Buy fish, shrimp, and snails at from our preferred online retailers with the code _aquariumcoop_ to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
I was today years old when I learned that Gamer’s Wife’s name is Irene. Haven’t kept up much with the fish-tube world this year, so this was a pleasant surprise :O
Been keeping Cherry shrimp for half a year now, i started with 15 and now i have like 200 of them in my 50 gallon. I have 13 Praecox rainbows with them, 6 Julii corydoras, a Bristlenose pleco, 8 Five banded barbs and a pair of Apistogramma borellii opal. Everyday i see like 1 or 2 cherry shrimp being eaten by my rainbows (babies, juveniles and even big adults) but the population of 15 has over 10 folded in around 6 months. I'm not saying this will work for everybody. But it works for me :)
I’m happy to see some content with Irene in it! Hopefully this means we might be able to get more and varied content while also giving Cory a little more time on his hands
My gold white clouds completely leave them alone. They like to stay up top and I only see them try to nip one if the shrimp swim right in front of them. They always get away:)
@@feltysaquaria819 my white clouds generally leave my shrimp alone but they don't breed as much with them and I'm sure that they are eating a few babies on the occasion.
i love girl talks fish! i’m so glad she got to be in an aquarium co op video. the ways she conveys information is super easy to understand and i love her editing and visuals. the video was also really helpful!
I find that having Celestial Pearl Danios in my tank works really well. I did establish my shrimp well before I added the CPDs and it is heavily planted.
how long did you wait till u added the danios? I plan on doing this exact setup I have shrimp in there atm guessing I should just wait till they start breeding and then add the fish
Seemed like a very natural way to convey information. Didn't seem to be reading a list or stumbling around for words. I liked how she also gave "don't s" within the presentation. Spoken how a person would help out a niece just getting into the hobby. Keep it up.
I've found that you can totally keep caridina and neocaridina together at 6.7 ph. I have two breeding colonies of shrimp in a tank with endlers: Tangerine tiger shrimp (caridina) and blue dream shrimp (neocaridina, or 'cherries'). Both species are breeding and doing fantastic. So don't be put off if you wanted to try caridina and neocaridina together. Just get one colony established well before the other, to get used to shrimp keeping. Taiwan bees will not work with cherries, though, likely only 'native' species, that are much more wild, like aussie natives, or babaulti, will work; or crystals or tigers. Hope that helps someone getting into shrimp keeping.
I have a few with pea puffers. The puffers came first, and when I added the shrimp they were VERY curious at first. I keep them well fed with snails and live brine shrimp, and so far I have yet to notice any shrimp missing, or even being harassed for that matter.
I would just add that introducing ANY fish to a "shrimp" tank will slow down breeding (stress) and will almost guarantee that there will be some predation on baby shrimp. This being said it's a good list and my 10gal tank that started with 7 cherry shrimp has churned out hundreds of shrimp with a betta and after him some white clouds.
I've heard cory say that alot of bettas struggle to catch cherry shrimp and he thought it was a good idea so I added 10 to my bettas tank so far it's going okay
It ate the small ones in my case but it didn’t try to eat them all the time. Was only troublesome during the first day after introducing the shrimps to the tank as the betta still felt territorial.
@@thanakrit4613 so actually now, my neons ended up killing full size cherry shrimp. Now I moved them and it’s a shrimp only tank. And shrimp only would be recommendation now tbh
@@thanakrit4613 lots of people keep them together tho with no problem, mine are just viscous I guess. (Btw The tank was a 36 gallon with 11 neons and 2 honey gouramis and 6 pigmy coreys)
Great list! I have been keeping Beckford's Pencilfish (Nannostomus beckfordi) with my cherry shrimp for a couple of years, have yet to see them show interest in the cherries, much less eat any. These fish tend to hang out in the mid to upper water column for the most part. I recently added some Metallic Shiners (Pteronotropis metallicus) to the same tank, and have yet to see those go after the cherries. These fish also hang out in the mid to upper water column with the pencils... maybe that's why? Irene is so right about crayfish - my tiny little Least Dwarf Crayfish (Cambarellus diminutus) goes after cherries and ghost shrimp, even in a tank where there is a ton of places for the shrimp to hide, plants and cholla logs and the like. My crayfish likes to hide in the same places, apparently, so his meals come to him, lol...
I also have Beckford's Pencilfish (Nannostomus beckfordi) with my cherry shrimp and my shrimp colony is still growing steadily. Very very occasionally I will see the fish try to take a bite of shrimp, but the shrimp are always able to get away.
I think a good surface dweller would be marbled,silver, or other varieties of hatchet fish. They're super cool kinda oddball fish that hang out at the surface and they stay pretty small.
I've been super lucky with my fem betta girl. She's super sweet and curious about the shrimp. Never seen her attack them sometimes follows them around when she's bored but even the bbs can get close. But one large fem guppie does eat bb shrimp!
I have Bloody Mary shrimp with Japanese Blue Neon Endlers and Otocinclus. LOTS of tiny babies. I’m a nervous wreck just thinking of water changes.LOVE your videos by the way. I always take away something new.
I had a nice mix of blue, red, yellow, orange and different color rili shrimp. I had 2 very large mystery snails with them. After being gone for a weekend I came home to a dead mystery snail and many dead shrimp. Be careful with snails. They can mess the water quality up in a second if they die.
I have a decent colony of blue neocaridinas in with fish. They are with Ember Tetras, Ottos, Pigmy Corys, aspidoras, Amano Shrimps and a farlowella. I think the aspidoras do snack on the baby shrimps, but enough survive to keep the colony going. I found having plenty of floating plants helps. Funnily enough the colony started from only three tiny hitchhikers, that got a ride in a lump of riccia I moved from my shrimp tank about two years ago.
I'm keeping my cherry shrimp in a 55-gallon community tank with glass catfish, black phantom tetras, lampeyes, and gertrude rainbow fish. The tank is heavily planted, and there are loads of cherry shrimp. I also have a colony living in my garden pond with goldfish!!!
Nice to see you here in addition to your own channel, Irene! I keep my Cherry Shrimp with a school of Pristella maxillaris, two Corydoras species, and Nerite Snails in a planted tank with lots of nooks and crannies. So far all is well. ❤️
My cherries are best friends with the snails in my tank! They follow them around and clean their shells sometimes, it's cute! My black stripe tetras and galaxy rasboras are also friends with the shrimps ❤
My ghost shrimp did great with my Neon Tetras. I want to get into cherry shrimps. Couldn't find them in my area. Those will be great for my vacant tank
I'm about to try 10 blue neo shrimp, with two wrestling halfbeaks, and 6 chili rasboras. Heavily planted ten gallon tank with lots of hidey holes. I hope it works because all of these are so cool, and I'll have to start yet another tank if they don't get along.
Heyy, i actually didn't know when i put my male dwarf gourami in with my shrimp that they arent compatible till i saw this video...its nice to know these things altho ive kept the gourami and shrimp in a 15 gallon tank and they lived happily...sadly my gourami passed away last month (R.i.P. Pearl) but ive kept them together for about 8 months and yes @Girltalksfish they breed like rabits, rhank u guys so much for your help throughout last year and this year❤
Exactly the video I needed right now, because my cherry shrimp are about to move into a larger tank in about three or four days. Anyways it's some nice imput, but I think I already settled for a threadfin rainbow and shrimp only tank a while ago, maybe I'll add some khuli loaches too. But I just wanted to mention threadfin rainbows for other people that look for a fish that would work with shrimp, because where I'm from they are less common in most LFS and they are clearly an incredibly beautiful fish, that can take a rather wide variety of temperatures
For me, Kuhli Loaches are a no-go for shrimp. I got a pair of Kuhli loaches for my 20 gallon (ca. 76 liters), and they wiped out my shrimp colony. They also wiped out my snail population too. So if you need to get rid of snails, I would recomend Kuhli Loaches!
Hatchetfish have been with my shrimp colony for about two years. No problems. The shrimp swim right at them and even bounce off of them when they're excited for food or mating.
I’ve kept mine with guppies, (fancy guppies and endlers) Corey catfish, snails, neon tetras and finally African dwarf frogs! You can’t go wrong with guppies and shrimp (with enough live plants) they will both breed and you’ll have a ton of babies!
I’m curious? Why are you proud of Cory? Not trying to be sarcastic or rude, genuinely wondering. B/c adding female content creators? Is there something else? I feel like I missed something.
I have four betta tanks and all have cherry shrimp. They don't bother each other and I have more fry than I know what to do with. There are also tetra's in two of the tanks. Having the tank well-planted helps, I think.
I tried putting electric blue rams in my tank and they chase my cherry shrimps everywhere, so i put them in another tank, then i put a female dwarf gourami just to test if it has a taste for shrimps, and to my delight she never touch them, she didn't even pay attention to them, even the babies. I think she's a sweetheart, always active whenever she sees me going home from work.
This was very helpful! I currently have a nano tank with 3 zebra danios and 1 fancy shrimp, i didn’t expect to see them here! My zebras sure do love food, and they will eat until the explode if I let them, but they all live very happily and peacefully together. I think as soon as I added the shrimp, there were some nips here and there, but he has plenty of places to hide and is much faster than my zebras. Anyways, I am upgrading soon and plan to add more of both, as well as some new fish species. The Kuhli Loach is one I’ve had my eye on! So happy to see it on this list! Thank you for the information :)
Hi! Thank you for you very informative video! I do however feel that I must share my experience here. I have read on very many forums that tetras are safe with shrimp but after adding 10 cardinal tetras with my thirty blue dreams shrimp, they went on instant hunt modus and ate almost all of my shrimp. So even very tiny tetras are not suitable to be held in a shrimp tank! I am never ever adding fish to my shrimp tanks agan. I'd rather make another tank if I want to keep fish :p
I've got a tank with orange shrimp that's also got ramshorn snails and Japanese trapdoor snails breeding in it. Fish-wise I've got 6 gold ring danios that I regularly overfeed because everything that hits the bottom of the tank is swarmed on by the snails and shrimp. I just throw in a small Tums once a week to dose all the invertebrates with extra calcium and do regular water changes. Also, when the population gets a bit high, I pluck out a few and throw them in with my clown loaches to give them a treat.
Emerald dwarf rasboras are the best small fish in my opinion. I call them my hummingbirds. Their fins move like humming bird wings and they zip around. They don't care about any other fish or invertebrate in the tank. Love em.
I started with 10 cherry shrimp a year ago, now well over 100. I keep them with Otos and neon tetra. I thought the tetra might pick off some of the smaller ones, they were curious about the shrimp to begin with but seem to have decided they are not food.
From my experience I would not recommend keeping silver tip tetras with shrimp I had them working well for quite a while then all of a sudden the silver tips turned against any shrimp thay saw and probably killed 30 shrimp in the time span of a week to a week and a half
Thankyou for all the information I have a electric blue acara but it acts like a Schooling fish it's about 2 inches long n it doesn't eat my cherry shrimps for now I don't know how it'll be when it's bigger but it's been about 3 months n none have gone missing
@@crystalcorvid2404 Some betta are like that, each one has it's own temperament. I had a peaceful betta for a while, the shrimp would crawl on him and he'd just chill. My wife's betta will stalk anything it see's however.
My betta chilled with my shrimp for about a month and then started picking them off one by one. Now I have no shrimp and a very guilty betta fish :(( still love him though he's got a great personality, he's just a loner
My betta is living a friendly life together with cherry shrimps and galaxy rasboras. He occasionally tries to eat the newly born shrimp babies but they are too quick and he seems to enjoy the hunt. I can’t promise he haven’t eaten a baby occasionally. But I have never seen it and the shrimps are multiplying. (My tank is heavily planted)
I have a few types of molly fish and so far after adding the shrimp we’ve been doing good, but we also aren’t breeding them they’re just meant to be cleaners that are cool to look at
I have cherry shrimp in with betta plecos (bristlenose and common) yo yo loaches, kuhli loaches. A pea puffer a few species of corydoras... they seem to be fine...
I have my cherry shrimp in a 37Gallon tank with a betta and some cardinal tetras and they're doing fine but that might be because its a planted tank with plenty of hiding spots and my betta is fairly relaxed
I find honey gouramis work with shrimps. Though to be fair my honey gouramis dont seem interested in eating anything except for microscopic specs of food on plant leaves.
Well I haven't had fish for some time and been wanting to go back it the hobby. Anyways I had a 70 gallon cherry, blues and yellow shrimp "neocaridina" with blue German rams, cardinals, stribias corydoras, hillstream, snails and didn't have a problem but it was a planted tank with rocks etc
Havent tried it but I used to keep hatchetfish and I would never see them dive lower than an inch or so below the surface, they might do well with cherries
I have a Betta with neon tetras as tank makes for my shrimp and nothing has happened! My betta was very used to tank mates though at the pet store! :-)
I have the same thing 5 neon tetras 1 red Male betta 1 snail & 5 cherry shrimp in my 10 gallon they all got bought within a week but the all Been together 5months no problem
I had a well planted tank (50g) with corydoras, hillstream loaches, blue german rams, cardinals tetras cherry shrimps reds and blue ones some snails o and pair of peacock gudgeon. The main thing that work for me is big colony of shrimps and I made a lava rock mountain maze, with hole big enough for large cherry to go in, but small enough that rams couldn't get in. Wanted to try a pair of Japanese fire red apistogrammas but couldn't find them at the time
I have one tank with neon and emperor tetras that I otherwise use as the "culling" tank for my shrimp. Considering how the population grows but not especially quickly suggests that the babies are definitely getting eaten sometimes. The other tank where I keep my nicer coloured shrimp just has pygmy corydoras in it otherwise and even if they do pick off some shrimp (like, I can't confirm or deny) they clearly don't do it very often.
I have a crayfish with my yellow shrimp. I can say the shrimp are super annoying to him and they move so fast that he can't (or doesn't care to try) catching them. I wouldn't recommend them together just because the tiny shrimp will annoy the crayfish not because they'll become cray snacks. Great video! Thanks for sharing 👍👍
I am currently keeping a small school Daisy’s Rice Fish (Oryzias Woworae) in one of my cherry shrimp tanks, everyone gets along nicely and there’s plenty of shrimp fry!
I have them in one of my tank too....I have the orange ones (Youkihi) and are doing great so far no casualties. They will however eat the shrimplets so be careful. The shrimps I have in the community tank are culls from my breeding tank. As long as the Adult shrimp lives I am fine with that.
My 20 long has Sakura shrimp, cardinal tetras, and 1 blue star endler. I’m trying to find more blue stars but I’ve had no issues with the shrimp and those fish!
Buy fish, shrimp, and snails at from our preferred online retailers with the code _aquariumcoop_ to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
Is a peacock goby safe , i saw one in ur vid and he seems really cute, ill put him with some chili rasboras
How about cherry barbs?
How about hatchet fish
@@apnatva Arent they those creepy fish that live super deep
@@bigmoose7 pretty sure you're thinking of angler fish.
I was like "wait... that's not Cory’s voice" 😂
Got ur 100 Like over here and same
I was like "Wait, this isn't GirlTalksFish"
It’s Irene 😭
I love Irene's smiling style of delivery and voice modulation!! Great content, always succinct and well organized.
Seems like a practiced voice...
Irene! Her videos are so well edited/organized! Also, I feel so excited and engaged when she's conveying information!
Full of incorrect info though
I was today years old when I learned that Gamer’s Wife’s name is Irene. Haven’t kept up much with the fish-tube world this year, so this was a pleasant surprise :O
She re-branded to Girl Talks Fish from A Gamer's Wife.
Been keeping Cherry shrimp for half a year now, i started with 15 and now i have like 200 of them in my 50 gallon. I have 13 Praecox rainbows with them, 6 Julii corydoras, a Bristlenose pleco, 8 Five banded barbs and a pair of Apistogramma borellii opal. Everyday i see like 1 or 2 cherry shrimp being eaten by my rainbows (babies, juveniles and even big adults) but the population of 15 has over 10 folded in around 6 months. I'm not saying this will work for everybody. But it works for me :)
@Hieu TV Prolly a lot of dense plants and general tank cover for them to hide in.
@Hieu TV i have some plants but not that many, the babies hide underneath the crypts and they dont bother with adults unless 1 goes swimming
@Hieu TV Feed them frozen bloodworms first defrost of coarse you will see!
And get some susswassertang it's supper hiding baby shrimp.
@@proxy4781 wow, first time I've found someone who doesn't pronounce it "subwassertang" lol.
@@userequaltoNull congratulation's.
My first time seeing a video with Irene and I'm loving the style and quality! Keep up the good work!
She has her own channel which is very good. Girl Talks Fish.
I’m happy to see some content with Irene in it! Hopefully this means we might be able to get more and varied content while also giving Cory a little more time on his hands
I think pretty much all fish will predate on shrimplets
@Jartopia wow your channel is fascinating
My gold white clouds completely leave them alone. They like to stay up top and I only see them try to nip one if the shrimp swim right in front of them. They always get away:)
I had a few hundred shrimplets at once in my 20 long with white clouds
@@feltysaquaria819 my white clouds generally leave my shrimp alone but they don't breed as much with them and I'm sure that they are eating a few babies on the occasion.
All fish will eat baby shrimps despite what people say. Female Guppies/Endless I've seen first-hand t as king out junior shrimps
i love girl talks fish! i’m so glad she got to be in an aquarium co op video. the ways she conveys information is super easy to understand and i love her editing and visuals. the video was also really helpful!
I find that having Celestial Pearl Danios in my tank works really well. I did establish my shrimp well before I added the CPDs and it is heavily planted.
how long did you wait till u added the danios? I plan on doing this exact setup I have shrimp in there atm guessing I should just wait till they start breeding and then add the fish
my shrimplets like to crawl all over my frogs and cories like they're some kind of carnival ride.
What kind of frogs do you have?
@@brans7269 i assume its an african dwarf frog
Dwarf frogs eat shrimp
This is a very good general guidline, 10/10.
A solid 4.3 out of five good job
@@deadbydaylightr.i.p8319 chirs? repashy?
I'm subscribed to both the Co-op and Girl Talks Fish, I was so confused when I tapped on a notification from Aquarium Co-op and Irene started talking!
Lol, surprise!
I was too. Wait, huh? Did I hit the wrong icon?
Seemed like a very natural way to convey information. Didn't seem to be reading a list or stumbling around for words. I liked how she also gave "don't s" within the presentation. Spoken how a person would help out a niece just getting into the hobby. Keep it up.
I've found that you can totally keep caridina and neocaridina together at 6.7 ph. I have two breeding colonies of shrimp in a tank with endlers: Tangerine tiger shrimp (caridina) and blue dream shrimp (neocaridina, or 'cherries'). Both species are breeding and doing fantastic. So don't be put off if you wanted to try caridina and neocaridina together. Just get one colony established well before the other, to get used to shrimp keeping. Taiwan bees will not work with cherries, though, likely only 'native' species, that are much more wild, like aussie natives, or babaulti, will work; or crystals or tigers. Hope that helps someone getting into shrimp keeping.
I love Irene’s voice! Her content is so visually engaging!
We’ve had good luck with our cherry shrimp and White Cloud Mountain minnows. 15 shrimp & 10 WCM in a 15gal planted tank
Do the WCM ever eat the shrimp? I’m considering a similar set up!
I have a few with pea puffers. The puffers came first, and when I added the shrimp they were VERY curious at first. I keep them well fed with snails and live brine shrimp, and so far I have yet to notice any shrimp missing, or even being harassed for that matter.
I would just add that introducing ANY fish to a "shrimp" tank will slow down breeding (stress) and will almost guarantee that there will be some predation on baby shrimp. This being said it's a good list and my 10gal tank that started with 7 cherry shrimp has churned out hundreds of shrimp with a betta and after him some white clouds.
So with enough cover I find the betta is actually a really good tank mate, but I understand the generality. Love this vid
I've heard cory say that alot of bettas struggle to catch cherry shrimp and he thought it was a good idea so I added 10 to my bettas tank so far it's going okay
It ate the small ones in my case but it didn’t try to eat them all the time. Was only troublesome during the first day after introducing the shrimps to the tank as the betta still felt territorial.
@@thanakrit4613 so actually now, my neons ended up killing full size cherry shrimp. Now I moved them and it’s a shrimp only tank. And shrimp only would be recommendation now tbh
@@hp5898 that’s scary, thanks for an update! I actually planned to have neons live with shrimps after my betta. Might have to reconsider that
@@thanakrit4613 lots of people keep them together tho with no problem, mine are just viscous I guess. (Btw The tank was a 36 gallon with 11 neons and 2 honey gouramis and 6 pigmy coreys)
I can confirm that ember tetras do very well with cherry shrimp. Both have been reproducing in my 18 gallon for a couple years now very peacefully.
I am also thinking about this setup.
Seen my Amano shrimp eat my cherry shrimp and it's a good size too. So I will say this should be taken into a cautious neocaridina tank mate.
White cloud mountain minnows for the win in our eco tank! The long fin variety is stunning!
Great list! I have been keeping Beckford's Pencilfish (Nannostomus beckfordi) with my cherry shrimp for a couple of years, have yet to see them show interest in the cherries, much less eat any. These fish tend to hang out in the mid to upper water column for the most part. I recently added some Metallic Shiners (Pteronotropis metallicus) to the same tank, and have yet to see those go after the cherries. These fish also hang out in the mid to upper water column with the pencils... maybe that's why? Irene is so right about crayfish - my tiny little Least Dwarf Crayfish (Cambarellus diminutus) goes after cherries and ghost shrimp, even in a tank where there is a ton of places for the shrimp to hide, plants and cholla logs and the like. My crayfish likes to hide in the same places, apparently, so his meals come to him, lol...
I also have Beckford's Pencilfish (Nannostomus beckfordi) with my cherry shrimp and my shrimp colony is still growing steadily. Very very occasionally I will see the fish try to take a bite of shrimp, but the shrimp are always able to get away.
Really loving your recent videos, Irene. So professional, and your presentation style is great!
I think a good surface dweller would be marbled,silver, or other varieties of hatchet fish. They're super cool kinda oddball fish that hang out at the surface and they stay pretty small.
I love stiphodon gobies - all gobies mostly. Such variation it’s beautiful
I've been super lucky with my fem betta girl. She's super sweet and curious about the shrimp. Never seen her attack them sometimes follows them around when she's bored but even the bbs can get close. But one large fem guppie does eat bb shrimp!
Thanks Irvin glad to have known you since elementary school
I have Bloody Mary shrimp with Japanese Blue Neon Endlers and Otocinclus. LOTS of tiny babies. I’m a nervous wreck just thinking of water changes.LOVE your videos by the way. I always take away something new.
put stockings on the hose when you syphon the water and you will be ok or just scoop the top water with a plastic cup.
@@HAMBURGER-s1l But a stocking cover doesn't allow siphoning of detritus, shrimp poo and other gunk.
I've thought about setting up a 40 gallon shrimp tank and just breeding a bunch of different shrimp. Thanks for this video
I had a nice mix of blue, red, yellow, orange and different color rili shrimp. I had 2 very large mystery snails with them. After being gone for a weekend I came home to a dead mystery snail and many dead shrimp. Be careful with snails. They can mess the water quality up in a second if they die.
I personally love marble hatchet fish! I think they would make a great top dwelling fish for a shrimp tank.
I have a decent colony of blue neocaridinas in with fish. They are with Ember Tetras, Ottos, Pigmy Corys, aspidoras, Amano Shrimps and a farlowella. I think the aspidoras do snack on the baby shrimps, but enough survive to keep the colony going. I found having plenty of floating plants helps. Funnily enough the colony started from only three tiny hitchhikers, that got a ride in a lump of riccia I moved from my shrimp tank about two years ago.
My cherry barbs went for shrimp double their size.. expensive week that was. Went fine for months then BAM one tried it.. rest followed.
yup....when they know its food...they will go after em
I'm keeping my cherry shrimp in a 55-gallon community tank with glass catfish, black phantom tetras, lampeyes, and gertrude rainbow fish. The tank is heavily planted, and there are loads of cherry shrimp. I also have a colony living in my garden pond with goldfish!!!
Nice to see you here in addition to your own channel, Irene! I keep my Cherry Shrimp with a school of Pristella maxillaris, two Corydoras species, and Nerite Snails in a planted tank with lots of nooks and crannies. So far all is well. ❤️
My cherries are best friends with the snails in my tank! They follow them around and clean their shells sometimes, it's cute! My black stripe tetras and galaxy rasboras are also friends with the shrimps ❤
My ghost shrimp did great with my Neon Tetras. I want to get into cherry shrimps. Couldn't find them in my area. Those will be great for my vacant tank
I'm about to try 10 blue neo shrimp, with two wrestling halfbeaks, and 6 chili rasboras. Heavily planted ten gallon tank with lots of hidey holes. I hope it works because all of these are so cool, and I'll have to start yet another tank if they don't get along.
Heyy, i actually didn't know when i put my male dwarf gourami in with my shrimp that they arent compatible till i saw this video...its nice to know these things altho ive kept the gourami and shrimp in a 15 gallon tank and they lived happily...sadly my gourami passed away last month (R.i.P. Pearl) but ive kept them together for about 8 months and yes @Girltalksfish they breed like rabits, rhank u guys so much for your help throughout last year and this year❤
What about Platys? I bought 5 cherry shrimp yesterday and only see one today… Hope I did not make a huge mistake.
I love cherry shrimp!!! I breed mine with snails, green neon tetras and grumpy honey gourami.
Exactly the video I needed right now, because my cherry shrimp are about to move into a larger tank in about three or four days. Anyways it's some nice imput, but I think I already settled for a threadfin rainbow and shrimp only tank a while ago, maybe I'll add some khuli loaches too. But I just wanted to mention threadfin rainbows for other people that look for a fish that would work with shrimp, because where I'm from they are less common in most LFS and they are clearly an incredibly beautiful fish, that can take a rather wide variety of temperatures
My Cherry shrimp are thriving in a guppy and Platy tank. I also have Siamese algae eaters and Otto cats. Also lots of live plants to hide in.
For me, Kuhli Loaches are a no-go for shrimp. I got a pair of Kuhli loaches for my 20 gallon (ca. 76 liters), and they wiped out my shrimp colony. They also wiped out my snail population too. So if you need to get rid of snails, I would recomend Kuhli Loaches!
Very informative and Irene does a fine job. Love her bouncy personality!
Hatchetfish have been with my shrimp colony for about two years. No problems. The shrimp swim right at them and even bounce off of them when they're excited for food or mating.
I’ve kept mine with guppies, (fancy guppies and endlers) Corey catfish, snails, neon tetras and finally African dwarf frogs! You can’t go wrong with guppies and shrimp (with enough live plants) they will both breed and you’ll have a ton of babies!
Anybody else thought they clicked on a Girl Talks Fish video?!? 😂
Me omg, i love her channel too bt the way
This is the dream, Cory! Proud of you!
I’m curious? Why are you proud of Cory? Not trying to be sarcastic or rude, genuinely wondering. B/c adding female content creators? Is there something else? I feel like I missed something.
I have four betta tanks and all have cherry shrimp. They don't bother each other and I have more fry than I know what to do with. There are also tetra's in two of the tanks. Having the tank well-planted helps, I think.
I tried putting electric blue rams in my tank and they chase my cherry shrimps everywhere, so i put them in another tank, then i put a female dwarf gourami just to test if it has a taste for shrimps, and to my delight she never touch them, she didn't even pay attention to them, even the babies. I think she's a sweetheart, always active whenever she sees me going home from work.
This was very helpful! I currently have a nano tank with 3 zebra danios and 1 fancy shrimp, i didn’t expect to see them here! My zebras sure do love food, and they will eat until the explode if I let them, but they all live very happily and peacefully together. I think as soon as I added the shrimp, there were some nips here and there, but he has plenty of places to hide and is much faster than my zebras. Anyways, I am upgrading soon and plan to add more of both, as well as some new fish species. The Kuhli Loach is one I’ve had my eye on! So happy to see it on this list! Thank you for the information :)
Hi! Thank you for you very informative video! I do however feel that I must share my experience here. I have read on very many forums that tetras are safe with shrimp but after adding 10 cardinal tetras with my thirty blue dreams shrimp, they went on instant hunt modus and ate almost all of my shrimp. So even very tiny tetras are not suitable to be held in a shrimp tank!
I am never ever adding fish to my shrimp tanks agan. I'd rather make another tank if I want to keep fish :p
I've got a tank with orange shrimp that's also got ramshorn snails and Japanese trapdoor snails breeding in it. Fish-wise I've got 6 gold ring danios that I regularly overfeed because everything that hits the bottom of the tank is swarmed on by the snails and shrimp. I just throw in a small Tums once a week to dose all the invertebrates with extra calcium and do regular water changes. Also, when the population gets a bit high, I pluck out a few and throw them in with my clown loaches to give them a treat.
Emerald dwarf rasboras are the best small fish in my opinion. I call them my hummingbirds. Their fins move like humming bird wings and they zip around. They don't care about any other fish or invertebrate in the tank. Love em.
I started with 10 cherry shrimp a year ago, now well over 100. I keep them with Otos and neon tetra. I thought the tetra might pick off some of the smaller ones, they were curious about the shrimp to begin with but seem to have decided they are not food.
From my experience I would not recommend keeping silver tip tetras with shrimp I had them working well for quite a while then all of a sudden the silver tips turned against any shrimp thay saw and probably killed 30 shrimp in the time span of a week to a week and a half
Thankyou for all the information I have a electric blue acara but it acts like a Schooling fish it's about 2 inches long n it doesn't eat my cherry shrimps for now I don't know how it'll be when it's bigger but it's been about 3 months n none have gone missing
1:08 Ultimate photobomb!! Baby Pleco wins the internets!!
I love Irene she has such a nice voice!
A top layer fish that I think would be great would be the platinum halfbeak
Irene is the best, great video, love cherry shrimp but never kept them with anything but nerites
My betta definitely loves cherry shrimp fry
I have a 5 gallon planted Beta tank with cherry shrimp. 6 months in ive probably quadrupled in population.
i put 2 shrimps with my betta ..but the shrimps died with in 2 days dont know the reason
@@dij7a did you ever find the body’s? If not they might have got eaten..👀😂
My beta ate all nine of the cherry shrimp I paid 6$ a shrimp for, in one night.
@@crystalcorvid2404 Some betta are like that, each one has it's own temperament. I had a peaceful betta for a while, the shrimp would crawl on him and he'd just chill.
My wife's betta will stalk anything it see's however.
Thanks for such a helpful intuitive video. ❤️
Wait you work at aquarium coop? I didn’t think you lived in Washington, and I’ve never heard of you talking about working at aquarium coop. Amazing!
She’s worked for them for a while she announced it in a video months ago
She's the Content Strategist. She can do that online, doesn't have to live near the store.
I've had many bettas work well which is impressive, but it's pretty cool
My betta chilled with my shrimp for about a month and then started picking them off one by one. Now I have no shrimp and a very guilty betta fish :(( still love him though he's got a great personality, he's just a loner
My betta is living a friendly life together with cherry shrimps and galaxy rasboras. He occasionally tries to eat the newly born shrimp babies but they are too quick and he seems to enjoy the hunt. I can’t promise he haven’t eaten a baby occasionally. But I have never seen it and the shrimps are multiplying. (My tank is heavily planted)
I have a few types of molly fish and so far after adding the shrimp we’ve been doing good, but we also aren’t breeding them they’re just meant to be cleaners that are cool to look at
How about Platy, Guppy, Molly, Betta, and Crawfish? Are they good for shrimp ?
I have cherry shrimp in with betta plecos (bristlenose and common) yo yo loaches, kuhli loaches. A pea puffer a few species of corydoras... they seem to be fine...
Thank you. Very good video and great ideas. I’m going to try kuhli loaches. I love those little guys!!
I have my cherry shrimp in a 37Gallon tank with a betta and some cardinal tetras and they're doing fine but that might be because its a planted tank with plenty of hiding spots and my betta is fairly relaxed
I find honey gouramis work with shrimps. Though to be fair my honey gouramis dont seem interested in eating anything except for microscopic specs of food on plant leaves.
Me too! I have two Honeh Gouramis with 4 Amano shrimp in my planted tank and it’s been over a year, perfect.
Can you suggest neon sp that suitble for shrimp?
Great to see Irene making vids on the channel!!!
Well I haven't had fish for some time and been wanting to go back it the hobby. Anyways I had a 70 gallon cherry, blues and yellow shrimp "neocaridina" with blue German rams, cardinals, stribias corydoras, hillstream, snails and didn't have a problem but it was a planted tank with rocks etc
What do you think of endlers with cherry shrimp in a 20 gallon?
Havent tried it but I used to keep hatchetfish and I would never see them dive lower than an inch or so below the surface, they might do well with cherries
great thinking of the smaller hatchetfish...but still a jumper I heard
Good to see you on this channel!
I've got a German ram with several Amano shrimp and some tetras and never had any issues!
Love seeing the cross over! Great video Loved it.
How about molly's? Are they good tank mates for the cherry shrimps?
I have a Betta with neon tetras as tank makes for my shrimp and nothing has happened! My betta was very used to tank mates though at the pet store! :-)
I have the same thing 5 neon tetras 1 red Male betta 1 snail & 5 cherry shrimp in my 10 gallon they all got bought within a week but the all Been together 5months no problem
I had a well planted tank (50g) with corydoras, hillstream loaches, blue german rams, cardinals tetras cherry shrimps reds and blue ones some snails o and pair of peacock gudgeon. The main thing that work for me is big colony of shrimps and I made a lava rock mountain maze, with hole big enough for large cherry to go in, but small enough that rams couldn't get in. Wanted to try a pair of Japanese fire red apistogrammas but couldn't find them at the time
I have one tank with neon and emperor tetras that I otherwise use as the "culling" tank for my shrimp. Considering how the population grows but not especially quickly suggests that the babies are definitely getting eaten sometimes.
The other tank where I keep my nicer coloured shrimp just has pygmy corydoras in it otherwise and even if they do pick off some shrimp (like, I can't confirm or deny) they clearly don't do it very often.
I have the same setup.....except I have Medaka rice fish (youkihi). Shrimplets will get eaten for sure.
Thank you for sharing this video 🙂👍
I have my cherrys with white clouds and they seem to be doing great.
Would some cherry shrimp work with a few Brilliant green rasboras?
I have kept clownkilifish and rainbow fork tails with my neos from the start and they have never had an issue so many babies still
So informative! So helpful!!
What about a Beta? Thank you for the video! Please more informational vids from Irene. She is knowledgeable and pretty!
I have a crayfish with my yellow shrimp. I can say the shrimp are super annoying to him and they move so fast that he can't (or doesn't care to try) catching them. I wouldn't recommend them together just because the tiny shrimp will annoy the crayfish not because they'll become cray snacks. Great video! Thanks for sharing 👍👍
Mine clean the crab I have in there!
What about the stress on the shrimps! As the crayfish tries to eat them!
I am currently keeping a small school Daisy’s Rice Fish (Oryzias Woworae) in one of my cherry shrimp tanks, everyone gets along nicely and there’s plenty of shrimp fry!
I have them in one of my tank too....I have the orange ones (Youkihi) and are doing great so far no casualties. They will however eat the shrimplets so be careful. The shrimps I have in the community tank are culls from my breeding tank. As long as the Adult shrimp lives I am fine with that.
Can I keep them with harlequin rasboras
My 20 long has Sakura shrimp, cardinal tetras, and 1 blue star endler. I’m trying to find more blue stars but I’ve had no issues with the shrimp and those fish!
Would Hatchet fish work? I don’t have much experience with them but I’ve always wanted to give them a try