As much as DRK was seen as one of the worst jobs to unlock, what with the "Defeat 100 mobs with the Chaosbringer equipped" requirement, it was a job that had a lasting impression on me. I loved how offensive it seemed, combining brutal physical attacks with a slew of dark magic that were unique to it. I also loved how it was one of the only jobs that seemed to tie with the main story thanks to Zeid being the one providing the quest to unlock the job. During the AF quests he would drop comments about the Mothercrystals and Crags that tied to the RoZ lore. I always found that so fascinating, and it gave the job an extra layer that made it feel like you were involved in the grand scheme of events facing Vana'diel by simply being a DRK. Also, I always loved how, for a job whose lore involved walking away from the path of a WAR in pursuit of ultimate power, essentially tossing aside protecting others in your pursuit of strength, you were constantly reminded to think of your comrades. I can't think of a better example than when you finally unlocked the DRK's relic, Apocalypse. The NPC who wielded the relic weapon before you makes it a point to remind you to never forget how much your comrades sacrificed to help you unlock this power. For a job whose lore can easily be portrayed as selfish, it always stuck with me how obtaining the power of a DRK kept being tied to using that power responsibly and not for personal gain. Easily my favorite job in FFXI.
As an old school paladin one of my best friends in game was a DRK. We both started as warriors and just gravitated to our specializations, we hung out with the same Samurai and Red Mage and started a ls together
Paradox is a career DRK on Lakshmi. DRK tanking Tiamat at 75 and other end game mobs was so glorious when you can spam sleep 1/2, bind, stun, to hold hate better than any PLD tank ever can. 5 minutes in, BLMs can empty their mana pools with impunity and it will never even turn. SnD endgame fights will be burned into my memory forever!
I have so much love and respect for you and your channel for pulling out these videos in 2021. I'm always excited to watch and listen! Please never stop.
Been waiting for this video! Dark Knight being included in the base game is what sold me on FFXI. I recently started playing again thanks to your videos.
I used to study this guide religiously in high school. I could only play the game on weekends in early hs years, and I would take this book with me to school and comb through it every chance I got just planning for when I could jump back onto the game.
I’ve been at this game 15 years now and I would argue it’s the most fun now than I’ve ever before. You can make very “tangible” achievements fast compared to the old 75 days. Give it a try, build back the community! Great video!!!
G.axe 🪓 dark was phenomenal! I was one of the lucky drks that got to exploit it, and i remember blowing the minds of many whom i partied with. I remember doing 300 dmg sturmwinds in yuhtungha in the mid lvl 20s, while the rest of dd's could barely break 100 dmg in their ws. This carries on for awhile, i broke 550 in garliage citadel, and my record was 880 in crawler's nest. Great axe drk starts to fade away somewhere around lvl 54. I imagine you could probably ride it til lvl 60 when you gain access to guillotine on scythe, but the disparity in skill level between scythe and g.axe becomes more apparent and you're pretty much forced to switch weapon. One of the reasons g.axe was OP in the earlier levels is because of drk native attack power, so you dont need to sub war to boost it further. Instead you can explore other sub job choices like rng, which is ideal from lvl 1-30. They also gain access to the various breaks g.axe ws provide, which are very potent debuffs like defense down and evasion down. Great axe dark made for some of the greatest fun i ever had in this game.. the style of game play has changed and the game has evolved forever. But if you sit very quietly, it is said that the legend of xavian the g.axe dark knight, can still be heard ravaging everything in his path in the lands of yuhtungha jungle.
I use to die instantly when they put me in to Sneak Attack, Last Resort, Souleater, Steel Cyclone with great axe on Tiamat for 2900 damage and run to the front so it doesn't flail...sometimes.
As a first-job DRK leveling back in 2005, THF was a common sub job for me between 30-60! Maybe I was doing it wrong but back then often the emphasis was on a single skillchain to end the battle with the BLM burst, and SA+some Greatsword WS was pretty strong in lieu of having a THF in the party. THF was my first job to 30 though so I did have a bias towards it over boring old /war, but yeah drk/war was always risky at any level. Sometimes doing a little less damage but having it be more controlled and focused was better, that's what I liked about FFXI. That delicate balance of all 6 jobs working in unison together. Of course, with a THF in the party doing SATA, oh hells yeah DRK/war lets go.
I remember once during a SATA Skillchain setup my tank buddy from my LS trolled me hard and moved right before I landed a SATA+Souleater+Last Resort Spinning Slash. The mob turned around and instantly one shotted me LOL 🤣😥
I remember being a freshman in highschool and going over what class two friends and I would be unlocking, I went for RNG and it was it did end up being my first 75. Great nostalgia.
My hero brother! FFXI is permanently a part of my DNA. I was there for it ALLLLL! Fenrir server. What I would give to go back in time and re-live it all again. Please dont stop producing ffxi content.
Been watching your Brady Games videos, I do have this book somewhere in my house but never had the opportunity to play the game more than one summer back in 2006 I think. Thanks for this, I wish I had your experience with ffxi. Thank you for this.
Here is something I did when the brady guide was considered relevant. DRK/RDM. This can work into the early 50's if you don't trust you're going to get party members who don't know how to enfeeble and honestly was the best subjob until at least 30 for the era as you get beserk from warrior or Sneak Attack from THF in which case either of these will quickly out damage /RDM assuming you're landing hits consistently at those levels and in that era. With this set up you basically can keep Paralyze and Dia up yourself. Abs-MND helps with helping land enfeebles. Aspir, as long as your enemy has MP, helps off-set the MP cost. Then use the great axe for Shield-break to lower down the enemy evasion. Of course as stated earlier though at around 30 /WAR or /THF replaces this due to Berserk and Sneak Attack. This (/rdm) starts to get weaker as you get higher up in level as the additional effects are prone to resist but isn't impossible to land. At level 50 though I feel that the enemies get too strong and scythe starts to edge out in damage that the pure damage just 100% takes over. This is also due to the fact that the amount of skill gained per level widens considerably around this point as well. The general stragety though would be to throw dia onto the mob and then spem shield-break to lower the monster's evasion so that your party members can instead eat ATK+ boosting food which in turn will do more damage. If you want to help your Primary tank, cast Paralyze, Blind. Stack up MND for Paralyze and stack up INT for Blind. This over all helps your back-line with MP management because they don't have to worry about wasting MP on those spells and you have Aspir to recover MP at level 20. The weaknesses of this stragety is fighting dark based monsters or undead as they generally will resist enfeebles and aspir (dark based magic in general). Another weakness is that the entire stragety assumes you have all the required skills leveled up. That would be Great axe, dark-magic, and enfeebling magic. The last issue with this build (and probably why many didn't do it) is that this takes into account that in order to get the most out of it, you'd need different sets (really rings and back pecie mostly). As for DRK not being able to tank. Their defense is the same as warrior. The problem is that they have nothing to enchance their defense and all their JA's take away from it. But a smart-dark knew to only have these abilities up for weapon skills and using Soul eatter was a death scentence unless you had a really (really) good tank and healer that were ready for it.
Chasyms Dark knight tales song is what actually got me wanting to play this job, it was hilarious and fit the job so well, I ended up doing the quest and sadly never really touching the job as BLM took over my life, tempted to give it another shot on private. I also had no idea about brady games guide back then and finally understand the "Probably gathered their info from that brady guide book." makes it all the better. My husband mained DRK and to this day its still his favorite job and its funny we actually play DRK and PLD duo.
As a former Mithra DRK, the best use of DRKs was to multi-hit zerg things. Basically, get a multi-hit weapon, hit every DD ability (Last Resort, Souleater, Berserk, etc.) get all the Haste in the world, and hit Blood Weapon. 1 DRK with a Kraken Club could wreck almost anything back in the 75 cap day, multiple could really destroy things.
I think most drks once they hit 60.. immediately put on the AF helm then Souleater + Berserk + Last Resort + Guillotine, did some nasty 1k+ dmg and died lol. I know I did, and it was in Valley of Sorrows on a Peryton, 1,395 dmg.
I’ve just levelled dark knight and got my 75 Apocalypse….did the first moogle trial last night. It’s a refreshing change from Whm :) oh and I’m a Tarutaru!
RDM/DRK was the first time DRK as a sub really started to shine. It actually provided an undeniable benefit that no other job could provide in the 75 era with access to Stun. For those who did Dynamis Xarcabard successfully, I think we all remember Chainspell > Stun strats.
I have my theory that the DRK quest to kill 100 mobs with a great sword, reflex the old manga/anime Berserk. The main character "Guts" uses his giant great sword to kill 100 Men by himself. Giving him the notorious nick name, "The Hundred Man Slayer" Manga and Anmie both preceded FFXI.
Nothing beats the moment you get Guillotine and can finally use your highest skill weapon for the rest of the game. Maximizing DRK while leveling was using Great Axe until 55 then using Axe until 60. Berserk + Last Resort + Souleater + Guillotine would almost 1 shot Colibris at 60. It was magical.
Just unlocked and leveled the sword for the first time. Then I went through the effort to do the quest for the level 5 sword. I was level 7 DRK before the I had completed the 100 kills for the second quest. Ended up just putting it on the AH.
I remember sub Thief was expected pretty much from level 30 onwards for Sneak Attack weapon skills. I tried a few times to do sub Warrior, but it never flew well.
I recall, when my LS took me to Castle Zvahl at lvl50 Paladin, to get my Gallant Surcoat. I was tailing behind their Dark Knight and felt safe in their capable lvl75 hands. We drop down one of those circular shafts that brings players to the lower levels and the lvl 71~73 demon at the bottom starts attacking us. The Dark Knight's HP begins dropping and he actually has to turn, leaving my lvl50 PLD-behind to TANK a 20+ lvl enemy... _(survived, with Invincible)_ That was the day I decided, to *never level Dark Knight.* 😐
You know recently I came across an ability in Phantasy Star Online 2 that would have worked great with Dark Knight. In which the job class can use their magical attack stat for their physical attacks. With Dark knights, it would have allowed them to keep their magical attack as high as their physical during leveling process and Beyond. And obviously would have made casting way more relevant with the job.
The only time I remember Subbing DRK was the 75 era and you needed stun on rdm. Chainspell stun was a thing to stop 2 hours and lets just say you were probably dead from all the hate afterwards.
Man. Popping Berserk, Soul Eater, Last Resort, and Blood Weapon all at once was such a rush. Funny thing was even if you lived after pulling all that hate off the mob your healers would then hate you for eating up all their MP just to heal you after LOL 🤣
Anyone know if the FFxi Eden server is good for solo play. As for Drk sub /sam (hasso+LR) for high constant damage, /thf for spike Sa/Ta skillchain onto the Tank.
Didn't play much on drk myself but my brother and several friends were amazing with the job. Long before we broke the 75 cap during merit parties drk was one of 3 jobs that ever came close to doing the damage my lil thf did. I slways new I had to be on my game when drk drg or rng were in my merrit parties. Yes it was on colibri but as a thf those were what I was invited to lol. But seriously I have seen them outlast plds in some situations, solo some pretty nasty things when soloing was actually hard. One drk friend used to stomp me in balista when it popular on our server. A good drk can still put out damage even if the tank or healer is lazy.
PS2 with the HDD, good ol days...The only game I used it for lol. Yeah, DRK, Monk, and DRG had a "LOL" phase for some reason. People didn't like PLDs back in the day cause they had to heal them...LOL, $hit was wild back then.
I loved Dark, The butt of the joke was use a K club and blood weapon or be a stun whore. Or worse yet on HNM do NOT use soul eater due to hate management. On the other hand, I am against the grain, but a SCH/DRK is truly insane fun. AoE drain, aspir, store tp, and yes even LR SE when you self darkness skill chain with shatter soul!
Still think DRK should have gotten Rasp, drown, burn, etc. instead of nukes. Would have opened it up for tier 2 versions. Just the thought of a tarutaru drowning their foe... seems pretty dark...
Drk was my first main took me 1 year to get it to 75 took me 2 months to get thf my second main that was I remember drk zerg parties on kirin man I need to get back in the game
You can have many Absorb-stat at once, not just one, unless it was different in 75 cap? You could argue they wrote to fight casters, because: - you can aspir them to get mp - you can absrob-int to lower damage - you can stun long casting spells like Burst, so they lose a lot of time and wont do any damage to you - DRK with Last Resort has low def, so they are more vulnerable to physical damage, so its better if enemy cast instead of hitting you - you can cast drains when target casts its spells and you wont get interrupted - casters are more vulnerable to physical damage (less def and/or eva) than PLD, NIN, THF, WAR etc. - Guillotine can silence, tho I dont think it was that accurate at 75 Nothing here is huge reason to fight casters, but the amount of reasons alone can made them push that idea. Also the whole glass cannon is funny in context of current FFXI, where DRK has probably the highest survivability of all DD jobs probably. 9999HP and 7700 HP buffer for melee hits is broken and you can also use seigan+thirdeye from /sam during Last Resort, because JA haste is capped anyway. Oh and last thing, Great Axe is now great for DRK also in current FFXI at 99, because of Lycurgos. That Gaxe has amazing synergy with DRK.
When I tried out retail last year, it was so weird to see that DRK is now the top DD. One of the only jobs that got more crap than LolDRG was the emo knight
I loved Dark Knight but it ruined my FFXI time. It wasn’t popular for groups so I spent most of my time just LFG in Jeuno. I eventually hit level 60 and had a full set of AF and quit after that. It was such a long gruelling process just getting there and then having groups after that ask “why are you wearing AF? Get a Haubergeon” *group kick*
I fucking MISS this game, always took me forever to get groups so I'd always make my own and loved the finding a camp and having a puller gameplay, spent a lot of time on this game, back when the cap was 75 tho, think rise of zilart or maybe the next expansion was as far as I went before I went to wow lol not starting a war here over wats better, play wat u like, I feel it, just saying haha fucking miss this game lmao I'm told it's all power leveling and solo leveling with trusts n shit, ain't bout it
Strange... You have the two best games of all time in your intro... And im confused.... am i in the Truman show?.... how was this made exactly for me?... i am in the truman show arnt i....
It's funny to see Dark Knight go from one of the crappier jobs in FFXI to one of the biggest dicked Chad tanks in FFXIV. Really a "be careful who you call ugly in high school" situation
Love drk and always thought it got shafted from SE by giving them so much hate generation while sam can smash things and then third eye.... Or dragoon can penta thrust high numbers and just jump the hate away If you would magically take all the hate generation away from last resort and soul eater drk would be more on par with other dpses
In 04-06 all of the 2 hander's were jokes. Drg sucked, sams drks just whiffed and wars used 2 axes. Till rng nerf no one could compete with ranged attack, when i leveled drk for my rdm sub i used axes and xbow which was worlds better to 37 than anything with scythe gsword
Taking anything from the Brady games guide serious was your first mistake lol. This stat differences between races are negligible at best. MP differences were probably the only accurate difference, but DRK isn't going to be constantly casting as the guide would imply. Maybe bursting a drain spell at most to gain some temporary Max HP while dealing dmg, but mostly you're just gonna spam weaponskills asap.
It's far more casual. The game has actually improved for those that have lives to focus on. I will go further to say, there is still end game content that is very classic ffxi if that's what you are looking for as well. 14 left a bad taste in my mouth after all the tweaks that it has under gone even since its original development
The Brady guide was a Godsend in 2004... today is a good read if you are on the toilet...
Before dual monitors were common and windower existed having this book was so nice.
Pretty much.
As much as DRK was seen as one of the worst jobs to unlock, what with the "Defeat 100 mobs with the Chaosbringer equipped" requirement, it was a job that had a lasting impression on me. I loved how offensive it seemed, combining brutal physical attacks with a slew of dark magic that were unique to it. I also loved how it was one of the only jobs that seemed to tie with the main story thanks to Zeid being the one providing the quest to unlock the job. During the AF quests he would drop comments about the Mothercrystals and Crags that tied to the RoZ lore. I always found that so fascinating, and it gave the job an extra layer that made it feel like you were involved in the grand scheme of events facing Vana'diel by simply being a DRK.
Also, I always loved how, for a job whose lore involved walking away from the path of a WAR in pursuit of ultimate power, essentially tossing aside protecting others in your pursuit of strength, you were constantly reminded to think of your comrades. I can't think of a better example than when you finally unlocked the DRK's relic, Apocalypse. The NPC who wielded the relic weapon before you makes it a point to remind you to never forget how much your comrades sacrificed to help you unlock this power. For a job whose lore can easily be portrayed as selfish, it always stuck with me how obtaining the power of a DRK kept being tied to using that power responsibly and not for personal gain.
Easily my favorite job in FFXI.
100%, truly an amazing job, so deep and powerful
As an old school paladin one of my best friends in game was a DRK. We both started as warriors and just gravitated to our specializations, we hung out with the same Samurai and Red Mage and started a ls together
Paradox is a career DRK on Lakshmi. DRK tanking Tiamat at 75 and other end game mobs was so glorious when you can spam sleep 1/2, bind, stun, to hold hate better than any PLD tank ever can. 5 minutes in, BLMs can empty their mana pools with impunity and it will never even turn. SnD endgame fights will be burned into my memory forever!
I have so much love and respect for you and your channel for pulling out these videos in 2021. I'm always excited to watch and listen! Please never stop.
God I wish I had time to play this game like I used to - so glad youre keeping it alive in some small way for me! hahaha, love the vids
Thanks dude!
@@Raansu OK thanks, any good recommendations for private servers?
@@alexanderl7727 Eden is the best and most accurate to era.
@@Raansu I am currently on Eden and play is very casually. Lookup Glennleo if you ever give it a try!
Been waiting for this video! Dark Knight being included in the base game is what sold me on FFXI. I recently started playing again thanks to your videos.
Hope you’re enjoying! And ya DRK was awesome haha
Came back to game because of your channel .no regrets
I used to study this guide religiously in high school. I could only play the game on weekends in early hs years, and I would take this book with me to school and comb through it every chance I got just planning for when I could jump back onto the game.
I’ve been at this game 15 years now and I would argue it’s the most fun now than I’ve ever before. You can make very “tangible” achievements fast compared to the old 75 days. Give it a try, build back the community! Great video!!!
G.axe 🪓 dark was phenomenal! I was one of the lucky drks that got to exploit it, and i remember blowing the minds of many whom i partied with. I remember doing 300 dmg sturmwinds in yuhtungha in the mid lvl 20s, while the rest of dd's could barely break 100 dmg in their ws. This carries on for awhile, i broke 550 in garliage citadel, and my record was 880 in crawler's nest.
Great axe drk starts to fade away somewhere around lvl 54. I imagine you could probably ride it til lvl 60 when you gain access to guillotine on scythe, but the disparity in skill level between scythe and g.axe becomes more apparent and you're pretty much forced to switch weapon.
One of the reasons g.axe was OP in the earlier levels is because of drk native attack power, so you dont need to sub war to boost it further. Instead you can explore other sub job choices like rng, which is ideal from lvl 1-30. They also gain access to the various breaks g.axe ws provide, which are very potent debuffs like defense down and evasion down.
Great axe dark made for some of the greatest fun i ever had in this game.. the style of game play has changed and the game has evolved forever. But if you sit very quietly, it is said that the legend of xavian the g.axe dark knight, can still be heard ravaging everything in his path in the lands of yuhtungha jungle.
I use to die instantly when they put me in to Sneak Attack, Last Resort, Souleater, Steel Cyclone with great axe on Tiamat for 2900 damage and run to the front so it doesn't flail...sometimes.
As a first-job DRK leveling back in 2005, THF was a common sub job for me between 30-60!
Maybe I was doing it wrong but back then often the emphasis was on a single skillchain to end the battle with the BLM burst, and SA+some Greatsword WS was pretty strong in lieu of having a THF in the party. THF was my first job to 30 though so I did have a bias towards it over boring old /war, but yeah drk/war was always risky at any level. Sometimes doing a little less damage but having it be more controlled and focused was better, that's what I liked about FFXI. That delicate balance of all 6 jobs working in unison together.
Of course, with a THF in the party doing SATA, oh hells yeah DRK/war lets go.
I remember once during a SATA Skillchain setup my tank buddy from my LS trolled me hard and moved right before I landed a SATA+Souleater+Last Resort Spinning Slash. The mob turned around and instantly one shotted me LOL 🤣😥
Playing on Wings server rn, trying to work my way up to 30 for dancer haha... never got this far back in the day but im loving it!
Enjoy the ride!
DRK Macros - Papa Roach "Cut my life into pieces! This is my..."
I totally used that to be funny. I knew it was awful.
only reason I leveled it in the first place was for that macro
@@TLShaw Mine was actually "Cut my arm into pieces! My emo !"
Sub DRK was mandatory for red mage. Chainspell Stun
Primary strategy for dynamis king
a dark knight walks into a bar, and misses
I remember being a freshman in highschool and going over what class two friends and I would be unlocking, I went for RNG and it was it did end up being my first 75. Great nostalgia.
I like that the picture of the Elvaan DRK is where the blurb for the Galka is, and vice versa.
Haha ya something weird there
@@Huntin4GamesChannel Also looks like they are both equipped with Halberds?
My hero brother! FFXI is permanently a part of my DNA. I was there for it ALLLLL! Fenrir server. What I would give to go back in time and re-live it all again. Please dont stop producing ffxi content.
Been watching your Brady Games videos, I do have this book somewhere in my house but never had the opportunity to play the game more than one summer back in 2006 I think. Thanks for this, I wish I had your experience with ffxi. Thank you for this.
Here is something I did when the brady guide was considered relevant. DRK/RDM. This can work into the early 50's if you don't trust you're going to get party members who don't know how to enfeeble and honestly was the best subjob until at least 30 for the era as you get beserk from warrior or Sneak Attack from THF in which case either of these will quickly out damage /RDM assuming you're landing hits consistently at those levels and in that era.
With this set up you basically can keep Paralyze and Dia up yourself. Abs-MND helps with helping land enfeebles. Aspir, as long as your enemy has MP, helps off-set the MP cost. Then use the great axe for Shield-break to lower down the enemy evasion. Of course as stated earlier though at around 30 /WAR or /THF replaces this due to Berserk and Sneak Attack. This (/rdm) starts to get weaker as you get higher up in level as the additional effects are prone to resist but isn't impossible to land. At level 50 though I feel that the enemies get too strong and scythe starts to edge out in damage that the pure damage just 100% takes over. This is also due to the fact that the amount of skill gained per level widens considerably around this point as well.
The general stragety though would be to throw dia onto the mob and then spem shield-break to lower the monster's evasion so that your party members can instead eat ATK+ boosting food which in turn will do more damage. If you want to help your Primary tank, cast Paralyze, Blind. Stack up MND for Paralyze and stack up INT for Blind. This over all helps your back-line with MP management because they don't have to worry about wasting MP on those spells and you have Aspir to recover MP at level 20.
The weaknesses of this stragety is fighting dark based monsters or undead as they generally will resist enfeebles and aspir (dark based magic in general). Another weakness is that the entire stragety assumes you have all the required skills leveled up. That would be Great axe, dark-magic, and enfeebling magic. The last issue with this build (and probably why many didn't do it) is that this takes into account that in order to get the most out of it, you'd need different sets (really rings and back pecie mostly).
As for DRK not being able to tank. Their defense is the same as warrior. The problem is that they have nothing to enchance their defense and all their JA's take away from it. But a smart-dark knew to only have these abilities up for weapon skills and using Soul eatter was a death scentence unless you had a really (really) good tank and healer that were ready for it.
Chasyms Dark knight tales song is what actually got me wanting to play this job, it was hilarious and fit the job so well, I ended up doing the quest and sadly never really touching the job as BLM took over my life, tempted to give it another shot on private.
I also had no idea about brady games guide back then and finally understand the "Probably gathered their info from that brady guide book." makes it all the better.
My husband mained DRK and to this day its still his favorite job and its funny we actually play DRK and PLD duo.
Man, Drk/War landing those 96% Max HP 8 hit Guillotine were disgusting in so many ways.
Dirty damage haha
As a former Mithra DRK, the best use of DRKs was to multi-hit zerg things. Basically, get a multi-hit weapon, hit every DD ability (Last Resort, Souleater, Berserk, etc.) get all the Haste in the world, and hit Blood Weapon. 1 DRK with a Kraken Club could wreck almost anything back in the 75 cap day, multiple could really destroy things.
I think most drks once they hit 60.. immediately put on the AF helm then Souleater + Berserk + Last Resort + Guillotine, did some nasty 1k+ dmg and died lol. I know I did, and it was in Valley of Sorrows on a Peryton, 1,395 dmg.
Yup. But low level DRKs with BLM stats maxed could do nice damage with auto atk plus blm cast
I remember using SE+rampage on birds and getting my face eaten
I love this intro - miss that PS2 so much.
My first main was DRK and yes we were all about pain 😆😵💫
The pain is everlasting haha
I’ve just levelled dark knight and got my 75 Apocalypse….did the first moogle trial last night. It’s a refreshing change from Whm :) oh and I’m a Tarutaru!
Oh man, I remember that job quest. Took forever. I think the requirement was 100 enemies but felt like at least twice that.
RDM/DRK was the first time DRK as a sub really started to shine. It actually provided an undeniable benefit that no other job could provide in the 75 era with access to Stun. For those who did Dynamis Xarcabard successfully, I think we all remember Chainspell > Stun strats.
“Haha dang i died again, but that damage though”
the thing about mithra as a drk choise really came down to its DEX bonus
I had the brady games guide!
DRK/SAM spamming Guillotine was pretty freakin terrifying.
I have my theory that the DRK quest to kill 100 mobs with a great sword, reflex the old manga/anime Berserk. The main character "Guts" uses his giant great sword to kill 100 Men by himself. Giving him the notorious nick name, "The Hundred Man Slayer" Manga and Anmie both preceded FFXI.
Drk was a good sub for rdm. Drk gets stun at 37 so rdm/drk could chain spell stun.
Nothing beats the moment you get Guillotine and can finally use your highest skill weapon for the rest of the game. Maximizing DRK while leveling was using Great Axe until 55 then using Axe until 60. Berserk + Last Resort + Souleater + Guillotine would almost 1 shot Colibris at 60. It was magical.
Just unlocked and leveled the sword for the first time. Then I went through the effort to do the quest for the level 5 sword. I was level 7 DRK before the I had completed the 100 kills for the second quest. Ended up just putting it on the AH.
Been playing DRK/RDM Galka for about 15 years lol, super versatile and powerful. The only weakness is Undead opponents.
I remember sub Thief was expected pretty much from level 30 onwards for Sneak Attack weapon skills. I tried a few times to do sub Warrior, but it never flew well.
I remember having this guide! The amount of hours I spent lost in this game
I recall, when my LS took me to Castle Zvahl at lvl50 Paladin, to get my Gallant Surcoat. I was tailing behind their Dark Knight and felt safe in their capable lvl75 hands. We drop down one of those circular shafts that brings players to the lower levels and the lvl 71~73 demon at the bottom starts attacking us. The Dark Knight's HP begins dropping and he actually has to turn, leaving my lvl50 PLD-behind to TANK a 20+ lvl enemy... _(survived, with Invincible)_ That was the day I decided, to *never level Dark Knight.* 😐
I remember some old parties based on DRKx4,WHM or RDM x2. Real pain to be WHM there but nice exp xD
the macros they suggest: "The pain is glorious!"
I know it is an rpg and some flavour is good but ...
Man I wish 5:25 was the actual Soul Eater sound effect.
You know recently I came across an ability in Phantasy Star Online 2 that would have worked great with Dark Knight. In which the job class can use their magical attack stat for their physical attacks. With Dark knights, it would have allowed them to keep their magical attack as high as their physical during leveling process and Beyond. And obviously would have made casting way more relevant with the job.
I took my DRK to 68 for my Octave Club.
Fun times.
(Quit playing shortly after because all the nerfs)
Rdm/nin with Joyeuse and Oclub was fun also.
RDM/nin with Crocea Mors and Temper II is insane. Enspell damage doing over 1k per hit (2k per attack round).
Sweet, that must be the new stuff (I quit playing shortly after Kclub became rare/ex drop)
My old EN spells used to do like 15 damage 🤣
I remember having two 30 drk/thf doing sneak attack slice.. Crazy dmg
2 Elvaan Dark Knights walk into a bar, and miss.
Dark knights love sand
My favorite game of all time, played it for over 10+ years until they got rid of it for ps2.
The only time I remember Subbing DRK was the 75 era and you needed stun on rdm.
Chainspell stun was a thing to stop 2 hours and lets just say you were probably dead from all the hate afterwards.
Man. Popping Berserk, Soul Eater, Last Resort, and Blood Weapon all at once was such a rush. Funny thing was even if you lived after pulling all that hate off the mob your healers would then hate you for eating up all their MP just to heal you after LOL 🤣
Guillotine I think was the multi hit Scythe skill!
Anyone know if the FFxi Eden server is good for solo play. As for Drk sub /sam (hasso+LR) for high constant damage, /thf for spike Sa/Ta skillchain onto the Tank.
Didn't play much on drk myself but my brother and several friends were amazing with the job. Long before we broke the 75 cap during merit parties drk was one of 3 jobs that ever came close to doing the damage my lil thf did. I slways new I had to be on my game when drk drg or rng were in my merrit parties. Yes it was on colibri but as a thf those were what I was invited to lol. But seriously I have seen them outlast plds in some situations, solo some pretty nasty things when soloing was actually hard. One drk friend used to stomp me in balista when it popular on our server. A good drk can still put out damage even if the tank or healer is lazy.
PS2 with the HDD, good ol days...The only game I used it for lol.
Yeah, DRK, Monk, and DRG had a "LOL" phase for some reason.
People didn't like PLDs back in the day cause they had to heal them...LOL, $hit was wild back then.
I loved Dark, The butt of the joke was use a K club and blood weapon or be a stun whore. Or worse yet on HNM do NOT use soul eater due to hate management. On the other hand, I am against the grain, but a SCH/DRK is truly insane fun. AoE drain, aspir, store tp, and yes even LR SE when you self darkness skill chain with shatter soul!
that quest was a starting into to the hellish grind that is xi lol
Still think DRK should have gotten Rasp, drown, burn, etc. instead of nukes. Would have opened it up for tier 2 versions. Just the thought of a tarutaru drowning their foe... seems pretty dark...
Drk was my first main took me 1 year to get it to 75 took me 2 months to get thf my second main that was I remember drk zerg parties on kirin man I need to get back in the game
How stealthy is a mithra drk?
The Brady guide made me believe MNK/WHM was a great idea. It took me until the Yuhtunga Jungle before I was convinced otherwise.
great stuff
It's fine everybody the dark knight is here now
can you still play this on ps2?
Wait, there still servers for ps2?
Negative ghost rider
You can have many Absorb-stat at once, not just one, unless it was different in 75 cap?
You could argue they wrote to fight casters, because:
- you can aspir them to get mp
- you can absrob-int to lower damage
- you can stun long casting spells like Burst, so they lose a lot of time and wont do any damage to you
- DRK with Last Resort has low def, so they are more vulnerable to physical damage, so its better if enemy cast instead of hitting you
- you can cast drains when target casts its spells and you wont get interrupted
- casters are more vulnerable to physical damage (less def and/or eva) than PLD, NIN, THF, WAR etc.
- Guillotine can silence, tho I dont think it was that accurate at 75
Nothing here is huge reason to fight casters, but the amount of reasons alone can made them push that idea.
Also the whole glass cannon is funny in context of current FFXI, where DRK has probably the highest survivability of all DD jobs probably. 9999HP and 7700 HP buffer for melee hits is broken and you can also use seigan+thirdeye from /sam during Last Resort, because JA haste is capped anyway.
Oh and last thing, Great Axe is now great for DRK also in current FFXI at 99, because of Lycurgos. That Gaxe has amazing synergy with DRK.
The ws you forgot was guillotine
When I tried out retail last year, it was so weird to see that DRK is now the top DD. One of the only jobs that got more crap than LolDRG was the emo knight
That WS you cant remember is Guillotine! I think one of the biggest busts on DRK was because of it's poor ACC.
Ah yes. The good old wiff fests.
I loved Dark Knight but it ruined my FFXI time. It wasn’t popular for groups so I spent most of my time just LFG in Jeuno. I eventually hit level 60 and had a full set of AF and quit after that. It was such a long gruelling process just getting there and then having groups after that ask “why are you wearing AF? Get a Haubergeon” *group kick*
Love to see my favorite job gettin' love
lolwut? since when does stun steal hate? I've never had that problem and I've always played drk as my main job.
I fucking MISS this game, always took me forever to get groups so I'd always make my own and loved the finding a camp and having a puller gameplay, spent a lot of time on this game, back when the cap was 75 tho, think rise of zilart or maybe the next expansion was as far as I went before I went to wow lol not starting a war here over wats better, play wat u like, I feel it, just saying haha fucking miss this game lmao I'm told it's all power leveling and solo leveling with trusts n shit, ain't bout it
As a 75 tarutaru dark knight on Nasomi FFXI free server, Drain is pretty good damage, but Sam and Drg are much better.
Strange... You have the two best games of all time in your intro... And im confused.... am i in the Truman show?.... how was this made exactly for me?... i am in the truman show arnt i....
I was a Mithra Dark Knight because of this guide, lmao. Ugh it was a terrible 75 job.
It's funny to see Dark Knight go from one of the crappier jobs in FFXI to one of the biggest dicked Chad tanks in FFXIV. Really a "be careful who you call ugly in high school" situation
IF you had full magic skills, full gear sets you had SOME utility
99.9% of DRKs didn't, not even in endgame
I a;ways wanted to take drk to 75. My main was rdm . Rdm/drk was evil CS Stun ftw
I got the Octave Club and went 68 DRK. That was fun
But my main was RDM and had to use the rdm/drk stun-gun a few times lol
/drk = RDM chainspell stun
I feel like they claim you're an experienced hand because you had to be 30 to unlock it?
Love drk and always thought it got shafted from SE by giving them so much hate generation while sam can smash things and then third eye....
Or dragoon can penta thrust high numbers and just jump the hate away
If you would magically take all the hate generation away from last resort and soul eater drk would be more on par with other dpses
DRK 4L!!!
Drk/Smn ftw. Just saying. >.>
The ultimate combo, can’t tell me otherwise
In 04-06 all of the 2 hander's were jokes. Drg sucked, sams drks just whiffed and wars used 2 axes.
Till rng nerf no one could compete with ranged attack, when i leveled drk for my rdm sub i used axes and xbow which was worlds better to 37 than anything with scythe gsword
No the /sam did not have seigan
Emo whiff knight
The book of lies
drg/blm super hero lol
Taking anything from the Brady games guide serious was your first mistake lol. This stat differences between races are negligible at best. MP differences were probably the only accurate difference, but DRK isn't going to be constantly casting as the guide would imply. Maybe bursting a drain spell at most to gain some temporary Max HP while dealing dmg, but mostly you're just gonna spam weaponskills asap.
I almost want to leave XIV and go back to XI. But I know it's not the same as i remember it.
It's far more casual. The game has actually improved for those that have lives to focus on. I will go further to say, there is still end game content that is very classic ffxi if that's what you are looking for as well. 14 left a bad taste in my mouth after all the tweaks that it has under gone even since its original development