BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME MUSIC. Love this song since I was a little girl and I cry because it touch my heart and it aches. Because I love our Heavenly Father Lord Jesus Christ ❤️🙏.
A wonderful and skilful blend; that of the musicians and the chorus voices into a harmonious atmosphere of presentation as their only gift they could afford before Jesus Boy King!
The greatest song ever written to Jesus! This song teaches the people the meaning of being humble in the presence of our Lord! Jesus doesn't want gifts, Jesus wants us to love him and for us to love eachother, as Jesus loves us. Peace be with you all and my the Grace of the Lord be with you all.
I Will Always,Love the Little Drummer Boy, Everything About it,Was For Sure , Intended to be here in this Season and All Over the World!!! The Beautiful Word's, and the Voice's,Beat of the Drummer' much Life and Truth from the Heart's of people from all over our earth... Amen and Amen 🙏🕯️👆❤️
The Drummer Boy! An authentic realization of the original message and an outstanding performance, too! Decent, appealing, and convincing! If it were Got Talent, I would hit the golden buzzer!
No me canso de escuchar y meditar El Niño del Tabor, excelente música y letra. Dios nos bendiga siempre. Saludos desde Colombia en Navidad 2020 y gracias por la música.
Merry Christmas to all - Dec 2020. Keep safe and pray for a happier 2021 worldwide. Covid has left so many families grieving - thoughts are with them all.Wonderful version.
El viejo tambor que le ofrezco es mi humilde corazón, late ,late por El, quien lo dejó todo por venir a este mundo hostil a darlo todo por mi y por ti. The old drum that I offer Him is my humble heart, it beats, beats for Him, who left everything to come to this hostile world to give everything for me and for you.
Awesome absolutely amazing I thoroughly enjoyed the performance by talented musicians - wow - brilliant. I would like to share it online bring it to attention of others.
A favorite of mine since childhood and will always be. Though it still makes me cry I was struck with how Universal this song is. Just as Peace is Universal. Christmas is a time of love and peace. It's amazing that the last two Sundays are: Peace and Love. It's these two that are Universal and it's what the world needs now. It just starts with one or two to make the spark grow. The light of love and peace can never be extinguished as hard as some have tried they have failed. For it's is the love and peace that comes from the true love of God, who gave us his Son, a gift to mankind. Through him it will never end. Wishing you all a blessed Christmas filled with love and peace. Merry Christmas to you all, and my gift to you is love and peace. From MN, USA
Cant stop my tears. Just reminds one to come back to basics, be compassionate, share the love and whatever little to make another life smile. Theres just so little one can do in this world to make our stay worthwhile..lets do that.. God bless you.
I love this song and the story behind it when the boy had nothing to give the baby but sing to him with his drum it brings tears to my eyes i love jesus.
Fantastic version of the classic Christmas song. Thank you from the Land Down Under, Perth, Australia. Fantastična različica klasične božične pesmi. Zahvaljujem se vam od Land Down Under, Perth, Avstralija.
Vauuuuuuu.....fascinacija, vrhunska interpretacija, vrhunskih interpretov. Prifarci, moj globok poklon, dopolnjujete Univerzum, ki nam ponuja lepoto glasbe zastonj, le predstaviti jo je težko, kar vi zmorete mimogrede !!! Hvala, hvala !
TheSirjohn2012 Same here they used to show it every Christmas it always moved me now they say. it's racist get a life leave it to the Grinch to try and spoil things not a chance Merry Chrismas to all and a Happy New Year good day Bruce
You are the best guys. Thank you for the performance.
Never heard of this band and my God i was living in such ignorance. Absolutely sheer art. I wish i could see them in person playing the same song.
BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME MUSIC. Love this song since I was a little girl and I cry because it touch my heart and it aches. Because I love our Heavenly Father Lord Jesus Christ ❤️🙏.
A wonderful and skilful blend; that of the musicians and the chorus voices into a harmonious atmosphere of presentation as their only gift they could afford before Jesus Boy King!
Wonderful Performance Again
The best performance I have ever watched.
Pozdrav iz Hrvatske i Guadalajara Meksika
🎉 🎉🎉 Ово је предивно! Поздрав из Србије 🎉🎉🎉
Beautifully played and sung by the most wonderful of singers and equally a wonderful orchestra...
What a wonderful rendition of this timeless traditional carol. The Vocabella girls compliment the artistry of the drummers!
Wonderful… I’m in tears w/the beauty of the truth.
The greatest song ever written to Jesus! This song teaches the people the meaning of being humble in the presence of our Lord! Jesus doesn't want gifts, Jesus wants us to love him and for us to love eachother, as Jesus loves us. Peace be with you all and my the Grace of the Lord be with you all.
Thankyou for your comments..very well put..G.B.
Amen Jesus is king of kings
Barinas. Venezuela. Sublime!!!
Beautiful!! I love it so much!!!😭👏👏👏👏👏
Einfach wunderschön mein Lieblingsweihnachtslied. ❤❤❤
Thank you from Minnesota, USA
I Will Always,Love the Little Drummer Boy, Everything About it,Was For Sure , Intended to be here in this Season and All Over the World!!! The Beautiful Word's, and the Voice's,Beat of the Drummer' much Life and Truth from the Heart's of people from all over our earth... Amen and Amen 🙏🕯️👆❤️
The Drummer Boy! An authentic realization of the original message and an outstanding performance, too! Decent, appealing, and convincing! If it were Got Talent, I would hit the golden buzzer!
I will never forget this women !
No me canso de escuchar y meditar El Niño del Tabor, excelente música y letra. Dios nos bendiga siempre. Saludos desde Colombia en Navidad 2020 y gracias por la música.
Absolutely love this version of little drummer boy, can’t stop watching it..
Yo tampoco me canso de escuchar esta versión del tamborilero
Awesome performance...Bravo!!!
Perfectly done, musicians and singers!
Merry Christmas to all - Dec 2020. Keep safe and pray for a happier 2021 worldwide. Covid has left so many families grieving - thoughts are with them all.Wonderful version.
Es un villancico tan bonito y lo interpretáis de una forma increíble. Saltan las lágrimas de la emoción. Feliz Navidad y Próspero 2022.
Beautiful. Had me in tears 😥
El viejo tambor que le ofrezco es mi humilde corazón, late ,late por El, quien lo dejó todo por venir a este mundo hostil a darlo todo por mi y por ti. The old drum that I offer Him is my humble heart, it beats, beats for Him, who left everything to come to this hostile world to give everything for me and for you.
Wonderfull ! ! ! ! ! !
Thank you !
Wow, Top version of the beautiful song this.
DECEMBER 2019, Awesome version, be proud, very proud!!!
Das,hört sich gut an und macht Spaß und, party 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Merry Christmas 2020! This is still my favorite in .... beautiful Xmas song! Let's know, 2021 has to be the comeback year of good health for all! 🥰🎄🥰
Bless You!
Beautiful and amazing. So lovely.
listening in Ontario Canada 2021
November 30, 2019 seriously wonderful.
Slovenian soul is the best!!!!!
Merry Christmas from Belgium !
Merry Christmas from Florida.❤️
merry christmas from newfoundland canada ..just beautiful melts my heart it is done so beautifully
Merry Christmas from Albany Western Australia!
Merry Christmas from Ohio! Peace be with you all.
..give me the strength JESUS, to die for my belief and serving of YOU, if i have to! ..i ask this in JESUS Mighty Name. Amen And AMEN.
Beautiful. So beneficial during these Corona days. Many Thanks!
Merry Christmas for you all
Beautiful!Merry Christmas from New York! Peace!
Awesome absolutely amazing I thoroughly enjoyed the performance by talented musicians - wow - brilliant. I would like to share it online bring it to attention of others.
A favorite of mine since childhood and will always be. Though it still makes me cry I was struck with how Universal this song is. Just as Peace is Universal. Christmas is a time of love and peace. It's amazing that the last two Sundays are: Peace and Love. It's these two that are Universal and it's what the world needs now. It just starts with one or two to make the spark grow. The light of love and peace can never be extinguished as hard as some have tried they have failed. For it's is the love and peace that comes from the true love of God, who gave us his Son, a gift to mankind. Through him it will never end. Wishing you all a blessed Christmas filled with love and peace. Merry Christmas to you all, and my gift to you is love and peace. From MN, USA
Jimmy Kouba well put you said a mouth full good day Bruce
Thanks Jimmy.
ILove the song cry evry time i listen to the drummerboy
@@brucerobinson7295 Ty. Have a good day and Merry Christmas!
@@PrifarskiMuzikantiPrifarci WC. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from NYC 2019! ....... Ditto
Very Beautiful! .....
Bless You and your loved!
Amazing song and performance
My tears are always running when I'm hearing this song! This is a wunderful version! Greetings from Germany!
I am complete with you! This song brings tears. And I wish you the best in life.
Me too 😊
Me too! Tears of joy ,i guess.❤
Miss youuuu bisa ❤️
It's just so beautyfull. Fantastic!
simply beautiful!!!!! Thank you!!!!
Why do I tear up when listening to this ?
"And He smiled at me..... me and my drum." The little drummer boy gave Jesus the best he had to offer and that was enough!!! Me and my drum!
I am with you.
Cant stop my tears. Just reminds one to come back to basics, be compassionate, share the love and whatever little to make another life smile. Theres just so little one can do in this world to make our stay worthwhile..lets do that.. God bless you.
Bless You!
Merry Christmas from Iowa, U.S.A.
Merry Christmas everyone please be kind to each other, the world needs good people.
I listen to it year-round
Love this Song and love christmas paece and love for ever
Was für ein großer Auftritt .Vielen herzlichen Dank.
너무 좋아요
Little drumer BOy😅😊
Very Beautiful!!!
I love this song and the story behind it when the boy had nothing to give the baby but sing to him with his drum it brings tears to my eyes i love jesus.
Gaylene Morley I am also in teard
Merry Christmas from Idaho !!
I just want to say that I love all the little drummer boy songs from joey
Merry Christmas from Trinidad
Complete Awesome, Thank You!
Merry Christmas from Finland osmo
Fantastic version of the classic Christmas song. Thank you from the Land Down Under, Perth, Australia.
Fantastična različica klasične božične pesmi. Zahvaljujem se vam od Land Down Under, Perth, Avstralija.
A good rendition of a favourite Christmas carol.
Super!! Ta verzija je po mojem mnenju takoj za Dylanovo.
Amazing and thank you all..Merry Christmas to you and all
Vauuuuuuu.....fascinacija, vrhunska interpretacija, vrhunskih interpretov. Prifarci, moj globok poklon, dopolnjujete Univerzum, ki nam ponuja lepoto glasbe zastonj, le predstaviti jo je težko, kar vi zmorete mimogrede !!! Hvala, hvala !
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏very beautiful 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Beautiful rundition of little drummer boy.
Love this👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bellissima performance,non ci sono parole,....
WoW....amazing...beautiful singing and great drummimg☺
samo še kak krasen baletno-plesni vložek manjka - pa bi bilo za moje pojme že tako odlično - še SUPER odlično.
Bravo vsem !
Spaciba Love this old favorite song from my childhood a long time ago.
TheSirjohn2012 Same here they used to show it every Christmas it always moved me now they say. it's racist get a life leave it to the Grinch to try and spoil things not a chance Merry
Chrismas to all and a Happy New Year good day Bruce
Beautiful. Love it. Thank you.
Thank you. This made my Christmas very joyful indeed.
Merry Chirstmas from Jakarta.
merry christmas to all. from canada
November 26th today. Merry Christmas in advance.
We Honor Him.
Deserves more views than this! Come on people, share! Like! It's Christmas for crying out loud!
My eyes are full of tears. Merry Xmas from Ireland
Merry x mas from Germany ✌💜
Not "xmas"
Bless You!
Merry Christmas from Scotland.
Thank you 4 Jesus🌲
super music greetings from holland
Still enjoying this song, this 13th day of January, 2019.
Beautiful..... from Greece Athens
Bless You!
..Bravo....from America.....Bravo.....!!
Lonnie Christopher bugle