In regards to the BT novels, it's like any other multi-author series. Quality varies wildly from novel to novel depending on the author and weather or not they were paid enough to care.
The Battletech novels were mostly written 25-30 years ago, and were mostly aimed at teen boys. They were soap opera-ish, with unrealistic plots and crappy writing. For people who grew up before the internet, they were fine. But they didn't age well. Also, many of the earlier ones were more based on the original plot line where there was a lot more societal decay, and less effective large governments. They kind of had an almost Mad Max vibe to them.
@@ManicVandals The earliest ones were about the beginnings of the Grey Death Legion on some backwater planet. They had some Dune-esque feel to how the mercenary units operated as quasi-families. And it was still mostly based on the concept that mechs were rare ancient relics, handed down through generations like the original board game portrayed them. As a teenager, they were great. Not much thinking involved. But as an adult, I look back and think how bad that level of writing was.
Thanks for the fun content, it's nice to see experimental builds and trying out unfamiliar weapons.
In regards to the BT novels, it's like any other multi-author series. Quality varies wildly from novel to novel depending on the author and weather or not they were paid enough to care.
Nice games Cherge...all the best man. CONGA LINE FTW!!! 🤣🤣🤣😅😅
The Battletech novels were mostly written 25-30 years ago, and were mostly aimed at teen boys. They were soap opera-ish, with unrealistic plots and crappy writing. For people who grew up before the internet, they were fine. But they didn't age well. Also, many of the earlier ones were more based on the original plot line where there was a lot more societal decay, and less effective large governments. They kind of had an almost Mad Max vibe to them.
Are the early ones the succession wars? I guess I like my novels grimdark as fuck haha, so maybe their target demo is the issue for me
@@ManicVandals The earliest ones were about the beginnings of the Grey Death Legion on some backwater planet. They had some Dune-esque feel to how the mercenary units operated as quasi-families. And it was still mostly based on the concept that mechs were rare ancient relics, handed down through generations like the original board game portrayed them. As a teenager, they were great. Not much thinking involved. But as an adult, I look back and think how bad that level of writing was.
Which one of the novels you tried?
@15:07 ya fucked that one up eh? lmfao
Bro, you kept rolling dmg to your left side, but that's where your main weapons are.
You are making the large assumption I know what the hell I’m doing! Haha