"In California it doesn't matter if the child has turned 18 or not; those arrears are still payable until they are collected in FULL." This is actually [statutorily] incorrect, illegal and unconstitutional. There is absolutely NO authority for ANY state to impose this on anyone. 🤔... And it would probably surprise people to know that there actually IS a [federal] statute of limitation (binding on ALL states, territories, possessions, etc.), although if not read properly (and apparently NOBODY has), you WILL miss it 👀. I've read PAST it for the past 15 years 😩! So, to bring it front and center, I am filing a MAJOR federal lawsuit in the next couple of days here in California. I'm confident this will 'straighten things out' and bring these 'parasites' under control ['government' accountability]. The devil (as they say) is TRULY in the details 🧐! If you are someone who has had the 'boot of government on your neck' after your child(ren) turned 18 (since 2008 in my case), then I hope to bring clarity and RELIEF with a WIN in court; whether that happens in District Court, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals or the U.S. Supreme Court! 😉
unlawful debt is null and void......... @strnglhld pay your taxes so everyone that goes without can rely on supporters like you to help out.. work extra so you can pay a little extra.
What happens if child support is in arrears from over 20 years ago, the child is now in their 30ties and the receiving parent has passed away? This is the situation for someone I know personally. Thank you so much!
Right,, but at anytime during the pregnancy, the mother could have gotten an abortion for any reason whatsoever, with the father having no say WHATSOEVER. Even if the father wanted the child, wanted to be a great dad, It wouldn't matter. This is wrong. AS LONG AS A MOTHER CAN ABORT FR ANY REASON WATSOEVER WHERE THE FATHER HAS NO RIGHTS, THEN THERE CAN BE NO SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AGAINST HIM AS NON CUSTODIAL PARENT. YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS, YOU WANT ABORTION FOR ANY RESON LEGAL? OK, THEN RESCIND CHILD SUPPORT LAWS. THE FATHER MUST HAVE SOME EQUAL RIGHTS DURING THE PREGNANCY, OF SUPPORT IF ON ITS FACE UNFAIR TO ONE PARTY.
When we divorced, we agreed to use the child support calculation government website ourselves. We didn't have the judge assign a specific dollar amount to our child support order. So I can't get to the child support office to go after him for the child support arrears, I would have to sue him for them.... Is there a statute of limitations on THAT?
Case law prove child support is illegal.the court is a corporation not a government.thr get interest from child support court clerk get money and the sheriff get money also if the man is arrested.the corporation you work for is owned by Pope Francis and the British government. That means it a foreign corporation.you being a lawyer for the foreign corporation have to have a foreign registration statement.if you don't have registration statement, foreign certificate of participation and anti bribery statement you cannot act as a foreign agent.not having those statements is a ten thousand dollars fine and five years in prison.that goes for the judges also. You are a criminal just like other criminals.
@Ramsey Doon Yeah, responsible for paying a corrupt system that takes 66.6 of every dollar you give to the other parent, gtfoh, you don't owe these fraudsters which had ypu hoodwinked for a long time, now debate me on this subject, I'll come with facts, maybe you'll come with feelings, not a fair fight
@@Sight2Behold be a man and a father instead of being whiner and a coward. Take responsibility for your actions by stepping up to the plate and being a parent to the child you're so eager to abandon. It's mind-boggling, the fact that you're trying to explain why there's no reason for you to be in any way responsible for the life you brought into this world. It's absolutely wild. Do you hear yourself? You should be embarrassed and ashamed. Quit complaining, you're not the victim here.
I had a judge try that on me. I asked them if the courts were the IRS. Then I said a few years ago you guys owed me 2800 bucks where was my interest? He instantly removed it.
@@lassencountydepartmentofch8498 I never paid interest. And I was in the arrears from the loss of a job. So the judge said the amount AND with interest and amount is.... I said a few years ago you owed me 2800 for over payment. Where is my interest, you guys think you are the IRS. He removed it instantly.
You should speak to the Family Law Facilitator in your county or an attorney to discuss your options. DCSS can take payments on child support arrears. Often on old child support cases, DCSS gets a liquidation on arrears order (basically an order to pay something toward the arrears). We try to get the order so that it covers the monthly interest and some principal. Just because we get a liquidation order doesn't mean we won't take more money as we find it. We will still levy bank accounts, intercept tax returns, report to the credit bureaus, and take other enforcement action. But, if the liquidation order is being paid, we will not file contempt charges for failure to pay child support arrears. If some of the arrears are owed to the State (because the other party was aided at some point while child support was owed), you may be eligible for the debt reduction program through DCSS. This is a program where your arrears owed to the State can be reduced based on the amount of money DCSS believes you can pay. We have a method for figuring this out. The local child support agency enforcing your child support case can explain the program to you, let you know if any of your arrears are owed to the State, let you know if you are eligible for the program, and get you the forms you need to fill out to apply for the program.
I have no idea because it's wrong as to collecting child support arrears in California. We cite the law so that you can go read it for yourself. A lot of "sources" on the internet don't cite the law, which means you cannot go verify for yourself. This is not to suggest that one should delay in collecting or trying to collect California child support arrears though.
In California the state constitution article 1 section 3 states you can demand their Oath and Bond and seek to find the indemnification clause in their insurance policy and see what the Principe or the person is liable for when practicing law with you. If they are found infringing upon your civil rights, you can proceed in a court of law for remedy. California Civil Procedure section 412.20(6) and invoke the Tom Bane Act.
@@dianetigert1310 The law as it is written already gives remedy. Apparently, NO ONE has noticed it; or maybe it'd be bad for [their] business if they did. 🤔
@@rondacus the law is written...title 28 U.S. Code § 607 - Practice of law prohibited An officer or employee of the Administrative Office shall not engage directly or indirectly in the practice of law in any court of the United States. hope this helps
@@dianetigert1310 Good luck trying to enforce that. I don't think this is something I would argue as I haven't seen an instance where this approach worked for anyone. Maybe it has but I just haven't seen it.
it should be mentioned that social security payments are docked for past child support and also if the children are in foster care the foster care psyments are entered into the past due child support paymenys. thus deadbeat parents are never going to get out of paying even if they move out of california or are receiving ssi or social security retirement. i have a freind who never paid child support and when he started social security he only received about $200 a month.
Did the law change since when? I'm sure it changed at some point. However, this has been the law in California regarding collecting child support arrears, the entire time I've been practicing law.
I haven't been able to access my child support for almost a year. .I have called to get help with this to no avail. I then opted out of electronic payments and back to checks but they still have not paid me the money from the last year. They have only sent me the current collections. What can I do to access this money from them?
you can file with the court and request discover through proper procedures of the court. DCSS can be named as a defendant in a court of law if they are not performing to the promises they entered into through a contract with you..
How to contact you , I have back childsupport ,I got a divorce in 1982, have two cases againts him on him for him to pay, ,pays few months and stopes, I can collect that money that he never paid me and left his two boys hungry ,and I was runing between jobs to try to survive and taking care of them, please need to contact an atorney to collect that money with interest.
Contact the Department of Child Support Services in your county. They can help you. They have collection methods available to them that private attorneys don't (things like tax return intercepts and taking drivers licenses).
In my case, paying both the State of Texas and State of New York. for the last 30 years for kidnapped and dead children. The States collect money but the money goes missing and one State collectes the Stimulus money and keeps it for themself and does not tell the other State. 76 years old dying and wnat to fight back. Owe NY $53,200; Owe Texas $7,500. Criminal Rico.
Texas Attorney General Paxton has been voted to be impeached and faces a hearing. Paxton was the head of child support. Paxton was investing in Uber after generating unpayable arrears. Paxton went for SSI in child support cases. Paxton and other bad actors such as the witch in this video need a fair trial for treason. A commercial organization building strategies to mentally and financially break men. The AG office and United States Department of Health and Human Services in on the extortion. These entities care about reimbursements and tax money not the children. Fiat Dollar. Domestic Relations Law from the seventies removing men from children for more equitable processes. These bad actors push for Hypergamy. Fathers turned from dad to uncle status so baby momma can buy her new man couple massages. The alpha generation is the smallest generation in recorded history for the United States. Wonder how come?
Hang in there, Gary. I am filing a federal lawsuit here in California this week addressing what is happening to you, me and hundreds of thousands (if not MILLIONS) of FORMER so-called child support 'obligors'. It's way past time to put these agencies in their place, restore ORDER and accountability and put an absolute END to this oppressive boot on-the-neck tyranny! Stay tuned, brother. 😉
My ex took of to Mexico so didn't have to pay child support. Now is back to collect Soc. Sec and Pension where can I get the forms to start garnishing. Thank
We highly recommend going to your local Department of Child Support Services. They will not represent you and they will be slower than a private attorney will be but they will do it for free, they will keep track of the accounting (though you should keep an eye on it too because it's always a good idea to double check your own case), and they have collection mechanisms that you and private attorneys do not have.
when a lawyer represents a case they become the employee hired by the employer.....they represent the best interest of the moving party as an officer of the court. Title 18 usc 1001
Females select genetics and males broadcast genetics. These processes are our biological adaptations for procreation. Select good genetics before spreading your legs. Nobody owes you anything. Child Support offices are commercial organizations look at their website. Dot org not not gov. These commercial organizations are a business for reimbursements and tax money. Go read Plato’s allegory of the cave. You type of people have been causing the fatherless crisis. Chasing down men over a human construct. The Nazis also misused language to create confirmation bias over the youth. Nazis turned women into incubators and men into expendable unit, and they too started facing a population collapse, so they attacked Russia. The alpha generation is the smallest generation in recorded history for the United States
you should have allowed your X 50/50 custody instead of denying the other party all parental rights. Only when one party takes any welfare does the Title D-4 child support agency care.
@JimM-f7d don't judge if u don't have all the facts, for one I'm not on welfare and two his over nights were taking, then he was given supervised visits and that was terminated. He doesn't want these kids but he has a duty to support our kids just like I do.. so now he has nothing not even a phone call... Me and the kids are domestic abuse survivors..
@@shellycjnmarkell You said he owes $90,000 and nothing is happening because the child support agency does not care. I experienced domestic abuse and is irrelevant in child support, but custody court is too expensive.
what do I have to do and who do I need to talk to. Do I need to go to the child support office? where can I get the forms to start doing this. lawyers are too expensive for me...Can I do this myself? Thank You!
People can always represent themselves in family law matters. Of course, they are better off hiring an attorney because attorneys can give them legal advice and know the law. The Department of Child Support Services has collection mechanisms available to them that private attorneys do not (like being able to take driver's licenses, hunting and fishing licenses, professional licenses, intercepting tax returns, turning people in to have passports revoked or denied), they will keep track of the accounting and take care of most the foot work. Having said they, they do not represent either party and they only collect child support (or child support and spousal support while current child support is being collected).
isn't true and correct lawyers have no power to invoke the court in summary jurisdiction whether in oral or briefs? Only a competent witness who signs under penalty of perjury can empower the judge to compel the other party to do something. If the SSDCS can not represent a party, then who are they representing in a court of law? Title 28 usc 607
@@dianetigert1310 I have no idea what you are asking. DCSS represents the public interest (the government) and does not represent Mother or Father in a child support case.
@Lassen County Department of Child Support Services the government is not the public, nor their interest...the government is private and the public is not privy to their business. Child Support is Governed by the Director appointed by County Board of Supervisors who control the lawyers like the CEO of the Court does with the Judges. They appoint their administrative business to a registered attorney of record. And they label the parties as custodial and non-custodial parties. But what really rises to ask.....if you don't understand, why respond? I did state title 28 usc 607 and you made no mention to reflect that matter?????????????? that interesting to me.
Different states have different Statutes of Limitations on collecting arrears. If your arrears are owed in California, contact that Family Law Facilitator in the county in which your arrears are owed for help.
Here's what you do to get rid of arrears...watch Rick W child support on youtube, he has thousands of videos, including what to do about arrears, good luck
the U.S. constitution is nation wide and has authority over every state according to their labor practices. ABA rules delegates the conduct of attorney's. ABA rule 8.4 attorney misconduct.
Question, are BAR attorneys Honest people? Revelation 21:8 kjv But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.....
I don't have a clue I've been involved in it over 30 years The person that does not have a clue is you!! Is there not enough homeless people for you to get a clue
"In California it doesn't matter if the child has turned 18 or not; those arrears are still payable until they are collected in FULL." This is actually [statutorily] incorrect, illegal and unconstitutional. There is absolutely NO authority for ANY state to impose this on anyone.
🤔... And it would probably surprise people to know that there actually IS a [federal] statute of limitation (binding on ALL states, territories, possessions, etc.), although if not read properly (and apparently NOBODY has), you WILL miss it 👀. I've read PAST it for the past 15 years 😩! So, to bring it front and center, I am filing a MAJOR federal lawsuit in the next couple of days here in California. I'm confident this will 'straighten things out' and bring these 'parasites' under control ['government' accountability]. The devil (as they say) is TRULY in the details 🧐! If you are someone who has had the 'boot of government on your neck' after your child(ren) turned 18 (since 2008 in my case), then I hope to bring clarity and RELIEF with a WIN in court; whether that happens in District Court, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals or the U.S. Supreme Court! 😉
Did you file?
Sorry... I forgot to post this. 😊
Ronald Henry v. Contra Costa County Dept. of Child Support Services
@@rondacusHe LOST that case though.
@@rondacusHold up, is this your case? You owe $90,000???? “Plaintiff's motion for recusal is DENIED.”
unlawful debt is null and void.........
@strnglhld pay your taxes so everyone that goes without can rely on supporters like you to help out.. work extra so you can pay a little extra.
What happens if child support is in arrears from over 20 years ago, the child is now in their 30ties and the receiving parent has passed away? This is the situation for someone I know personally. Thank you so much!
Right,, but at anytime during the pregnancy, the mother could have gotten an abortion for any reason whatsoever, with the father having no say WHATSOEVER. Even if the father wanted the child, wanted to be a great dad, It wouldn't matter. This is wrong. AS LONG AS A MOTHER CAN ABORT FR ANY REASON WATSOEVER WHERE THE FATHER HAS NO RIGHTS, THEN THERE CAN BE NO SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AGAINST HIM AS NON CUSTODIAL PARENT. YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS, YOU WANT ABORTION FOR ANY RESON LEGAL? OK, THEN RESCIND CHILD SUPPORT LAWS. THE FATHER MUST HAVE SOME EQUAL RIGHTS DURING THE PREGNANCY, OF SUPPORT IF ON ITS FACE UNFAIR TO ONE PARTY.
When we divorced, we agreed to use the child support calculation government website ourselves. We didn't have the judge assign a specific dollar amount to our child support order.
So I can't get to the child support office to go after him for the child support arrears, I would have to sue him for them....
Is there a statute of limitations on THAT?
Case law prove child support is illegal.the court is a corporation not a government.thr get interest from child support court clerk get money and the sheriff get money also if the man is arrested.the corporation you work for is owned by Pope Francis and the British government.
That means it a foreign corporation.you being a lawyer for the foreign corporation have to have a foreign registration statement.if you don't have registration statement, foreign certificate of participation and anti bribery statement you cannot act as a foreign agent.not having those statements is a ten thousand dollars fine and five years in prison.that goes for the judges also.
You are a criminal just like other criminals.
Quit the mental gymnastics and take some responsibility, pay your damn child support or hey what about actually supporting your child?
@Ramsey Doon Yeah, responsible for paying a corrupt system that takes 66.6 of every dollar you give to the other parent, gtfoh, you don't owe these fraudsters which had ypu hoodwinked for a long time, now debate me on this subject, I'll come with facts, maybe you'll come with feelings, not a fair fight
@@Sight2Behold be a man and a father instead of being whiner and a coward. Take responsibility for your actions by stepping up to the plate and being a parent to the child you're so eager to abandon. It's mind-boggling, the fact that you're trying to explain why there's no reason for you to be in any way responsible for the life you brought into this world. It's absolutely wild. Do you hear yourself? You should be embarrassed and ashamed. Quit complaining, you're not the victim here.
When does the interest in the child support arrears stop accumulating ???
I had a judge try that on me. I asked them if the courts were the IRS. Then I said a few years ago you guys owed me 2800 bucks where was my interest? He instantly removed it.
Interest stops accruing on child support arrears once the arrears are paid in full.
@@lassencountydepartmentofch8498 I never paid interest. And I was in the arrears from the loss of a job. So the judge said the amount AND with interest and amount is.... I said a few years ago you owed me 2800 for over payment. Where is my interest, you guys think you are the IRS. He removed it instantly.
@@lassencountydepartmentofch8498 thanks
Thank you. There is is a Statue of Limitations for Los Angeles County.
You should speak to the Family Law Facilitator in your county or an attorney to discuss your options.
DCSS can take payments on child support arrears. Often on old child support cases, DCSS gets a liquidation on arrears order (basically an order to pay something toward the arrears). We try to get the order so that it covers the monthly interest and some principal. Just because we get a liquidation order doesn't mean we won't take more money as we find it. We will still levy bank accounts, intercept tax returns, report to the credit bureaus, and take other enforcement action. But, if the liquidation order is being paid, we will not file contempt charges for failure to pay child support arrears.
If some of the arrears are owed to the State (because the other party was aided at some point while child support was owed), you may be eligible for the debt reduction program through DCSS. This is a program where your arrears owed to the State can be reduced based on the amount of money DCSS believes you can pay. We have a method for figuring this out. The local child support agency enforcing your child support case can explain the program to you, let you know if any of your arrears are owed to the State, let you know if you are eligible for the program, and get you the forms you need to fill out to apply for the program.
You’re a sorry ass individual
There IS a statute of limitation. The problem is, NOBODY seems to have noticed it. Look for my comment to the video for the details.
Hello, I've been trying to collect child support for over 20 years. Can I please have some orientation in possibly collect over $30,000 in arrears?
child support award approx 1976. never paid
what to do the child is 51 years old.
I see CA legal/lawyer sites that say statute of limitations is 3 years. Where might that be coming from?
I have no idea because it's wrong as to collecting child support arrears in California. We cite the law so that you can go read it for yourself. A lot of "sources" on the internet don't cite the law, which means you cannot go verify for yourself.
This is not to suggest that one should delay in collecting or trying to collect California child support arrears though.
In California the state constitution article 1 section 3 states you can demand their Oath and Bond and seek to find the indemnification clause in their insurance policy and see what the Principe or the person is liable for when practicing law with you. If they are found infringing upon your civil rights, you can proceed in a court of law for remedy. California Civil Procedure section 412.20(6) and invoke the Tom Bane Act.
@@dianetigert1310 The law as it is written already gives remedy. Apparently, NO ONE has noticed it; or maybe it'd be bad for [their] business if they did. 🤔
the law is written...title 28 U.S. Code § 607 - Practice of law prohibited
An officer or employee of the Administrative Office shall not engage directly or indirectly in the practice of law in any court of the United States.
hope this helps
@@dianetigert1310 Good luck trying to enforce that. I don't think this is something I would argue as I haven't seen an instance where this approach worked for anyone. Maybe it has but I just haven't seen it.
it should be mentioned that social security payments are docked for past child support and also if the children are in foster care the foster care psyments are entered into the past due child support paymenys. thus deadbeat parents are never going to get out of paying even if they move out of california or are receiving ssi or social security retirement. i have a freind who never paid child support and when he started social security he only received about $200 a month.
Do you know the statute of limitations in new York?
Unfortunately, we don't.
Did this law of collecting change I seen something on this topic
Did the law change since when? I'm sure it changed at some point. However, this has been the law in California regarding collecting child support arrears, the entire time I've been practicing law.
It is not LAW!! It is Administrative polices
I haven't been able to access my child support for almost a year. .I have called to get help with this to no avail. I then opted out of electronic payments and back to checks but they still have not paid me the money from the last year. They have only sent me the current collections. What can I do to access this money from them?
Unfortunately, you need to contact the child support agency that is enforcing your case.
you can file with the court and request discover through proper procedures of the court. DCSS can be named as a defendant in a court of law if they are not performing to the promises they entered into through a contract with you..
How to contact you , I have back childsupport ,I got a divorce in 1982, have two cases againts him on him for him to pay, ,pays few months and stopes, I can collect that money that he never paid me and left his two boys hungry ,and I was runing between jobs to try to survive and taking care of them, please need to contact an atorney to collect that money with interest.
Contact the Department of Child Support Services in your county. They can help you. They have collection methods available to them that private attorneys don't (things like tax return intercepts and taking drivers licenses).
In my case, paying both the State of Texas and State of New York. for the last 30 years for kidnapped and dead children. The States collect money but the money goes missing and one State collectes the Stimulus money and keeps it for themself and does not tell the other State. 76 years old dying and wnat to fight back. Owe NY $53,200; Owe Texas $7,500. Criminal Rico.
Texas Attorney General Paxton has been voted to be impeached and faces a hearing. Paxton was the head of child support. Paxton was investing in Uber after generating unpayable arrears. Paxton went for SSI in child support cases. Paxton and other bad actors such as the witch in this video need a fair trial for treason. A commercial organization building strategies to mentally and financially break men. The AG office and United States Department of Health and Human Services in on the extortion. These entities care about reimbursements and tax money not the children. Fiat Dollar. Domestic Relations Law from the seventies removing men from children for more equitable processes. These bad actors push for Hypergamy. Fathers turned from dad to uncle status so baby momma can buy her new man couple massages. The alpha generation is the smallest generation in recorded history for the United States. Wonder how come?
Hang in there, Gary. I am filing a federal lawsuit here in California this week addressing what is happening to you, me and hundreds of thousands (if not MILLIONS) of FORMER so-called child support 'obligors'. It's way past time to put these agencies in their place, restore ORDER and accountability and put an absolute END to this oppressive boot on-the-neck tyranny! Stay tuned, brother. 😉
@@rondacus And you lost the case. Lol
piss be upon you.......may you go in peace with piss be upon you
I'm in Colorado can I file something to get my back owed child support paid in full??
Your local child support agency should be able to help you.
Get to work hoe
@@SuckafreeSimpin your mom is a hoe
@@CODE6CHARLES818so is your mom why are you so dumb
My ex took of to Mexico so didn't have to pay child support. Now is back to collect Soc. Sec and Pension where can I get the forms to start garnishing. Thank
We highly recommend going to your local Department of Child Support Services. They will not represent you and they will be slower than a private attorney will be but they will do it for free, they will keep track of the accounting (though you should keep an eye on it too because it's always a good idea to double check your own case), and they have collection mechanisms that you and private attorneys do not have.
when a lawyer represents a case they become the employee hired by the employer.....they represent the best interest of the moving party as an officer of the court. Title 18 usc 1001
Females select genetics and males broadcast genetics. These processes are our biological adaptations for procreation. Select good genetics before spreading your legs. Nobody owes you anything. Child Support offices are commercial organizations look at their website. Dot org not not gov. These commercial organizations are a business for reimbursements and tax money. Go read Plato’s allegory of the cave. You type of people have been causing the fatherless crisis. Chasing down men over a human construct. The Nazis also misused language to create confirmation bias over the youth. Nazis turned women into incubators and men into expendable unit, and they too started facing a population collapse, so they attacked Russia. The alpha generation is the smallest generation in recorded history for the United States
Sad state of affairs
I might as well give up my ex owes 90,000 and it's still climbing I already know he's not going to pay that
you should have allowed your X 50/50 custody instead of denying the other party all parental rights. Only when one party takes any welfare does the Title D-4 child support agency care.
@JimM-f7d don't judge if u don't have all the facts, for one I'm not on welfare and two his over nights were taking, then he was given supervised visits and that was terminated. He doesn't want these kids but he has a duty to support our kids just like I do.. so now he has nothing not even a phone call... Me and the kids are domestic abuse survivors..
@@shellycjnmarkell You said he owes $90,000 and nothing is happening because the child support agency does not care. I experienced domestic abuse and is irrelevant in child support, but custody court is too expensive.
@JimM-f7d he does owe ,he was supposed to pay 2300 a month for 4 kids. He quits every time an income withholding is put in place. I can go on and on
what do I have to do and who do I need to talk to. Do I need to go to the child support office? where can I get the forms to start doing this. lawyers are too expensive for me...Can I do this myself? Thank You!
People can always represent themselves in family law matters. Of course, they are better off hiring an attorney because attorneys can give them legal advice and know the law. The Department of Child Support Services has collection mechanisms available to them that private attorneys do not (like being able to take driver's licenses, hunting and fishing licenses, professional licenses, intercepting tax returns, turning people in to have passports revoked or denied), they will keep track of the accounting and take care of most the foot work. Having said they, they do not represent either party and they only collect child support (or child support and spousal support while current child support is being collected).
isn't true and correct lawyers have no power to invoke the court in summary jurisdiction whether in oral or briefs? Only a competent witness who signs under penalty of perjury can empower the judge to compel the other party to do something. If the SSDCS can not represent a party, then who are they representing in a court of law? Title 28 usc 607
@@dianetigert1310 I have no idea what you are asking.
DCSS represents the public interest (the government) and does not represent Mother or Father in a child support case.
@Lassen County Department of Child Support Services
the government is not the public, nor their interest...the government is private and the public is not privy to their business. Child Support is Governed by the Director appointed by County Board of Supervisors who control the lawyers like the CEO of the Court does with the Judges. They appoint their administrative business to a registered attorney of record. And they label the parties as custodial and non-custodial parties. But what really rises to ask.....if you don't understand, why respond? I did state title 28 usc 607 and you made no mention to reflect that matter?????????????? that interesting to me.
I'm in NYC...I have arrears as well. What can I do? Please help? Thank you.
Different states have different Statutes of Limitations on collecting arrears. If your arrears are owed in California, contact that Family Law Facilitator in the county in which your arrears are owed for help.
Here's what you do to get rid of arrears...watch Rick W child support on youtube, he has thousands of videos, including what to do about arrears, good luck
@@Sight2Behold thank you
the U.S. constitution is nation wide and has authority over every state according to their labor practices.
ABA rules delegates the conduct of attorney's. ABA rule 8.4 attorney misconduct.
That’s what you get loser
Click bait is unethical.
Question, are BAR attorneys Honest people? Revelation 21:8 kjv But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.....
Sad to see so many dead beats in your comment section trying to get out of paying support and arrears.
Stop begging get s job. You loser.
@@eman3414you don't have a clue what's going on
I bet u r on public aid
I don't have a clue I've been involved in it over 30 years
The person that does not have a clue is you!!
Is there not enough homeless people for you to get a clue
You must b on vacation un your mind...no such thing as child support sage v u.s. lol