That's a sweet kit! The RPI is a nice addition. You're inspiring me to build a similar kit for my tx-500. I've thought about using a RPI for automated CW sending (contest style). Thanks for sharing. 73 de N4AAJ
I thought you were going to include a link to that CW key, Also, you really should do a video on how to set up that RaspPi compute module. It really does now look like a turn key type of system.
Very nice! Have you ever seen the radioset-go for the kx2? If you managed to build a kit for that it would be success. I think every kx2 owner wants that once they know it, but the price is insane. If you put together a 3D printed version, without the case and the lights it would be awesome! 73!
That's a sweet kit! The RPI is a nice addition. You're inspiring me to build a similar kit for my tx-500. I've thought about using a RPI for automated CW sending (contest style). Thanks for sharing. 73 de N4AAJ
I thought you were going to include a link to that CW key, Also, you really should do a video on how to set up that RaspPi compute module. It really does now look like a turn key type of system.
Dude, you really didn't go into detail on what you are doing with this kit.
Very nice! Have you ever seen the radioset-go for the kx2? If you managed to build a kit for that it would be success. I think every kx2 owner wants that once they know it, but the price is insane. If you put together a 3D printed version, without the case and the lights it would be awesome! 73!
do you have an ETA on when the Battery Charger 12V Lipo USB-C will be available on your website? would love to buy that along with the battery pack.
You got it! Just posted more stock.
Very good video, keep going:)
What disply? Phone?
I prefer to use my Ipad mini but can use my phone as well to access the CM4 for all digital work.
@@N5FY interesting! Maybe you could do a video on your RPI setup and your display setup, would be interesting! Thanks!