Did you astral-travel when you were a witch I'm being attacked by some witches and sometimes I see the shadow people are they the witches when they astral travel?
My brother was a simple-minded person early in his Christian walk.. very honest, and naive unfortunately. He used to go to a small congregation that associated itself with Kenneth Copeland. At one Sunday service, he went and they were talking about tithing. The “pastor” stated to the attendees, “Those who have not been tithing faithfully, stand up.” He had been going through job issues and so finances were tight. He had not been tithing “fully,” so.. he was one of the people who stood up. The speaker read the famously-quoted Malachi passage about giving to the Lord. The speaker proceeded to tell those standing (paraphrased), ‘If you have not been tithing faithfully, you are a god robber and have lost your salvation.’ 😡 Of course, my brother, feeling condemned and unwanted, totally believed the guy. That “church” no longer exists thankfully, but my brother was and has never been the same since then. That was over 15 years ago. It’s like his mind has been robbed of joy and innocence as he believes God still wants him to prosper, but he’s never able to attain it. It was so destructive, and nothing I do or say, or read to him out of the Bible convinces him otherwise. My heart hurts over my brother. I pray the Lord’s mercy finds him and changes his mind.😔🙏🙏
Dear heavenly father, I pray Lord that you will touch this brother and show him your real love and that it’s not about how much we give that makes us Christian, but it’s just our surrender to you and doing your will! I pray that those evil thoughts that were planted in his heart will be washed away and replace it with the truth heavenly father in Jesus name amen!
And, their fruits are not for themselves. When's the last time you have seen an apple tree eat its own apples? I heard someone in a short say this and loved it.
Back in the mid-90s Jesse duplantis came to New Life ministries in Jacksonville Florida after 40 minutes of him talking about how rich he was and how many planes he had a miracle happened and my eyes were opened I got up and walked out of the auditorium in complete disgust. I was no longer hypnotized by these con men what a great day it was thanks to Jesse duplantis.
He was telling the truth though. He keeps on getting blessed with more money than he could ever spend and he has tried. The reason is he gives away more than he is receiving. Have you looked at his books and seen what he paying for? You have no idea how much these people give away. They are also not asking you for any money! They are even saying to give it to the poor or those in need or to start a ministry to bless other or support the ministries or outreach in their churches. You only hear the edited version of what they are saying or if you have a prideful heart and get offended by other human beings instead of having empathy for them if you think they are wrong you can not hear or see clearly as there are scales on your eyes.
As a young man I was taken in by these con men & hucksters - mainly because i hung around people who were "prosperity puppets." once I began to do some serious bible study of my own, man did God open my eyes. I would hear this tripe and my "spider senses" (discernment was taking place but I didn't know what it was yet) and "red flags" would go up. I then began to test them against the scriptures. Once I started down this road - I found Hank Hanegraffs 1st book on the subject (its dated now but is just as relevant so get a copy you won't regret it) and it was game on after that. His 2 books related are: "Christianity In Crisis" and "Counterfeit Revival."
This conference was the first big conference that I went to as a new believer. I thought it was the most amazing thing. Paula White came out and started singing in the spirit, the whole stadium joined in. 20 years later, my eyes were opened to the new age, heretical teachings. I lost so much time, money and grief to this movement - nothing came to pass, no prosperity, no healings, no supernatural weight loss. :)
Do you think God used it to purge you of sinful desires of prosperity and fascination with the supernatural?..or was it that this was just the seemingly Christian route for teaching and growth?
I’m pushing 80 years old and my body is starting to wear out. Imagine having to appear healthy when nature is taking its course! I am totally fine with the fact of my own mortality and I’m looking forward to seeing the Lord Jesus in eternity. This life is fleeting. Only our treasure in heaven is real.
I feel you. I'm only 30 but been VERY sick since I turned 20 & it just keeps getting worse. it sucks but I know my heavenly body will be more amazing than even the healthiest body here could be. hope to give you a hug in heaven one day soon!
I jumped into the word of faith movement a few years after I left the Mormon church (born and raised). When I realized all the word of faith folks were charlatans, I was CRUSHED. It was like I had been deceived ALL OVER AGAIN. I felt very similar to how I felt when I left the Mormon church. But I am so incredibly grateful to God for turning me onto the deception of these people.
@@orange42 by the grace of God. I have lost my family and have a strained relationship with many of my friends because of I left the LDS church. People don’t realize how much you lose when you leave a church like the Mormon church
I bought into the Word of Faith hook line and sinker. Thank you for this message! people should be aware. I was a product of child abuse. Later in life, both my parents drained me of money in my adult life. So, needless to say, I was primmed for this scam. I heard kC preach and was unfortunately drawn in with the promises of seeing God work. I would have and did give everything I had to see God work. My house would have been paid off by now with the amount of money I've given all the guys you mentioned. Hard lesson to learn. I woke up the day KC told the story about the 1.5 million they paid for the gold plate on their plane and how God orchestrated the good deal. At that point, I woke up. I take the blame for falling for it. I learned my lesson. Tyty for this message.
I am so sorry, after leaving the Amish of 40years i fell head over heels into these people, but soon realized I had learned something very important in life from my Amish upbringing these people did not have. My heart aches from hearing of the pain that so many experienced, but the Lord brought me thru and I'm excited to go preach the Good News of Jesus Christ as the Lord is beginning to open doors, when the Lord cleanse His House We will have to be Available, thank you for sharing
I was born with kidney problems that plagued me until my late 30s. I struggled with faith because I was told that the reason I wasn't getting better was that I didn't have enough faith to get healed or that there was unrepented sin stopping my healing - these types of messages are very destructive
I learned on my own that God sometimes allows these things for His own reasons. See John 9:1-12- the man was born blind to display God's power & love; in Acts 9 Paul was blinded by God to show him the truth. In 1 Tim 5, Timothy was having stomach trouble - there was no problem with his faith or declarations & Paul didn't tell him to figure out what his "secret sin" was keeping him from his healing; Paul told Timothy to drink wine & not just water to help with his "frequent ailments." It's not as simple as prosperity preachers make it sound.
My grandmother was disabled due to diabetes and had lost her leg, my cousin had brain cancer and I was very ill with a chronic illness. A relative visited from Europe who was into the prosperity gospel group and literally told us we were sick and dying because we had demons, if we repented and did a demonic removal ritual we would be health and happy. Thankfully none of us were took in by that, my grandmother laughing them away and my parents and my uncle standing up for my cousin and I and encouraging us in the Word. but I can see how destructive such things are.
As someone from Texas, I apologize on behalf of the DFW highway system. I tried to get to my aunt's house once and after thirty minutes, I turned around and went home and cried on the floor. You're not alone.
I had to drive through DFW highway system during rush hour!!!! Thought I was gonna die!!! When I lived in DFW I stayed away from that abomination as much as I possibly could.
DFW person here. I've lived here all of my life and I STILL break out in a cold sweat when I have to drive around the Grapevine area on 121 and 114. Don't even get me started on Loop 820😂😢
I was under the Kenneth Copeland umbrella for 8 years from 2003-2011. The things you say about the hyping up of people and stories is what they do all the time, so true. And they always defend themselves who go against them, absolutely 💯
If you disagree with a religious person, they yell, scream, condemn, and quote verses. If you disagree with Jesus, He loves you anyway. I have found it’s LOVE that truly changes one.
As a young Christian, almost 40 years ago, I went to a Jesse DuPlantis service at a local church. At the offering time, he went on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on , and on...for almost 10 minutes...to the point that I almost stood up to ask for my offering back. Haven't been impressed by him since.
@@lja000 So, instead of talking about what Jesus teach to salvation by what Jesus achieved on the Cross.. ..copeland, talks about clothing..😮 what, a fool!..and people listning a bragger a good for nothing with luxery on him and around him..with cars and airplanes..Yes, a great example to hear and follow..😢😢😢
This has been at least 16, 17 yrs. ago and we were visiting our son's church for the 1st time. After the original offering was taken, the preacher told the ushers to take another collection, then another and again another all while chiding the whole congregation, saying all of us need to give more.
Same here hon. But discernment opened my eyes to them and who they really serve...and it's not Jesus. They preach mammon and are leading the sheep to slaughter. These are the false shepherds and false prophets spoken of in the Gospels. Want no part in the judgement they will receive. Open your eyes Christians and pray for the Holy Sprits discernment!
In the beginning many years ago he could have been used by the Lord to break the poverty mentality of the American Church. However, he stayed with it too long and began twisting it for his own benefit and today it’s become a travesty.
Thank you for covering this. I was in this movement for most of my life and finally broke free. Debbie reminds me of my mother who was knee deep in the Kenneth Copeland church. She would defend KC no matter what and he could do no wrong in her eyes. Her and my dad gave thousands of dollars and volunteered at their church campus. The staff was so rude to her and but still she believed. When she passed, the "pastor" that ran their outreach wanted to charge $300 to give a eulogy AND it had to be on a day when he was free! My dad and I are free of that money pit and couldn't be happier. I never want to set foot back into the KC church and hear the preacher there again...a former graphic artist who told more stories about his rich home than give a sermon.
My husband and I went to many conferences and visited the church in Texas in the early years in our marriage. We attended a number of churches that believed in line with all Melissa mentions. Whenever we brought scriptures up to our leaders that were against what was being taught, they would not listen and only threaten us with you can't be an usher or teach Sunday school, or whatever unless we renounce this thinking. They would exclude my wife and I and said if we want to pray for others we had to get permission from them before going over to their home to pray or talk to the lost. Faith was taught that you said it once and then did something you couldn't do before. Many times we ended up hurting ourselves further and so we researched faith...and found it more of a gardening term and the word of God was seed. But gardening takes effort and that's what we got in so much trouble believing.
@@Tenonizer. How do people defend Copeland being the only one getting rich and no one else? Also how do they defend the claim everyone will be healed but he wears glasses and has a pacemaker plus he claims he will live to be 120 years old.
@@Rob069 This is the very reason I left the Pentacostal Church, Assemblies of God. They loved Copeland and all the prosperity preaching. Some of our pastors were good, but as a whole, I can't get behind their beliefs in certain things...
Im so sad that your mom passed and they wanted $300 and their time. Her salvation is true Im sure.. But none of this seemed like anything Jesus wanted us to her.. Idk
With so many fallen churches, it is so important to not only love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, to love God also with all our mind. Thank you, for your considerate perspective.
Very, very true. It’s extremely important to distinguish between the two messiahs, the popular Jesus who was morphed from Yeshua. Jesus is the Greek Roman Messiah in disguise, similar to the element, pyrite a.k.a. fools gold. Yeshua prophesied, ‘’ in the end of days many will be deceived, even the elect if possible’’. (The elect is Israel and Gentiles that are grafted into the natural olive tree, the Commonwealth of Israel, as taught by Paul in Romans 25.
@@sallybyrd3712neither was He rich. Carpentry wasn’t as good of a job as today, He did not work during His ministry either. Apostle Paul only had a job so he could survive.
As a believer, we are "not of this world". God has different gifts and jobs for all of His children, some to be wealthy, some to be poor, or somewhere in the middle to support and do His work. We are not to trust in the things of this life, but to trust in the One who is the Way, Truth, and Life for all our needs and direction for us.
We all have a journey and thank you, Jesus, when we absolutely know the Truth of salvation. It doesn't come from head knowledge only. We need to have heart knowledge of Him. A personal relationship. Born Again. John 3:3. John 1:13 ... not born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God!!
People like “Debbie” don’t want to hear what you have to say because it threatens their own lifestyle and worldview. I still have someone I love dearly in my family who won’t speak to me after almost 5 years in Word of Faith. Many of them know they are in the “prosperity gospel.” Prayer is the best thing. The first time I watched this conference through “open eyes” was online in 2020, and it was painful. Thank you for covering this.
Those overpaid clowns are such an embarrassment to Christianity. I wonder how many unsaved people remain unsaved because they see “Christianity” as one of those circus acts? If I was an unbeliever and that prosperity “gospel” was my first exposure, it would’ve been my last exposure and I would’ve remained an unbeliever. 😮
When my Word of Faith friend told me that my other Christian friend had cancer because “she just didn’t have enough faith”. The epitome of false teaching.
That's a terrible thing for a friend to say of another believer. If they said that, it seems they might think they're a better Christian, and isn't that only God's place to say?
Jesus mentioned about similar...it was someone sick...or Lazarus... But some asked Jesus if it was cause of no faith & other questions...Jesus said, no it was for the purpose for the Glory of God. Sometimes things are only for the purpose so that Yahweh can be given Glory & praise.
She was wrong but know there is about a 98 percent chance you can be healed by the Holy Spirit by the laying of hands if you go where the Holy Spirit and Jesus are welcomed. Go to the River Healing school and find out. There is nothing to loose and I love the Lord and was healed at home praying my heart out. I have been brought back from the dead before also bv prayer as a child when I drowned and my mom came to identify my body already for cremations!
Thank you for an informative video. I got conned by this movement for 20 years. I had been saved since I was a kid, and this manipulation over the years almost led me to turn my back on God. I despise the evil propaganda with which they bully vulnerable people.
Thank you for taking a stand and systematically walking us through the thought process. I had no idea that I am in the “New Thought” movement until I stumbled upon your videos. The part where you mentioned the difficulties of unlearning the way scripture was used really hit home for me. I would appreciate prayers that the scales fall off my eyes, my ears to be unplugged, and the fog be lifted from my mind. ❤
By the way you expressed yourself here, I would say that process of "descalination" (not a word) is already well underway. If I could give a little advice here, I would say just start reading the Word again. Also, find a good systematic theology commentary. That'll be a good way to start.
God bless you, and I will pray for you. I’ve been there, and it’s incredibly humbling when you feel you were raised in church and on the word of God, all your life, only to find out that the church you had attended for several years later in life was a WOF cult. But I want to reassure you, that the Lord used scripture in my life and my husband‘s life to reveal the falsehoods. There were times when I felt like I was being stripped of everything I ever knew, like many of the things I learned I had to unlearn. It’s wild. My hubby jokes, and says that I was saved from the womb, and trust me even being raised in church at a young age I needed a savior… Jesus! I just can’t believe sometimes that was my reality. The guilt and condemnation.… When not giving or if you didn’t have it to give. I always managed to give even if it broke me. Even if I had no food. God did take care of me and provided for me, but I do remember even putting my wedding ring as an offering to the Lord. I’m sure God saw that our intentions and motives were pure. But we were definitely deceived in different areas. We started asking questions, reading the Word more and listening to preachers less during that time in our lives. Dad used channels like this one, messed up Church and long for truth to show us how scripture had been twisted in many different examples of some of these heretical preachers. It’s amazing how His word brought clarity! And I am praying that for you, that your eyes would be opened to the truth of his word, and that every falsehood and deceptive word you have heard, received in your heart or opened your mind to would be revealed, so that he can begin the healing in your heart. I pray that your relationship with the Lord will grow and your love for His word. I pray that you find a good Bible believing/teaching church, even if it’s a denomination you would’ve never considered before. I was never Baptist girl lol. In fact, a lot of the non-denominational/Pentecostal churches I grew up in made fun of Baptists. But here I am! Lol and not just a Baptist Church, but I’m in a church that is preaching the Bible in context. We were very much tired of the mic drop moments in every church we used to visit or be part of in ministry. We were tired of life advice versus guidance through scripture. Thankful to God that he’s opening your eyes. He is faithful to forgive us when we have fallen prey to these things. I’m thankful you’re repentant and desiring more time in scripture. May God bless you! Don’t give up! Even when it’s hard; even when you feel like you’re on an island by yourself when you have to give up everything you once believed in and the people you did ministry with for so long. The Lord will bring the right people into your life to help guide you in all truth. But do Read Your Bible; it’s the best and really only true way to learn His truths and defy the false doctrines circulating around us.
@@Jantsenpr777thanks so much. I’ve definitely been reading the Word….my teen and I are on a daily regiment, reading together. Where I’m finding myself struggling is when it comes to reading the Word through the dense lens/filter that has been in place for so long. Honestly, I’m beginning to see it more as brainwashing because it is so difficult to think outside of that filter. Hearing these clips from a different point of view presents me the feeling of being someone who has been under anesthesia and is just now waking. The typical foggy 😶🌫️ mind and difficulty processing information are definitely present. I’m thankful for Melissa’s basic, gentle, logical, and biblical approach. It is the reason I have been able to let down my guard and allow the questions to once again flow. The anxiety I’m experiencing arises more from the doubt of whether or not I’ll ask the “RIGHT” questions or be able to think clearly enough to see/understand the biblical point of view. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. ❤
@@Jantsenpr777thank you for the encouragement. I am reading the Word daily alongside my 13-year-old. ❤it’s more a matter of needing the old filter to be removed so that I can see/hear/understand correctly. ❤
I loved this video Melissa! Years ago, correction decades ago, some people coming to the Church in Scotland where I was preaching were trying to get me to become Charismatic. So for my birthday, they bought me a ticket to a prosperity/prophetic conference in Edinburgh. I went. It was 3 days. There were speakers galore. Several of them are now dead. A handful are in prison, and one of them was recently in the media for infidelity. There was also a Theologian. I spent time talking with them all. I watched their patterns. It fascinated me. I would go early to the session and watched people rehearse being slain in the spirit. So your experience really brought mine up from the dust of antiquity. I really liked the way you presented this. Thank you.
@@samburton2978 people actually rehearsed being slain in the spirit?! That was a phenomenon I had a really hard time wrapping my head around when I would watch word of faith services. I even felt guilty because I had no desire to act that way, but people like Heidi Baker and Todd White would chastise people for not being humble enough to want to experience that kind of spirituality. I am so relieved to know that is not expected of me now.
@libbylandvatter5322 yes ma'am. I would see them go to different areas of the front of the room and find the best place to live down. Then sure enough, at the next main session, they would come to that spot to be "slain". And, I saw the same thing in Florida in 93 in Lakeland, as an extension of the Brownstown (?) revival. Not sure exactly if that's the right name. Rodney Howard Brown was the speaker in Lakeland and had been one of them in the Panhandle.
@ that is fascinating. And it helps me understand that phenomenon. Thank you for sharing. I don’t know much about that particular revival, but I will do some sleuthing. Now I’m intrigued…
Imagine, you’re sitting there watching Copeland ramble on and on, you can’t afford rent or groceries, or your child needs an expensive surgery. How comforting it is to know Copeland has a closet-full of exorbitantly expensive watches. 🤨
Don't forget, he purchased Prince's jet plane so he could be "taken by the Spirit wherever it led him." You should see the video proof of Benny Hin and his entourage partying and taking crystal meth. One of his workers died that day of an overdose. And he's still preaching and stealing from delusional victims. Very soo, their day is coming. The daughters (Harlots)have lready gone back to the Mother of harlots (Rome) a few years back. See Revelation 17
Not exactly. Anytime you give an honest review of a message or conference give the full context maybe at least a 5 to 7 minute unedited clip. Or at least give a link to the entire message so people can go and see it without the edited clips that are taken out of context.
Thank you for insightful comments spoken with kindness. My first exposure to Kenneth copeland was back in 1972 at a house church in Reseda, California. I was not saved then. I'm not sure when he derailed from the truth but it has been progressively getting worse. I am a retired pastor of 40 years now and every time I have encountered a 'Koplandite' it was an evil and nasty experience. There will be a day when the "Judgment Seat of Christ" will render a verdict on our works. For some it will be "depart from me I never knew you, you workers of lawlessness".
@@ericversteege1741 I was saved in 1973 at Church on the Way, Van Nuys, CA. It was my mother that took me to the K.C. meeting. I did not work as an unsaved pastor. Sorry I did not communicate it properly. I'm still serving the Lord at a local church. Enjoying retirement if there is such a thing in ministry.
I’m a long time Christian. I left a church I loved because they invited Kenneth Copeland to the pulpit. Watching this video, I am astounded at how proud and arrogant these ‘preachers’ are . . straight up bragging about their riches. They are so blind. And it breaks my heart that so many follow these men, not the Jesus of the Bible. They don’t even realize it.
God bless you for going into the viper's den for the rest of us! You are a treasure. I'm one that got duped early on as a believer and fell for "people" like him. But God, rich in mercy, love and forgiveness rescued me from the clutches of these ruthless and heartless purveyors of the prosperity gospel. Keep up the good work!!!
As a child Kenneth Copeland gave me nightmares. I would hide every morning when my parents would watch Believer’s Voice of Victory. As an adult I’m even more convinced he has more in common with the boogie man than the Bible.
Children sometimes have a clear view of reality, and know when someone is evil. So maybe this applied to you. 😊 Also, children flocked to Jesus because somehow, they knew He was good! 😊
As I commented elsewhere, he seems like a serpent to me. Both my wife and I are instantly repulsed by him and she doesn't know anything about him other than he makes her uneasy.
Appreciate the exposure and sharing your experience. Thank-you that you kept cool in the midst of a steamroller. Once I admired some of these speakers, now I'm listening to God's word.
LOVE your "cycle" Melissa!!!! it's so true... more than you know!!! they shame and curse those who don't "sow a seed" into their pocket, when that money just rolls around among the elite. I watched Copeland preach at our church (the few times i went) and he announced that he was giving our church the $50,000 we needed to finish yet another building fund project. And the church went wild, praising God and dancing in the halls..... .... and then the next week, I was watching the BVOV broadcast, with Kenneth Copeland and in the credit afterwards it popped on the screen "thanks to (my church's name) for their monthly donation of $50,000 to keep this broadcast on the air." ...... .....And then Jesse Duplantis spoke about a month later about how Copeland blessed him with $50,000 for something. OH MY GOSH. So that $50k just rolls back and forth and all around. the same $50,000!!!! these are lying, deceitful men of not-God.
Thanks, Melissa, for doing this video. It's much needed, and I like the way you take notes, ask questions, and really bring good insight backed by the Word.
Copeland gives me the creeps when he smiles….just seems evil. I didn’t know much about him but watching a news reporter talking to him grabbed my attention. I felt almost chills as he grinned into the camera! Scary….
That's the video that really opened my eyes. I never liked him but didn't realize how demonic he is until I saw that video in 2020. I think it was filmed a couple years earlier. Inside Addition.
I want to add to my previous comment that my dad was legitimately miraculously healed of a terminal illness- an inexplicable auto-immune disorder- in a word of faith church, and he turned from drug addiction to God after that. He is currently a word of faith associate pastor. God does heal and save even when doctrines aren't perfect.
Praise God for your dad's miraculous healing! God can do this in even the most corrupt of churches, in spite of that "church", just because He loves the individuals within those places. Edit: as long as God is given all the glory and honour for such miracles, all is well.
The problem isn't so much these "preachers." The problem is that they can somehow fill not just an auditorium for "church" services, but an entire conference where people even pay to attend. That's what gets me. *EDIT: This went on for an entire week?!
„For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.“ II Timothy 4:3-4 NKJV
My hunch as to why they get high attendance, and are not particularly concerned about staying awake to take in the message,... is the doctrine of transference or impartation. Just being there in proximity to "God's anointed" and favored... is bound to rub off on you. Just like grave soaking. ... Lots of weird superstitions and new agey type ooga booga. Let's face it it's the same old hyped prosperity Gospel, with its tropes and catch phrases and behaviors, ... so no one actually anticipates learning anything new.
@@Yesica1993 this is OLD news. A church I attended (and worked at, in the counting room$$$) 20 years ago we did a conference called “Faith Week”. The stories I could tell. The way they guilt snd pump up and manipulate ppl into giving . MULTIPLE times per session Per Preacher is astounding. The money and items that I counted and seen “sown” were crazy. And they then return the favor to each other by just passing money along to the next Preacher in line. As well as taking an offering for them. And they get filthy rich doing this. Time after time. My first hand was I attended and worked there. My husband still does. 27 yrs later. Yet another story of how they place fear and manipulate into ppl.
@@bilandshark I can understand this type of thing in the years before the internet. Or in places where there still may be limited access to it. But, I'm sorry, not in 21st century America, where many homes have more Bibles gathering dust on shelves than exist in some entire countries. And not where most people have some access to the internet. I also make a separate category for the poor desperate souls who just want healing for themselves or for a loved one. Those people shred my heart. I cannot even watch such events because of the anger I feel towards the wicked leaders taking advantage of such vulnerable people.
I went to a Copeland conference in Detroit back in the early eighties. As a new ambitious Christian I made my way to the front of the stage to get a closer look at Copeland. When I saw his eyes I freaked out, and turned and left the building as fast as I could. I sensed evil oozing from him.
Wow! I just happened across your channel here. You spoke and shared so well. You r a good communicator. Said alot that I have been feeling in my gut for awhile now. My Church supports his ministry and I'm sure has received $$$$$ from him. We recently opened a beautiful newly built tabernacle. R. Parsley is his mentor I heard him say, but so is Mr. C. Melissa, this past year I have become increasingly uncomfortable at many things. Been praying alot. At times doubting or just ignoring my "gut" or "red flags". Wish I could talk to you more. Tonight I c exactly what you r saying! Been at this church these past 5-6 years. Need to leave.....just don't know where to go. I'll pray. May just not go anywhere for awhile. Lots of solid preacher/teachers online I like. Lots going thru my head and heart right now. Thank u Melissa dear. ❤
Years ago, I was going through very difficult times, unable to work after a car accident and medical intervention wasn’t helping! Copeland was on Television and I just wanted to believe what he preached and his stories! Thank God I remembered verses that said test the spirits, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. l John 4:1 by prayer and asking for a sound mind, and wisdom!
alicejump That alone is very wise to test the spirits. I would love to ask some of these people that come on YT with these stories. "Jesus came to me" "Jesus told me in a dream / vison" All accounts in the Word of God people fell as they where dead. Fainted / passed out from the Great Glory of Christ Jesus being so great. These other people are like, Yoo Jesus how's going Bro good to see you again. Then they make statements that never come to pass or are so far gone it's a waist of time. I can assure anyone if Christ Jesus comes to you in a vision / dream it will be like NOTHING in and of this world.
One side of my extended family all are steeped in this movement. Everything is signs, wonders, miracles, seeing angels, gift if healing,....they seem easily tempted by the promise of wealth yet none if them have it yet
Ken Copeland was a guest at a friend's church one time. He went into the bookstore and sneezed, the lady behind the counter asked if he had a cold and he rebuked her and degraded her for asking if he was ok. That....that, how you treat people, is telling for your Christian faith. She was so excited for him to be there but was devastated when he rebuked her... that is not ok.
That mentality is rooted in the church when I first became a Christian I had a headache and after one of the services I asked our pastor if he had aspirin he said how about I pray for you instead and proceeded to do so. I was asking for bread and he gave me a stone
He stands by his word. He considers that a curse and he won’t receive it. He would never apologize for that response. Your friend does not understand him or the power of words
@@vrod0745 Miss Becky and I understand the "power of words" quite well. It is simple "common sense" that you do NOT treat anyone that way. Copeland has treated many people like this throughout the decades. Sadly, you don't do more research into the people that you worship.
I remember him talking about an encounter like this in many of his sermons. He must have thought it was a spiritual attack on his faith for his healing. I’m sorry you were accosted. The faith works by love part of the gospel was not a strongly evident there.
I used to listen to him many years ago. As the Lord opened my mind to the ministry I saw a ministry not of God but a ministry of confusion and who is the author of confusion not tho God I worship. Thank you for your honesty for I saw this many years ago. God's blessings be with you 🙏
I grew up Methodist but my mom watched these people on tv. She watched Jim and Tammy Baker and Benny Hinn too. I had discernment on them as a teenager. My mom loved the Lord but got deceived by these people. Even though she watched them and probably sent money to them, I know she was truly saved and I know I’ll see both my parents in Heaven one day. I’m 64 now and I thank God for the discernment Holy Spirit has given me to know when someone is a deceiver
Benny hinn came out with an apology video about his prosperity gospel teachings, God rebuked him and he openly apologized online and has repented from it. These same people who are off course from God's words still need our prayers, so God can save them also. For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers and every thing that tries to exalt itself above God.
@kellylundblad2616 Amen!!! Why are people so concerned about what else they can get from God. God gave me a heart to want Him. That's enough for me. My Salvation! The only gift I find worthy!
I am not a Joyce Meyer fan, but she has publicly acknowledged that she no longer is a part of the word of faith movement and rejects the health and wealth teachings. She has stated this multiple times, and has spoken and taught publicly that she believed silly things. It’s easy to criticize the word of faith movement but some people have come to faith through it and through experience and study of scripture have abandoned false teachings. I did not come to faith through the word of faith movement but have even believed some things that could be classified as heresy in my lifetime. I’m careful about criticizing people who call themselves Christians, albeit we must certainly criticize the public teachers at this conference. I don’t know where Joyce Meyer’s heart is and I don’t follow her ministry or teaching but I don’t think we can currently claim she is a prosperity preacher. Some of the people in the word of faith movement are true lovers of Jesus and I don’t think we can just write all of them off. I do think most of them are extremely naive though.
I used to follow Joyce Meyer in the 1990s. Two things that contributed to me stopping listening to her was when they wanted to get a plane and she looked different after a face lift. There were other things going on in the church I attended as well as the Toronto "blessing" arriving here in Australia.
I saw Jesse Duplantis at a convention center in the northeast about 20 years ago. Same exact message about how much his god has blessed him. He said don't be jealous because the Lord loves him so much and you can catch up too (by giving, of course).
When he says God blessed him,he really means it all came from ppls donations. Why is it that they twist scripture and interpret‘blessings in dollars’ if they can do all these miracles,they should go to every hospital and heal everyone there,that’s where there’s no shortage of sick ppl.
@@pudik2008 I know. It took me years to wake up. Jesse Duplantis slaps you in the face, you give him money and then he slaps you in the face again. People, WAKE UP
Psalms 103 teaches us to not forget his Benefits!!! He forgives us all are sins, He heals all our diseases, takes us from the pit and crowns us with Love,He gives us good things so our youth is renewed like the Eagles!!! Amen As for Pauls Thorn The word always refers it to a person not a sickness! One over looked Scripture is 2 Timothy 3 vs. 11 Paul wrights Persecutions , afflictions, he endured, The Lord Delivered Him From ALL !!!
I always had this discernment from the moment I heard/saw this man that he was inherently evil or that evil had consumed him. This was a gift because I have a tendancy to be gullible with a heart for giving to those who ask. Father, the enemy know that the most powerful deceivers are those in the "church" who have been comprimised and use scripture. But your word, as a whole body of writings taken in historical/cultural and literal context with the words surrounding every verse, is enough. If we put our focus on getting to know you personally through the word, the Holy Spirit guidance, and our prayer times, you are enough and will reveal yourself to us personally. Then we can see and hear and live according to His will, not our own. No matter in lack or in plenty, it is all for Christ. I can be poor through Christ or have much with Christ but my joy and purpose remain. If wealth ever gets in my way of my love for God and others, Lord take it away. You are sufficient for me. Amen.
I went to a church that practiced word of faith-prophets, They did the hype during worship, and when we questioned something, or quoted the Bible, we were called legalistic… I wasn’t there very long- my spirit discerned something off very quickly! Jesus says His sheep know His voice! Thank you Jesus!
This is the first time I have heard you and I thought you were very good at explaining everything that you heard and felt and I will be following you from now on. Thanks 🙏 and God bless you because he blessed me with you this morning 🙏 and I'm James and nice to meet you
Growing up, my parents would watch Kenneth Copeland and they raised me on the prosperity gospel. After years of listening and sowing seed as a teenager and a young adult. I remember how I never saw "the harvest" come in. I was struggling with my faith because I thought I was doing something wrong since I wasn't seeing money come to me. Slowly, I started to back out of the prosperity gospel as God started to show me that it was greed for money and healing that motivated me, not love for the lost. The KC ministry believes you can't do the kingdom work till you are walking in prosperity, healing, and more. Since then, I have been on a journey of discovering New Thought and how it's tied into a lot of the Copeland ministry. Life has been more freeing since I have stopped the prosperity gospel mindset and dove really into scripture!
I grew up in a family where my parents believed this and only this. Andrew Wommack was another one that was big in there. Your whole experience with the "steamroller" was my whole experience with my parents growing up. Critical thinking chocked up to negative or satanic/demonic thinking and pushed out. And until I basically moved away but even still then for a while, I fell for it. Thankfully God saved me from it, but my parents are still SO deep into this movement, its ripped our family apart because they refuse any negative/critical thoughts to enter in, therefore no conversations, therefore no contradiction or questioning, therefore no change, and any sense of questioning is seen as a personal or spiritual attack. The destruction ushered into my family via these preachers and them laughing while my parents send them so much of our money is incredibly gross. Praying God does something to sew us back together.
Don't worry God has a plan and he already stressed his sentiments towards false teachers, false prophets, etc. and those who would lead his flocks astray. You can find comfort that they'll be dealt with likewise at least from the warnings such as those found within Ezekiel 13. God has a special place for them, and it won't be pretty. When you hear them referencing scripture or Jesus, but rarely ever teaching the actual word, rarely ever diving into the ministries of Christ, his teachings, the importance of salvation and our roles to go out into the world spreading the good news. I would always head caution against it. It's a dark world, yet we can find comfort in passages such as from Psalms 23, Ephesians 6:12, and many others. Godspeed and remain blessed in his Mecry and Grace! All we can do is pray and keep our trust in the Lord.
I remember when I first heard Kenneth Copeland’s story, his testimony.. he was he was humble and flying Oral Robert’s to his camp meetings!! He and Gloria loved the Word of God! I don’t listen to him or Gloria and haven’t for years! but when I first became a Christian they did minister to me!!!
I'm not a bearer of bad, news. I would not dare to speak of this vision. Divine was restless, 😡 upset. Divine, gave more visions. Those , who had access, to God's treasure house, meaning money, sent in by masses of Gods people. As they were promised house, land, good fortune. Mega ministry people staff, who had access, were actually stealing, they said," People will never find out." In time of inflation. People like myself, afraid to speak up. Let someone else do it. I had my, own busy young life.. Did not want any part of it. Yet, GOD was against it. God saw it all.
It's so easy to pick and choose scripture and twist them .. I fell for people like this , before The Holy Spirit came to me , He opened my eyes and changed my heart . Never going back into religious slavery - Jesus only from now on
You going there, observing, and taking notes was brilliant! 👏🏻 This is how we should be handling this kind of thing so that we are informed first-hand.
I have to say I happened up on your channel, and from hearing your analysis I'm most impressed, you are very informative. Will watch more of your content to learn a bit more about this movement.
By far one of your best “investigative visits” videos yet, and thanks again for taking one for the team. Very insightful & eye-opening. Most impact on me was your encounter with 'Debby.' I saw there the eventual damage created by these prosperity preachers, just as I see it within other religions and cults. It makes me want to shout to these preachers “See! Look at what you have done to her.” I truly fear they miss out completely on the Gospel and the path to salvation. Thanks again - God bless you for the work you do and share. And I am praying for 'Debby.'
Thank you! We drove to the southwest convention years ago, followed Kenneth, Jerry and Jesse. Gave by compulsion. Went to Keith Moore's church in Florida and bought so many cd sets(we still have them I think). We lived with all the power verses and affirmations but underneath was fear, insecurity and condemnation. But we could never speak negatively or admit something was wrong. It was like being gaslit 24/7. Finally Yahuah allowed us to have a breakdown. We have been growing into Yahuah and His Son Yeshua. Reading all the scriptures in context and I am more in love with Yah than ever before. I am sensitive to the needs of others and at peace!
My husband and I were attending services at copeland’s SIL and daughter church . We looked at each other and asked right there, how did the gospel that the disciples preach get to twisted. We left for a messianic church (synagogue) and found that that congregation purposefully ignored Paul all together and lived under the Jewish law. So we left there. Two extremes, searching for truth.
This study is anointed... Truly Anointed!! I agree with EVERY ASPECT of this study!! It is obvious that you have saturated this study, this presentation, and your convictions... in prayer. You are gifted, and your mission and sincerity shine brightly. May God Bless you and yours!!
I attended a conference in Jacksonville Florida around circa 1980 Copeland, sevelle,Hagen… I remember everyone asking us “ so what was it like? How was it? What did they teach?… my answer was “ you just have to be there, just stuff! I think of it now 45 yrs later and know… and knew shortly after that conference, they didn’t say anything worth listening too even then… prosperity prosperity positive confession prosperity. I can assure you that the entire organization is as smoke in Gods nose…. A touch of the truth, and then a flood of lies is what they teach Really enjoyed your analysis of what you witnessed, you didn’t try to defame them ( they have black belts in defaming themselves!) you just spoke the truth. New sub! I’ll be looking for your next post., GOD bless!
Thanks for sharing Melissa! You had to have been filled with immense patience and grace to get through that! What really upsets me about this whole movement is, the absolute insult and neglect of those in Christ who are persecuted and imprisoned.
As a new Christian, I really appreciate your channel and all the topics and subjects you discuss. I pray for discernment and wisdom within finding a local church that I can connect with and how the gospel is taught and presented. Thank you Melissa 👍
A person with true discernment and wisdom will not fall for religion at all. The incurious, hard of thinking will allow these p-ass-tors to feed them so much "teaching" that is not reality based, that they will become as damaged as these folks.
The word of God is the truth that helps us see through the deceiption. As a new Christian in this horribly fallen world, it is imperative that you learn the word of God for yourself. Please read the Bible daily and find a pastor that teaches verse by verse chapter by chapter. I find Pastor Brett at Athey Creek (he has a website and TH-cam channel) to be a good pastor thus far. Always be a Berean and verify what you hear with the word of God. Praying for discernment and wisdom is a great start in your walk too. May God bless you and keep you.
So glad, Melissa, that you didn't have to pay to attend this conference, but none the less, I appreciate that you put yourself though this in order to inform us about these wolves in sheep clothing.
NOT a fan of word of faith at all and have been repulsed by if since inception. However, the only sad part is that Peters teaches a powerless Christ. He denies God being supernatural in the lives of believers. Matthew 10 vs 8.
@@micaiah0109 He doesn't deny the Power of God, He believes people like John MacArthur are not subject to correction after careful examination. Peters believes MacArthur is God's gift to the church in the las 1,500 years!
I live in Dallas -- we had a huge cricket plague this summer. Sorry you had to experience it! They do eventually go away... But how hilarious that they contributed appropriate sound effects!
My grandmother lived in Hillsboro, years ago we stopped by to visit and walked through the town around the courthouse. There were millions of crickets everywhere. Still a beautiful town.
I had been listening to the BVOV tv show in the 80s and early 90s. At that time, they were talking about making God your provider and trusting Him. One day, I went to work, and at the end of the day, i was let go. I had just come back from vacation and had $1,500 in cc debt. I lived by myself, had a car payment, and had minimal savings. I chose to make God my provider, just like the Copeland 's taught. I didn't ask anyone in my family for money. I did go to temporary services to work. God provided, and i was determined to continue to tithe and give money to a missionary i felt was really making a difference. That year, i made $13,000, down from the $25,000 i was used to. God provided. If i had not listened to the broadcast i wouldn't have had the faith to trust God. That being said, what is being preached currently is much different than what was preached at that time.
I used to be a prosperity gospel junkie watching all of these guys, I didn't have much money so I didn't send them any, and realized how shallow this stuff is several years ago. Thank you for this video
I was healed of really bad gum disease and terrible cystic facial acne at Gloria Cioeland’s healing school. Jesus walked up to me while I was praising the Lord. My dentist cancelled my appointment at the oral surgeon to have all my teeth pulled. He said “whatever you’re doing, keep it up”. I have to take good care of my teeth by flossing and brushing to keep my gums healthy. I’m grateful.
We worship a miraculous God! But not everyone gets a miraculous healing. Paul had a thorn in his side but when he asked to be delivered, the Lord reminded him that His grace was sufficient. I witnessed a miraculous healing of a man who was so nearsighted that he was almost blind without his thick glasses. After he was healed, he could see the hands of a clock on the far side of the hall (I had to squint to see the hands on that block). This was in December 1972. Today such a miracle could be faked with a slight of the hand and a pair of disposable contacts. But in 1972, contact lenses were very expensive and required a “break in” period.
@apache-b3n my brother-in-law had a problem with one of his hips. His one leg was so much shorter than the other one, he had to have a special shoe built up on that side that was about 2 1/2 inches bigger in the heel. Gloria prayed over him and right before our eyes that leg grew out. That was nine years ago and he has been wearing regular shoes ever since. So absolutely I can attest that there was a miracle right before our eyes! All glory be to God!
I cannot abide that wicked man! How did you manage to not lose your mind attending such an event? I'm not sure if I can even get through this video. You deserve a medal!
My sister Bonnie was a believer in this teaching, and in Kenneth Copeland. She wouldn't seek medical attention or even admit anything was wrong because that would have been a lack of faith. She died just before her 41st birthday of non-Hodgekin's Lymphoma. Her body was riddled with cancer and her lungs were a total white-out on x-ray. She would have been ventilator-dependent if she survived the chemo. Yes, she consented to everything once she was in the hospital and she saw how desperate things had become. All her organs shut down and she slipped into a coma. She finally passed, surrounded by family who were encircling her bed, joining hands and singing a spiritual song. That was in late 1993. She'd be 72 years old if still alive today. Such a waste, all because she believed the wrong teachings and trusted the wrong "man of God". Sure does make one sour.
Melissa, I have to say, I love your brain. I am not surrounded by critical thinkers who happen to be Christians, and I love to hear you talk. You made me laugh a few times and you have no idea how much I needed that laugh.
I've seen Copeland in person once when he came to my country and put on a 3-day conference. I went with my mum put of skepticism of him, but still being very WoF. It became clear the level of production used to encourage certain reactions from the crowd. It furthered me on confronting the doctrine I'd been raised on.
Interesting about crickets because Leviticus 11 states that all other winged insects that walk on the ground are detestable and should not be eaten. Almost like a analogy of not eating of the words they're preaching.
I caution against looking for deeper analogies in everything. That’s a lot of what the evangelical / WOF people do. That’s why there are so many stories in their sermons. During 2020, I had so many evangelicals looking for signs in every little thing to validate their teachings.
That interaction with the nice lady, discussing Copeland's station wagon, what it represented to her, and her belief that we can all (and apparently should) get there, immediately called to mind the hard-core MLM adherents. In this case, a lot of this stuff has become Multi-level religion.
You were in my town. (Fort Worth is not Dallas, although the roads are wonky in the entire area.) I’m definitely a back-way gal. Copeland is not well-loved around here. There will always be those who buy it.
Absolutely! My little sister and her husband were wrapped up in Amway for a few years, and it was bad bad bad. Substitute soap for Christ, and these people sound exactly the same.
I haven't bought your book yet but I've just read a preview of it and already I'm so grateful. Thank you. The LORD bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you peace.
I am an ex-witch..23 years. All these teachings sound like witchcraft. Evil. That witch died in the river at my baptism. Thank you for sharing this.
Did you astral-travel when you were a witch I'm being attacked by some witches and sometimes I see the shadow people are they the witches when they astral travel?
Great testimony in two lines!
Are u a Christian chester
God bless you. Amen!
That’s awesome
My brother was a simple-minded person early in his Christian walk.. very honest, and naive unfortunately. He used to go to a small congregation that associated itself with Kenneth Copeland. At one Sunday service, he went and they were talking about tithing. The “pastor” stated to the attendees, “Those who have not been tithing faithfully, stand up.” He had been going through job issues and so finances were tight. He had not been tithing “fully,” so.. he was one of the people who stood up. The speaker read the famously-quoted Malachi passage about giving to the Lord. The speaker proceeded to tell those standing (paraphrased), ‘If you have not been tithing faithfully, you are a god robber and have lost your salvation.’ 😡 Of course, my brother, feeling condemned and unwanted, totally believed the guy. That “church” no longer exists thankfully, but my brother was and has never been the same since then. That was over 15 years ago. It’s like his mind has been robbed of joy and innocence as he believes God still wants him to prosper, but he’s never able to attain it. It was so destructive, and nothing I do or say, or read to him out of the Bible convinces him otherwise. My heart hurts over my brother. I pray the Lord’s mercy finds him and changes his mind.😔🙏🙏
Dear heavenly father, I pray Lord that you will touch this brother and show him your real love and that it’s not about how much we give that makes us Christian, but it’s just our surrender to you and doing your will! I pray that those evil thoughts that were planted in his heart will be washed away and replace it with the truth heavenly father in Jesus name amen!
@@squirrel9424 Praying in agreement with you for this brother !! In Jesus might name !!
@@squirrel9424 Amen.
As a survivor of ICOC...I get it.
Spiritual abuse
Kenneth Copeland strikes me as downright demon processed. He completely creeps me out.
Absolutely. I saw him in person years ago, and I felt the exact same way. We must pray for his deliverance. 🙏🏽
No joke. He is evil.
@@NN-re7cy Yes, we need to pray for these people.
Most certainly...
I sense the same thing. He gives me the creepy feeling.
“You shall know them by their fruits…”
Yes!! Miracles, signs and wonders PLUS SALVATION!!!!!😂
@@michaelarreguin2598 Amen!
Or by them airplane's ✈️✈️✈️😅
And, their fruits are not for themselves. When's the last time you have seen an apple tree eat its own apples? I heard someone in a short say this and loved it.
Back in the mid-90s Jesse duplantis came to New Life ministries in Jacksonville Florida after 40 minutes of him talking about how rich he was and how many planes he had a miracle happened and my eyes were opened I got up and walked out of the auditorium in complete disgust. I was no longer hypnotized by these con men what a great day it was thanks to Jesse duplantis.
He was telling the truth though. He keeps on getting blessed with more money than he could ever spend and he has tried. The reason is he gives away more than he is receiving. Have you looked at his books and seen what he paying for? You have no idea how much these people give away. They are also not asking you for any money! They are even saying to give it to the poor or those in need or to start a ministry to bless other or support the ministries or outreach in their churches. You only hear the edited version of what they are saying or if you have a prideful heart and get offended by other human beings instead of having empathy for them if you think they are wrong you can not hear or see clearly as there are scales on your eyes.
Right!!! He came to a church I attended 20 years ago and said the same stuff. Tell me, when did Jesus boast of His riches? ❤
I also attended that conference in jacksonville and left early because I was appalled at Mr. Duplantis’ doubled meaning, innapropriate jokes!
The love of money. It can happen to anyone. But we can not serve money and God. It's one or the other
As a young man I was taken in by these con men & hucksters - mainly because i hung around people who were "prosperity puppets." once I began to do some serious bible study of my own, man did God open my eyes. I would hear this tripe and my "spider senses" (discernment was taking place but I didn't know what it was yet) and "red flags" would go up. I then began to test them against the scriptures. Once I started down this road - I found Hank Hanegraffs 1st book on the subject (its dated now but is just as relevant so get a copy you won't regret it) and it was game on after that. His 2 books related are: "Christianity In Crisis" and "Counterfeit Revival."
This conference was the first big conference that I went to as a new believer. I thought it was the most amazing thing. Paula White came out and started singing in the spirit, the whole stadium joined in. 20 years later, my eyes were opened to the new age, heretical teachings. I lost so much time, money and grief to this movement - nothing came to pass, no prosperity, no healings, no supernatural weight loss. :)
Me too. God has always been faithful
But it did give you chance to see the truth, and it wasn’t their philosophy! Your prosperity is in your heart and in the true love of God therein.
We don't need a man of God or profit to tell us we'll be blessed. God already said he will.
Do you think God used it to purge you of sinful desires of prosperity and fascination with the supernatural?..or was it that this was just the seemingly Christian route for teaching and growth?
Religion is a grift, cashing in on the hard of thinking.
I was the defender of Word of Faith years ago, but I am now free from that deception. Keep speaking truth, Melissa.
Do you tithe?
Do not encourage behaviour which promotes gossip.
Amen to you
Yes every paycheck, it's called a TAX. Tithe according to The Prosperity Teachers NO! Does not apply to us today.
I’m pushing 80 years old and my body is starting to wear out. Imagine having to appear healthy when nature is taking its course! I am totally fine with the fact of my own mortality and I’m looking forward to seeing the Lord Jesus in eternity. This life is fleeting. Only our treasure in heaven is real.
I feel you. I'm only 30 but been VERY sick since I turned 20 & it just keeps getting worse. it sucks but I know my heavenly body will be more amazing than even the healthiest body here could be. hope to give you a hug in heaven one day soon!
I jumped into the word of faith movement a few years after I left the Mormon church (born and raised). When I realized all the word of faith folks were charlatans, I was CRUSHED. It was like I had been deceived ALL OVER AGAIN. I felt very similar to how I felt when I left the Mormon church. But I am so incredibly grateful to God for turning me onto the deception of these people.
Bless your heart ❤
@libbylandvatter5322 how did you stay out despite all friends and family in LDS? That sounds an incredible testimony!
@@orange42 by the grace of God. I have lost my family and have a strained relationship with many of my friends because of I left the LDS church. People don’t realize how much you lose when you leave a church like the Mormon church
@@libbylandvatter5322 have you found a better church?
You will gain much more then you lost God The Father has Great plans for you❤
I bought into the Word of Faith hook line and sinker. Thank you for this message! people should be aware. I was a product of child abuse. Later in life, both my parents drained me of money in my adult life. So, needless to say, I was primmed for this scam. I heard kC preach and was unfortunately drawn in with the promises of seeing God work. I would have and did give everything I had to see God work. My house would have been paid off by now with the amount of money I've given all the guys you mentioned. Hard lesson to learn. I woke up the day KC told the story about the 1.5 million they paid for the gold plate on their plane and how God orchestrated the good deal. At that point, I woke up. I take the blame for falling for it. I learned my lesson. Tyty for this message.
@@Mike-s1l3s The Lord opened your eyes. The Holy Spirit at work! Praise Jesus for this! That is a blessing!
I am so sorry, after leaving the Amish of 40years i fell head over heels into these people, but soon realized I had learned something very important in life from my Amish upbringing these people did not have. My heart aches from hearing of the pain that so many experienced, but the Lord brought me thru and I'm excited to go preach the Good News of Jesus Christ as the Lord is beginning to open doors, when the Lord cleanse His House We will have to be Available, thank you for sharing
I never needed the prosperity gospel. I've always loved and served God in poverty while he supplied my needs. Im good!
If God has supplied your needs than your not in poverty. Praise God
@larryhobbs8769 exactly
But tho$e preacher$ love Je$u$
Rich in so many other ways. Eternal stuff that all the $ in the world can't buy!
Amen 🙏 ❣️
I was born with kidney problems that plagued me until my late 30s.
I struggled with faith because I was told that the reason I wasn't getting better was that I didn't have enough faith to get healed or that there was unrepented sin stopping my healing - these types of messages are very destructive
I learned on my own that God sometimes allows these things for His own reasons.
See John 9:1-12- the man was born blind to display God's power & love; in Acts 9 Paul was blinded by God to show him the truth. In 1 Tim 5, Timothy was having stomach trouble - there was no problem with his faith or declarations & Paul didn't tell him to figure out what his "secret sin" was keeping him from his healing; Paul told Timothy to drink wine & not just water to help with his "frequent ailments."
It's not as simple as prosperity preachers make it sound.
My grandmother was disabled due to diabetes and had lost her leg, my cousin had brain cancer and I was very ill with a chronic illness. A relative visited from Europe who was into the prosperity gospel group and literally told us we were sick and dying because we had demons, if we repented and did a demonic removal ritual we would be health and happy. Thankfully none of us were took in by that, my grandmother laughing them away and my parents and my uncle standing up for my cousin and I and encouraging us in the Word. but I can see how destructive such things are.
Very destructive, to a lot of people, for years.
As someone from Texas, I apologize on behalf of the DFW highway system. I tried to get to my aunt's house once and after thirty minutes, I turned around and went home and cried on the floor. You're not alone.
I had to drive through DFW highway system during rush hour!!!! Thought I was gonna die!!! When I lived in DFW I stayed away from that abomination as much as I possibly could.
If you need to be somewhere in Dallas on Saturday morning, you need to leave on Friday night. 😂😂
Praise god for the President George Bush Turnpike. And always book EARLY morning flights. 😭
I understand this emotion and have cried on the floor myself over things like this!!! 😮
DFW person here. I've lived here all of my life and I STILL break out in a cold sweat when I have to drive around the Grapevine area on 121 and 114. Don't even get me started on Loop 820😂😢
I was under the Kenneth Copeland umbrella for 8 years from 2003-2011. The things you say about the hyping up of people and stories is what they do all the time, so true. And they always defend themselves who go against them, absolutely 💯
Thank you Melissa for taking the time to make this video. Keep it up.
If you disagree with a religious person, they yell, scream, condemn, and quote verses. If you disagree with Jesus, He loves you anyway. I have found it’s LOVE that truly changes one.
100 percent fact. Sadly this is a large portion of believers like this. No grace in them.
As a young Christian, almost 40 years ago, I went to a Jesse DuPlantis service at a local church. At the offering time, he went on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on , and on...for almost 10 minutes...to the point that I almost stood up to ask for my offering back. Haven't been impressed by him since.
Jesse preaches teetotalism, which is NOT scriptural
I think I may have been there! Lol … It was a pre message message. He bragged about how much his suit cost and blah, blah, blah.
So, instead of talking about what Jesus teach to salvation by what Jesus achieved on the Cross..
..copeland, talks about clothing..😮 what, a fool!..and people listning a bragger a good for nothing with luxery on him and around him..with cars and airplanes..Yes, a great example to hear and follow..😢😢😢
This has been at least 16, 17 yrs. ago and we were visiting our son's church for the 1st time. After the original offering was taken, the preacher told the ushers to take another collection, then another and again another all while chiding the whole congregation, saying all of us need to give more.
@@alexandraasbury9974 wow, that train robbery without the train.
30 years ago I trusted these guys 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ they are sadly deceiving so many 😭 Thank you for this …
I got fooled by JW. From 97 until 2017.. Thank God for His mercy and patience
Don't worry, our Father in Heaven already gave warning towards them. We can find that in Ezekiel 13. It will not bode well for them.
Same here hon. But discernment opened my eyes to them and who they really serve...and it's not Jesus. They preach mammon and are leading the sheep to slaughter. These are the false shepherds and false prophets spoken of in the Gospels. Want no part in the judgement they will receive. Open your eyes Christians and pray for the Holy Sprits discernment!
The crickets are for their demons to eat. Kenneths demons are probably many that's why their so loud
In the beginning many years ago he could have been used by the Lord to break the poverty mentality of the American Church. However, he stayed with it too long and began twisting it for his own benefit and today it’s become a travesty.
Thank you for covering this. I was in this movement for most of my life and finally broke free. Debbie reminds me of my mother who was knee deep in the Kenneth Copeland church. She would defend KC no matter what and he could do no wrong in her eyes. Her and my dad gave thousands of dollars and volunteered at their church campus. The staff was so rude to her and but still she believed. When she passed, the "pastor" that ran their outreach wanted to charge $300 to give a eulogy AND it had to be on a day when he was free! My dad and I are free of that money pit and couldn't be happier. I never want to set foot back into the KC church and hear the preacher there again...a former graphic artist who told more stories about his rich home than give a sermon.
My husband and I went to many conferences and visited the church in Texas in the early years in our marriage. We attended a number of churches that believed in line with all Melissa mentions. Whenever we brought scriptures up to our leaders that were against what was being taught, they would not listen and only threaten us with you can't be an usher or teach Sunday school, or whatever unless we renounce this thinking. They would exclude my wife and I and said if we want to pray for others we had to get permission from them before going over to their home to pray or talk to the lost. Faith was taught that you said it once and then did something you couldn't do before. Many times we ended up hurting ourselves further and so we researched faith...and found it more of a gardening term and the word of God was seed. But gardening takes effort and that's what we got in so much trouble believing.
@@Tenonizer. How do people defend Copeland being the only one getting rich and no one else? Also how do they defend the claim everyone will be healed but he wears glasses and has a pacemaker plus he claims he will live to be 120 years old.
@@Rob069 This is the very reason I left the Pentacostal Church, Assemblies of God. They loved Copeland and all the prosperity preaching. Some of our pastors were good, but as a whole, I can't get behind their beliefs in certain things...
Oh he's still an artist...a con artist.
Im so sad that your mom passed and they wanted $300 and their time. Her salvation is true Im sure.. But none of this seemed like anything Jesus wanted us to her.. Idk
I appreciate all the hard work that you put into this to expose this.
With so many fallen churches, it is so important to not only love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, to love God also with all our mind. Thank you, for your considerate perspective.
Very, very true. It’s extremely important to distinguish between the two messiahs, the popular Jesus who was morphed from Yeshua. Jesus is the Greek Roman Messiah in disguise, similar to the element, pyrite a.k.a. fools gold. Yeshua prophesied, ‘’ in the end of days many will be deceived, even the elect if possible’’. (The elect is Israel and Gentiles that are grafted into the natural olive tree, the Commonwealth of Israel, as taught by Paul in Romans 25.
HalleluYah!!! @@Benmelech
@@dfwjdw Hallelujah, indeed, all glory goes to Yehovah and our precious Savior Lord Yeshua ❤️
When asked " "Teacher ( Christ Jesus ) where do you stay", Jesus replied " The Son of Man has No place to lay His head"! Let that sink in.
Jesus was not poor if you really do research on his family. Do some research on Jesus by Rick Renner.
@@sallybyrd3712 His parents could only afford the doves to sacrifice. They certainly were not rich, if that is what you're implying.
@@sallybyrd3712neither was He rich. Carpentry wasn’t as good of a job as today, He did not work during His ministry either. Apostle Paul only had a job so he could survive.
Because it was one of the feasts and they all came to Jerusalem for the feast…it was full. Not because he was poor.
As a believer, we are "not of this world". God has different gifts and jobs for all of His children, some to be wealthy, some to be poor, or somewhere in the middle to support and do His work. We are not to trust in the things of this life, but to trust in the One who is the Way, Truth, and Life for all our needs and direction for us.
From the first time, I saw Ken Copeland as a child, I knew immediately in my spirit he was not of God
Me too
Same here.
He looks evil in his eyes
We all have a journey and thank you, Jesus, when we absolutely know the Truth of salvation. It doesn't come from head knowledge only. We need to have heart knowledge of Him. A personal relationship. Born Again. John 3:3. John 1:13 ... not born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God!!
He is not a child. He is a full-grown man that knows exactly what he is doing.
People like “Debbie” don’t want to hear what you have to say because it threatens their own lifestyle and worldview. I still have someone I love dearly in my family who won’t speak to me after almost 5 years in Word of Faith. Many of them know they are in the “prosperity gospel.” Prayer is the best thing. The first time I watched this conference through “open eyes” was online in 2020, and it was painful. Thank you for covering this.
As a Christian, they very much embarrass me. True Christians store up their treasure in heaven.
Amen Amen Amen 🙏
We sure do 😊😊😊😊
Same, how are they not embarrassed!? lol, w guess that’s how they stay rich, not spiritually.
Right Belove that are a stain on us
Those overpaid clowns are such an embarrassment to Christianity. I wonder how many unsaved people remain unsaved because they see “Christianity” as one of those circus acts?
If I was an unbeliever and that prosperity “gospel” was my first exposure, it would’ve been my last exposure and I would’ve remained an unbeliever.
i used to be a Copeland follower. i'm free, now.
Praise God!!
Me too. I will never forget the day that the Holy Spirit freed me from that. A very heavy burden lifted from me. I never looked back.
@@janice1493 I can’t believe all the money I sent them that could have been used for local ministries.
it amazes me how naive people are to follow someone as crazy as copeland
@ well I was in High School and only just got saved at age 15; but tell me how you were able to never be mislead
When my Word of Faith friend told me that my other Christian friend had cancer because “she just didn’t have enough faith”. The epitome of false teaching.
That's a terrible thing for a friend to say of another believer. If they said that, it seems they might think they're a better Christian, and isn't that only God's place to say?
It’s identical to the New Age movement that says everything is your fault and the manifestation garbage
Thats all they know what to say when people don't know Scripture.
Jesus mentioned about similar...it was someone sick...or Lazarus...
But some asked Jesus if it was cause of no faith & other questions...Jesus said, no it was for the purpose for the Glory of God.
Sometimes things are only for the purpose so that Yahweh can be given Glory & praise.
She was wrong but know there is about a 98 percent chance you can be healed by the Holy Spirit by the laying of hands if you go where the Holy Spirit and Jesus are welcomed. Go to the River Healing school and find out. There is nothing to loose and I love the Lord and was healed at home praying my heart out. I have been brought back from the dead before also bv prayer as a child when I drowned and my mom came to identify my body already for cremations!
Thank you for an informative video. I got conned by this movement for 20 years. I had been saved since I was a kid, and this manipulation over the years almost led me to turn my back on God. I despise the evil propaganda with which they bully vulnerable people.
Thank you for taking a stand and systematically walking us through the thought process. I had no idea that I am in the “New Thought” movement until I stumbled upon your videos.
The part where you mentioned the difficulties of unlearning the way scripture was used really hit home for me. I would appreciate prayers that the scales fall off my eyes, my ears to be unplugged, and the fog be lifted from my mind. ❤
By the way you expressed yourself here, I would say that process of "descalination" (not a word) is already well underway. If I could give a little advice here, I would say just start reading the Word again. Also, find a good systematic theology commentary. That'll be a good way to start.
God bless you, and I will pray for you. I’ve been there, and it’s incredibly humbling when you feel you were raised in church and on the word of God, all your life, only to find out that the church you had attended for several years later in life was a WOF cult. But I want to reassure you, that the Lord used scripture in my life and my husband‘s life to reveal the falsehoods. There were times when I felt like I was being stripped of everything I ever knew, like many of the things I learned I had to unlearn. It’s wild.
My hubby jokes, and says that I was saved from the womb, and trust me even being raised in church at a young age I needed a savior… Jesus! I just can’t believe sometimes that was my reality. The guilt and condemnation.… When not giving or if you didn’t have it to give. I always managed to give even if it broke me. Even if I had no food. God did take care of me and provided for me, but I do remember even putting my wedding ring as an offering to the Lord. I’m sure God saw that our intentions and motives were pure. But we were definitely deceived in different areas.
We started asking questions, reading the Word more and listening to preachers less during that time in our lives. Dad used channels like this one, messed up Church and long for truth to show us how scripture had been twisted in many different examples of some of these heretical preachers. It’s amazing how His word brought clarity!
And I am praying that for you, that your eyes would be opened to the truth of his word, and that every falsehood and deceptive word you have heard, received in your heart or opened your mind to would be revealed, so that he can begin the healing in your heart. I pray that your relationship with the Lord will grow and your love for His word. I pray that you find a good Bible believing/teaching church, even if it’s a denomination you would’ve never considered before. I was never Baptist girl lol. In fact, a lot of the non-denominational/Pentecostal churches I grew up in made fun of Baptists. But here I am! Lol and not just a Baptist Church, but I’m in a church that is preaching the Bible in context. We were very much tired of the mic drop moments in every church we used to visit or be part of in ministry. We were tired of life advice versus guidance through scripture.
Thankful to God that he’s opening your eyes. He is faithful to forgive us when we have fallen prey to these things. I’m thankful you’re repentant and desiring more time in scripture. May God bless you! Don’t give up! Even when it’s hard; even when you feel like you’re on an island by yourself when you have to give up everything you once believed in and the people you did ministry with for so long. The Lord will bring the right people into your life to help guide you in all truth. But do Read Your Bible; it’s the best and really only true way to learn His truths and defy the false doctrines circulating around us.
@@Jantsenpr777thanks so much. I’ve definitely been reading the Word….my teen and I are on a daily regiment, reading together.
Where I’m finding myself struggling is when it comes to reading the Word through the dense lens/filter that has been in place for so long. Honestly, I’m beginning to see it more as brainwashing because it is so difficult to think outside of that filter. Hearing these clips from a different point of view presents me the feeling of being someone who has been under anesthesia and is just now waking. The typical foggy 😶🌫️ mind and difficulty processing information are definitely present.
I’m thankful for Melissa’s basic, gentle, logical, and biblical approach. It is the reason I have been able to let down my guard and allow the questions to once again flow. The anxiety I’m experiencing arises more from the doubt of whether or not I’ll ask the “RIGHT” questions or be able to think clearly enough to see/understand the biblical point of view.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. ❤
@@zoedaisyhill1426thank you, and Lord bless you. ❤
@@Jantsenpr777thank you for the encouragement. I am reading the Word daily alongside my 13-year-old. ❤it’s more a matter of needing the old filter to be removed so that I can see/hear/understand correctly. ❤
I loved this video Melissa! Years ago, correction decades ago, some people coming to the Church in Scotland where I was preaching were trying to get me to become Charismatic. So for my birthday, they bought me a ticket to a prosperity/prophetic conference in Edinburgh. I went. It was 3 days. There were speakers galore. Several of them are now dead. A handful are in prison, and one of them was recently in the media for infidelity. There was also a Theologian. I spent time talking with them all. I watched their patterns. It fascinated me. I would go early to the session and watched people rehearse being slain in the spirit. So your experience really brought mine up from the dust of antiquity. I really liked the way you presented this. Thank you.
Wow, that was very revealing!
Don't confuse charismatic with word of faith. Scripture teaches about the Spirit and his gifts. Word of faith is a distorsion and a heresy.
@@samburton2978 people actually rehearsed being slain in the spirit?! That was a phenomenon I had a really hard time wrapping my head around when I would watch word of faith services. I even felt guilty because I had no desire to act that way, but people like Heidi Baker and Todd White would chastise people for not being humble enough to want to experience that kind of spirituality. I am so relieved to know that is not expected of me now.
@libbylandvatter5322 yes ma'am. I would see them go to different areas of the front of the room and find the best place to live down. Then sure enough, at the next main session, they would come to that spot to be "slain". And, I saw the same thing in Florida in 93 in Lakeland, as an extension of the Brownstown (?) revival. Not sure exactly if that's the right name. Rodney Howard Brown was the speaker in Lakeland and had been one of them in the Panhandle.
@ that is fascinating. And it helps me understand that phenomenon. Thank you for sharing. I don’t know much about that particular revival, but I will do some sleuthing. Now I’m intrigued…
Imagine, you’re sitting there watching Copeland ramble on and on, you can’t afford rent or groceries, or your child needs an expensive surgery. How comforting it is to know Copeland has a closet-full of exorbitantly expensive watches. 🤨
And he owns multiple airplanes. Eat Alpo so Copeland can afford jet fuel.
Don't forget, he purchased Prince's jet plane so he could be "taken by the Spirit wherever it led him." You should see the video proof of Benny Hin and his entourage partying and taking crystal meth. One of his workers died that day of an overdose. And he's still preaching and stealing from delusional victims. Very soo, their day is coming. The daughters (Harlots)have lready gone back to the Mother of harlots (Rome) a few years back. See Revelation 17
Worse yet, he’d tell you to donate $10 and God will heal your child miraculously and then steal your money
Worse yet, he’d tell you to donate $10 and God will heal your child miraculously and then steal your money
And the reason you don't have what he has is because you don't have enough faith and don't donate in trust enough
My Dad was healed when Kennenth Copeland prayed for him. ❤❤❤❤❤
Bless his heart that’s wonderful: assuredly this occurred bc of how much God loves us. AlwaysGod. ❤️
Your Dad was healed when God healed him.
As someone who grew up in this movement, this was spot on. Prayers for Debbie! 😭🙏🏾
Not exactly. Anytime you give an honest review of a message or conference give the full context maybe at least a 5 to 7 minute unedited clip. Or at least give a link to the entire message so people can go and see it without the edited clips that are taken out of context.
Thank you for insightful comments spoken with kindness. My first exposure to Kenneth copeland was back in 1972 at a house church in Reseda, California. I was not saved then. I'm not sure when he derailed from the truth but it has been progressively getting worse. I am a retired pastor of 40 years now and every time I have encountered a 'Koplandite' it was an evil and nasty experience. There will be a day when the "Judgment Seat of Christ" will render a verdict on our works. For some it will be "depart from me I never knew you, you workers of lawlessness".
In 1972 you were not saved and you retired as pastor in 1984 (40 years retired pastor you wrote)
So you worked as unsaved pastor before 1972?
@@ericversteege1741I think you misread. “I am a retired pastor of 40 years…” means they were a pastor for 40 years, and have since retired.
That would explain, then he became a pastor in 1984, and was saved some years after 1972.
@@ericversteege1741 I was saved in 1973 at Church on the Way, Van Nuys, CA. It was my mother that took me to the K.C. meeting. I did not work as an unsaved pastor. Sorry I did not communicate it properly. I'm still serving the Lord at a local church. Enjoying retirement if there is such a thing in ministry.
Kenneth Copeland learned from Orel Roberts!
Thanks for going so I didn’t have to
Not sure if you were trying to be funny but it was a good one! 😂
I’m a long time Christian. I left a church I loved because they invited Kenneth Copeland to the pulpit. Watching this video, I am astounded at how proud and arrogant these ‘preachers’ are . . straight up bragging about their riches. They are so blind. And it breaks my heart that so many follow these men, not the Jesus of the Bible. They don’t even realize it.
Copeland straight up looks and sounds like a Star Wars villain
Lol, word! He reminds me of The Emperor, face and all.
“Unlimited powerrrrrr”
Come to the dark side!
@@SpFlash1523 YES
God bless you for going into the viper's den for the rest of us! You are a treasure. I'm one that got duped early on as a believer and fell for "people" like him. But God, rich in mercy, love and forgiveness rescued me from the clutches of these ruthless and heartless purveyors of the prosperity gospel. Keep up the good work!!!
Viper's den is the perfect description of WoF.
As a child Kenneth Copeland gave me nightmares. I would hide every morning when my parents would watch Believer’s Voice of Victory. As an adult I’m even more convinced he has more in common with the boogie man than the Bible.
Children have keen sense discerning darkness
Children sometimes have a clear view of reality, and know when someone is evil. So maybe this applied to you. 😊 Also, children flocked to Jesus because somehow, they knew He was good! 😊
As an adult Kenneth Copeland gives me nightmares. I’m pretty sure he is demon possessed.
As I commented elsewhere, he seems like a serpent to me. Both my wife and I are instantly repulsed by him and she doesn't know anything about him other than he makes her uneasy.
Oh he’s got the creepiest eyes for sure
Appreciate the exposure and sharing your experience. Thank-you that you kept cool in the midst of a steamroller. Once I admired some of these speakers, now I'm listening to God's word.
LOVE your "cycle" Melissa!!!! it's so true... more than you know!!! they shame and curse those who don't "sow a seed" into their pocket, when that money just rolls around among the elite. I watched Copeland preach at our church (the few times i went) and he announced that he was giving our church the $50,000 we needed to finish yet another building fund project. And the church went wild, praising God and dancing in the halls.....
.... and then the next week, I was watching the BVOV broadcast, with Kenneth Copeland and in the credit afterwards it popped on the screen "thanks to (my church's name) for their monthly donation of $50,000 to keep this broadcast on the air." ......
.....And then Jesse Duplantis spoke about a month later about how Copeland blessed him with $50,000 for something.
OH MY GOSH. So that $50k just rolls back and forth and all around. the same $50,000!!!! these are lying, deceitful men of not-God.
Jehovah Jireh What's Your Rider?
Calvary's Mount is of inestimable Amount.
Subsequent empty tomb
Boom boom out go the lights😮
Buddha where art thou?
@@StanleypeterDickinson Huhhhhhhh????
Thanks, Melissa, for doing this video. It's much needed, and I like the way you take notes, ask questions, and really bring good insight backed by the Word.
Copeland gives me the creeps when he smiles….just seems evil. I didn’t know much about him but watching a news reporter talking to him grabbed my attention. I felt almost chills as he grinned into the camera! Scary….
His eyes are super creepy. Especially when he smiles.
@ Yes! They appear evil!
He is evil 😈
He has hardened his heart for so long that there's nothing left of a conscience. Very scary that people can go so long without repentance.
That's the video that really opened my eyes. I never liked him but didn't realize how demonic he is until I saw that video in 2020. I think it was filmed a couple years earlier. Inside Addition.
I want to add to my previous comment that my dad was legitimately miraculously healed of a terminal illness- an inexplicable auto-immune disorder- in a word of faith church, and he turned from drug addiction to God after that. He is currently a word of faith associate pastor. God does heal and save even when doctrines aren't perfect.
Praise God for your dad's miraculous healing! God can do this in even the most corrupt of churches, in spite of that "church", just because He loves the individuals within those places.
Edit: as long as God is given all the glory and honour for such miracles, all is well.
@naomispencer3246 Amen!!
All glory to the one and only Lord and savior Jesus Christ! Amen
God heals, these people do not.
@@robinhuff1867 Exactly!!
Crickets... God has such a great sense of humor
The problem isn't so much these "preachers." The problem is that they can somehow fill not just an auditorium for "church" services, but an entire conference where people even pay to attend. That's what gets me.
*EDIT: This went on for an entire week?!
„For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.“
II Timothy 4:3-4 NKJV
Wrong, they are leading people away from Jesus. They are absolutely a huge problem.
My hunch as to why they get high attendance, and are not particularly concerned about staying awake to take in the message,... is the doctrine of transference or impartation. Just being there in proximity to "God's anointed" and favored... is bound to rub off on you. Just like grave soaking.
... Lots of weird superstitions and new agey type ooga booga.
Let's face it it's the same old hyped prosperity Gospel, with its tropes and catch phrases and behaviors, ... so no one actually anticipates learning anything new.
@@Yesica1993 this is OLD news. A church I attended (and worked at, in the counting room$$$) 20 years ago we did a conference called “Faith Week”. The stories I could tell. The way they guilt snd pump up and manipulate ppl into giving . MULTIPLE times per session Per Preacher is astounding. The money and items that I counted and seen “sown” were crazy. And they then return the favor to each other by just passing money along to the next Preacher in line. As well as taking an offering for them. And they get filthy rich doing this. Time after time. My first hand was I attended and worked there. My husband still does. 27 yrs later. Yet another story of how they place fear and manipulate into ppl.
@@bilandshark I can understand this type of thing in the years before the internet. Or in places where there still may be limited access to it. But, I'm sorry, not in 21st century America, where many homes have more Bibles gathering dust on shelves than exist in some entire countries. And not where most people have some access to the internet.
I also make a separate category for the poor desperate souls who just want healing for themselves or for a loved one. Those people shred my heart. I cannot even watch such events because of the anger I feel towards the wicked leaders taking advantage of such vulnerable people.
I went to a Copeland conference in Detroit back in the early eighties. As a new ambitious Christian I made my way to the front of the stage to get a closer look at Copeland. When I saw his eyes I freaked out, and turned and left the building as fast as I could. I sensed evil oozing from him.
I went to his meeting and he talked about the importance of trusting God’s Word.
Those eyes that you're criticizing are Cherokee Indian. He is part Cherokee. Your comment is immature and unChristian.
I 100% agree with you
Good discernment
@@serenitypeaceandcomfort3669 Copeland is possessed. You are being deceived 😢 Ask GOD for the Gift of DISCERNING. ASAP.
Wow! I just happened across your channel here. You spoke and shared so well. You r a good communicator. Said alot that I have been feeling in my gut for awhile now. My Church supports his ministry and I'm sure has received $$$$$ from him. We recently opened a beautiful newly built tabernacle. R. Parsley is his mentor I heard him say, but so is Mr. C. Melissa, this past year I have become increasingly uncomfortable at many things. Been praying alot. At times doubting or just ignoring my "gut" or "red flags".
Wish I could talk to you more. Tonight I c exactly what you r saying! Been at this church these past 5-6 years. Need to leave.....just don't know where to go. I'll pray. May just not go anywhere for awhile. Lots of solid preacher/teachers online I like. Lots going thru my head and heart right now.
Thank u Melissa dear. ❤
Years ago, I was going through very difficult times, unable to work after a car accident and medical intervention wasn’t helping! Copeland was on Television and I just wanted to believe what he preached and his stories! Thank God I remembered verses that said test the spirits, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. l John 4:1 by prayer and asking for a sound mind, and wisdom!
Good for you! God blesses those who seek His wisdom.
alicejump That alone is very wise to test the spirits. I would love to ask some of these people that come on YT with these stories. "Jesus came to me" "Jesus told me in a dream / vison" All accounts in the Word of God people fell as they where dead. Fainted / passed out from the Great Glory of Christ Jesus being so great. These other people are like, Yoo Jesus how's going Bro good to see you again. Then they make statements that never come to pass or are so far gone it's a waist of time. I can assure anyone if Christ Jesus comes to you in a vision / dream it will be like NOTHING in and of this world.
One side of my extended family all are steeped in this movement. Everything is signs, wonders, miracles, seeing angels, gift if healing,....they seem easily tempted by the promise of wealth yet none if them have it yet
Share with those family members the ENTIRE context of the Bible verses they abuse in defense of these heretical teachings!
They love the things of this world and the love of the father is not in them
From such turn away
Jesus said an evil and perverse generation seek signs. Let that sink in……..
Thank you for being kind throughout your message.🤍🕊️
Ken Copeland was a guest at a friend's church one time. He went into the bookstore and sneezed, the lady behind the counter asked if he had a cold and he rebuked her and degraded her for asking if he was ok. That....that, how you treat people, is telling for your Christian faith. She was so excited for him to be there but was devastated when he rebuked her... that is not ok.
That mentality is rooted in the church when I first became a Christian I had a headache and after one of the services I asked our pastor if he had aspirin he said how about I pray for you instead and proceeded to do so. I was asking for bread and he gave me a stone
He stands by his word. He considers that a curse and he won’t receive it. He would never apologize for that response. Your friend does not understand him or the power of words
@@vrod0745 Miss Becky and I understand the "power of words" quite well. It is simple "common sense" that you do NOT treat anyone that way. Copeland has treated many people like this throughout the decades. Sadly, you don't do more research into the people that you worship.
@@vrod0745he comes off pretty loud and clear - he’s a jerk bad not Christ-like 🙃
I remember him talking about an encounter like this in many of his sermons. He must have thought it was a spiritual attack on his faith for his healing. I’m sorry you were accosted. The faith works by love part of the gospel was not a strongly evident there.
I used to listen to him many years ago. As the Lord opened my mind to the ministry I saw a ministry not of God but a ministry of confusion and who is the author of confusion not tho God I worship. Thank you for your honesty for I saw this many years ago. God's blessings be with you 🙏
I grew up Methodist but my mom watched these people on tv. She watched Jim and Tammy Baker and Benny Hinn too. I had discernment on them as a teenager. My mom loved the Lord but got deceived by these people. Even though she watched them and probably sent money to them, I know she was truly saved and I know I’ll see both my parents in Heaven one day. I’m 64 now and I thank God for the discernment Holy Spirit has given me to know when someone is a deceiver
So...as a grandmother and an uncle of mine were deceived. By these demonic charlatan's....wolves.
I new someone that followed Benny Hinn, he has deceived many...... Peter Popoff also.
Benny hinn came out with an apology video about his prosperity gospel teachings, God rebuked him and he openly apologized online and has repented from it. These same people who are off course from God's words still need our prayers, so God can save them also. For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers and every thing that tries to exalt itself above God.
Joyce Meyer is also one rhat says the more you give the more you get from God. God gave us Jesus! Jesus should be our focus!
God could not possibly give us more than He did,what else is there, He gave us Himself, His very life!!!
@kellylundblad2616 Amen!!! Why are people so concerned about what else they can get from God. God gave me a heart to want Him. That's enough for me. My Salvation! The only gift I find worthy!
I am not a Joyce Meyer fan, but she has publicly acknowledged that she no longer is a part of the word of faith movement and rejects the health and wealth teachings. She has stated this multiple times, and has spoken and taught publicly that she believed silly things. It’s easy to criticize the word of faith movement but some people have come to faith through it and through experience and study of scripture have abandoned false teachings. I did not come to faith through the word of faith movement but have even believed some things that could be classified as heresy in my lifetime. I’m careful about criticizing people who call themselves Christians, albeit we must certainly criticize the public teachers at this conference. I don’t know where Joyce Meyer’s heart is and I don’t follow her ministry or teaching but I don’t think we can currently claim she is a prosperity preacher. Some of the people in the word of faith movement are true lovers of Jesus and I don’t think we can just write all of them off. I do think most of them are extremely naive though.
I used to follow Joyce Meyer in the 1990s. Two things that contributed to me stopping listening to her was when they wanted to get a plane and she looked different after a face lift. There were other things going on in the church I attended as well as the Toronto "blessing" arriving here in Australia.
I saw Jesse Duplantis at a convention center in the northeast about 20 years ago. Same exact message about how much his god has blessed him. He said don't be jealous because the Lord loves him so much and you can catch up too (by giving, of course).
When he says God blessed him,he really means it all came from ppls donations. Why is it that they twist scripture and interpret‘blessings in dollars’ if they can do all these miracles,they should go to every hospital and heal everyone there,that’s where there’s no shortage of sick ppl.
@@pudik2008 I know. It took me years to wake up. Jesse Duplantis slaps you in the face, you give him money and then he slaps you in the face again. People, WAKE UP
Psalms 103 teaches us to not forget his Benefits!!! He forgives us all are sins, He heals all our diseases, takes us from the pit and crowns us with Love,He gives us good things so our youth is renewed like the Eagles!!! Amen As for Pauls Thorn The word always refers it to a person not a sickness! One over looked Scripture is 2 Timothy 3 vs. 11 Paul wrights Persecutions , afflictions, he endured, The Lord Delivered Him From ALL !!!
Well, since I’m sick and stuck in bed, I’ll be watching this tonight. Got my 🍿!
Me too😂
I always had this discernment from the moment I heard/saw this man that he was inherently evil or that evil had consumed him. This was a gift because I have a tendancy to be gullible with a heart for giving to those who ask. Father, the enemy know that the most powerful deceivers are those in the "church" who have been comprimised and use scripture. But your word, as a whole body of writings taken in historical/cultural and literal context with the words surrounding every verse, is enough. If we put our focus on getting to know you personally through the word, the Holy Spirit guidance, and our prayer times, you are enough and will reveal yourself to us personally. Then we can see and hear and live according to His will, not our own. No matter in lack or in plenty, it is all for Christ. I can be poor through Christ or have much with Christ but my joy and purpose remain. If wealth ever gets in my way of my love for God and others, Lord take it away. You are sufficient for me. Amen.
I went to a church that practiced word of faith-prophets,
They did the hype during worship, and when we questioned something, or quoted the Bible, we were called legalistic…
I wasn’t there very long- my spirit discerned something off very quickly!
Jesus says His sheep know His voice! Thank you Jesus!
This is the first time I have heard you and I thought you were very good at explaining everything that you heard and felt and I will be following you from now on. Thanks 🙏 and God bless you because he blessed me with you this morning 🙏 and I'm James and nice to meet you
I AM….truly makes me need to immediately go face down bow to the floor imagining the great IAM-Jesus. He is the great IAM ❤ thank you for sharing
Growing up, my parents would watch Kenneth Copeland and they raised me on the prosperity gospel. After years of listening and sowing seed as a teenager and a young adult. I remember how I never saw "the harvest" come in. I was struggling with my faith because I thought I was doing something wrong since I wasn't seeing money come to me. Slowly, I started to back out of the prosperity gospel as God started to show me that it was greed for money and healing that motivated me, not love for the lost. The KC ministry believes you can't do the kingdom work till you are walking in prosperity, healing, and more. Since then, I have been on a journey of discovering New Thought and how it's tied into a lot of the Copeland ministry. Life has been more freeing since I have stopped the prosperity gospel mindset and dove really into scripture!
Being greedy for money is a problem for sure, but Jesus didn't seem to have a problem with people being " greedy" for healing.
I grew up in a family where my parents believed this and only this. Andrew Wommack was another one that was big in there. Your whole experience with the "steamroller" was my whole experience with my parents growing up. Critical thinking chocked up to negative or satanic/demonic thinking and pushed out. And until I basically moved away but even still then for a while, I fell for it. Thankfully God saved me from it, but my parents are still SO deep into this movement, its ripped our family apart because they refuse any negative/critical thoughts to enter in, therefore no conversations, therefore no contradiction or questioning, therefore no change, and any sense of questioning is seen as a personal or spiritual attack. The destruction ushered into my family via these preachers and them laughing while my parents send them so much of our money is incredibly gross. Praying God does something to sew us back together.
Being skeptical, curious and empathetic will stop the strong from the grift called religion.
Don't worry God has a plan and he already stressed his sentiments towards false teachers, false prophets, etc. and those who would lead his flocks astray. You can find comfort that they'll be dealt with likewise at least from the warnings such as those found within Ezekiel 13. God has a special place for them, and it won't be pretty.
When you hear them referencing scripture or Jesus, but rarely ever teaching the actual word, rarely ever diving into the ministries of Christ, his teachings, the importance of salvation and our roles to go out into the world spreading the good news. I would always head caution against it.
It's a dark world, yet we can find comfort in passages such as from Psalms 23, Ephesians 6:12, and many others. Godspeed and remain blessed in his Mecry and Grace!
All we can do is pray and keep our trust in the Lord.
I remember when I first heard Kenneth Copeland’s story, his testimony.. he was he was humble and flying Oral Robert’s to his camp meetings!! He and Gloria loved the Word of God! I don’t listen to him or Gloria and haven’t for years! but when I first became a Christian they did minister to me!!!
Keep doing this work Melissa. These heretics need exposed. Truth will prevail. And I pray Jesus comes for us all soon.
I'm not a bearer of bad, news. I would not dare to speak of this vision. Divine was restless, 😡 upset.
Divine, gave more visions. Those , who had access, to God's treasure house, meaning money, sent in by masses of Gods people. As they were promised house, land, good fortune.
Mega ministry people staff, who had access, were actually stealing, they said," People will never find out."
In time of inflation.
People like myself, afraid to speak up.
Let someone else do it.
I had my, own busy young life..
Did not want any part of it.
Yet, GOD was against it. God saw it all.
It's so easy to pick and choose scripture and twist them .. I fell for people like this , before The Holy Spirit came to me , He opened my eyes and changed my heart . Never going back into religious slavery - Jesus only from now on
Yes twisting Scriptures. Charles Spurgeon wrote discernment is knowing the difference between right and almost right. Hosea 4:6
You going there, observing, and taking notes was brilliant! 👏🏻
This is how we should be handling this kind of thing so that we are informed first-hand.
I have to say I happened up on your channel, and from hearing your analysis I'm most impressed, you are very informative. Will watch more of your content to learn a bit more about this movement.
By far one of your best “investigative visits” videos yet, and thanks again for taking one for the team. Very insightful & eye-opening. Most impact on me was your encounter with 'Debby.' I saw there the eventual damage created by these prosperity preachers, just as I see it within other religions and cults. It makes me want to shout to these preachers “See! Look at what you have done to her.” I truly fear they miss out completely on the Gospel and the path to salvation. Thanks again - God bless you for the work you do and share. And I am praying for 'Debby.'
Sleeping through a Jesse Duplantis presentation is the second best thing one could do,the first being to get up AND LEAVE!!
His "messages" are the same at each meeting--his house, his planes,
Thank you! We drove to the southwest convention years ago, followed Kenneth, Jerry and Jesse. Gave by compulsion. Went to Keith Moore's church in Florida and bought so many cd sets(we still have them I think). We lived with all the power verses and affirmations but underneath was fear, insecurity and condemnation. But we could never speak negatively or admit something was wrong. It was like being gaslit 24/7. Finally Yahuah allowed us to have a breakdown. We have been growing into Yahuah and His Son Yeshua. Reading all the scriptures in context and I am more in love with Yah than ever before. I am sensitive to the needs of others and at peace!
Get rid of the CD sets, and you'll really be free!
Who is Yah.
Yahweh = I AM… He that is.
What Israelites call God.
My husband and I were attending services
at copeland’s SIL and daughter church . We looked at each other and asked right there, how did the gospel that the disciples preach get to twisted. We left for a messianic church (synagogue) and found that that congregation purposefully ignored Paul all together and lived under the Jewish law. So we left there. Two extremes, searching for truth.
This study is anointed... Truly Anointed!! I agree with EVERY ASPECT of this study!! It is obvious that you have saturated this study, this presentation, and your convictions... in prayer. You are gifted, and your mission and sincerity shine brightly. May God Bless you and yours!!
I attended a conference in Jacksonville Florida around circa 1980 Copeland, sevelle,Hagen… I remember everyone asking us “ so what was it like? How was it? What did they teach?… my answer was “ you just have to be there, just stuff! I think of it now 45 yrs later and know… and knew shortly after that conference, they didn’t say anything worth listening too even then… prosperity prosperity positive confession prosperity.
I can assure you that the entire organization is as smoke in Gods nose…. A touch of the truth, and then a flood of lies is what they teach
Really enjoyed your analysis of what you witnessed, you didn’t try to defame them ( they have black belts in defaming themselves!) you just spoke the truth. New sub! I’ll be looking for your next post., GOD bless!
As a resident of DFW you are 100% correct about our road system.
Agreed. I spent a month on the LBJ Freeway one day.
They should fire the toddler who designed them.
Kenneth copeland will not be saved unless if he repents for his false teachings.
@@MelissaDougherty I've driven in and out the DFW area over 3 decades and likely you got in and out of there faster than I can. Yep, it's a mess.😒
I laughed at that because I moved there for about a 18 months. I’m pretty sure some part of me is still lost in Ft Worth!!
I’m so excited to clean my kitchen while I listen to this 😂 Thanks Melissa!
You have done an excellent job breaking this down, respectfully, logically, and with honesty and integrity. Well done!!!
Thanks for sharing Melissa!
You had to have been filled with immense patience and grace to get through that!
What really upsets me about this whole movement is,
the absolute insult and neglect of those in Christ who are persecuted and imprisoned.
As a new Christian, I really appreciate your channel and all the topics and subjects you discuss.
I pray for discernment and wisdom within finding a local church that I can connect with and how the gospel is taught and presented.
Thank you Melissa 👍
A person with true discernment and wisdom will not fall for religion at all. The incurious, hard of thinking will allow these p-ass-tors to feed them so much "teaching" that is not reality based, that they will become as damaged as these folks.
The word of God is the truth that helps us see through the deceiption. As a new Christian in this horribly fallen world, it is imperative that you learn the word of God for yourself. Please read the Bible daily and find a pastor that teaches verse by verse chapter by chapter. I find Pastor Brett at Athey Creek (he has a website and TH-cam channel) to be a good pastor thus far. Always be a Berean and verify what you hear with the word of God. Praying for discernment and wisdom is a great start in your walk too. May God bless you and keep you.
Thank you for the supportive message and church recommendation...it is very appreciated...
So glad, Melissa, that you didn't have to pay to attend this conference, but none the less, I appreciate that you put yourself though this in order to inform us about these wolves in sheep clothing.
Ive been aware of these charletons for a lonnnng time. Im glad you're aware too. Keep it up ❤
Justin Peters is a legend for exposing these false teachers!
NOT a fan of word of faith at all and have been repulsed by if since inception. However, the only sad part is that Peters teaches a powerless Christ. He denies God being supernatural in the lives of believers. Matthew 10 vs 8.
@@Learningthetruth7Amen!! The cessation message is about as bad as it gets.
@@Learningthetruth7Justin Peters denies the power of God 💯
@@micaiah0109 He doesn't deny the Power of God, He believes people like John MacArthur are not subject to correction after careful examination. Peters believes MacArthur is God's gift to the church in the las 1,500 years!
I live in Dallas -- we had a huge cricket plague this summer. Sorry you had to experience it! They do eventually go away... But how hilarious that they contributed appropriate sound effects!
My grandmother lived in Hillsboro, years ago we stopped by to visit and walked through the town around the courthouse. There were millions of crickets everywhere. Still a beautiful town.
"When did the church turn into Amway?"
My thoughts exactly.
Just a little under 2,000 years ago.
I had been listening to the BVOV tv show in the 80s and early 90s. At that time, they were talking about making God your provider and trusting Him. One day, I went to work, and at the end of the day, i was let go. I had just come back from vacation and had $1,500 in cc debt. I lived by myself, had a car payment, and had minimal savings. I chose to make God my provider, just like the Copeland 's taught. I didn't ask anyone in my family for money. I did go to temporary services to work. God provided, and i was determined to continue to tithe and give money to a missionary i felt was really making a difference. That year, i made $13,000, down from the $25,000 i was used to. God provided.
If i had not listened to the broadcast i wouldn't have had the faith to trust God.
That being said, what is being preached currently is much different than what was preached at that time.
I used to be a prosperity gospel junkie watching all of these guys, I didn't have much money so I didn't send them any, and realized how shallow this stuff is several years ago. Thank you for this video
I was healed of really bad gum disease and terrible cystic facial acne at Gloria Cioeland’s healing school. Jesus walked up to me while I was praising the Lord. My dentist cancelled my appointment at the oral surgeon to have all my teeth pulled. He said “whatever you’re doing, keep it up”. I have to take good care of my teeth by flossing and brushing to keep my gums healthy. I’m grateful.
Awesome 🙌🙏
You sound like a beautiful lady.......where it counts .
I like you ❤️. Good content 👍!!!
We worship a miraculous God! But not everyone gets a miraculous healing.
Paul had a thorn in his side but when he asked to be delivered, the Lord reminded him that His grace was sufficient.
I witnessed a miraculous healing of a man who was so nearsighted that he was almost blind without his thick glasses.
After he was healed, he could see the hands of a clock on the far side of the hall (I had to squint to see the hands on that block). This was in December 1972.
Today such a miracle could be faked with a slight of the hand and a pair of disposable contacts. But in 1972, contact lenses were very expensive and required a “break in” period.
@apache-b3n my brother-in-law had a problem with one of his hips. His one leg was so much shorter than the other one, he had to have a special shoe built up on that side that was about 2 1/2 inches bigger in the heel. Gloria prayed over him and right before our eyes that leg grew out. That was nine years ago and he has been wearing regular shoes ever since. So absolutely I can attest that there was a miracle right before our eyes! All glory be to God!
The crickets😂🤣😂
I'm sorry but that's just halerious and perhaps the Lord's sense of humor😆
Well put-together video Melissa, I enjoyed it ;-)
Don't forget that Jet Fuel is very expensive. And Jessie needs a new Mercedes. 😅
Yes, because after all, the Gospel can't reach the far corner of the world without a Leer jet or a Mercedes...😂😂😂
I cannot abide that wicked man! How did you manage to not lose your mind attending such an event? I'm not sure if I can even get through this video. You deserve a medal!
When in doubt always remember Psalms 23.
Yes. I'm thinking why go to the devil's church service?
We are told to test the spirits and see if they are of God...
@@marymorris6897 Well, when "good men" do nothing. Evil spreads.
My sister Bonnie was a believer in this teaching, and in Kenneth Copeland. She wouldn't seek medical attention or even admit anything was wrong because that would have been a lack of faith. She died just before her 41st birthday of non-Hodgekin's Lymphoma. Her body was riddled with cancer and her lungs were a total white-out on x-ray.
She would have been ventilator-dependent if she survived the chemo. Yes, she consented to everything once she was in the hospital and she saw how desperate things had become. All her organs shut down and she slipped into a coma. She finally passed, surrounded by family who were encircling her bed, joining hands and singing a spiritual song.
That was in late 1993. She'd be 72 years old if still alive today. Such a waste, all because she believed the wrong teachings and trusted the wrong "man of God". Sure does make one sour.
Thank you for this
Melissa, I have to say, I love your brain. I am not surrounded by critical thinkers who happen to be Christians, and I love to hear you talk. You made me laugh a few times and you have no idea how much I needed that laugh.
Once you are Born again,its all about obeying the voice of the holy Spirit period!
Not about obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit. It's about obeying the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God.
I've seen Copeland in person once when he came to my country and put on a 3-day conference. I went with my mum put of skepticism of him, but still being very WoF. It became clear the level of production used to encourage certain reactions from the crowd. It furthered me on confronting the doctrine I'd been raised on.
You are so awesome sister in Christ! So much respect and appreciation for all you do!
Interesting about crickets because Leviticus 11 states that all other winged insects that walk on the ground are detestable and should not be eaten. Almost like a analogy of not eating of the words they're preaching.
Wow good catch i would have never caught that. That's deep.
Yes very well put
I caution against looking for deeper analogies in everything. That’s a lot of what the evangelical / WOF people do. That’s why there are so many stories in their sermons. During 2020, I had so many evangelicals looking for signs in every little thing to validate their teachings.
@@Es24688 I am led by the Holy Spirit only but I understand where your coming from.
😂😂😂 The crickets oh my gosh fantastic I love your personality and humor!!! It's my first time watching your show I'm definitely subscribing😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
That interaction with the nice lady, discussing Copeland's station wagon, what it represented to her, and her belief that we can all (and apparently should) get there, immediately called to mind the hard-core MLM adherents.
In this case, a lot of this stuff has become Multi-level religion.
@@Agg1E91 what a great comparison. That is exactly what it is...
You were in my town. (Fort Worth is not Dallas, although the roads are wonky in the entire area.) I’m definitely a back-way gal. Copeland is not well-loved around here. There will always be those who buy it.
Absolutely! My little sister and her husband were wrapped up in Amway for a few years, and it was bad bad bad. Substitute soap for Christ, and these people sound exactly the same.
I haven't bought your book yet but I've just read a preview of it and already I'm so grateful. Thank you. The LORD bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you peace.