I have been in the German volunteer fire department for over 25 years and have seen such gruesome accidents with significantly smaller and unsafe vehicles several times. I myself drive a large SUV and based on my experience and professional knowledge I can only advocate a maximum speed of 120 km/h, even if higher speeds on German motorways without a speed limit strongly tempt me to do so. Anyone who has ever rescued a family from a vehicle that had been involved in an accident at a fairly high speed knows what images and suffering they have before their eyes. 120 km/h is enough, even on German motorways!
I have seen a collision between an obscenely fast volvo and a citroen C1 with a young couple inside. They pulled out into the lane of the speeding volvo (probably misjudged the speed in their mirror). The side on collision was so violent it sent the citroen up the roadside bank to roll back down and burst into flames. I was driving a minibus with kids and in the traffic jam, we had to close the windows so they could not hear the screams of the couple inside. The volvo just wobbled and carried on, no idea how much damage it sustained at the front. But you are right, you never forget it, and it tempers your driving since. Speed kills.
thank you very much for Sharing this FANTASTIC message with us please share your experience in DETAILS WITH VIDEO AND in Social media like X or Facebook
Ну не знаю , вообще у нас в России в ЕР считают что главное это что бы глонас с кнопкой был, а подушки и т д всё это блажь и глупости ....@@serjones-j5g
Помню в Сибири где-то в областном центре на светофоре мерседес купе 280 точно не знаю модель. Так на нем сынок с министра здравоохранения области на скорости около 200км.ч. догнал на светофоре тойоту хайлакс, в которой ехали на службу утром два офицера. Тойоту можно было узнать только по отлетевшему шильдику, было такое ощущение что мерседес въехал в неё как в картонную коробку. При этом у него только чуть капот заняли, вдавило сверху. "Золотые детки" Возвращались из клуба утром. Им ничего, чуть поцарапало. В тойоте два трупа.
Que éste video sirva,no para ver el daño que sufre un auto,sino para imaginar lo que ocurriría a una persona.A tomar conciencia gente que se siente inmortal en cuanto enciende su auto.
¹ Aconteceu, no quarto ano do rei Dario, que a palavra do SENHOR veio a Zacarias, no quarto dia do nono mês, que é Quisleu. ² Quando o povo enviou Sarezer e Régen-Meleque, e os seus homens, à casa de Deus, para suplicarem o favor do Senhor, ³ E para dizerem aos sacerdotes, que estavam na casa do Senhor dos Exércitos, e aos profetas: Chorarei eu no quinto mês, fazendo abstinência, como tenho feito por tantos anos? ⁴ Então a palavra do Senhor dos Exércitos veio a mim, dizendo: ⁵ Fala a todo o povo desta terra, e aos sacerdotes, dizendo: Quando jejuastes, e pranteastes, no quinto e no sétimo mês, durante estes setenta anos, porventura, foi mesmo para mim que jejuastes? ⁶ Ou quando comestes, e quando bebestes, não foi para vós mesmos que comestes e bebestes? Zacarias 7:1-6
¹¹ Eles, porém, não quiseram escutar, e deram-me o ombro rebelde, e ensurdeceram os seus ouvidos, para que não ouvissem. ¹² Sim, fizeram os seus corações como pedra de diamante, para que não ouvissem a lei, nem as palavras que o Senhor dos Exércitos enviara pelo seu Espírito por intermédio dos primeiros profetas; daí veio a grande ira do Senhor dos Exércitos. ¹³ E aconteceu que, assim como ele clamou e eles não ouviram, também eles clamaram, e eu não ouvi, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos. ¹⁴ Assim os espalhei com um turbilhão por entre todas as nações, que eles não conheceram, e a terra foi assolada atrás deles, de sorte que ninguém passava por ela, nem se voltava; porque fizeram da terra desejada uma desolação. Zacarias 7:11-14
Новые технологии , происходит сжатие материи до перехода в сингулярность. Двигатель и трансмиссия сжимаются до состояния при котором вещество настолько плотно что сопоставимо с состоянием нейтронной звёзды , а при дальнейшем увеличении скорости может произойти переход в черную дыру и поглощение всех конкурентов по производству автомобилей.
¹³ E há de suceder, ó casa de Judá, e casa de Israel, que, assim como fostes uma maldição entre os gentios, assim vos salvarei, e sereis uma bênção; não temais, esforcem-se as vossas mãos. ¹⁴ Porque assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: Como pensei fazer-vos mal, quando vossos pais me provocaram à ira, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos, e não me arrependi, ¹⁵ Assim tornei a pensar nestes dias fazer o bem a Jerusalém e à casa de Judá; não temais. ¹⁶ Estas são as coisas que deveis fazer: Falai a verdade cada um com o seu próximo; executai juízo de verdade e de paz nas vossas portas. ¹⁷ E nenhum de vós pense mal no seu coração contra o seu próximo, nem ameis o juramento falso; porque todas estas são coisas que eu odeio diz o Senhor. Zacarias 8:13-17
¹³ E há de suceder, ó casa de Judá, e casa de Israel, que, assim como fostes uma maldição entre os gentios, assim vos salvarei, e sereis uma bênção; não temais, esforcem-se as vossas mãos. ¹⁴ Porque assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: Como pensei fazer-vos mal, quando vossos pais me provocaram à ira, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos, e não me arrependi, ¹⁵ Assim tornei a pensar nestes dias fazer o bem a Jerusalém e à casa de Judá; não temais. ¹⁶ Estas são as coisas que deveis fazer: Falai a verdade cada um com o seu próximo; executai juízo de verdade e de paz nas vossas portas. ¹⁷ E nenhum de vós pense mal no seu coração contra o seu próximo, nem ameis o juramento falso; porque todas estas são coisas que eu odeio diz o Senhor. Zacarias 8:13-17
¹⁸ E a palavra do Senhor dos Exércitos veio a mim, dizendo: ¹⁹ Assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: O jejum do quarto, e o jejum do quinto, e o jejum do sétimo, e o jejum do décimo mês será para a casa de Judá gozo, alegria, e festividades solenes; amai, pois, a verdade e a paz. ²⁰ Assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: Ainda sucederá que virão os povos e os habitantes de muitas cidades. ²¹ E os habitantes de uma cidade irão à outra, dizendo: Vamos depressa suplicar o favor do Senhor, e buscar o Senhor dos Exércitos; eu também irei. ²² Assim virão muitos povos e poderosas nações, a buscar em Jerusalém ao Senhor dos Exércitos, e a suplicar o favor do Senhor. ²³ Assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: Naquele dia sucederá que pegarão dez homens, de todas as línguas das nações, pegarão, sim, na orla das vestes de um judeu, dizendo: Iremos convosco, porque temos ouvido que Deus está convosco. Zacarias 8:18-23
Specially if you were driving at 90 with a kid and the son of a bitch in front of you who believes is immortal overpasses you like mad as if he were superman.
Охренеть, несколько лямов в хлам чтобы выяснить что замок багажника плохой,не держит, а выхлопная труба не убиваемая 😉😬, а вообще конечно круто, до 150 км/ч с сидящими сзади, почти ничего не произойдёт, 👍
@@ИгорБурлаков, мы то заметили, но компьютер тоже должен иногда "думать", что такое невозможно. Он должен на "десять" ходов вперёд предугадывать, как и что возможно, на то он и компьютер😁 Просто, если в таких нюансах он не ахти, то как можно "доверять" этим испытаниям?
@@ndrej0rel никто никому ничего не должен. Программа по совершенству такая какой её создали... В ролике косяки не только с фарами...стекло заднее после удара вообще целое и на месте. И какой-то длинный вал остаётся...ровный и абсолютно целый. Смешно очень. От жизни всё это очень далеко.
@@ИгорБурлаков, смешно, но скорость всё-равно страшная, я уже молчу о последствиях, которые в реальности бывают при таком столкновении... И это не жыга какая-то (*холодец*), а мерин со всеми наворотами безопасности.
If the car is moving, then at the very least the driver’s airbag should be deploying. Having said that; the are about the most unrealistic scenarios I’ve ever seen.
Buena la simulación , lo único que está mal es que después de un choque a 100 km/h o más , las balizas traseras sigan funcionando , puesto que el alternador , batería , e instalación eléctrica dejaron de funcionar al primer segundo del choque.
To whom it may concern (e.g.Mafia): The corpse in the trunk of a Maybach is safe even at 300 km/h providing it wears the seat belt. Safety first, gentlemen!
It might be simulating every component of the car, but that engine doesn't actually compress and it seems it's missing from the passenger compartment on every one of the crashes above 150kph
This was too easy for a physics quiz, but the fact that the sound of the collision and the loudness of that collision did not change at any speed was completely unexpected 🗿
El vidrio trasero deveser el mejor del mundo en este modelo ya que en ningún choque ni en el de 300 que bolo la tapa de la valija trasera el vidrio siguió intacto..👍
Raczej nie. Przy ponownym wypadku taki samochód był by większym ryzykiem bo karoseria już była raz zdeformowana. Taki syf tylko w Polsce, Rosyj, Czechach ect. robią i ryzykują życie osób którzy nawet nie wiedzieli o historii pojazdu. W Niemczech za takie zeczy do więzienia chodzą kto takie auta sprzedaję..
Vidéo très impressionnante ainsi qu'à logiciel hyperréaliste de simulation de crash cela paraît tellement réel après avoir regardé cette vidéo on se dit qu'il faut rester très prudents au volant d'un véhicule. En tout cas bravo aux auteurs de la vidéo car c'est vraiment très réaliste et très impressionnant !!
It's astounding. At 300kph head-on into a wall the front doors remain attached to the 'A' pillars but the boot lid and hinges just 'pop' off although the entire boot area is undamaged. 🤔
@@trueaussie9230 Yaay. Actually, I think I'll buy a tank, a Leclerc, the best in the world. Or get a chauffeur who will obey the speed limit. Or move to Sark, in the Channel Islands. So many choices, my brain hurts now.
Очень интересно! Исчезают передние колёса, декоративная решетка радиатора и элементы глушителя остаются целыми, подушки безопасности не срабатывают. Зато задние габаритные огни светятся без аккумулятора! Реалистично.
Nesse teste a única q passou no teste de impacto foram " OS FAROES" de 30km a 300km sempre sobra uma luz acesa. Parabéns Mercedes.. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
When you drive, always consider that if you have a crash with another car coming from the opposite direction of yours, your speed sums up with that of the other car...so, if you and the other car are travelling at "just" 100 km/h, that would have the same result of the one at 200 km/h of the video
Not correct, because, both cars will dissipate energy of the collision. The comparison would only work if one car was..... Superman's car, say, made of Kryptonian materials and thus impervious.
The video author could dissipate this small debate by showing us a new video of 2 cars crashing as I hypotized in my 1st post...it's true that another car can dissipate by deforming, the double of the energy of just one, nevertheless I think it wouldn't be much different from the 200 km/h case show in the video (consider the 2 engines will collide and I think they are made of quite a strong league, acting almost as 2 walls). That said, what I wanted to say is that sometimes, when we drive, we feel quite sure travelling at 100 km/h and we perceive that as a safe speed, when actually it can lead to catastrophic crashes
@@compassft it's not about "I don't think" it's physics. Newton spoke about this. Conservation of energy, every action has an equal buy opposite etc etc
I remember riding on the bus. I’m standing, holding on to the handrail. Bang! Apparently something happened? I'm lying on the floor and there's a torn handrail in my hand. It turned out that an s500 crashed into the bus from the right side. At a speed of just ~120-140 km per hour. The bus was thrown to the side by an impact of ~4-5 meters. Despite the fact that the bus is clearly several times heavier than the s500. In general, a guy got out of a crumpled (1/3 of the car was missing) Maybach. As if nothing had happened, without a single scratch. Absolutely calm. Live product advertising.
La Mercedes Maybach , dans toutes ses versions ( 503 et 612 cv ) a une vitesse limitée électroniquement 250 km/h. Ici , on l'emmène allègrement à 300 km/h. Chapeau !
Em todas as batidas, percebi que o escapamento permanece quase intacto, os faróis também são de excelente qualidade. Seria possível instalar um conjunto de molas na parte dianteira, reforçando a estrutura entre motor e parachoque, para suavizar mais a batida, para reduzir os danos, seria interessante fazer uns testes neste sentido.
what happened to the engine?
the answer is in this video th-cam.com/video/QjQ-Hq0GUZo/w-d-xo.html at 4m 14 sec
❤😅😊🎉😂😢😮pugaleanthy panbian puvana janu Annam tenash Nages sarathi ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Why no fluid leaks no oil no water or fuel
check the rear cupholders
Crash test was in Russia and the engine was stolen before the test.
@@pandiyanmanickampillay6346 g
I have been in the German volunteer fire department for over 25 years and have seen such gruesome accidents with significantly smaller and unsafe vehicles several times. I myself drive a large SUV and based on my experience and professional knowledge I can only advocate a maximum speed of 120 km/h, even if higher speeds on German motorways without a speed limit strongly tempt me to do so.
Anyone who has ever rescued a family from a vehicle that had been involved in an accident at a fairly high speed knows what images and suffering they have before their eyes. 120 km/h is enough, even on German motorways!
I have seen a collision between an obscenely fast volvo and a citroen C1 with a young couple inside. They pulled out into the lane of the speeding volvo (probably misjudged the speed in their mirror). The side on collision was so violent it sent the citroen up the roadside bank to roll back down and burst into flames. I was driving a minibus with kids and in the traffic jam, we had to close the windows so they could not hear the screams of the couple inside. The volvo just wobbled and carried on, no idea how much damage it sustained at the front. But you are right, you never forget it, and it tempers your driving since. Speed kills.
thank you very much for Sharing this FANTASTIC message with us
please share your experience in DETAILS WITH VIDEO
AND in Social media like X or Facebook
tout a fait d accord les personnes qui veulent faire de la vitesse n ont qu a se rendre sur un circuit
Ich bin für maximal 120 km/h auf der Autobahn wie in Österreich.
Trân trọng ❤
Побольше таких видео, что бы страх был к водителей за себя, за пассажиров, за пешеходов. 🤝
Скоро еще на компе нарисуют.
Заметили что двигателей нет ? 😂🤣😂🤣
ну вряд ли кто на Майбахе поедет в стену, а вот при встрече с КИА или Хондой, у Майбаха только бампер помнётся
Ну не знаю , вообще у нас в России в ЕР считают что главное это что бы глонас с кнопкой был, а подушки и т д всё это блажь и глупости ....@@serjones-j5g
Помню в Сибири где-то в областном центре на светофоре мерседес купе 280 точно не знаю модель. Так на нем сынок с министра здравоохранения области на скорости около 200км.ч. догнал на светофоре тойоту хайлакс, в которой ехали на службу утром два офицера. Тойоту можно было узнать только по отлетевшему шильдику, было такое ощущение что мерседес въехал в неё как в картонную коробку. При этом у него только чуть капот заняли, вдавило сверху. "Золотые детки" Возвращались из клуба утром. Им ничего, чуть поцарапало. В тойоте два трупа.
Que éste video sirva,no para ver el daño que sufre un auto,sino para imaginar lo que ocurriría a una persona.A tomar conciencia gente que se siente inmortal en cuanto enciende su auto.
Чуш не неси! А то ракеты направим по вашей стране 😂
@@АлексейСергеев-л5щ тебя кто родил ракетоносец
@@АлексейСергеев-л5щ бухать завязывай
@ axh hjdx zxgdyu ☠️
@@АлексейСергеев-л5щ 😂🤣😅😆🤣😂😂😉
Nice cartoon. Too bad the Maybach does not have airbags standard.
Понятно что на мерсе лучше ездить в багажнике☝️
Только не в последнем видео в первой машине 🥲
Нужно было смотреть ролик до конца! В багажнике тоже не безопасно!!!
Ага лучше сразу как труп ,в багажнике
Не убиваемые задние подфарники. Одни остались и работают
That's damn strong wall, so many hits n not even a scratch 😯
I did see skid marks on the wall from a previous crash where the rear tires contacted and tried to climb up the wall.
Wall, made in Germany, by Turkish bricklayers 💪💪@@Astronomator
I find that Maybach have amazing headlight,they always stay burning.
after every impact 😃
And the Speedo reads 0!
Ya, come with power bank attached
Mało tego , łożyska w kołach zawsze lekko się obracają.
И выхлопная система в порядке. И почти всегда заднее стекло.
At all scenarios, only the kidnapped guy at the trunk survives
possibly that's where Maybach hides all of it's airbags, 🤣🤣🤣
What would happen if the Maybach was hit by an oncomming Maybach, also burning along at 300kmh, probably tear a hole in the space time continuum....
¹ Aconteceu, no quarto ano do rei Dario, que a palavra do SENHOR veio a Zacarias, no quarto dia do nono mês, que é Quisleu.
² Quando o povo enviou Sarezer e Régen-Meleque, e os seus homens, à casa de Deus, para suplicarem o favor do Senhor,
³ E para dizerem aos sacerdotes, que estavam na casa do Senhor dos Exércitos, e aos profetas: Chorarei eu no quinto mês, fazendo abstinência, como tenho feito por tantos anos?
⁴ Então a palavra do Senhor dos Exércitos veio a mim, dizendo:
⁵ Fala a todo o povo desta terra, e aos sacerdotes, dizendo: Quando jejuastes, e pranteastes, no quinto e no sétimo mês, durante estes setenta anos, porventura, foi mesmo para mim que jejuastes?
⁶ Ou quando comestes, e quando bebestes, não foi para vós mesmos que comestes e bebestes?
Zacarias 7:1-6
Не соответствует действительности. Феррари на скорости 300 км в час, алюминиевый каркас, после аварии, люди живы, а машина смялась до лобового стекла
Wow!! The headlights are stronger than the car and stay on even without any connection!! I'm buying those!!
Being a physics nerd, I really appreciate the slow-motion replays and the camera walk-arounds after the crash. Very nice.
And of course the nice little car parts that crawl away from the crash so othere road users don't run over them, only with Maybach LOL.
¹¹ Eles, porém, não quiseram escutar, e deram-me o ombro rebelde, e ensurdeceram os seus ouvidos, para que não ouvissem.
¹² Sim, fizeram os seus corações como pedra de diamante, para que não ouvissem a lei, nem as palavras que o Senhor dos Exércitos enviara pelo seu Espírito por intermédio dos primeiros profetas; daí veio a grande ira do Senhor dos Exércitos.
¹³ E aconteceu que, assim como ele clamou e eles não ouviram, também eles clamaram, e eu não ouvi, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos.
¹⁴ Assim os espalhei com um turbilhão por entre todas as nações, que eles não conheceram, e a terra foi assolada atrás deles, de sorte que ninguém passava por ela, nem se voltava; porque fizeram da terra desejada uma desolação.
Zacarias 7:11-14
Видимо при ударе двигатель и бОльшая часть деталей испаряются, гениальное решение..!!!))
Это мультик!
Новые технологии , происходит сжатие материи до перехода в сингулярность. Двигатель и трансмиссия сжимаются до состояния при котором вещество настолько плотно что сопоставимо с состоянием нейтронной звёзды , а при дальнейшем увеличении скорости может произойти переход в черную дыру и поглощение всех конкурентов по производству автомобилей.
¹³ E há de suceder, ó casa de Judá, e casa de Israel, que, assim como fostes uma maldição entre os gentios, assim vos salvarei, e sereis uma bênção; não temais, esforcem-se as vossas mãos.
¹⁴ Porque assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: Como pensei fazer-vos mal, quando vossos pais me provocaram à ira, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos, e não me arrependi,
¹⁵ Assim tornei a pensar nestes dias fazer o bem a Jerusalém e à casa de Judá; não temais.
¹⁶ Estas são as coisas que deveis fazer: Falai a verdade cada um com o seu próximo; executai juízo de verdade e de paz nas vossas portas.
¹⁷ E nenhum de vós pense mal no seu coração contra o seu próximo, nem ameis o juramento falso; porque todas estas são coisas que eu odeio diz o Senhor.
Zacarias 8:13-17
Acontece o mesmo que às peças dos aviões usados nos atentados de 11/9/2001, nos EUA 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@СашаПоликарпов-ж2цEntão deve absorver uma quantidade de energia, tremenda. E não faz desaparecer os outros materiais, porquê?
Bạn chưa thấy những vụ lao xuống vực rồi
В общем, за чемодан в багажнике можно не беспокоиться при любой скорости. Конечно, если в нём не фарфоровый сервиз, а шмотки.
¹³ E há de suceder, ó casa de Judá, e casa de Israel, que, assim como fostes uma maldição entre os gentios, assim vos salvarei, e sereis uma bênção; não temais, esforcem-se as vossas mãos.
¹⁴ Porque assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: Como pensei fazer-vos mal, quando vossos pais me provocaram à ira, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos, e não me arrependi,
¹⁵ Assim tornei a pensar nestes dias fazer o bem a Jerusalém e à casa de Judá; não temais.
¹⁶ Estas são as coisas que deveis fazer: Falai a verdade cada um com o seu próximo; executai juízo de verdade e de paz nas vossas portas.
¹⁷ E nenhum de vós pense mal no seu coração contra o seu próximo, nem ameis o juramento falso; porque todas estas são coisas que eu odeio diz o Senhor.
Zacarias 8:13-17
Потому что его все равно скомуниздят. Да и хозяину он уже не к чему.
Legal é que os faróis nunca quebram, não importa a velocidade...
Фары продолжают освещать путь душе до места ее дальнейшего существования.
Gostei foi da qualidade dos faróis 😂 300 km/h e ainda funcionam
+1 😅
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 someone died at 300 km
Главное, что фары продолжают светить ))
¹⁸ E a palavra do Senhor dos Exércitos veio a mim, dizendo:
¹⁹ Assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: O jejum do quarto, e o jejum do quinto, e o jejum do sétimo, e o jejum do décimo mês será para a casa de Judá gozo, alegria, e festividades solenes; amai, pois, a verdade e a paz.
²⁰ Assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: Ainda sucederá que virão os povos e os habitantes de muitas cidades.
²¹ E os habitantes de uma cidade irão à outra, dizendo: Vamos depressa suplicar o favor do Senhor, e buscar o Senhor dos Exércitos; eu também irei.
²² Assim virão muitos povos e poderosas nações, a buscar em Jerusalém ao Senhor dos Exércitos, e a suplicar o favor do Senhor.
²³ Assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: Naquele dia sucederá que pegarão dez homens, de todas as línguas das nações, pegarão, sim, na orla das vestes de um judeu, dizendo: Iremos convosco, porque temos ouvido que Deus está convosco.
Zacarias 8:18-23
Wow, the exhaust is really strong, it can go through floors and walls, it's the lucky winner of all the parts on this car 🤔 (4:30)
That boot lid flying off the back is dangerous 😳
Specially if you were driving at 90 with a kid and the son of a bitch in front of you who believes is immortal overpasses you like mad as if he were superman.
Yeah, but at 200km/h the boot lid pops open, that’s a design flaw for sure, you could loose some of your shopping….
@@slartybartfast5368 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂
whoever built this wall must be proud of him
Самое прочное в этой машине труба от глушителя, даже несогнулась.😊
I think the quality of the headlights is very high, the body of the car is almost gone, but the headlights are still on!😂😂😂
Rura wydechowa wisi na gumach dlatego gumy puściły a rura prosta
Короче,самое безопасное место это в районе трубы глушителя,оно всегда целое? Правильно?😀
Конкретнее - в трубе.
Силой инерции тебя сплющит.
was für ein Glück wenn er / sie bei 300 angeschnallt war !
So ein Gurt rettet Leben !
Охренеть, несколько лямов в хлам чтобы выяснить что замок багажника плохой,не держит, а выхлопная труба не убиваемая 😉😬, а вообще конечно круто, до 150 км/ч с сидящими сзади, почти ничего не произойдёт, 👍
Не переживай, они на компе ещё их кучу нарисуют..
@@Rassl45 😬👍
These cars were well over $ 400,000.00 new and proves Rich and Smart do not necessarily go together !
Теперь я знаю, как грамотно упаковать мой большой Мэрс, в не большую коробочку. :)
Wow, those front lights are very resilient.
Видос залипательный но есть один минус. Во всех роликах фары не бьются а светят как ни в чем не бывало, по ходу они неубиваемые
Ага, и с автономным питанием 😁
Если Вы заметили...это компьютерная графика,а не реальный краш-тест.
@@ИгорБурлаков, мы то заметили, но компьютер тоже должен иногда "думать", что такое невозможно. Он должен на "десять" ходов вперёд предугадывать, как и что возможно, на то он и компьютер😁
Просто, если в таких нюансах он не ахти, то как можно "доверять" этим испытаниям?
@@ndrej0rel никто никому ничего не должен.
Программа по совершенству такая какой её создали...
В ролике косяки не только с фарами...стекло заднее после удара вообще целое и на месте. И какой-то длинный вал остаётся...ровный и абсолютно целый. Смешно очень. От жизни всё это очень далеко.
@@ИгорБурлаков, смешно, но скорость всё-равно страшная, я уже молчу о последствиях, которые в реальности бывают при таком столкновении... И это не жыга какая-то (*холодец*), а мерин со всеми наворотами безопасности.
Incredible how a V12 engine does not lose one drop of fluid or enter the passenger compartment.
True testament to the superiority of Mercedes buid quality 😂
@@ScorpionVonScotts600 o stupidità della computer grafica?!
or computer graphics stupidity?!
Even more amazing is how the car continues to blink the hazards lights when the battery and its connections no longer exists.
The wall is completely intact.
4:58 this model was equipped with automatic trunk opening function after an abrupt stop.
My amazement is on those lights still working after the crash, and disconnected. Quality build.
That's the beauty of LED lights. 🙂
Même la voiture la plus sécuritaire n'empêche pas de mourir....
Atleast the guy that was in the trunk finally escaped
Very well graphiced/doctored.😂
By d way what happened to the any amount of air bags?😅
Air bags do not fire if there is no weight on the seat
If the car is moving, then at the very least the driver’s airbag should be deploying. Having said that; the are about the most unrealistic scenarios I’ve ever seen.
Finally, a Maybach I can afford!
Buena la simulación , lo único que está mal es que después de un choque a 100 km/h o más , las balizas traseras sigan funcionando , puesto que el alternador , batería , e instalación eléctrica dejaron de funcionar al primer segundo del choque.
😂😂 Estás preocupado por las intermitentes y no saltó ni un solo airbag.
@@sakapole он переживает что аккумулятор разрядится😀
Não tem bateria nem alternador. As luzes funcionam, por vontade do Senhor 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
erstaunllich die betonwand unversehrt , gute mischung
Ничего подобного здесь показано повреждения будто есть только внешний кузов без мотора кардана и тоннеля которые тоже жёсткость дают
To whom it may concern (e.g.Mafia): The corpse in the trunk of a Maybach is safe even at 300 km/h providing it wears the seat belt. Safety first, gentlemen!
Slogan da Mercedes: Não importa quão grave seja seu acidente, a Mercedes nunca te deixará no escuro!
Вплоть до 300км/ч, W222 после каждого краша-его вытягивали, восстанавливали и красили, непойму???!
P.S. W222-Оч.красивый, крепкий кузов👌👍
Simulação mais realista que ja vi 👏👏👏
Могли они для правдоподобия на месте разрушения авто, хотя бы мокрое или жирное пятно оставить.
Thank you for sharing : Like for you :) Have a great day
Спасибо.Познавательное и поучительное видео.
Во! А у нас в России при встрече со встречкой- гейм-овер однозначно
Destructieve video
I go in the trunk 😂🤪😬
Conclusion: it is safest to ride in the trunk 😂
unless you are hit from behind!
That’s nice videos game …Good job 👏👍
It might be simulating every component of the car, but that engine doesn't actually compress and it seems it's missing from the passenger compartment on every one of the crashes above 150kph
The engine goes below the seats, doesn't it? In any case each crash above 150 is fatal.
Аварийные сигналы всегда работают! Фантастика! Аккумулятор вечный!😂
This was too easy for a physics quiz, but the fact that the sound of the collision and the loudness of that collision did not change at any speed was completely unexpected 🗿
I’m glad the driver was ok!
El vidrio trasero deveser el mejor del mundo en este modelo ya que en ningún choque ni en el de 300 que bolo la tapa de la valija trasera el vidrio siguió intacto..👍
Será por que el video es una porquería en la vida real no pasa eso...
WTF good Job Team Mercedes-Benz 👏👍
Посажиру в багажнике повезло.
Туда три барбоса влазят 😂
Главное фары задние целые.
이렇게 속도를 보여주니 참 무섭네요
안전거리 중요하고 남의 차 안전거리 잡아 먹는 칼치기 안해야하고 바른 도로 교통법 준수
Excellent car. The tail light still work.
The way it stops to then bounce off the Wall 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well, at least at 300kph the taillights are salvageable. That's worth a lot of money!
May one use different materials such as carbon fiber before metal for the car body and see the differences in their behaviours?
Definitely an improvement on styling
Самое сильно у этой машины это задние фонари))
é um belo carro mas ninguém vai bater em um muro sólido a 300 por hora aliás nem sei se esse carro chega a essa velocidade
Крышка отрывается для того , чтобы задний пассажир вылез из багажника
Всё предусмотрено!💯😃
@@ОлегШипилов-ф1у 😆
А где у него. Аккумулятор. Находится. На скорости 200. Задние. Фонари исправно. Работают. Такое ощущение. Что он целый
Ну да. Особенно на 200 км ч. Только задние пассажиры и выживут.
@@sdnwww в АвтоВАЗе у передних и то лишь царапина будет!
😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊buen video saludos 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Super przy 200 /h można jeszcze wyklepać, a napewno sprzedać połówkę 👍🏻
Raczej nie. Przy ponownym wypadku taki samochód był by większym ryzykiem bo karoseria już była raz zdeformowana. Taki syf tylko w Polsce, Rosyj, Czechach ect. robią i ryzykują życie osób którzy nawet nie wiedzieli o historii pojazdu. W Niemczech za takie zeczy do więzienia chodzą kto takie auta sprzedaję..
@@IronWarrior95 Сейчас в РФ так не делают.
@@P_KB.😂😂😂 Сейчас в Германии так не делают
I buy Maybachs because of their reliable headlights. Worth every cent.
After crashing a few times I would just go around that wall.
Perhaps these Maybachs don't have any power steering...By the way: what kind of idiot builds walls on highways??
Amazing work by the panel beaters to repair each time for next run..
So the safest place when hitting a wall with 300 kph is actually the trunk 😂
The sudden decleration alone will scramble organs and especially the brain.
I couldn't imagine trying to dig a person out of that. Nothing left but a lot of pink squishy stuff.
АКБ качественное. В титановом корпусе. Габариты горят, багажник катапультировался. 👍
Vidéo très impressionnante ainsi qu'à logiciel hyperréaliste de simulation de crash cela paraît tellement réel après avoir regardé cette vidéo on se dit qu'il faut rester très prudents au volant d'un véhicule.
En tout cas bravo aux auteurs de la vidéo car c'est vraiment très réaliste et très impressionnant !!
Гарні фари, витримують навіть 300 км за годину 😁
The battery must still be intact, since the rear lights and quads are flashing, it means that the battery used by mecedes is a good brand.
It's astounding.
At 300kph head-on into a wall the front doors remain attached to the 'A' pillars but the boot lid and hinges just 'pop' off although the entire boot area is undamaged. 🤔
When I buy mine, I'll travel in the boot the entire time.
Mafia 'passenger' style. 😉😊
@@trueaussie9230 Yaay. Actually, I think I'll buy a tank, a Leclerc, the best in the world. Or get a chauffeur who will obey the speed limit. Or move to Sark, in the Channel Islands. So many choices, my brain hurts now.
Шофер лучше погибнет, а самому сидеть на заднем сиденье и не больше 100 км🙂
*😀Big LIKE 10.846 👍 Ciao 😊happy day👍 🙋♂😀*
300км/ч все в машине попали в рай
Выжил только тот, кто в багажнике ехал....🤷
Lovely what computers are capable of through program configuration.
@@heatstonellc2140от перегрузок внутренних органов помрет
Заднее стекло и плафоны задних фонарей вполне попадают на разборку.
Они все еще со 150-ти уже в раю были)
Очень интересно! Исчезают передние колёса, декоративная решетка радиатора и элементы глушителя остаются целыми, подушки безопасности не срабатывают. Зато задние габаритные огни светятся без аккумулятора! Реалистично.
Nesse teste a única q passou no teste de impacto foram " OS FAROES" de 30km a 300km sempre sobra uma luz acesa. Parabéns Mercedes..
When you drive, always consider that if you have a crash with another car coming from the opposite direction of yours, your speed sums up with that of the other car...so, if you and the other car are travelling at "just" 100 km/h, that would have the same result of the one at 200 km/h of the video
Not correct, because, both cars will dissipate energy of the collision. The comparison would only work if one car was..... Superman's car, say, made of Kryptonian materials and thus impervious.
The video author could dissipate this small debate by showing us a new video of 2 cars crashing as I hypotized in my 1st post...it's true that another car can dissipate by deforming, the double of the energy of just one, nevertheless I think it wouldn't be much different from the 200 km/h case show in the video (consider the 2 engines will collide and I think they are made of quite a strong league, acting almost as 2 walls). That said, what I wanted to say is that sometimes, when we drive, we feel quite sure travelling at 100 km/h and we perceive that as a safe speed, when actually it can lead to catastrophic crashes
@@compassft it's not about "I don't think" it's physics. Newton spoke about this. Conservation of energy, every action has an equal buy opposite etc etc
@@heisdeadjim I don't think you can get the point...
This is not the case
This was tested on Mythbusters
За-то тормозной путь короткий! )))
Мораль - тормозить надо не об стену,а о попутную машину )))
Hey, these headlights and bulbs are very strong, at 200 km they still light up, they must not be breakable...
But I liked the wall better. Not a scratch! So .. a couple of greasy spots.
Фары неубивамые,даже оторванные горят))
There should be an electric pole mounted in every car for driver seat, so that one can only fall from a height should in case
Salvou só a caixa de ferramentas que tava no porta malas...😂
300 км прямо отдушина какая-то! Один багажник доехал!
I remember riding on the bus. I’m standing, holding on to the handrail. Bang! Apparently something happened? I'm lying on the floor and there's a torn handrail in my hand. It turned out that an s500 crashed into the bus from the right side. At a speed of just ~120-140 km per hour. The bus was thrown to the side by an impact of ~4-5 meters. Despite the fact that the bus is clearly several times heavier than the s500. In general, a guy got out of a crumpled (1/3 of the car was missing) Maybach. As if nothing had happened, without a single scratch. Absolutely calm. Live product advertising.
Conclusion: At 500 km/h even your microbes die.
Joke aside, actually, they are not going to. They so small, inertia will not affect them. At all.
The trunk lit goes back to where it came from on the spot at 300
The wall is perfect, I like it 😂
Po oglądnięciu wszystkich testów mogę stwierdzić że światła są OK, reszta to szmelc.🤣
Important that the lights still working, maybe the energy is coming from the same battery of Black Box.
Congratulações, excelente trabalho.
My fiat panda 2 from 2004 goes up to 700 km/h. I’ll never let anyone driving it against a wall to create a Cesar SCULPTURE!
That's crazy talk! 🤪
100 까지는 생존 가능해 보이네
La Mercedes Maybach , dans toutes ses versions ( 503 et 612 cv ) a une vitesse limitée électroniquement 250 km/h. Ici , on l'emmène allègrement à 300 km/h. Chapeau !
Em todas as batidas, percebi que o escapamento permanece quase intacto, os faróis também são de excelente qualidade.
Seria possível instalar um conjunto de molas na parte dianteira, reforçando a estrutura entre motor e parachoque, para suavizar mais a batida, para reduzir os danos, seria interessante fazer uns testes neste sentido.