This was far worse than I ever imagined. The rotten smell would not leave the house for over 48 Hours. Worst Smell Ever. Thank you for watching. Edit.... Trail Camera Video
There was no hiss when the seal was broken just a click of the solder, breaking, so the tin was likely compromised. I remember opening Spam with the key back in the day and it always hissed due to the vacuum.
@@NumbDiggers1998 you will feel the can being bloated and it'll sound different in that situation. A vacuum hiss sounds more hollow than a release hiss.
It looked like there was some rust on one corner of the bottom of the can. Always a bad sign. Rusty, bloated, dented or leaking cans go in the trash at my house. It ain’t worth the risk as long as I can buy more.
True .. Health Inspector for the last 34 years .. the whole problem was the 1986 can was not properly stored .. in a dry cabinet .. and the seal was compromised.
Spam is a HUGE DEAL in Hawaii and many other pacific and southeast Asian countries. BTW, the liquid in the old one is probably fat and grease separating over time.
You’re absolutely right. Most of our fast food restaurants like McDonald’s and Burger King even have Spam on the menu. It’s been a long tradition here since the 1940’s.
@@fordxbgtfalcon American girl has a Hawaiian girl doll based around in the 40s era, and there's this playset for her line that was a little market stand and it has little doll sized Hawaiian based foods and little vintage 40s style doll sized cans of spam. It's just adorable. 🥺
@@OGTH-camr05 don't blame them with SPAM costing up to $4 for 12 oz. ... just 5 years ago i could get T-BONE steak under $5 a pound. today Amazon selling in $12-$18 lb. steak with kobe steak running $500 lb
in 10th grade, i had a health teacher who had a 20 year old can of spam. he would always tout how it would never go bad because of the preservatives. one day he slammed it on a kids desk because they fell asleep. it opened and it was full of mold. the whole class stank for a while. so glad i saw it happen
As an adult I have never purchased or or eaten Spam, the last Spam I ever ate was probably at ny parents house pre 1975. However, with the meat shortages in my local grocery stores I recently did ordere a 12 pack of low sodium Spam. The cans in my 12 pack all have a best buy date of July 2024, so I'll be eating Spam sometime before or shortly after that. My mom served our family fried Spam slices when I was a child, usually as a breakfast food, although occassionally baked topped with a brown sugar glaze and pineapple. As a small child I always got my dad to remove the key from the metal strip after the can was opened so I could save the keys on a keyring. The keys were kept as pretend skeleton keys in my spy/ weapons and chemicals kit. I was a very odd little girl. I'm planning to save the pull tabs off my new Spam cans to make Barbie Doll clothes hangers for the Barbie Doll clothes I make my granddaughter. I'm aware that's not nearly as cool skeleton keys .
@@NewEnglandWildlifeAndMore hey! we watch your videos on your main account as well! you have a very distinct voice. haha we thought you sounded exactly like post 10 for awhile now and then we looked on your page just now and saw your main account was indeed post 10.
Man...seeing that old can, and that key you use to open it, sure brings back a lot of memories from my childhood. I know this is silly, but I used to collect those keys as a kid, not sure why, I just did.
They still sell corned beef that way. I still keep one of those keys around in case a can accidentally doesn't come with one. Opening up those cans with a can opener is almost impossible.
I did too. Opening cans with keys was so much fun and satisfying. Besides Spam my mom would buy the sardines where you had to use a key to open and she'd always let me open them. This video brought back fun old memories.😊
This made me laugh SO HARD, especially the ending when you realize the whole neighborhood stinks. And you still gave this thing a taste test, you madman! hahaha!
The problem with old stuff isn't just the bacteria, it's the toxic byproducts they leave behind. So sometimes even cooking it enough to kill them isn't enough.
@@bigfatchubbybritboy9445 Mycotoxins are deadly yeah, but botulinum toxin should be the main concern here. I wouln't even put that thing near my mouth, let alone eat it.
I grew up poor. We ate alot of wild game, fished the rivers, picked watercress and wild mushrooms etc. in California in the 50's and 60's. We ate alot of spam for breakfast. I still love it and make it often. Making a hash with onions , potatoes and cubed spam all fried together. It's pretty damn good.
I made spam sandwiches 🥪 all the time. I love ❤️ it. I grew up with it and we weren’t super poor either. Average middle class 1970’s family. But, we ate a lot of Spam. 😊😊
While in the US Army, while training in the field, ( combat maneuvers) my squad hadn't eaten in two days. We had a can of Spam, one onion and a loaf of bread! That was the best sandwich I've ever had!
My dad was in the military and always introduced us to different foods all the time. One time he cooked fish for breakfast or another time we had deer meat a lot of food that isnt traditional for breakfast and when I asked him why he'd do this he said something along the lines of "it's important you're used to the idea of survival and eating different foods for any meal if food scarcity ever becomes an issue" One day he whipped out a can of SPAM fried it up and when I asked him why we were eating SPAM he said "you never know when you're going to need to eat a SPAM sandwich. This is important."😂 My dad was all about teaching us the ways of survival and I'm forever grateful. 🙏
I actually made a grilled spam and white cheddar sandwich once… with easy cheese as a condiment. It was the trashiest thing I’ve ever made, but man, words can not describe how good it was.
People don’t get it. Like, the best tasting foods I’ve ever eaten are the cheapest made shit I’ve ever put together, but I’ll be damned if they didn’t taste exactly as satisfying as I was expecting. I’ll take a cheap whip-up any day.
@@Busy_Paws Exactly. I like plain elbow macaroni with ketchup and pepper. I don't think many people have ever tried it but it tastes great and is easy to make.
@@liluzileaks147 Nah it's delicious try it sometime. I have boxes of mac n cheese if i wanted that then that's what i'd cook. I like both but they taste totally different.
Slice spam very very thin, and fry it in a pan to where it has black bits on it. Not burned, but close to being burned. It comes out really crispy. Makes a great blt. It works even better with the hickory or bacon spam.
The new ones are made for stacking, while the old ones were very prone to falling if you tried to stack them on a shelf. That's the reason for the bigger rim.
It has a bigger rim because of the way it opens... the new one leaves a lip that wouldn't allow the spam to slide out. By making it wider, the meat can still pass through. And for stacking as well
I remember when I was a radio DJ in the late 90s, I had eaten some Spam before I came to work, and it gave me the smelliest farts I ever had in my life. A co-worker happened to come in the studio right after I had ripped one and barely got his second foot in the door before he let out an "OH GOD! What did you you eat?!" That 1985 Spam jogged loose that memory from yesteryear.
In Germany we have Spam Meat, too. But we call it "Fruehstuecksfleisch" = breakfast meat. It has a shelf life of 5 years. I have some of them in my stock. It tastes ok. Thank you for your videos! Greetings from Berlin/Germany.
So, this video inspired me. I have had a can of Spam in my cupboard for a while now (months, not decades), and I decided to make it into dinner. The texture out of the can is not at all appealing, but when sliced thinly and then fried to a crispy exterior, it was quite delicious -- especially with some mustard. So, thank-you.
I like Spam, but I wouldn’t be brave enough to try a can from 1985! I did once find a bottle of bourbon from that time period, though. It was fantastic.
Your Saltine and Ritz metal boxes kill me! My grandmother had both but they disappeared from her house at some point and even though I was left everything inside the house they weren't there. It broke my heart. I know it is silly but they were part of my childhood and I REALLY wanted them.
You're the channel that appeals to the little kid in all of us who wants to watch someone else eat something old and yucky so we can say "Eww that looks nasty! You're gross!" 😂
I totally love Spam..have eaten it gloriously nearly all of my 62 years.I remember the key opening so well too! You had to be so careful not to cut yourself in the can edges,and stick a butter knife sometimes in the edge to break the suction for it to release from the can...I like it fried lightly brown and crispy,but also fight out of the can too,- on a sandwich with bread & butter pickles and yellow mustard! You must fry it properly in a saute pan with a light layer of veg.or canola oil..I wouldn't have touched that old one after the first sniff..
I haven't eaten Spam since I was a kid in the '60s, but this video almost makes me want to try it again out of pure nostalgia. Those were happy days. Based on this, though, I wouldn't risk a vintage can.
What you see & smell on the old 1 is the fat they stored it in to preserve it. They have changed the recipe to include dried potato powder in to control moisture instead of fat. There is a vid on history of spam on TH-cam.
If my memories serves me right, SPAM back a long time ago used to have a gelatinous coating from when it was "cooked" at the factory. It'll do that when you make your own SPAM, which is very easy to do, and you know what went in making that stuff. Modern SPAM doesn't have that gelatinous coating like the old school SPAM used to have. Some folks say that SPAM tasted better back then. That's them. I didn't grow up during that time. I occasionally eat SPAM if I crave for it. I do it the usual way of frying slices in a skillet and serving it on lightly toasted bread with mayo.
@@MarkMeadows90 I always buy the real thing. I have found strange parts of the pig in Klik or Kam or the store brand. These types don't taste very good and have a bad texture. Walmart brand is not too bad.
You can order a campfire fragrance oil online and put it on a paper towel and place it by the CPU fan exhaust and you have a virtual fireplace with a nice familiar smoke! BRILLIANT!
Yup I can see the differences between the new and old spam . It’s just the color by looking at it closely. One is lighter then the other . I’m just wondering how it would taste but I had no idea how canned ham product could rot over time . I guess it was how it packaged back then
Your channels is as niche as the ancient MRE guy. Though I can watch yours with ease, MRE guy (to my Aussie ear) sounds like he’s straight outta a SNL Californians skit (bless his heart).
So I went to high school in the 90s. At this time of life, random brands of things on t-shirts was in. I had a wonder bread shirt I wore often. My best friend had a spam shirt he would wear. We often skipped our vocational school class (electricity class) often. The teacher would always tell the class “well boys, spam sandwich skips again!” 😂
My grandfather refuses to eat Spam (and has) ever since he served in Vietnam, they had to eat it a LOT when deployed. Another random tidbit, I've never had Spam and rarely eat meat, but I've been to the Spam museum! A friend and I went there one weekend back in highschool just for something to do. It's since moved and been redesigned. It was pretty cool though - the doors were designed to look like pig faces... Which is pretty grim when you think about it. There's also a Spam stand at the MN State Fair that has things like Spam burgers and, I think, Spam tots. It's been a while since I've gone to the fair. Sorry this didn't turn out how you hoped! Reminds me of what people say about Twinkies lasting for ever.
I never thought one day in my life i will watch a guy opening old canned foods. I dont know how did youtube suggest me this channel, but i have watched almost all the posts! Strange life isn't it!
In the 70s when I was a kid I watched my mother break the key trying to open a can of SPAM and she took a pair of pliers and started pulling the metal strip off.. when it reached the end of the can it spiraled around her hand and cut the shit out of her hand and wrist.. she had to get like 100 stitches to close her wounds.. it was kinda traumatic... I was afraid to try to open a can myself for fear of cutting myself..
One thing you failed to do, was mention the cans material make up, of the modern day being, Aluminum pop top and the older Original Spam can being steel keyed wind up, to open can. One thing about the older spam product, it always had the fat and oil contents gelled surrounding the Spam meat so as to have some of the juices to cook them in. Opened a can of pineapples, 7yrs passed its expiration date. It didn’t look like anything compared to a new can of pineapples, nor did it taste anything like pineapples should have tasted. The fruits acids broke down the fruit after about three to four years is my guess and you could visually see the differences after 7 yrs. Enjoyed your Spam experiment, as Spam is considered a staple food growing up in, Hawaii. It was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands during WW II, and was included in family meals ever since then. Aloha and Mahalo for your channel. 🌺🌸🌴❤️🇺🇸
Hey buddy, thanks for taking one for the team. I think the longevity can be compromised by how it is stored. Sheetrock dust makes me think it probably was in a garage and was exposed to extremes in weather. I can honestly say if you were starving it would be hard to throw it aside if you came across it. If people resort to eating grass hopper etc. Burning this to the constancy of burnt bacon would be the only way to consume it. I have had Spam cans at 10 years I have tried. Would have been great if you could have put a piece under the microscope to see if there was anything living on it. lol It is interesting to see that the basic product has not changed over 30 years. I am still not turned off by Spam. My dogs and I actually have a Spam breakfast share at least once a month as I rotate my food storage. One of these day I am going to experiment with freeze drying some Spam to see how it comes out.
In my first year of service with the US Air Force in 1979, my household goods were shipped to the United Kingdom. I moved 20+ times around the World. Somehow a can of Sauerkraut has been shipped every single time! It has a movers sticker on it for each time it was packed and shipped. I moved into my retirement home last year, and of course! What is a move without a can of Sauerkraut? It's in pretty good shape. It sits in my china cabinet next to my can of water (a bag of water inside a can) from the Vietnam era.
I remember being excited to see it in the cupboard as a kid. We never cooked it. Sliced it off and put on bread with ketchup. Tasted like chopped ham you buy at the deli. I didn’t know they still made it.
What kind of chopped ham are you buying at the deli ? Spam tastes much saltier (and ham is already a bit salty). I have never tried the low sodium spam however.
@@bobmorane2082 It's like you didn't read what I said. "Spam tastes much saltier (and ham is already a bit salty)." I know ham is cured. I just find Spam even saltier than ham.
Foods that will last forever if properly stored: Popcorn (bagged, not microwave) Dried beans Sugar (white and brown) Vinegar Salt Pure Vanilla Extract White Rice Maple Syrup Soy Sauce Corn Starch Dried Milk Bouillon Cubes Ramen Noodles Hard Liquor (will last forever no matter how many times its opened) Instant Coffee Tea Bags Peanut Butter (the type that doesn't require refrigeration. Once opened it's good for about a year)
I can’t express how much i love spam. I admire all the old brand labels. When i watch older movies i ALWAYS look in the background to find vintage food labels. Some stuff looks the same from the 70s even some cheaper brand sodas
I love it when old movies have a grocery scene so I can look at all the old labels and see what products was on the shelves back then. (Even better when there's price tags also)
I remember when I lived in Hawaii there was a huge section of different spam flavors in the canned aisle. It took up at least 3 small shelves of just different types of spam.
I would still send something in on that $1000 prize just for laughs. I would ask for an extension on the date because you wernt alive yet(or just barely) and were bummed you missed the deadline 😂. Someone in that factory/headquarters would get a good laugh out of it.
I had high hopes…😂😂😂😂 Spam and Vienna sausages used to be packed in a slim, I called it slim as a kid. Maybe that is what the powder white stuff inside is. I’m curious how “new” modern can will hold up. Seems the dark red area was at the opening. Fun vid. Thank You!!!!
I started laughing so hard when you described the rotting meat permeating the whole neighborhood. Had to stop and explain why I was laughing to the husband.
The new spam uses a different recipe. Notice the old cam states “pork shoulder, ham…” and the new one just states “pork”. In the interest of profit, hormel dropped the pork shoulder and began using other pork scraps.
Apparently the newer stuff is higher quality and taste better. Still not paying $4 for a can of meat though. That is ridiculous. I can buy 8 cans of corn in my town for the same price as that Spam.
The old Spam was a little different, it used to have a lot more of that tasty clear jell. They now remove and sell it as a flavoring to other companies. You should try the first year of the new can style, they may seal better.
I like the older style can better 🤷 it just looks cooler. Wow…you’re brave even letting that old Spam near your mouth…I was yelling “NOOOOO!” at my screen when it got to OLD SPAM taste test time. Thanks for the video.
When I was a kid I used to love Spam, couldn't get enough of it. My grandma kept it in the house because I'd come over and want to eat some Spam, haha. Those were the days. Recently I developed some health troubles and I had to stop eating processed meats to recover. Once I'm able to eat luncheon meat again I really crave Spam!
I’ve been vegan for over six years, but I still have a bunch of cans of SPAM in my prepper supplies to supplement my lentils, rice, split peas, elbow macaroni, etc., and I won’t hesitate to eat it if necessary. That said, this video is making me question whether I should just donate the SPAM to another prepped who might want it before it gets too old. This video definitely piqued my interest. Thanks for the upload!
Some of my favorite memories are from when I was 21 and working nights, where every morning when I'd get off work I'd get absolutely hammered off Four Loko Gold then proceed to demolish one or two cans of Spam. Those were good times
It is highly likely there wasn’t anything wrong with the SPAM from 1985. I have eaten SPAM on and off for decades, and the newer SPAM actually tastes and smells much better than it did back in that time period your SPAM was canned. The stench of the 1985 can is likely from all the lard. As you saw the old one had loads of fat, cooked up nice and crisp without sticking to your skillet, while the newly canned version did not. On another note, originally candles made with beef tallow stank horribly and were smokey. To be honest the earlier version of SPAM was never really appetizing to me, it didn’t smell, or taste good. If I had been in your shoes though, a quick look under that microscope would have also been fun to do. That crap called ‘potted meat’ tastes and smells nasty, you might give that a go 😂
@@poolee77 Yeah, best to err on the side of caution. I think I was more or less thinking about the smell and taste of it back in the day compared to now - it is different, or it's just because I am old and my smeller doesn't work as well 🙂
That 1985 can of SPAM! Yikes. You're a braver man than me. No way. It looked very unwholesome. The fact that the loaf at the opened end looked a bit shrunken is very very suspicious. The thing is, many "ham steaks" they sell in plastic wrap (Smithfield, I'm looking at you) are slimy and smell bad weeks before the expire date.
Hearing you sniff around when you have an old product is so funny to me for some reason 🤣 Now, you sniffing around at the fire scene actually made me laugh out loud for real! I really enjoy your personality, you are so genuine. Thanks for doing what you do!!!
This was far worse than I ever imagined. The rotten smell would not leave the house for over 48 Hours. Worst Smell Ever. Thank you for watching. Edit.... Trail Camera Video
Oof 😂
Yuck 48 hours? Wow. 🤢
Love your videos brother
Wow! That sounds worse that I imagine judging by your reaction after smelling it and by the fact you leave it there during the whole video.
9:01 that powder that you saw fly away was the soul of the spam. It died a long time ago but the soul was trapped in the can.
Omg lol I'm dead 💀
Sniff harder, farts are just the ghosts of the food you ate.
This comment 🤣
Funny how the 80s packaging design looks more modern than the current one.
The modern one looks 60s 😂
Yeah the 80s design is better imo
Because modern packaging is returning to "retro/vintage" style. So the old one looks modern Because that style is becoming modern again LOL
I miss 80's packaging
The obsession with Minimalism is the reason for that
This was an absolute classic! Trying to eat old Spam and then Spamming the neighborhood with the rotten smell. Comedy gold at it's best!
Someone might call the HOA or Code Enforcement
There was no hiss when the seal was broken just a click of the solder, breaking, so the tin was likely compromised. I remember opening Spam with the key back in the day and it always hissed due to the vacuum.
It could also hiss if there's gas from rotting inside
@@NumbDiggers1998 you will feel the can being bloated and it'll sound different in that situation. A vacuum hiss sounds more hollow than a release hiss.
It looked like there was some rust on one corner of the bottom of the can. Always a bad sign. Rusty, bloated, dented or leaking cans go in the trash at my house. It ain’t worth the risk as long as I can buy more.
oh to be old enough to open spam with a key and hear it hiss
True .. Health Inspector for the last 34 years .. the whole problem was the 1986 can was not properly stored .. in a dry cabinet .. and the seal was compromised.
Spam is a HUGE DEAL in Hawaii and many other pacific and southeast Asian countries. BTW, the liquid in the old one is probably fat and grease separating over time.
You’re absolutely right. Most of our fast food restaurants like McDonald’s and Burger King even have Spam on the menu. It’s been a long tradition here since the 1940’s.
@@fordxbgtfalcon American girl has a Hawaiian girl doll based around in the 40s era, and there's this playset for her line that was a little market stand and it has little doll sized Hawaiian based foods and little vintage 40s style doll sized cans of spam. It's just adorable. 🥺
Hawaiian grocery stores keep Spam in locked cases to prevent theft. No lie. Look it up.
@@OGTH-camr05 don't blame them with SPAM costing up to $4 for 12 oz. ... just 5 years ago i could get T-BONE steak under $5 a pound. today Amazon selling in $12-$18 lb. steak with kobe steak running $500 lb
It's not a true hawaiian pizza unless spam is a topping.
in 10th grade, i had a health teacher who had a 20 year old can of spam. he would always tout how it would never go bad because of the preservatives. one day he slammed it on a kids desk because they fell asleep. it opened and it was full of mold. the whole class stank for a while. so glad i saw it happen
amazing haha
I would have never eaten that old spam !
That teacher sounds like a dick.
Now, Those Were the Days, My Friend!!
As an adult I have never purchased or or eaten Spam, the last Spam I ever ate was probably at ny parents house pre 1975. However, with the meat shortages in my local grocery stores I recently did ordere a 12 pack of low sodium Spam. The cans in my 12 pack all have a best buy date of July 2024, so I'll be eating Spam sometime before or shortly after that. My mom served our family fried Spam slices when I was a child, usually as a breakfast food, although occassionally baked topped with a brown sugar glaze and pineapple. As a small child I always got my dad to remove the key from the metal strip after the can was opened so I could save the keys on a keyring. The keys were kept as pretend skeleton keys in my spy/ weapons and chemicals kit. I was a very odd little girl. I'm planning to save the pull tabs off my new Spam cans to make Barbie Doll clothes hangers for the Barbie Doll clothes I make my granddaughter. I'm aware that's not nearly as cool skeleton keys .
For the rest of my autobiography, buy my book on Amazon!
That is very cool!
@@inyrui someone will love you someday... if you stop being an ahole
U never eaten spam yet u eaten spam at Ur perents home
@@idiopathictendencies8453 I'm married haha. And it was a harmless joke. Get off your high horse
but just imagine if it had been the winning 1000 dollar spam can!
Wow I've seen your videos before. Hello
@@NewEnglandWildlifeAndMore hey! we watch your videos on your main account as well! you have a very distinct voice. haha we thought you sounded exactly like post 10 for awhile now and then we looked on your page just now and saw your main account was indeed post 10.
@@ActionAdventureTwins what is the main account name?
@@jamesortiz5388 Post 10
@@ActionAdventureTwins Wow I watch both channels all the time and never made the connection!
Man...seeing that old can, and that key you use to open it, sure brings back a lot of memories from my childhood. I know this is silly, but I used to collect those keys as a kid, not sure why, I just did.
My sister's the same! Her key 'collection' is actually still with her. But she stopped adding to it years ago 🤣🤣🤣
@@rmsc9127 Now that's funny 🙂
They still sell corned beef that way. I still keep one of those keys around in case a can accidentally doesn't come with one. Opening up those cans with a can opener is almost impossible.
We used those can keys to open padlocks as kids😊
I did too. Opening cans with keys was so much fun and satisfying. Besides Spam my mom would buy the sardines where you had to use a key to open and she'd always let me open them. This video brought back fun old memories.😊
This made me laugh SO HARD, especially the ending when you realize the whole neighborhood stinks. And you still gave this thing a taste test, you madman! hahaha!
Must have an iron gut.
@@verbalkint1770 I think his digestion tract is made of nuclear radiation at this point 🤣
"Well this smells like as5. Let's taste it" 😄🤣😄🤣
The problem with old stuff isn't just the bacteria, it's the toxic byproducts they leave behind. So sometimes even cooking it enough to kill them isn't enough.
Are you thinking of things like mycotoxins??... Some which are actually lethal and genuinely deadly.
@@bigfatchubbybritboy9445 Mycotoxins are deadly yeah, but botulinum toxin should be the main concern here. I wouln't even put that thing near my mouth, let alone eat it.
@@Vcnst7 you need to boil it before frying it
@BigFatChubbyBritBoy94 Nice username
Canned things are sealed, all the rotting bacteria was killed in that process and new bacteria couldn't enter the inside of the can
I grew up poor. We ate alot of wild game, fished the rivers, picked watercress and wild mushrooms etc. in California in the 50's and 60's. We ate alot of spam for breakfast. I still love it and make it often. Making a hash with onions , potatoes and cubed spam all fried together. It's pretty damn good.
Oh that sounds good.
Us too…… we had to eat fried rabbit and gravy over moms biscuits……lots of fried mullet, oysters and shrimp from the bay. But we made it……..😄🤷🏼♂️😄
I made spam sandwiches 🥪 all the time. I love ❤️ it. I grew up with it and we weren’t super poor either. Average middle class 1970’s family. But, we ate a lot of Spam. 😊😊
Corned beef and tattie hash fer me
While in the US Army, while training in the field, ( combat maneuvers) my squad hadn't eaten in two days. We had a can of Spam, one onion and a loaf of bread! That was the best sandwich I've ever had!
My dad was in the military and always introduced us to different foods all the time. One time he cooked fish for breakfast or another time we had deer meat a lot of food that isnt traditional for breakfast and when I asked him why he'd do this he said something along the lines of "it's important you're used to the idea of survival and eating different foods for any meal if food scarcity ever becomes an issue" One day he whipped out a can of SPAM fried it up and when I asked him why we were eating SPAM he said "you never know when you're going to need to eat a SPAM sandwich. This is important."😂 My dad was all about teaching us the ways of survival and I'm forever grateful. 🙏
Hunger is the best sauce.
who cares edward
@@iamasmurf1122 i care
@@iamasmurf1122 i care
That's so sweet of you to protect the animals from the rotten stuff.
Laughed so hard I cried incredible suffering you do for the public. And a viking funeral for the spam! So awesome
Kudos to whoever saved that spam can for 38 years. That spam is older than me.
Lmao same, by ten years.
Same by 26 years 💀
Same by 22 years
Same by 38 years
@@derickvera573 lol
I actually made a grilled spam and white cheddar sandwich once… with easy cheese as a condiment. It was the trashiest thing I’ve ever made, but man, words can not describe how good it was.
People don’t get it. Like, the best tasting foods I’ve ever eaten are the cheapest made shit I’ve ever put together, but I’ll be damned if they didn’t taste exactly as satisfying as I was expecting.
I’ll take a cheap whip-up any day.
@@Busy_Paws Exactly. I like plain elbow macaroni with ketchup and pepper. I don't think many people have ever tried it but it tastes great and is easy to make.
@@AchillesWrath1 nah that’s just disgusting it only takes a few mins to put some cheese in it
@@liluzileaks147 Nah it's delicious try it sometime. I have boxes of mac n cheese if i wanted that then that's what i'd cook. I like both but they taste totally different.
i slice up thin strips of spam in my cheap noodles and an egg, i put green onions on it and it looks fancy 😂
“The WHOLE neighborhood smells like ROTTEN meat” when I say I was crying laughing omfg. I haven’t laughed that hard in years
Slice spam very very thin, and fry it in a pan to where it has black bits on it. Not burned, but close to being burned. It comes out really crispy. Makes a great blt. It works even better with the hickory or bacon spam.
I have been airfrying my spam and omg it turns out similar but way more crispy!
Do that with a little bit of rice and eggs and you got a breakfast of champions!
You're describing heaven on Earth. Isn't it grand... mmm.
I've still never tried it yet. You are brining me closer to giving it a try. I love BLTs
@@ari8184 use sugar
The new ones are made for stacking, while the old ones were very prone to falling if you tried to stack them on a shelf. That's the reason for the bigger rim.
It has a bigger rim because of the way it opens... the new one leaves a lip that wouldn't allow the spam to slide out. By making it wider, the meat can still pass through. And for stacking as well
Love watching stuff like this, kinda brings you back to those early years.
I remember when I was a radio DJ in the late 90s, I had eaten some Spam before I came to work, and it gave me the smelliest farts I ever had in my life. A co-worker happened to come in the studio right after I had ripped one and barely got his second foot in the door before he let out an "OH GOD! What did you you eat?!" That 1985 Spam jogged loose that memory from yesteryear.
Omg im laughing so hard 🤣🤣
Hahaha! Been there. Nearly killed my wife
@@ED80s I'm dead...
In Germany we have Spam Meat, too. But we call it "Fruehstuecksfleisch" = breakfast meat. It has a shelf life of 5 years. I have some of them in my stock. It tastes ok. Thank you for your videos! Greetings from Berlin/Germany.
Ich würde gerne ein paar Cent mehr bezahlen wenn auf unseren Dosen "Spam" stehen würde 🤭
I recently crossed the border from Denmark and had to buy 10 cans of tulip "spam" very cheap in Rewe 😁
Omg 😳 I wanted to gag 🤢🤭🤮
I think I just had an aneurysm trying to read that word
the shock of this man when he realises his 40 year old spam does not smell good 🤣
So, this video inspired me. I have had a can of Spam in my cupboard for a while now (months, not decades), and I decided to make it into dinner.
The texture out of the can is not at all appealing, but when sliced thinly and then fried to a crispy exterior, it was quite delicious -- especially with some mustard.
So, thank-you.
I like Spam, but I wouldn’t be brave enough to try a can from 1985! I did once find a bottle of bourbon from that time period, though. It was fantastic.
Did they make better bourbon in the 80's?
@@bugmouthready529 It was from a distillery that had shut down. It was very rare.
@@5roundsrapid263 why can you not answer the question being asked of you ? do you have brain damage
@@bugmouthready529 it ages for better smoothness
Did you buy it or did you just like find it somewhere bc I'm bout to keep a look out now
Your Saltine and Ritz metal boxes kill me! My grandmother had both but they disappeared from her house at some point and even though I was left everything inside the house they weren't there. It broke my heart. I know it is silly but they were part of my childhood and I REALLY wanted them.
The way the 85 can shows a glazed Spam. I’m trying to imagine a family at a dinner table passing off a small block of Spam as a Christmas ham. 😂
this doesn't sound bad honestly 😭
Some who were poor probably did.
It tasted really good though.
That’s what they did during the depression
I've actually had Spam on Christmas. Single guy, poor grocery habits, everything closed. Spam, eggs, and Jäger. A Christmas to remember.
The air freshener scene has me cracking up. You’re quite the comedian, Post!
And I don’t think hes even trying to be funny thats what makes it even more funny
"The burnt didn’t even cover it up." LMAOOOOOO you sir are golden. Thank you for this!
You're the channel that appeals to the little kid in all of us who wants to watch someone else eat something old and yucky so we can say "Eww that looks nasty! You're gross!" 😂
Don’t forget the awesome full moon, “NOW BACK TO THE FIRE” 🔥 🔥 🔥
Yes, very niche channel!
When I watch things like this, my inner voice is saying "eat it, Eat It, EAT IT ... and kudos to you if you puke" LOL!!! 😄🤣😝🤪
I would be the kid to eat the old food 😂
Those old cans were so hard to open. The band when using that key would always go a different way. I love spam .
I totally love Spam..have eaten it gloriously nearly all of my 62 years.I remember the key opening so well too! You had to be so careful not to cut yourself in the can edges,and stick a butter knife sometimes in the edge to break the suction for it to release from the can...I like it fried lightly brown and crispy,but also fight out of the can too,- on a sandwich with bread & butter pickles and yellow mustard! You must fry it properly in a saute pan with a light layer of veg.or canola oil..I wouldn't have touched that old one after the first sniff..
The sound of that key rolling back that strip of the can's aluminum is oddly satisfying.
I haven't eaten Spam since I was a kid in the '60s, but this video almost makes me want to try it again out of pure nostalgia. Those were happy days. Based on this, though, I wouldn't risk a vintage can.
They made those cans in the 60s way better.
And Underwood Deviled ham- mmmm lol
Your room looks like the Cracker Barrel gift shop area.
I thought the same thing
Oh my.. Once you see it you can't not see it 🤣
Nothing like the smell of 37 year old Spam round the campfire! Superb video man!!!!!
And there is 37 likes ! I made it 38 but I took my like away
What you see & smell on the old 1 is the fat they stored it in to preserve it. They have changed the recipe to include dried potato powder in to control moisture instead of fat. There is a vid on history of spam on TH-cam.
If my memories serves me right, SPAM back a long time ago used to have a gelatinous coating from when it was "cooked" at the factory. It'll do that when you make your own SPAM, which is very easy to do, and you know what went in making that stuff. Modern SPAM doesn't have that gelatinous coating like the old school SPAM used to have. Some folks say that SPAM tasted better back then. That's them. I didn't grow up during that time. I occasionally eat SPAM if I crave for it. I do it the usual way of frying slices in a skillet and serving it on lightly toasted bread with mayo.
Yes it did. It is the collagen in the meat that turns to gelatin. Not so much in today’s spam. Collagen is a good thing.
I always get jelly when I open a can of Spam.
@@gordonwelcher9598 I notice the store brand (generic brand) of SPAM tends to have that jelly like coating.
@@MarkMeadows90 I always buy the real thing. I have found strange parts of the pig in Klik or Kam or the store brand. These types don't taste very good and have a bad texture. Walmart brand is not too bad.
@@gordonwelcher9598 yeah, the Great Value brand is my favorite generic.
The new burning sections of your videos are a great addition to an already interesting series, it's just so much fun
For sure I loved watching him emphasize how rancid it was by setting it all aflame ha ha !
You can order a campfire fragrance oil online and put it on a paper towel and place it by the CPU fan exhaust and you have a virtual fireplace with a nice familiar smoke! BRILLIANT!
Reminds me of Dark Souls :)
Magnificent western tech and quality. I remember that beautiful cans back from 80's and used to have satisfying feeling opening them with keys.
Yup I can see the differences between the new and old spam . It’s just the color by looking at it closely. One is lighter then the other . I’m just wondering how it would taste but I had no idea how canned ham product could rot over time . I guess it was how it packaged back then
I love how excited you are about the fire and how the old stuff is going to stink so bad. It definitely made my day
Your channels is as niche as the ancient MRE guy. Though I can watch yours with ease, MRE guy (to my Aussie ear) sounds like he’s straight outta a SNL Californians skit (bless his heart).
So I went to high school in the 90s. At this time of life, random brands of things on t-shirts was in. I had a wonder bread shirt I wore often. My best friend had a spam shirt he would wear. We often skipped our vocational school class (electricity class) often. The teacher would always tell the class “well boys, spam sandwich skips again!” 😂
Man i wish i was in your class lol
My grandfather refuses to eat Spam (and has) ever since he served in Vietnam, they had to eat it a LOT when deployed.
Another random tidbit, I've never had Spam and rarely eat meat, but I've been to the Spam museum! A friend and I went there one weekend back in highschool just for something to do. It's since moved and been redesigned. It was pretty cool though - the doors were designed to look like pig faces... Which is pretty grim when you think about it.
There's also a Spam stand at the MN State Fair that has things like Spam burgers and, I think, Spam tots. It's been a while since I've gone to the fair.
Sorry this didn't turn out how you hoped! Reminds me of what people say about Twinkies lasting for ever.
Haha. The people who watch this channel are the greatest
I have it on good authority that they found King Tut's stash of 5,000 year old Twinkies, still edible. 😆
Theres a spam museum???
@@sicktimou yes. Here in Minnesota.
@@raycashmilwaukee lmao
I never thought one day in my life i will watch a guy opening old canned foods. I dont know how did youtube suggest me this channel, but i have watched almost all the posts!
Strange life isn't it!
Everytime I watch your videos I'm yelling at the screen "No! Don't do it!"..but I just can't look away. Love your videos!!!😀😀
Same here - but he never listens to me. LOL Your videos are always great and you are so brave! 😊
Hahaha!!! I'm chanting the opposite : eat it, Eat It, EAT IT, *EAT IT!!!* 😄
I was yelling “ don’t eat it don’t eat it don’t eat it don’t eat it” followed quickly by “ spit it out spit it out spit it out spit it out”
Ooh this should be interesting!!
the rotten meat cremation at the end is a great touch
The goblin burns rotten meat under a full Moon, unleashing the ULTIMATE curse 🤣
As Spam veteran who grew up in the 1980's, the proper way to slice it is thick slices.
The cans with a key look so fun to open I wish they all had these
The canned ham back in the 70's had the key's also...yeah fun to open!!
They do actually some cans if corned beef do
In the 70s when I was a kid I watched my mother break the key trying to open a can of SPAM and she took a pair of pliers and started pulling the metal strip off.. when it reached the end of the can it spiraled around her hand and cut the shit out of her hand and wrist.. she had to get like 100 stitches to close her wounds.. it was kinda traumatic... I was afraid to try to open a can myself for fear of cutting myself..
Taking the key off the metal strip we always cut a finger pliers worked better
Aldi sells corned beef in those key-opened cans… it’s not spam, but it’ll have a similar opening experience…
I'm loving the all wood room. Such a cool collection you have in there!
One thing you failed to do, was mention the cans material make up, of the modern day being, Aluminum pop top and the older Original Spam can being steel keyed wind up, to open can. One thing about the older spam product, it always had the fat and oil contents gelled surrounding the Spam meat so as to have some of the juices to cook them in.
Opened a can of pineapples, 7yrs passed its expiration date. It didn’t look like anything compared to a new can of pineapples, nor did it taste anything like pineapples should have tasted. The fruits acids broke down the fruit after about three to four years is my guess and you could visually see the differences after 7 yrs. Enjoyed your Spam experiment, as Spam is considered a staple food growing up in, Hawaii. It was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands during WW II, and was included in family meals ever since then. Aloha and Mahalo for your channel. 🌺🌸🌴❤️🇺🇸
Unless the wind clears the stench, your neighbors are going to be none too happy in the am when they let their dogs out and leave for work.
Nothing tastes better then melted plastic fork!
Hey buddy, thanks for taking one for the team. I think the longevity can be compromised by how it is stored. Sheetrock dust makes me think it probably was in a garage and was exposed to extremes in weather. I can honestly say if you were starving it would be hard to throw it aside if you came across it. If people resort to eating grass hopper etc. Burning this to the constancy of burnt bacon would be the only way to consume it. I have had Spam cans at 10 years I have tried. Would have been great if you could have put a piece under the microscope to see if there was anything living on it. lol It is interesting to see that the basic product has not changed over 30 years. I am still not turned off by Spam. My dogs and I actually have a Spam breakfast share at least once a month as I rotate my food storage. One of these day I am going to experiment with freeze drying some Spam to see how it comes out.
In my first year of service with the US Air Force in 1979, my household goods were shipped to the United Kingdom. I moved 20+ times around the World. Somehow a can of Sauerkraut has been shipped every single time! It has a movers sticker on it for each time it was packed and shipped. I moved into my retirement home last year, and of course! What is a move without a can of Sauerkraut? It's in pretty good shape. It sits in my china cabinet next to my can of water (a bag of water inside a can) from the Vietnam era.
Omg I would love to see a picture of that can! And you must’ve had such an interesting life…
Mail it to this guy if you should ever think of letting it go!
I remember being excited to see it in the cupboard as a kid. We never cooked it. Sliced it off and put on bread with ketchup. Tasted like chopped ham you buy at the deli. I didn’t know they still made it.
I honestly never could eat spam cold 🤢 y'all were brave 😂
What kind of chopped ham are you buying at the deli ?
Spam tastes much saltier (and ham is already a bit salty). I have never tried the low sodium spam however.
@@Gatorade69 that’s how you make ham by dipping it in salt
@@bobmorane2082 It's like you didn't read what I said.
"Spam tastes much saltier (and ham is already a bit salty)."
I know ham is cured. I just find Spam even saltier than ham.
Same here imo its much better with HP Brown sauce yum
It's actually kinda surprising how spam in the 80s actually had a key to open the container
Foods that will last forever if properly stored:
Popcorn (bagged, not microwave)
Dried beans
Sugar (white and brown)
Pure Vanilla Extract
White Rice
Maple Syrup
Soy Sauce
Corn Starch
Dried Milk
Bouillon Cubes
Ramen Noodles
Hard Liquor (will last forever no matter how many times its opened)
Instant Coffee
Tea Bags
Peanut Butter (the type that doesn't require refrigeration. Once opened it's good for about a year)
Really? This list is great. Thank you.
also honey
I was 80% hoping for honey but let's be honest, old really hard to move honey is annoying and messy
@@Garnox_ heat it up in microwave, what's the problem.
@@real_left4you I don't have a microwave
I can’t express how much i love spam. I admire all the old brand labels. When i watch older movies i ALWAYS look in the background to find vintage food labels. Some stuff looks the same from the 70s even some cheaper brand sodas
I love it when old movies have a grocery scene so I can look at all the old labels and see what products was on the shelves back then. (Even better when there's price tags also)
Processed meat is very bad , stop eating this.
You have more guts than I would. After I saw that milky juice on the old spam I would have tapped out…LOL
I can’t imagine how disgusting that old Spam must have been! Thanks for being willing to taste it. Great video especially the incineration at the end!
Did you incinerate both Spam products or just the old one?
I remember when I lived in Hawaii there was a huge section of different spam flavors in the canned aisle. It took up at least 3 small shelves of just different types of spam.
People in Hawaii eat a lot of Spam.
In California we have jalapeno and it's amazing!
The supermarket CTown seems to have a lot of different Spam flavors
Real Hawaiian pizza has spam not just pineapple
@@thecrimsonfuckeralucardlor5087 I would love to try that!
I would still send something in on that $1000 prize just for laughs. I would ask for an extension on the date because you wernt alive yet(or just barely) and were bummed you missed the deadline 😂. Someone in that factory/headquarters would get a good laugh out of it.
man most people wont ever cook something that old. Props to you ahah! Very entertaining.
I do when I get sunburned lol
I had high hopes…😂😂😂😂
Spam and Vienna sausages used to be packed in a slim, I called it slim as a kid. Maybe that is what the powder white stuff inside is. I’m curious how “new” modern can will hold up. Seems the dark red area was at the opening.
Fun vid. Thank You!!!!
Legitimate question, where do you find these old packaged foods? These would be fantastic for period research.
Auctioned by someone’s grandma..
The bold text of the SPAM 1985 is bigger than the newer one. This is interesting dude!
.. They don't call that decade "The Big 80's) for nothiN'!!! 😉
Right now, there's a dark god gagging on the burnt, rotten Spam smell in his lair as this bonfire sacrifice reaches him.
I started laughing so hard when you described the rotting meat permeating the whole neighborhood. Had to stop and explain why I was laughing to the husband.
Lmfaooooo he's hilarious 🤣
I was crying LMAO
The husband
Yeah the husband, I thought same
The new spam uses a different recipe. Notice the old cam states “pork shoulder, ham…” and the new one just states “pork”. In the interest of profit, hormel dropped the pork shoulder and began using other pork scraps.
Apparently the newer stuff is higher quality and taste better. Still not paying $4 for a can of meat though. That is ridiculous. I can buy 8 cans of corn in my town for the same price as that Spam.
@@evil1st spam is really really cheap. I dont why its 4$ where you are. Even if, 4 dollars for that really isnt that bad.
Nope. They still use pork shoulder.
@@tiyakuspam is about £3.50 to £4 here
Lips and assholes, as an old-timer used to say!
😅😅😂 I had to subscribe thanks brother for the content this is the only video that really made me laugh 😂
You probably won't see it at the grocery store, but Spam comes in multiple flavors! Most notably, in my opinion, Teriyaki flavor.
Jalapeno is my favorite so far! I'll start looking for teriyaki.
Bacon and the smoked one they're good too maybe it's hickory I can't remember what it's called
I love the teriyaki one, but it's getting hard to find at my local grocery stores.
Turkey spam
I will definitely try some of these flavors. Amazon, here I come 😄🤣
Loved the "look a full moon and now back to the fire!" part! 😂😂
The old Spam was a little different, it used to have a lot more of that tasty clear jell. They now remove and sell it as a flavoring to other companies. You should try the first year of the new can style, they may seal better.
I like the older style can better 🤷 it just looks cooler. Wow…you’re brave even letting that old Spam near your mouth…I was yelling “NOOOOO!” at my screen when it got to OLD SPAM taste test time. Thanks for the video.
Well...NOW we know Spam doesn't stay edible for decades! Thanks for testing🤢🤓
Thanks for the wonderful video, and a huge thanks for not ruining it with crappy background music.
Your culinary skills are truly made for TH-cam! Thanks for a great parody on TH-cam cooking channels
this channel is a goddamn national treasure
I love your comment!
Man I love this guy so much.
When I was a kid I used to love Spam, couldn't get enough of it. My grandma kept it in the house because I'd come over and want to eat some Spam, haha. Those were the days.
Recently I developed some health troubles and I had to stop eating processed meats to recover. Once I'm able to eat luncheon meat again I really crave Spam!
I’ve been vegan for over six years, but I still have a bunch of cans of SPAM in my prepper supplies to supplement my lentils, rice, split peas, elbow macaroni, etc., and I won’t hesitate to eat it if necessary. That said, this video is making me question whether I should just donate the SPAM to another prepped who might want it before it gets too old.
This video definitely piqued my interest. Thanks for the upload!
Some of my favorite memories are from when I was 21 and working nights, where every morning when I'd get off work I'd get absolutely hammered off Four Loko Gold then proceed to demolish one or two cans of Spam. Those were good times
a man taste testing and burning old spam should not be this funny but it simply is. thanks for the laughs man👍👍
He knew it was rotten and STILL PUT IT IN HIS MOUTH! WHAT A CHAMPION!!
What type of room is this filmed in? Just at your house? Love the shelving
You know it's going to be a fun and interesting night when NEW&M posts a new video
Yaaayyyyy what a way to kill my boredom with your interesting content!!!
Very entertaining. Love the fire! 🤘🔥💥🍖
It is highly likely there wasn’t anything wrong with the SPAM from 1985. I have eaten SPAM on and off for decades, and the newer SPAM actually tastes and smells much better than it did back in that time period your SPAM was canned. The stench of the 1985 can is likely from all the lard. As you saw the old one had loads of fat, cooked up nice and crisp without sticking to your skillet, while the newly canned version did not. On another note, originally candles made with beef tallow stank horribly and were smokey. To be honest the earlier version of SPAM was never really appetizing to me, it didn’t smell, or taste good. If I had been in your shoes though, a quick look under that microscope would have also been fun to do. That crap called ‘potted meat’ tastes and smells nasty, you might give that a go 😂
I don't know man, white liquid isn't a good sign and the corner of the can was rusted.
@@poolee77 Yeah, best to err on the side of caution. I think I was more or less thinking about the smell and taste of it back in the day compared to now - it is different, or it's just because I am old and my smeller doesn't work as well 🙂
I wouldn't eat a bite
That 1985 can of SPAM! Yikes. You're a braver man than me. No way. It looked very unwholesome. The fact that the loaf at the opened end looked a bit shrunken is very very suspicious. The thing is, many "ham steaks" they sell in plastic wrap (Smithfield, I'm looking at you) are slimy and smell bad weeks before the expire date.
Smithfield is now owned by China, so I wouldn’t buy anything from that company anyway.
This is where the real game begins
Another fantastic video. Suspense, action, scientific investigation! Thanks Post10!
Hearing you sniff around when you have an old product is so funny to me for some reason 🤣 Now, you sniffing around at the fire scene actually made me laugh out loud for real! I really enjoy your personality, you are so genuine. Thanks for doing what you do!!!
Yeah I love it when somebody is genuine, I don’t come across many on TH-cam and real life as well.
@@IBroLLyISePhIrOtH hello 😊
@@eonkshabonk This guy is amazing lol!
@@IBroLLyISePhIrOtH he is! I watch his stuff all the time!
Thanks for the video. Watching this from Minnesota. I don't eat much Spam myself. It is a good stock up meat product.