Hey, how's this the fault of ANC? Jobs need to be shared with all races. I lost my job in 2009 because of the recession but by the Grace of God, I was able to start a business.
I have compassion for people struggling, i do not however accept a poor mentality. You can be poor but still have a work ethic. It starts with self respect. Clean your own environment.
Just because you have no money doesn't mean you have to live in squalor. The fact that you are unemployed means that you have even MORE time to pick up trash and pile it somewhere for collection. It's difficult to want to help people who could not even be bothered to help themselves insofar as they are able to.
VIIC Commander Sjoe vriend... Ek sal in my lewe nooit so iets eers dink nie wat nog van tik op TH-cam. Mag God jou genadig wees van jou onkunde en dwase uitlatings.
@@johanvandersandt8904 [•] Ek voel selfde... maar wil laat weet VIIC het in 'n ander thread om verskoning gevra. Dankie dat daar nog mense is wat opkom vir Vader!
@VIIC Commander Vriend daar is nie fout nie. Ek self het dit nie aldag breed nie maar ek is baie geseën in vergelyking met die arme mense. Mag die Here jou grondgebied vergroot en so seën dat jy geen twyfel sal he dat hy jou ook liefhet. Dinge gaan swaar met ons mense maar ons is n taai volk en sal dit ook oorleef!
China in "colonising" smaller African countries by lending them *massive amounts* of money they can never repay! South Africa recently borrowed 33 Billion rand from China specifically for ungrading Escom! China claimed Zesco, Zambia's electricity grid because *they* couldn't repay their debt to Chinal! It is possible that China will *own* Escom in 5-10 years time when SA can't repay its debt! Watch *Loving Life channel on TH-cam* for more of this information, and this is an article on China's last move: claiming the Zambian international airport: www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2018/09/14/china-to-take-over-zambian-intl-airport-for-default-on-debt-repayment-chinese-already-own-
Squatter camps have nothing whatsoever to do with apartheid which was a policy whereby people of the same language and cultural groups were given their own land, infrastructure and administration to allow them to become independent states. I am not apologising for apartheid, just setting the record straight.
Stop blaming segregation take responsibility for your own actions to live with an attitude of blame will only allow you to live in a state of stagnation. You are the only one to be bamed if you degenerate
💯%🙏 Love & Respect to this community. Back in 1994 or before there was only two squatter settlements here in the Western Cape, to date there is over 230 settlements, its political game that was played on the ruling party of the Western Cape. This cause a influx of people from other provinces, causing high % to escalate, housing/employment, and all sorts things related. God bless the people providing for these people 💯%🙏 Love & Respect to you
@@shepavedtheway What are you even talking about? Why do you have the need to beat people down who have already hit rock bottom? Why the hostility? Yes, black people suffered. White people suffer too. Please stop being so entitled.
Being poor doesnt mean you need to be filthy , you can be poor and be clean The poorst of the poor always have the most children black and white its so unacceptable to have kids to make them suffer what selfish people 💔 😔 😢 nothing worse than to put kids through this
Fact: That place is filthy. Fact: Almost all those people are jobless. Therefore the one thing they have is TIME. So why don’t they clean up their OWN environment. Maybe that lack of pride and interest is part of WHY they are so poor? I would like to feel sorry for them, but it’s hard when you see people making so little effort of their own. We are each the master of our own destiny.
first steps toward healing a broken mindset would be for them to start cleaning up. my experience with the desolate, they lose interest in everything, living in squalor justs breeds more squalor, till they in a rutt so deep they either dont notice or are beyond caring. sad actually.
Go look in Nigeria and some other African countries, the poverty and dire circumstances gets much more intense. Governments do nothing except for looting the country
My God is hartseer om te sien, waar is die "wêreldgemeenskap 🇦🇶UNO🇺🇳 en die ander vuilklubs ... Suid-Afrika het so 'n mooi land vernietig !! Blankes moet solidariteit met hul landgenote toon 👊 'n groet uit Duitsland ...
Baie van hierdie kampe... te veel! As elke Afrikaner meer doen, kan wit armoede oorkom word. Ek glo daars baie wat wil help, maar hulle weet nie wie om te vertrou met donasies nie. Solidariteit kon my nog nooit oorreed hulle kan vertrou word nie.
Ray HCHC, ek is werklik jammer dat jy so oor Solidariteit voel. Ek is die persoon wat in die video praat en kan bevestig dat Hester Bekker het vandag die laaste gesinne van die kamp af geskuif.
Kobus Venter [•] Jou leiertjies wat so aandring dat hulle omgee, laat hulle soos Jesus tussen hierdie armes gaan woon vir 'n maand met sy volgende verlof, insluitende jy, dan mag ek julle dalk meer ernstig opneem. Ons is dienaars solank as daar voorwaardes is. Ek is 'n voormalige lid en was bitter min beindruk. Was net 'n mors van geld.
I need a nanny and gardener in sandton. I’m black . Will they take a job cleaning my house , taking care of my kids , drive my kids to school not forgetting my garden . Will they work for a black person?
Absolutely not sweetheart they to damn lazy to do jack Only good at breeding only thing they know to do well then sit and complain Not even orangi will take their own people in ask yourself WHY
So she's not allowed to try and make herself feel better by buying a R25 hair colour at the China/Pakistan shop? Lawd above, you have no sense or idea of how emotional and traumatic it must be to live in conditions like that!! Your grass is green for now. The day it happens to you may your eyes open and be humbled beyond comprehension.
Hulle moet hulp kry om aansoek te doen vir R.D.P huise. Bring jou kinders gratis skool toe, hulle voed skema daar en ook jy kan jou kinders na die universiteit neem met NFSAS en hulle betaal terug sodra hulle werk. Ook vir diegene wat hul vaardighede wil opgradeer, kan jy aansoek doen vir NFSAS en na die F.E.T-kollege gaan om gratis te studeer. Jy kan dus met 'n graad 10 na die kollege gaan. In die lewe moet jy preserver of anders sal jy ly. Also don't let your kids drop our of school.
You are forgetting that this is south afrika and it is white people you are talking about. This government will rather take wat this poor people have left than give them anything.
@@vryheidvirdieboervolk973 I have a white friend who was studying for free at T.U.T. and I know a few others. The thing with NFSAS you have to prove your poverty and that is humiliating. I studied in China on a government scholarship and there were black,coloured and white students - they made sure they was balance and it represented the demographics of the country.I don't see the discrimination you referring to but I cannot speak for white people. If you see it then you should report it - we have a free and fair judiciary in South Africa.
@VIIC Commander you have some gall to say we are not from here and should be removed. We are as native to SA as one gets. We are a mix of the khoi and San and Bantu. Your ancestors got here in 1652 and now you feel native. Can you pronounce click consonants because native Southern Africans speak click languages. All those mines you talk about were worked by black people. We are not going anywhere because we are home, this is our ancestral land and theres 40 million of us so your just being ridiculous. Best thing for you is to book a ticket home.
@VIIC Commander shame on you ,you still need to use force like your governnent did to blacks during apartheid ,force never solve any problems we are all humans we just need to help each other because the government is not prepared to help anyone no matter the colour of their skin ,blacks are used in this type of living we still collect water with containers we still use pit toilets as it was design by your government so i dont know what is so special about you because now you are being haunted by your apartheid system
Paublus Americanus: During Apartheid, when the racist Government had they're boot on the necks of the Black population, the US did NOT take in Blacks. Now that the roles have reversed in SA, and it's whites that have been entrenched, YOU feel the US should step in and help them.That very notion is racist in nature.
Actually this is not reality, a place like that probably existed for them to make a video and push their "white are suffering bulshit"... All of this is lie, so relax miss America we don't need your help. Anyways it always ends great when u bring help 😩😭😖... How is police brutality that side? White Corps still killing people of color? Thanks u 'big helper'
Kind of is. If black people were living there they wouldnt be getting so much screen time. Have you ever googled South African squatter camps ? You see white people even though their camps are like less than a percent of the ones in the country.
Trevor Khaba oh stop with the victim crap. Nothing in life is free. Government is greedy and corrupt and the reason unemployment is where it is. This country has been sold to the Chinese at the expense of all citizens while blaming the whites. So enjoy slavery or extinction as that is your future due to the people you voted for. So busy hating whites you can’t even see who is about to be your true downfall.🤣🤣🤣
@@Speed-shooter Well yes only 0.5% of whites live in poverty and the average white family earns 5 times more than the average black family so yes white privilege exists. Its funny how you people cant comprehend outliers and think anecdotal evidence proves anything.
Kom ons begin iets positiefs wat nie polities is nie, maar godvrugtig. Bietjie bevondsing en bietjie innovasie en dissipline en die plakkerskamp word 'n beter plek.
But what if many of these people are having trouble finding work ? There's always people looking for handouts ; we have MANY of those in the U.S. But people go through hard times and might have circumstances they can't control. I have my own hardships and struggle with depression , but i try to encourage myself and make the best of my own circumstances. I can relate to many of these hardships and i know the feeling of hopelessness that comes with it.
Trust me...they are not representative if the average White South African....you think they would contribute yo your society when they can't even pick up their own rubbish.This was the low class amongst the Whites who were carried by the apartheid government.They never had to think or work hard...they only had to do 2 things..hate Black's and vote for the apartheid government.
@VIIC Commander Daarvan is ek wel bewus. Geld is skynbaar die oorsaak van die hele wereld sé ellende. Tog het geld nie ons voorvaders verhoed om uit die kaap te trek en n nasie vir ons volk te bou nie, of hoe sal jy sê?
@VIIC Commander Ja, die media het ons erg benadeel en as bose rasiste geverf, maar sal ons baat deur om nou daaroor te kla en die skuld voor hulle deur te los? Ek bepaal my eerder met die sake wat op ons eie stoep lê.
@VIIC Commander lyk my ons het baie in gemeen. Ek het gekyk na die kanale waarna jy gesub is :P Ek is seker jy sal hou van Vertigo Politix, Asha Logos en Boer Rebublic se videos ook!
Het julle gesprek gelees. Vic en ek het soortgelyke gesprek in ander thread op hierdie selfde video. Ons kan nou meer en meer verstaan hoekom Dr HF Verwoerd verwyder moes word. Onder Verwoerd was TV verban. Ja Vic, Verwoerd was ook 'n gelowige leier. Wanneer hierdie tipe leiers weer vorentoe tree in toekoms, en dit SAL gebeur, dan sal jy hervorming sien wat nog nooit in Afrikanerdom belewe is nie.
Yufa Kinlion [•] Inderdaad! Ons voorvaders het Babiloniese Kaap verlaat. Dis 'n kwessie van tyd en daardie dramatise gebeurtenis gaan hom herhaal wanneer Vader dit so ondraaglik gaan maak vir ons - in 'n poging om ons bymekaar te bring. Dan skielik kom Orania gedagte weer op as Noag se Ark. Wanneer Vader ons versamel het, kan Hy begin met Sy groot werk, net soos met Bybelse Israel. Ons is nog erg verspreid en verdeeld. Gebeurtenisse in nabye toekoms sal ons nader aanmekaar bring, nie net fisies nie, maar ook geestelik en emosioneel, met a common purpose. Ons sal al ons verskille laat staan en eenheid hê soos in dae van Suckson-Boer oorlog. Vader was nog altyd getrou om 'n herder te hê wat die skape sal lei. Ons sit op oomblik sonder herder, maar dinge gaan weer verander. Opoffering van elkeen gaan geverg word om sodoende effektief die euwel die stryd aan te sê. Mag daardie dag spoedig kom!
I really think the people complaining about how dirty this place is, have you ever been in a township its much worse there and alot of people in townships also do not have work, i do agree it can be cleaner, but if they do not have water, electrisity how to you think they have sanitary services from the goverment. Even if they pick up all that trash where does it go then
Hey...who mentioned race...don't make excuses by bringing in the state of the townships...we comment on those too.Can you imagine these people being voortrekkers?they would give up after 1 kilometre. It was the National Party that created this poverty by allowing this poor white class to thrive by swapping benefits and racial privileges for votes....just like the ANC has done with blacks.These people couldn't even thrive in America...they are what they are..sad as that might be.
our brothers and sisters of the covenent, we love you here in Israel, I hope we can join together in this fight against those that have destroyed your country and are looking to destroy ours. I send you love and prayers fromIsraelin the hope that our G-d gives us the strangth of unity and love to win this important battle for the survival of his peoples.
@@totallyrandomvideos8580 the Koi and the San are the most original inhabitants of the land ,then came the white european people (in 1652) while the majority of the land was uninhabited by the Koi & San (being nomadic and relatively small tribes that they were). bantu people, that during aparthaid were considered black people, came to south africa only starting in 1717, so here's a pop quiz for you: who among these 3 groups has the weakest claim to the land? is it the whites because they are white? (I don't think there were any signes left by nature there saying "whites may not enter this continent" - these were all put by the blacks, that recived their literacy (that's the ability to read and write dear Abdul) from the ancestors of the whites they demand be killed (they don't even WANT them to leave, they want them to DIE)) or is it the Bantu population that is causing somuch violance and crimein SA today? but I guess you know it yourself, you probablly think that Israel doesn't belong in Israel, even though Israel existed thusands of years ago, and Palestine never did (not even in the time of the Philistines (which the Palestinians are related to like I'm related to a coconut tree) was there a Philistine state here, only 2 or 3 cities...) good luck with your articulated argument of: "SOUTH AFRICA IS NOT THEIR COUNTRY" IT REALLY HELPS IT'S VALIDITY THAT YOU PUT IT IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!!! (not really...)
@@totallyrandomvideos8580 you made the statement that SA is not their country. Thus I presume that SA is not the Indian people's country either. This also mean that all immigrants from the middle east in European countries should go back to their country of origin. What a wonderful idea.
@@deemil615 I don't think you understand the meaning of racism. If ever you feel cornered you play the racist card. Why do you hate whites? I don't think you really know and you don't want to try and get the truth of what is currently happening in SA. You just jumped on the bandwagon shouting racists and are clueless of why you do that.
Met een zielig verhaal naar Nederland vluchten en asiel aanvragen. Zeker als u een Nederlandse afkomst kunt aantonen maakt u zeker een kans. Wel koud in de winter, maar dat is het enige nadeel.
Let them go to Bloemfontein municipal and register for RDP houses because they have a right as South Africans to have those houses.But not where they want, they will have to stay with other races. They are not the only people living in such circumstances but because of their color now it's a big issue. They have to clean up their place and stop wasting money on cigarettes.
Sadly i have to agree with you, mostly. Tel me one thing however. Why can they not live on there own why must they integrate. Can you not let them live in peace and safety amongst themselves .i am sorry (not) But i can not see why they must go live in black squater camps to get raped murdered and there last bit of possessions stolen from them . You now as well as me that this black government will not give any rdp houses to whites
+pieter bender so they must be separate ...south Africa is one so if municipality bulids rdp in bloem so almal gaan...what separate like separate toilet in apartheid regime ne.
Unforturnatly their not going to be the first white people to live with blacks bcz of you live in a buble you dnt know nothing about south africa here in port elizabeth thes some white families tht benefited from RDP housing & now tht area is mix courld frm northern area are there africans frm veeplass ,zwide ,kwazakhele are there . Even some whites students who are beneficiaries of NSFAS .so for me i dnt feel sory for a person who is too white to ask for RDP house to a black gorvement or who is too white to live in the black neighborhood .even a person who is too white to go & aply for NSFAS
To lazy this is what lazy people look like they can't even just clean up their living space . You can be the poorest of poor but u can have a clean environment The thing that makes one mad is the amount of kids they will have just to make them suffer And this happens with the poor africans and Afrikaans people
Firstly I'm not South African, but isn't Bloemfontein near Orania. And in an other video it was said there is plenty of farming work there. So why not help Afrikaners to move there?
@@aneyvanderwesthuizen9576 they are lower middle class upwards looking and those fuckers hate the working class . Might be different once it gets going after all who is going to clean the toilets at the Orania branch of Steers and Wimpey??
@@gwilymhowes6422 absolutely to damn lazy they only good at breeding to collect from the government and drink and smoke the money out Only sad part is the kids thats that born to pathetic selfish lazy parents
So very sad 😔 They must also educate them not to have children or just one child Children should not live like that There is no further for those children
Gwilym Howes, very easy from your lofty position to judge, you came from an educated privileged family. These people came from the working class. As for the messy condition, they don't even have clean on tap water! They're in abject poverty. I am Shaun Herbert's widow, wonder what you'd say if you knew what happened to your old school mate. Maybe humble you, if that be possible.
Gwilym Howes that’s what black people get and they survive even through the judgement of being poor and so forth. By the way grants for black people only started in 1995 . Before that it was only for whites . I’m not trying to be political but it feels like people are saying white people should-not be poor but it’s ok for blacks to be 🙄
@@cliffjansevanrensburg4985 only if you lazy and think breeding is the way of life The more you breed the more handout u get from the government Thats the only way u would land up like this to damn lazy and want to blame everyone but themselves Blacks have being living like this for years and years and noone cared to blind an eye now its white people (Afrikaaners) and everyone must feel sorry Not even orangi will take these people in ask yourself WHY
Let’s face it. These poor people aren’t the cream of the crop. In fact, and I don’t mean to be mean, they live as poorly as most blacks. It surprises me the place is so dirty, but I guess that’s what happens when you become so dispirited, and don’t have any prosperous communities nearby to help out. Tragic. I hope things improve for white South Africans.
Dit is Moeilik om te Oordeel. Ek Lees deur die Comments. Hulle kan Skoonmaak ja. Maar Mens kom op ñ Punt in Jou Lewe wanneer Jy Swaarkry en dan Verloor Jy Jou Trots ook. Almal kan Oordeel,maar as Jy nog nie Self in Die Dumps was kan Jy Ongelukkig nie saam praat. Al wanneer Mens moet afkyk na Iemand is wanneer Jy Besig is om Hulle op te Help. Almal het nie met Hulle Agterente in die Botter geval.
It is a disgrace that they have lost respect for themselves. The self hatred is evident, the filth around them is a testimony thereof. Stop feeling sorry for people who live accordingly rather empower them by giving them a purpose which includes correctting their behavior by making them conscious thereof and stimulating their God given talent. Give them purpose do not feel sorry for them love them there is a difference sorry and love are not synonyms.
As julle so gelowig is, maak die plek skoon. Moenie soos die mense wat teen ons is lewe nie. Julle dien 'n God van orde. Ek sien nie dat enigeen eers 'n komposhoop begin nie. Plant iets. Dra meer water aan as 'n groep. Stoor dit in die bottels wat rondgestrooi word om die plantjies te benat. Kry die kinders om te werk. Dis nie 'n skande nie. Dis 'n eer om die vermoens wat God ons gegee het te gebruik. Ek en my gesin was al twee keer sonder heenkome. Ons het die vermoens en geleenthede wat die Here gegee het, gebruik. Julle staan en kerm op die grond wat julle LANKAL moes bewerk en beplant het. Hoe dink julle het die Israeliete geleef toe hulle in die woestyn was vir VEERTIG jaar! Waarvoor was die grafie wat elkeen saam moes dra? Al raak die rand absoluut NIKS werd en jy het 'n stukkie groente geplant, het jy nie geld nodig om dit te koop nie. Waar ek woon is daar nie plek vir iemand wat nie bereid is om sy kant te bring nie. Ek het al vir witmense (my eie familie) die geleentheid gegee om vir my te werk en het salaris betaal terwyl daar nie eers vir my geld was nie, omdat ek elke spaar sent in meer voorraad ingedruk het om die besigheid te laat groei. Boonop het hulle verniet by my gebly en verniet geeet en al die geriewe soos water en elektrisiteit geniet. Maar dit was nie genoeg nie. Nou is hulle in die Noordkaap en kry al weer swaar. Hulle wou terugkom, maar ek het reeds die geleentheid vir 'n ywerige jongman gegee. Ek het nie iemand gesoek nie, maar die Here het hom op my pad geplaas. Rook en drink nie. Kyk na sy ouers. Ek kon nie anders as om hom te help nie. O ja! En alhoewel hy kan bekostig om groente te koop, hy het 'n klein groentetuin wat niemand hom aangese het om te plant nie. Nee, man Kry julle agterent in rat! Julle is nie in 'n konsentrasiekamp nie!
Waar is hul families? Hel man in ons familie help ons mekaar. Staak jou dstv hou op braai en rook en drink en kyk na jou familie. Dit Kan met enige iemand gebeur. Ten minste moor en steel hul nie
Mens het seker nie water nodig om net papiere op te tel voor jou eie huis nie! Dis hartseer, maar ook ontstellend om die innerlike verval van ons eie mense te aanskou.
People think it's worse than sad when it's another race... never seen such heartfelt comments and people willing to help the other race... I guess it's each dog for him or herself... but truth be told these people are lazy...
Very true very lazy always need to blame others for the down fall and how come you only see these white squatter camps are only Afrikaans people They poor yet will have the most children same like the blacks the more kids they have the more 350s you collect from government absolutely disgusting Dont have kids and pets when u can't look after them its unacceptable There needs to be a law in this shit hole country if u can't afford to have kids you are ban having them Only ones that suffer here are the kids and dogs
My daughter have two degrees but no job for her.As black people we also struggle.My daughter should have help me as old man.I invested all My money to education.
Hulle is net so sleg soos die Morokkane...Vrabel liewerste die blanke Suid Afrikaners wat WIL were om by julle man te sluit Maar die klas ...wit menses is Luis en sleg in die algemeen.
Hi Bonnie wil ek ook weet, hy het niks by gevoeg nie, hy kon gevra het vir iemand wat hom 'n kaans sal gee of werk gaan soek in tuin. Mense kan my maar met klippe gooi, maar nog nooit het 'n wit arm man of vrou na my ouers sy huis toe gekom en gevra vir werk nie, het gevra vir kos of geld, en het een keer by winkel gestop toe kom die ou uit die drank bottle geloop, my pa het hom amper gedonder. en my pa het gese nooit weer sal hy help nie, ons het altyd kos bokse in desembers op gemaak en vir die local mini plakkerskamp gaan gee, Ek het net vandag weer 'n video gekry van wit mense wat in krugersdorp in 'n plakkerskamp almal gedrink is en op mekaar skreeu en vloek(die taal wat gebruik word is scary) en dan is die vrou swanger en staan met sigaret tussen die vinger. as daar nie geld is vir kos nie, waar kry hulle die geld vir drank. hulp kom van 2 kante af, as jy bereid is om vir my te wys jy probeer en kom vra vir hulp sal ek help, maar om bak handtjies te staan wys net vir my jy is te ly om te werk,
Thanks to the ANC who brought this upon all the people black and white
Hey, how's this the fault of ANC?
Jobs need to be shared with all races.
I lost my job in 2009 because of the recession but by the Grace of God, I was able to start a business.
May God be with you all.
May God bless all who put out a helping hand to these lost and deprived souls .
I have compassion for people struggling, i do not however accept a poor mentality.
You can be poor but still have a work ethic. It starts with self respect. Clean your own environment.
Exactly what i thought,that young man stand there,wake up pick trash up,form a council.
Just because you have no money doesn't mean you have to live in squalor. The fact that you are unemployed means that you have even MORE time to pick up trash and pile it somewhere for collection. It's difficult to want to help people who could not even be bothered to help themselves insofar as they are able to.
I agree
@@JusticeLogic819 you have to be strong and educated to do that, obviously said by some one who has never had to struggle, Wake up!
@@AdventureGrampa maybe they are depressed etc, tell you what lets make you poor in a long term way and see how you do?
Hierdie breuk mens se hart. Ek dink altyd dat ek het nie baie het nie maar die wys mens dat die Here is eintlik baie goed vir ons.
VIIC Commander Sjoe vriend... Ek sal in my lewe nooit so iets eers dink nie wat nog van tik op TH-cam. Mag God jou genadig wees van jou onkunde en dwase uitlatings.
@@johanvandersandt8904 [•] Ek voel selfde... maar wil laat weet VIIC het in 'n ander thread om verskoning gevra. Dankie dat daar nog mense is wat opkom vir Vader!
@VIIC Commander Vriend daar is nie fout nie. Ek self het dit nie aldag breed nie maar ek is baie geseën in vergelyking met die arme mense. Mag die Here jou grondgebied vergroot en so seën dat jy geen twyfel sal he dat hy jou ook liefhet. Dinge gaan swaar met ons mense maar ons is n taai volk en sal dit ook oorleef!
VIIC >> Geen probleem! Eks seker almal aanvaar en waardeer jou verskoning!
China in "colonising" smaller African countries by lending them *massive amounts* of money they can never repay! South Africa recently borrowed 33 Billion rand from China specifically for ungrading Escom! China claimed Zesco, Zambia's electricity grid because *they* couldn't repay their debt to Chinal! It is possible that China will *own* Escom in 5-10 years time when SA can't repay its debt! Watch *Loving Life channel on TH-cam* for more of this information, and this is an article on China's last move: claiming the Zambian international airport: www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2018/09/14/china-to-take-over-zambian-intl-airport-for-default-on-debt-repayment-chinese-already-own-
GOD huil as hy al hierdie dinge sien GOD is kwaad vir ons ons moet ons gesigte terug draai na GOD toe en dit sal alles beter word ken jou GOD ❤
Die Regeering moet inspring en help. Hierdie mense is in nood. As BLACK LIVES MATTER 😡💔💔 DAN WHITE LIVES OOK
This is heart breaking pure legacy of apartheid because now you have both black squatter camps and white squatter camps
Squatter camps have nothing whatsoever to do with apartheid which was a policy whereby people of the same language and cultural groups were given their own land, infrastructure and administration to allow them to become independent states. I am not apologising for apartheid, just setting the record straight.
I would rather blame government corruption and mismanagement of the country by the ruling party .
Stop blaming segregation take responsibility for your own actions to live with an attitude of blame will only allow you to live in a state of stagnation. You are the only one to be bamed if you degenerate
💯%🙏 Love & Respect to this community. Back in 1994 or before there was only two squatter settlements here in the Western Cape, to date there is over 230 settlements, its political game that was played on the ruling party of the Western Cape. This cause a influx of people from other provinces, causing high % to escalate, housing/employment, and all sorts things related. God bless the people providing for these people 💯%🙏 Love & Respect to you
As someone that lived in johannesburg for 34 years, i truly feel for these people, nobody deserves this.
Also the Blacks who suffered all their lives don’t forget right? You with me? These people don’t need to be like this believe me.
@@shepavedtheway What are you even talking about? Why do you have the need to beat people down who have already hit rock bottom? Why the hostility? Yes, black people suffered. White people suffer too. Please stop being so entitled.
Being poor doesnt mean you need to be filthy , you can be poor and be clean
The poorst of the poor always have the most children black and white its so unacceptable to have kids to make them suffer what selfish people 💔 😔 😢 nothing worse than to put kids through this
sex is a poor man's paradise they say.
The South African government pays grants (cash) to parents for each child they have, thereby making the situation even worse.
Poverty affects psychology
Grawe n gat en gooi gemors daarin.
Where the poor are,you see lots of children
Fact: That place is filthy. Fact: Almost all those people are jobless. Therefore the one thing they have is TIME. So why don’t they clean up their OWN environment. Maybe that lack of pride and interest is part of WHY they are so poor? I would like to feel sorry for them, but it’s hard when you see people making so little effort of their own. We are each the master of our own destiny.
first steps toward healing a broken mindset would be for them to start cleaning up. my experience with the desolate, they lose interest in everything, living in squalor justs breeds more squalor, till they in a rutt so deep they either dont notice or are beyond caring. sad actually.
Wow! there was no better way to say that
Exactly. Well said
Good question!
Well said!
Dear Lord, please come through, for all this people. That are barrelling, may all find a better place. ln Jesus name amen.
swaart om te sien. Dit is ons mense
Ek Bly in Bloemfontein , en ek het nie geweet dat daar n plek soos die een is nie...
Mense moet mekaar help ... ASB.😭😭
I suppose it's easy to pass judgment looking in from the outside I dont think anyone would be happy living in this conditions black or white
Go look in Nigeria and some other African countries, the poverty and dire circumstances gets much more intense. Governments do nothing except for looting the country
My God is hartseer om te sien, waar is die "wêreldgemeenskap 🇦🇶UNO🇺🇳 en die ander vuilklubs ... Suid-Afrika het so 'n mooi land vernietig !! Blankes moet solidariteit met hul landgenote toon 👊 'n groet uit Duitsland ...
To draw the line and start a fresh with children will end this 2nd, 3rd & 4th generation of poverty. I love the idea..big up
Baie van hierdie kampe... te veel! As elke Afrikaner meer doen, kan wit armoede oorkom word. Ek glo daars baie wat wil help, maar hulle weet nie wie om te vertrou met donasies nie. Solidariteit kon my nog nooit oorreed hulle kan vertrou word nie.
Ray HCHC, ek is werklik jammer dat jy so oor Solidariteit voel. Ek is die persoon wat in die video praat en kan bevestig dat Hester Bekker het vandag die laaste gesinne van die kamp af geskuif.
Kobus Venter [•] Jou leiertjies wat so aandring dat hulle omgee, laat hulle soos Jesus tussen hierdie armes gaan woon vir 'n maand met sy volgende verlof, insluitende jy, dan mag ek julle dalk meer ernstig opneem. Ons is dienaars solank as daar voorwaardes is.
Ek is 'n voormalige lid en was bitter min beindruk. Was net 'n mors van geld.
Google "The South African Family Relief Project". They are legit.
Wit armoede se jy and nie al armoede.
@@OranjeVrystaat Waarheen sal hulles gaan?
I need a nanny and gardener in sandton. I’m black . Will they take a job cleaning my house , taking care of my kids , drive my kids to school not forgetting my garden . Will they work for a black person?
Don't ever trust those devils around your family! They have a perpetual hatred for Black People.
Some might go ask.
Absolutely not sweetheart they to damn lazy to do jack
Only good at breeding only thing they know to do well then sit and complain
Not even orangi will take their own people in ask yourself WHY
Dey can't cs ur blacks,dey must clean their place,cleaned ders nothing to do with poorest
I think so they will do it. Just do a security check on the person
3:10 Water is scarce but enough to dye your hair tapid red? 🤔
@@louisayoung6729 Just a casual observation on my part. 😝😅
@Quiche Lorraine Did I hit a nerve? 🤭
So she's not allowed to try and make herself feel better by buying a R25 hair colour at the China/Pakistan shop? Lawd above, you have no sense or idea of how emotional and traumatic it must be to live in conditions like that!!
Your grass is green for now. The day it happens to you may your eyes open and be humbled beyond comprehension.
Its soo sad to see this
Hulle moet hulp kry om aansoek te doen vir R.D.P huise.
Bring jou kinders gratis skool toe, hulle voed skema daar en ook jy kan jou kinders na die universiteit neem met NFSAS en hulle betaal terug sodra hulle werk.
Ook vir diegene wat hul vaardighede wil opgradeer, kan jy aansoek doen vir NFSAS en na die F.E.T-kollege gaan om gratis te studeer. Jy kan dus met 'n graad 10 na die kollege gaan. In die lewe moet jy preserver of anders sal jy ly. Also don't let your kids drop our of school.
Couldn't agree more sir
You are forgetting that this is south afrika and it is white people you are talking about. This government will rather take wat this poor people have left than give them anything.
@@vryheidvirdieboervolk973 I have a white friend who was studying for free at T.U.T. and I know a few others. The thing with NFSAS you have to prove your poverty and that is humiliating. I studied in China on a government scholarship and there were black,coloured and white students - they made sure they was balance and it represented the demographics of the country.I don't see the discrimination you referring to but I cannot speak for white people.
If you see it then you should report it - we have a free and fair judiciary in South Africa.
@@thekgi1349 lol
Thank you for trying to help. God bless
the usa should take the squatters from the other camps here in America. and build shelters for all the south african communities where we could help.
@VIIC Commander you have some gall to say we are not from here and should be removed.
We are as native to SA as one gets. We are a mix of the khoi and San and Bantu. Your ancestors got here in 1652 and now you feel native. Can you pronounce click consonants because native Southern Africans speak click languages. All those mines you talk about were worked by black people. We are not going anywhere because we are home, this is our ancestral land and theres 40 million of us so your just being ridiculous. Best thing for you is to book a ticket home.
@VIIC Commander shame on you ,you still need to use force like your governnent did to blacks during apartheid ,force never solve any problems we are all humans we just need to help each other because the government is not prepared to help anyone no matter the colour of their skin ,blacks are used in this type of living we still collect water with containers we still use pit toilets as it was design by your government so i dont know what is so special about you because now you are being haunted by your apartheid system
Paublus Americanus: During Apartheid, when the racist Government had they're boot on the necks of the Black population, the US did NOT take in Blacks. Now that the roles have reversed in SA, and it's whites that have been entrenched, YOU feel the US should step in and help them.That very notion is racist in nature.
Actually this is not reality, a place like that probably existed for them to make a video and push their "white are suffering bulshit"... All of this is lie, so relax miss America we don't need your help. Anyways it always ends great when u bring help 😩😭😖... How is police brutality that side? White Corps still killing people of color?
Thanks u 'big helper'
@@nothandonongcebo8176 you're right
This must be this white privilege I hear so much about.
Kind of is. If black people were living there they wouldnt be getting so much screen time. Have you ever googled South African squatter camps ? You see white people even though their camps are like less than a percent of the ones in the country.
Trevor Khaba oh stop with the victim crap. Nothing in life is free. Government is greedy and corrupt and the reason unemployment is where it is. This country has been sold to the Chinese at the expense of all citizens while blaming the whites. So enjoy slavery or extinction as that is your future due to the people you voted for. So busy hating whites you can’t even see who is about to be your true downfall.🤣🤣🤣
@@Speed-shooter Well yes only 0.5% of whites live in poverty and the average white family earns 5 times more than the average black family so yes white privilege exists. Its funny how you people cant comprehend outliers and think anecdotal evidence proves anything.
Or Karma
Mad Tingz , tooooo funny
Our door is open 👐
Hope these people are okay
Kom ons begin iets positiefs wat nie polities is nie, maar godvrugtig. Bietjie bevondsing en bietjie innovasie en dissipline en die plakkerskamp word 'n beter plek.
There is work for people who want to work!!!
If they would only get up off their backsides! :)
But what if many of these people are having trouble finding work ? There's always people looking for handouts ; we have MANY of those in the U.S. But people go through hard times and might have circumstances they can't control. I have my own hardships and struggle with depression , but i try to encourage myself and make the best of my own circumstances. I can relate to many of these hardships and i know the feeling of hopelessness that comes with it.
As long as those who have the means don't prioritize all South Africans and put them first then we are doomed 😢
Come back to Europe, we need you here
Europe is declining too
@@inmrteeThey are South African, that's why they are staying put.
My Brown as*
Trust me...they are not representative if the average White South African....you think they would contribute yo your society when they can't even pick up their own rubbish.This was the low class amongst the Whites who were carried by the apartheid government.They never had to think or work hard...they only had to do 2 things..hate Black's and vote for the apartheid government.
Yahweh asb Vader stuur engele na hulle toe om hulle te help ❤❤❤
They have been evicted.. .. I wonder where they are now.
Somewhere else,yet still not cleaning up their own environment probably
@@sandrineroesch8706 Very sad indeed
Rich man and Lazarus
@Boer Republic Het julle al n Discord server geskep? Ons moet n plek hê waar ons koppe bymekaar kan kry in orde om doeltreffende oplossings te skep.
@VIIC Commander Daarvan is ek wel bewus. Geld is skynbaar die oorsaak van die hele wereld sé ellende. Tog het geld nie ons voorvaders verhoed om uit die kaap te trek en n nasie vir ons volk te bou nie, of hoe sal jy sê?
@VIIC Commander Ja, die media het ons erg benadeel en as bose rasiste geverf, maar sal ons baat deur om nou daaroor te kla en die skuld voor hulle deur te los? Ek bepaal my eerder met die sake wat op ons eie stoep lê.
@VIIC Commander lyk my ons het baie in gemeen. Ek het gekyk na die kanale waarna jy gesub is :P Ek is seker jy sal hou van Vertigo Politix, Asha Logos en Boer Rebublic se videos ook!
Het julle gesprek gelees. Vic en ek het soortgelyke gesprek in ander thread op hierdie selfde video. Ons kan nou meer en meer verstaan hoekom Dr HF Verwoerd verwyder moes word. Onder Verwoerd was TV verban. Ja Vic, Verwoerd was ook 'n gelowige leier. Wanneer hierdie tipe leiers weer vorentoe tree in toekoms, en dit SAL gebeur, dan sal jy hervorming sien wat nog nooit in Afrikanerdom belewe is nie.
Yufa Kinlion [•] Inderdaad! Ons voorvaders het Babiloniese Kaap verlaat. Dis 'n kwessie van tyd en daardie dramatise gebeurtenis gaan hom herhaal wanneer Vader dit so ondraaglik gaan maak vir ons - in 'n poging om ons bymekaar te bring. Dan skielik kom Orania gedagte weer op as Noag se Ark. Wanneer Vader ons versamel het, kan Hy begin met Sy groot werk, net soos met Bybelse Israel.
Ons is nog erg verspreid en verdeeld. Gebeurtenisse in nabye toekoms sal ons nader aanmekaar bring, nie net fisies nie, maar ook geestelik en emosioneel, met a common purpose. Ons sal al ons verskille laat staan en eenheid hê soos in dae van Suckson-Boer oorlog. Vader was nog altyd getrou om 'n herder te hê wat die skape sal lei. Ons sit op oomblik sonder herder, maar dinge gaan weer verander. Opoffering van elkeen gaan geverg word om sodoende effektief die euwel die stryd aan te sê.
Mag daardie dag spoedig kom!
What did you do all your life?
I really think the people complaining about how dirty this place is, have you ever been in a township its much worse there and alot of people in townships also do not have work, i do agree it can be cleaner, but if they do not have water, electrisity how to you think they have sanitary services from the goverment. Even if they pick up all that trash where does it go then
Hey...who mentioned race...don't make excuses by bringing in the state of the townships...we comment on those too.Can you imagine these people being voortrekkers?they would give up after 1 kilometre. It was the National Party that created this poverty by allowing this poor white class to thrive by swapping benefits and racial privileges for votes....just like the ANC has done with blacks.These people couldn't even thrive in America...they are what they are..sad as that might be.
With money and self determination they could build another Orania
our brothers and sisters of the covenent, we love you here in Israel, I hope we can join together in this fight against those that have destroyed your country and are looking to destroy ours.
I send you love and prayers fromIsraelin the hope that our G-d gives us the strangth of unity and love to win this important battle for the survival of his peoples.
@@totallyrandomvideos8580 the Koi and the San are the most original inhabitants of the land ,then came the white european people (in 1652) while the majority of the land was uninhabited by the Koi & San (being nomadic and relatively small tribes that they were).
bantu people, that during aparthaid were considered black people, came to south africa only starting in 1717, so here's a pop quiz for you: who among these 3 groups has the weakest claim to the land? is it the whites because they are white? (I don't think there were any signes left by nature there saying "whites may not enter this continent" - these were all put by the blacks, that recived their literacy (that's the ability to read and write dear Abdul) from the ancestors of the whites they demand be killed (they don't even WANT them to leave, they want them to DIE)) or is it the Bantu population that is causing somuch violance and crimein SA today? but I guess you know it yourself, you probablly think that Israel doesn't belong in Israel, even though Israel existed thusands of years ago, and Palestine never did (not even in the time of the Philistines (which the Palestinians are related to like I'm related to a coconut tree) was there a Philistine state here, only 2 or 3 cities...) good luck with your articulated argument of:
@@totallyrandomvideos8580 you made the statement that SA is not their country. Thus I presume that SA is not the Indian people's country either. This also mean that all immigrants from the middle east in European countries should go back to their country of origin. What a wonderful idea.
@@deemil615 I don't think you understand the meaning of racism. If ever you feel cornered you play the racist card. Why do you hate whites? I don't think you really know and you don't want to try and get the truth of what is currently happening in SA. You just jumped on the bandwagon shouting racists and are clueless of why you do that.
Thanks Ido Gold.
So sad really sad ♥️
Met een zielig verhaal naar Nederland vluchten en asiel aanvragen. Zeker als u een Nederlandse afkomst kunt aantonen maakt u zeker een kans. Wel koud in de winter, maar dat is het enige nadeel.
Oh my - how the mighty have fallen!
Why cant they go to Pretoria
whats in Pretoria Tshwane??
Is there a resort for them there.....really
Let them go to Bloemfontein municipal and register for RDP houses because they have a right as South Africans to have those houses.But not where they want, they will have to stay with other races. They are not the only people living in such circumstances but because of their color now it's a big issue. They have to clean up their place and stop wasting money on cigarettes.
Sadly i have to agree with you, mostly. Tel me one thing however. Why can they not live on there own why must they integrate.
Can you not let them live in peace and safety amongst themselves .i am sorry (not)
But i can not see why they must go live in black squater camps to get raped murdered and there last bit of possessions stolen from them . You now as well as me that this black government will not give any rdp houses to whites
the house lottery :) ? i hear the lists is in some areas extremely long.
+pieter bender so they must be separate ...south Africa is one so if municipality bulids rdp in bloem so almal gaan...what separate like separate toilet in apartheid regime ne.
Unforturnatly their not going to be the first white people to live with blacks bcz of you live in a buble you dnt know nothing about south africa here in port elizabeth thes some white families tht benefited from RDP housing & now tht area is mix courld frm northern area are there africans frm veeplass ,zwide ,kwazakhele are there .
Even some whites students who are beneficiaries of NSFAS .so for me i dnt feel sory for a person who is too white to ask for RDP house to a black gorvement or who is too white to live in the black neighborhood .even a person who is too white to go & aply for NSFAS
maybe you can shut up and go cook some pap
It is so painful to see people being like this anc give this people jobs and rdp god bless❤
Hoe kontak ons die mense indien hulp beskikbaar is.
fok.julle kan tenminste die plek skoon maak as julle niks het om te doen nie
They are too busy moaning and complaining about their sorrows to do anything meaningful with their lives.
Hulle is tien teen een suip lappe en druggies.
@@donsmith8679 That is a very strong possibility.
@Hendrico Steinhobel Could not have said it better myself.
Ek stem saam met jou, Johan. My oorle ouma het altyg gesê, "jy kan arm wees, maar nooit vuil nie.
This place is derelict, they need to first clean up.
Go ahead o hell you penguin lover
To lazy this is what lazy people look like they can't even just clean up their living space .
You can be the poorest of poor but u can have a clean environment
The thing that makes one mad is the amount of kids they will have just to make them suffer
And this happens with the poor africans and Afrikaans people
welcom to our everyday life...u should document all of us...
How can we help financially
Firstly I'm not South African, but isn't Bloemfontein near Orania. And in an other video it was said there is plenty of farming work there. So why not help Afrikaners to move there?
Because only rich Afrikaaners move to Orania, not those who will become a burden 😔
@@felicitymemela1963 i do not agree with you i have been in orania and the people there are not rich
@@felicitymemela1963 the middle class
@@aneyvanderwesthuizen9576 they are lower middle class upwards looking and those fuckers hate the working class . Might be different once it gets going after all who is going to clean the toilets at the Orania branch of Steers and Wimpey??
Need to get seeds to them too because more self sufficient I’m too far to take somethingthere😑😧😓
I'm afraid those poeple are far too lazy to raise a crop!
@@gwilymhowes6422 absolutely to damn lazy they only good at breeding to collect from the government and drink and smoke the money out
Only sad part is the kids thats that born to pathetic selfish lazy parents
@@gwilymhowes6422 you could do it for them with your big ignorant mouth!
Any follow up on this cover piece?
So very sad 😔
They must also educate them not to have children or just one child
Children should not live like that
There is no further for those children
Is poverty a sin?
Swaar om te sien.
Ek het net nie meer antwoorde nie, ek bly op my knieë!
We need to set up fundraisers somewhere and videos should be put out to "help" and not just watch.
Gwilym Howes, very easy from your lofty position to judge, you came from an educated privileged family. These people came from the working class. As for the messy condition, they don't even have clean on tap water! They're in abject poverty.
I am Shaun Herbert's widow, wonder what you'd say if you knew what happened to your old school mate. Maybe humble you, if that be possible.
bring all these people to usa.
Why have a baby under these circumstances?
Poverty is Poverty and has no eyes to see any colour. It’s unfortunate that people find them living like this.
It's so sad hey . Why does our government not step in and help all our people regardless of race or age
Really sad ...have been let down by their own
blessed are those who are poor .don't worry heaven is your place read Bible
I would think this old woman would be getting a pension/ retirement payment.
Yes, they do. About $110 a month. Good luck buying food AND renting a house with that!
3:10 Yet they can afford red hair dye?
Gwilym Howes that’s what black people get and they survive even through the judgement of being poor and so forth.
By the way grants for black people only started in 1995 . Before that it was only for whites . I’m not trying to be political but it feels like people are saying white people should-not be poor but it’s ok for blacks to be 🙄
Don't judge them, it's not hard to end up there
@@cliffjansevanrensburg4985 only if you lazy and think breeding is the way of life
The more you breed the more handout u get from the government
Thats the only way u would land up like this to damn lazy and want to blame everyone but themselves
Blacks have being living like this for years and years and noone cared to blind an eye now its white people (Afrikaaners) and everyone must feel sorry
Not even orangi will take these people in ask yourself WHY
salman rushdie please help south africa
I said we saw what happened to Farrah fawcett, Ryan 0'neill, Red mond and Tatum O'Neill.
You know where to find me.
Let’s face it. These poor people aren’t the cream of the crop. In fact, and I don’t mean to be mean, they live as poorly as most blacks. It surprises me the place is so dirty, but I guess that’s what happens when you become so dispirited, and don’t have any prosperous communities nearby to help out. Tragic. I hope things improve for white South Africans.
For us black people it is a normal life living in bad condition but not so dirty conditions.
amanuku nje lawa asizwa o mama no sis bethu abangama maid
They said Sally is looking for us.
They are hardy. They are back to Great Trek conditions!!!!!
Dit is Moeilik om te Oordeel. Ek Lees deur die Comments. Hulle kan Skoonmaak ja. Maar Mens kom op ñ Punt in Jou Lewe wanneer Jy Swaarkry en dan Verloor Jy Jou Trots ook. Almal kan Oordeel,maar as Jy nog nie Self in Die Dumps was kan Jy Ongelukkig nie saam praat. Al wanneer Mens moet afkyk na Iemand is wanneer Jy Besig is om Hulle op te Help. Almal het nie met Hulle Agterente in die Botter geval.
I urge all my white brothers to check out Suidlanders. At least they have a plan for when it hits the fan...
Ons mense sal al hoe meer swaarkry daar is maar net soveel werk en minder geleenthede by die dag
Wat van n gat maak en al die vuilgoed brand. Net om te keer vir siek word asb.
donatie gedaan
Wat gebeur met 'n stabiele genie, reinheid die naaste ding aan Godsaligheid.
It is a disgrace that they have lost respect for themselves. The self hatred is evident, the filth around them is a testimony thereof. Stop feeling sorry for people who live accordingly rather empower them by giving them a purpose which includes correctting their behavior by making them conscious thereof and stimulating their God given talent. Give them purpose do not feel sorry for them love them there is a difference sorry and love are not synonyms.
lets see how you get on when times are tough
As julle so gelowig is, maak die plek skoon. Moenie soos die mense wat teen ons is lewe nie. Julle dien 'n God van orde. Ek sien nie dat enigeen eers 'n komposhoop begin nie. Plant iets. Dra meer water aan as 'n groep. Stoor dit in die bottels wat rondgestrooi word om die plantjies te benat. Kry die kinders om te werk. Dis nie 'n skande nie. Dis 'n eer om die vermoens wat God ons gegee het te gebruik. Ek en my gesin was al twee keer sonder heenkome. Ons het die vermoens en geleenthede wat die Here gegee het, gebruik.
Julle staan en kerm op die grond wat julle LANKAL moes bewerk en beplant het. Hoe dink julle het die Israeliete geleef toe hulle in die woestyn was vir VEERTIG jaar! Waarvoor was die grafie wat elkeen saam moes dra?
Al raak die rand absoluut NIKS werd en jy het 'n stukkie groente geplant, het jy nie geld nodig om dit te koop nie.
Waar ek woon is daar nie plek vir iemand wat nie bereid is om sy kant te bring nie. Ek het al vir witmense (my eie familie) die geleentheid gegee om vir my te werk en het salaris betaal terwyl daar nie eers vir my geld was nie, omdat ek elke spaar sent in meer voorraad ingedruk het om die besigheid te laat groei. Boonop het hulle verniet by my gebly en verniet geeet en al die geriewe soos water en elektrisiteit geniet. Maar dit was nie genoeg nie. Nou is hulle in die Noordkaap en kry al weer swaar. Hulle wou terugkom, maar ek het reeds die geleentheid vir 'n ywerige jongman gegee. Ek het nie iemand gesoek nie, maar die Here het hom op my pad geplaas. Rook en drink nie. Kyk na sy ouers. Ek kon nie anders as om hom te help nie. O ja! En alhoewel hy kan bekostig om groente te koop, hy het 'n klein groentetuin wat niemand hom aangese het om te plant nie. Nee, man Kry julle agterent in rat! Julle is nie in 'n konsentrasiekamp nie!
Presies..lui gatte.
@@JohnDuPreez-r4z I bet your ass is fat living of mummy and daddy's privilege?
I saw Andrea bocelli too.
If they want to leave, Holland should open their doors , many are ethnicity Dutch.
They should come back to Europe to land of their original ancestors.
Nee daar sal nie warm water wees as julle nie betaal vir krag nie.
Waar is hul families? Hel man in ons familie help ons mekaar. Staak jou dstv hou op braai en rook en drink en kyk na jou familie. Dit Kan met enige iemand gebeur. Ten minste moor en steel hul nie
Hou op rook en drink... 👍
Hulle skryf eerder familie af voor hulle ophou rook. Dit kan ek jou belowe. I personally know the feeling. 🤷♀️
@@telleitjie BS and it comes from a bull!
@@telleitjie maybe they could borrow your 'great' family
I saw Sally.
Waar is die RDP huise vir hierdie gemeenskap 😢
Waars die billionaire's van RSA
Mens het seker nie water nodig om net papiere op te tel voor jou eie huis nie! Dis hartseer, maar ook ontstellend om die innerlike verval van ons eie mense te aanskou.
Better start uploading to BitChute as well. YT is on another round of censorship.
Maak daardie plek skoon.
lol I had to go back and look again . Are you sure about your statement? lol I think she had trouble rinsing all the dye out haha
People think it's worse than sad when it's another race... never seen such heartfelt comments and people willing to help the other race... I guess it's each dog for him or herself... but truth be told these people are lazy...
@Chris Smith you basically had the same system under apartheid so suck it up
tables turn
@@gideonhendrikvanbiljon2634 you ride hey 😶
Very true very lazy always need to blame others for the down fall and how come you only see these white squatter camps are only Afrikaans people
They poor yet will have the most children same like the blacks the more kids they have the more 350s you collect from government absolutely disgusting
Dont have kids and pets when u can't look after them its unacceptable
There needs to be a law in this shit hole country if u can't afford to have kids you are ban having them
Only ones that suffer here are the kids and dogs
@nemo401 noone should have to live in poverty no matter the skin colour. Also it wasn't them that put apartheid in place. It was their government.
Engrish please
My daughter have two degrees
but no job for her.As black people we also struggle.My daughter should have help me as old man.I invested all
My money to education.
Beter komen ze 'terug' naar Nederland.
Hulle is net so sleg soos die Morokkane...Vrabel liewerste die blanke Suid Afrikaners wat WIL were om by julle man te sluit Maar die klas ...wit menses is Luis en sleg in die algemeen.
who is paying for the flight?
Dit is hartseer moet nie oordeel nie, moet nooit jou self respek verloor nie. Maak skoon Om julle huise of blyplekke, behou julle self respek.
This is the REAL Africa. Adapt and prosper, no more special privileges as in Apartheid
groot seun Hoekom werk jy nie dammit !
Hi Bonnie wil ek ook weet, hy het niks by gevoeg nie, hy kon gevra het vir iemand wat hom 'n kaans sal gee of werk gaan soek in tuin. Mense kan my maar met klippe gooi, maar nog nooit het 'n wit arm man of vrou na my ouers sy huis toe gekom en gevra vir werk nie, het gevra vir kos of geld, en het een keer by winkel gestop toe kom die ou uit die drank bottle geloop, my pa het hom amper gedonder. en my pa het gese nooit weer sal hy help nie, ons het altyd kos bokse in desembers op gemaak en vir die local mini plakkerskamp gaan gee, Ek het net vandag weer 'n video gekry van wit mense wat in krugersdorp in 'n plakkerskamp almal gedrink is en op mekaar skreeu en vloek(die taal wat gebruik word is scary) en dan is die vrou swanger en staan met sigaret tussen die vinger. as daar nie geld is vir kos nie, waar kry hulle die geld vir drank. hulp kom van 2 kante af, as jy bereid is om vir my te wys jy probeer en kom vra vir hulp sal ek help, maar om bak handtjies te staan wys net vir my jy is te ly om te werk,
just maybe he is still school going
HEs sporting a beard?
Heard about English.