That hauler looks Badass Fergie, Shirley is a local I've seen it many times in central Illinois you done a Helluva makeover. Best of Luck going racing it'll dry out, stay safe.👍🇺🇸🤙🇺🇸🏁
That is a nice rig. I really like the color. Good luck on the year and praying for safe travels. The wrap on the car sneak peek video was great. Glad I was part of the first 3000 subscribers. Yall have a lot of fun out there. Shared the video on Facebook.
That color is awesome! I imagine it's different from everyone else. Then when the sun hits it from different angles the color changes! Bad to the bone and thanks for sharing with us all.! I'm one of your fans for sure!!
Awesome rig. A racecar drivers dream. Love the color. Good luck with your 2023 season. Looking forward to following along here from Pensacola FL. Let's go !!
I love that behind the scenes
Thanks for the awesome videos really enjoy watching all the videos
Hauler is so wicked. In a way kind of remind of yamaha blue with a hint of purple!
Love the rig. Just did a ford bronco in this color blue. Can’t wait to see you race a Port Royal
Can’t wait to see you hopefully at the North/South!
Toter home is bad ass. Good luck this year bro.
Beautiful hauler excellent!
Keep winning guys!!!
Love the video!!!! Have been watching you from day one!!! Good luck this year and kick some ass! From Waverly Iowa!!
Toter looks awesome
Love that color ,good luck this season
It's cool you have a TH-cam channel. You're doing a good job Keep up The good work
Like how it matches your new car. good luck this season
Nice rig thanks for the tour
lets get'em fergy time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's one good looking Rig!
Love the Hauler
Really enjoyed the video... Watched you win at VMS in Jamaica, Va.
For near 10 years old the thing looks amazing
Did he really say he has store florage at around 17 minutes in. 😂😂😂. Seriously dude, it looks awesome. Cant wait to see it in fairbury
That Is a totally Badass hauler brother!!
Rig looks good guys!!
I've been waiting on another video! Looks amazing! Thank you for sharing!
Good luck this year!
Looking good! Was able to see the shop and all few years ago when picking up my seat.
Love the paint color. Great job
Just subscribed great channel just found it and the content is awesome
Enjoyed the tour.
My favorite part of the hauler is the store floorage at 17:09 :)
I caught that too😂
It so cool you let me go in the trailer
See you at Hagerstown and port
Victory in Jesus
Love the color of the truck. It looks blue in the sun snd purple at night. Good luck this year
Love the video’s keep them coming
Keep it up. And I need that Die-cast!!
Love the colour of the hauler
Hauler is awesome fergy
Looks great excited to see what 2023 has in store
This a great look into a great program!
That hauler looks Badass Fergie, Shirley is a local I've seen it many times in central Illinois you done a Helluva makeover. Best of Luck going racing it'll dry out, stay safe.👍🇺🇸🤙🇺🇸🏁
Man y’all’s colors are perfect for this year! 👌🏽
Awesome video fergy keep them coming good luck this year
Great videos keep up the good work
Great stuff!
Hauler looks good
Cool video and hope weather cooperates
Love the new hauler!!!!
Digging the new look on the rig, keep on keeping on buddy! I'll see ya at one of the races this spring when I can
Killer video!! Love the new colors!
Awesome job hope to see the poster in the next video u do excited love the color on the truck and the trailer
Boom baby. Just subscribed
Looks great buddy!
Relly did enjoy the video. and that Race Hauler is as nice as any new one I have seen. Just Awesome....Love the Professionalism..
i really like the new color on the hauler. very unique!
Nice looking rig. Go get ‘em this year.
Colors on the hauler are an awesome combination!
Hauler is sweet!
That is a nice rig. I really like the color. Good luck on the year and praying for safe travels. The wrap on the car sneak peek video was great. Glad I was part of the first 3000 subscribers. Yall have a lot of fun out there. Shared the video on Facebook.
Heck ya Share it fans gotta gett #fergytime that Million Dolla Sponsorship
Looks great
Looks awesome
Love the blue!! 💙💙 Good luck this season!!
That makeover is awesome. Good jon and good luck this season
FERGY TIME!!! This was awesome. Thanks for sharing & good luck for the rest of 2023!!
Love the blue! Good luck this year guys!
New subscriber here. I do like shop activities as well as race track stuff
Man that thing looks awesome. It's always Fergy Time in my house 🤙
shout out from new zealand fergy. Hope to see you race over here one day. Good luck this season!
Hope to see you at Bulls Gap in a couple of weeks!!!
Awesome love the tour 👍 🏁
that toter looks badass! good luck on your next race!
Great video! Awesome work on the hauler!
Hauler looks great! Congrats on the win earlier this year.
Awesome operation u guys got goin on
Hauler and car looks awesome!! Can’t wait to see you guys in action! Hopefully mom doesn’t stripe those legs for keeping your shoes on. 😂😂
congrats on 3k, thanks for the tour of the hauler and love the color
Nice color!!
Good luck on this years race season 🤙🏁
That toter is badass !!!
Hauler looks awesome. All the best in '23!!
Chris Ferguson is kindest and nicest driver/person you'll ever meet God Bless buddy. hauler looks amazing! Thanks for the tour.
That color is awesome! I imagine it's different from everyone else. Then when the sun hits it from different angles the color changes! Bad to the bone and thanks for sharing with us all.! I'm one of your fans for sure!!
Love the color on the hauler Fergy! Most unique hauler in the pits. Remember keep mama happy Lee them shoes off in the toter. Good luck this season.
Always humble! Go fergy!
Good luck have a great season
Awesome hauler good luck Fergy. Liked commented an subbed
Ready to see the new Longhorn!!
Really cool behind the scenes video. Thanks for sharing!
Nice looking setup
Best of luck this season, totorhome and stacker trailer looks awesome.
Always have the cleanest wraps
Awesome set up! I always thought y’all were much bigger than this set up. At least y’all perform that way anyways. Good luck in 2023!
great color combo with the chrome!!! Keep it up love watching you're content! Here is to a great season!!!
Awesome rig. A racecar drivers dream. Love the color. Good luck with your 2023 season. Looking forward to following along here from Pensacola FL. Let's go !!
Awesome hauler man
Love the color! Good luck this year will be following!
Love the new car color combo this year. Neat to see in the hauler.
Love keeping up with this Small family run team that keeps winning on the track. Great family that for keep dirt racing clean.
It looks awesome and congratulations on your win!!!
Awesome video. We are looking forward to seeing you guys this year!
Looks great!! Keep up the great work!
the hauler looks good man