ( keeping the word of the Father ) , then the free gift - the grace ( blood of Christ ) clean you from your past sins . The works that Paul is talking about in Ephesians 2;9 is the sin sacrifice through the mediator Moses - the law of animal sacrifice ; remember it requires a sin sacrifice - blood for the remission of sin ( Hebrews 9;22 ) . God is no respecter of persons , but in every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness he accept , and grafts them into the covenant of Israel , but only the nation of Israel has made a covenant with the God of Israel , under the laws of God ( Romans 2;11-15 ) . The Son ( Christ ) do the will of the Father , and this is the will of the Father ( 1st John 5;3 For this is the love of God , that we keep his commandments ; and his commandments are not grievous ) . We did not stop keeping the laws of the Father through Christ ,but ( Romans 3;31 Do we then make void the law through faith ? God forbid ; yea , we establish the law ) . Remember , the wages of sin is death , so Moses and Christ were given the laws of sacrifice ; Moses the blood of the animals for the flesh/body ; which was not of faith but works , and Christ his righteous blood for the heart/mind/spirit ; which is of faith , and your sins can be forgiven to become a Son of God .
Choice Meat Randy I don’t know if the remaining stones upon others nullifies the prophecy or not. What concerns me is why, as Pastor Jeff says in the video, do “we have a message that’s so ineffective that the world has turned the us upside down?” There isn’t much that I’ve read in scripture that has me doubting but my time with believers has me doubting except for my time with a group called the Twelve Tribes. I must say, too, though, that Pastor Jeff has made an impression on me. He seems very well versed. Pun intended.
I go to a Pre-millennial church, and we have much to say about government. To conflate and shove every other view of eschatology into a non-working or non-laboring-for-the-kingdom church is terribley wrong. Is the wolf dwelling with the lamb? Are lions eating straw like an ox? Are kids playing with cobras and not being hurt? Are the fortunes of Jerusalem restored? Has great tribulation "such as has not occured since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will", happened yet? Of course not! Far worse tribulation has happened since A.D 70 I.e, WW2. Have "all the tribes of the earth" mourned? Absolutely not. None of this has happened. You have to spiritualize and allegorize the text. Moreover, the book of Revelation was written AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem, the evidence is insurmountable.
"But when the Son of Man comes"-he will come the same way he left: visibly and physically (not spiritually in judgement-"and all his angles with him, THEN he will sit on his glorious throne". You can't pick and choose which texts to not take literally, when the author is speaking in such terms. Rev. 20, the 1,000 years is a good exame.
Food for thought: Thr early church father's for the first few hundred years were virtually all pre millennial (also, not deterministic calvinists).
Why the hell do Baptists always have to yell
LSmoove 79 can you show me where it’s wrong? Do you have scripture? I’m willing to look into it.