Timberborn Summit & Gulch Cities 4 - Back from the Brink?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 57

  • @LupeFenrir
    @LupeFenrir 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Little Luna is sitting on a bench in Beaver Bluffs memorial park, enjoying some fresh mangrove fruit with her assigned Guardian Lupe. (Iron Teeth beavers don't really have parents.)
    She looks at the monument on the opposite side of the road. It consists of two polished metal statues.
    One is a bust of an elderly looking beaver, holding a small twig or sapling in one paw, with the other arm outstretched, showing a paw full of berries.
    The other statue is of a pair, A strong looking beaver with a hoe, standing behind a smaller beaver with a paw on their shoulder. The smaller beaver is very young, barely older than Luna, yet they had an mature, almost parental look about them.The pair stands watch over a small row of, what looks like, stylized birthing pods.
    Who are they? Luna asks.
    Them? Oh that one is Elder Vanjin and those two are Great Mother Anji and Guardian Kuguth. They were the first great heroes of Beaver Bluff. Lupe answered proudly.
    Luna's eyes lit up with excitement.
    Heroes?! Really!? What happened? What did they do?
    Ha! Aren't you a curious one, Luna.
    Okay, okay, calm down and I will tell you the story. It’s a story told to me by my guardian, and to them by theirs. A story from the early cycles, when this great settlement was founded. About a great disaster. And the beavers who saved us.
    Lupe begins to tell the story, and as they do, Luna’s imagination runs wild and she sees the heroes in front of her.
    She sees Anji working desperately to simultaneously keep the breeding pods running while also trying to save the ailing kohlrabi harvest. All the while Elder Vanjin, who was almost too old to walk, gives all the remaining strength of their ageing body in order to plant the berry field that would sustain the next generation. Once it was clear that the others would survive, did they finally succumb to their age. And with pride swelling in her heart she sees little Kugoth, who while still just a kit, chose to cast away their childhood to raise the new baby kits and become the first official guardian of Beaver Bluff.
    She will remember this story, and one day she will tell it to the next generation.
    The beavers Anji and Vonjin and the kit Kugothe, were the only ones alive at the start of this episode.
    I may have taken some liberties with this story. Or, maybe the story has changed over generations of being told and retold. Maybe if they had some of that newfangled paper that the folktails are making, the story would be more factually accurate.
    Also, One of the first kits to be born in this episode is named Rotsack. Like, yikes Anji, Why did you name them that?! (I mean no offence to the person they’re named after, but you have to admit that it is not something you would name a child.)
    P.S. The TH-cam comment textbox is not a nice place for writing and editing stories.

  • @JosefTrull
    @JosefTrull 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The top of the Latte hut spins because it's a wind-powered bean grinder of course

  • @LupeFenrir
    @LupeFenrir 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I for one enjoy seeing you read the comments.

  • @quakerman7
    @quakerman7 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My theory about the die-off: under-populated, you sent too many beavers over, leaving crops unharvested (too low priority). As each beaver migrated to fill the new colony's minimum population, fewer and fewer beavers were left in the main colony.

  • @triwulf1
    @triwulf1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Great work coming back from the brink. Also wanted to share that the "Ladders" mod has been added to the Steam Workshop.

  • @ernestlam5632
    @ernestlam5632 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I liked the intro. I eould be a hauler bc I've mostly worked in warehouses in my life and know the importance of logistics. Happiness requires at minimum a feeling that what you need will be there when you need it.

  • @justinbell1596
    @justinbell1596 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Kohlrabi are hyper a inefficient food source for the Iron Teeth. Although they don’t require fermenters or other buildings to provide, you barely scrape by even. Cassava are really the way to go for your baseline colony food source. A single planted tile will provide lots of food when fully processed, unlike the kohlrabi’s extremely low yield.. It mostly comes down to the time required to harvest then re-planting the crop, no matter what plant it is, it’ll take the same amount of time for the beaver to perform its task. So although it’ll take power and a dedicated beaver in the fermenter, the Cassava yield will give your colony a large enough of a food buffer to accommodate your future beaver growth.
    Love your work KoS!

  • @urkerab
    @urkerab 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bad Scrapton had 30 kohlrabi because your district crossing workers had already brought them some. If you have the food variety available, you usually want to distribute it throughout all districts for the well-being bonus.
    I see you noticed that construction demand is not the same as workplace demand.
    That's handy that beavers can walk though the vertical power shaft pieces for construction purposes.
    Don't forget that fermented soybeans need canola oil.

  • @marines532
    @marines532 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "It's been tough sprinting around on all fours, doing many jobs, all at once; helping build some things like the baby makers and maintaining the baby-makers, gathering food, help planting the blueberries, checking the water supply, and tending to the younglings... I could be doing better things, but alas, we were only just a handful of beavers and I had to put in my effort to save this colony. It's been rough, but things are turning around for us. Thank Great White Pointer! I really wished the younglings pitched in and get this colony running again. It's been some time since the "Great Catastrophe" had happened and so many of our numbers have dropped. I've also noticed some have gone into the forest to get better berries and didn't come back... Some came back, though... Great KOS knows what happened to the others... However, we are trekking along as our numbers grow again. Our colony will be live again, I hope...
    Perhaps I could suggest this to the Poet; The story of how the great colony of Complicated Beaverton had suffered a catastrophe, which brought us to the brink of eternal sleep, but somehow, we held onto hope and rose up from the broken wood. Would be a good story back home, too. Hopefully the Iron Tooth Council would be pleased enough we pulled through and wouldn't have my tail. Though, I am worried for what the future will bring. Will there even be more catastrophes? If so, we must prepare for them. But for now, we must rebuild and repopulate...
    Also something I should note: I had collapsed in my barracks, on top of my bed, and took a nap from the sheer exhaustion of sprinting around. When was about to slumber, I was disturbed by a loud noise, sounded like 'meow' or 'meowing,' coming from the great beyond. Was it the Great KOS? Is she trying to communicate with me? Does she communicate with 'meow?' I wonder..."
    - Diary of Little Tail, Entry 4
    Side note: Thank you in the beginning. That was a nail-biting experience but it's good to see the colony rise from the ashes like a Phoenix! :D

  • @targetdreamer257
    @targetdreamer257 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So I did suggest about having water on the roofs but to a fine point on it;
    Build a dense vertical housing. Near the build limit tile off the roof and put some levies ringing off the top with fluid dumps. Now you can have a roof top water play land. Put in lidos, showers, and the Fountain of Joy. For aesthetics you can have waterfalls with meandering streams.
    It would take quite a large amount of resources but you could even hide all the scaffolding behind a water fall curtain. As a bonus the beavers would have to pass through the water fall to go to sleep making sure ever beaver would always have the wet fur perk.

    • @urkerab
      @urkerab 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Isn't the Fountain of Joy for the Folktails, not the Ironteeth?

    • @targetdreamer257
      @targetdreamer257 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@urkerab could be. I’m not a 100% on who has what. But having a roof top water fun zone was the main idea.

  • @budwilliams7908
    @budwilliams7908 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    when you only have 3 beavers you have to wait until the end of the day for a beaver to take berries to the pod if you dont have any haulers or unemployed beavers

  • @x0mbigrl
    @x0mbigrl 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Am I the only one who has heard the music the entire time? It's just quiet, but it's there

  • @joehelland1635
    @joehelland1635 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Kos has no idea where the beavers are working, yet at the same time I can see all of the workers in hte video :D :D

  • @rgeaster5696
    @rgeaster5696 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    They spin from all the hot air in them.

  • @anialator1000000
    @anialator1000000 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Beavers eat berries only as a last resort, because berries don't give any wellbeing score. They are thus the lowest priority food to eat.

  • @peluso4oso
    @peluso4oso 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The Great Collapse was an ordeal. We almost didn't make it. We went down to a single beaverdult taking care of all the kids. Our survival rested on the tired breath of that beaver. Our childhood was difficult but we somehow managed. Alas, one of the older kids matured just in time to take over as the last of originals fell. During her final moments, our lonely elder took a final glance at us youngsters. She tried to say something to us, but there was no more breath left in her. She carried the weight of the entire colony on her, and succeeded. Now she rests.
    In those cataclysmic times, when all seemed hopeless, I grew up keeping strong and knowing not to take anything for granted. I decided then that my goal in life was to keep our colony going and make it stronger and better than ever. Even better and greater than what our founders could have envisioned. Perhaps due to this I knew that we should never give up! If we don't give in to adversity, we still have a fighting chance!
    And now, in the cusp of finally reaching adulthood, I look over to the great city built by our ancestors and at the strong and brave beavers that survive despite the impossible odds. We are really are mighty! And I see the fecund fields and I finally see hope! And I look beyond the oaks and I see progress! And I see down to the coffee plantations and I ask: When are they gonna finally build that coffee shop?!

  • @badcatbad
    @badcatbad 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the top of the latte huts spin to power the coffee grinders

    • @KatherineOfSky
      @KatherineOfSky  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes!!!! Of course!!!!

  • @targetdreamer257
    @targetdreamer257 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    New arrival to the colony. My talents aren't being use, I am more of a entertainer. Well I guess have to wait for musical jobs to be needed, until then I will play a merry tune to keep everyone's spirit up. Maybe one day there will be a venue for my prodigious talent.

  • @uraniumanchor
    @uraniumanchor 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    31:33 not sure how much difference it makes in practice but for each farm "region" I always like to have at least twice as many beavers working on a farm set to prioritize harvesting compared to prioritizing planting, since harvesting takes more time. They need to run back to the farmhouse with the goods, as opposed to the planters who can just move on to the next empty patch.

    • @KatherineOfSky
      @KatherineOfSky  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I prefer set to planting so they can replant immediately where they are stood instead of having to come back to the same square again. it also gives crops additional time to grow.

    • @uraniumanchor
      @uraniumanchor 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I still leave a third of them on planting duty for that reason, they usually end up being right to the fresh plots as the harvesters are clearing them just because of the patterns that farmers seem to like to run in. Having a grown plant sit unharvested is just as much of a waste as an empty plot.

  • @frogabelle
    @frogabelle 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    it has been a long and hard journey. I am the last daughter of my beavamily, with my father passing away at the ripe age of four weeks. I myself have taken on his mantle at the plough, though I know not for how long - after all, I am already 10 days old. I am not long for this world. I will carry my father's plough and my father's advice to the Great Dam In The Sky if I must: "work hard, work hard."

  • @quakerman7
    @quakerman7 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lost! Lost! I see almost no movement down in the valley.
    Think, Poet. Time to do your job.
    - Awaiting Upgrade
    Why do I press on?
    Diamonds, emeralds outlast
    Ephemeral me.
    But who I am shines brighter
    Than any crystal matrix.
    //Tanka poem, with 5,7,5,7,7 syllables//

  • @ernestlam5632
    @ernestlam5632 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That's more breeding positive than you would need to maintain the population of a thousand beavers.

  • @roberts_irregular_random_rec
    @roberts_irregular_random_rec 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    * no haulers (on both sides?) originally before die-off, so they could not transport food to and/or from the District crossing.
    * 30:45 - I'm sorry to report that the great KOS not count (lol), I think she needs to get the great arrow in the sky recalibrated. You got 9, I counted 12.
    1 Water pump
    1 District Center
    4 Farm
    1 berry gather
    1 hauling post
    2 lumber mill
    1 inventor
    1 lumber jack
    Really enjoy your Timberborn series! Can't believe you were down to ONE adult and yet you survived! (But, remember that the great KOS can conger up A GREAT SPELL using her arrow in the sky and do time-travel! YOU have the power to go back in time for a re-do if needed (reload a save), but so impressed that you did not need to do that this time!)

    • @KatherineOfSky
      @KatherineOfSky  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I did actually look at the autosaves, but none of them had more than like 4 beavers

    • @roberts_irregular_random_rec
      @roberts_irregular_random_rec 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@KatherineOfSky ouch! Too many backups in too rapid of time is NOT a good thing. Be nice if they allowed us to set "how often" and "how many to keep" for the autosaves . . . . of course there are always your MANUAL saves that you do periodically in the stream . . . cough cough cough. LOL

  • @Redneck353
    @Redneck353 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Looking at all those fellow beavers still hungry, i turn around and go back to digging my dying hole in the forest, may as well make it a bit larger just in case someone finds out what i'm doing and wants to join. Hopefully the great withe pointer in the sky will save them but I'll stay away from that cult unless it proves worthy of the IT moto.

  • @Deniecu
    @Deniecu 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am so confused about the music not working stuff. Did you add the music in post to match you turning it on? Is the music somehow bypassing your audio and is only recorded? Questions questions.
    Not faulting you btw, the hours I've spent problem-solving audio issues for my hobbies are embarrassingly high.

    • @KatherineOfSky
      @KatherineOfSky  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I turned on the soundtrack from Steam while I was recording.

    • @Deniecu
      @Deniecu 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@KatherineOfSky At the 7:08 mark?
      Edit: Though I suppose I shouldn't force my problem-solving on you. Please feel free to ignore my questions. :D

    • @KatherineOfSky
      @KatherineOfSky  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Deniecu I turned it on when I said so in the video ;-)

    • @Deniecu
      @Deniecu 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@KatherineOfSky ok. You say that you turned on the thirsty lands track at approximately 9:40 . I just want to let you know that there is music playing, at least in the recording prior to that, that corresponds to you raising the in game volume at approximately 7:08 . I don't know if that tells you anything as I can only guess at your set-up. Simply wanted to let you know, apologies if this is a bother. I personally don't mind either way, I just can't help but to want to figure these things out 😅
      Love the video, looking forward to the next one :)

    • @refreshinglyswedish
      @refreshinglyswedish 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Deniecu The issue is the amount of noise in my studio... I was being lazy and not wearing headphones because it is so hot in here... and i have the AC on, which is super noisy, the traffic from the street comes in the window where my AC vents... so I just didnt hear it because it was so quiet

  • @lorrygoth
    @lorrygoth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Katherine we hear the music, I legitimately don't understand why you wouldn't if you also hear the sound effects, same with last episode. It was quiet but the music was clearly playing before you put the soundtrack on and turned the music off.

    • @KatherineOfSky
      @KatherineOfSky  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Could be the noise in my room here... I've got traffic, air conditioner, etc.

    • @lorrygoth
      @lorrygoth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @KatherineOfSky Ah kk, was just very surreal to hear you asking why it wasn't playing when we can hear it.

  • @chiffenok
    @chiffenok 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You are running out of food

  • @malmeida13
    @malmeida13 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello what mods r u playing please?

  • @chimmy_jim
    @chimmy_jim 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello Thought Pages,
    I found this in the builders hut. The previous owner kept saying "DeAr DIaRy" every time. It's like they were born a 1000 years ago. Get with the times grandpa!! We recovered from near colony collapse. This pointer keeps telling us to this or do that, they are not my parent ugh. I don't know what else to put here. Some of the foresters planted the mangroves. I tell ya those guys, gals, and non-binary pals are an odd bunch. They spend the whole day around no one. Like how do they do that? It sounds like we are going to start building a big power shaft down the side of the cliff and they need some builders. ✌Pages!

  • @TotallyNotAFox
    @TotallyNotAFox 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hydroponic is a farming methode not related to a plant's habitat - the plant roots are kept in water without being buried in soil. Due to the circulation and water reuse it takes 80 - 90% less water than traditional farming as there is very less waste. Efficiency can be increased further by combining it with fish farming below the planting area.

    • @KatherineOfSky
      @KatherineOfSky  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ok? Yeah, I know what hydroponics are...

  • @the_cheese_goddess
    @the_cheese_goddess 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How did I never notice that the district crossings roof is the trans flag lol

  • @budwilliams7908
    @budwilliams7908 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Unlock the food factory ASAP and make corn rations. your food troubles will disappear.

    • @KatherineOfSky
      @KatherineOfSky  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ive talked about it a few times... I only want to make one food source per city

  • @justinbell1596
    @justinbell1596 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Kohlrabi are hyper a inefficient food source for the Iron Teeth. Although they don’t require fermenters or other buildings to provide, you barely scrape by even. Cassava are really the way to go for your baseline colony food source. A single planted tile will provide lots of food when fully processed, unlike the kohlrabi’s extremely low yield.. It mostly comes down to the time required to harvest then re-planting the crop, no matter what plant it is, it’ll take the same amount of time for the beaver to perform its task. So although it’ll take power and a dedicated beaver in the fermenter, the Cassava yield will give your colony a large enough of a food buffer to accommodate your future beaver growth.
    Love your work KoS!

    • @justinbell1596
      @justinbell1596 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      (It’s the great folk tales v iron teeth lie the devs put in… folk tales basic easy to grow carrots will provide and foster massive colony grow… those dang meager iron teeth kohlrabi will starve your beavers out.. )

    • @KatherineOfSky
      @KatherineOfSky  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm aware. As I have mentioned, I really want different foods in different colonies.

    • @justinbell1596
      @justinbell1596 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Have you ever built an above ground swimming pool-a-la-irrigator 3000? (Patent pending…🙃)
      Using levies, you build the frame of the swimming pool plus 1 space for the fluid dump.. basically building the watering well like you used to before the updates.. (yes you were the first to show me that brilliant trick way back when..)
      With the update, a single watered square inside a ring of levies won’t really irrigate anything.. however, the footprint of a swimming pool is perfect for irrigating a dozen plus tiles from it! It provides the real estate to keep your farms/trees irrigated during droughts and bad tides whilst providing a sweet spot for your beavers to relax, wet their fur, bump up the colony wellness, and the best thing~ it doesn’t get effected by droughts or bad tides!

    • @justinbell1596
      @justinbell1596 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@KatherineOfSky!!!! Oh crap, yes, yep, you totally did mention that already! 🥚🫠