if I were Jeannie Mai back then "You know a my legs is like a chopstick and a chopstick in Kung Fu movies can kill your throat right away so.......... shut up and let me walk with it instead, BYE"
Mine was just yesterday, I have a big tummy and most guys in my flat are fit nd skinny, so this person said "Please hide that thing you are embarrassing guys man" 😔. But screw him and his issues nx.
Im glad jeannie spoke up about SKINNY GIRL body shaminng because everyone thinks big girls are the only victims of body shaming but we skinny girls CONSTANTLY get the "go eat a burger", "are you anorexic", "do you even eat" comments which can be just as hurtful. Especially right now the curvy body look is very in right now and I respect it but I have to feel so insecure about my tiny butt and non existent boobs. I just wish that there was no "right" body shape and that every body was appreciated for it's beauty.
Happens to skinny guys too I was always told to eat and asked if I was on heavy drugs cuz I was so skinny I was extremely underweight I am now at the perfect weight according to my bmi after I've gained 65 pounds
You know what's the difference between men and women and body shaming. The fact that men change what they can. Go to the gym and workout. Coz when you see a fat dude he never gonna get that oh you look perfect looking fat and women will act differently around him. Body shaming is bad but if you unhealthy fat then you should not be like don't body shame me coz it's not body shaming when someone cares about your health. I have seen dudes who like fat girls the opposite is not true. They tryna say I don't need to be accountable for my actions. If the body shaming is not justified I get it but if you wanna justify your over eating it's a fucking you story not everyone else. You can over eat and be as fat as you want but expecting people not to judge you is the stupidest thing ever. If you fat and you over eat and don't live a healthy lifestyle then complain about something you could change and act like it's facts then you just being stupid and overly emotional to other people's emotions and want to live a consequence free life. Fucking hate people who don't understand that life comes with consequences.
what hurts me most, is that these women have to expose their vulnerability for us to check our comments about their bodies. Adrienne shouldn't have to even say she has a thyroid disease, before we realize she doesn't deserve mean comments. it just really sucks that people constantly have to say "this hurts"! before we stop and reflect on the means words we speak. this just reinforces why I work so hard on my blog the dear body project. we have to learn to be generous with compassion for people, before they even provide evidence of their pain, because to me that's another act of violence.
what's really sad, is that so many lack empathy that they will STILL critique her even after knowing her situation. It's weird how our culture(s) feel so entitled when it comes to celebrities
right? I honestly don't understand that at all. I think people believe that money and fame somehow shield them for the mean comments, but fogetring that fame actually highlights your insecurities. why would we want to add to that burden? then we hear a celebrity checking in to rehab for depression and we sympathize, never asking how we contributed to the problem.
I agree! I think that the internet has helped create a culture of hate where people don't even think about what they're saying and doing. Cognitive dissonance happens a lot where folks have one personality online and another in real life because they can't see the real life consequences in real time while they're being horrible and nasty to people. It's seriously disgusting!
I think it's so sad that we always seem to think that if one particular look is attractive it means the opposite isn't. Eg. If being thin is in, we make curvy women feel ugly and fat. But if curvy is in, we make thin women feel ugly and not woman enough. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, everything!!
I don't believe in body shaming wether skinny , fat , medium ! That just shows you can't please everybody ! As long as you love YOURSELF that's all that matters ! Remember that...
I really hate it when people body shame others. We are all built and shaped differently and some people just can't help it if they are a certain size. And Adrienne is absolutely right because there are some people who do have a problem with weight gain because some people may have thyroid hormone problems, PCOS, and Cushing syndrome.And there are some people who are just naturally thin and can't do anything to gain weight. So before you judge people, think about the things people might be going through.
myPAINisSELFchosen85 what’s that got to do with you though? Some people are actually busy day in ad day out and don’t have time. Or maybe low on money. You don’t know enough about people to judge them. Worry about yourself
I used to be skinny - shamed all the time. People immediately assume that being skinny is the best, but that's not always the truth. I'm 25 years old (no children yet), 5'7" and weigh 114lbs--meaning I am underweight for my height. I exercise regularly, but not obsessively. I eat a well-balanced diet, but if I want a cookie, I'll eat it. I have a high metabolism and as such I am constantly eating, but generally I will snack on sunflowers seeds and grapes over candies and fries. For some reason, people assume that I have dieting/ eating issues because of this. I constantly have pinching my stomach and telling me how skinny I am. It's been hard for me to gain weight and this is a sensitive subject for me. I've also had people stand over and watch me eat because they thought I had an eating disorder. I've had people tell me "Go ahead and eat another donut, it won't hurt you " when I have no interest in another one. I've had people bring me junk food in an attempt to put meat on my bones. When I try to explain any body struggles, I'm often shut down. After all, I'm skinny, so there's nothing to worry about, right? I've actually had a woman tell me that she judged me when she first met me because she believed I would be this "bitchy, skinny chick," but then realized I was cool afterwards. Jealous comments, hateful comments, and comments about my suspected eating disorder are the norm, but I am getting better about letting it bother me. Please think before you say anything to another person.
people are so cruel , i wonder what is our problem with others!! how could they be so heartless and busy bodies, they don't spare the skinny person, the obese person , the silent person , they shy person , the loud one , what do you they really want ??
+LegallyBrunette and Beautiful, People assume you have dieting issues because people are so used to the fact the majority of people are overweight and unhealthy.
My mother has a condition called spina bifida. This is a spinal condition that effects the back, and in some people, their bodily functions and ability to walk. Her feet are severely turned inward. To this day she is conscious about it. I remember I asked her to walk with me to school and she said that she didn't want to embarrass me in front of my classmates. I said I would never be embarrassed by her. If anyone has anything to say about my mothers condition, be prepared for me to come at you.
I like that Loni pointed out that you are the only one that has to be okay with your body. You don't owe it to anybody to "be snatched" or "slay". As long as you learn to love yourself that's all that matters! I used to want to get breast implants until I learned to accept myself the way I am. I realized it truly doesn't matter who don't like it.
There is nothing wrong with Adrienne's weight. She is in her 30's now. Hello people, once most people hit that 30 mark you gain weight. The metabolism starts to slow down. Get over it. Tamera was developing curves and an ass that comes with becoming a woman, that is nothing to be ashamed about or want to hide. Embrace them, I love mine. Same with Jeannie about the weight, she may be slim but she is beautiful as well. Women come in all different shapes and sizes and they are all pretty in their own ways. Not every woman was built the same. Some of ya'll really need to grow up and stop being so damn rude to these people, It's not affecting your life in any way, So Why the hell do you care? Why do you feel the need to make comments on these people that you don't know? And that don't know you and can probably care less about you besides the fact of being fans. 💯 And Adrienne is so right, You never know what someone is going through and why they are the way that they are, so to pick at people and make fun of them in a rude and cruel way is just not right..
I think with little girls, self confidence should start at home. Mother's don't really think their daughters are body shamed in kindergarten or elementary school but they are. Teach your little kids to love each part of themselves and I promise you if they have a strong foundation and have confidence than no1 will be able to make them think otherwise but you have to start early.
Or they are doing it to help you out when you don’t realize it. It happened to me and it was for the better. now Im at healthy weight and will live out a longer life.
I hate "Body Shaming" I'm so disgusted by it, the fact that people criticize others with harmful and humiliating comments about their body type: weight or size is very cruel and it can really lower your self esteem and self confidence. It needs to stop!!!
At the same time, 110 can be fat/normal/too skinny depending on height and bone structure. If I was 110 I'd be in the hospital (I'm 5'11). If a 5 year old is 110, that's unhealthy (given that they are under 5 feet).
I love what Tamara mentioned about the ballet thing. As someone who trained in ballet for 12 years, I heard it all about my weight since I just don't have the skinny dancer body, I've always been curvy. Hearing all the crap about my weight made me quit it all together.
There is really power in the words we say to each other (for good or for bad) IF we allow it! Unfortunately, in the world we live in, people will not stop saying bad things. We just have to learn to focus on the good and try our best to ignore the negative.
I never really got teased about my body, just sexual harassment. But I was teased about my nose relentlessly growing up. Big nose, witch nose, "Kinocchio"... (my name starts with a K+Pinocchio) At one point I even thought about getting a nose job. But now I'm coming to accept it and realizing that I'm beautiful and my nose makes me unique.
When I was younger I was like 100-110 lbs. You know skinny but as I got older I went out to eat a lot. Now 120-125 my weight goes up and down a lot. I never thought I was fat until my family constantly pointed it out. Tbh for my age & height, that weight was considered average weight. However according to Asian standards you're considered fat bc Asians are generally petite. I used to be really insecure & cry about my weight even though my friends told me I wasn't fat but whenever I looked in the mirror all I saw was what my family said about me.
@vivmango, If it makes you feel better I am 5'2" and 136 lbs. I'm asian too so I know exactly how I feel. All the other asian girls in my school were tiny so I felt terrible. I finally was able to accept my body and even love it.
GonexWithxAxTwinge One thing that really helped me was one day when I was looking in the mirror, I stopped looking for all the bad comments ppl said about my body bc if you look for negatives, you will find them. Instead I looked for the positive comments and what I love about myself. When you think about all the positives it will outweigh the negatives. Keep your head up ❤️
Mya N. Girl you are beautiful💕Yeah it sucks how close minded some parts of the Asian community is. A lot of old folks are still very traditional & view super skinny as the ONLY beautiful body type when we know that isn't true. Beyoncé is not super skinny but she is very beautiful. Every body type is beautiful. They don't understand that even if they meant it as a joke, it still hurts.
MADEbySOUL I'm 5"2 too! Girl I'm happy that you learn how to love your own body :) Self love is very important & I'm still in the process of doing so. Some days are definitely harder than others. But it helps being able to talk & relate to others who are going/went through the same thing.
I absolutely love this segment and the way that the girls opened up. I hate body shaming, i believe everyone has a shape that suits them and it's unique to their nature. Adrienne Bailon, you are beautiful and there is nothing bad about your weight. Thumbs up to you for sharing your heart
I would love for the hosts to talk about real stuff like what Adrienne mentioned, having autoimmune decease. I have an autoimmune decease too as does a lot of people. It's nice to see that you can be successful despite of things like that.
Adrienne, Tamera, Loni, and Jeanie.. you guys are some of the most beautiful women ever... your personalities, sweet spirits, honesty, big hearts and Love for one another is simply amazing! I appreciate seeing everyday lovely women on tv. Anything negative anyone says is an attack of the enemy- he always wants us to feel bad about ourselves.. but God wants us to be HAPPY!! Love you ladies!!
I don't understand body shaming, at all. I see it, all the time with Kelly Clarkson. They can't bring her down about her vocal ability, so they attack her wait, and it's distasteful. I've seen it towards Jonathan from Charlotte & Jonathan, and I just don't understand why it's "OK" to freely bash or even talk about such a sensitive issue. I love all the ladies, including Loni (and Tamar, if she was still around). They're all beautiful in their own right. It just don't make no sense. Makes absolutely no sense.
I definitely can relate to Adrienne because I have both conditions and people are so cruel about my weight gain. It's not like I chose to gain weight. It is a real condition that most people don't understand but are quick to comment/judge about the weight gain. It's already hard enough to deal with your body changing from gaining weight but to have people criticize you is the worst!
I can relate to Tamera, I had the same issue just that mine wasent in sport but in school. Some kids used to tease me bcuz of my behind and it really affacted me from a young age. Its kinda wierd cuz now everybody's obsessed with having curves. I didnt know she went through that... People need to leave Adrienne alone, shes beautiful the way she is!^^
the most body shaming bullying I've received came/comes from my family. whether they know it or not their jabs at what I look(ed) like eventually became a part of my thought processes. It wasn't until separating myself from them that I have been able to realized how damaged and poisoned my mind is to my body and now I'm working on it. but it's hard work. if any of you are parents or siblings please, please keep in mind that if you tell some one every other day or more that they are "too skinny/fat" or "too serious" or whatever your insult may be, it will sink in and poison them slowly. Even if you don't mean it in a mean way, you just think you're joking, if you say something enough that hurts someone it can damage them. Be Kind.
I remember I used to get teased in elementary school about my forehead & now I'm 19 and people wanna be like "pretty girls have big foreheads" NAW SHUT UP BC YALL WASNT EVEN RIDING W/ THE BIG FOREHEAD GANG BACK THEN😒😂😂 lmao
I remember watching a clip here with similar topic. Adrienne, you mentioned somebody in the past told your stylist not to let you show your legs, because you had "chicken legs". People were guessing that it was that "jealous trouble maker" from 3WL & cheetah girls. You & Jeannie had that in common. Body shame are just haters. I love how you guys don't let that affect you anymore. Rock those awesome ootds.
I love that Adrienne shared that she has a thyroid condition. I have the same one and it makes me feel better knowing someone as popular as her has the same thing as me
SO true about Instagram. I have no idea HOW people feel so fine w/ bashing complete strangers! even though we all make mistakes you got to give good to receive some good back too!
I don't see why people would make a thing of Adrienne's weight. She looks like a healthy size for her age. We're not going to look 21 forever and our bodies change over time. She still looks good as she is. People need to quit being so petty. ftr. Things change again around 40, too... and when women have children. Need to expect that rather than expecting everyone to look like a 15 yr. old who's never had a kid.
I totally agree with Adrienne. I have a thyroid problem and I also deal with depression and anxiety, both of which cause me to gain weight and although I do try and lose weight I can’t help it.
True. People are so quick to call others fat and make fun of them. As if that's going to make them want to go outside MORE to get the exercise they need.
Adrienne every single dang time me and my sister watch The Real together and you pop on screen all done up, me and her scream "BODY GOALS!" Don't listen to the haters. The hate is their poison and has nothing to do with you. You are gorgeous! Rock it!
Adrienne, you are beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you that you are this or that. 110!? Girl be proud of that weight, be proud of who you are because you are a great person inside and out! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
My mom has always told me Never let one discriminate you and feel bad for it feel bad for the person saying or doing it because they maybe not comfortable and happy within themselves or about themselves so they tend to take it out on others.
my brother will always body shame me when i was in elementary through middle school and that is why i will always wear a BLACK sweatshirt and even wore it on very hot days because i always thought i was fat but reality hit in high school where i realized im not fat im just thick but always struggled with going up in weight and down. so i always admire woman who look so stunning not because of makeup or what they wear but because they wear it with confidence!
Personally, I didn't see anyone talking about her weight gain. However, what I did see and will continue to see is the majority of people who don't think she and Isreal should be together. In my opinion, Adrienne is so in love with the whole concept of being married with kids that she is willing to settle with anybody who can provide her with that. The story of how they got together is one big mess that she doesn't need to add to her life again since it is obvious that a lot of people don't really like her. From my viewpoint, it would have been better if Adrienne and Israel just stayed as good friends.
Some of you people here are guilty of pointing out Adrienne's weight gain and making fun of her. Next time you want to make fun, come back to this video. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
I have always been a big girl I got stomach I got the big butt the big thighs. I was always teased growing up even from my family. But I also have medical issues where I have to take medication and some of that actually made me gain more weight and now some of it I can't lose the weight. I also have a thyroid disease and I understand what Adrienne is going through with that. But now I have a man who likes the way I look. And that makes me happy but I was still happy with myself before that.
Please do a part two of this body-shaming segment to include slut-shaming. The truth needs get out there that 1) women's breasts are not defined by scientists or biologists as sexual organs(it's the media that is sexualizing breasts) -so women who choose to go topless in public shouldn't run the risk of being charged for public indecency when men can go topless without that fear 2) There's no such thing as a "slut"-there's no shame in a woman freely exploring her sexual being as long as it's in an honest, safe, consensual and respectful manner 3) You can't call someone a "slut" just because their skirt is an inch or so higher than you would like it, for example, or if someone wears a crop top that shows their belly-because it's completely shallow and dehuaminizing to judge someone's character/morality by what they wear and their style choices 4) Everyone should be able to wear what they want, regardless of size, gender, color, class, free from any fear of harsh, dehumanizing judgment(i.e. a plus-size woman should be able to wear a crop top or bikini if she wants to without her family/friends hating on her simply because of a piece of cloth #bodypositivemovement 5) The human body is perfectly natural thing, and nothing to be ashamed of-what's unnatural is trying to convince people that their bodies are "dangerous"(i.e. sexist dress codes affecting young girls and conditioning them to believe as much) or "unacceptable" or "shameful" for wearing too much or not enough clothing "The most disgusting person is the person who tries to make someone feel disgusting. The most shameful person is the person who tries to make someone feel shameful." There is no right or wrong way for your body to exist, no right or wrong way to dress or undress-there is only the miracle of your body with all it's complicated, intricate functions and processes keeping you alive and thriving. #thelightnessofbeing
I am underweight for my age and it's incredibly hard for me to gain weight and one guy in elementary school asked me if I was anorexic and told me to go eat McDonald's and that has stayed with me for years. It's great that they're spreading this message and showing how it can really hurt people
My mom use to comment on my skin color, saying I was negra, the N word in English, I don't think she knew that it was a nasty word. But it stuck with me and made me want to bleach my skin so bad, 😞 I have such a hard time with my skin color even though I'm not actually black, and no disrespect to anyone that's dark skinned cause I am brown but my mother just made it seem like dark was ugly and that's what I feel so bad about myself.
you are wonderfully and fearfully made. don't let any one cause you to doubt that, even family members who feel like they mean no harm, sometimes those sting the worse, but for every negative counteract it with a positive.
gladys perez im sorry you had to go through that, growing up everyone around me thought pale was beautiful but i realized that bronzy skin makes me look kind of goddess like and you have to realize that you're beautiful. It comes from within. Much love.
I was being picked on for being short, which is stupid, and one guy in front of all his friends said I love that your short your so beautiful. It made my day
I love when the hosts get more serious like this. I can hear the hurt in Adrienne this season, I hope it doesn't get her down for too long. Love you munchkin keep your head up!
They need to add a segment for Jeanie to tell her stories
I love Jeanies stories! She's a great storyteller!
Yolanda Map me too
if I were Jeannie Mai back then "You know a my legs is like a chopstick and a chopstick in Kung Fu movies can kill your throat right away so.......... shut up and let me walk with it instead, BYE"
it should be a show, Everybody Loves Jeannie
I had no idea that Adrienne had a thyroid problem. Wow, you really don't know what people go through.
Empressive I was thinking this season I noticed Adrienne is extra luxurious
She also does it cause she can't afford good necklaces.
+Madwalka I didn't know you know her personally to know she can't afford them.
Empressive okay so why did she tap them out? 🤔🤔🤔
Mine was just yesterday, I have a big tummy and most guys in my flat are fit nd skinny, so this person said "Please hide that thing you are embarrassing guys man" 😔. But screw him and his issues nx.
Body shaming is disgusting and people need to stop!
Ashley Thompson amen
You think only men do it, huh?
@@synth506 she said PEOPLE, NOT FEMALES
Which means men and women are equally included.
you know what is more disgusting? fat people
Ashley Christiana you call men short
Im glad jeannie spoke up about SKINNY GIRL body shaminng because everyone thinks big girls are the only victims of body shaming but we skinny girls CONSTANTLY get the "go eat a burger", "are you anorexic", "do you even eat" comments which can be just as hurtful. Especially right now the curvy body look is very in right now and I respect it but I have to feel so insecure about my tiny butt and non existent boobs. I just wish that there was no "right" body shape and that every body was appreciated for it's beauty.
Quick-Sword Ilena 👏👏
Happens to skinny guys too I was always told to eat and asked if I was on heavy drugs cuz I was so skinny I was extremely underweight I am now at the perfect weight according to my bmi after I've gained 65 pounds
for real!!! bodies shouldn’t be a trend
You know what's the difference between men and women and body shaming. The fact that men change what they can. Go to the gym and workout. Coz when you see a fat dude he never gonna get that oh you look perfect looking fat and women will act differently around him. Body shaming is bad but if you unhealthy fat then you should not be like don't body shame me coz it's not body shaming when someone cares about your health. I have seen dudes who like fat girls the opposite is not true. They tryna say I don't need to be accountable for my actions. If the body shaming is not justified I get it but if you wanna justify your over eating it's a fucking you story not everyone else. You can over eat and be as fat as you want but expecting people not to judge you is the stupidest thing ever. If you fat and you over eat and don't live a healthy lifestyle then complain about something you could change and act like it's facts then you just being stupid and overly emotional to other people's emotions and want to live a consequence free life. Fucking hate people who don't understand that life comes with consequences.
Adrienne didn't look bad when she gained weight either honestly.........
Right! She still beautiful
True. She always fine as hell tbh.
Cap cap
what hurts me most, is that these women have to expose their vulnerability for us to check our comments about their bodies. Adrienne shouldn't have to even say she has a thyroid disease, before we realize she doesn't deserve mean comments.
it just really sucks that people constantly have to say "this hurts"! before we stop and reflect on the means words we speak.
this just reinforces why I work so hard on my blog the dear body project. we have to learn to be generous with compassion for people, before they even provide evidence of their pain, because to me that's another act of violence.
I would give this 100 thumbs up if I could!
what's really sad, is that so many lack empathy that they will STILL critique her even after knowing her situation. It's weird how our culture(s) feel so entitled when it comes to celebrities
right? I honestly don't understand that at all. I think people believe that money and fame somehow shield them for the mean comments, but fogetring that fame actually highlights your insecurities. why would we want to add to that burden? then we hear a celebrity checking in to rehab for depression and we sympathize, never asking how we contributed to the problem.
isabelle happyfeet
right, we forget there's an actual PERSON behind the public persona
I agree! I think that the internet has helped create a culture of hate where people don't even think about what they're saying and doing. Cognitive dissonance happens a lot where folks have one personality online and another in real life because they can't see the real life consequences in real time while they're being horrible and nasty to people. It's seriously disgusting!
I like how different all four of these women are. they're all so cool & bring different values to this show
😣yes... but I just missed Tamar 😭😭😭
I think it's so sad that we always seem to think that if one particular look is attractive it means the opposite isn't. Eg. If being thin is in, we make curvy women feel ugly and fat. But if curvy is in, we make thin women feel ugly and not woman enough. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, everything!!
wow well said
I know right?, your comment makes me think of the song ''There is beauty in the world'' by Macy Gray!
I've commented this before on another video but like I can't get over how great Loni looks this season 😍 her glam squad did THAT 👏🏾
Hell yeah!
I was JUST thinking the same thing
I couldn't stop looking at her!!!
she does look amazing
Yea because she stopped with that two toned ratchet hair! -__- and the bad wigs
is it me or did loni become waaaay more pretty like girl you are glowing i want to know what's her secret
Besides the makeup, I think it's the cleanse she's been on
and the straight long hair suites her well
and she went to the therapy so maybe she calms cleanse her spirit even more than the previous season and one more thing "DETOXING". :)
I came to the comment section just to say this! She came back STRONG
It's because the show has a bigger budget now that they ended Tamars contract
Thanks for being R-E-A-L today ladies! I missed this kind of girl chat.
Omg yes!!!
Eve Yitu yea i was clapping and smiling through the first 15 minutes of girl chat yesterday
Eve Yitu but the second half was even better with that "what would the REAL's movie poster pose be?!?!" 😂😂😂
Eve Yitu it was refreshing!!!! Loved it
I don't believe in body shaming wether skinny , fat , medium ! That just shows you can't please everybody ! As long as you love YOURSELF that's all that matters ! Remember that...
Myronn Coleman Thank you I really needed to hear your message today and forever more 😦😭😑😊😚😚
It still exists
I find all these obese jokes horrible!
Don't you think they have enough on there plate?!
@@bindyakiren6365 Whenever someone do that it's a reflection of themselves not you. They have their own issues that just want unload them on others.
If Adrienne is fat, then I'd hate to hear what people would call me lmfaooo
@myPAINisSELFchosen85 I would imagine gorgeous .
myPAINisSELFchosen85 what do you look like?
Right what would they call me then🤣🤣🤣😐
Either way you are still Beautiful!
Same lol
Wow Tamera didn't cry,
Tshegofatso Matemane 😂😂😂
loool I was sat here just waiting for it... and it never came lol
or mention that she has 2 kids.. im surprised
i expected her to break down when she said "I carried that all my life"
Yasmine Xo you're getting tired of her mentioning HER kids? Lol. Ha! You ppl are crazy lol
I really hate it when people body shame others. We are all built and shaped differently and some people just can't help it if they are a certain size. And Adrienne is absolutely right because there are some people who do have a problem with weight gain because some people may have thyroid hormone problems, PCOS, and Cushing syndrome.And there are some people who are just naturally thin and can't do anything to gain weight. So before you judge people, think about the things people might be going through.
MsBrooklyn11232 unfortunately women do it most to each other. --damn hating bitches
myPAINisSELFchosen85 what’s that got to do with you though? Some people are actually busy day in ad day out and don’t have time. Or maybe low on money. You don’t know enough about people to judge them. Worry about yourself
Excaclty we're all made in gods image he built us to be ourselves so bodyshaming is saying god f-ed up
I like Adrienne's curves, she's beautiful and really calling someone fat when they're only 110 pounds? Come on now. Leave her alone
She's got them Latina CURVES. I'd love to see these heffas calling her "fat".
- sofi what’s the problem?
- sofi ?? Latinas are typically more curvy. Nothing bad about it. Same with African American women.
Skinny shaming exists just saying
Rihannaloveme 100% !!!!!!
Rihannaloveme Oh yes it does, and It's just as annoying too!
And they mentioned skinny shaming.
Jeanin literally talked about that though
Exactly and it’s hurtful cuz I can’t go anywhere without people giving me eye rolls and stuff like it’s rude.
I used to be skinny - shamed all the time. People immediately assume that being skinny is the best, but that's not always the truth. I'm 25 years old (no children yet), 5'7" and weigh 114lbs--meaning I am underweight for my height. I exercise regularly, but not obsessively. I eat a well-balanced diet, but if I want a cookie, I'll eat it. I have a high metabolism and as such I am constantly eating, but generally I will snack on sunflowers seeds and grapes over candies and fries. For some reason, people assume that I have dieting/ eating issues because of this. I constantly have pinching my stomach and telling me how skinny I am. It's been hard for me to gain weight and this is a sensitive subject for me. I've also had people stand over and watch me eat because they thought I had an eating disorder. I've had people tell me "Go ahead and eat another donut, it won't hurt you " when I have no interest in another one. I've had people bring me junk food in an attempt to put meat on my bones. When I try to explain any body struggles, I'm often shut down. After all, I'm skinny, so there's nothing to worry about, right? I've actually had a woman tell me that she judged me when she first met me because she believed I would be this "bitchy, skinny chick," but then realized I was cool afterwards. Jealous comments, hateful comments, and comments about my suspected eating disorder are the norm, but I am getting better about letting it bother me. Please think before you say anything to another person.
people are so cruel , i wonder what is our problem with others!! how could they be so heartless and busy bodies, they don't spare the skinny person, the obese person , the silent person , they shy person , the loud one , what do you they really want ??
+LegallyBrunette and Beautiful,
People assume you have dieting issues because people are so used to the fact the majority of people are overweight and unhealthy.
+Innocent Ferret I know! It's so frustrating!
I feel you girl, going thru same issue.
I suffer with the same thing
I agree Adrienne! I would never tell anyone they look bad or big. I don't ever want to hurt anyone's feelings.
My mother has a condition called spina bifida. This is a spinal condition that effects the back, and in some people, their bodily functions and ability to walk. Her feet are severely turned inward. To this day she is conscious about it. I remember I asked her to walk with me to school and she said that she didn't want to embarrass me in front of my classmates. I said I would never be embarrassed by her. If anyone has anything to say about my mothers condition, be prepared for me to come at you.
a.d.w. n. ♥️
I like that Loni pointed out that you are the only one that has to be okay with your body. You don't owe it to anybody to "be snatched" or "slay". As long as you learn to love yourself that's all that matters! I used to want to get breast implants until I learned to accept myself the way I am. I realized it truly doesn't matter who don't like it.
wow loni is looking good.. Hair/make up/outfit on fleek!!
There is nothing wrong with Adrienne's weight. She is in her 30's now. Hello people, once most people hit that 30 mark you gain weight. The metabolism starts to slow down. Get over it. Tamera was developing curves and an ass that comes with becoming a woman, that is nothing to be ashamed about or want to hide. Embrace them, I love mine. Same with Jeannie about the weight, she may be slim but she is beautiful as well. Women come in all different shapes and sizes and they are all pretty in their own ways. Not every woman was built the same. Some of ya'll really need to grow up and stop being so damn rude to these people, It's not affecting your life in any way, So Why the hell do you care? Why do you feel the need to make comments on these people that you don't know? And that don't know you and can probably care less about you besides the fact of being fans. 💯 And Adrienne is so right, You never know what someone is going through and why they are the way that they are, so to pick at people and make fun of them in a rude and cruel way is just not right..
I think with little girls, self confidence should start at home. Mother's don't really think their daughters are body shamed in kindergarten or elementary school but they are. Teach your little kids to love each part of themselves and I promise you if they have a strong foundation and have confidence than no1 will be able to make them think otherwise but you have to start early.
Loni stays slaying 😍😍😍😍
I hope you mean food because she is hideous
@@shamarblitz7856 obease is not attractive.
L A so DONT look at her hating ass bitch !
People that fat-shame are actually unhappy with and judging themselves.
Tyler Durden hurt people hurt people wow your disgusting
I find all these obese jokes horrible!
Don't you think they have enough on there plate?!
Or they are doing it to help you out when you don’t realize it. It happened to me and it was for the better. now Im at healthy weight and will live out a longer life.
I hate "Body Shaming" I'm so disgusted by it, the fact that people criticize others with harmful and humiliating comments about their body type: weight or size is very cruel and it can really lower your self esteem and self confidence. It needs to stop!!!
@John and you need to get a life and stop trolling on the internet. It really shows how insecure you are.
Farah Topia yeah I was like "that's not bad it seems normal to me" but I love her regardless ❤️❤️ besos
At the same time, 110 can be fat/normal/too skinny depending on height and bone structure. If I was 110 I'd be in the hospital (I'm 5'11). If a 5 year old is 110, that's unhealthy (given that they are under 5 feet).
tbh i think she is lying i am half her size and dont look like her
Farah Topia she's not fat at all, my cousin is 14 and weighs more than her and still looks good!
Yea, idt she had weighed herself in a while. I doubt she's 110, but she's definitely not fat. she's a very nice size
It's sad to say, but when someone compliments my insecurities it really validates me. I guess because it's a vulnerable spot...
I think Adrienne is gorgeous! she shows me its okay to be curvy and being loud is okay. She is one of my favorites on the show.
Yes! I'm so happy you ladies talked about this! Love who you are and bring people up not put them down!
I love what Tamara mentioned about the ballet thing. As someone who trained in ballet for 12 years, I heard it all about my weight since I just don't have the skinny dancer body, I've always been curvy. Hearing all the crap about my weight made me quit it all together.
"That compliment can change your life!" I felt that! ❤❤😍😍
this is why I watch the REAL! love this talk!
Vulnerability. It's real and it's relatable. I'm still into these ladies.
The lady's kept it REAL today I liked it!
There is really power in the words we say to each other (for good or for bad) IF we allow it! Unfortunately, in the world we live in, people will not stop saying bad things. We just have to learn to focus on the good and try our best to ignore the negative.
Loni's makeup looks beautiful in this clip...her hair too. I like it without any color in it. It softens her look.
Love you girls so so much!!! Thank you for being REAL!!! Absolute LOVE from Trinidad!!! Kisses!!!
I never really got teased about my body, just sexual harassment. But I was teased about my nose relentlessly growing up. Big nose, witch nose, "Kinocchio"... (my name starts with a K+Pinocchio) At one point I even thought about getting a nose job. But now I'm coming to accept it and realizing that I'm beautiful and my nose makes me unique.
Loni is GLOWING!!!
When I was younger I was like 100-110 lbs. You know skinny but as I got older I went out to eat a lot. Now 120-125 my weight goes up and down a lot. I never thought I was fat until my family constantly pointed it out. Tbh for my age & height, that weight was considered average weight. However according to Asian standards you're considered fat bc Asians are generally petite. I used to be really insecure & cry about my weight even though my friends told me I wasn't fat but whenever I looked in the mirror all I saw was what my family said about me.
vivmango I relate to you so much, thats that I'm going through now.
@vivmango, If it makes you feel better I am 5'2" and 136 lbs. I'm asian too so I know exactly how I feel. All the other asian girls in my school were tiny so I felt terrible. I finally was able to accept my body and even love it.
GonexWithxAxTwinge One thing that really helped me was one day when I was looking in the mirror, I stopped looking for all the bad comments ppl said about my body bc if you look for negatives, you will find them. Instead I looked for the positive comments and what I love about myself. When you think about all the positives it will outweigh the negatives. Keep your head up ❤️
Mya N. Girl you are beautiful💕Yeah it sucks how close minded some parts of the Asian community is. A lot of old folks are still very traditional & view super skinny as the ONLY beautiful body type when we know that isn't true. Beyoncé is not super skinny but she is very beautiful. Every body type is beautiful. They don't understand that even if they meant it as a joke, it still hurts.
MADEbySOUL I'm 5"2 too! Girl I'm happy that you learn how to love your own body :) Self love is very important & I'm still in the process of doing so. Some days are definitely harder than others. But it helps being able to talk & relate to others who are going/went through the same thing.
I remember being 110 lbs for like two seconds. Adrienne looks AMAZING at ANY SIZE. Always has and always will 😍🔥
Tamera's makeup is beautiful. LOVEE the simplicity
Lonnie's styling is on point this season!!
I absolutely love this segment and the way that the girls opened up. I hate body shaming, i believe everyone has a shape that suits them and it's unique to their nature. Adrienne Bailon, you are beautiful and there is nothing bad about your weight. Thumbs up to you for sharing your heart
loni looks gorgeous!!!
I would love for the hosts to talk about real stuff like what Adrienne mentioned, having autoimmune decease. I have an autoimmune decease too as does a lot of people. It's nice to see that you can be successful despite of things like that.
I love the fact that there's a wide variety of representation for body sizes on the show and then Jeanie stands up for skinny girls
Jeannie has the best memory... She remembers everything and everybody.... First and last names... I wish my memory was as good as hers.
Loni's been looking soooo good this season
Adrienne, Tamera, Loni, and Jeanie.. you guys are some of the most beautiful women ever... your personalities, sweet spirits, honesty, big hearts and Love for one another is simply amazing! I appreciate seeing everyday lovely women on tv. Anything negative anyone says is an attack of the enemy- he always wants us to feel bad about ourselves.. but God wants us to be HAPPY!! Love you ladies!!
I don't understand body shaming, at all. I see it, all the time with Kelly Clarkson. They can't bring her down about her vocal ability, so they attack her wait, and it's distasteful. I've seen it towards Jonathan from Charlotte & Jonathan, and I just don't understand why it's "OK" to freely bash or even talk about such a sensitive issue. I love all the ladies, including Loni (and Tamar, if she was still around). They're all beautiful in their own right. It just don't make no sense. Makes absolutely no sense.
I definitely can relate to Adrienne because I have both conditions and people are so cruel about my weight gain. It's not like I chose to gain weight. It is a real condition that most people don't understand but are quick to comment/judge about the weight gain. It's already hard enough to deal with your body changing from gaining weight but to have people criticize you is the worst!
I can relate to Tamera, I had the same issue just that mine wasent in sport but in school. Some kids used to tease me bcuz of my behind and it really affacted me from a young age. Its kinda wierd cuz now everybody's obsessed with having curves. I didnt know she went through that... People need to leave Adrienne alone, shes beautiful the way she is!^^
the most body shaming bullying I've received came/comes from my family. whether they know it or not their jabs at what I look(ed) like eventually became a part of my thought processes. It wasn't until separating myself from them that I have been able to realized how damaged and poisoned my mind is to my body and now I'm working on it. but it's hard work. if any of you are parents or siblings please, please keep in mind that if you tell some one every other day or more that they are "too skinny/fat" or "too serious" or whatever your insult may be, it will sink in and poison them slowly. Even if you don't mean it in a mean way, you just think you're joking, if you say something enough that hurts someone it can damage them. Be Kind.
I remember I used to get teased in elementary school about my forehead & now I'm 19 and people wanna be like "pretty girls have big foreheads" NAW SHUT UP BC YALL WASNT EVEN RIDING W/ THE BIG FOREHEAD GANG BACK THEN😒😂😂 lmao
Kristen Naidu ✊🏾✊🏾😂😂😂big foreheads for life .
Kristen Naidu Big forehead sqwaad unite!🙋
Kristen Naidu fr tho i never notice big foreheads (unless their like THATTTT big)
Kristen Naidu girl SAME! Now it's "hot" 🙄
Loni looks absolutely amazing, she so stunning!
4:46 LOL YES!!
& yes we do have to check people!
Good for you Adrienne for bringing this up, calling out the haterz, and defending yourself.
*expressing yourself*
Don't you think it is a little offensive/ironic that the No More Body Shaming cover picture is one Jeannie looking pitifully at Loni
I remember watching a clip here with similar topic. Adrienne, you mentioned somebody in the past told your stylist not to let you show your legs, because you had "chicken legs". People were guessing that it was that "jealous trouble maker" from 3WL & cheetah girls. You & Jeannie had that in common. Body shame are just haters. I love how you guys don't let that affect you anymore. Rock those awesome ootds.
Loni looks so pretty , and her hair looks great
I love that Adrienne shared that she has a thyroid condition. I have the same one and it makes me feel better knowing someone as popular as her has the same thing as me
All the ladies look beautiful today but TAM TAM looks extremely gorgeous 😍😍😍
SO true about Instagram. I have no idea HOW people feel so fine w/ bashing complete strangers! even though we all make mistakes you got to give good to receive some good back too!
I don't see why people would make a thing of Adrienne's weight. She looks like a healthy size for her age. We're not going to look 21 forever and our bodies change over time. She still looks good as she is. People need to quit being so petty.
ftr. Things change again around 40, too... and when women have children. Need to expect that rather than expecting everyone to look like a 15 yr. old who's never had a kid.
Thyroid issues can def. add to it for sure.
I totally agree with Adrienne. I have a thyroid problem and I also deal with depression and anxiety, both of which cause me to gain weight and although I do try and lose weight I can’t help it.
Watching these clips makes me confident n makes me realize I'm worth something
I have been subjected to this shaming as long as I can remember and It still continues. Im ashamed of my body most days.
LOOK AT LONI, she looks gorgeous
Adrienne is so attractive like wth? Can people leave her alone? I’m so tired of seeing the hate. She’s also so Mature and well spoken
some people think they have an input on how others should look...but the need to check themselves
True. People are so quick to call others fat and make fun of them. As if that's going to make them want to go outside MORE to get the exercise they need.
Loni and Tamera look extra gorgeous today!!
Adrienne every single dang time me and my sister watch The Real together and you pop on screen all done up, me and her scream "BODY GOALS!" Don't listen to the haters. The hate is their poison and has nothing to do with you. You are gorgeous! Rock it!
Imma send this to my african aunties since they got too much to say about my weight
Loni is slaying this season, I just love her attitude and yes she looks gorgeous! You go girl!
Loni's makeup here looks good 👌🏽
Adrienne, you are beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you that you are this or that. 110!? Girl be proud of that weight, be proud of who you are because you are a great person inside and out! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Loni looks amazing!!!
My mom has always told me Never let one discriminate you and feel bad for it feel bad for the person saying or doing it because they maybe not comfortable and happy within themselves or about themselves so they tend to take it out on others.
Is it just me or do they seem to be repeating topics quite a bit?
pixigirl999 No, repeating like they are a scratch record
pixigirl999 They most certainly are.
A bit? Try always lol.
I honestly love these ladies!!! OH! My word, continue doing the most you guys..
i think loni said she's doing a juice cleanse, didn't she?? either way she looks snatched!
re2dance yes shes glowing this season
She looks fatter than ever to me
Just keepin' it REAL.
Thank you for your concern. I'm good though, I stand by my comment.
my brother will always body shame me when i was in elementary through middle school and that is why i will always wear a BLACK sweatshirt and even wore it on very hot days because i always thought i was fat but reality hit in high school where i realized im not fat im just thick but always struggled with going up in weight and down. so i always admire woman who look so stunning not because of makeup or what they wear but because they wear it with confidence!
❤️ the positivity
I feel like this season is one of the first times Loni has told TRUE stories about herself. Yay Loni! Good to see you being more of the real you.
Personally, I didn't see anyone talking about her weight gain. However, what I did see and will continue to see is the majority of people who don't think she and Isreal should be together. In my opinion, Adrienne is so in love with the whole concept of being married with kids that she is willing to settle with anybody who can provide her with that. The story of how they got together is one big mess that she doesn't need to add to her life again since it is obvious that a lot of people don't really like her. From my viewpoint, it would have been better if Adrienne and Israel just stayed as good friends.
Loni looks so pretty! Loves her makeup & hair today. The smokey eye matching her top...everything's on point.
Some of you people here are guilty of pointing out Adrienne's weight gain and making fun of her. Next time you want to make fun, come back to this video. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
I have always been a big girl I got stomach I got the big butt the big thighs. I was always teased growing up even from my family. But I also have medical issues where I have to take medication and some of that actually made me gain more weight and now some of it I can't lose the weight. I also have a thyroid disease and I understand what Adrienne is going through with that. But now I have a man who likes the way I look. And that makes me happy but I was still happy with myself before that.
Please do a part two of this body-shaming segment to include slut-shaming. The truth needs get out there that
1) women's breasts are not defined by scientists or biologists as sexual organs(it's the media that is sexualizing breasts) -so women who choose to go topless in public shouldn't run the risk of being charged for public indecency when men can go topless without that fear
2) There's no such thing as a "slut"-there's no shame in a woman freely exploring her sexual being as long as it's in an honest, safe, consensual and respectful manner
3) You can't call someone a "slut" just because their skirt is an inch or so higher than you would like it, for example, or if someone wears a crop top that shows their belly-because it's completely shallow and dehuaminizing to judge someone's character/morality by what they wear and their style choices
4) Everyone should be able to wear what they want, regardless of size, gender, color, class, free from any fear of harsh, dehumanizing judgment(i.e. a plus-size woman should be able to wear a crop top or bikini if she wants to without her family/friends hating on her simply because of a piece of cloth #bodypositivemovement
5) The human body is perfectly natural thing, and nothing to be ashamed of-what's unnatural is trying to convince people that their bodies are "dangerous"(i.e. sexist dress codes affecting young girls and conditioning them to believe as much) or "unacceptable" or "shameful" for wearing too much or not enough clothing
"The most disgusting person is the person who tries to make someone feel disgusting. The most shameful person is the person who tries to make someone feel shameful." There is no right or wrong way for your body to exist, no right or wrong way to dress or undress-there is only the miracle of your body with all it's complicated, intricate functions and processes keeping you alive and thriving. #thelightnessofbeing
I am underweight for my age and it's incredibly hard for me to gain weight and one guy in elementary school asked me if I was anorexic and told me to go eat McDonald's and that has stayed with me for years. It's great that they're spreading this message and showing how it can really hurt people
Loni Is Honestly So Beautiful 😍
Wow whoever is involved doing Lonis hair and makeup deserves a raise. She is looking stunning this season.
My mom use to comment on my skin color, saying I was negra, the N word in English, I don't think she knew that it was a nasty word. But it stuck with me and made me want to bleach my skin so bad, 😞 I have such a hard time with my skin color even though I'm not actually black, and no disrespect to anyone that's dark skinned cause I am brown but my mother just made it seem like dark was ugly and that's what I feel so bad about myself.
you are wonderfully and fearfully made. don't let any one cause you to doubt that, even family members who feel like they mean no harm, sometimes those sting the worse, but for every negative counteract it with a positive.
gladys perez im sorry you had to go through that, growing up everyone around me thought pale was beautiful but i realized that bronzy skin makes me look kind of goddess like and you have to realize that you're beautiful. It comes from within. Much love.
Your mom has some issues girl...lol..try not to internalize them..be proud of your brown skin.
What is your race?
Iman Shiman Latina
I was being picked on for being short, which is stupid, and one guy in front of all his friends said I love that your short your so beautiful. It made my day
People always makes it seem like it's ok to body shame skinny/small figured people & in my opinion that too is wrong.
I love when the hosts get more serious like this. I can hear the hurt in Adrienne this season, I hope it doesn't get her down for too long. Love you munchkin keep your head up!